Funding Support - A story from 'The Institute'.

Story by Spottycat Jones on SoFurry

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Story 1 (just in case there's some kind of plot development going on in future. I know. Perish the thought!)

Hey folks. Here's another ramble from the top of my brain. I always wanted to set some stories in an alternate universe of sorts. Hence, 'The Institute'. Basically an excuse for a group of kinky genuises to kidnap pretty young things, sex the hell out of them (all in the name of research, naturally) and then kick them back out into the real world again. I'm tempted to write a fair few stories in this series as it gives me an excuse for simple set up, distressingly perverse sex scene with random group of fetishes and then simple outro. Lets me work out whatever particular kink is in my mind at the time. It's a sure fire bet that bondage is going to feature fairly heavily though. Predicament bondage especially.

It's shallow. I know.

Ah well. Read on. Comment, Favourite, Unload your balls. You know the drill. :)

The Institute.

A highly secretive research facility releasing technologies that change the very world we live in. It's the kind of place the government can pour funding into, safe in the knowledge that it's money well spent. As such, they never think to ask what happens behind those mysterious doors. As long as the innovations keep pouring out at a regular pace, the scientists are left to their own devices.

And such devices...

"Seventy eight dollars?!"

The vixen all but shouted the figure before remembering where she was, her cheeks turning a light shade of red beneath the fur as a few patrons of the small bookshop turned to regard her with mild annoyance. She swiftly placed the hefty textbook back on the shelf and made for the exit of the store. There was no way she would be buying it today. Not in the foreseeable future either for that matter.

As she headed into the local park she sighed wearily. Raking her paw around in her pocket she felt a small collection of coins, an empty candy wrapper and more lint than was strictly healthy. Growling a little to herself she began to extract the coins from the rest of the garbage.

The smattering of change added up to about three dollars in total. She could probably afford a cold drink to quench her thirst but there was no way in hell she would be able to buy even one of her textbooks for the coming semester. She could barely cover the meagre cost of her weekly shopping. Ramen, cereal, milk and instant coffee. She smirked ever so slightly to herself. It was about as far from a glamorous showbiz lifestyle as you could comfortably get.

The slender fox weaved her way through the late afternoon crowd in the direction of a concession stand and scanned over the menu. It had been a pretty hot summer and it was showing no signs of cooling off any time soon. She could probably justify some lemonade as a weekly treat.

She flashed a smile at the raccoon manning the booth and ordered a small lemonade. The vendor stared impassively back at her for a few seconds before turning his back and preparing the drink without so much as a word. The vixen huffed a little under her breath. The raccoon had just officially forfeited his right to a tip!

A brief wait and the raccoon turned back towards her, a small lidded cup held in one of his large paws. Again not saying a word, he pointed to the menu at the approximate location of the price as he placed the drink slowly on the counter. The vixen tilted her head a little quizzically before handing over the appropriate coins. The raccoon made no move to even count the coins, simply reaching below the counter and, from the sounds of it, dropping them straight onto the floor. No smile. No acknowledgement. Nothing.

"Anyone ever tell you you're a great conversationalist?" the fox snapped before picking up the beverage and stalking off. She therefore missed the mysterious raccoon shrugging slightly before pulling down the shutter of the stall, the words "Sorry, closed!" rolling into view.

The encounter at the refreshment stall had put the vixen in a bit of a huff. There was no need for the miserable raccoon to be so pissed on a day like this, surely? The weather was about as close to perfection as you could get. She sighed to herself and placed the straw into her muzzle.


She blinked a little and wrinkled her nose, the vixen trying to extract some liquid from the straw for all she was worth. There was certainly liquid in the cup but it wasn't coming up the straw! Another sigh and she rolled her eyes. This day was becoming just great!

Removing the straw from her tongue she angled the drink downwards slightly, peering down the offending cylinder to see if she could see any blockage.

There was a sudden hiss and a puff of pink gas exploded out from the tip of the straw, engulfing the vixen's face in a sweet smelling fog. She gasped and coughed, stumbling back slightly in alarm and dropping the cardboard container. The fog dissipated almost as soon as it appeared, leaving the fox blinking and coughing slightly. Had it even happened? Was the day so hot that she'd started to see things?

Slightly alarmed, she turned back towards the concession stand. At least, she tried to. What actually happened was her legs gave way beneath her and she slumped to the ground in a dead faint. The last thing she saw was a slowly gathering crowd of concerned onlookers. A distorted voice seemed to ask "Aaaaaareeeee youuuuuuuu oooookaaaaaaaaaaaay?" before darkness enveloped her senses.

Nobody found it odd that the ambulance arrived so quickly. After all, the hefty paramedic raccoon was very quick and professional in examining the helpless fox, getting her into the back of his vehicle and tearing off in the direction of the nearest hospital.

What a few onlookers did find a little odd is when the real ambulance arrived about five minutes later.


She awoke slowly, a harsh clinical light pricking against her closed eyelids. She groaned a little and started to raise her paw to shield herself from it. Her wrist moved perhaps a centimetre or two before encountering resistance. A strong band of fabric, almost like a car seatbelt, was holding her wrist down against the solid surface it rested against. The other wrist encountered a sickeningly similar resistance, the fox snapping wide awake as a churning fear formed in her gut.

Opening her eyes as much as she could, she quickly took stock of her surroundings. She seemed to be sat in a large metal chair in the middle of a stark room, decorated white and utterly unremarkable save for the outline of a door in one corner. She was restrained. Oh God was she ever restrained. Belts similar to the ones holding her wrists down were also wrapped around her ankles, her thighs, upper arms, torso... the vixen was practically immobile... and naked?!

Sure enough, the fox was secured tightly to the complicated looking chair and utterly nude. Her legs were bound fairly wide apart and the fox turned a deep shade of crimson as she realised her nether regions were on show with her powerless to cover up. Her breasts were similarly exposed. The fox had always been fairly proud of those particular assets but she would have given anything for a bulky woolly jumper at that moment.

She was unsure of what to do next. She figured that shouting for help would be a pretty dumb idea. Anybody organised enough to do this to her would hardly have left her in a room where people could hear her. Anyone who did hear her would quite likely be the sort of person she didn't want to notice her.

Her train of thought was interrupted suddenly as the door in the corner opened and a rather studious looking otter walked briskly through, dressed in a long flowing lab coat. Her embarrassment and fear increased tenfold, the vixen starting to struggle desperately. If she could only get a paw free...

"Oh stop it." The scientist gave her a smile and then wandered across the room towards the opposite wall. The fox continued her struggling but to no avail. The bonds were too tight and well placed to allow her any sort of freedom. All she could do was watch as the scientist opened up a panel in the wall to reveal a few illuminated controls. He began to tap idly away at them as he spoke.

"It will all be over soon and I dare say you might even enjoy yourself. The restraints are just a... uh, well, call them an insurance policy. Too much movement could be... complicated." He turned and gave an almost apologetic smile.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you doing this?" The vixen yelled, the fear very apparent in her voice. "Let me go! I'm warning you..."

"No no no, there's no time for a conversation." The mysterious individual uttered, reaching in towards the console and tinkering with a few buttons before seeming to resume his preparation works.

The vixen tried to continue her protests and then uttered a silent gasp as no sounds came from her muzzle! She raised her voice but nothing happened at all. She was completely mute! She looked over towards the scientist who seemed to anticipate the question that was stuck in her throat.

"I expect now you're wondering what's happening. You're still speaking. We haven't altered you at all, we're just playing anti-noise tied to your vocal patterns. Pretty much cancels out anything you'd care to utter." He offered another brief smile as he finished up and turned towards her. "Just as well really because I need to tinker with a few things. Wouldn't do to have you screaming in my ear now, would it?"

The vixen continued to silently protest. A lip-reader in the room would probably have had to go for a lie down were they able to make out what she was currently saying. As it was, the scientist was able to continue uninterrupted. She could only look on in trepidation as he walked slowly towards her.

"You see, here at The Institute we're fans of studying the more interesting things in life." The otter reached into the pocket of his lab coat and pulled out what seemed to be a length of fairly narrow black rubber tubing. He approached the fox and put one of his paws beneath her left breast, lifting it slightly away from her chest. The silent shouting quickly turned into silent screaming.

"We're government funded but I highly doubt they know what's going on in here. They still think we're working on Cold Fusion. Truth is we finished that a good few years ago. We're just saving it for when we need to build a new wing." The otter continued to talk, almost absent mindedly as he began to wrap the rubber tubing around the base of the vixen's breast, looping it round and round. She struggled frenziedly against the restraints and screamed silent obscenities towards him but he seemed completely unfazed by it all. He gave the air of somebody who did this every other day.

The scientist, seeming to remember that she was unable to ask questions, smiled briefly at her with no hint of malevolence as he finished with one breast and stretched the tubing across to start on the other. "You see we'd get the machine to do this but it just doesn't have the precision at the moment. Hence why I'm doing this in the first place. Stops them bouncing around as much during the procedure. Less chance of errors."

The fox did NOT like the sound of the word 'procedure'. She was also less than keen at the unwelcome attention the otter was giving to her breasts. As he finished and stepped back to admire his handiwork she looked down at her chest and uttered a mute growl. Her breasts were both bulging out from her chest, the tubing around the base of each compressing them and making them very sensitive indeed.

"Okay, I think we're about done here. The anti-noise will stop in a few moments and... it's very important you remember this. This machine you're strapped into responds to movement and sound. The more you move, the more you yell, the rougher things will be. I don't want you to worry though. Nothing that will cause any permanent damage."

He turned towards the door and sauntered casually towards it. The portal opened at his approach and, just before walking through, he turned back to her and put his finger up to his lips in a 'shush' motion. Then the door closed and he was gone, leaving the vixen alone once more in the room and a good deal more worried than when she first woke up.


She had a thousand questions right now and she would love nothing better than to scream the place to the ground. However, the otter's words were echoing around in her head and she had no wish to see what would happen to her if she disobeyed. No, better to sit here and...

Her train of thought was derailed abruptly as she heard a clicking from the panel in the wall and then a brief whirring from the chair beneath her. Looking down at it in alarm, she saw a hatch open up in the chair, just in front of her exposed labia. She desperately wanted to struggle or pull herself away. However, she could only watch as some kind of sex toy slowly extended from the darkness. It was canine and large. Slightly thicker than a particularly well endowed partner she had previously dated and aimed right at her pussy. A thick white substance began to leak from the tip of the shaft and it bumped against her exposed sex for a brief second before gently slurping inside.

A moan escaped her lips, informing her that the anti-noise had indeed been shut off. The thick shaft slowly crawled forward into her pussy and continued to ooze the gooey mixture inside her, lubricating its way until the tip felt like it was in her womb. Jesus it was big! The vixen screwed her eyes closed and gritted her teeth at the heavy length stretching the walls of her vagina. Had it been attached to some large muscular fox she would be riding it with wild abandon right now. In this situation? She just wanted to get out of the chair, tear the tubing from her now slightly throbbing breasts and get the hell out of there.

The machine rather thoughtfully gave her a minute or so to adjust to the large cock inside her body, though it kept on leaking generous amounts of the creamy lubricant. A small pool of the white fluid began to collect beneath her as it dribbled past the toy and out of her sex. Then, just as the vixen had become accustomed to the girth within her it started to fuck her. It was sudden and she was completely unprepared for it, the faux knot of the well proportioned shaft slapping wetly against her stretched cunt with each vigorous inward thrust. Her eyes widened and she gave a shaky gasp, her pussy contracting around the toy as it drove in and out of her generously lubricated depths. Her blush returned in full force and she clenched her fists tightly, willing the toy out of her but unable to deny the persistent grinding against her g-spot.

She managed to stay silent for exactly 7 minutes. Given the relentless plowing of the dildo, her bound breasts bouncing softly against her chest with each forceful thrust, it was amazing that she had held out so long. A long undulating moan started from her lips, the volume rising and falling with each slam of that hefty knot against her gooey sex. The lube had been pumping the whole time and it felt almost like she had wet herself, such was the state of her fur down there.

Unseen to the tormented female, a light blinked on the wall panel. The machine had registered her moans and it was about to take appropriate action.

The knot on the tireless dildo hissed and seemed to deflate somewhat, much to the confusion of the tightly bound fox. She looked down between her legs just in time to see the full length of the glistening toy drive into her cunt, the spurting tip of the dildo brushing against her cervix as it hilted her with a lewd squelch. Then she heard the hissing again. The knot quickly swelled up inside her cunt and she very nearly screamed. If she thought the toy was thick before then it was nothing compared to this. Looking down she could actually see the bulge of the monster showing through her crotch! Even if she weren't bound to the chair, she highly doubted it would come out again without deflating first.

Then it began to vibrate.

Only softly. It would be barely noticeable were the mass within her not so large. However, as it was she could almost feel it shaking her pussy around and jolting crazily against her inner walls. She could keep her silence no longer. She started to jerk around in her bonds and wailed at the sensations emanating from her tightly packed pussy. Whether she had forgotten the scientist's words or was merely too far gone was not apparent. Her actions had not, however, gone unnoticed.

The hissing sound filled the air again, the mass in her stretched tunnel seeming to shrink just a touch before rather rapidly exiting her well worn hole. A small river of fake cum drooled out as the head exited her stretched entrance, adding to the impressive pool that had already formed beneath her. The fox looked as if a stallion had shot his load against her twitching cunt. Perhaps even two of them given the sheer amount of the slick fluid.

She gasped and jerked as the toy left her empty; the poor vixen had been nicely on her way to a climax before it was so rudely interrupted. However, she didn't get a chance to contemplate this for long. The toy retracted back into its hatch which smoothly closed behind it. However, there were other hatches...

One such hatch in the ceiling opened up and two mechanical arms began to descend towards her with a light whirring noise. She regarded them first with curiosity and then, when she realised their intentions, with a slowly dawning fear. Each arm had a small fan on it, though the blades looked to be made of foam instead of plastic or metal. They stopped about level with her breasts and then each of the units spun up before slowly advancing on her protruding breasts.

She shook her head and tried to wriggle free of the bonds. Her tits were already rather tender from being tied for the last ten minutes or so. Given their current state, this would be too much to bear. Despite the previous warnings, she started to wail once again.

Her voice rose an octave as the foam blades found their targets, a dull droning noise filling the air as her nipples, unfortunately erect from her previous treatment, suffered a deluge of light impacts. She quickly bit her lip and stifled her screams to a muffled yowl. The feeling was intense! Each individual slap of foam against her nipples was maddening, the firm nubs standing proudly despite the abuse. Thankfully it seemed that the machine was programmed to ignore environmental noises as it appeared content to remain at this level of punishment. Just as well given the dull ache that was quickly forming at the tip of each bulging breast.

The restrained fox bore it as long as she could. She really did. Her cheeks glowed a dark red beneath her fur as she withstood this particular twisted perversion, her nipples almost starting to burn from the friction of the devilish foam blades. Eventually, forgetting the rules of the game, she started to jerk her body from side to side, trying desperately to pull her tender breasts away from the relentless ministrations of the device. Anything for just a moment's respite!

A sudden whirring noise and relief! The fox could scarcely believe her luck as the mechanical arms holding the fans retracted away from her breasts, leaving her nipples glowing a dull red and throbbing from the relentless stimulation. The arms retracted fully into the ceiling and for one fleeting moment the fox thought that it was all over.


A sudden pressure against her underside made her jump. Something had just bumped against her tailhole and squirted what felt like some sort of gel. She looked confused for a second and then, eyes widening, she resumed her struggling. Maybe she could somehow get away before...

The intruder raised out of the chair again, the lube it had splattered her with allowing a swift entry into her exposed pucker. It was only the width of a finger or so but it was certainly longer, the fox crying out as it effortlessly slipped past her defences to rest 8 or 9 inches inside her. The poor vixen had never been taken in the rear before. Hell, she'd never so much as put a finger back there. Now she was sat restrained in a chair, her nipples still throbbing from their previous rough treatment and with some foreign object seated deeply in her rectum. However, that was only the first part of what was to come. After all, she had been struggling and the machine was incapable of feeling anything coming close to sympathy.

The hiss of a compressor stopped the fox dead, her paws clenching as the slim dildo in her rear began to grow! Slowly it increased in width, stretching her anal ring around the material and starting to fill her insides. Her eyes widened and she resumed her wriggling, unable to stop herself from thrashing in the restraints as the weird feeling in her rear rapidly turned into discomfort. Try as she might the fox was securely fixed into place, thoroughly unable to escape the steadily growing dong in her rear.

Just as the width of the toy threatened to turn discomfort into actual pain the hissing stopped. The fox gritted her teeth and whimpered, her tailhole trying desperately to close but denied by the mass of the now reasonably thick toy. She moaned and tried to pull herself off the intruder, the vixen beyond rational thought at this point as she fought against the thick fabric restraint around her midriff.

The machine tolerated her struggling for a few seconds and then moved to penalise her. She looked down at the chair in surprise as a familiar hatch opened between her legs. However this time she wasn't greeted by the canine dildo. Oh no. The inky darkness quickly gave way to a single metal arm, the end of which bore a single vertical fan with foam blades and... oh God! A single fan in that position was definitely bad news.

Sure enough the fan whirred to life, albeit less energetically than the previous ones, and began to move towards her exposed clitoris agonisingly slowly. In a way that was worse, as the vixen had what felt like an eternity to anticipate just how those wicked foam blades would feel against her defenceless pussy. One inch away... half an inch... impact!

She threw her head back and screamed, the slow but steady blades starting to beat against her hooded clitoris and making her entire body tense. She knew that screaming was a bad idea. She knew that struggling was a really bad idea.

She screamed.

She struggled.

The vixen thrashed as far as her bonds would allow, throwing her head from side to side and desperately trying to close her legs or pull back; anything to get away from the rhythmic beating against her tender clitty. It wasn't exactly what she would call painful but the intensity was thoroughly wild, the tiny nub of flesh actually starting to stand erect under the onslaught!

The logic banks in the machine flickered to life once more. Struggling and noise both registering somewhere in those malevolent electronic depths as it ramped up the assault on the trapped fox. The sound of a hissing compressor filled the air again as the toy lodged in the vixen's rear began to swell once more, the growth more rapid this time. She yowled and jerked in her bonds with a renewed energy, the dong growing until nearly the thickness of her wrist and filling her bowels most obscenely. The faux cock was now putting some serious pressure on the thin wall between her ass and pussy as well as stretching her clenching tailhole so much she feared it may never close up again!

The hiss of the compressor ended once more, leaving only sound of wet fan blades slapping against her tormented clitty and assorted yowls and whimpers from the imprisoned female. There was a pause; just long enough for the squirming fox to realise that her exposed pussy was steadily dripping a clear, sticky fluid onto the seat below, and it wasn't the deposits of the previous violation. She could scarcely believe it but the combination of the situation, the restraints, the torments... hell, it was turning her on!

Suddenly the fat dildo in her rear sprang to life, the machine withdrawing the hefty length slowly from her bowels until only the tip seemed to be inside her. She managed to catch herself before letting out a moan of pleasure, the lightly textured surface of the toy massaging her tight passage most deliciously. Then, just as it threatened to exit her completely it changed direction and pace, plunging deeply back into her aching hole and eliciting a choked gasp from her by-now ragged throat.

Finally, as if to show the poor vixen exactly who was boss, the machine seemed to go into overdrive. The restraints around the vixen tightened further with a soft 'fwip', stealing what little movement she had. The dildo in her rear began to thrust rapidly, the compressor alternatively swelling and shrinking the toy so as to keep the vixen on edge. Then, the ceiling opened up and the two fan arms swiftly appeared and began to spin up for round two.

"No, no no no no NOOOO!" She yelled as the onslaught to her nipples commenced once more, mirroring the assault on her painfully tender clitoris. She screamed and writhed, her nerves rapidly overloading as the stimulation rained down upon her. Despite all the discomfort, despite the aching all over her body, despite the torments visited upon her... she was going to climax?!

Sure enough, the vixen threw her head back and let out a strangled cry. Her leaky pussy began to contract and spasm, the large dildo in her tailhole swelling back to its previous magnificent proportions and grinding harshly within her bowels. Everything seemed to come together in one glorious, wonderful crescendo and she stopped caring about the consequences. She cried out and convulsed as much as the tight bonds would allow, her tender parts all competing for who could provide the most pleasure. Even the massively swollen dong in her rear felt heavenly as it pistoned in and out of her twitching hole. How had she never tried anything back there before?

Her climax must have lasted for 30 seconds, perhaps longer, but she was now spent. The dizzying pleasure coursing through her body was turning to discomfort and yet the fans were showing no signs of letting up, still droning away at her abused nipples and clitty. She tried to form words but she couldn't find the strength. The room began to spin and she felt consciousness begin to leave her for the second time that day. Bound as she was, all she could do was slip into the murky blackness once more with a faint moan.

The machine detected the occupant of the chair becoming inactive, swiftly entering a fail-safe mode and removing the wicked fans from both breasts and clitoris. The dildo in her rear began to retract, making a wonderfully lewd slurping noise followed by a muffled pop as it exited the vixen's gaping hole. There was barely a twitch from the unconscious vixen in response. At the moment, all her body needed was to recuperate. As such she didn't notice the door to the room open and two familiar well built raccoons wander slowly in, the words "Cleanup Crew" stencilled neatly on their overalls.

"Right Frank, you get her cleaned up and I'll do the chair." One of them uttered, the other nodding mutely as he pressed down on a release pedal to the rear of the chair. "Least this one didn't wet herself." he muttered to nobody in particular.


"You can't sleep here ma'am."

The vixen winced and held her paws up to her eyes to shield them from the glaring light. Disorientation swamped her senses and she managed to mutter a soft "Wha?". The beam persisted for a few seconds before moving away from her face. Then the voice repeated "You can't sleep here. Don'cha got a home to go to?"

Slowly her eyes adjusted to the twilight. She could make out a blurry figure stood over her. Some kind of bulky form swam into focus and she narrowed her eyes a touch... a raccoon? He was dressed in a police uniform and brandishing a flash light, a bored look on his face as he idly chewed on a wad of gum. With a start she sat up and frantically looked around to get some idea of where she was.

The park was deserted save for her and the police officer, the murky tones of twilight hanging over the scene and a slight chill present in the air. The park bench beneath her creaked a little as she shakily got to her feet and held a paw to her head, trying desperately to remember how she had got there. She certainly remembered walking into the park but the rest was... she groaned. The rest was just hazy.

"Come on ma'am" the raccoon drawled, indicating the route to the park exit with his flash light. "This ain't no time for being in the park. Anything coulda happened to you."

She nodded, still a little dazed and confused as she mumbled her agreement and shakily set off towards her apartment. She couldn't explain it but she was aching in the most curious... no, the most INTIMATE places. She definitely needed to soak in a hot bath for an hour or two.

Reaching the exit of the park, she stopped briefly to stretch out a few of the kinks in her muscles. In doing so her arm brushed over the rear pocket of her jeans and bumped into a strange bulge. She paused, a frown creasing her brow for a second. She never tended to use her back pockets; far too tempting for thieves and perverts. She reached back to investigate the unfamiliar object. She had a little trouble extracting it from her pocket but eventually she managed to wiggle it free. Looking down at the item, her eyes widened.

Money. A sizeable wad of money.

Her heart ramped up the tempo as she performed a very hasty estimate of the value. She could scarcely believe her eyes but the amount was probably close to $5,000!

She fought a pathetically brief moral battle inside her head as she carefully placed the bills back in her jeans and set off for her flat, perhaps at a brisker pace than before. Seeing that amount of cash had the effect of sobering her up somewhat. She couldn't explain how she had come by the money but, knowing full well how crazy it would sound if she handed it in to the police, she now knew one thing for certain...

Affording textbooks was definitely yesterday's worry.