Making New Lakeside Memories

Story by runneroo on SoFurry

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#10 of Personal Stories

My Labrador dad Leon and his son Caleb needed some vacation time to get away from the city and make some new memories together, and they just couldn't stop themselves from getting up to some shenanigans at the lake!

I hope you enjoy this story, I had a lot of fun writing it, and thanks for reading! Comments and questions are always welcome :)

"Aaaand...that's it, we're officially on vacation," Caleb declared as he put the last of the snack food in the pantry.

Leon had just emerged from the bedroom, where he'd finished unpacking the bags and sorting his and his son's clothes in the closet. He stretched as he entered the kitchen and yawned--at just over 50, he grimaced as he felt the bones in his back pop from having spent most of the day loading the car, hunched over the wheel, and unloading again. "Aaah...I always forget how long the drive takes. Feels good to be settled though!"

"Amen to that," Caleb agreed--he opened the refrigerator and pulled out a beer for his dad and a ginger ale for himself. The 20-year-old Labrador handed the can of lager to Leon before clinking his bottle of soda against it. "Cheers!"

They both drank and sighed, simply taking the time to unwind from the long journey to the lakehouse--the day had started early, just before dawn, with Leon practically having to drag his son out of the bed they shared so they could load the car. Drowsy and still shirtless, Caleb might as well have been sleepwalking as he helped his father pack up, then bundled into the front seat with a sweater to doze off for another few hours. Leon had gotten them to their usual diner/gas station for a late breakfast, which helped both of them perk up, before driving farther into the mountains. By the time they arrived at the lakehouse, it was mid-afternoon and the sun sparkled brilliantly on the water of Big Parr Lake.

The lakehouse--a ranch-style home that sat on three acres of land and came with a dock and an old pontoon boat that needed its motor replaced--had passed through four generations of Parkers before it came to Leon; it had seen so many Parker reunions, arguments, holiday parties, birthday bashes, game nights, giant feasts, and more that it was practically a member of the family itself. In its heyday, someone from the family would be there every weekend and it would be impossible to do a spontaneous getaway without booking some time on the calendar months in advance. Nowadays, with most of the Parkers having migrated farther and farther away, the house sat mostly quiet and vacant in its lakeside glade, but still available for vacations from busy lives back home--which was what brought Leon and Caleb there for the week. They'd entered a stretch of the summer where there was nothing to do back home, and Leon brought up the idea of taking some time to truly relax at the lakehouse and get away from the city for a while.

"Can't believe it's been so old was I the last time we were here, 14? 15?" Caleb asked, looking at the old family photos and other memorabilia hanging on the wall.

"That sounds about right, it was Aunt Gina's 60th birthday," Leon mused as he watched his son stroll around the living room. "That wasn't when you had that big fight with Aiden, was it?"

"No, that was when I was 8--all because I didn't want him to come fishing with me and Pop." Caleb shook his head to himself and sipped more of his ginger ale as he remembered a rush of yelling and shoving on the dock. He returned to the kitchen counter and plopped down on the stool next to Leon as he continued, "Man, I was such a little brat back then."

"Eh, you had your redeeming qualities," Leon grinned, nudging him.

"Still, I was a bit of a handful," Caleb said ruefully.

Leon nodded as he drank his beer, then took up, "I mean, you're a handful now, too, but in a much better way."

"Oh my god."

"Oh what? I can't flirt with my own son here?" Leon teased as he reached over to grab Caleb's neck and shoulder with one large hand. "My handsome boy doesn't want his old man to put on some moves?" Leon pulled Caleb's head closer to his own, leaning in and nibbling his ear as he playfully growled, "My pup's too good for his dad to try seducing him? Is that what's going on? I just don't have a chance with my own boy?"

Caleb squirmed, snorted, and hid his face in his palm while Leon kept chewing and huffing in his ear. "Daaaaad..."

"Don't you 'Daaaaaad' me. Neh-neh-neh, I'm Caleb, I'm a horny boy but I'm going to play hard to get, meeeeh," Leon mocked before he released his son and took another swig of beer.

"Wow, someone's feeling feisty today," Caleb chuckled, bemused by his father's behavior.

"Boy, if you hadn't been teasing me in the car--"

"How was I teasing you?" Caleb playfully spluttered. "I spilled water on myself and took my pants off to dry them, innocent enough--"

"And you conveniently forgot to wear underwear," Leon pointed out over him, "so you got me staring at your chastity cage for a few hours when I should've been watching the road."

"Uh-huh. And whose fault is it that I'm locked up in the first place?" Caleb said, grabbing at his crotch to highlight the bulge of the chastity cage he wore under his gym shorts.

Leon rolled his eyes. "Oh, and I guess you're expecting me to do something about it now?"

"I mean, that would be niiiiice..." Caleb said enticingly as he leaned in and licked his dad on the cheek.

Leon grinned and ruffled the fur on his son's head. "Such a goofy lil' pup..."

"Would you have me any other way?"

"Not at all, kiddo," Leon sighed, wrapping an arm around Caleb's shoulder and pulling him in for a side hug. "Not one bit." He took another sip of his beer and his gaze fell on the window looking out on the lake. "Mmm, I think we could use some more outside time, feels like we've been cooped up all day. Want to step out for a little bit?"

Caleb nodded. "Yeah, I could go for a walk or something."

Leon set his beer on the counter, but at that moment he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. "Ah, shit..."

"What happened to 'turn off the phone as soon as you get in the house'?" Caleb mockingly accused.

"I know, I know, I'm such a hypocrite," Leon sarcastically agonized as he pulled out his cell and looked at the screen. He grimaced, then looked at Caleb. "I'm sorry, I really do need to take this--I'll meet you outside?"

"Sounds good," the younger Labrador said as he stood from his stool and kissed his dad on the forehead. Caleb strode out the back door while he heard Leon answer the call: "Hey, I'm here...oh yes, definitely!"

Caleb, barefoot and wearing just his shorts, slowly meandered down the tree-lined, pebbled path to the dock. It felt good to stretch his legs and get his blood flowing again, and he felt his heart beat faster as he soaked in the sights, sounds, and smells around him--it had been so long since he'd heard birds chirping and calling to each other, so long since he'd seen the rustling of pine, juniper, maple, and oak branches in the wind, and so long since he felt like he could just stand still and enjoy the breeze of fresh mountain air rolling past him. The young Labrador breathed in deeply, filling his lungs to the limit before sighing, content; he didn't realize just how much he'd needed time away from the city and to get back into nature. Caleb scratched his stomach absently and took another sip of his ginger ale before he continued onward to the pier.

The wooden planks beneath his feet were warm from the sun and soft from decades of use, and they creaked as Caleb walked to the end of the pier. He smiled to himself, remembering how big the dock had seemed to him when he was a kid, running alongside his cousins at full speed to launch himself off the end and into the cold water below. Now the dock felt so much more narrow, so normal, like it had a magic that had worn away along with the weather-resistant coating that had faded over the years.

Caleb looked over at the pontoon boat; grime and water stains had not been kind to the metal floats or the cushioned seats, and the folded awning looked like it was falling apart. The Labrador remembered when that boat seemed to constantly shine and sparkle every time he looked at it, back in the days when the motor had actually worked. Leon's dad had purchased the boat secondhand and was constantly tinkering with it whenever the family got together at the house. Caleb remembered his grandfather removing the hood over the motor and showing him the wiring when he was younger--the young Labrador had had no idea what he was looking at then, but he remembered being excited to spend time with the older man and pretend that he was helping fix the boat, too.

As he surveyed the lake, Caleb listened to the water lapping against the dock and the rock-lined shore; another memory came to him, one of his aunt Penny snoozing in one of the old Adirondack chairs while he played tag with a few of his cousins. Caleb closed his eyes, remembering that while he'd been playing, the rest of the family had been getting ready for a bonfire. Although was there something special happening? A birthday or a holiday? Or had it just been a cookout for the sake of a cookout? He shrugged to himself, letting the memory slip away again, before he settled down to sit on the wooden boards, dangling his feet into the water; he shivered slightly, but the water wasn't as cold as he'd been expecting.

He took another sip of ginger ale and set the bottle down next to him--the golden sunlight caught on the green plastic and bubbling soda still inside while Caleb's gaze roamed around the perimeter of Big Parr Lake; the lake was 15 square miles, nestled in the mountains at 8,000 feet, and far from the beaten path that led to other popular towns in the area. Houses here were few and far between, with scattered ranches, cottages, and cabins occupying the multi-acre lots on this part of the lake; the center of the basin was dotted with small, rocky, shrub-covered islands, with one of them only half a mile away from the Parker lakehouse dock.

Caleb recalled that the section of the lake farther north had a couple neighborhoods with nicer homes that had been built more recently, but it had been a long time since he'd ventured up that way on the water. Overall, Big Parr Lake didn't see much boat activity, as most of the community was quiet, fairly private, and kept to themselves; selfishly, Caleb was glad that his family's lakehouse had such a large lot with plenty of trees. He grinned to himself, thinking about how easily he and his dad could get away with being outside completely nude. They could fuck in the middle of the day in their front yard and nobody would be able to spot them.

As Caleb let that particular fantasy play in his mind's eye, another memory surfaced, one that took place under the cover of twilight and a cluster of bushes close to the water: Leon had left the house in his bathing trunks with a towel, and Caleb, on a whim that might have had just a little more intention behind it than he'd wanted to admit at the time, had snuck out a few minutes after him.

Caleb had surreptitiously followed his dad down the path to the pier and hid himself in a thick cluster of bushes--in the present, Caleb looked to his left and saw, about 200 feet away, the thicket was still there. In the past, he'd hidden among the branches and brambles while he'd watched his dad, staring at his thick chest, his barrel-like stomach, and his thighs. Leon had been silhouetted in the fading light as he stood at the edge of the pier, tugged off his swim trunks and dropped them to his feet. Caleb in the bush had reached into his own shorts, indulging in the funny feeling in his groin while he watched his father, completely naked, jump into the lake. In the present, Caleb shook his head to himself again, chuckling softly at both the significance of that particular moment and the irony that he was now sitting where his dad had once stood and sparked such an awakening.

"Awrooo!" Leon howled gleefully from afar, shaking Caleb from his reveries.

Caleb turned to see his dad strolling down the path and heading for the pier to join him. When the older Labrador came to a stop next to his son, he took up, "Sorry again about that, the phone's off and back at the house, so it's just us."

"No worries, it's hard to get away," Caleb acknowledged. He yawned and leaned to the side against his father's leg next to him. "Anything important going on?"

"Nothing that can't wait, and not more important than being here with you right now," Leon said; he reached down and ruffled the top of his son's head. He gazed at the lake and sighed wistfully before continuing, "I feel like I've taken this place for granted, you know? It's just sat here and I've kept thinking, 'Oh, it's here, I'll get to it one of these days, it's not going anywhere.' Then years pass and you're sitting and wondering, 'Where did the time go?'"

"It goes by so quickly," Caleb agreed. He patted the side of his dad's leg and said, "I'm glad we did this, it's good to get away with you."

"Just a whole week here and taking it easy with the best boy," Leon grinned. He stretched his back and groaned. "Oooh, I need to move around a little more...although that lake looks mighty tempting."

"Thinking of taking a dip?" Caleb snickered.

Leon cocked his head, considering his choices. "You know, I think I might just have to." He pulled off his shirt to reveal his plump gut and chest as he said, "Been a while since I've gone skinny dipping...or chunky dunking, in my case, but what the hell." Caleb watched Leon reach into his pocket and pull something out--whatever it was, Leon clenched it tightly in his palm while he worked his shorts down his legs, revealing his sturdy, curvy thighs and bulging sheath; Caleb could feel his own cock stiffening against his chastity cage at the sight of his dad undressing so casually in the open. "Care to join me?" Leon asked as he stepped out of his shorts.

Caleb swished his feet through the water. "I don't know, might be a little too chilly for me."

"Oh come on, don't be a coward," Leon joked.

"Nah, you have--aah!" Caleb fell forward from the edge of the dock as Leon firmly planted a foot on his son's back and shoved him into the water. Air bubbles trickled from Caleb's nose as he sank, then bobbed back to the surface, huffing and splashing as he got into a rhythm of treading water. "Traitor!" he yelled with a smile on his face.

"Oh, you wound me, whatever will I do?" Leon asked sarcastically as he laid a hand across his heart. He winked down at Caleb bobbing in the water before he took a running start and cannon-balled into the lake, splashing his son as he bombed in.

Caleb laughed as he wiped the water from his eyes and watched Leon resurface. The older Labrador waggled his eyebrows at his son as he sucked up a mouthful of water and then squirted it at Caleb like a water gun.

"Aw, Daaad!" Caleb yowled as he shook the water from his eyes. But Leon wasn't done yet, as he sank back into the water to submerge his snout, making him look like an alligator--Caleb remembered this game well.

"Ooooh no," he moaned as he started backstroking away from Leon and farther into the lake.

"Gator's gonna getcha," Leon growled as he breast-stroked towards Caleb, matching his pace.

"Noooooo!" Caleb swam faster.

"Here it comes!" Leon sped up.

Caleb turned tail and tried to outswim his father. He got another 20 feet, but it was too late and his old man was too fast--the older Labrador's thick paws grabbed his sides under the water, the larger muzzle playfully bit down on Caleb's shoulder, and there was Leon growling like a chainsaw in his son's ear and shaking his head back and forth like an alligator that had just caught its prey. Caleb howled and struggled, splashing water on his dad, which Leon returned, and the two of them devolved into a splash fight, trying to drench and soak each other more and more until, panting and exhaustedly paddling, Leon gathered Caleb in his arms and they floated together, with father supporting son with his large belly against the younger man's back.

"Now isn't this nice?" Leon purred.

"Right where I need to be," Caleb said softly as he floated in his father's embrace.

"Safe and protected in daddy's arms--nobody else at all but you and me," Leon said as he stroked over Caleb's stomach. He hummed faintly in the younger Labrador's ear, simply enjoying the ambience of floating naked in the lake with his beautiful son; an ache swelled in his heart, a stab of desire to make this moment stretch and last for so much longer. His claws scratched lightly through Caleb's fur while his son relaxed against him, and they drifted out into the deeper reaches of the lake. "Although I should be taking better care of you," Leon eventually said.

"Hmm?" Caleb stirred from the light dozing spell his father had been putting him under. "You do a good job already."

"Maybe," Leon conceded quietly. Caleb heard the devious grin in his father's voice as he continued, "But there's other things I can do, too. Like..."

Caleb felt Leon's hand reach down further to the waistband of his gym shorts; the older Labrador tugged and pulled until the shorts floated freely off of Caleb's legs and began to sink.

"Oh come on, I'm gonna have to dive for those," Caleb whined.

"Sshhh, later," Leon crooned in his son's ear. "First, there's some important business to take care of."

As he spoke, Leon held up his still clenched hand in front of Caleb's face and opened his fingers, revealing a small hex key in his palm. Caleb's eyebrows rose as he realized why his father had held onto the key--he watched and felt Leon's hand sink under the water to connect with his chastity cage. He closed his eyes, delighting in his father's expert handiwork as he pushed the key into the lock underwater and began spinning the bolt loose. In moments, the older canine unlocked the device and popped it and the base ring off of his son's groin; the metal bulb and the ring both sank to the bottom of the lake.

"Doesn't that feel so much better?" Leon asked as he wrapped a hand around Caleb's sheath and began squeezing it, prompting his son's cock to emerge while Caleb groaned softly.


Both Labradors floated free and fully unencumbered, with Leon continuing to stimulate his son and Caleb still luxuriating in his father's embrace; he felt Leon's erection stiffen against the small of his back, and he wriggled against it, eliciting a satisfied growl from Leon. As Caleb's shaft grew under his father's ministrations, Leon squeezed and kneaded the tender organ that hadn't been allowed out of his son's sheath for two weeks. He would have loved to sniff and lick inside his son's thoroughly musky sheath, to lap up every last drop of sweat that had accumulated over the past fortnight, but getting Caleb in the water like this just felt so much much more natural and relaxed than simply molesting his son on the couch or in the bedroom.

"Ah, Dad...that's so nice," Caleb sighed as he felt his knot start to inflate in his sheath.

"I bet it is," Leon mused. "Now just lie back and let your old man take care of you."

Caleb did as he was told, lolling his head back against Leon's shoulder behind him while his legs floated free; he held onto his father's meaty arm hugging his chest while Leon's free hand stayed below Caleb's waist, diligently stroking up and down the bulbous shaft and over the pointed tip. The soft paw pads and fur rubbing against his cock, in addition to the sensation of the water currents tickling his skin, was enough to make Caleb bite his lip and pant, then moan softly as he curled his toes and his knot swelled even further. The only sounds that could be heard for miles around was the distant birdsong in the air, the wind blowing through the trees, and the lapping of the sparkling water while Leon whispered in his son's ear.

"That's it, kiddo, right there," Leon murmured as he tugged the fur and flesh of Caleb's sheath down and exposed his son's sensitive knot to the cool water.

"Ah!" Caleb huffed.

"So good every time, isn't it? And I'm here and I've got you, just like every other time," Leon said as he slipped his fingers under Caleb's knot, supporting the thick erection at its root.

He squeezed on the delicate muscle and sinew before resuming his stroking, letting his fingers roll across the sensitive skin from bottom to tip and bottom again. Caleb whimpered as his father continued to masturbate him in the water, still muttering every so often, "Dad's here...just let go and relax,'ve been so pent can let loose now..."

Caleb nuzzled further into his father's neck, inhaling the scent of wet dog and Leon's natural musk. In a moment of letting his mind wander, Caleb's memory took over and transported him back to when he'd been hiding in the bushes and watching his father skinny dip all those years ago. It had felt so wrong and so dirty...but so right to see his dad like that, and young, hormonal Caleb had wanted more. And now here he was, so much older and so at peace in Leon's embrace; there was nothing at all that felt wrong about this moment in the here and now. There was nothing at all but beauty in father and son being together in this serene lake, nothing at all but pleasure, support, and love in Leon's arms, nothing at all but ecstasy as the man who made him kept stroking his erection, and nothing at all but euphoria as Caleb felt his balls begin to draw up.

"Ooooh...oh, Dad..."

"I know, son, I can feel how close you are," Leon whispered as he felt Caleb's hips and legs shake, just like they always did when he was on the edge. He could hear how fast his son was breathing and continued, "It's okay, I got free, Cal."

"Oh f-fffuuck..." Caleb whimpered as he involuntarily bucked up into his father's hand.

"Keep going, you're almost there," Leon encouraged as his hand flew up and down Caleb's shaft, making ripples in the water. "Let it all ooooout."

Caleb arched his spine, pressing the back of his head into Leon's collarbone. "Unf...D-dad, I'm gonna..."

"Just let loose, son...and enjoy yourself." Leon could read the signs of his son's body and firmly locked his fingers around the base of Caleb's knot, squeezing them in pulsing contractions.

"OoooooooOOOOOOHHH!" Caleb howled as he curled his toes and held on tightly to Leon's arm across his chest.

Leon felt his son's cock twitch and throb in his grip while he heard Caleb pant hard and grunt as his orgasm crashed through his body. Thick, viscous ropes of white cum erupted from the tip of Caleb's cock, spurting out in quick shots that slowed immediately to float lazily in the water. Leon squeezed hard on his son's knot, forcing his girthy member to pulse and fire again while Caleb uncontrollably yelped and panted.

"Let's get it all out," Leon murmured as Caleb jolted against him; Caleb's jerky movements splashed water everywhere while more semen squirted from his cock in thick ropes with every squeeze from Leon's hand. Eventually Leon kept milking Caleb's knot, but the younger Labrador's flow slowed to translucent white droplets that oozed out of his cock and hung languidly in the surrounding water, joining the rest of the cum that Leon had coaxed out.

Leon watched as his son's sperm drifted and mixed in a haze with the water before fading away; on some level, he lamented the potential pups wasted in the lake; at least when he sucked off his son or ordered Caleb to eat his own loads, each litter he shot out was going into someplace warm and providing some nourishment; every last pup in each load served a purpose. To set his son's progeny loose in the lake seemed such a shame. But then again, Leon had done the same thing repeatedly whenever he'd had a chance to skinny dip during a visit here. And overshadowing any small sense of loss was a feeling of pride in his son; Leon continued to hold and support Caleb while the younger Labrador rode the high of his climax and began to settle again.

"That's good, did such a good job, shooting that big load for me after waiting so long...I'm so proud of you, always proud of you...just rest, come back when you're ready," Leon whispered as Caleb recovered, moaning and panting in his father's arms.

"That was--" Caleb started to gasp.

" don't need to say anything...just breathe and enjoy..."

As Leon held his naked and huffing son while floating with him in the water, he felt an intense surge of devoted, paternal love, and so much gratitude for a truly intimate and natural moment like this. It was when he gently released Caleb's knot, absently scratched his son's belly to help calm him, and kissed Caleb's head and face, that Leon began to slip into a reflective place in his mind--while he didn't know how many future opportunities would arise to make more shared memories such as this with his son, Leon was grateful beyond words for this one.

Caleb entered the kitchen, yawning and stretching while he worked hard to keep his ass clenched, but he could still feel the dribbles of his father's seed leaking out of his ruined hole.

It had been four days since they arrived at the lakehouse, and Caleb and Leon had settled into the perfect routine for their vacation. Every morning would start with Leon gently raising Caleb's tail and rimming his son to a semi-stupor, somewhere halfway between dozing and waking; after eating his fill and fingering Caleb to his satisfaction, Leon would slip in and breed a morning load into the younger Labrador. Caleb would awaken some more as his father's gut bounced against his back and Leon's knot popped in and out of his hole with with schlorps and slurps, but only to the point where he was just starting to shake off the last dregs of sleep. Meanwhile, Leon would finish inside Caleb, then bury his snout inside his son's hole, kissing Caleb's guts and smearing his musk all over his nose while making sure not to felch out a single drop of his load--he wanted Caleb to carry it around with him as long as he could.

Once he'd had his fun and "kissed his son good morning", Leon would troop out to the kitchen, open the windows, and start putting on a pot of coffee. He'd have a solid hour to himself, simply looking out the window, listening to the birds, and feeling the breeze seep in through the bug screens while he drank his first mug of the day. In the meantime, Caleb would snooze and spread out in the bed before he'd sleepily emerge and settle himself at the counter, where Leon would pour a cup of coffee for him, give his son a proper morning kiss, and let the younger Labrador drink in peace. Sometimes they would talk and reminisce about past parties and reunions at the lakehouse, other times they would lapse into comfortable silences, simply content being in each other's presence.

After the two of them had fully woken up, eaten a light breakfast, and dressed a little more appropriately for hiking, they would go for a stroll on one of the nearby trails--during each walk, Leon would find some quiet, secluded spot behind a thicket or near a rocky outcropping, pull his son's pants down, and suck a fresh load out of Caleb.

Following their small hikes, they would return to the lakehouse, where Caleb would settle on the back porch with a snack and a book while Leon would step out on his own; Caleb assumed his father simply wanted to go for a longer walk by himself, which he was more than happy for Leon to do, as it gave Caleb some time alone to unwind. Eventually, the two of them would reconvene for lunch before an afternoon swim, running naked from the house and to the pier, racing to launch themselves into the water. Once they'd enjoyed a few hours of skinny dipping, father and son would nap together before Leon would depart for another long walk while Caleb resumed whatever novel he was reading, and then dinnertime would creep into the evening--so far, they'd dined on smoked trout, burgers, tacos, and and homemade pizzas.

"What are we thinking for tonight?" Caleb asked after he'd taken a few sips of the strong coffee his father had poured for him.

"I'm feeling...steak. Either steak or wings," Leon mused.

"Both sound good to me," Caleb replied before rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He winced as he adjusted himself in his seat. "'ve been getting rougher in the mornings."

"Oooh shoot, is it getting bad?" Leon asked, concerned.

"No, no, it's fun and sloppy, I like it!" Caleb clarified hastily. "Just feels like you've been getting...I don't know...needy, like..."

"Like I'm desperate to fuck my son's tight little ass?" Leon finished with a grin.

Caleb chuckled. "I don't know about 'tight' anymore--with how many times you've knotted me, it's getting a little hard to keep your loads in."

"What can I say, maybe I just want to help grow your rosebud some more," Leon shrugged casually.

"Well then, keep it up and I'll have a big one for you by the end of the week," Caleb quipped. He sighed and looked out the window at the lake--the water was calm and clear and reflected a cloudless sky. "Man...I don't think we could've picked a better time to be here, this weather is perfect."

"Definitely, it's going to be a good day for another swim," Leon observed. He pointed at the island in the lake. "Might even be nice enough to just hang out there all day, who knows?"

"A private, secluded island?" Caleb waggled his eyebrows. "It's like we'd be deserted...completely alone...the last two people in the world."

"And I'd have to breed you constantly to try repopulating," Leon snorted, playing into the fantasy that Caleb had led him to. "Although it might not be as secluded as we like, I've seen folks make a few fires there every now and then."

"Makes sense, we're not the only ones on the lake," Caleb acknowledged.

His dad winked as he said, "True, who knows who or what you might find out there?"

The rest of the day mostly resembled the same routine that Caleb and Leon had settled into; their post-breakfast hike took them a few miles into the mountains before they turned back to the lakehouse, with Caleb depositing a hot batch of cum down his father's throat at the scenic overlook that marked their turnaround point. Upon their return to the house, Caleb posted up in one of the Adirondack chairs on the back porch while Leon stepped out again; Caleb didn't know exactly where his father was going, but he figured that the older Labrador simply enjoyed a pleasant, solitary stroll in the woods, and who was Caleb to get in the way of that? Especially when he had a good book to read and some sunshine to catch on his bare fur.

Lunchtime came and went, as did their afternoon swim and post-swim nap. Although when Caleb awoke from his slumber, he realized he was alone in the bed--not like the routine of the previous four days. Even more out of ordinary was the note he saw on the nightstand: his father's rough handwriting said, "Gone swimming again, wings are ready to cook whenever you like. Love you!"

Confused and still groggy from his nap, Caleb rolled out of the bed and padded through the lakehouse. There was nobody in the kitchen or living room, no one in any of the other bedrooms or bathrooms, the basement was as empty as the game room, and Caleb's survey of the backyard turned up nothing.

"Dad?" he called.

Only silence answered him.

Caleb shrugged in acceptance--his father must still be swimming. In the meantime, he sauntered over to the refrigerator, where he saw that a batch of raw chicken wings was marinating in Leon's homemade sauce; all Caleb had to do was fire up the grill and throw them on the flames. His stomach growled in hunger, but Caleb decided to hold off on the wings until Leon returned. To tide himself over, he dipped into the pantry for the family-sized pack of lemon cookies and carried it, along with his book and a full water bottle, out to the back porch, where he settled once more into his chair and opened his novel to the page he'd bookmarked.

The sun descended on its arc through the sky as Caleb flipped through the pages of his book, ensnared by the plot and automatically plucking a cookie from the pack to scarf it down as he continued reading. The sound of the water lapping against the shore and the singing of the birds--which was subtly replaced by the chirping of crickets as the day slipped away--provided the relaxing ambience that lulled him farther away from the here and now and deeper into the world of his novel. Eventually the porch lights switched on when the outdoor sensors detected it was getting dark out; the sudden change in lighting at last stirred Caleb from his reading rhythm. He looked up from his book to see that the sun had set, leaving just a faint trace of orange on the horizon against the backdrop of deepest blue, and the full moon had risen high. But still there was no sign of Leon.

A stab of dread stole through Caleb's gut--consciously, he knew his dad could fend for himself and that he was a strong swimmer, but had something happened to him? Had he run afoul of some animal, or gotten a cramp and...

Caleb took a breath, stopping himself from even finishing that thought. He started from his chair, planning to call Leon, but he screeched to a halt as he remembered Leon wouldn't have been carrying his phone with him while swimming--besides, both of their phones were off and stored in the nightstand by their bed. But then again, Caleb could turn his phone on and call emergency services...but that would really be a last resort, right? Plus, wasn't there a waiting period before someone could be classified as "missing"? After just a few hours, Leon probably didn't fall into that category.

What about one of the neighbors? Could they help? Maybe let Caleb borrow a boat so he could search the lake--but then, where would he even begin? Oh fuck, what was he going to do? And then what about--

Caleb stopped himself, silencing the panic that was building in his brain--his eyes had adjusted to the darker light and, as he stared at the lake, he saw a flickering pinprick of an orange glow on the island half a mile away from the lakehouse pier. As the young Labrador's pupils dilated further in the dark of the night, the fire grew brighter, sparking his memory: "Might even be nice enough to just hang out there all day, who knows?" Leon had said as he'd pointed at the island earlier that morning.

His heart slowed with relief--something in his gut was telling him with 100% certainty that Leon was there, and Caleb sighed as he knew with absolute clarity that he was right. But his mind, at first energized by the thought of trying to find Leon, now busied itself by presenting his options: On the one hand, Caleb figured that if his dad was taking some time solo on the island, he should simply let his father be to do his own thing. But on the other hand, a pang of curiosity was asking the obvious question: What was Leon doing over there, exactly?

Even though the sun had set, the lake hadn't turned too chilly yet. Naked as the day he was born, Caleb calmly breast-stroked the half mile distance in the moonlight until his feet touched the rocky shore of the island; he did his best to move quietly as he sloshed through the last few feet of water and onto the pebbled beach, where he shook himself dry and stuck to the shadows.

He'd swum around to the northern tip of the island to stay out of the light of his father's fire on the shore--it had been a long time since he'd tried spying on Leon, and he remembered the thrill of covertly watching him the last time they were both on the lake. As he stealthily skirted around the thickets and trees that littered the island, Caleb could hear the wind rustling the branches, the lapping of the water, the distant singing of crickets...and something else above the breeze that made his ears prick up: A rhythmic, guttural moaning that rose in volume as Caleb approached the source.

Crouching low and moving slowly to avoid being detected, Caleb crept onward until he settled behind a bush just 50 feet away from the fire on the beach. As he ventured closer, he recognized the moaning voice as his father's, and he now heard something else in addition to Leon's groans and pants: A heavy huffling, snuffling interspersed with growls and rumbles. Curiosity thoroughly piqued by this point, Caleb reached up with a hand to make a small window in the branches of his hiding spot and peered through the opening.

At first he thought he was hallucinating the scene in front of the fire--what he saw was like something out of a fantasy. But when a full minute passed and Caleb realized that this wasn't a dream, his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Oh shit, this is real," he muttered under his breath. Excited beyond recognition, he scooted up for a better view; his heart pounded in his chest and his dick began engorging in his sheath as he took in the show before him.

Leon was on his back, facing away from the fire, while an incredibly tall and heavyset grizzly bear loomed between his legs and over him. In the orange, flickering glow, Caleb could see the bear's muzzle shoved up against Leon's ass while the large man held the Labrador's legs apart. The bear was slobbering lewdly all over and inside Leon's hole, sucking on the rim and mauling it with his lips and teeth; the older canine whimpered and moaned uncontrollably while the ursine tongue easily unfurled inside him and slathered his guts with drool. Leon had rolled his head back and intermittently winced and gasped in pleasure as the bear ate him out. Caleb watched his father's swelling cock bounce and throb against his companion's broad face; the bear grunted as he bobbed his head back and forth for a moment before passionately digging deeper into Leon's ass, as if trying to completely bury his snout under the canine's tail. He was working his tongue so quickly and loudly that Caleb could hear the wet slurps from his hiding spot.

"Guuuuhhh...oh my gooooood," Leon moaned at the bear's vigorous efforts.

"Mmhmm...mmhmm..." the bear rumbled deeply into Leon's ass.

Caleb couldn't help himself--with his eyes glued on the fire-lit scene, the younger Labrador unconsciously reached down to his groin and wrapped his fingers around his shaft, quietly teasing himself. He grinned as he watched, voyeuristically indulging in the scene playing out on the exposed, rocky beach.

"Fuck that ass," Caleb whispered under his breath.

Caleb didn't feel a shred of betrayal or anger as he watched the large bear violate his father--if anything, he was impressed and pleasantly surprised. The 20-year-old could count on one hand the number of times Leon had asked him to eat his ass; usually it was Leon who couldn't get enough of rimming Caleb. But the older canine hadn't seemed too keen on having his own hole slobbered and drooled over...or maybe, Caleb supposed, Leon just didn't seem keen on putting his son in such a position.

Over the years, their relationship had aligned more with the "father takes care of son" dynamic, with Leon focusing on pleasuring Caleb while using him as his personal cocksleeve. As Caleb watched his father clearly enjoying his rough tongue-fucking by the giant bear, it dawned on him that, in Leon's mind, there were certain services a son should be expected to provide for his father and certain services that a dad could hardly dream of asking his son to do. He remembered the first time Leon had asked him if he was interested in trying to eat his ass--his father had sounded so ashamed and afraid, almost eager for Caleb to say no. Caleb continued stroking his stiffening cock as he considered the issue at hand: If Leon felt he needed an alternate way to satisfy his desires while still somehow, in some perverted form of parental protection, preserving his child's innocence, then who was Caleb to get in the way of that?

As for the fact that Leon was in the throes of passion with someone else, Caleb didn't mind at all--they had each played the field on their own as well as together, and this was really no different. Besides, this was as much Leon's vacation as it was Caleb's--why shouldn't he cut loose even further? Caleb huffed softly as his dick throbbed in his hand from watching his father being teased and pleased so thoroughly by another man, and such a substantially bigger one at that; the bear was easily a foot and a half taller than Leon and proportionally hefty. Seeing his dad as the vulnerable one under the bear's thrall was such a turn-on that Caleb couldn't help but buck in his hand and feel the familiar slick of pre starting to coat his cock while he kept his eyes on the fireside scene.

"Fuuuuck," Leon moaned. "You're so good at definitely know how to treat a hole right."

"Mmmff...huuuufffff..." the bear softly growled between Leon's cheeks.

Caleb watched his father's legs quiver as the bear worked him over before he eventually slipped out his tongue and leaned back. Huffing as he caught his breath, the bear smacked Leon's ass, making his cheeks jiggle.

"Ooooh thank yooouuuu," Leon breathed.

The bear licked his chops and winked down at Leon as he said, "Are you kiddin'? That's gotta be the tastiest ass I've ever gotten into." He chuckled as he dipped three fingers back into the Labrador's gaping, dripping hole, and wiggled them loosely in the drool-soaked rim. "Talk about a real honey pot, you must have all the bears lining up to eat you out." The bear used his free hand to roughly grab and knead one of Leon's ass cheeks as he continued, "And these a couple of big ol' biscuits. I could chew on you for hours."

"You mean for more hours than you already have?" Leon quipped.

"Damn, been that long already?" the bear jokingly pondered as he settled up on his knees and tugged on Leon's waist, easily pulling him butt-first towards his lap. "Guess that means it's time for some real fun, huh?"

Caleb watched the bear reach down to his groin and line up his girthy, pierced dick with Leon's rear entrance--he held the shaft by the base and wagged it up and down, smacking his cockhead against Leon's wet hole loudly enough for Caleb to hear.

"Ready for me to ruin that ass again, big dog?" the bear smirked.

"Hell yeah, get that fattie in me already!" Leon pleaded as he spread his cheeks apart.

"If you insist..."

Even though the lighting was dim, Caleb could see the silhouette of the thick Prince Albert and the wide, blunt tip of the bear's cock disappear into Leon as the bear shifted forward. Leon grunted in pleasure as the bear's dick slid into him, and whined when his companion gripped his thighs and dragged him even closer, pulling him further down on the bulging cock. Caleb huffed to himself while he watched his dad's hips fully connect with the bear's wide pelvis. The younger Labrador methodically squeezed and stroked himself while, from his vantage point, he saw Leon hook his legs together behind the bear's back, locking himself into place.

"There we warm and wet..." the bear huffed as he began thrusting in the firelight.

Concealed in the bush, Caleb was content to simply observe while his mouth ran dry and his heart pounded even faster--he watched the thick ripples of muscle working hard in the bear's hips, thighs, and back while the large male humped into his dad's ass. Leon, meanwhile, could do nothing more than bounce back and forth with the bear's shoves in and out. Caleb listened closely, savoring the wet plap-lap-lap of the bear's balls and hips slamming into his father's rump and the shlk-shlk-shlk of the meaty cock filling Leon's hole. Layered on top of those noises was the wordless "Aaaahhh...uh-uh-uh-unnnfff...mmooooaaaa..." that Leon could get out in between his pants and moans, as well as the rhythmic "Yeah...yeah...yeah...oof...oof...oof..." that the bear grunted in time with his thrusting. Caleb didn't know how much time passed as he crouched there in the thicket and playing with and edging himself while spying on dad getting fucked, and he didn't care--all that mattered was enjoying the show and the eventual dirty talk that came with it.

"How's that feel for you, big dog?" Caleb heard the bear snarl after a while. He watched the bear renew his grip on Leon's waist and hilt himself inside the canine again and again. "Nice and full?"

"Ooooh ffffuck yesssss," Leon hissed in animalistic pleasure. "Hitting...aaaall the right spots."

"Got such a...big load for you," the bear rumbled as he kept pounding in and out of Leon. "You want to get...pumped full of my cubs...don't you."

"Mmmhmm...breed 'em into me," Leon begged.

Caleb heard the bear chuckle. "That's the idea. Gonna load you up good."

In the bush, Caleb groaned softly to himself as he felt his knot inflate, stretching his sheath. He slid the tips of his fingers inside the musky tube of flesh and fur surrounding his cock, rubbing the pads over the tender skin. Keeping his eyes on the bear fucking his father on the beach, Caleb automatically worked his sheath downward, pulling the taut covering tighter and tighter until--

"Unf!" He stifled his gasp as the swollen bulb popped out over the rim of his sheath. Caleb wrapped his fist around his knot and squeezed the hot, throbbing bulge, coaxing out a small surge of pre from the tip of his cock. He slicked the sticky fluid over his erection again, letting his fingers glide easily up and down while he kept peering through the opening in the bush at the bear violating his dad.

After a while longer of the bear hilting himself in Leon, the larger man pulled out and settled back on his knees, panting.

"'ve got me so worked up," he growled as he fingered Leon's ass.

"Likewise," Leon gasped--Caleb could see his cock twitching and throbbing so needily. "Wanna switch up?"

The bear grinned. "You read my mind."

Caleb watched the bear lie down on his back while Leon crawled on top of him and settled into cowgirl position, lining his ass up with the bear's erection. The older canine reached behind himself as he rose slightly on his knees, tucked the thick, pierced cock under his tail, and slowly sank down again, crooning as he slid. Caleb heard the bear growl appreciatively as Leon impaled himself on his cock; Leon arched his back in pleasure while he descended, then rose up again before sinking back down. Caleb's father eased into a steady rhythm, bucking up and down on the bear while his own heavy, swollen cock smacked the bear's large gut on each downward thrust. Eventually, the bear reached up and began stroking Leon's cock and teasing his balls while the Labrador rode him with abandon.

"Fuck yeah, ride me good like that...fuck yourself on me," the bear murmured.

"So thick...fuck you're it so much," Leon panted.

"Yeah, you like using that big tool, don't you," the bear told him.

"Oh hell yeah. Need it in me so badly." Caleb could hear the desperation in his father's voice--it only made the younger Labrador throb harder in his own hand.

"Keep going, big dog, I'll paint your guts soon enough" the bear encouraged as he stroked the knotted cock in his paw; after a moment, he adjusted his grip, sandwiching Leon's cock between his open palm and his broad stomach and creating a space for the older canine to fuck while he milked the bear's cock with his ass. "Just like like fucking that big bear belly, huh? Or would you--unf--rather be--mmm--fucking your son?"

Caleb's ears perked up--the bear knew about him? His pulse thundered in his ears and his hand sped up, he was so excited. He scooted closer to the opening in the bush, eager to catch every word.

"Can't both?" Leon quipped as he kept riding the bear's cock.

The bear chuckled. "You're good at fucking that boy, aren't you?"

"He's a good fuck," Leon grunted while he ground into the bear's pelvis. "You think you like my hole...his is like velvet."

"Must've gotten it from his dad...yours is like silk...and so open," the bear rumbled. "Wonder what else he got from you?"

Caleb was getting closer to the edge as he listened to his father and the bear--at the same time, he was rustling the branches of the bush without realizing how much noise he was making.

"Been exploring every inch of him...inside and out," Leon said as he raised his head and kept up the tempo of his hips. "Kind of crazy how...similar we are," he sighed as his head lazily rolled to the side; Caleb could see the pure, lust-laden bliss in his father's eyes. "But he's...also his own person...surprised me a few times, that's for sure."

"Well now you've--mmf--got me curious," the bear groaned while he thrust up into Leon's ass.

Caleb pushed closer, rustling the branches again.

Leon's gaze drifted to the bush--his expression morphed from sheer pleasure to wide-eyed shock to smirking satisfaction as his eyes connected with his son's. Caleb froze, his heart in his throat while he still gripped his cock.

"Would you like to meet him?" Leon asked, addressing the bear as he slowed his riding to a stop.

"Shit yeah," the bear grunted, still thrusting up into Leon. "See how much he takes after his old man..."

"Come on out, Cal," Leon called warmly.

"What?" The bear, startled, immediately stopped thrusting and followed Leon's gaze, where he saw Caleb's dumbstruck face poking out from among the bushes just 50 feet away from them. "Oh fuck!" he yelped as he sat up, rolling Leon from his lap and onto the ground--the bear's thick cock slid from Leon's ass and continued to throb wetly in the firelight.

"It's okay, sorry, sorry!" Caleb hastily apologized--the bear's reaction had shaken him to action, and he stood from his hiding place. "I-I didn't mean...when my dad didn't come for dinner, I thought--"

"I lost track of time, it's my fault," Leon said smoothly over his son--he still sat facing the bear, with his legs hooked over the wide ursine waist. "We've just been having some fun--"

"Were you here the whole time?" the bear asked Caleb. "D-did you plan this?" he asked Leon, an edge of panic still in his voice.

"No, no, I honestly didn't know!" Caleb raised his hands, conciliatory, as he approached and came to a stop a few feet away. "I only got here maybe...30, 45 minutes ago? I was...enjoying the show," he added sheepishly.

"Clearly," Leon observed with a smile as he nodded at Caleb's still-throbbing erection. He then patted the bear's chest reassuringly. "You okay?"

"Ooof...yeah, just nearly gave me a heart attack," the bear sighed, calming down. He shook his head to himself before he chuckled as he addressed Caleb, "You really know how to make an entrance. Glad you liked the view from over there, though."

"I didn't realize I was going to get a lot closer," Caleb snickered.

"So you're Caleb? Joshua," the bear introduced himself, extending a meaty hand upward.

Caleb let the ursine paw smother his own as he shook. "Nice to meet you, Joshua."

Joshua held onto Caleb's hand for a moment longer, thirstily drinking in the younger canine before looking at Leon. "I see what you mean, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree at all! Must be like looking in a mirror for you."

"Yeah, one that's about 30 years younger," Leon chortled while Joshua released Caleb's hand. "Joshua lives on the other side of the lake," he told his son as he readjusted in Joshua's lap, now leaning back against the bear's large stomach. Joshua gently stroked Leon's chest and belly as the Labrador continued, "We've been meeting up for some fun, mainly at his place or on one of the trails..."

"So this is what you've been up to on your long walks?" Caleb asked, raising his eyebrows.

Leon nodded. "I wanted to give you some time to unwind, do your own thing--I know this is vacation for us, but I..." He fidgeted with his hands as he looked for the right words. "I didn't want it to be just about sex for us; we have our fun and we're so close, but I came into this thinking 'let's really relax, just let it all hang out'--the last thing I want to do is force you into anything, even though I've been...pretty pent up myself," he admitted.

"When have I ever complained about being forced into anything with you?" Caleb joked.

"Oh, I know, I just...wanted to give you a proper vacation." Leon said, abashed. "I love spending time with you, but I also wanted to give you space to be on your own...and in the meantime, I linked up with Joshua--"

"I understand, I really do," Caleb said over his father. "Sometimes you just need to unload with someone else...and I'm glad you are! Or at least have been, before I interrupted."

"Hey, we can still keep the good times going," Joshua piped up. "From what I hear, you and your dad are quite the pair."

"Oh really?" Caleb asked, a devious grin playing on his lips.

Joshua smirked. "You wouldn't believe how much this guy talks about you," he growled as he squeezed Leon in his arms. "All the things you do, how cute you are, how much he loves being with you--you two've got a very special bond. It honestly got me wanting to meet you to learn more for myself."

"Well, here I am." Caleb spread his arms in a mock display so the bear could study him better in the flickering firelight. "And after seeing what you were doing with my dad..."

"You wanted to meet me, too, huh?" Joshua winked. "Well, maybe we should introduce ourselves a little bit better..."

Without waiting for a further prompt, Caleb approached closer and knelt in front of his father and the bear on the rocky shore. He caressed Leon's stomach and tweaked a nipple before planting a smooch on Leon's lips and intertwining his fingers with Joshua's on the Labrador's chest. He then stretched upward, maneuvering to meet Joshua's lips in a deep kiss. The broad, coarse ursine lips warm and inviting, and Caleb reveled in the huffs of warm air that washed over his face as Joshua began making out with him.

Caleb could taste the lingering flavor of his father's ass on the bear's wide tongue that invaded his mouth, and he moaned in pleasure as Joshua's muzzle opened wider. Leon, meanwhile, nuzzled into his son's neck, lapping and kissing the young throat and chest. The three of them remained like that for a full five minutes, kissing and nuzzling at each other, with Leon pressed between Caleb and Joshua. When they at last broke apart, Caleb asked, "Now that we've introduced should we get to know each other some more?"

Joshua grinned. "Well...your dad did say something about your hole being like velvet...but seeing what we're working with here"--he reached forward to tug on Caleb's still-swollen cock and squeeze the pulsing knot--"has got me real curious...think I'm in the mood for a sandwich."

Caleb's eyes widened and his heart fluttered while Leon grinned up at Joshua.

"What do you say, kid?" the big bear asked, licking his lips hungrily. "Want to breed me while I fill up your dad?"

Before Caleb could even think to say an emphatic "yes", he was struck by the wild urge to ask his father if they could extend their vacation by another week--who knew how many future chances would come up to create more lakeside memories like the one they were about to make with Joshua tonight?