COM: Ada's Kiss (Inflation/Popping)

Story by AliceOfMalice58 on SoFurry

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a commission

It was a nice Saturday afternoon at the park for everyone that was there. From an old couple sitting on a bench feeding the birds to a group of children playing at the playground. The sun was high in the sky and there wasn't a single cloud in sight. As well, the temperature around this time of year was perfect as it was neither hot nor cold and there was a gentle breeze that felt good. The park was, however, for the most part empty, as not many people were there. But there was one person there who stood out from the rest. An anthro anteater, she wore a red top and daisy dukes and walked with a sort of strut. She had long yellow hair and a pair of glasses that rested on her tubular snout. Her name was Ada, and she was the mischievous sort of girl. One who liked to pull a prank on an unsuspecting victim for her own enjoyment. She had a variety of pranks in her arsenal, but today she was looking for someone to pull a special one on.

She was hoping for it to be a bang, but the lack of people disappointed Ada. At this rate, she may have been better off going to the mall, even though she would probably get banned for her prank... again. She was on a paved path towards an exit when she finally saw a suitable-looking victim. The victim in mind appeared to be an American Goldfinch. He had bright yellow feathers and wore a pair of aviator goggles on his head. As well he had a light blue scarf around his neck even when the weather wasn't that cold. He had a sort of cocky look to him but didn't look extremely arrogant, from what Ada could tell. He was walking towards her as they both walked on opposite sides of the paved path. However, as they drew closer, Ada grinned as she was about to hatch her plan into fruition. Right when they were about to pass by each other, Ada stepped in front of the Goldfinch and stopped him.

The Goldfinch had a confused look on his face as he spoke up.

"Is there something I can help you with?" He asked.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could get your name?" Ada replied with a question of her own.

"My name? Well, uh, you can call me Gold," Gold answered, wondering where this was going exactly. Though she seemed strange Gold couldn't deny that the anteater looked cute especially with the clothes she wore but the bird could detect she had some sort of mysterious or mischievous aura to her. Still, he wasn't one to be rude to strangers.

"Thank you very much, Gold dear," Ada thanked the bird before she made her move.

Wrapping her arms around Gold's head to pull the bird in and hold onto his cheeks. She gave the bird a kiss right on the beak with her snout! Immediately, the Goldfinch began to blush profusely at the spontaneous display of affection from this stranger. He was about to try and pull away, but the anteater began to huff and puff air into the bird. Quickly, Gold felt strange as his body started to inflate in size from the added air. The bird was bloating into a sphere with his talons puffed full of air from Ada. He was unable to break free in such a puffy state as his face began to stretch across the smooth, round surface of his body. He was increasing in size at a steady pace that he was now bigger in size than the anteater that was inflating him more and more. Because of the increased size, Gold's goggles that had been resting on top of his head were starting to stretch more and more. Soon enough the strap of the goggles reached its limit as there was a loud snap and they flew off. The same went for Gold's light blue scarf as it remained wrapped around his head at first, Gold was too big and the scarf soon came unraveled and fell to the ground off to the side. Ada continued, and Gold continued to grow in size with every puff of the anteater.

The goldfinch was soon the size of a house as his bloated body took up a large area around him and Ada. At such a large size, Gold's body was starting to strain somewhat. His yellow opaque body was starting to change as the bird was now somewhat seen through. It was very hard to see through the bird, but it was possible. As well, Gold's eyes were starting to bulge out and balloon. Even if he had wanted her to, Gold had come to the realization that at such an inflated state he would probably float away into the sky if he lost any connection tethering him to the earth. Not deterred one bit, Ada continued except she went slower now with her intimate process of inflating the bird. She was struggling somewhat, as it was getting increasingly difficult to inflate the bird with his massive size. Yet she continued as she was determined to inflate the bird as big as she possibly could.

It would be a bad prank to bail out halfway through, and that was not Ada's style. So with every puff of air entering the bird, Gold got thinner and lost more and more of his color. As it continued on more and more, Gold was constantly creaking and vibrating from how thin he was getting. The bird was now at the point where he was as thin as a bubble, a yellow-tinted bubble with bulging eyes, and a very hard-to-see face stretched across the surface. It was clear that there was a limit for Gold and it seemed that he was soon approaching the limit. Ada however, wasn't deterred, as she still wasn't done with her mischief. Another minute of inflating the bird and Gold was now violently shaking from the immense pressure. He was a thin veil devoid of any color with how much he had been stretched by the neverending inflation from the anteater.

The bird was so massive yet so hard to see except for anyone that got very close to him. At this point, it took an unbelievable amount of pressure to just get the tiniest bit of air into the big bubble of a bird. Puffing her cheeks up to such a level that both of her cheeks were bigger than her head, Ada puffed one last breath of extra air into the bird. Gold became practically invisible and even though she was holding onto him, Ada could hardly see the bird, the only thing that seemed to be easily visible was Gold's beak. Not only that but an ominous rumble was emitting from the bird. Then in an instant, there was a loud explosion as the bird had finally popped. Gold had been inflated to such a state down to his very cellular and atomic structure, his body couldn't have taken any more air and had detonated. One thing to note was the fact that Ada had never shared her name meaning the bird popped With the gargantuan inflated bird's detonation, Ada stood there on the park walkway wide-eyed. Her hair was all frizzled as she held onto the only thing that seemed to remain of the goldfinch.

In Ada's hands was the orange beak of the bird. She began to giggle after a moment of another mischievous prank completed as from the sky, yellow and black covered feathers began to scatter all over the park and the surrounding town like rainfall. It blanketed the ground as numerous citizens could only stand there in confusion and look up at the sky and wonder what could have possibly happened. Ada meanwhile walked off in a smug fashion already thinking of pranks to try out on another unsuspecting victim. She decided she'd keep the beak as a keepsake of this amazing prank but also found the scarf Gold had been wearing before and picked it up. Though after this one, it would be hard to top it with how cute that bird had looked so round and inflated. Brushing the feathers that had landed on her and her red top, Ada thought the falling feathers had been the cherry on top for her. Regardless she'd need to get to the drawing board for a prank as good as this one. And so with the beak in one hand and a light blue scarf in the other, Ada returned home.

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