Snake Lords of the Desert 35

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#35 of The Chronicles of Lore

Sorry about the long delay on this series...I have several of these upload so I will do a few more tomorrow.

Lorenus pondered over what he would do with the female when he got his coils on her. It was not that he was love-struck, as he had seen some members of his family suffer, nor was it that he had become obsessed. It was more that he had seen a way in which he could gain further control over the males, and that intrigued him.

After all, Ak'Talan, their leader, had been rather focused on protecting her from him. That, in and of itself, told the naga that she was likely valuable. Whatever her name might be, whether she came as speaker, gift, or something else entirely, she was valuable to the party, and that meant that she needed to be under his control.

The party of Flying Serpents left the room, the naga tapping his chin as they departed. He had a brief moment to see the female's rump, something that was slightly shown past her meager clothing, and he chuckled to himself.

"A fine sssshape on that one," the naga muttered.

"You seem intrigued, Master," his advisor said.

"Oh, ssshe hasss little influence over me, Old Hump. Ressst easssy."

"I cannot, sir."

"Oh, you worry too much."

"I worry so that you don't have to."

"Then don't ssshare your worriesss overmuch."

He had not fallen for her, not such as the camel feared. He was interested, certainly, and he was curious how it would feel to have her compared to having the various males of his harem, but that was as far as his interest in her body went. He had not yet fallen for someone that would twist his desires like that.

However, he did wonder how she would twist within his coils, and if his dominance of her would translate to dominance of the males. They were protective of her, wanting her. He had seen that in their eyes. Was she theirs, he wondered, or was she her own person?

He would find out tonight. He uncoiled from the throne, shaking his head as he slithered to the balcony. The snakes were making their way from his palace to their temporary dwellings, and they were too busy taking in the greatness of the Sizwe capital - and for all that it was debauched and dirty, it was great - to pay attention to the people that stared at them. They were barely aware enough to keep the pickpockets at bay.

Once they had crossed from the street to the mansion grounds, Lorenus turned his head away. The Old Hump stood beside him, eyes narrowed.

"Master. Do not do anything rash."

"And why, Old Hump, do you presssume to inssstruct me tonight?"

"Because I know this look."

"I am no fool."

"No. Do not become one."

"...You ssspeak in anger."

"...I apologize, my lord."

"Apology accepted, and forgiven."

The camel bowed, leaving the throne room immediately after. He watched the older man go, shaking his head all the while.

Old fool...

It was thought with affection rather than anger, however. He understood where the camel was coming from. Another serpent might have had his head twisted around by someone that he could not have that was that appealing. He was sure that he had at least one brother back in the Snakelands that would have been driven around the bend by the idea of some scaled woman that he was forbidden from touching by the rules of diplomacy.

There were, however, two things that the Old Hump had forgotten. The first was that he was not someone that was driven by his urges. No matter how hedonistically Lorenus lived, he always had a purpose to his pleasure. Those that were with him were in his coils for the purpose that he chose, whether that be in the purpose of breaking them, enslaving them, studying them, or making deals with them. Seldom was pleasure for the sake of it the thing that drove his couplings with others.

The second was that he was an Emperor, now, and in his own country, he was quite beyond the rules of diplomacy. The naga chuckled, leaning back towards the balcony and slithering over the edge. It was time to make a more intimate introduction to the female.


Her name, it turned out, was Ni'Shalin. She was not, as it turned out, a female that belonged to the two warriors, nor was she someone single. She was, it turned out, one of the breeders - and in fact, the chief breeder - for the entire village from whence she came. In her belly lay the fate of her entire people, as the Flying Serpents laid eggs in clutches, and she was prized for her ability to lay large, fertile clutches that contained many viable children that would add to their people.

Ni'Shalin had been sent on the idea of collecting new seeds, new males for the village, people that would contribute to the power of the warriors that would be born in the next generation. Else, she would not have been allowed past the village limits. She was precious, loved by the entire village, her body sacred to them.

And he heard all this as she spilled this information, begging him to leave her be as he coiled about the edge of her balcony. The fact that she laid there on a bed, sprawled out in the nude beneath the dying sun, only made her all the more interesting to him, as if she was begging with her body and resisting with her words. The great naga smiled, his eyes traveling over her as she reiterated how much of a mistake it would be for him to push himself upon her.

Her green scales glistened as she pulled herself further up and back upon her bed, her hand upon the headboard. Her chest was small, not full in the way of the mammal females, and he approved of that. Her legs and arms were thick with muscle, her tail fat with laziness. She had been carried, treated well, but she had gained some strength during her journey.

And her sex...was all but untouched. He imagined that there had been few males to meet her standards during the journey.

He chuckled as he slid over the railing of the balcony, and she leaped from the bed.

"You will not touch me."

"I will do, little female, assss I wisssh. And what I wissssh may or may not be you."


"Ah, but why? You come sssseeking powerful malesss, do you not?"


"And what would be more powerful than an Emperor?"

"A warrior."

"I have fought in warssss."

"A scholar."

"I am beyond the mindssss of your mosssst brilliant."

Ni'Shalin hesitated, looking to the door. He chuckled, slithering between her and it, interposing his greater body between her and the 'safety' of Ak'Talan and his fellow man.

"Do not worry about them. You have only yourssself to be concerned with."

"Your argument...has merit," she admitted, squatting down and moving slowly along her bed, almost as if she still believed that she had somewhere to run. She did not, and he knew it; it was only a matter of time before she realized the same. "But I do not believe this is right."

"You may lay with me for but a few minutessss, and you will ssssee that it issss."




She smiled...and then she leaped. He was surprised at the sheer strength of her legs, so surprised that he almost didn't react in time as she lunged for the balcony. Though not true flight, she had carried herself so far that he might have lost her if his tail had been any less quick, snapping out and grabbing her by the ankle before she could clear the top of the railing. She came down with a thump, slamming hard into the floor.

"Ah, ah. I did not give you permissssion to leave."

"And who says that I need it?"

"I do. I am, after all, your hossst. Now...come..."

He pulled her in, reeling her close like a fisherman to his catch. She squirmed as she rolled and slid across the floor, only to freeze as their eyes met. There was a brief moment of resistance, and then he stared through her gaze, into her mind.


_Within, her thoughts were well-arranged - not as a camp, not as a library, but as a nest. Memories laid as hatched and unhatched eggs, the thoughts that lingered for the moment moving about as slithering serpents that were still growing their legs. He watched them moving beneath his coils, and he knew that he could take them and change them as he saw fit. _

_Yet, he knew that this mind would be different. Even as he looked up, he saw the shadow of Ni'Shalin looming over him and the nest, her eyes glaring at him. _

_"," she hissed. _


"Get out."

"I think...not."

_Lorenus rested his hand on one of the egg-shelves, his hand hovering over the egg. She hissed in anger at him, and he shook his head. _

"Ah ah. You guard your thoughts from the outside, not inside...and your size does not help you against me. Not in here." He smiled, lifting the egg from its alcove, holding it. He could feel the thoughts, the memories. Happiness, the touch of a male, the gentle breeding coil that she had been in prior to heading to his new empire. "Is this your pleasure in life, hmm?"

"I am a breeder. It's my purpose."

"Yes, but is it your...pleasure..."

_He dragged his clawed finger around the top of the egg, leaving a rasping hiss. He could feel his mind-self touching her memory, and he dragged his finger through it, drawing on the happiness and the pleasure inside and pulling it free. A chain dangled from his finger, and he looked up at her. _

"If it wasn't, it is about to be."

"What are you -"

_Lorenus flicked his finger upwards, and the chain leaped from his hand. It clung to the giant woman's head, a golden light that connected her to the memory. She gasped, stumbling forward, pulled down by the slender link of light. _

_As she struggled against it, trying to collect her thoughts, Lorenus allowed himself to be pulled to and fro across the nest, finding the eggs that had a similar feeling of pleasure as the first one. Every memory he found that had that need, that sensation behind it, he dredged his power through, casting chains from it to the great snake. The more chains he threw, the more she groaned, and the less she struggled. _

_In little more than a minute in this mind-space, she was gasping for breath, her face turning different colors, and her chest was heaving. Her breasts were more visible, and the slight fog that dwelt in all minds turned warmer around him, slightly smoky. The naga slowed, looking up at her. _

"Pleasure is purpose."


"Say it with me. Pleasure is purpose."


"Is purpose."

"Is purpose."

"Pleasure is purpose."

"Pleasure is purpose."

"And you will serve mine..."


Lorenus blinked his eyes, not surprised to find Ni'Shalin a shivering wreck of herself. Her eyes were half-closed, her mouth hanging open, and her pussy was dripping down her legs, wet and eager compared to what it had been mere moments ago. She looked like some wanton slut that had been drugged up in the old regime's court, and her hands were shakily making their way down to the space between her legs.

"That'ssss it, little one...come to me..."

Lorenus dragged her to the bed, knowing that she would follow far more willingly now. Her body was heated, her needs stronger than they had ever been. She followed him without a peep, sliding up his tail towards the slit where his cocks were already starting to emerge. Her head tilted forward, her nostrils flaring as she sucked in the scent of manhood, drawn towards it like a moth to a flame. Her purpose, to give pleasure, had seized her.

The naga knew that he would need to call the others, later, to show them what had become of their female, but for now, he planned to enjoy her quite extensively. After all, why would he not allow himself the pleasure of her company, particularly when she was giving him everything that he could ask for? She leaned over his cocks, breathing, puffing hot air over the tips, before pulling them together and lowering her mouth upon them. The soft touch of her lips melted into the warmth of her mouth, and he smiled, hissing softly to himself.

"Ssssuch a good girl..."

He rubbed her head, guiding her further down. This was what he was owed. This obedience, this obeisance, was his to claim as Emperor.

Soon, he would take her lands, and her people, making them part of his own. It would become just one part of his Empire, an Empire to challenge his father and claim the Snakelands thereafter. An Empire of pleasure.

The End