Trying Something New (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#67 of Smut I Commissioned

A german shepherd visits a new coffee shop to try some cream with his coffee. And by cream we mean bear cum. Written by Jeeves, posted with his blessing.

  • While not Christmas themed, I found this fun little piece of art on twitter, and I figured it would make a fun prompt. So have the German Shepherd, Ethan (from Watching from on High) drop by a local coffee shop for some cream with his coffee. And by cream I mean bear jizz. It's not deep, but we have fun, don't we? As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

Trying Something New

Every day, Ethan went to the same coffee shop on his way home. Every day he ordered the same thing, and every day it was a pretty much fifty fifty chance whether he actually got what he ordered. There had been a time when the German Shepherd would have considered himself a devotedly loyal customer to this particular business. Now though, after it had changed hands three times in the last two years before ending up owned by some modestly sized chain that called itself indie but was as corporate as it came when it came to lack of concern for its employees either in welfare or quality of their training, his attendance was purely out of habit. Or rather, it had been. After taking a sip of his vanilla latte yesterday however and finding a white chocolate peppermint mocha instead, not just a missing flavour shot or an unpleasantly weak brew, Ethan was determined to take Angelica's advice.

His beloved partner had cuddled and comforted him as he expressed his frustration to her, and while she sat on the kitchen counter and sipped at the now lukewarm drink that thankfully was to her tastes at least, the golden retriever had made a simple suggestion to the man she loved.

"Well... why don't you try something new? Maybe this is fate's way of telling you to open yourself up to new opportunities. If not new types of coffee, then maybe a whole new coffee shop, and more!"

She giggled, kicking her feet back and forth in the air as she sipped dreamily at the sweet, minty beverage.

"After all, the last time you took a chance and listened to what fate was whispering to you..."

She gestured to herself with a wink.

" worked out pretty okay, right?"

Angelica was right, of course, as she so frequently was. Meeting her had, after all, been the best thing that had happened to Ethan in his entire life, and since then a few bad coffees was probably the sincerely worst thing that had happened to the otherwise incredibly blessed German Shepherd. Thus he resolved to take her advice the very next day, and that was how he came to be standing outside a coffee shop that he'd idly noticed a few times while walking home, not because it was directly on his route but because it was located somewhat off the beaten path. Tucked away down a little alley that seemed otherwise utterly featureless, besides that single little wooden sign hanging from a bracket, bearing a coffee-cup etched into the wood with little heat lines radiating off its peak.

He had walked past it dozens if not hundreds of time without ever going in, as he was sure a great many people did. Today though the dog made the choice to try new things, and with an open mind and an open heart he padded down the alley until the most wonderful aroma of freshly ground coffee beans, not harsh or acrid on the nose at all but warm and full-bodied in its earthy richness, threatened to lift him off his feet like a cartoon character with its intoxicating deliciousness. His pace quickened and Ethan blushed at the fact that he swore he felt his cock stir slightly at the sheer enthusiasm that surged through him at that sumptuous coffee scent. His hand trembled on the handle of the door, and Ethan almost stumbled over his own feet in his eagerness to press his way inside.

Once he passed through the doorway of the shop though, Ethan felt all that nervousness and desperation dissipate like a chill in the air counteracted by that first sip of hot coffee on an evening walk home. The shop was... perfect. If he had asked anyone to think of the ideal coffee shop, its layout, its colour scheme, the choice of music, that was it. That was what he was looking at right then and there. Several of the tables in the relatively small shop were occupied, but not so many that the place seemed crowded or overly loud. And behind the bar, in the midst of grinding a fresh bag of beans even as Ethan walked in, was a man who took the German Shepherd's breath away. A grizzly bear so tall, strong and handsome that Ethan immediately thought back not just to his conversation with Angelica about trying new things, but several conversations they'd had in bed, some even mid-coitus, about fantasies of theirs. Whispering them to each other, and even offering suggestions, curious as to whether their partner had ever considered them.

During one such occasion, Angelica had asked Ethan if he had ever considered being with a guy before. The truthful answer had been no, not before. But... since then? After Angelica had put the idea in his head not just as something she wouldn't have been upset about, but something that she would find exciting to watch if it brought Ethan joy and pleasure, Ethan had indeed thought about it. Many, many times. Never however had he found himself having such a strong reaction outside the bounds of fantasy. Imagining some fictional guy whose cock he could suck was one thing, but actually knowing a real dude well enough to be physically and emotionally attracted to him enough to take such a chance was very much another.

Now though, as he saw that bear look up at him with the warmest smile, not just happy to see a customer but as though ready to welcome back an old and dear friend he hadn't seen for a long time, Ethan had never been closer to feeling like he could take that risk with anyone.

"Hey, cutie. Welcome to Stripped Bear coffee! What's your pleasure?"

The bear's rumbling voice spoke up, his flirting unabashed and immediate, but not spoken with a leer or anything but utter, enthused sincerity.

Ethan stepped forward, mouth dry, and his cheeks burned crimson as his stomach gurgled just as he reached the counter and glanced up over the bear's powerful, apron and shirt clad form.

"Uh, c-can I get a... a medium vanilla latte, please?"

He smiled hopefully, having considered trying something entirely new, but deciding in the end that trying out his old favourite at a new place might be the best of both worlds.

"Oh, and an extra shot of cum, please."

He smiled at the bear. The bear grinned back, and it was only a split-second later that Ethan wheezed and whimpered in dismay as he realised what he swore he had just heard himself say out loud.

"I... I m-mean... uh... uhhh, I mean c-cunnamon... cinnamon, that is. Sorry, I... s-speech impediment or... or I just..."

The bear's eyes twinkled, and he reached across the counter without the slightest shred of concern or confusion. He cupped the entirety of the left side of Ethan's face in the palm of one large hand, and stroked the back of the German Shepherd's head with his fingertips until Ethan began to whine at the pleasantness of that instinctively soothing feeling, and stopped internally screaming at himself what an idiot he was.

"You wanna suck my cock, cutie?"

The barista's voice rumbled around the shop for all to hear, and yet no-one looked up from their coffee. No-one looked at him or Ethan with disgust or judgement or even the slightest acknowledgement that they'd spoken about anything more personal than the time or the weather. Ethan's tail began to wag uncontrollably, and though he didn't quite say yes, yet, he did gurgle in lust as he felt the bear letting go of his face, and watched as the man began to reach under his apron and started unbuttoning his shirt without removing the green cloth draped over his front.

"I'll put your coffee on to brew, and while everything's heating up you can get that shot of cum you need, straight from the source."

Once shirtless, the bear put on some milk to steam and set the espresso machine humming as it began to pour concentrated coffee from the freshly ground beans. Having done so, he began to unfasten his belt and pull down his pants, while Ethan found his feet walking him around the side of the counter.

"Ever sucked cock before?"

The bear murmured curiously as he stepped out of his clothes, the front of his apron beginning to tent in the middle as his erection swelled, twitching and causing the fabric to jerk. Ethan whined and shook his head. The bear's smile seemed to double in brightness.

"Oh, wow. Well, it really means the world to me that you'd let me be your first. And, hopefully not your last, right?"

He winked. He stepped forward to the same gap in the counter before which Ethan was standing, and he chuckled as the German Shepherd fell to his knees with a gurgling moan of pure desire. Ethan shuffled forward, his hands pulling the apron aside just long enough to throw it over his head and upper body, and then... then his mouth was wrapped around the thickest, hottest piece of flesh he had ever laid eyes upon, however briefly. His eyes were rolling back, his body was trembling all over, and he was scooting further forward, craning his neck out until he could feel his throat being stretched by the bear's huge cock, and there was soft brown fur of the bear's crotch rubbing against his nose.

"Ohhh... that's it... you drink up now..."

The bear's hands reached under his apron to stroke Ethan's ears. To caress the back of the German Shepherd's head as Ethan gurgled loudly and began to amateurishly but greedily and effectively suckle on the cock he was tasting, not to mention deep-throating, for the very first time.

"Mmmh... play with my balls..."

The grizzly barista encouraged, and growled loudly, joyously when Ethan didn't hesitate to obey. Glancing up from the head shaped bulge bobbing back and forth under his apron, the bear grinned at his other customers. Beneath the tables, not visible from near the doorway but entirely so from where he and Ethan were now positioned, he could see the open pants and rigid cocks. The puddles of arousal dripping off chairs from pussies being fingered or toyed with by dildos fastened to the chairs themselves. As he watched a plump grey mouse leaned back as she finished her hot chocolate, and wrapped both her pink footpaws around the already twitching, desperately drooling cock of the man seated across from her. Ribbons of hot cum began to paint the underside of the table at which they were seated, and at that same moment, riding the dual thrill of another satisfied customer alongside the new customer relationship he was cultivating right in front of him, the barista grunted, shuddered, and began to pump his almighty load down Ethan's throat. He pulled aside the apron at last, looking down over his broad, powerful body into the dog's bulging eyes. Huffing, moaning in ecstasy, he saw the goofy smile spread across Ethan's features as the German Shepherd began to flood his own boxer shorts and work pants with strings of his own spontaneous release, and he heard the other man's belly gurgle happily as it was filled not quite to capacity by the waves of rich, savoury cum, but just to the point where a slightly bitter, slightly vanilla-sweet latte would hit the spot to absolute perfection.

The bear pulled his cock out of Ethan's throat, wiped its still dribbling tip off on the dog's face, and just stood there letting Ethan stare glassy-eyed at his cock as he continued to cum in and through his clothes. After the new customer was done though, as Ethan struggled back to his feet with an assisting hand from the bear, the dazed, faraway expression on the dog's features was replaced by a calm, joyous smile of pure contentment. Without so much as a thought towards the cum oozing through the front of his still tented pants, Ethan strolled back around to the front of the counter, and just a handful of seconds later a takeaway cup of vanilla latte was being slid forward in front of him.

"That'll be three-forty-five, cutie."

The bear murmured warmly to the beaming dog.

"Oh, and... while you're here, would you be interested in our loyalty card?"

Ethan blinked. He looked at the bear. He giggled, and he nodded enthusiastically even though he hadn't so much as taken a single sip of his coffee yet.

"Uh... y-yeah, actually."

He murmured, unable to imagine a world where the coffee wasn't amazing, and where he didn't come to this shop every day for his post-work coffee... and perhaps a couple of times a day each weekend, bringing Angelica along with him if she wanted.

"Yeah, I... I'm very, very interested."

By Jeeves.

At Home with the Hopps’ (A Zootopia Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

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Andrew’s Gift (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

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