Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 15

Story by Candysnake on SoFurry

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#11 of Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse

Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse


"This is a portal?" Spyro asked, curiously padding around the crystalline frame.

"A portal gate, and it will be," Volteer replied, his tongue sticking out a bit as he focused on writing some equations. "Supposing this orbital vector quotient is consistent with current etheric fluidics modeling...hm."

"What's it do?"

Terrador hefted an unusually heavy crystal block into place and sealed it in with his Earth breath. "It opens an etheric passage between two static points in space. Portal gates cannot move or they lose connection. Building them on solid ground is preferable."

"Does it activate on its own or...is it always open...or...?"

"We don't know yet. There are multiple sigil keystone slots to install yet, which will tune the destinations. If this works...you should be able to travel to Warfang far faster than before."

Arching a brow, the purple dragon's curiosity turned to caution. "Why Warfang, specifically?"

Cyril turned from the letter he was reading. "We've multiple reports of unusual activity and creature sightings. One matches what Cynder eradicated. Speaking of which, I do have the results for her if she is still curious."

"It's been a while...but yeah, she's still concerned about it."

"Spyro, to me please," Terrador grunted, laying out seven different stone and crystal types along with a scroll. The purple dragon padded over, trying to ignore the sudden urge for a curious glance at the older male's low-hanging fruits. "You need to memorize these stone types so you can craft them yourself."

"Egh...what, another mission somewhere to install portals?" he groaned. The look Terrador gave him was...not the usual disapproval. It was a stern look laced with worry.

"Under other circumstances, perhaps. And we would like you to make portal gates for us at some point...if your new duties allow time for it." With a heavy sigh, he looked over the scroll again. "No, Spyro, this is personal for you. This is in case you need to take your mate and children to hide. You will need a means of crossing long distances quickly."

Spyro gulped nervously, reality settling in again. The possibility of war made his gut churn. And this time...he was liable to be the cause. He and Cynder both. "War...isn't gonna happen, is it?"

"I hate to say these words, Spyro...but I truly do not know. But, as you know from me, it is better to be forearmed and not need, than to need and not have. Besides, such knowledge can be used personally for recreation too, if you find some spots you'd like to take Cynder and your family to on vacations perhaps."

That was a better note to dwell on, at least.

The portal gate construction process was actually fairly straightforward in concept, it was just an arch, and could theoretically use any material, but Terrador had given him seven stone and crystal types that could be easily manifested or altered with Earth powers. The real problem was the elemental-magic core inset within each piece of the frame. The material acted as an insulator to protect the delicate, fragile weaves that governed the gate's operation and connections, and each node was set deep within the center of the blocks. What Volteer and the others were working on right now was the hardest part. Dialing the gates used specific sigils, crystals that bent magic into shapes, and each of these shapes would interact differently with each other, so it became a puzzle of addition and subtraction to try to cause the gate to connect to a specific point. Matching sigil patterns could be used to connect gates directly, but gates could also be used to tunnel through spacetime to quickly place a passenger in a general area without a gate. It was very confusing. Luckily, sigils also worked just as basic runes in a pinch, so carving the sigil shapes into the frame blocks or materials could work just as well, as long as they were carved near an internal node. Even an ice crystal in the right shape could work. One-time use portals were also possible for emergency getaways, and with the right sigils and materials it was also possible to...mostly lock a portal against intrusion by anyone not possessing a key mated to the gateway materials. He'd have to brush up on that after they ironed it all out.

A flash of sparks and a loud windy howl made him jump and whip around, Volteer prancing around eagerly. The gate had a wavy field inside showing a stone room on the other side. "It works! Finally!" Cyril yipped, then caught himself and coughed into his paw. "Yes, quite lovely indeed. Hard work and perseverance pay off in the end. All thanks to my brilliant insight, of course."

"Cease the pompous self-aggrandizing! We must explore it!" With that the electric elder practically threw himself into the field. Cyril sighed and shook his head.

"I suppose I shall have to remain behind to monitor and repair in event of failure..."

"I shall as well." Terrador motioned with his wing to Spyro. "Follow Volteer."


"Yes. Get a feel for the travel and destination. There is no portal gate there, so if it destabilizes, Volteer may need your help tuning the gate materials as he constructs a destination gate. He'll do the programming."

Spyro's pulse was racing with excitement as he approached the glimmering field. It was almost like looking at a waterfall inside the gate arch, but instead of water it was a cut-out of reality showing the other side, albeit a little blurry. When he walked through, he yipped in surprise at the gentle yet insistent yank on his body pulling him fully inside, and a powerful rush of air blasted all around him, unfurling his wings on instinct. All around him it looked like flowing water distorting colors and lights, all blending together into the destination ahead. Warm sunny air met his face and he glided through real air to land on cool stone, the sounds of construction and stone masonry echoing around him. "Careful!" an older girl shouted as some workers carefully hefted a stone brick into place nearby. "Supports are slipping, hold up!"

"Spyro!" Volteer yelped, practically dancing in place. "This is unprecedented delightful news! How was your flight?? Smooth? Windy? Turbulent??"

"It was fine, I didn't notice any problems I guess?"

"It's operating beautifully! Oh Ancestors, we must set to work establishing a connection gate immediately!"

"Hold up, what're you two doing here?" a Mole demanded, marching over carrying a load of blueprint scrolls. "This is a construction area!"

"Exactly! We've successfully constructed and tested interlocational cross-etheric field transportation devices!"

Spyro rolled his eyes at the blank stare. "We just built a portal and landed here from it."

The squat digger nearly dropped his scrolls. "Impossible!"

"Possible indeed! We must communicate with the lead architect and establish a secure framework for interdimensional travel arches!" Without even waiting for a response the giddy lightning dragon was off.

"You serious?"

"Yeah, we just landed here from it..." Spyro squinted behind himself but saw nothing. "But...yeah, looks like it destabilized."

"If you're here to help we could really use some."

"Lemme go see what Volteer needs, but yeah, the Matrons asked me to help a bit if I could so I need to see what's up here."

"The sooner we get this done, the better, winter's lookin' to set in hard and fast already."

Following the excitable Guardian, Spyro looked around at the ruins and restoration. It looked like this had once been a huge, grand enclosed city with high walls, a smaller version of Warfang, with a central rise and internal storage chambers behind the houses adorning the rise to the small Temple at the precipice. Most of it, however, had been completely leveled. Instead of a central steep rise of a hollowed mound supporting living quarters, they were building up a sort of ring-shaped apartment complex that encircled a central temple. Recycled materials were laid out for organization and reclamation, if possible, including the glowing stone frames for elemental sigils in the walls. Two round doors were laid out in the street with some of the younger architect girls gathered around them taking measurements and debating mechanisms. Volteer was already talking with the project leads. "Punctual arrival!" he chirped as Spyro arrived. "We may require your assistance in purifying materials for a transport aperture!"

"Alright. Let's get it over with then. Don't wanna be away from Cynder for too long."

Getting the blocks for an arch was easier than expected, given they already had an abundance of material from the temple wreckage. All Spyro had to do was help shape them while Volteer set to work lacing them with the magic nodes. With that out of the way, he left them to their work to decide where the arch needed to be situated, stepping aside with one of the project leaders to see about where he might be able to apply his powers to expedite the reconstruction. Soon enough he was down by the foundations, studying the place and feeling it out. He sure did use a lot of his Earth powers lately. "Anything you need us to do to make it easier?" one of the architects asked.

"Just line up the blocks you want to use near where you want to use them. I'll need guidance, I'm no architect."

With a sweep of green-glowing Earth breath, verdant power covered the bricks and levitated them, much to everyone's amazement as tens, then hundreds of various stone cuts lifted into the air. Several of the ice girls started using their breath power to mark specific bricks and blocks, then their desired positions, Spyro moving everything into place slowly and carefully. Even with the slow pace he kept to prevent damages, being able to move multiple stones at once and even layer them together into walls one row at a time in quick succession, without needing all the heavy-duty equipment, was a massive help. Here and there he also used his ice powers to create ramps for more blocks, or arch braces to lay bricks onto to form apertures. Halls soon formed around icy pillars and columns braced with sweeping arches. Several weeks' worth of stone hauling and placement raced by in an hour. In a slow march around the city, he was raising it from the ground up, periodically gathering more blocks with his earth breath. Soon enough he was asked to pause so they could gauge where to continue from there, but he did have some other tasks that could use an elemental touch - large communal swimming and bathing pools, fountains, and sealing them as well as securing the sealant in the water filtration chambers below. A task that normally took months to let construction and sealant settle before testing. Spyro had the pools and water storage chambers and filtration lines hollowed out and sealed within several hours, under the careful watch of the architects. Finally, Volteer summoned him back for the portals.

"Thank you, Spyro, sir," one of the girls yipped with an excited nod to him. "You've saved us easily six months of work!"

"Normally I wouldn't, but it's for the safety of the eggs."

"Yes! And...thanks...for that as well." She blushed and wiggled shyly, suddenly avoiding eye contact. "I can't wait to see how many I have from you..."

"Oh...uh...y-you're...welcome?" he stuttered, blushing and rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Spyro!" came Volteer's voice again.

"Be right there, just finishing up!" he called back. "I uh...didn't catch your name in all this, I'm sorry."

"Geliss," she replied with a little nod. "Jeela's sister, she told me she hosted you and Flame for a night. By the way, she's probably at the Temple by now."

"Ah...i see..." Dipping his head to her to end the conversation, he jogged up to meet the electric guardian.

"Marvelous application of gaia etherics, expedient construction...impressive, young one." Clearing his throat, he continued, motioning to the empty frame. "Activation of a translocational field aperture-"

"A portal gate."

"...Yes. Activation requires application of elemental expenditure to which the engraved iconography is recipient."

"So...breathe sharply on the runes." A bright gout of flame erupted from his mouth and swept across the whole frame. That same sparking and howling noise tore the air, then faded into an almost chime-like twinkling sound as the field stabilized. Everyone around them started whispering in excitement. Volteer grinned wide and almost threw himself into the portal again, sweeping away through the passage. Spyro followed suit, gritting his teeth at the unusual sweep of power that pulled him in and then billowed under his wings to bear him to the end. Landing in the Temple right behind Volteer, he paced around him, half-ignoring the rapid-fire prattling spewing forth. "If I'm not needed for anything else, I'm gonna go head back to Cynder."

"Oh, you've returned!" came the Matron's voice nearby. She was just entering the dojo. "Spyro, dear, I do have...a task or question for you."

"Oh, okay then. Actually...I did have a question too," he said as he approached her.

"Alright." When they were sufficiently alone, he sighed softly, unsure of how to begin his question.

"Cynder held one of the eggs up to my...my balls..." he coughed and cleared his throat, the old Matron giggling to herself. "They're as big as our eggs now. But not so long ago she was able to...well...suck on them..."

"Yes, we've observed the size difference, but I've also noticed they've stopped gaining size. That is, alas, one of the hallmarks of a Patriarch dragon. It's not simply your testicles inside the scrotum, Spyro, you have pheromone glands there too which aren't normally expressed in other males to such a degree. While your testicle size is abnormal, it's also expected, and I do not anticipate them growing any larger from here on out. Actually, they've grown to proportionally match your penis size."

"Is that why Cynder likes them so much?"

She giggled lightly at that and shook her head. "No. It may have increased her attraction to them, I suppose, but girls with a high sex drive tend to gravitate to male parts regardless of pheromones."

"But, the size gain...it's that curse isn't it?"

"A biological effect of the gathered virility power, yes."

"That doesn't even make sense...breeding power as a quantifiable energy or power or whatever it is?"

"Yes, one of the mysteries of magic we wish to crack. Magic is...while we know many of its mechanics, we've barely scratched the surface. Same for elemental ethers, really. Both are at play in you as well. The fell magic has bolstered your body and gonads for breeding duty, and your elemental powers are what fabricate your immense ejaculatory volume." He still couldn't help blushing at the openness of the subjects with her. "I'd say you're at the end of the magic's influence, though, as the changes in your body appear to have slowed or even ceased. From here on out it's just exercise and learning to control them."

"But...how do I even start learning to control this stuff?"

"The pheromones and ejaculation volume are etherically based. Just like your breath and bodily manifestations of the elements, once you become aware of them you can start to work on them. In the heat of the moment it can be very difficult to focus, so I suggest, at least for volume training, you should masturbate yourself, as it has the least amount of overall excitement distraction and is completely at your pace. That and it would give us more of your semen for impregnating females."

"Cynder might not like missing out on that."

"I am afraid that, unless she has some method of teasing you to ejaculation in a way that does not distract you from exploring your elemental forces in the act, she will have to make do. It is best to learn to control it, even if you plan to simply offload your volume into collection jars."

"How do I control the pheromones though? I have no idea when I'm even putting them off."

"You are always doing so. My libido days are well behind me but I can still detect your output." His eyes flared and his blush darkened his face. "However, they become much stronger when you are aroused, and now that your body is mostly finished adjusting to the curse's effects, we can effectively begin a treatment regimen. There are herbs and minerals we can mix together into a medicine that will dull your body's output. Over time we can condition your body to only unleash pheromones when you are sufficiently aroused."

"Will that...keep females from going into heat when I need to breed them?"

"No. Another part of the curse we've observed is that Ember only truly went into a second heat once you penetrated her. We believe this to be part of what forces your semen to only be virile when introduced by mating. That night, every time you penetrated her again, her body went into estrus overdrive, ensuring her pregnancy. In fact...it might be possible she's had multiple ova fertilized from the multiple rapid heat cycles. And the first impregnation could very well have been from those released during her natural cycle only days before."

"Huh...how long are they...available?"

"Approximately two weeks before they die, so even if a girl has sex just after her heat dies off, it's still possible for her to get pregnant...just less likely as the ovum loses energy. Same for sperm, it's possible for a girl to have sex up to a week before her heat and still get pregnant from leftover sperm...just less likely as those die off. So realistically, the window is much wider than what the body outwardly shows. Estrus is the female body's peak time for best chances."

"But...they don't have to go into heat to get pregnant from my...cum...do they?"

"It gives the best optimal chances, so it is desirable. But no, several of the girls were far off their heat cycle and well outside their usual fertile window, yet still bear your eggs now. Just having intravaginal contact with your semen seems to force them to ovulate without an obvious estrus cycle, and the event is over before their bodies can ramp up into a proper heat. Exposure to your penis, though, would likely cause the same rapid ramp-up in heat as what Ember displayed. We would like to study this further but it would require you to directly breed the ladies under our observance. Speaking of which, there are a few more here today, if you wish to attempt."

"Oh how convenient..." he mumbled.

"Yes indeed. If you are not comfortable with the task, Flame is here of course."

"Oh I know. He seems to have taken this as a proper job."

She smirked. "He has definitely been prepared for it."

Taking his leave of her with a nod, he headed into the tunnels below the Temple, finding Flame leaving his and Ember's room. "Hey dude," Flame whispered, giving him a light shoulder punch. "Jeela got cleared for breeding. She's down there waiting, but her mate isn't with her. Want me to do the honors or...would you like to this time?"

Spyro blushed heavily and gulped with indecision. She wasn't a total stranger, but he still barely knew her. And yet, the idea of knocking her up was...much, much more enticing than it had been with Ember. Was he actually getting used to this already? "I...I guess I could at least try."

"Have fun~" he quipped with a wink. "She's real sweet, kinda shy but she gets really into it once you get going. You'll have fun."

"I guess..."

"And if you feel you can't go through with it, I'll take over, now get going!"

Spyro gulped again as he approached the lower chambers where they were hosting the breeding sessions. It smelled like the estrus of multiple females down here...or well, it didn't _actually_smell, but there were pheromones pulling at his nose and libido all the same, much as his did for them. Trying his best to distract himself and stay sheathed, he couldn't help his tip peeking out as the door rolled open, his nerves fraying. Jeela glanced up from something she was reading, nearly dropping it when she saw purple scales instead of the expected red.

"H-hi..." she whispered shyly, wiggling with anticipation. "Um...Flame...told me you could...help us get an egg. Is that true?"

Blushing more, Spyro nodded. "Something like that."

Jeela couldn't keep eye contact, looking away. "S-sorry we...made you uncomfortable when you visited. I was...not really myself."

"Heat does that I guess."

"Yes but it wasn't very proper as a host for guests." She gave him a small smile. "I still...um...I have that necklace you were looking at. Just finished it. Could I maybe...pay you with that if you can give us an egg?"

"I don't need repayment...but if you want to, I could. I would rather you sell it normally for coin to raise your egg." The smell of her estrus and her clear desire had him already hard, but he kept his wings down to hide it for now. "Is your mate okay with this though?"

Her face fell at that. "Well...not really, no, but there's nothing we can do about it apparently. He went to the Screenath Library for testing when he heard you'd gone there...and he was found to be sterile like most other guys. He's not taking it well. But...we both want to raise a family."

"...Is he fine with the child not being his by blood?"

"What choice do we have? But...I did talk him down to it. In the end, it's more important to have a family at all than to worry about whose blood the baby has...especially since more and more males are found sterile like him. He's not happy about it...but he did agree to it. At least for now, since they're working on possible cures for the sterility but we don't exactly have time to waste."


"Sorry, I'm killing the mood...but it's...it's a lot to take in all at once, you know?"

The double entendre, unintentional though it was, made him smirk and shake his head in amusement. At her confused glance he unfurled his wings enough to show off his shaft and her eyes nearly bugged out of her face. "Might want to check your wording a bit here."

"Holy- there's no way that's real!"

"It is. You can ask Ember if you want. She's...well. Already pregnant from me."

Jeela gulped, conflicted inside. That throbbing, gilded mauve member was so impossibly long, yet at the same time her body, while dreading it, was also craving it more with every passing second. And his balls just behind it were as big as eggs! The sight made her drool from both ends with need. "It's so huge..."

"There are different methods that work so far as we know. If it's too big for you...and, believe it or not, Flame's penis is actually thicker than mine...the Matrons can get you a sample of my cum and your mate can put it into you."

"He wouldn't go that far...he's not into that...oh Ancestors it's so long..." Her eyes were glued to his bits, and as awkward as he wanted to feel, the Patriarch was winning over with a fulfilling sense of pride at her astonishment.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Your pleasure is more important to me."

Starting to pant from the excitement welling up in her core, Jeela gulped nervously, then rolled over onto her back, splaying her hind legs and whining softly, covering her face with her paws in embarrassment as she bared herself to the purple hero. Spyro gave an almost predatory growl of lustful approval, a sound that sent shudders racing down her spine and a surge of lust ripping through her loins. She was already in heat, a slightly spicy scent that drew him to her nethers. Giving her a slow, testing lick, he looked up to watch her, finding her biting her lip and stifling a moan while her toes curled and uncurled from his hot tongue on her aching labia. With a grin he kept lapping at her to get her ready, nuzzling at her clitoral hood to coax her love button out of its home while he gently pried her lips apart to lap at her juices. She was very wet and hot, with an oddly different taste from Cynder or Ember. He started to wonder if elemental differences made them taste different, but that thought cut off when she arched up off the floor and shuddered on the brink of climax, whining lowly. His lips found her clit and he gave a suckling kiss, and that was enough to peak her, the water dragoness breathing a sharp plume of spray on a lewd, shaky moan, hips bucking and cold fluids leaking all over her crotch and tail. The chill of her fem-cum was a surprise considering she was warmer inside with her heat than the fire dragoness had been. She was mildly sweet too, making him lick his lips with another approving growl that made her quiver in anticipation. "F-fuck...sorry...I should've...fuuuck that felt good..." she whimpered.

"Don't worry. We're just getting started." Lapping at her netherlips again, he started tracing the tip of his tongue around her mound, purring softly to vibrate his tongue against her. She squirmed and wiggled, pressing herself to his muzzle for more. Reaching under her waist, he lifted up her hindquarters as he sat up and buried his muzzle against her vulva, teeth lightly grazing her hood while his tongue burrowed into her tight, hot passage. Her toes and legs kept squirming and clenching, shaky lewd moans of pleasure escaping her throat.

"Haaaa...has...has anyone...mmmph...gotten that whole thing inside?"

"Cynder does. All the time. But no one else." Kissing her pussy, he patted her rump and let her down, leaving her panting lightly. "Did the Matrons explain how this stuff works?"

"Uh...y-yeah...that the eggs will...mostly be from my bloodline." Her eyes were still rooted on his penis, that gorgeous tool lightly smacking his belly with his pulse. "C-can I...suck on you?"

"Sure." He started to move around her, but she reached out with her wings and guided him to stand over her, his tip booping her chin.

"It's so long..." A drip of clear pre was growing at the slit, and she reached out with her tongue to lap it up, shivering with a rip of lust through her body. "Mmmmm..." she churred, sealing her lips around his tip and suckling gently. Her paws started stroking what she could reach, all over his barbs and ridges, reaching back to test and grope those huge balls dangling over her belly. Her heat was spiking and his scent was driving her crazy, and her increasing fervor on his bits was making him pant lightly in return. "Mmmmmmm..." she moaned around him, taking him deeper into her mouth. Soon enough she was going down on him as deep as her gag reflex allowed, sucking hard and fast, eyes rolled back in her head and a deep purr vibrating in her chest. She was thoroughly lost in her need to breed.Spyro was getting there too, huffing and groaning, his malehood pulsing and straining while he fought not to blow too quickly.

"Ooohh....uh, J-Jeela I...hhaaaaaahhh..." His paws curled against the floor, his heavy nuts pulling up to the back of his sheath. "I cum a lot so-" Those words only worsened her lust and she pulled herself onto his length as far as she could, gulping around his tip and slathering her tongue all over between his ridges and barbs she could reach, her paws reaching out to cup and heft and stroke his balls. The last shred of his focus was spent on grabbing her by the horn and pulling her back until just his tip was in her mouth, only a second before he roared out and started pumping, tail flexing behind him with each mighty surge of hot white cream gushing against her throat and tongue and filling her cheeks. Her eyes widened and she spluttered, trying to swallow it, but thankfully he'd pulled her off his shaft, letting her buck back and gasp out loudly for air, the purple dragon jetting more cum against her chin and making her flinch.

"HOLY-" she shrieked in surprise, but he just kept going, moaning over her and hosing her down with thick, sticky seed. It was perhaps the single hottest thing she'd experienced in her life up til then, the poor heat-stricken female too surprised to move, getting drenched in semen. She'd had orgies with friends and had been covered in streaks of cum before, but this was completely beyond anything she'd dreamed...and as he ebbed and started dribbling rather than spraying, she wanted- no, _needed_more. "Guh-" she started but gagged lightly on a glob of cum she hadn't yet swallowed, gulping it down and then scooping up more off her neck. Her face, neck, chest, most of her belly were covered, and some of it had pooled on her outstretched wings. Looking herself over, she stared up at him, finding him panting and a bit blissed out. "Gimme more?" she finally managed to say, one paw idly rubbing his cum against her belly scales as if it were a fertility lotion.

"Sorry...made a bit of a mess..."

"A mess? That was...that was amazing!" she squeaked, stroking his shaft as it lay on her. It felt so heavy now that it wasn't smacking his belly, but her touch reinvigorated it, making it fully stiffen after only a few strokes. "But is it all gonna fit in me?"

"Probably not. Matrons are gonna string me up for not collecting the extra but...they didn't exactly give me containers for it either." He chuckled and lowered his hips to lightly grind his sheath against her labial scales, Jeela huffing out in pleasure. "You're so hot to the touch though...feels like you're gonna burn me if I put it in you."

"Please put it in??" she begged, grinding back more firmly against him. "Please I need an egg right now!"

"Alright, but relax...if Ember was any indication, you're gonna feel things you haven't before." Not giving her a chance to question that, he backed up until his tip was rubbing between her eager netherlips, then with a press downwards and a flex of his loins he speared right up into her passage, making her squeal out, toes curling and wings flexing at the rush of pleasure that coursed through her core. Stepping back up over her, he pressed in deeper and deeper, her pleasured face turning to one of lip-biting apprehension as his tapered tip pried apart her tunnel far deeper than any tongue, toy, cock, or smooth tail ever had. About halfway into her, and he touched her cervix, making her yelp out and recoil and squirm back.

"Ow what the fuck??"

"Guess that's a no on getting into your womb directly then," he chuffed in disappointment.

"In my...what? That's impossible!"

"Nope. Cynder takes me balls-deep every time. But she's the only one so far."

"Holy fuck-" she gasped out, panting from the aftershock of the intense rip of stinging pain from that touch. It was dulling, thankfully, but now the ridges and barbs ringing his shaft were gently pressing against nerves that had never been touched before and it was numbing her estrus-addled brain. She wanted to ask things but all that came out was a slurred moan of wordless babbling while she squirmed under him, trying but failing not to hump against him. Reaching down with one foreleg, he held her to his chest firmly so she couldn't hurt her cervix on his tip again, then started to lightly, slowly thrust, getting her used to the contact in such deep spots. Her apprehension from the pain quickly melted into tongue-lolling bliss, the water dragoness huffing and panting for breath while he rocked her slowly. She could feel her heat spiking, her whole body horribly sensitive to every touch of scales, every motion of his hot breath against her neck, every jolt of pleasure from his ridges popping in and out of her tight little hungry snatch.

All her sense of time passage faded into a rocking sea of ecstasy while he continued to slowly, deeply plow her fertile body. Everything in her screamed with the excited anticipation of being with a male that could finally give her what she wanted more than anything else. Her tail coiled back and forth around his and her paws kept clawing at his hide, her claws themselves a bit too stubby to really pierce his scales, but she was barely in control of her body's pleasured writhing. All those still-virgin nerves were sending such a powerful cascade of bliss through her body, she had no restraint left when her climax came roaring up and engulfed her body and mind, leaving her a whimpering, quaking, bucking mess as Spyro kept her held firm to his belly and chest, watching her spasm and cry out in blissful need. All bets were off and the purple male started giving her rapid, shallow bucks of his hips, making her mewl and gasp every time his foreleg clenched with a thrust and brought her hips slapping up against his scales, until he growled out and then roared to the room's ceiling, that massive length kissing her cervix again just in time to drown the flash of contact pain with a blinding hot deluge of life-giving cream forcibly spraying against her innermost barrier. Jeela wailed out as a second orgasm crashed into her like a meteor and his tip sank into her womb, seed gushing out of her canal's tight grip on his shaft while the rest of his load got pumped straight into her fertile chamber.

It hurt, it stung, it ached, nothing had ever breached her womb before...and yet, in spite of the pain, the intensity of his volume, the force of his cum splashing against her inner walls, the sheer heat...it sent pleasure like nothing ever had before and she nearly blacked out. She was nowhere near as experienced as Ember, and it was definitely showing. By the time his tail stopped jerking and his balls dropped from the back of his sheath again, she was a whining mess of gasping for breath, lost on a rolling sea of afterglow threatening to slip into unconsciousness.

Spyro gently lowered her to the floor, and started to carefully clean her with his water trick while she laid there trying to catch her breath. Finally, she squirmed and gave a long, low moan as she wiggled herself on his cock. His tapered tip was still lodged firmly in that tight ring of muscle, sealing his heavy load in her belly, and she felt heavier there all of a sudden. It was a pleasant warm fullness that shifted and swayed slightly with every breath, every motion. Finally getting her eyes to focus, she smiled open-mouthed at him, her tongue still hanging out a bit. "Whoooowwww..." she slurred.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Am I everrrr..." she gurgled, giving a nearly drunken giggle. "Wow...just...wow...and you're still inside me..."

"Yeah. Guess I got into your womb after all. You're not hurt or anything are you?"

"Iunno...jus' feels so good all over right now..." Churring, she felt at her belly, feeling a slight pudge that hadn't been there before. "Issat...all cum?"


"There's so much..." she whispered in fascination, pressing at herself. "Can you...put more of your penis into me?"

"You sure? I don't wanna hurt you."

"I wanna try..."

Holding her steady again, he gently pushed and she hissed as he slipped in deeper. Despite the stinging pain of the initial touches and the aching of the stretch, it was only mildly uncomfortable now as ridge after ridge slipped in. Not much further in, she felt another uncomfortable pressure as his tip pressed at her uterine walls, but when she looked down, she saw the faintest hint of an extra swell amid all that lovely cream bloating her womb. Poking at it with a claw, she gasped with she felt his penis throb in her tunnel, causing that small bulge to accentuate for a few second before his tension faded again. "Yeah, that's my tip there."

"Holy...fuck..." she whispered, her eyes huge. "That's so fucking hot..." she whimpered. Covered in his seed all over her scales, and feeling it so warm and deep inside...this was not how she'd expected this session to go, but it was far better than she'd imagined. Poking at his tip through herself again, she squealed softly at the resultant throb digging his ridges against her walls again.

"I uh...heh...I'm sorry but I don't...know where to go from here, this is my first actual breeding for all this..." he muttered. "I mean, I'd like to go again but...this is a lot of cum."

"Y-yeah..." Grinding back against him, she wiggled along his shaft, moaning adorably in pleasure. "Ooohhh that feels so good...d-don't wanna stop..."

"Did they tell you anything about after the...fun?"

"Just to stay here for a day or two to see if it takes." She gave a stronger buck of her hips, then hissed in pain. "Ouch..."

"Sorry...um." Pulling back very slowly, he winced when she groaned in discomfort, her face flexing each time a ridge or larger soft barb passed through her cervix. Finally he was clear and he slid out of her, Jeela giving a sigh of relief and going limp on the floor. "You okay?"

"It hurts...a lot."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be!" she squeaked with a light giggle. "That was amazing! I didn't know that was even possible!" Giving a light grin of amusement, he started cleaning her off more thoroughly with his water power, Jeela purring in relaxation while he scrubbed her off, occasionally scooping up some of his remaining cum with a pawpad and licking her digit clean until he got it all. "Mmmm...your cum is so tasty...can I maybe suck you off again? Please?"

"I'd like to say yes, but the Matrons would skin us both if I lost three loads in one breeding session without collecting the leftovers. I uh...need to go get some of those crystal containers. But...I guess if you want to play some more later...our home is not far from the Temple?"

"Mmm...I'd hate to pull you from Cynder for a booty call though."

He blushed fiercely at the blunt terminology. "Uh...y-yeah."

"How is she, by the way? I heard in passing that she hasn't been seen for two years or so."

He sighed softly and shook his head. "She's...not really wanting to go out in public anymore. She's having trouble adjusting and dealing with the residual ire from her corrupted days, so she just doesn't bother with it anymore."

"That's so sad..."

"I guess, but she's been pretty happy so far out here away from everything. She's usually been a natural loner."

"And how does that work in a relationship?"

"It just...does, I guess. She likes to be alone, but we pretty much fit each others' social needs too."

"Awwww. Well, lemme know if you want to have that necklace or buy it."

"I'll buy it, you need the money for your new egg...s." He trailed off, not sure how that would work yet. She perked up at that.

"More than one?"

"I...don't know yet. Ember's the first other than Cynder to get pregnant from me but it's way too soon to know if this Patriarch stuff means there'll be more than one egg."

"Oooohhh I hope it'll be more!" she squealed, petting her belly with a huge grin.

"Need anything? Water, food?"

"More cum..." she purred, licking her lips. "But yeah, you're right. That much leftover...mmmm..." Shakily getting to her paws, she stretched and flapped her wings. "I think I'll be fine for now." Blushing, she nuzzled at him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much...I can't wait to have your eggs~."

"Sorry I flaked out that night. I was...going through a lot of mental crap regarding all this."

"Flame explained it to me before you got here. It's fine, you had stuff to get through. But don't be a stranger if you swing by again, alright?"


"Oh...and some water would be nice. Sorry, I got a bit caught up."

Holding up his paw, he breathed slowly, his fire turning into water around his claws. She stared in amazement at it, blinking when he held it closer for her. Sipping at it, it was icy cold, prompting her to drink the whole thing even as he replenished it. Licking her lips, she giggled. "Cynder's lucky to have you."

"Nah...I'm lucky to have her."

After gathering some of the crystal jars and putting them in his magic storage, the purple dragon headed back to his home. It was already evening, turning dark outside, and quite dark inside. Peeking in, he found Cynder curled up in the nest, fast asleep, with an unusual leather scent in the air. Ember must've finished those sheaths for her blades. Padding in closer, he nodded when he saw the tannish-brown covers strapped over her thumbblades on her wings. It didn't smell like food, had she eaten at all yet? The agriculture book he'd gotten for her was flopped aside, she must've been reading herself to sleep. Licking her cheek slowly, he nudged her awake, the black dragoness yawning and stretching a little but remaining curled around her eggs. "Mmm...Spyro?"


Busy day?" she mumbled through another yawn.

"Yeah. The Guardians got portals working...somewhat. I went and helped them get a lot of work done on the Silver Grotto temple area."

Blinking slowly, she tried to process what he was saying. "Portals...?"

"Yeah. Ever heard those old tales of gateways that could take you to other worlds?"

"But that's fairytale fantasy."

"Not anymore." He grinned at her. "I got to fly through one today."

"No shit?"

"Nope. You could see tomorrow if you want? I can keep the eggs warm for you?"

"Sure. I find it hard to believe portals can be real."

"Well...to be honest, hun, you did kinda make a portal with magic to get to Convexity after getting Ignitus's power...remember?"

Her eyes widened at that. "Oh...oooooohhhhh...shit, you're right, I didn't even think about that at the time...wait, so, they can make that happen freely with gates now??"

"Yep! And...Terrador showed me how to make them." His smile faded.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Well...his reason was...more dire and pragmatic...it's in case we...have to flee. Just in case. But I might need to build a gate somewhere near here and then go traveling to find a secret spot to make another landing...which might take a while."

"Mmm...and that's a while you don't have with this breeding thing going on. What about your elemental travel stuff? Warping with lightning?"

He sighed and looked away. "I don't...feel very comfortable with that. It's like using my powers to twist stone into a new house. Sure, I could build the whole damn thing out of the land itself in like, five minutes...but it just feels like cheating...like I'm abusing the planet...the way Malefor did. Using my power to travel for a non-emergency just...it feels twisted somehow."

Nosing at him, she sighed against his neck. "Spyro...be real. If we need a place to run, we need it sooner rather than later, and now you don't have time. We need you here. Using your elemental powers for our defense isn't going to tear the planet in half or wipe out a village. We've done way worse much more often just fighting for our lives before."

"I guess."

"By the way..." She smirked at him, then licked his cheek. "Sooo...how'd she enjoy it?"

His wide-eyed blush made her laugh. "Uuugh...y-yeah, was...there was a girl at the Temple..."


"H-her name is...Jeela...she's one of Ember's colleagues...and Flame and I were gonna stay at her house one of those nights I was out for testing because we didn't have money for the inn."

"And you didn't give her an egg then?"

"I couldn't! I...I wanted to know how you'd feel about it first and all that."

"OH...yeah, that's right, that was when we started questioning playing with others."

"Yeah...but um. Yeah. She wanted an egg. And I was there and...I figured, I know her a little bit, I might as well...see how it goes?"

"And you did go, it seems."

"Yeah." When she stared at him with an eager grin for more details, he groaned internally. "Cynder, you're incorrigible. Do I have to tell you every time I have sex?"

"Sure! It's really hot when you cum in another girl too!"

With a dumbfounded stare, he blanked out at that.

"Oh come on, Spyro, it's not gonna kill you to talk about penises and vaginas!" She giggled. "Consider it training for when the kids need to learn about their parts."

"Maybe but I'm not exactly going to be recounting sex acts with them! That's totally different!"

"Still works on the squeamish thing you have with the topic. Now tell me! Please?"

Rubbing his face, he groaned again. "She...sucked me off and I covered her in cum, then I filled her and...she wanted to see how far I could get inside her and she poked my tip through her belly."

Rolling her eyes, she huffed with an amused half-smirk. "Alright, I'll take it for a first time." Kissing his cheek, she purred. "I'm glad you at least tried with her. Do you...think you're good to keep going with directly breeding, or do we need to adjust to collecting your cum?"

"I think...I may need a few more attempts to clarify that. Ember, we know, Jeela, I had a decent handle on her to start...but now we're talking total strangers." His stomach growled and they both flinched at the noise. "Have you eaten at all today?"

"Wasn't all that hungry actually. Just...tired. I kinda gorged yesterday, remember?"

"Still. Let's get at least a snack before we sleep, it's already night." Cynder nodded and carefully rearranged the eggs by her side while he went to the kitchen and prepped some midnight snacking. Cold cuts of meat with some jam dip made for a fulfilling nibble while they laid in the nest together, taking turns nuzzling at the hard, warm shells. Cynder had him roll onto his back and spread his legs, then giggled as she gently placed three of the eggs on his crotch, one nestled on his scrotum and held up between his sheath and nuts, the other two in the crooks of his thighs.

"Wonder how small they'll be...would you let them sleep on your balls?" she asked.

"I guess, as long as their claws don't hurt."

"Lucky little things then." She kissed his penis tip as it started to erect again from its fleshy pouch, resting her chin on his belly and guiding his erection into her mouth while she gazed at the eggs on his groin, idly suckling on the penis that had made them. Not bothering to try to restrain himself this time, Spyro just relaxed and let her work, then groaned out, toes curling and balls pulling up against the egg resting on them as he started ejaculating into Cynder's throat. She churred happily around him and gulped eagerly, swallowing his entire hot, tasty load, pulling back just a bit to let him fill her mouth with the last few spurts so she could taste it properly. With her chin and neck resting on his belly and side he could feel her swallowing it slowly. Swirling her tongue around his crowned tip to collect the last bit, she pulled off with a kiss and gulped loudly to show off for him, purring. "Mmmm...delicious~" Kissing down along his penis to his sheath, she licked all around his testicles, careful not to disturb the eggs too much, then shifted to recline against him properly, tucking her head under his chin, the purple dragon sneaking a foreleg under her to hug her. A duet of purrs echoed in the small nesting chamber until eventually Cynder fell asleep. Very carefully, he moved the three eggs down to join the others by her belly again, then settled in to gently groom and nibble her neck, lulling himself to sleep.

The next morning, Cynder yawned and looked around blearily, finding Spyro not in the nest again. Slowly, carefully stretching her sore, stiff legs, she got up and shook herself off, then laid back down facing the other way and curled back up around the eggs, tucking her head under her wing to nuzzle at the shells and smile to herself. The front door opened and Spyro came in with another carcass already mostly prepared. After some time she heard him rustling around in the kitchen area and breathing on the oven to get it going. He padded back into the nest chamber and Cynder pulled out from her wing to look up at him. "Hey..." he whispered, kissing her softly. She purred and kissed back, then butted her forehead against his and held there for a bit. "Sleep okay?"

"Mmm...mostly, I guess. I really miss falling asleep with your penis inside me though."

"Soon enough, just give yourself time to heal."

"Funny how some things heal with those crystals, but others don't."

"Yeah, we're weird." Giving a nasal sigh, his smile flattened. "They need my help getting more construction done. And...I might have to follow up on that idea of going away for a bit to make portal gates."

She frowned at that. "Is...everything okay out there?"

"So far as I know, but...there are more reports coming in of giant golem creatures. Even as big as they are, they're out in the wilderness, so tracking them and keeping up with them is a challenge not many are willing to take. But if there's an attack...we can't spend five days traveling just to find they've retreated again, nor can we just camp out for months anticipating another strike. We need to be able to move quickly. Much as I don't want to...I may have to fly to Warfang and build a portal there, if the Guardians can't tweak a generic portal dropoff to the area."

With a sad nod, she nuzzled at him again. "Do what you need to."

"Speaking of portals though, do you want to go see the Silver Grotto rebuilding before I head over there? I'll guard the eggs for you. And...it might help us decide if we want to relocate there for safety or stay here."

Biting her lip with indecision, Cynder lifted her wing a tad to peek at the eggs. Finally, she shrugged and slowly stood up, Spyro slipping into the nest carefully and arranging himself, Cynder nudging the eggs up against his belly and shifting them this way and that meticulously until she was satisfied. Kissing him again, she hesitated to leave. "Just...don't move, okay? Don't want you crushing them or something."

"I won't. Take your time if you want, I've been wanting to sit with them for a while myself."

It was very hard for her to leave their home behind, padding over to the bridge spanning the shattered crust pieces suspending the Temple and their home. Spreading her wings, she jumped into the air and wobbled with a squeak at the overcompensation she'd gotten used to while pregnant and heavy with eggs, almost faceplanting back on the ground before catching herself and sweeping off to the Temple. "That was embarrassing..." she groaned. It was rather nice to be able to fly properly again though. "I should get out more often, I miss the sky!" she whispered. Maybe Spyro could make some sort of retractable sky roof in the nest chamber?

There was an awful lot of hustle and bustle at the Temple, especially the main balcony, where a fleet of Earth Dragons were bringing in blocks of stone and arranging them in organized piles. Hesitating at the idea of approaching so many unfamiliar faces, she sighed with determination and swooped in for a landing, many of the workers pausing and staring at her. "Hi," was all she said as she strode past and walked into the dojo, a bit stiffly with her nerves. Terrador and Volteer were there going over more blueprints and charts of sigils, writing out equations of sigil interactions and comparing it to maps. "Cynder, welcome," Cyril called from the side. "Are you in need of anything?"

"Not really, just came by to see this...portal stuff that Spyro told me about."

"I see. Do come along then, we are establishing a portal room in the secure chambers below. These will place you within the general area. There are similar portal gates at the destinations that will place you near the Temple. Direct gate to gate access is restricted to Spyro and the Guardians for now until we finalize the networks and securities."

"Makes sense I guess. It's not gonna like...throw me into the air though is it?"

"Indeed not! The flight is delightfully smooth and relaxing, in fact you needn't even fly yourself while inside the transit, and you glide right out into the air at the end. The only discomfort may be temperature or weather changes and such between the ether passage and your destination." A door in the lower halls rolled open for them and he gestured with his wing to several portal arches glimmering with flowing color. "Currently, the best functional gate is to Silver Grotto, I presume you intend to scope out the construction project?"

"Yeah. Something like that." She peered warily at the frame, feeling a gentle yet strong power emanating from it. "Wow..."

"Enter when you are comfortable. The return gate is near the shoreline overlook veranda. Quite the stunning scenery around the place, I highly suggest taking a look around with a casual stroll." The icy elder looked her over and she blushed a little. "You have recovered remarkably well from your pregnancy. Are you indeed well?"

"For the most part, yeah. Still feeling a little off."

"It is good to see you able to part from the eggs for your exercise. I have known some to sicken themselves with months of isolation within their nests."

"That would drive me crazy."

"Take care and enjoy yourself, but if anything happens, do notify us immediately." With that he nodded and left her. She padded around the gate, looking at the shimmering field within. Did it matter which side she entered from? She couldn't really see what the field image was supposed to be, it was blurry and looked like water was flowing down over the surface. It was very beautiful though, and it gave off a soft constant noise like a blend between chiming and humming, a nice noise, somewhat relaxing. With a tentative step forward she flinched at the tangible pull of the gate when her paw crossed the threshold, but when she pushed through she found her whole body being picked up and a wind forcing her wings open into a glide. After that it was a remarkable smooth sailing sensation. She smiled a little at the feeling of flight without actually flying, and the beautiful colors surrounding her. Flapping her wings did little to speed the transit, so she just spread them and enjoyed the ride until she felt a change in the air around her. The colors faded into an open shoreline view under bright midday sunlight, the sounds of construction and windy waves wafting up to her on salty sea breeze.

"Maybe Spyro and I should just go for a casual vacation when the eggs can be on their own..." she mused as she flapped her wings to hover and let the sun soak into her scales for a bit. Open ocean sunlight felt so much different than back at their house. After some time enjoying herself, she glided down to the Silver Grotto Temple construction.

The Temple had once been a vast sprawling cluster of buildings, but had long ago fallen into ruin. Now she saw, rather than a Temple surrounded by meditation chambers, a high-walled "village" of sorts using the original foundation. As she swept overhead, she studied what was going on. It looked as if the outer perimeter was a shopping district, with a wide market road between the wall and some bigger buildings, some of which were already being filled with various implements like forges, tables, ovens, tanning racks, and other workspace tools, so possibly trade and work areas for mother Dragons or their mates. Further in behind those were some school areas, playgrounds, and gardens. Some of these buildings were multi-storied, and beds and other home things were being carted inside. Another housing district filled the area between the central Temple hill and the garden areas, and many of these buildings looked much more organic in structure, flowing and sweeping, and from the air they appeared to be laid out in elemental sigil shapes. The main hill was hollowed out, with a smaller Temple space at the peak for worship and memorial. She spotted some stairs around the city leading underground as well...for maintenance or for egg protection?

Alighting at the Temple construction, she folded her wings and shook herself off. Even with the sun, there was a cold late-autumn chill in the air, much more pronounced in the shadows. Luckily for her, one of the Matriarch sisters was there consulting with the architects. "Cynder, dear, how are you? Good to see you out of the nest for a bit!"

"I'm fine, I wanted to see the portal stuff Spyro told me about."

"And appraise the Grotto, it seems."

"...That too, yeah." Looking around, she huffed softly. "It's...a lot to take in, the reality of all this."


"Is it...secure, here?"

The elder dragoness sighed. "Everyone is doing what they can...but it will, of course, remain to be seen. There are some experimental re-engineered technologies we are attempting to implement for security, to ensure the eggs will be as safe as possible...but it will, sadly, be a lot of trial and error."


Taking her for a tour, she confirmed most of Cynder's original assumptions about the layout. The outer walls were reinforced with magic, but there were plans to add additional walls further out after the main village was established. There were several entrances for traders and supplies, but everything would be screened and handled by internal staff, so traders and suppliers wouldn't set foot within the walls unless they had direct business with a mate or supervisor inside. The village was meant to be a teaching and raising area for the children, with various trade outlets for the females and their mates or existing children if they chose to settle here. It was actually much larger than she'd imagined, seeing it from above versus being on the ground was a huge difference. Here and there she could somewhat tell Spyro had been around manipulating earth power, it was a very familiar and comfortable sensation emanating from specific spots.

They moved down a stairwell to find some large chambers for bathing and swimming, specifically for water therapy for expectant or recovering mothers, and some mushroom chambers for relaxation or harvesting. Near the central hill foundations, though, was a door ornately carved with elemental sigils over a nest full of eggs. "What's this room?" she asked. The old dragoness smiled and readjusted her glasses.

"You are free to enter it if you wish."

Curiosity overtaking her, Cynder nudged the doors open and peered in. It was a large cave pocket, rather than the carved and shaped bricks and mortar everywhere. Crystals of all different lighting colors were glimmering gently between clusters of fungi giving off a pleasant, slightly spicy smell. The floor was lined with crystal tiles...in black and red patterns. "What is this for...?" she mumbled. Around a corner there were several smaller chambers, one of which was lined with ice blocks for food storage. "Is this...a living area?"

"It's a personal nesting chamber. For you and Spyro."

Her eyes flew wide and she gasped. "No way..."

"It's reserved for your usage, if you wish to settle here, though we can use it for egg safety and incubation if you and Spyro deign to remain at your home instead."

There was a flow of clean water nearby, Cynder taking a cautious sip. It was cool and clear, with a hint of treatment, something she wasn't used to at all. "Wow..."

"In the back of the chamber is a stairwell access that will take you up to the Temple surface access balcony. If you need to escape or move quickly, you are able to." Cynder nudged at the faint indentations in the wall and it swung aside to reveal a neat, white-marble sweeping stairwell. Up top, they found they were at the ring walk around the level just below the Temple balconies, near some doors leading to chambers around the Temple's core.

"What are these chambers for?" she asked.

"Breeding. This is where Spyro will be taking care of selected females, or donating his semen, depending on how you two choose to take this situation."

Blushing at that, she nodded. "So Spyro would be able to join us quickly when he's tired."

"Yes. He would not be too far from you, and you would be able to get out and shop for food or tend to herbs or however you need to spend your time between shifts of warming the eggs. Or getting bred yourself."

Blushing more at that, Cynder giggled and fanned herself with her wings. "I...ah...don't know on that one..."

Smirking back, the elder lady shrugged with her wings. "Could always let Flame claim your next heat, balance out with Spyro impregnating Ember. Seems to be a fair deal with the dynamics you have together."

"Definitely an idea...hm."

"The Temple will be finished soon, and this door is private for your use and Spyro's and some select messengers or staff, so even if others see Spyro leave or arrive through here, you shouldn't have any direct intruders. This is...also a fairly tactically situated area as well, we can see much approaching and it's more easily defensible. If you and Spyro had to assist in defenses, there's not a lot in your way."

"Yeah...I noticed that as I flew in."

"I do not wish to pressure you into a decision, but I hope nonetheless that this has helped you formulate one with him. Take your time to consider. I must return to consultation and deliberation. Flame and Ember are already planning to move in here soon it seems, so if you and Spyro choose this location, you'll have familiar faces."

"That...would probably help a lot, yeah. I think I'm gonna head home then. But...um...Spyro got a lot of seeds and herbs as gifts from the Atllawa. Would we be able to plant them here, or would it be better to just have a private garden back at the Temple?"

"Mmmm...I will ask them about that and relay the information to you. There are already plans for the gardens, and while there are some garden spaces for personal uses, I'd imagine you're meaning on a scale of actual crop fields. We have some set aside in the forest but those are already claimed. I can ask about it but they will need to know what you have."

"Alright. I'll get Spyro to itemize it."

"Good luck on your deliberations. May the Ancestors look after you."

"And us all..." she replied in more of a whisper as she looked over the swath of village visible from their vantage point. "Wow..." It sent a little flutter of pride through her chest, that they had actually constructed a cavern chamber for her and Spyro, all to themselves...and it had the same cozy feeling as their old cave in Avalar before they moved to the Temple. Licking her lips and tasting a bit of the salt spray in the air from the sea, she gave a nasal sigh of thought, gazing out over the complex below. It was mostly construction equipment and blocks of stone and carts of soil, but with Spyro's help it could pop up swiftly. Giggling excited voices caught her ears and she glanced down at the housing areas to see a group of young girls, probably just a few years her juniors, gathered together and chatting back and forth.

A sharp pang of confused emotions pinched at her chest.

She had a sudden urge to try to join them and socialize.

She also had an equally strong aversion, hoping they wouldn't look up and spot her.

Taking to the air, she swept over to the outlook on the walls facing the sea, spotting the Temple portal gate. Not wanting to dwell too much on her internal conflict, she walked right in and spread her wings, yipping a little at the gentle yet firm surge of wind that swept her along and held her aloft. "How do the other races without wings handle a portal?" she asked herself, flapping her wings against the strange power enveloping her. The rush of soothing colors again faded off to open sky and she was near the Temple. "Yeah, I guess only Dragons can use these right now, others would just get tossed out and fall to the ocean or something." Gliding down to the Temple, she made her way to the garden and found Ember humming to herself and sketching some jewelry designs on some parchment.

"Hey!" she yipped, standing up and stretching. "What's up? Didn't think you'd be away from your nest this early..."

"Wanted to see stuff. Went to see the Silver Grotto thing."

"Oh!" Ember pranced in place. "I can't wait to see it when it's done! Flamie and I already have a house there!"

"Wow...so soon?"

"Yep! And a buncha my friends are wanting eggs so they're bringing their mates over and we're gonna make our own line of jewelry products and stuff! It's gonna be great! I mean, we've been tossing the idea back and forth for ages now but this is literally the opportunity to do it!"

Her smile faded a bit. "Ah...I...I see..."

"What? Something wrong?"

"I dunno..."

Ember's smile faded too. "Oh...I get it. You don't really have anything to do?"

"Not really, no. I don't know what I'm good at...besides breeding. I haven't really found anything that I love to do...other than Spyro, of course."

"Well, not everyone needs to have a career. Spyro doesn't have one, does he? Flame doesn't have one. There are a lot out there who just live day to day like you do."

"But if I'm moving to the Silver Grotto, I'd hate to just bum around pregnant and get fat on others' work. Just doesn't sit right."

"It'd be the perfect place to find something you like though. There's facilities for almost everyone, we're gonna have a lot of girls and their mates who have all different skillsets. A lot of tastes to accommodate. And what better time to work on a hobby or explore your interests than when you're heavy with eggs and just lazing around anyway?"

"True enough I guess."

"Besides...you have a very important job already, one the grocers and chefs would gladly feed you for. You're a Matriarch. And we're endangered."

Cynder glanced aside at one of the glowing mushrooms hanging over the garden shrub walls. "I guess, but...it still feels weird to think about it like that. Like, am I really just...existing to get fucked and make eggs all year?"

"Of course not! I mean, when you boil it down that basic, everyone just exists to breed. But you can find something to do during that time waiting to pop out the eggs, it's not like you're supposed to just mindlessly sell yourself out for sex. Unless you're into that."

"Ew, no."

"Exactly. You got through one pregnancy already and you loved it, and you kept yourself busy. It'd just be more of that, but with a bigger support group. More options."

Cynder couldn't help a small grin. "Yeah that...does sound a bit better."

"Plus us for casual sex as a bonus~"

"Speaking of which...are you fine with Flame attempting to impregnate me to see if it might actually work?"

Ember rolled her eyes and laughed. "Cynder, he just spent the day fucking another five girls with Spyro's cum."

"Okay, yeah, probably a stupid question. But...I mean, that's Spyro's cum. I'm talking about just his own."

She shrugged in reply and smirked. "I'd be a hypocrite if the Stud of Warfang wasn't allowed to personally breed another girl. He's been trying for years. I think it'd bolster his spirit if he did manage to nail you. So long as it's fine by Spyro."

Canting her head, Cynder blinked at that. "Is Flame not handling it well?"

Ember chuffed. "It's...difficult to explain. He loves this pseudo-job of pleasing girls, he's amazingly good at it. Every girl that's been here has left all blissed out and dreamy. But...in private he feels a bit down that it's not really him knocking them up. He gets it and accepts it but I guess it still stings him."

"I'll...talk to Spyro about it then. At the very least we do need to know if my presence or...sexual interaction...can heal a sterilized male."

"Mhm. I'd be curious too, because what if multiple times cumming in you can actually reverse the curse? Then he can knock me up himself!"

"Hey...Ember? How...young were you when you first started having sex?"

Blinking in a bit of confusion, she licked her lips as she thought. "Geez...I don't really even remember. Flame and I kind of played with each others' parts really early but...I think we had sex the first time when we were like, six maybe? Actual sex, not just oral or other means."

"And...about raising kids...you saw your parents mating, right?"

Ember giggled lightly. "You're still hung up on that? Yeah, we did. I kinda vaguely remember when we were learning about body parts and we thought dad's penis was hilarious, but...I mean, we grew up around dad mating with both our moms at night. It was pretty normal. And when Flame and I started getting sexual, our parents talked to us about mating and the hazards and benefits, but overall everything was pretty chill. It's different for every family of course but almost everyone we know had it somewhat the same." She smirked again. "And yes, seen quite a bit of dad's penis or mom's vulva dripping with cum. Sometimes they'd snuggle and fuck and he'd fill them right there in front of us."

"It didn't bother you?"

"To be completely honest...well, sometimes it did, yeah, but...I kinda think it was important for us to see too. That parents have needs just as much as kids do, and that they need time for each other and themselves. They didn't go flaunting their sexuality or banishing us outside to get it on, and in a lot of cases they did have to break it up to tend to us, but...for the most part, I tend to look back now and understand why they didn't mind us seeing them getting intimate. They taught us it's okay to love someone openly, and that sometimes you need that love from your partner. As kids we thought they were funny horny bastards, but as adults...it definitely helps put a lot of life into perspective. And I think one of the biggest life rules it helped us with is to not think too much about what others think. To be yourself, for you and your mate. They didn't show off their sexuality like some do, but they also didn't hide that aspect of life...and growing up, I'm kinda glad they didn't hide it. Most of the other species who hide it feel ashamed of themselves when it comes to sex, but sex is like...the biggest biological social aspect of our bodies. Why should we hide something so vitally important to our future? We don't hide our need to eat or drink."

Cynder's gaze was fairly unfocused as she mulled this over. "Makes a lot of sense now, I suppose...thanks, I think I needed to hear that perspective. Like...a lot."

"Hehe. Well, get going to Spyro then. Sounds like you need a break to think about stuff."

"How much longer are you gonna be here at the Temple, if you have a house there?"

"Well, obviously, house needs to be finished first. They're estimating a few weeks, but I might be here until I lay the eggs, I dunno yet. Depends on when the nesting phase sets in. Flame's out looking for some odd-jobs to get money for softs."

"Guess you guys saw from our example then."

"Flame sure did. He's been fussing about things ever since the news that I'm pregnant." She glanced at her belly and sighed, swaying her tail. "Can't wait til it shows..."

"It'll show."

"Mmm...not if it's just one egg. Most first-time pregnancies are just one, maybe two. But...I'm hoping for more. Even if it's just a fantasy from being bred by a Patriarch..." She sighed softly and giggled to herself at that. "Fuck...it's so weird to think I'm actually pregnant with the purple dragon's eggs...it's like, every girl's dream and now it has to be a reality because of a curse. What a fucked up world."

"Literally or metaphorically?"

"Yes." They both laughed at that. "Hey ah..if Spyro's not too busy...while Flame's trying to breed you...maybe a mate swap for a day...?"

"Might be good for both the boys."

"You're the best, Cynder."

"Why exactly, though? You can't fit his whole penis while you're pregnant."

"Maybe not but...his cum is very tasty..."

A knowing grin crossed her muzzle. "Mmmm...that it definitely is."

"I dunno why but lately I just wanna spend a day sucking a guy off and drinking cum...and Spyro's got plenty. Does he actually ever run out?"

"Not to my knowledge."

"How many times have you two done it in a day?"

Cynder giggled and blushed at that, feeling her nethers already started to get wet at the memory. "Ah fuck...um...we lost count after eight and just kept going all night...there was cum everywhere, it was so fun but so awkward..." Shaking her head, she smiled shyly. "But yeah, no...his volume doesn't seem to decrease. It just hurts him to cum too quickly."

"Yeah, same goes for all guys. But holy crap that's...that's really fuckin' hot..."

"It was..." Licking her lips, she shivered a little as a small gust of cold wind swept through. "Wow, it's almost winter already, I completely lost track of time while I was pregnant..."

"Yep. Time to get food stocks up. But...this is gonna be our first winter away from Warfang."

"It's not so bad out here. The snow's great!"

Ember made a face. "Yech. Cold and uncomfortable. Harder to have sex in too."

"I dunno, Spyro and I had quite a bit of fun sex in the snow. I should get going though. Starting to get that...antsy feeling."


"If I'm away from the eggs too long..."

"Oh right. Hey...good luck talking to Spyro? Hope you two can figure things out soon enough."


She opted to walk home this time, looking over the garden perimeter forest and the floating land chunks around the area. It was...somewhat haunting, in a way, to see the planet so shattered like this. Was it healing slowly, or was this how it would remain? Was this healing process why these golem creatures were surging? Shuddering to herself at the memory of the hydra, she trotted faster, reaching their home. Quietly slipping inside, she found Spyro napping right where she'd left him. His stomach growled but he was fast asleep. Grinning to herself, she set to work prepping a tasty stew. The smell eventually woke him up, the purple dragon yawning loudly and ruffling his wings. "Cynder? That you?"


"Can't feel my ass..." he grunted, making her laugh.

"Well, you did as I asked you, but you can move around a bit you know?"

"And risk you snapping at me for almost crushing them?"

Holding two large bowls with her shadow power, she dished out some stew for them both and brought it over, Spyro shakily getting up out of the nest. "Thanks," she whispered as she settled and got comfortable with them again, hugging the six little orbs to her side with her wing.

"So how was it?" he asked, slurping up some of the hot thick soup.

"Mmm...I've...got a lot of thinking to do." Taking a sip herself, she sighed softly. "Spyro...what the Matrons said about my Matriarch abilities. Would you...be fine if Flame claimed my next heat, to test and see if I really can 'heal' impaired males?"

His eyes roved over her for a few moments before he sighed as well. "With how much sex we have, Cynder? Honestly, are you going to be able to keep track of who impregnates you? I mean, the Guardians were concerned that you didn't have an obvious heat cycle like other girls. How will we be able to tell?"

"I think the Matrons will be able to help me tell when I'm in season or not, I guess. But this early after laying? Pretty sure I haven't settled into the Matriarch 'always pregnant' thing yet. They said I wasn't matured enough yet for that to take hold."

"True, but we don't know what to look for when you go in heat, so keeping tabs of who's the father will be really difficult."

"I'm sure they have means...but that doesn't change the question. Are you...fine with it?"

A shrug of his wings. "I don't really know, Cynder. But I can't exactly complain either since I directly got Ember pregnant...and now Jeela. At the very least we do need to know what you're capable of."

"Seems so. We know most of what you can do as a Patriarch...but mine is more obscure and needs testing too."

Leaning in, he nuzzled at her and licked her cheek. "If you do have Flame's eggs though...would that make it easier for adoption?"

"...Maybe. I dunno. I'm scared of them being given to bad parents. But if we really are the only ones able to breed...we don't have a choice."

"No...unfortunately we don't. But I think it may be better now that they're working on portals. It'll be easier to hold families responsible if something goes wrong. It'll be easier to keep pressure on others to do what's right. And...to check in on our children from time to time. Every one of them is our son or daughter, even if from a different family."

"Yeah...that's...kinda mind-blowing to think about." Finishing her stew, she settled into the nest and laid her head on her paws. Spyro took her bowl to the kitchen and washed things out, then joined her again. She didn't really reciprocate his attentions...her mind was swirling with thoughts and ideas. Snuggling up to her, the purple dragon slowly drifted off to sleep again, sunset colors sweeping into the house through the crystal pane windows.

Sleep wouldn't visit her so easily, though. There was just too much on her mind, especially the prospect of moving. She didn't want to lose their little home they'd built together here, or their special grilling kitchen. It was quite a bit of investment, all told, and...it was theirs. Their own project together.


"Mmm?" he mumbled with a yawn.

"I can't sleep...can't stop thinking."

"About what?" he asked, but when she stayed silent, looking out the window, he sighed to himself and stretched, then shifted over top of her to groom her neck and rub her shoulders. She shifted her hips a little to the side under him and he purred as he nibbled her neck, letting his erecting shaft slip right up into her anxious nethers where it belonged.

"Mmmm...that feels good..." she whispered, wiggling her hips lightly. "I missed having you inside me."

"It's only been a week." Humping lightly, they purred back and forth until his tip slipped into her cervix, Cynder shuddering with a soft coo of bliss while he continued erecting into her, until finally every inch of that glorious breeder pole was buried in her body and bulging her belly. Settling down together, Spyro continued to tend to her, nipping and grooming what he could reach of her neck. "So...what's up?"

"Can we...move the house? Would that be too much work?"

"...Move it to where? The Silver Grotto?"

"Yeah. There's still some open space in the housing district. And...I guess they didn't show you before but...there's a chamber for us under the city. It's beautiful, it's lined with crystals and they fashioned it to be more like a cave than a city chamber. And...it's reserved for us. They can use it for egg safety if we choose not to move there but...I'm worried."

A low rumbling growl echoed in his chest. He could feel her tension. "You're scared they'll be attacked and won't have anyone strong enough to help."

"...Yeah. And...if something happened there and I'm just hiding here...I don't think I could live with myself. It's nice here but...I feel like...maybe the right thing to do is relocate there."

"Mmm..." He sighed against the back of her neck, her hide crawling a little at the hot blast. Giving her a few firmer thrusts, he rubbed her belly, making her moan cutely. "With portals, we wouldn't have to move. I can make a portal chamber in the back here, and we can directly connect it. You're not the best around others, Cynder...I know you need your space away from them. With the portals it would be like having another room rather than having to travel."

"True I guess. But can you restrict access to them?"

"Easily enough, supposedly. A key can be fashioned so that only those with keys mated to the gates can interact with the portal field. Otherwise it just acts like a regular stone arch for them, no travel. I could have Volteer or Terrador show me how to do that."

Giving a soft sigh, she nuzzled back against him. "Let's try that then. Being over there...I don't know why but something tells me we're needed there. I don't...really like it but...I can't ignore it either."

Rolling with her, he laid on his side and hugged her to his belly, Cynder giving a soft squeal of pleasure as the motion pressed his cock against her walls in different ways. They both gazed at the eggs laying there in the nest, Cynder reaching a wing out to cover them again, her paws groping his massive shaft through herself. He smirked at the sight of her belly bulging out around him. "Missed this?" he asked, laying a paw over hers.

"You have no idea..." she huffed, lightly humping against him. "I need you to cum in me again..."

"Trying to get pregnant so soon already?"


"You are an insatiable succubus..." he growled in her ear, clutching her close and rapidly pistoning his hips against her.

"Not my fault your penis feels wonderful..." With a shivering stretch and a low moan, she whined and pulled back from him, to his confusion, her paw hurriedly grabbing one of the furs under herself and tossing it over the eggs. Coiling her tail lightly around his neck she practically dragged him with her to the bedroom floor, rolling onto her back and giving him her best bedroom eyes, a sight he couldn't resist. Giggling and purring echoed in the room as they nuzzled, licked, and nipped at each other.

"I love you Cynder..."

"Love you Spyro..."

A joint moan escaped them as he plunged his throbbing length back into her body, Cynder hooking her legs around his waist and clinging to him with a deep need for affection and closeness, the purple dragon kissing and licking whatever he could reach of his mate while he started thrusting deep and hard. Every slap of their hips had his sheath mashing up against her labia, his tip bulging her belly profusely and poking his own chest. "It's so strange...being this deep inside and not feeling the eggs anymore..." he whispered.

"Gotta put even more inside me...oh Spyro...d-don't stop..." His balls kept sliding back and forth over her tail, heavy and warm, those lovely ridges and barbs slipping in and out of her tight, wet grip and tickling her nerves just right.

"Maybe tomorrow we should do that all-day sex idea of yours."

"Yeeessss..." she hissed, then pulled him into a passionate kiss, the two sharing a flame breath together, tossing fire back and forth in their mouths as the heat built up in their loins. Faster and harder he thrust, Cynder practically swinging under him, huffing and moaning cutely as their ecstasy rose further and higher, copious amounts of his pre and her nectar dribbling all over the floor and leaving stringy webs between their scales every time he pulled back. Sitting back on his hinds he held her up on his lap and she moaned to the ceiling, bouncing atop him, almost pulling up enough for his tip to slip out of her womb, sheathing him back in herself and stroking that thick bulge with her paws, feeling him throbbing through herself. "Fuuuuck..." she whimpered when she looked down between them. "It's so hot...it's so deep in me..."

"I'm gonna cum..." he grunted, licking at her chest, Cynder hugging his face to herself and quivering in anticipation with a tight clench on his girth.

"Do it...fill me...don't stop filling me!" she begged, spurring him on. His teeth gritted and he pulled her down onto his lap hard, bucking rapidly and then roaring out with his head thrown back, the sound sending a powerful, lustful surge through her body as he claimed her once more. She squealed as she felt his cock tensing and his whole body going rigid, panting in delight at the pulsing throbbing and the rushing heat of his seed pumping into her womb. The force and warmth and the sensation of his cock lurching inside her with every heated rush finally sent her over her edge, the black dragoness crying out and humping on him with erratic hip jolts as she milked him for every drop, her belly gradually getting rounder from his volume. Her paws came to rest on herself as she panted for breath, enjoying the afterglow while he kept spurting more and more into her, until at last he finished and leaned his head against her to catch his breath. Her paws moved to his neck, gently rubbing and scritching him. "Thank you..." she whispered, kissing his horn.

"I'm not done yet," he growled playfully, licking up her chest and neck and making her shudder with anxious delight. "A whole day of sex starts now."

"Oh fuck...!" she huffed, eating those words as he started bouncing her on his lap again.