The Brother's Switfbreath - Chapter 2

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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#2 of The Brothers Swiftbreath

Chapter 2 in the ongoing saga of the Two Druidic brothers and the troubles they get up to in Stormwind City

Karion didn't recall exactly the moment that he had passed out, but sometime between that ritual the Satyr had performed and now he clearly had. His head was throbbing, and he struggled to move even a single limb. Had it all been some sort of strange dream? Where was he? Was it something he had eaten? A thousand different possibilities raced through his mind as he slowly opened his eyes.

He was in a small house, the quiet crackle of a fire with a cauldron of some sort sat nearby in a brick wrapped hearth. He groaned a bit looking aver at the fire and the rather luxurious bear skin rug which seemed to find itself perched just in front of it. Trying to stumble in that direction he felt a tightness around his neck, choking him for a moment.

The druid turned his head only to realize that whatever had transpired was clearly in fact, not a dream. Indeed, the choking sensation was being provided by a none too comfortable leash. At the other end of the leash? That Quel'dorei hunter, or what he had thought was a Quel'dorei hunter. The haze over his head made it hard to react, focus, or even get his bearings on the whole affair.

"Do you like the rug?" the hunter asked with a bemused smirk "After I sold the meat off from the last druid, I figured I'd keep myself something nice. I think you saw her last we met... of course she looked more like a wintersaber at the time".

Karion could only gulp as his eyes caught site of the ursine's purple fur, and the all too familiar druidic marking on either of its shoulders. His body seemed to shiver in a combination of fear and disgust. Karion's mind raced at a thousand different scenarios, and each of them wanted to make the man wretch all that much more.

"Oh don't worry, your pelt is hardly worth making into a rug..." the satyr teased "I was thinking... perhaps a nice tunic or maybe even a warm cape for an orc."

The words seemed to bite at the druid's very core as fear swept over the whole of his body. He wanted to give a response of defiance but could hardly find the words. In fact, his whole body seemed rather unwilling to do anything at all. Huffing loudly he simply glared at the woman on the other end of the leash.

"Oh but don't worry about all that, getting you fattened is the key before I go about selling your flank and fur coat. And well... what faster way to fatten up a druidess then to breed her hmm?" The 'Quel'dorei' hunter stood for a moment giving an appraising look over the white pelted feline. "Though I think, there is something I'd very much like to do first"

Tugging at the leash, Karion could feel his body simply following along, his paws suddenly springing to life and his whole form seeming eager to follow the woman who was keeping him in tow. No matter how much his mind screamed out to stop, to run, to bite at the leash, his body seemed to simply walk at a leisurely pace in whichever direction this Satyr was taking him.

"Oh I wouldn't try and fight it my dear, I've been working at this a long time. Trust me when I say it will be much more enjoyable if you just relax and let it all happen~" Alynna looked over her should once again appraising the situation "I don't think you're quite big enough for a wintersaber stud.... But" she paused for a moment "There's more then one way to skin a cat!"

A cruel laugh followed, and the helpless druid found himself being dragged through no control of his own through the woods. Were it he could muster the will to spit in the woman's direction he would do so, but even that seemed out of his reach.

The pair descended closer and closer into the streets of Stormwind, but as they reached the city's gates, they began upon a path with which Karion was hardly familiar. The cobble here was less well kept then the rest of the cities. The doors and signs all seemed to be in disrepair or disuses. Then there, at the end of the little alleyway in which they were traveling, Karion could make out brightly shining, flashing lights.

He seemed surprised. In all his years traveling through this human city, not once had he come across such a sight, yet here it was as plain as day. His confusion was palpable, how had such a thing evaded his sights for so long?

"You seem surprised kitty, did you really think the Alliance didn't have it's own seedy underbelly to fill and quell? Welcome to the home you'll be staying in these next few weeks. I believe the soldiers call it 'the naked bitch', but I think it's real title is something far more classy. Either way you should get accustomed to the sights and sounds, this my lovely feline is how you will be making us the money to feed you"

As they crossed the threshold to the place, the stench of it became as clear as day. The scent of sex and alcohol was heavy on the air and the whole place was dank and in serious need of repair. The floorboards creaked and the windows all looked as if they had more then a few shots taken at them. The crowd was composed of all manner of folk, from criminal to alliance soldier alike. A man in full Stormwind guard attire sat at a barstool near what could only be described as a bar.

Near the center of the establishment was a little stage with various sets of poles. Upon each a dancer in various states of undress performed for the audience. Lingerie littered the ground in front of the stage and more then a few less then restrained patrons waited just at the edge waving bags of gold

Alynna pulled on Karion's leash, directing the feline towards a set of swinging saloon like doors near the back of the establishment. Swinging them open corridor after corridor seemed to twist and wind in a series of cramped hallways. On either side doors behind which the sounds of a john and his prostitute made it well known what was occurring.

Each step made Karion's leash seem more and more like a boat anchor then a simple leather attachment. The smell of the place alone was enough to make someone unfamiliar with-it wretch, made all the worse by having a feline's senses.

As they continued on, they came to a simple door marked "Alynna" which the huntress happily stepped through giving a little smirk as she viewed the room. In the center was a rather unsavory looking bed spread with the attempt at some kind of romantic design, a red heart shaped headboard now more covered in patches then the original material. The sheets seemed stained and well used.

Karion's heart raced and hammered as the urge, the primal need to escape grew all the stronger, not liking this place in any way, shape, or form. He could only manage to give a wiggle of those long furry ears before Alynna set the leash down and turned around.

"Alright, while I would quite enjoy seeing you dance upon a pole like this, I'm sure tonight's clientele will expect something a bit more..." the hunter thought "Appealing"

With that, and with very little control, Karion felt his whole body shifting, returning to an elven state, but not one he was even remotely familiar with. Where once he had a bushy beard and long flowing white hair, now instead his face was smooth and soft, his hair more like a pixie cut. He had never had an impressive physique like Resam, but now it was no physique at all. As his silvery eyes stared down he caught sight of a set of fleshy mounds where once there was only a view of stomach and abs.

His hips now had an hourglass form and his fingernails were a fair bit longer. Indeed, it was not just his feline form that had a feminine appearance, but now his elven one as well. He seemed to give a little gasp as his eyes caught site of his groin, seeing no indication of his member, but instead a simple tuft of white hair leading down to a set of netherlips.

"Well don't you just look like quite the catch, though if you go out there naked, there will be nothing for them to throw money at you for" Alynaa disappeared for a moment going to a small closet that seemed tucked away. Reappearing moments later with bra, some panties, a set of silken gloves, and a matching set of stockings.

"Put these on, you are to perform shortly, and I would like to get as much out of you as possible tonight, as this is your first appearance"

Karion wished to say no, to stick his tongue out, but instead simply found himself going to take each garment of clothing and with a remarkable understanding, apply each garment to his body. His eyes wondered over the the huntress once more who seemed to be putting on her own attire. It was as best one can describe, a leather set with a whip to match. Her face was covered by a leather mask and the tight material seemed to hug every curve.

The woman approached closer and went to sniff at Karion's neck letting her tongue dance across the flesh "Oh yes... you will taste so wonderful when you are ready, I can not wait to serve you with a side of root stew, but tonight my little treat, you must dance~" humming softly Karion felt the woman's hand come up to his ear "But when you do so, they will need to know who you belong to hmm?"

There was a mechanical sound and a sharp pain in Karion's ear as he glanced over only to see there was now a tag hanging from it.

He once again felt the urge to wretch, all but suppressed by a body that seemed to care less for the treatment. If anything his form seemed to soldier on without question, following Alynna in her new black leather getup through yet another series of corridors and hallways.

It wasn't long before the elve's eyes were once again greeted by the bright lights of the bar, though this time they were directed over that decidedly female form.

An announcement seemed to come over a gnomish intercom "And for our next act, Lady Alynna presents here newest showing, Whitetail!". The announcement was met with all manner of hollering from the gathered crowd. "Remember folks, highest bidder tonight gets to pop little miss Whitetail's cherry, so get those bids ready!"

Alynna only smirked as Karion felt the lash of the whip just behind her feet, sending a wave of encouragement to hop upon that poll regardless of his body or mind's feelings about the matter.

It didn't take long to get the dance going, watching with dismay as his body seemed to happily dance along to the music being played, grinding groin against metal pole, hanging from one position and then another. It was not long before the gold coins started to hit the stage, and with each coin more and more demands from the crowd.

"Show us that virgin slit!" one shouted.

"Ye! Show us the prize we're gonna claim" another hollered

"Spread them lips girl!" a final voice seemed to holler from the shadows.

But that final voice, it seemed familiar, in a way that Karion couldn't place. Perhaps it was the music, or simply the rather overwhelming experience that seemed to be unfolding. Either way, it was not long before his body was eagerly following a shadowy puppeteers command. Slowly the night elf removed those gloves, and then the stockings, going to hang from the pole upside down as the garments were casually discarded.

Then with more encouragement and gold, the bra soon also found itself discarded and on the floor leaving the only strip of modesty as a simple pair of red, lace frilled panties. Karion's thoughts on what was happening were so mixed that he could barely keep up, it was like a sort of hypnotic trance, just feeling his body dancing to a puppeteer's strings.

"It seems we have a winner!" a voice announced over the intercom once more "Someone will be claiming this cherry tonight, have fun with your prize!"

The sudden announcement seemed to snap karion out of things, and just as quickly as he had begun, he suddenly found himself walking back towards the exit of the stage, his body blowing a kiss to the adoring crowd as he disappeared into the corridors.

Alynna was not far behind, seeming all to happy with herself as she walked behind "Well well well, 1000 gold, that might very well almost be as much as I'm going to make when I sell your liver to a troll witch doctor in Stranglethorn" the delight in the mixture of rage, fear, and disgust that Karion's mind radiated seemed to only increase with each heinous comment.

Still though as they once again approached the door that was clearly intended to be "Karion and Alynna's" room, the "Quel'dorei" gave a bit of a snicker "Well the client certainly didn't pay me to be part of the show, so I'm afraid he'll be getting you all to yourself. Try not to make too much of a mess in there I don't want to have to clean it up to much for the next girl".

With that Alynna simply continued walking and Karion found that his body simply went to walk over to the small and rather undignified bed at the center of the room. He was still wearing that pair of red cotton panties and his silvery eyes seemed to scan around the room, looking for any sign of escape, only to see a single entrance and exit.

It was a few moments, but a knock at the door soon came, and that familiar voice which had shouted out over the crowd spoke softly "May I come in?"

Karion still couldn't place it, but as the door opened it became rather apparent why he recognized the voice. It was his brother Resam. The druid was left with so many questions in that very moment. What was his brother doing in a place like this? Had he been the one to make the bid? Was he in on this somehow with the Satyr? Question after question buzzed in Karion's mind before his brother's words seemed to drag him back to reality.

"The fellow at the front desk said you were mute, but that's quite alright, I've found that I don't need words of encouragement to have a good time" Winking slyly as the man entered fully clothed. He seemed distinctly aware of this whole place. He seemed to have no need to look around the room, instead seeming fully aware of the whole thing.

Resam came to sit next to Karion's mute form on the bed, going to place that strong hand on Karion's exposed thigh. What perhaps confused Karion most was how his body reacted. Instead of wanting to pull away in disgust, instead he could feel himself getting aroused, just like that night that Satyr had changed him. The confusion and fear regarding the moment seemed to only make matters hazier and less straightforward.

"So, first time hmm?" Resam asked going to gently worm his hand from thigh to tummy gently rubbing at it "Well don't worry your pretty little head hon, I'll make sure it's a night to remember". The night elf's hand now crept from tummy to exposed breast, going to gently squeeze at one of the modest mounds, toying with the nipple.

Karion's emotions were a total jumble. On one hand, this was his brother, a man he had been around for countless years, this was not right in way, shape, or form. Yet, the pleasure that seemed to spike across the whole of his body only drove the druids mind all that much further, his body perhaps willingly or unwillingly pushing his chest forward so those powerful, rough hands could get a better feel of those soft, delicate breast.

"An eager one hmm?" Resam asked licking his lips "Well, that's always good to see, to many times around this place you find a girl down on her luck that wants nothing to more then a john's money, but I see you're quite the good girl aren't you?" accenting his point by moving another hand to Karion's crotch, going to rub at the clit just under those cotton panties.

The squirm this time was no unwilling motion driven by some puppetmaster, instead it was a genuine reaction. A gulp traveled down Karion's throat as his eyes looked down to see his brother's other hand gently caressing at that clit and the quickly slickening set of netherlips under only a single layer of fabric. A nod of the head seemed to follow at the question.

"That's what I thought, and do you know what good girl's get?" Resam asked as he went to stand, slowly working his leather pants down, quickly exposing an already hardening member pressing against the fabric of his own undergarments. "Why don't we start slow, and when you're good and ready I'll be sure to put your legs over my shoulders and let you feel what it's like to be bred by a proper Kaldorei" growling a bit as he approached.

Karion's mind snapped back for only a moment from the haze of the events and the pleasure that was coursing through his body. Enough so to realize that his brother was quickly approaching the edge of the bed, pulling that last layer of fabric down to reveal a sizeable Kaldorei manhood. It was not that Karion hadn't ever seen his brother naked before, but it certainly wasn't in a setting like this before. Sweat seemed to pour down his face as Resam got ever closer.

"Why don't you open that beautiful mouth of yours?" Resam's hand going to caress at the female night elf's cheek, gently going to cup at her chin and then letting a thumb hook at the other's lip, pulling it down just a bit.

Karion couldn't believe it, why did he find this so... arousing? As his brother's thumb found purchase on his lip he found himself opening his mouth, taking that very same thumb and running his tongue against it. Even the scent in the room somehow seemed different, the blur of everything making the moment seem to last longer then it should. He could feel Resam's finger gently guiding itself back and forth, back and forth, before a plop sound could be heard and the digit was being held aloft. In it's place the head of that rigid shaft waited at the edge of Karion's lips, she... or was it he, parting those lips once more to take the length into her mouth.

"Oh yeah... that's the spot right there sweet stuff." Resam bucked his hips forward a bit, sliding more and more of that length into the woman's mouth. His hands went to wrap around the back of her head, pressing against that short silvery pixie cut hair and holding that head against his crotch "You know, if I wasn't about to claim your little cunt for myself, I might suggest my brother chase you, for some reason you seem like his type". Resam chuckled, oblivious to just how close to the truth his comment was.

Karion could feel herself... himself... groaning for a bit, letting that tongue dart against the whole of that length as it pushed it's way in, closing his... her... eyes as that head bobbed upon the whole of that length. Karion felt as if at moment she... yes she, that sounded right, would choke on that rigid length as it shoved its way into her throat. Whimpering, she tried her best to accommodate for that girth.

"Oh not used to this either hmmm? Wow you really are a sweet innocent little flower" Resam smirked going to move a hand once more to Karion's panties, this time gently tracing the outline of the other's sex, feeling the dampness that was becoming ever more apparent in the fabric. "We'll make sure that lovely little flower of yours gets plenty of practice in tonight, so by the time I'm done with you, you'll be a certified expert" this time pushing into the fabric and ever so slightly into Karion's depths.

This prompted Karion to open her eyes wide, squirming there on the bed as she felt that rigid cock being pulled from her mouth. Her eye lids seemed heavy as she could feel herself being moved about on the bed. Repositioned and jostled so that she was now laying upon it. Then Resam's hulking form crawled over her, watching with a near fascination as the Night Elf man pulled those red panties down to reveal the lightly haired muff beneath.

"Don't you worry a bit... " Resam spoke confidently, going to lower his head ever so slowly between the woman's legs. He let that tongue dart against the whole of Karion's sex, running along it more then a few times, paying special attention to the other's clit. "Such a good girl" Resam whispered.

Karion's eyes somehow seemed to grow wider as she wanted to push her hand against the back of Resam's head, to keep it there. She no longer cared if this was some trick of the Satyr, some demented torture, all that mattered was the pulses of pleasure that were making their way across the whole of her body. Her ears stood on end as she hissed in pleasure, attempting to spread her legs as far as she could manage, casually kicking the pair of panties that had found themselves dangling from her foot into a part of the room.

The assault on her sex didn't stop though as Resam was relentless, tongue now diving in and out of those folds, then traveling back up to that clit to tease it once more. A hand snaked up to toy and play with the woman's chest, squeezing at those breasts. Then as if time had frozen, it all stopped.

Karion looked down, seeing Resam's head rising from between her legs, and the reason for the moment of calm in this storm of ecstasy was made all to clear. Resam began lining up that rigid member with the waiting virgin sex, going to grab Karion's knees and throwing them over his shoulder. "Such a good girl you are," Resam whispered "A good girl who gets a treat~"

And with those words his hips thrust forward, and that cock speared that untouched sex sending a bit of pain and then an immense amount of pleasure. The sensation was strange and new, something completely different from the times that Karion had been with a woman in the past. No this was like a feeling of warmth or being filled. It was hard to describe, and harder still to ignore.

Sweat poured down that smooth skin now, the dirty state of the bed naught more but a passing memory in the stream of events. That cockhead worked its way in and out of that clenching sex again and again. The slap of balls against ass, the gentle bounce of those breast, the grunting coming from Resam, it all played out like an orchestra to a moment Karion could barely describe.

It seemed to continue for minutes, and then what felt like hours. Every moment bringing Karion closer and closer to a peak. Then she felt it, that shockwave of pleasure that ruptured through the whole of her body causing toes and fingers to clench just as that sex squeezed and milked at the member trapped within.

Karion wanted to squirm, to say something, but the bindings of the Satyr's spell instead trapped her voice only in her mind. Her hands went to now grab at both her breast, squeezing and toying with them as she herself bucked her hips in rhythm with the man who was thrusting into her depths. Then just as she had felt herself pushed over the edge she could see her brother's face contort and shift as his own member began to spasm.

He made no effort to pull out, no bother of any sort of protection and simply let himself cum within those depths. That warm cum flooded the woman's untested depths and left the panting mess of a Kaldorei all the messier.

For a long moment, there was an eerie silence as Karion and Resam stared at each other, connected at the hip quite literally. A dribble of cum and arousal finding its way onto the bed sheets while those silvery eyes locked in a war of sorts. It was like their game of chess, as if each was trying to plot their next move, though for one of the players, the moves were already quite decided.

"I heard..." Resam panted, going to brush some sweat away from his brow "That you weren't just mute... you're a druid too". The man paused for a moment as he went to look over the other's form appraisingly, slowly shifting and pulling his manhood from the other's depths. Giving a grin as he saw the product of their labors now quite obvious upon that deflowered set of netherlips he simply smirked.

"Alright, shift, into your feline form", Resam commanded almost without a second thought.

And within an instant Karion found himself rolling on her stomach and shifting to that feline form. Without a word she raised her hind legs and moved that tail while her muzzle and front paws were lowered to the pillow. She could feel Resam's hand petting at her back, along the length of her tail, and then those digits spreading her sex and pressing into them.

It was somehow different now, where before those fingers would not have felt like much, now they felt as if they were going to tear the druidess apart. The sensations of pleasure were now mixed with pain as those rough hands traveled from steam to stern feeling up every part of the cat's body. Then as if the air itself shifted, her brother vanished, and in the poof of smoke that followed a powerful, muscular feline form stood.

"Why simply take what's mine when I can leave you with a present for the future?" Resam asked, moving his muzzle forward and letting that rough tongue lick across that used sex, cleaning at it as well as tickling at all the right locations.

Karion sank her claws into the bed, readying herself as the pleasure of that tongue washed over the whole of her furry body. One might expect that sandpaper like tongue to feel a bit rough on a recently deflowered set of netherlips, but in this case perhaps because of that feline anatomy, or perhaps the simple bliss and pleasure so far, the sensations only served to make Karion's arousal grow all the more.

There was something else too, something that had not been there before, something only her feline nose would have picked up on. It was the scent of a powerful, virile male along with her own fertile, feminine scent. It dawned on her in only a few moments, her body was in heat!

Had it been in heat this whole time? Is that why she had been enthralled with everything that had taken place earlier? Had the Satyr done this to her? Did it really matter in the wake of the pleasure.

Karion didn't have time to really mull over the whole thing before she felt Resam's weight upon her back, and those feline hips starting to line themselves up with her own. Her brother was mounting her and preparing to breed her, and instead of running or fighting, instead Karion could only think of the pleasure that would soon be washing over her.

Flagging her tail she gave a bit of a playful growl as Resam's powerful jaws clamped down on her neck and those equally muscular paws wrapped around her waist holding her in place before that first thrust rather unceremoniously plunged into her depths. Little did Karion have time to think about the experience before Resam was pulling back and those feline barbs raked against those inner walls.

Again what would certainly have been pain before now only seemed to elicit a mixture of joy and pleasure, the barbs seeming to hit at all the right spots and causing those inner walls to spasm without any real control. There would be no long session like this, this would be the brutal and feral sex that Karion had watched so often when tending to the saber stables.

In and out, again and again, those furry balls slapped against an equally furry abdomen, the paws around her waist holding her tight while that powerful jaw held her in place and made it clear who was dominating who in this instance. The cacophonous sound of feline upon feline mating filled the room and both seemed to be losing themselves to those instincts.

So much so, even Resam did not notice as Alynna silently crept back inside the room, watching the pair mating with an all too pleased grin on her face. The guise of the Quel'dorei vanished once more and the Satyr quickly stood behind them, calling out to both just as Resam found himself spilling yet another load of virile cum in his waiting sibling.

"Well well well, it seems my plans to catch you two went perfectly. Had I known it was going to be this easy to catch a pair of breeding druids I might have done so sooner!" a cruel laugh followed

Resam raised his head in a mixture of total confusion and annoyance at having his precious mating time interrupted by another only to catch site of the Satyr standing directly behind him. Lodged in the feline below he found himself unable to quickly turn to defend himself instead feeling the massive amount of natural energies that were working to capture his mind and body.

"There you go boy, why don't you just calm down a bit and focus on the lovely kittens that you're going to make for mommy Alynna hmm?" the Satyr whispered letting that hand travel down Resam's back slowly pushing that natural energy to wrap and ensnare body and mind alike.

It didn't take any longer for the Satyr to tame Resam then it had Karion, and soon the set of panting feral druids were both under the control of the beast.

"There we go, that wasn't so hard was it?" Alynna asked once again taking on her Quel'dorei guise, "Now to put you both in a box and ship you to the right location... so we can get this farm really going"

A deep sleep seemed to overcome both of the felines, and when next they woke, it was inside of a small and cramped box, iron bars separating them from the outside world. The two of them cramped in this space atop some sort of moving wagon, watching as Stormwind vanished into the distance.

~~End Chapter 2~~