Unleashed Corruption - Shadow Lucario and Zoroark

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A little collab with my bro :thronezweiicon: of the two of us becoming a Shadow Lucario and Shadow Zoroark

Hadou (C) MyselfPokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Remind me what we're looking for here? This old Pokécenter's been abandoned for decades now..."

Alex looked over his shoulder at his friend Peter as the door to the old building was closed behind them in order to convince anyone looking that nobody was inside. All he knew was that nobody had been inside this location for quite some time and it had been left to rot. Windows were broken, there were a few broken windows and what lights were on were flickering. Everything looked like it had been abandoned in a hurry if not outright broken. All in all, he had a bad feeling.

"If I remember correctly, there had been sightings of a very powerful Pokémon here, namely a Lucario." Peter told him, looking back at his friend. "I don't know if they're the reason why this Pokémon Center is in disrepair, or if it just uses this place as a hideout, but if we could find it, maybe we'd be able to get some answers - that and if we're lucky, we might get a new addition to the team as well!"

"Certainly picked a hell of a hideout if it does call this place home." He remarked as he stepped over what had been one of the PCs every trainer used to store the Pokémon that they weren't using, among other things. They'd been pretty solidly built in the event of a stray attack going off or something, and it had been torn from its mountings. Frowning, he looked around. "Maybe if the front desk still has power, we might find some records."

"That's not a bad idea!" Peter said, eying the reception desk. "Do you have any idea where the generators are in these places?" He walked over to the desk, examining everything around him. Everything seemed to be in one piece, barring a few scratch marks around the desk.

"If I remember right, should be in the basement. At least, that's where they are in the one I work at, and it looks a lot like this one. Doors are designed to open in an emergency, so even if there's no power, you should be able to get in. I'll keep poking around here, see if there's any paper records."

He moved over to the desk and the array of filing cabinets there - there was bound to be some paperwork left over if this Hadou had ever been anywhere near this center. The trouble was finding it - even with a name narrowing the search down, there was still an ocean of paperwork for him to sift through.

"Come on, there's got to be something..." He mumbled, flicking through the numerous folders. It was surprising just how many people named their Pokémon something that started with the letter H, so it made trying to find one set of records more tedious than it already was. "If I worked in anything like this, I'd at least alphabetise them, they really didn't care for having the names in order, did they?"

"No joke. We'll probably have more luck with the electronic records - but we'll get more done if we split up. I'll stay here - more familiar with the filing systems anyhow - and you see about getting the generators running. If you need any help, send one of your 'mon up and I'll follow."

Alex nodded as he continued to sort through the paperwork, placing his phone down nearby and using his flashlight as a lantern. It looked like he had a long and tedious search ahead of him at this rate.

"Will do, let's just hope it doesn't take too long!" He responded, making his way downstairs. He used his own phone flashlight to guide himself down, the basement lying in total disarray. Shelves had been knocked over, dozens of empty Poké Balls scattered across the floor - some looked like they had been purposely smashed. "This just gets stranger and stranger..."

There were numerous stains all over, some of them dark like blood, others seemed of a different nature entirely. Peter wasn't sure what looked older and he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The signs of struggle and other happenings continued as he went along towards the breaker room. He was nearly there when he felt his attention being drawn to another room off to the side, one door hanging off its hinges, the other with a massive dent in it.

"Hrm... I'm sure Alex won't mind if I go off-track for a few seconds, will he?" He thought, making his way towards the room. The only thing that could have caused this much damage must have been a Pokémon with freakishly strong power, as if someone let loose a Salamence. If this was the work of that Lucario in particular, he was on the right track - but if that was the case, why would they destroy a Pokémon Center?

From where Peter was standing, the room looked to be decently sized, though with only half the lights on, he couldn't see more unless he got closer. As he did, an odd chill ran down his spine - something powerful had been in there, he could tell. You only got feelings like that around really powerful Pokémon. Though it didn't smell like any had been in there for some time. Perhaps it had broken out?

"OK... this is starting to creep me out..." He mumbled, making his way past the damaged door. He rested his hand on it, causing it to gently sway - it was impressive that it could still do that, considering the state it was in. His other hand rested near his Poké Balls - he didn't know if he'd be able to face this thing by himself, but if he couldn't, he at least had the option of sending one of his 'mon up to Alex to get some backup.

The room had been a reinforced chamber with all manner of devices inside, complete with what looked like ritualistic writing on the walls and baffling devices of a high mark. Whatever had been in here, they hadn't wanted it to get out, and even then, it had. Or at least had given it a damn good try. And he still felt like he was being watched, though from where wasn't clear.

"And they were keeping a Lucario in here?" He thought - he knew that they could be strong creatures, but from the damage he had seen, they weren't THIS powerful, even when Mega Evolved. The whole thing was starting to feel increasingly like something from a horror movie, and yet he found himself compelled to look around more, to see what he could glean from all this.

"Not just any Lucario..." He heard faintly from somewhere in the room. It echoed and distorted, making it hard to tell where it was from... but it sounded very close by. Had it become a ghost-type? His dex wasn't making any noises to alert him to the presence of one, but there were few other explanations he could think of.

"What was that?" He span around in place to see if he could spot anything, but nothing around him had changed. His heart was racing as he tried to keep his composure.

"Oh, nothing much... just what you were looking for." A shape coalesced in front of Peter, one that looked very much like a Lucario, if said Lucario was built more like a Machamp. Instead of the normal blue and black, it was mostly black, with red eyes and a purplish aura that rose off of even that intangible form. It looked at him with a wry grin.

"Of course, I can't really do much like this."

"Wh... what happened to you?" He took a step back, not breaking eye contact. "In fact... the better question I should be asking would be WHAT are you?!" Never mind the fact that the ghostly form in front of him might hint that the Lucario died in some way, but he couldn't even be too sure about that.

"It's a long story as to *what* happened to me, but as for what I am... well, you seem to be smart for a human. And no, I'm not dead - just a spirit without a body." He smirked, seeming to not be too upset by his current state. It almost would've fooled Peter if not for the undercurrent of annoyance. He was upset, just able to hide it well.

"You seem to be trying to take it well, anyway..." He responded. "So if you're not going to answer that, at least tell me what on earth this place is, why they kept you confined... and... well, why you more or less destroyed this Pokémon Center!"

"They were afraid of me and the... pleasures I offered to others. Human, Pokémon... there's so much more we can do if we just stop playing by the rules they want. Embrace our darker natures. A few here got curious, I showed them and... heh... the powers that be didn't like it. Locked me up, separated my spirit from my body and locked me in this room again."

"Pleasures?" He cocked his head. "But this place looked like an Electrode or six blew up, and the damage caused couldn't have been done by any normal Pokémon!" He continued to grill the spirit.

"Oh, I'm far from normal. I suppose there's no point beating around the bush - I'm a Shadow Pokémon. We're kind of a dirty little secret in more ways than one." The spirit chuckled a little as he read Peter's expression, and it was obvious he was enjoying having someone to actually talk to.

"A Shadow Pokémon?!" He gasped - he had heard of these supposedly heartless creatures from far-off regions, but they were thought to have all been purified. "But that can't be, there hasn't been any sightings of one in years... plus, you're not really a mindless beast, from what I can gather!"

"Bah!" He waved his hand in annoyance. "Those are just a smear campaign against us. We're all quite lucid, thank you very much - though there IS one place we're a beast. Two, I suppose. In a fight and in bed. And we're secretive due to the whole... purifying business. Is it really too much to ask that we be allowed to be ourselves? Can't blame me if someone wants to be more of a stud in the sack or a terror in a fight and want in."

"Is that... what caused all the damage? You turned other Pokémon into Shadows?" He asked. The whole 'beast in bed' part had momentarily gone over his head, as he was more focused on trying to get answers - and not getting on the spirit's bad side.

"Not just Pokémon... humans, too. Of course, they didn't *remain* human. But trust me when I say they enjoyed it *very* much."

The shadowy Lucario smirked as he hovered around Peter, not quite touching him, but close enough that he could feel the heat from the shadowy figure. He was warm in spite of the shadowy nature of his body. It was obvious that he was turned on at the thought of those memories.

"I... I see..." He said. He still wasn't quite sure on what to make of any of this, or even what to say to the specter. "So just what is it that you're doing down here since you've got... well... no body?"

"Mostly waiting to get out. As I am, I can't really leave here - but if I were to have a body again, I could. And that, my dear human, is where you come in. Let me have your body - you'd still have your memories and all that, don't worry."

"Wait, what?" He spluttered. "Give you my body? What makes you think I'd be crazy enough to do that, exactly?" He asked, even if he was to keep his memories, first impressions were telling him that this Lucario seemed a little... unstable.

"Power, for one. You'd be an absolute BEAST. Unstoppable, virile, the envy of all your friends~ And you'd be able to get whatever vengeance you desire on your enemies. They couldn't stop you easily." He grinned, baring his fangs lustfully, flexing a bit to further emphasize his power.

"I... I suppose there is that.." He thought for a moment - he always was trying to find ways to make Alex jealous, and the last real time he could remember doing so was showing off his then-new shiny Corviknight that hasn't left his team since. On the enemy front, there were a few people he could think of that deserved to be punished, and he wasn't just thinking about grunts from evil teams - he had encountered a few mean-spirited trainers now and then, one in particular always rubbed him the wrong way when their paths crossed.

"See? You have desires of power and I sense more than a little lust, too. All you have to do is let me in, and I'll do the rest. And think of it - your friend up there could be snarling and moaning like a beast too. I think he's earned that much, hasn't he?"

"Maybe... maybe..." He nodded. He still had some reservations about the whole thing - it felt like he was making a deal with Giratina, after all. "Things shouldn't get too out of hand if I accept this, right?"

"Oh no, not at all. I trust you won't go too crazy with the power I give you." The spirit both winked literally and there was a figurative wink in his voice. He drifted closer and placed his large, clawed hands on Peter's shoulders, the tips just barely sinking in, past his skin. "You have to say yes, though. I have my honor."

Peter still had some doubts - this was a Shadow Pokémon, after all. At the same time, he'd feel bad if he left him here. Who knows when he'd have another human stumble upon him?

"OK... I'll accept your offer."

"Excellent! Prepare yourself, human... for today, you become something far more." The spirit chuckled as his hands sank lower and lower until he rushed into Peter's body, vanishing from view entirely. Peter soon felt an incredible lust roiling inside of him as a purplish aura began to rise off of his body, the spirit's name coming to mind. Hadou.

"Ghh...gghhhh!" He trembled, his eyes clamping shut as the spirit filled him. As the name came to mind, he realized that this WAS the Lucario he had been looking for, though he had no clue that said Lucario would be a Shadow. "I... I feel..."

His sclera went red as his eyes pulled into slits beneath his closed lids, snapping open and glowing ominously as he felt his muscles twitching and throbbing as they steadily began to bulk up as an inhuman vitality filled him. Peter could feel his body starting to stretch taller and broader, shaft going hard almost immediately. This felt way too fucking GOOD.


"Rrrgghhh!" He huffed, his clothing starting to strain against him thanks to his growing muscles. Glancing down, he could see the fabric of his shorts tenting obscenely, a smirk crossing his lips. He was so sorely tempted to remove his clothes there and now, but he decided against it - he was leaving his humanity behind, so what better way to do so than to break free of everything?

He found his views on humanity taking a nose dive straight into contempt as Hadou's influence continued to warp him, either worthy of being converted into powerful and attractive Shadow Pokémon like himself... or eliminated. His pectorals continued to grow broader under a coat of grey fur, nipples becoming coal black in color, his abs tightening into a powerful eight-pack as a large metal spike emerged from the center of his chest, his increase in height and muscle mass causing his shirt to shred more and more. His cock strained as it emptied itself of his human seed.


His shirt strained further against his chest, his muscles neatly outlined by the tortured fabric. The spike gleamed in the low light, his hands running along his torso, feeling the fur coming in through the tears. Those humans who he thought about teaching a lesson just moments beforehand, his thoughts were drifting more towards punishing them. He couldn't help but chuckle, groaning as his dick continued to drain, the head poking out past the beltline of his shorts.

The foreskin of his shaft pulled back and soon became a thick ring of flesh, easily several times wider than it had been before as his cock gained a meaty knot at the base of it, turning a dark red in color as it became girthy and long, tapering to a canine point as his body finished purging itself of his former human seed. He could feel his balls swelling to the size of grapefruit inside their furred sac, producing potent new Shadow Lucario cum. "Ghhghrhrr....heheheh... fuck this feels SO GOOD!" He chuckled as his ass became thick and muscular, a tail growing in above it. The shirt and pants he had on weren't going to last much longer at the rate he was growing and packing on muscle.

His other hand drifted down to his cock, the still-human limb wrapping around his girthy spire. A low, savage growl left his mouth as he felt it. "Fuuuuuuck yes!" His eyes nearly rolled back into his head, his new tail swaying from side to side, the sound of ripping fabric assaulting his ears.

"Luuucaaarrrrr...hffff... soon... Arceus damn... you're all gonna fuckin...aaarrrioooo... worship me!" He huffed as he flexed his muscles, his arms starting to grow thick and heavy with powerful muscles, the bones throughout his body becoming more metallic. His hands cracked and twitched as they rapidly expanded in size, spikes forcing themselves out of the backs of them. His nails split apart to reveal gleaming, onyx claws whilst pads appeared on his fingers and palms. As he stroked himself off, they amplified the pleasure he felt, the dark, corrupting aura rising off of him in palpable waves now. His hands now much more easily fit his tool.

"More... MORRRREEE!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He snarled, trying to suppress the urge to howl for now - he didn't want to alert Alex, not until he was complete. His pumping grew more fierce, his shirt tearing fully open, falling in tatters around him, his shorts and pants barely hanging on. Considering that he could feel his feet cramping up in his shoes, he knew they wouldn't last too long with what was coming up.

As his hips packed on muscle, he could hear his pants tearing rapidly along with his undergarments, and as his legs began to likewise swell with increased muscle mass and fur, they quickly gave way, tearing into shreds and causing his thick spear to spring free, pre flying and hitting the wall. "FFfffuuuucccckkkkkk...! LllluuUUcccarrrrriiii~!" He huffed as his shoes began to rapidly deform as sharp claws broke through the front before the tortured materials gave way entirely, exploding off as his heels rose, feet going digitigrade as they widened to fully support his densely muscled, god-like physique. "Aaarriioooooo...ssshhhiitt... don't... want to be HUMAN anymore...!"

His claws tapped against the floor, leaving deep gouges despite the fact that he was barely applying any pressure to them. He kicked off whatever remained of his old footwear, standing fully bare. He barely noticed just how tall he had grown, his head not too far from the ceiling. His frenzied pawing grew faster and faster, his tongue hanging from his mouth. "Fuuuuuck... I... I'm so... carrrrriii... clooooose!"

His neck widened, his already deepened voice getting deeper as his tongue grew longer, the fur climbing up his neck and engulfing his face. He felt his mouth and nose pushing forwards as his jaw extended out into a powerful canid muzzle, with sharp teeth and a wet, black nose. "Rrrluuuuccarrrr... just... a littleeeaarriroooo... morreeeee....!" He huffed as his ears moved to the top of his skull and grew into long, triangular shapes, and to finish it all off, he felt a quartet of dreadlock-like appendages grow in, not only letting him see the auras of everyone around him, but twist them and taint them into Shadow Pokémon like himself. The thought of this power was enough to send him over the edge entirely. Once he came, he and Hadou would be one and the same.

"Gonna...caaarrrr....caaaaaarrr....cuuuuuuuuuuuummm........!" He hissed through gritted fangs, his cock spasming in his grip. He could hold back no longer, picking up on Alex's aura almost instantly, as well as the auras of the Pokémon they all had on hand. A small part of him wondered if he had made the right move, but he didn't care any more. He NEEDED this. He didn't want to go back to being a human!


He howled loudly as his cock shuddered in his grip as he came hard, his potent seed forcefully splattering against the wall for what seemed like forever until his shoulders briefly slumped, the titanic Shadow Lucario standing there with his massive cock in his grasp, smiling triumphantly. Hadou had returned, and once he had gifted the human above for his worthiness, they would turn their former teams and then... then they would have their revenge.

"Mmrrrrrrhghghghgh.... Oooh, it's been too long since I've been able to do that..." He chuckled, releasing himself from his grip, licking some of the mess away from his paws. His other hand brushed against the belt of Poké Balls which had miraculously remained attached to him despite his clothing laying in ruins. "So many good options on hand... but I guess I should sort out the human first~" He looked back to the door. Despite the low light, his new eyes saw everything as clear as day. "You best be prepared, Alex!"

His orgasm hadn't gone unnoticed, and Alex was on his way down to the lower levels. Peter had been gone long enough that he was worried, and the Lucario's shout had sounded strange, though the long distance and echoes had distorted it enough to hide the pleasure. As he entered the lower levels, he could smell Hadou's seed, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Odd time to have a quick wank..."

Hadou backed up against the wall, keeping himself out of sight, at least until Alex was in there. He was already thinking of the best way to transform his friend, a plethora of great options were playing out in his mind. All he had to do was get in closer.

"Peter! Are you here? If something happened, I can help!" Alex moved a bit further into the basement, following the smell in lieu of any other leads. The door soon caught his eyes and he approached - they'd never had a bunker like that at the center he worked for. So what was this doing here? All the while he was unaware that the beast that his friend had become was watching, waiting as he stroked his cock in anticipation.

"That's it, step into my parlor..." He stifled a laugh, eagerly awaiting Alex's arrival. He knew already that he'd make for a good Shadow Pokémon as well, he'd be a perfect fit for so many good forms.

"Oh man, what a mess!" Alex groaned as he entered the room, staring at the massive splattering of cum against the wall, the substance starting to drip down onto the floor in a sticky puddle. He didn't see any sign of Peter at first, but the shreds of clothing and a pair of familiar looking, and utterly destroyed, shoes confused him even more. "...what the hell happened?"

"Nothing too serious, I can assure you~" Hadou spoke, trying to mimic his old human voice the best he could, even though he despised trying to do so. He placed a large, clawed hand on Alex's shoulder. "Let's just say that I found the Lucario that we were looking for!"

Alex would've leapt out of his skin if Hadou's hand hadn't been holding him down, and as he turned around, he blinked, then blushed furiously as he realized he was roughly eye level with the Shadow Lucario's erect, throbbing spear. He was looking at a massive, densely muscled Shadow Pokémon who was looking at him in a way akin to a god being bemused by a mortal.


"Not anymore, my friend..." He spoke, his voice shifting back to his now-bestial tone. "I'm still around, but that name doesn't fit the new me... call me Hadou~"

"Hadou? The Lucario that we were looking for?" He'd never found the name, but several pieces were falling into place for Alex. The towering beast in front of him certainly looked powerful, and was unmistakably a Lucario. But he'd never imagined finding a Shadow Pokémon, nor what had happened to his friend. "But... what happened?"

"He was without a body, and he offered me his form and power. I was hesitant at first, but that doubt soon faded!" He growled, flexing for his friend. "I don't think I'd ever want to go back to what I was after experiencing this!" He laughed, starting to pick up on Alex's aura.

"R-really...? I thought Shadows weren't supposed to be so, ah, chatty." Alex sounded a bit uncertain, more confused than anything else. This was going against everything he'd ever heard about Shadows, which wasn't too much. People generally didn't talk about them beyond rumors. He'd never even heard of anyone who'd encountered one in person.

"That depends on the Pokémon in question. Myself... I was kind of a special case~" He told him, scanning Alex's aura. There wasn't anything too special about it, but with a few tweaks, that would soon change. "They wanted the perfect Shadow Pokémon, and thought a simple Lucario would be perfect for that..."

"From the looks of things, they tweaked the Arceus-living daylights out of you." He covered his mouth for a moment, hoping the Shadow Lucario wouldn't take offense. Hadou's aura scanning didn't register to him, but the Lucario was already getting not only a solid idea of what to turn the human into, but was close to beginning his manipulation. Turning the meek human into a snarling, lusty, corrupt beast would be ever so easy... and fun.

"That they did... they wanted something that was strong, bestial, obedient... they got the first two parts right!" He cackled wildly, beginning his manipulation of Alex's aura. Patches of dark-grey fur were beginning to grow under his clothing, unnoticed by him for now.

"Guessing whatever you did to the people here is why this place looks like a horde of Electrode went off in here..." He looked around, seeing more scratches and furrows in the walls, broken tables, and equipment. Even upstairs, things had smelled a little off. But not like old blood.

"Yes, some of them ended up as Shadow Pokémon like myself, some of them... weren't so lucky. In fact I managed to take a few of them with me when they decided to leave me without a body!" He snarled, his eyes glowing. He clearly wasn't happy about that part, watching the fur start to spread further, some of it poking past his sleeves, the manipulation continuing.

"Wait, humans can *become* Shadow Pokémon!?" Alex sounded more than a little surprised, the changes not quite registering just yet aside from feeling uncomfortably itchy, a fact he chalked up to a case of nerves from being so close to something that could rend him limb from limb if he felt like it.

"Before they experimented on me, it was physically impossible to turn a human into a Pokémon, let alone a Shadow. They gave my aura capabilities a bit of a tweak, and then..." He smirked, seeing Alex's muscles slowly grow larger, the fur making its way down his arms, but his gaze was still too affixed on Hadou to notice, even as his thoughts started to twist and darken.

"Damn them... they thought they could play Arceus, didn't they?" He let out a faint growl, less concerned with the fates of the workers that hadn't been turned than he'd been a moment ago. And the idea of becoming something different, something... more... than human was growing more appealing. "And then you could make those... humans something better?"

"I know I can - I did change a few of them before they left me in spiritual limbo, after all~" He saw Alex's hands twitch, the nails breaking apart as giant, dagger-like purple claws grew from his fingertips, the muscles in his arms swelling further, ripping his sleeves. The manipulation steadily grew stronger, Alex's thoughts shifting further as he became more sympathetic to the shadowy beast before him.

"Arrrkk... I hope they're safe somewhere. Who wouldn't want to become as smoking hot as you...?" The noise that left his mouth seemed to faintly register with him before he looked at Hadou seemingly like it was for the first time, appreciating the thick, sculpted muscles and the thick fur. Why would anyone want to imprison such perfection? Humans hated anything they didn't understand.

"I know at least one of them escaped, I've been trapped here for so long it's hard to remember what happened to the others." He placed a hand on Alex's shoulder, feeling his new muscles. His chest gained an equally impressive six-pack, the fur coating it nicely, making his shirt tighter still. "I just know that there'd be hell to pay if anyone did try to kill any of my creations..." He snarled, the sound reverberating through Alex thanks to the manipulation.

"I'd be right there with you. Fucking humans don't deserve this kind of gift, but you give it to them anyway... so you're not the monster. They are." He went to move, but the tightness in his shirt cut him off, causing him to look down, his gaze beholding an impressively broad - and furred - chest and potent claws. Realization dawned on the increasingly corrupted human. "But if they say you make monsters... then I want to be a monster. Can you totally purge me of this damned humanity? Make me as much of a Shadow as you are?"

"I believe I can do that.." Hadou said with a twisted grin. "I've been doing it to you this entire time, after all!" He could see the muscles in Alex's legs growing larger, his jeans feeling tight around his thighs, something that wasn't helped by the sudden tented bulge making itself known down below.

"Zzzorrrkk... good... keep doing it...! Being a Shadow Pokémon sounds so much *better...* He hissed in pleasure as he let out a moan from the bulge rubbing against his pants, a wet patch telling Hadou that he'd already emptied himself of his last bits of human seed. He also noticed that he was no longer nearly as short compared to the massive Lucario, a twisted grin on his face as he began to shred his shirt off with his claws.

"Luuuu.... Perhaps you need a hand with that?" He pointed down to Alex's crotch, the zipper straining as the head of his growing dick poked free above the belt line, the button on his pants pinging free. His shaft was already discoloured, taking on a reddish hue, whatever remnants of his seed dribbling free as the head reshaped into a point.

"Aaarrkk... by all means~" The grin remained on his face as he felt his cock begin to shift and grow, the watery remains of his human seed dripping onto the floor unmissed and unwanted as the growing beast was breaking through the shackles of his humanity. The aura manipulation doing its work and more as a dark aura began to radiate off of Alex as well, proof of the Shadowy taint warping him. He felt restrained by his clothing, by the trappings of humanity. Bursting out of it would be liberating.

"In fact, I think you may be capable of bringing humans to our cause as well..." Hadou looked into his eyes, bringing a hand down to Alex's dick. It twitched as he touched it, gaining several inches to be on par with the Lucario's own weapon, the base becoming engorged, forming a knot. A fur-covered sheath formed around the bottom of his rod, his balls swelling as they too were covered in fur, his virility skyrocketing.

"Fffffuucckckkkkkarrrkkkkk~! I'd LOVE to..." The shifting Zoroark moaned loudly as Hadou touched his spear, the contact filling him with dark bliss as he felt his balls churning with thick, new, potent Shadow Zoroark seed. The sight of their massive shafts so close to one another filled him with pride. Why would anyone want to be human when they had such wonderful assets?

"Perhaps...." Hadou ran his claws along Alex's cock. "We should start off by finding us some partners - unless you have any suitable ones on hand right now!" He glanced down at Alex's belt, still holding tight despite the rest of the changes. His feet burst through his shoes, stretching longer, pressure shifting to his tiptoes whilst they combined into three digits, giant purple claws breaking free, the soles of his now-digitigrade feet sporting pads.

"Mrrrffff... I think I know of some..." He chuckled as he looked towards his belt, grinning. They had been trained well, and had backed him up through many a fight and adventure. He'd never thought of them in a romantic or sexual light, but if he could do to them what Hadou was doing to him... his shaft dripped some pre at the thought. They would be divine.

"I've got a few good candidates to work with as well~" He glanced at his own belt, moving behind Alex whilst still keeping one hand around his friend's shaft, the towering beast lining the changing human up. Patches of thick fur grew in around his chest and shoulders, the fur creeping up his head.

"Heheheheh... you were always sweet on your Lucario, now she'll be your number one in more ways than one, huh?" Alex grinned as he watched Hadou circle around him, eager to be claimed and to have what remained of his humanity fully purged in the best and most intimate way possible.

"Indeed, she's been quite the valuable ally, as has my Corviknight. And I know you have a Zoroark of your own, too. Or does another have your eye?" He asked as he began thrusting in, drawing a low growl from Alex, his hair growing longer, flowing wildly behind him, a deep purple coloration overtaking it, save for a few stray streaks of black. His hair grew to be as long as he was, a dark green orb separating a bulb of hair from the rest of his mane, his ears stretching into points that moved closer to the top of his head.

"Oh, they all do in one....aaarrrkkkkk... way or another. They've given me so much...mmfffffuuuuckkk... I want to give a little in return~" He huffed as he braced himself against a nearby wall, his claws leaving deep furrows in it as he hissed and swore in pleasure. He could feel his hair growing longer, the orb binding it. Its weight felt... reassuring.

"Once we're done, I say we call them out... give them... luuuucccccc.... A taste of real power...!" Hadou growled into Alex's ear, watching his friend's face stretch forwards, reshaping into a triangular muzzle. His tongue grew longer, teeth growing into serrated fangs, several more growing in to fill his vicious maw. Faint trails of purple fur grew in around his eyes and the edges of his mouth, his eyes moving towards the sides of his head, first turning yellow, then shifting to a sinister crimson, the pupils pulling into thin slits.

"Zzzzoorrarrrrkkk... yessss... we should!" He hissed back as he grinned with his sharp teeth, the new muzzle feeling more right on his altered body than his human face ever had, the power of illusion and trickery flowing into him. Tainted, shadowy pre spurted from his shaft as Hadou kept hammering into him, only his powerful body keeping him upright, and enjoying every moment.

"Glad to hear you agree with me~" Hadou teased him further, stroking Alex more and more, his balls slapping against his friend's firm, tailless ass. It wouldn't take too much longer for Hadou to blow, and both he and Alex could barely wait.


Alex roared loudly as he felt his body tense up and release its load in one long, body shaking, pleasurable orgasm that had his eyes rolling back up into his skull as he fully rejected his humanity and embraced the Shadow he'd become, his load splattering against the wall in the same spot Hadou's had.


"Mmrrhhh... being bad has never felt SO good..." He purred as he rested against the wall, grinning wickedly at his transformation. Even the bite had felt amazing, and he was eager to return the favor and ride the Lucario at some point. "But first things first..." He looked at their belts with the balls on them.

"Luuuu... this shouldn't be too hard to explain!" Hadou grinned, taking two of them from his belt. He could turn them all at once if he wanted, but he felt it would be more fitting to start with two personal favourites, calling out his Lucario and a Corviknight.

Alex removed two of his own, a Garchomp and a Houndoom, the power of the dark auras rising off of the two Shadows quickly not only corrupting the team, but Hadou and Alex both watched with glee as their team rapidly started to become more humanoid and equally as buff as their former trainers. True to the Lucario's words, explanations went quickly and soon, the center echoed with the sounds of growls, howls, moans and many other signs that the Shadows were insatiable and would, after a while, plot to spread even further.