Part 2: Change is sweet

Story by Lance Cairne on SoFurry

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#2 of Change is sweet

Hey again, yup it's part two, yay!

This contains M/M themes, and... well, two guys doin' it, so if you don't like that, or if you're under aged, then the back button just became your best friend, if you do like it then stay and read on.

All characters are mine, so please don't use without permission.

And yes this is my first time writing a yiff scene so please try to give tips so it can be better later on.

Lance woke slowly, feeling a heat against his body, and snuggled into it to stay warm in the cold room.

The 'warmth' was Zane, who was now, reluctantly waking up, until he realized he was being nuzzled by lance, he then smiled, and lay still, enjoying the warmth of being close to lance.

A month had passed since lance had told Zane about his feelings for him. Lance still hadn't said the words Zane wanted to hear, but Zane was still determined to get the fox to love him.

Over the month that passed, the leaves fell, and the ground was covered with the beauty that is snow. Lance and Zane saw each other almost daily, and they were rarely apart for too long.

When lance and Zane finally decided that they needed to get up, Zane noticed something, "what happened to your eyes? They're blue now."

"Oh, I never told you? My eyes change color when the seasons change."

"Really? That's awesome!"

Lance smiled, not for the fact that he thought it was cool, but for the fact that he noticed.

"So, did you have any plans for today? Or are we just going to eat and go back to what we were doing before?" Lance said, hoping it was the latter.

"Well we could go out and see a movie if anything interesting is out."

"You want to check while I cook breakfast?"

"It's lunch time Lance... and sure."

"The first meal of the day is always breakfast to me." Lance said cheerfully.

"That's a good enough reason for me." Zane said, smiling as he walked over to the computer.

He checked to see if there was anything interesting, while lance rooted through the kitchen for some omelet ingredients.

'Hmm, what else could we do...?' Zane thought to himself, looking over the movie list, seeing nothing of interest.

"Hey," lance said, "I thought of something better to do, but it's a secret alright?"

Zane's ears perked up, "sure!" Lances surprises were always great, like when they went to the forest...

3 weeks earlier

"So where is it we're going again?" Zane asked.

"I told you it's a secret, so just wait a while and you'll find out."

"Oh all right"

They drove for a few more minutes until lance stopped the car. "Ok, now we go on foot."

Zane followed him wordlessly through the forest as lance navigated his way to wherever he was planning on going.

Then suddenly the trees got thinner and there was a beautiful little spot that was untouched by the modern world around them.

"I used to come here all the time when I was a kit." Lance said, "I thought you might like it too..."

"It's amazing..." Zane said, "It's the second best thing I've ever seen."

"Second best? Then what's first?"

"You of course."

Lance hugged Zane and pulled him close.

"Thanks for sharing this with me; I know it's special to you." Zane said.

"So are you Zane."

Present day

"Ready to go Zane?" Lance said, opening the car door for him.

Zane nodded and got in.

"So, what were you daydreaming about? You had a goofy spaced out face until I called you for breakfast."

"Oh just our trip to the forest." Zane said.

Lance smiled, "oh, well we'll have to make another memory like that so I can see that goofy face again," lance said deviously.

Zane hit lances shoulder playfully, and laughed, "so are we going or not?"

With that lance pulled his keys out of his coat pocket, and put them in the ignition.

As they drove, Zane thought about their time together, everything was great, even though they both had pasts that haunted them, whenever one broke down the other was there to comfort the other.

Zane thought back to when he was a teenager, how his parents had accepted him being gay, so he had let it slip just once, and his so-called friend went from 'best friend' to homophobe.

Zane's eyes started to gather moisture, and he was about to burst out crying, and suddenly the car stopped, and lance put an arm around him.

"Don't worry about the past, it's the present you should be thinking of," Lance said, wiping the tear that was running down Zanes cheek.

Zane sniffed, "I know," Zane then cuddled into the foxes embrace, "now let's see the surprise."

They walked over to a hill, and sat at the top. Zane looked out and saw the city with all of its furs scurrying about on the streets.

"You know, one of these days I have to find a special spot to show you," Zane said, looking to the fox.

"Zane, I've lived here all my life, there aren't too many places here I don't know about." Lance said, smiling at Zane.

"Isn't the city amazing from up here?" Lance said.

"Yeah, I never thought it could look so nice."

"Zane, I have something I want to give you."

"What's that?" Zane asked, curious as to what the fox had to give.

"I know you've... wanted it for a while..."

Zanes ears perked up, and his heartbeat sped up, 'is it...'

"I love you Zane." Lance said, and he drew close, and kissed Zane passionately.

Zanes eyelids fluttered and he hugged lance, trying to bring them closer together.

Their tongues danced with each other, as the two kissed with a burning need to be closer to each other.

"Lance, that's the best gift I could ever ask for."

Lance smiled, "I know."

They resumed where they left off until they were both panting for breath.

"Let's go home; I'm starting to get cold," Zane said, "and hungry..."

"You and that bottomless pit of a stomach are going to eat me out of my paycheck..." lance joked.

Zane laughed, and they got up and walked to the car.

Zane couldn't stop playing the scene over and over in his head, he had a huge smile plastered on his muzzle and was spaced out again.

"Zane... ZANE... ZANE!" Lance shouted.

"Whaaa?" Zane said, as he was thrust from his daydreams.

"We're back at your house."

"Oh." Zane said, "are you staying over?"

"Yeah I just want to get a few things first, but they're secret."

"Oh, all right, see you in a bit then," Zane said.

"Yeah, see you."

As the minutes passed by Zane realized how empty his live had been without lance, it was just the same dull routine.

But now lance made every day they spent together something special. Zane never knew what love really was until that day. It wasn't something you said, or really felt, it was the strong bond that two people with strong feelings for each other shared.

That was why lance had to wait, so they could have a strong bond with each other that couldn't be broken so easily.

Zanes thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening, and lance stepping inside with a bag.

"So, what's in that bag?" Zane asked.

"Its a surprise, if you were supposed to know already, then Id have let you come with me."

"Oh fine..." Zane said, "What are we going to be doing then?"

"Well FIRST we're eating."

After they had eaten, lance gave Zane a blindfold, "put this on until I say you can take it off."

Zane grabbed the blindfold and put it on wordlessly; knowing protests would fall on deaf ears. There was a rustling noise and something was set on the ground in front of him.

"Okay, you can take it off now."

When he took the blindfold off, in front of him was a small arctic fox stuffed animal with a bracelet on it.

"The fox is for when I'm not here; the bracelet is just something I made for you."

Zane smiled, "thanks," he said as he hugged the stuffed fox, "I like hugging you better though," he said as he leaned over to hug lance.

"I think..." Zane said, pulling away from the hug, "umm..."


"Well... I... I think I'm ready to... you know... do it... if you're ready that is!" He added quickly.

Lance laughed, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking, and I think I'm ready."

"Uh, do you have work tomorrow?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, it's just that you might be sore if we... do it..." lance said, "unless you wanna just do oral for now..."

"Oh... uhhh yeah just oral is fine, might as we'll start slow..." Zane said.

"Okay, c'mere."

Zane did as he was told, and scooted closer to lance.

"Let's get those pesky clothes off."

Zane wasted no time, quickly taking off his shirt, and fumbling with the button on his pants before lance put a hand on Zanes shoulder.

"Hey, need help there?" Zane looked at lance, and saw he was shirtless too.

"Yeah..." Zane said, his mind wandering as he looked at the shirtless form of lance, he wasn't scrawny, but he wasn't exactly built either. Zane heard lance say something about helping him out as he felt his pants being pulled from his body.

Zane reached to lances pant button, and swiftly undid it and pulled them down slowly, revealing the bulge in lances boxers, and suddenly, as he stared at it, his boxers felt confining.

He snapped back to reality when he felt lance fondling his bulge, Zane couldn't help but moan, it felt so good.

Zane picked up the hint that he should start doing the same when lance started to make a small whimpering noise.

Soon though, the two got tired of the foreplay, and lance jerked down Zanes boxers, and made the same little whimpering noise.

When Zane looked at what the foxes boxers were hiding, he blushed, the almost-7-inch member that jutted from his sheath was pointing straight at his muzzle, begging to be swallowed down his throat.

"We should move to the bed..." lance said.

Zane just grunted, still staring at lances foxhood. And followed him when he got up.

Once they were in the room, lance pushed Zane onto the bed and jumped on top of him, taking care not to hurt him.

"So what are we do-mmmmphhh" Zane said, his sentence being cut short by a quick kiss.

Lance then slowly moved his muzzle south and stopped at his prize, the cats slightly smaller ebony member.

Lance brought his bright red foxhood up to the cats member and started to rub them together.

Zane purred and started to moan. Lance was panting and moaning as well.

"I'm... not gonna last long... if you keep that up," Zane said in between moans.

Lance stopped, and crawled onto the bed, and lay down on top of Zane, and started to kiss him lustfully. After a short while of kissing, lance wanted more than tongue in his mouth, and spun his body to face Zanes member.

Lances muzzle engulfed Zanes member, and Zane moaned. Lance took the opportunity to thrust his member into Zanes mouth, catching him off guard and making him gag slightly.

Zane didn't take too long to get the hint and started sucking the foxcock in his muzzle. Lance was no slacker, and was sucking the cat, trying desperately to get his cum to flow into his mouth.

Lances mouth was splashed with precum and he sucked it up greedily, leaving only enough to keep the intoxicating taste on his tongue. Zane was receiving the same treat, enjoying the slightly salty precum that was leaking from lances member.

Zane realized the foxes knot was bumping into his nose and started to squeeze the base of it, trying desperately to receive the seed of his lover.

Then suddenly, Lance let out a yip, and cum flooded Zanes mouth, and started to spill onto his cheeks. Zane pulled off of the foxes member and the cum spurted out onto his face.

Zane then felt his balls rise and the cum rush out of his member and into lances mouth, and then being swallowed quickly by the fox.

Zane took deep breaths, trying to recover from the powerful orgasm he'd just had.

"Let's... get to sleep..." lance said, breathing heavily as well.

Yay for yiff ^_^

Yeah I know, it was kinda short compared to the last one, but I feel like it would go on forever if I didnt stop it there.

So now that I have the second story done, I'll try working on a part 3, so if you have anything to criticize, DO IT NOW, I have more time to write and I can write stories a lot faster for the time being, so lemme know.

Criticism that's constructive is greatly appreciated! I wanna hear what I did wrong so I don't end up doin' it again.