How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic) Chapter 6

Story by Nightdraklin on SoFurry

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#6 of How to Act Like a Dragon (A Wings of Fire Fanfic)

Hello! The new chapter is out! Leave a vote or watch if you like the story! UwU

"Hngg..." I let out a painful groan as the pain from my shoulder is still in effect, but less painful than before. Gosh, this is not what I really need after that dream.

"Well, it looks like my exotic pet has finally awoken." The unmistakable voice of Queen Scarlet echoed through my mind as my eyes jolt open and looked at the face of the queen who is mere inches away from my muzzle.

"Had a nice nap, pet?" She said as she pulled back and flexed her wings. "I hope that this is to your liking. Consider yourself lucky that I had this room prepared exceptionally for you." I immediately stand on my legs and make a run for it, but I was pulled back by the sound of chains that is wrapped around my neck and ankles. How did I missed that?

Nevertheless, the moment I was trying to process that thought, Queen Scarlet came in front of me and gave me a disappointing look.

"Oh how rude. After I gave you this wonderful room, this is the response I receive?" She then proceeds to yank my face close to hers as I can feel her deadly breath close to mine. "However, I can overlook this. After all," She then caress my head as I fought hard not to blush as she inspects my reaction. "I can't bring myself to harm such a cute pet like you~" Excuse me?!

"I am not anyone's pet!" I shouted as I yanked myself away from her, which surprised her for a bit but kept that amused smile of hers. What is wrong with her?! That is totally not the Queen Scarlet that I read in the novels.

After my sudden outburst, Queen Scarlet just stood there, looking at me with an amused expression as she licked her muzzle... I need to get out of here.

"Oh?" She walks close to me as I backed myself towards the wall. I tried to look around me, hoping to find something that can help defend myself, but all I see is a giant bed with no windows, and the only door here is blocked by her imposing body.

"It seems I have feisty pet? I like you~" She purred as she traced her claw around my neck as I looked away and closed my eyes. This is so wrong in so many levels!

"And it looks like you seem to be enjoying this too~" She brought her muzzle close to my neck as my breath quickened. What is she doing?! This is totally not like her! What the heck?!

"Alas," She pulled her head back as I slumped down to the floor with relief. "I have some... Important matters to attend to." She then grabbed the chain that was attached in a nearby wall that is connected to me. "Come my pet, let us show your brilliance around my palace, starting with my throne room!" She then yanked my chain, as I forced myself to follow her. This is gonna be so embarrassing.


Whispers upon whispers rang throughout the halls as I dropped my head and followed Queen Scarlet. The dragons that are talking at our back paid no heed to their queen as their attention was mostly focused on me and my odd appearance.

Said Queen smiled with her head held up high, no doubt enjoying the attention that her 'pet' is receiving.

I sighed internally as I took note of my surroundings. Obviously, I am indeed in Queen Scarlet's domain, the Sky Palace. And as I was following her, we came across a balcony that oversee the entire place. Right below me, I can see the Arena that the queen used for her amusement while the gladiator-like dragons fight to the death.

At the other side of the balcony lies a really interesting city, no doubt those must where the residential district, or at least close to one. I am not sure how societies work in this world, but I am positive that anywhere that is not near in the Arena is a cave or building that houses dragons.

Which kinda reminds me. Why did Queen Scarlet never send me to the cages with the other dragonets, but in a very nice and comfy room? That room even has a bed, or at least, the equivalent of a bed. It's just as bunch of sheets clumped together to form a makeshift nest, but a bed nonetheless.

I looked back at the Queen in front of me as we stepped outside.

I momentarily halted as the blinding rays of the sun obscured my vision temporarily. Queen Scarlet stopped and turned too look at me and noticed about my predicament.

"It seems like my pet is not used to being outside. I should fix that." She said with a smile as I finally adjusted to the sun's light. Big mistake.

After I adjusted to the sun's light, I looked in front of me and saw...

Dragons. Tons and tons of dragon. Mudwings and Skywings with different size. All of them are looking at me and the Queen as she scanned the crowd as they bowed their heads in respect and fear. The Queen smiled as she tugged at my chains and we resumed walking.

I can feel my social anxiety kicking in as I felt the burning stares bore through my body. I saw dragons looking at me with expressions I can hardly understand and some of them shy away when I was looking at them. I dropped my head down as I quickly walked to the side of Queen Scarlet who smiled at my pathetic state. Hey, I may not like it, but at this point, what can I do?

As I thought things couldn't get any worse, I can feel something wrapping around my back. I craned my neck and looked at the thing that covered my back in shock. Queen Scarlet wrapped her wings against my back as she pulled me close to her. Her body heat is warming up my side as my mind started to go into overdrive. What the heck is happening?!

Because of this unpredictable course of action, whispers around me started to escalate. I glanced at the dragons around me as they started to look at me with mixed expressions.

"Finally. Behold my pet, welcome to my throne room!" Queen Scarlet's voice boomed throughout the place as the dragons that were staring at us dissipated immediately. Good, at least I don't have to deal with them...

Another tug in my neck signals me to move as the queen and I entered through the entrance. Each dragon that is positioned at either side of the entrance glanced at me and greeted the queen with polite fashion as she ignored them and be on her way.

That wasn't the same case with me though. Once they saw what their queen was dragging, they gave me quite an accusatory glance but never bothered to speak up.

Another yank in my chain and I was forced to follow Queen Scarlet to her throne once again.

"Wow... " I couldn't held back my awe as Queen Scarlet noticed my amazement and smiled.

Her throne room is anything I have ever seen. It is very not like the one you find of a typical human throne. What the novels said about the throne is less detailed than what I am seeing right now.

Here throne is, exactly what the novel described to as, a rock column shaped into some kind of puffy clouds with layers of gold trimmed into each edges and design. Behind her throne is the vastness of the skies, where I felt the breeze of the wind touch my wings.

And finally, the golden swirly patterns that decorate the floor are made with pure gold, like someone has melted these gold and painted it across the floor.

As I walk closer, I saw a huge tree where a particular dragon is pretending to be sleeping.

"Glory..." I whispered to myself as I began to realize what chapter of the book I am in. Damn, how long was I sleeping?

The Rainwing was pretending to sleep soundly, and as I started to walk a bit closer I noticed how beautiful she looks. Her multicolored scales glistened around the sun's yellow rays, making her scales shine like multitudes of gemstones.

"Oh? It seems you've noticed one of my other pets." Queen Scarlet climbed up to her throne and sat on it with dignity and grace, stretching her wings out wide as she laid there as if a high class professional painter is capturing her essence into the canvas.

"Exotic, but not as exotic as you, my little dragon." Oh no, did she just have to imitate a certain sun goddess like that?

"However..." She looked at me dead in the eye as I gulped. What have I done now?!

"You are more interesting than her." Queen Scarlet scanned my facial expression as I did my best to make a poker face.

"What do you mean?" I feigned ignorance. I do not wanna get tangled up in the Dragonet's journey, especially right now. Don't wanna end up in the Arena and be forced to fight some dragons, even one of them could kill me right now with how much I lack combat knowledge.

The Queen giggled at my display of cowardliness she dropped the chain that she was holding. Huh, I forgot about that part. Wait...

Quickly as I can, I started to sprint towards the exit but then thought of the situation I am in. I am literally in the heart of the Skywing kingdom, high above the clouds, with no knowledge of going down other than falling to my impending doom because I don't know how to fly... Yeah no.

I sat there dejectedly as Queen Scarlet smiled. "Looks like you are actually more intelligent than you look." Queen Scarlet looked at her guard and barked out an order, telling them to bring the Dragonet's to the throne room.

"Well! Since we have some time to kill, why don't we talk about you?" Queen Scarlet lifted a paw around her muzzle and lad there like a bored dragon. Oh wait, she is. "You see, I have seen a lot of dragons in my lifetime, but none of them even compared to you." The unnerving smile that she gave me is sending red flags on my mind as I feel my gut instincts to never reveal unnecessary information around her.

I stood there, hesitating on what I am trying to come up with an answer as the Queen sighed. "Don't worry, take your time. I can tell that you are like a fish out of water. This is your first time in the outside world, are you not?" Queen Scarlet lost her usual smile and is looking at me seriously.

"From the first time we met, I assumed that you were affiliated with the Dragonets. However, my suspicions of you were diminished right after you fainted when I barely scratched you in the shoulder." YOU CALL THAT A SCRATCH?!

I looked at her with the most deadpan expression I can muster before realizing what I am doing and looked away. However she already noticed what I did and laughed.

"Oh please, that was just a light wound! Any dragon would just shrugged it off!" Right then and there, here expression quickly shifted.

"Which is exactly that bothers me the most. It's like you have never seen the outside world." She then pieced together some of the facts that she noticed about me and continue rambling on.

"You claimed to never flown before, not even once you fought back but instead ran away, and now..." She looked at me with a predatory grin as I feel self conscious. "You always look at the dragons around you with amazement, especially me." Her tail snaked its way to my chin as I fought hard not to blush. STUPID MALE DRAGON HORMONES!

"I mean, I know I am the perfect specimen, I am a Queen after all." She said so while touching her chest, emphasizing as if she is an exotic dragoness that male dragons fawn over.

"However, your actions are totally unlike a dragon. Which lead me to believe something.." The Queen smiled as she noticed something outside. I turned around and saw a black dragon in chains getting closer and closer. That must be Starflight. One of the Dragonets of Destiny that read in the book.

She turned her attention to me as I looked at her expectantly. "You were not raised by dragons, weren't you?"

A loud thump echoed in front of us as both of us turned around and saw Starflight bowing down with his head in the floor.

"We will discuss this late." The Queen said as she composed herself and sat in a comfortable position.

I sat a few meters away from her, trying to avoid sitting so close to her to avoid some kind of misunderstanding. Oh boy, it looks like I'll be meeting the dragonets sooner than I thought.