Simba's Debt

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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My part in a trade with RaccoonDouglas.

Simba has a new position within the Pride Lands and befits the act of murdering his own father.

Posted using PostyBirb

Scar woke up a very happy lion. He had everything he could want, ruling over the Pride Lands and having all the lionesses to satisfy himself with. After a yawn and stretch, he padded through the main caverns of Pride Rock. That brought him past a very special chamber and coming from the den were still the sounds of his nephew, Simba. They were very similar to the noises that he heard before going to bed.

Indeed, Simba had been in there all night, kept awake by hyena after hyena. He wasn't given a moments rest in between being roughly fucked by another one of the rough, smelly beasts. While the dark lion watched from afar, his ears flicked in response to someone approaching, the someone being the former prince's own mother, Sarabi.

"Please...y-your highness," she begged, bowing his head. "My son has been at this the entire night through. I beg you to just let him rest. That's all I ask."

To this, Scar just rolled his eyes as he faced the former queen. "To do that, I would require something in return." Both his tone and smug look made it very clear. Of course this wasn't the first time and at this point, the reigning king knew how to get the most out of these little deals of hers.

Sarabi was fulfilling her part, pressing her body to his and he smirked, turning his attention to the cavern.

"Give the pet a break," Scar said to the hyenas that gathered around. They looked rather disappointed but the lion was not finished. Instead he quickly counted the number of hyenas. "...After five more rounds." That of course gave every other male inside a chance to use the other lion.

Before Sarabi could voice her objection, the brown lion had already pounced on her. Any words were then reduced to a reluctant moan. Scar himself wasn't wholly interested in the lioness, but found satisfaction in fucking his brother's mate.

That left Simba truly alone with the hyenas.

"You heard the king," one of them said. This one had extra long and sharp fangs that jutted from his bottom lip. "I guess that makes fucking you an order." The others cackled while the lion just said nothing. He let the hyena say his piece, holding off what was to come for as long as he could.

This group was the latest to come in. That's who it was, they always came and went in groups of at least four. There was one thing that Simba knew for certain, these hyenas were insatiable and there were so many of them. No sooner would one hyena cum inside of his constantly used tailhole, another was quick to pounce on his backside. Of course, they were not content to just stand around and wait, they were all but fighting to shove their shafts into the lion's mouth as well.

Even now, Simba was subconsciously getting himself ready, lifting his tail and opening his mouth. This was not done out of any anticipation. After years of being used as a tool for their pleasure, the former prince found that this was the best method of making it easy on himself.

"Eager little slut, ain't ya? Can't wait to taste my dick, huh?" he taunted, stepping forwards. Between his hindlegs was his fully erect cock, throbbing and leaking from the tip.

Simba quickly learned that hyenas packed more than any lion could and they were not gentle with making him acquainted with them. He forced himself to get used to it, but still grimaced as the tip pressed to his lips, smearing the thick pre over them. The smell of his rank, unwashed dick assaulted the lion's sensitive nose but he endured, closing his eyes and flicking his tongue over it instead, collecting a thick line of the powerfully bitter pre over the surface.

Just as he was going to do more, there was a sudden weight on his back and a stretching as his hole that made him yowl in pain. Being at it only left his ass sore and the sudden jamming of a chubby hyena's thick meat sent shocks of pain through his body. The other took advantage, muffling his shouts by shoving his own bitter tasting rod directly down the apex predator's throat.

"Fuck... Couldn't stand just looking at it anymore," the heavyset one muttered, already pumping his shaft into the stretched, sloppy hole, very much enjoying the warmth and slickness of his fellow hyena's cum slathering over his prick. He was already bearing down on the lion, enjoying every moment that he could express his dominance. There was something that made pounding the son of their greatest enemy even better.

His cock was already reaching in deep and pounding hard as if the lion were some female hyena in heat, thrusting in hard with a near desperation, huffing deeply as he rocked his hips.

Squirming through the pain, Simba's groans were still muffled as the long fanged yeen was grinding his shaft over the feline's tongue. He was using the mouth more as means of cleaning the bitter grime from his own shaft. Between the flavors and spikes of pain that came with each thrust, he couldn't decide which was worse. And looking around, he could see the others chuckling with their own dicks fully erect and waiting for their chance.

The noise of him and their grunts had gathered the attention of others. And they were invited in.

"The more the merrier," one of them encouraged. "We even got an order from Scar to really do him in." Even if it wasn't the order, they knew that Scar would have no qualms. After all, even a whole night's worth wasn't enough to pleasure the plethora of male hyenas that made up the more than 200 member clan.

And just like that, as many hyenas as the chamber could fit were wedged within. Simba blushed from all of the eyes on him, all around, made even worse by the hoards of horned up males that stroked themselves to the sight of Simba being used on both ends.

But there was nothing that he could do. Any little move that they saw as defiant would be met with them all pouncing on and clawing at him. Nothing more than enduring the treatment, moaning out from his ass being fervently stroked. That only made their laughter louder, clearly enjoying every moment that he was made to be "put in his place."

The hyena pounding at his face grunted deeply as he thrust extra hard, shoving his dick into the depths of the lion's throat. Even as he gagged, the lion took the long shaft into the hold of his gullet, having been ground along the walls, smearing his thick pre and bitter taste. Reaching in so deep his balls were slapping against Simba's lips, smearing them in his ball sweat.

This was not met with defiance, rather the prince returned the act with laps of his own tongue, willingly coating it in the strong flavors. His nose was filled with the powerful odor of the yeen's crotch. It rocked harshly back and forth, forcing him to continue gagging on the length.

"Yeah! Keep swallowing my dick down!" the large fanged male said with a cackle. "Not like you haven't sucked off the whole clan by now."

The loudest laugh came from the chubby one thrusting hard underneath the lion's hole, he gripped Simba's lower half, gritting his fangs. He could feel that the sheath inside of him was starting to pulse. It pounded harder and faster in time with the rising volume of his voice. He knew what this meant and prepared himself. Enduring the hard thrusts that reached deep into him.

"Ooh, take every single drop!" he roared, bucking in the lion's ass a final time. He basked in the hold of Simba's already seeded hole. Gritting his teeth and snarling through them, the chubby male's cock shot ropes of hot, fresh seed into the prince.

Even after so long, Simba couldn't quite get used to the feeling of slimy cum splattering against his walls. It clung to his flesh and made his insides even sloppier. He felt it dripping out as the cock it came from continued to pulse and fill him up.

And following suit were the groans of the other hyena. He bared his abnormally large fangs, ramming his down grimy dick deep inside but it was pulled back just as his limit was reached. Of course, the others erupted into more mocking laughter as the lion's already stained face was marked and glazed in another layer of the sticky ropes. Simba just panted and stuck his tongue, catching more of that potently bitter taste, making it look like he was grateful for it.

Just as soon as the chubby one pulled out and stepped to the side, there was another, jumping on his back, digging his claws in as he fought for balance. In a rush, this new hyena was already prodding his tip at the red, aching rim.

"W-wait..." Simba tried to plead. He wasn't quite ready but, of course, none of them really cared. In their eyes the feline was nothing more for a vessel to get them off. At the very least they took care to not rough him up too bad. But that too was out of selfishness, making sure that the lion was able to "perform" to his fullest extent each and every day.

"Just give me a mom- Aaaaaahh!" Simba wailed out, his claws dragging along the cavern's floor. That pain struck him hard again, persisting while this new hyena was quickly inserting himself, quickly in a rush. The weight on his back was much less than usual, leading the lion to figure that he was a runt.

"Hey, get a load of this!" one of them called. "Runt's giving the cat-slave a go." Now they were all watching as the small yeen, clinging onto the much larger male for dear life, was wasting no time, pumping his dick into the lion's pained hole. Despite his small size, he was fucking Simba's ass like a rabbit, making a series of short but strong thrusts that jabbed his surprisingly large meat into the sensitive passage.

"Cheers, pipsqueak. You finally lost your virginity!" another one of them snickered.

"Make sure you plow him real good!"

One by one, the other hyenas were encouraging one of their smallest and weakest to give all that he had on Simba's tailhole. The clear implication was not lost on him either. The runts were usually pushed around and disregarded, but the clan had rallied around one of them, knowing that him being mounted by a runt made his value even lesser.

He gripped the bigger male's body tight, dragging his claws along every time his grip slipped, making the lion wince. He couldn't stop the moans from rising as his prostate was being bashed relentlessly. Though they claimed that this guy was a virgin, Simba would have thought him very experienced by how much he squirmed and clawed, feeling his face burn from the erection that slipped from his own sheath.

It was his body's natural reaction, but the moment the pink, barbed flesh was spotted, someone was quick to point it out.

"Look at him. The kitty likes it!"

Simba looked around to see them all snickering and pointing at him. It just got worse and worse...

"I bet you're just loving that runt cock, huh?" one of them asked. "With all the squirming. He's screwing you real good. Guess he's not as much of a runt as we thought. Or maybe it's because he's fucking someone even weaker!"

The other's voiced their agreement and others were going as far as to touch and stroke Simba's cock, gripping it tight as they pumped the barbed length up and down. As best he could, the feline tried to endure but between the furious thrusts that pounded his hole and the direct touches, Simba was forced into an orgasm and the others cheered the runt on as he was showing signs of following suit.

The squeezes of the lion's ass did him in and the small hyena yipped as he blew his first load into someone else, and his pent up balls certainly had much to give, flooding the hole with more than what the others usually gave. Simba was still cumming and he felt tears forming as the others degraded him for getting off from a runt's dick.

Simba was once more alone but that hardly lasted. More hyenas were eager to jump on him, fighting for the chance to be the next one to take up his mouth or ass. They weren't willing to ease up either, snarling and snapping at each other. He was caught between it all, feeling multiple tips jabbing at his tailhole and trying to wedge into their mouths. But naturally, those who fought the hardest got him.

On both sides were rather large and strong hyenas that were already grinding themselves on Simba's front and back. They were usually tasked with keeping others in line, but they had some time off and weren't willing to waste it any longer.

Simba groaned as the shaft was rubbed along his lips and nose. Most of the hyenas were already pretty dirty and smelly, but this was on another level. He heard that these types were often patrolling, looking for those who were trying to leave the Pride Lands. But now he was shown just to what extent that entailed. The musk wafting from their bodies was much stronger than those of the others and that naturally led to their cock being worse than them as well.

It was all too obvious that these guys were due for some kind, any kind of cleaning. And that included the hard dick that continued to grind over his face, not only covered in fermented sweat, but this cock was filthy in another sense, being covered in the nasty mix of old, trapped fluids that clung around the tip.

Simba nearly clamped his mouth shut as he caught a whiff of the pungent cock cheese. He certainly wasn't looking forward to it, but he found it an alternative to being pinned down and subjected to their clawing and bites.

"Open up, bitch!" the bulky mammal spat. Simba complied and reluctantly held his maw open. As soon as he did, a rolling of his hips pressed that dirty tip to his tongue and was held there, slowly grinding and smearing the gooey mess of unwashed fluids onto the rough tongue. The lion gagged but endured, wincing from the powerfully sour taste. The smell of it was still pouring into his nose, assaulting his senses without relent.

"Mmm... Good. It's about time someone cleaned my cock off. None of the other bitches are willing to do it. That cat tongue of yours should do the job. Now get to licking..." he growled lowly and Simba did so, feeling his heart pound.

Finally closing his mouth around the greasy shaft, he did as he was told, cleaning the messes up with his tongue, powering through the gags and bile that rose from his throat. Holding firm, he felt the pink surface coated in the reeking and bitter smegma. It was all around the tip and he had to drag the end along the tip to lap it from the tight spaces.

All the while, the first hyena was panting heavily, already bucking his hips in response to the pleasure. Just as no one wanted to clean up the mess on his dick, there was no one that wanted him to fuck them either. So Simba was just what he needed. Being without touch made him rather sensitive and that drove him to seek more of that pleasure.

On the other side, the second warrior was rubbing his cock along the puffy, swollen rim. He too had a layer of smegma around his tip and was looking to get it off his cock, and he did so by sinking the stinking flesh into Simba's ass, grinding it along the slick walls, rubbing the cheesy substance from the surface, smearing it within the lion's guts. Doing so made him pant heavily as well. He mounted the feline properly, and just like the runt, he dug his claws in, doing so with a devious chuckle.

"F-fuck... He's already squeezing down on it...." the second groaned as he rocked his hips, showing just how strong he was, slamming his hips against Simba's backside with enough force to rock the apex predator's body. And even with his mouth filled, the lion prince was making a lot of noise, both from the sudden fullness underneath his tail and the sharp pricks and scores of claws scratching up his sides.

The others watched this scene playing out, watching as the lion's holes were filled from both ends, listening to his voice and the deeper ones that belonged to the dominating hyenas. It was too much for those that had been stroking their cocks. At any moment, ropes of their cum shot onto Simba's body. Many of them yipped and moaned as they rode out their lusts, draining their balls all over the feline. It only further marked the lion's body. At this point he was more white than gold and their dried and fresh cum left his body reeking of hyena jizz. Even as he cleaned himself in the watering hole, the smell never truly left him, being a constant reminder of his position.

Simba wanted to scream, to beg them to at least ease up. They were the biggest cocks he had taken in a while and his thoroughly bred ass was now being further stretched. The pain shot through him, sending every nerve in a frenzy. He cursed their strength, they used it to their full advantage, grunting deeply as their muscled hips aided them in jamming their massive dicks deep into the hole they were ravaging, not even caring about the state the lion would be left in.

Those who were not vigorously pumping their cocks, looking to get off to the sight were cheering the two studs on. It started as one voice, then a few and from there it had only spread throughout the chamber. All around him, the spotted scavengers were shouting "break 'em in" over and over.

This clearly spurred the fucking males on. They smirked and gave it all they had, shoving their large, grimy shafts as deep in with all the strength they could muster.

"Grrk! Hrrk!" Simba could only gag from each powerful thrust into the deepest parts of his windpipe. He could hardly breathe and felt his head spinning just as his vision was blurring.

Simba desperately flailed his tongue and squeezed his ass, doing all he could to further milk pleasure from the large males. He heard them moan deeply, grunting his efforts in tandem with their own. From the spurts of thick precum, he could tell that they were steadily getting closer. All the lion wanted was for this to end so he did everything he could to deliver more pleasure upon the two warriors.

Of course from their perspective, it seemed the lion was desperate for them to fill him up with their loads. Both of them humped with all they had, making their heavy, seed filled balls smack against the lion's own balls as well as his lips.

"He's practically begging for it," one of them said to another. They both nodded and gave it all they had, driving themselves home. Their growls were getting louder, filling Simba's ears, drowning out the noise of the other hyenas.

"F-fuuuccckk!" the one pumping into his mouth said. The one behind him had cum at the same time but he chose to make a sound akin to a howl, letting it once more drown out the noise in the cavern. The dual flood of their cum came faster than Simba expected and he actually choked a bit as the mouthfuls of musky spunk was pumped into his throat. Even as he strained, the powerful male continued to hump into his mouth, holding him down with his front paws. "You're not going anywhere until I'm done pumping you full of my pups..."

The one behind him clung to Simba's back, drooling heavily as he too was shooting a month's worth of built open fluids into the gagging feline, also humping hard from the blissful feeling, riding it for as long as he could. His cum washed out everyone else's pouring into the squeezing flesh, more and more until it was flooded. The lion's legs shook and another sound came from him as the seed poured from his abused hole, trickling down his thighs and legs.

The one that filled his ass sighed and pulled out, his cock making a loud slurp at it tugged free. Simba felt his insides pulsing with both pain and that hot, sticky feeling. Finally, the shaft in his throat pulled back as well. With heavy breaths of the musky air surrounding him, the prince collected himself as best he could. But paws reached for and held him down.

A chuckle from the warrior hyena caught his attention and he looked up just in time to see him lift his leg. A groan and sigh came from the Outlander as he drained his bladder, pissing onto Simba's face, further marking him. His golden fluid was hot, soaking into the big cat's fur and with it came a powerful, stinking aroma.

Once more, Simba made no attempt to get out of the way, enduring as the fat, hot stream marked his body, making him reek even stronger of pure hyena stink. When he was done, the bulky yeen just chuckled and walked off, leaving the others to laugh at him.

A few more had descended on him, thrown into a frenzy by the sight before them. The lion was quickly overwhelmed by all the cocks that ground over his body, rubbing their shafts along his warm and sticky body, all panting and groaning as they used him for their own pleasure. Some of them were already cumming, shooting more ropes onto him, making his pelt even heavier and stickier.

They were on either side, humping against his flanks, sides, and even face. He had to make do as they were all fighting to get the most pleasure, still shoving and snapping at each other. Doing the best he could, the lion was flicking his tongue along the nearest shaft. This led to a cock being shoved in his mouth and before Simba could close his mouth around it, another was quickly stuffed in alongside.

"This is my hole," the one that filled his mouth first growled. But the other snapped back and he subsided. Neither of them were willing to pull out, so both of their musk, sweaty cocks were stuffing their way into Simba's mouth, competing for space within.

Again, Simba was gagging and felt his throat being stretched by two shafts this time. They were each going at their own paces, rutting faster, spurting their fluids directly into the lion's gullet. They couldn't fit their entire cocks, but it was enough for Simba to struggle breathing around them, drooling and mumbling as he could barely keep up with them both.

"Aah fuck!"

"Yeah, keep licking our dicks. Two for one, huh?" the other chuckled.

The two of them stopped fighting and instead worked together to buck into the lion's mouth, grinding their shafts over the large tongue, both grinding them over the rough surface, getting themselves closer and closer to their own limits, using the feline to seek their own release. Now Simba's mouth was feeling sore as well, his tongue and throat being beaten by the jabbing cocktips.

"Mmph. I'm getting close... Fuck, let's blow in his mouth together."

"Shit, that's hot. Alright, let's do this..."

The two of them matched their paces, working together rather than fighting over who got the most pleasure. In the same way, they moved their tips, reaching past Simba's tongue, stretching his throat, listening to him gag and groan. It only caused a rise in their excitement, even more so as Simba regained focus, licking against their acts, once more aiming to get it over with as quickly as he could.

And it was working extremely well; the two hyenas huffed heavily and groaned at the same time, blowing their loads and splattering their cum within Simba's pried open muzzle. Simba's ears were filled with their snarls and growls and on his tongue was the very flavor of hyena spunk, flooding his mouth faster than what just one of their dicks could.

This went on until the mass of hyenas suddenly made themselves scarce. The cause of this was Scar, with Banzai and Ed in tow. Being no fool, Scar was very aware that the hyenas would twist his words in favor of himself. Rather than being mad at them, the brown lion was rather amused, looking down at his nephew, who was panting heavily, his fur matted with cum and other fluids. The cavern stunk of hyena, but Simba's body reeked even worse than that.

"Enjoying yourself?" Scar asked as he approached. The other feline just groaned in response. His uncle just chuckled in response, the closer he got, the more he could see how his allies had done him in. His ass was red and the hole was swollen and puffy, taking quite the beating as if late. The gaping pucker was still leaking cum that had formed into a mini puddle behind him.

"Your mother came to me with a request to give you a little break. After having her submit I decided to be rather generous," the reigning king said. His nephew looked up at him with a grateful expression but a wicked smirk spread over his own muzzle. "But first. My friends and I were looking for something to satisfy us. You should do well enough for the time being."

Before Simba could even process what he was told, Banzai and Ed were upon him. The golden lion's heart sank. At this point, he had no idea why he held onto hope. Around him were more laughs at his expense as he hung his head.

Ed had crawled underneath him, while Banzai was quick to mount.

"Phew!" he groaned, sniffing at the lion's body. "When was the last time you had a bath?" It was supposed to be a jab, but Simba had trouble recalling his last bath as well. He found not much purpose in it. The moment he was clean, the hyenas were determined to soil his body all over again.

He winced and cried out as Banzai and Ed were plugging their cocks into his ass at the same time. They were just as ruthless, wasting no time grinding their shafts against each other, pounding deep into the lion's hurting hole. His noises echoed off the chamber's walls, coming back to him. But joining them were Banzai's grunts and Ed's snickers.

"They seem to be having fun," Scar said as he stood over his nephew. Then he frowned and leaned forward. "Now look at that... You're mane's growing back in. That's not the proper look for a lioness, now is it? I'll arrange you for a trimming, count yourself lucky that you'll be getting another leave from your duties."

Simba nodded shamefully and opened his mouth, allowing his uncle to place his lion cock on his hot, slathered tongue. This was his place, what he was meant to do. It was the only way that he could make up for causing his father's death. Scar was kind enough to spare him but still had to give a punishment befitting.

He found no joy in being roughly fucked. It was painful and humiliated, but it was all in the name of making it up to his departed father. With lips wrapping around and his tongue moving along the barbs, Simba was nursing his uncle's cock. Despite not enjoying it, he was trained to give with such vigor that one would not tell the difference.

"Ahh. I was looking forward to this, even after mounting your dear mother. I wonder if you can taste her right now?"

At the mention of this, Simba groaned but still licked, swirling his tongue along the girth, listening to his uncle's purrs of pleasure. It was just enough to distract him from the bursts of pain that came from his overstretched rim and overfilled ass.

Banzai and Ed were still pumping into him hard, groaning and cackling as they pumped at same pace, grinding their shafts over each other's deep within. Once more, Simba felt himself getting hard. Moans spilled from his muzzle but they only made him feel shameful. His body was already working against him, reacting to the other male's actions despite his preference for Nala.

"Damn! Your ass is hugging so tight! Bet you're loving this, slut-prince!" Banzai was cackling just as Ed was, the two of them suddenly shoving their cocks deep inside, humping with more strength, nearly sinking every inch inside. This made Simba yowl as his prostate was smushed, pulling him into another forced climax.

Just as Ed and Banzai were growling, pumping their joint load into him, Simba endured the conflicting pleasure, shooting ropes of his lion seed onto the floor. As the feelings of bliss overtook him, Scar suddenly reared up, mounting his face. Strong humps were given and his uncle was moaning much louder.

"You must never forget your place, Simba. Now be a good toy and swallow my cubs!" He bucked his hips and arched his back, reaching his climax as well. Simba's face pressed to the older lion's crotch, being fed the strong aroma of his musk. It made his head swim as he gulped down the seed of the male he was related to.

A sudden pull back of all three made Simba wince again and the last of Scar's load ended up marking his face. And though his hole was leaking fresh seed, the dark lion sent him out on his break, clearly doing so reluctantly.

Simba was lucky enough to catch Nala out by the watering hole. He greeted her before taking a drink. Once the lion got close, she grimaced and took a step to the side, being a bit put off by his smell and the seed that clung all over his body. She never understood why anyone would agree to do something like this, especially for so long...

But when asked, Simba just sighed. "Even a lifetime wouldn't be enough to pay for what I did. I was responsible for my father's death and this is how I make up for that..." he took another drink and nodded to her before returning to Pride Rock, he could already see the hyenas atop the rock waiting for him...