Personal Trainer 2 - Equestrian Sports

Story by gormur on SoFurry

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#2 of Personal Trainer

I've edited up to this chapter but I have another mostly written. Now we're seeing it get kinkier.

Personal Trainer

Chapter 2 - Equestrian Sports

After a good night's sleep and a pleasant breakfast Chris asked Toby and Parisa to come downstairs to the changing rooms. He told them to strip and come in for a little inspection. Miss Fendinsky was there too and together they did a few simple tests. After they were done she sat them down at the bench facing her.

"Some of you have not been putting in all the effort they could, and have questioned my training regimen." She said as if there weren't just the two of them.

Toby went red faced with embarrassment.

"I think it best to correct such an attitude swiftly so it won't ruin the rest of the program. One will never get in shape with such a disposition and it will ultimately detract from the fun." She brandished her crop and pointed it at Toby.

"Don't you agree?"

"Y-yes, ma'am" He replied automatically.

"Good, then I'll expect your full cooperation."


"I'll start off your training today but before that I think I'll have to incentivise you better, so you'll really do your best afterwards."

She put out her hand and Chris handed her something made out of shiny metal. She came close, touched him on the chest with the crop and trailed it down to his crotch. He swallowed audibly.

"Spread your legs. I'm going to put this on you and if you're a good boy I'll take it off at the end of the day."

He recognised it. It was a chastity device, a curved little metal tube that went over his penis and locked around the scrotum.

"Uh, I don't know. Is this necessary?" he protested meekly while still spreading his legs.

"Oh, I know what you want and this will make you work for it." She said while looking into his eyes.

Spellbound, he nodded and she knelt, grabbed his cock and deftly slid the tube onto it. It was not a moment too late as her fondling him made him swell, or would have if he had space to. It was uncomfortable and subsided quickly, by which time she had locked it on with a tiny padlock on top.

Parisa watched it with interest and Miss Fendinsky turned to her. "I don't have to put you in one of those do I?"

She darted her head forward quickly but replied "Not unless you want to ma'am" with just a hint of a tease.

"I think this is demonstration enough. Now get dressed and meet me in the equipment room."

Toby got up and felt the weight of the device as he walked to the dressing room. The bodysuit gave him more support but when he looked in the mirror the chastity cage's presence was unmistakable through the tight fabric, at least so he thought. Parisa didn't remark but he saw her looking down at it and grinning.

In the equipment room that led outside the two horses were untangling some gear made out of mostly black leather straps. "You'll need some extra equipment for the first exercise. Come here and open your jaws."

They came closer and it was only as Miss Fendinsky started putting it on that he realized it was some sort of a head harness with an attached rubber bit. Straps went over and back to his head to keep everything firmly in place and there were even blinders and attached reins. He would have protested more if he could have formed a coherent word.

After the head harness had been tightly buckled in place Chris came over and grabbed his arms pulling them behind his back so that Miss Fendinsky could place leather cuffs on him. He struggled wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into but she paused to stroke his neck soothingly.

"It's okay, stay calm, it's just so you'll keep the right posture and mentality for this exercise, it won't be long."

"You'll have to trust me if you want to get out of this." She reached for his caged cock and stroked it lightly through the suit.

He could see Parisa in front of him already in gear, gag and all, nodding to him reassuringly. She always seemed to know more about this place than him so he calmed down and let them cuff him and buckle the sturdy leather collar with the fitness tracker around his neck. The saluki was also quite fetching in this outfit he thought, breasts pushed forward, her long snout gagged and face framed by straps and blinders, he felt the restriction of the device acutely and took the horse's words to heart.

"Are we all right?" She asked.

He nodded so he and Parisa were led carefully up and outside by their reins.

They were led to a pole surrounded by a circular fence about 20 metres in diameter. The pole was a little over two metres in height with a crown out of which four bars stuck out in each direction, with loops on the ends. She led them into the circle and positioned them on opposite sides by the fence. Chris tied a rope between their halters and the loops on the pole at opposite ends so it was stretched taut.

"Now I want you to keep this thing turning." She took Toby's reins again and led him in a light jog, so that the rope pulled the thing on top of the rope along.

He felt the head harness taking up the drag from the device and heard it squeak as it turned. The pressure on his head and bit was noticeable but not uncomfortable. Presumably Parisa was jogging along at the opposite end but he couldn't see her because of the blinders and Miss Fendinsky leading him along.

"Now keep up this speed." She said and released him.

He kept up the pace and tried to synchronize with Parisa depending on whether the rope pulled him along or if it got harder to tug. Their host was also there, directing them, either by voice or a light tap of her crop.

"Keep your head up."


"Not so fast."

As he got more tired she needed to drive him harder but finally after innumerable circles she told them to stop.

"Good job, let's get you some water and rest." She unclipped his cuffs and loosened his bit, offering him a bottle of refreshing water. He noticed that he'd drooled quite a bit so he was getting quite thirsty.

"Now that you're all warmed up we can continue the program." They were led in by their reins again to the small gym which had a multipurpose exercise machine he'd spent some time on in the days before.

"Chris has already gone over the program with you but this time it will be a little different." She told him to grab the appropriate handles as he was used to but this time she chained his wrist cuffs to them. She also produced some ankle cuffs, buckled them in place and similarly chained them to the machine. "Now, you won't be getting out of this until you've completed all the exercises to my satisfaction."

Over the hour she rearranged the machine to make him do three times fifteen exercises of almost every part of his body, leg presses, bench presses, squats, rowing machine and pull downs. As well as some exercises with free weights on the bench. Having her spotting him and chaining him up put further strain on his chastity piece but by the end of it every part of his body was exhausted.

She unhooked him from the bench, loosened his bit and led them both into the massage room where she put them through a few exercises, with Chris on standby.

Then it was time for lunch with the rest of the group. He noticed a few of the other guests staring at his crotch. The chastity cage's shape was obvious under the spandex. He blushed but none of them remarked on it.

After the meal Miss Fendinsky told Parisa to join the rest of the guests with her but asked Toby to follow Chris for a special assignment. He reluctantly followed him to the equipment room where he was put in tack again but spared the cuffs and bit, with the bridle only loosely wrapping around his snout and head. Instead the horse picked out a massive tangle of leather and buckles, a sturdy full body leather harness.

He put the chest piece over the coyote's head to rest on his shoulders. Straps in a cross shape on his back went under his arms to the front of the chest piece, up to the back of it and down to hold up a wide belt buckled around his waist that had a mass of straps on the sides. That waist piece was also buckled to the chest piece in the front with two straps on either side of his abdomen. Two crotch straps from the waist belt framed his caged package in front and buckled to the waist belt in the back on either side of his red and grey tail. Finally Chris wrapped two cuffs around his thighs right under his buttocks and strapped them to the waist belt on the sides so they were held securely in place, nicely defining his ass.

"What's the purpose of all this?" Toby asked and indicated his whole body with a sweep of his paws.

"We need to move some supplies. I have a cart you'll be dragging."

Toby was going to protest when the horse went on again "Mistress had to change her program to correct yours today so you owe her a little assistance."

That shut him up, he noticed the honorific too.

They went out and walked over to the stable. On one side there were a few empty stalls and on the other more equipment and a few carts. Chris pointed towards what looked like a large two wheeled garden cart and Toby took the handles and made to drag it behind him when the horse stopped him. "No need to use your hands for this." He positioned him between the handles and hooked them on either side of the waistbelt of his harness, with it distributing the cart's weight over his whole body. He barely felt the cart when he dragged it out of the stable.

First they went to pick up some groceries that had been left in a small van at a parking lot at the far end of the driveway to the manor. Chris unhooked Toby from the cart and together they unloaded the van's contents onto the cart. On the way back he felt the weight more but didn't need his arms. Nor did he need them when they went to pick up the trash and empty the compost heap.

But then Chris led him to a pile of cobblestones near the mansion and started loading the cart up with them.

"We're doing some landscaping on the other side of the racetrack," he explained.

This time the cart weighed down his harness considerably so he grabbed the handles after a few metres. When they passed the stables again the horse asked him to stop and went inside. He came out with some items and asked Toby to look forward with hands behind his back. Then he felt him buckle cuffs around his wrists and asked what that was for.

"Just so you don't grab the handles, this is supposed to be a full body exercise." The coyote thought about running away but he was still hitched to a cart containing more than his weight in cobblestones. And before he could voice more doubts Chris had finished buckling his arms to the back of his harness and stuck a bit in his mouth.

"Whaach chichh fohhh!" He tried to articulate around the gag as his handler walked in front of him, reins in hand, forcing him to follow with the whole weight of the cart bourn by his harness. It was a strange feeling to be turned into a draught animal but if he angled his body right it wasn't actually too difficult. He was getting tired though when they arrived at the destination and Chris started unloading the cart, leaving him still hitched to it.

"Schoodn'd I helch?" Toby offered but the horse didn't reply and he couldn't really see what he was doing, only heard him unloading the cart behind him. The cart grew lighter but then he suddenly felt a weight almost as heavy as the stones and a light tug at his reins from behind. Chris was hitching a ride back to the mansion it seemed.

Toby tried shaking his head but he just tugged again and said "Giddyup". He resigned himself to the part as he didn't really want to test his teeth against the bit and dragged the cart and its driver along.

He headed straight towards the mansion but Chris had other ideas. When they came to the racetrack he pulled at the bit to his right to nudge him to take the long way around. As he approached from the other side of the 400 metre track he passed the other guests, who cheered him on. They seemed to be wearing a harness too, although not hitched to a cart like him. Still, he spotted an old fashioned carriage behind them.

They drove past the house towards the stables and when they were inside the horse finally unhitched him and loosened his cuffs and bit. He was going to ask what the hell was going on but Chris patted his shoulder and said "you did good today, I'm sure mistress will be happy".

Then he helped him out of the bridle and harness and had him do a few stretches. Afterwards Chris asked for help with a few light maintenance jobs until Miss Fendinsky summoned them to dinner.

After dinner she suggested they all go to the spa. Chris led them to the changing room where they peeled off the sweaty spandex suits they were all wearing. That revealed Toby's chastity cage.

"So she's keeping you under lock and key, you naughty boy", the bull remarked playfully.

"Hey, we've all been there," the bear added.

"Yeah, some of you could do with getting locked up more." The polecat joked.

"I'm sure we can arrange for that." Said Chris matter of factly, ending the banter.

They were all naked as they walked to the pool. The horse was as well-endowed as expected and nicely chiseled.

When they had all settled into the pool and let their muscles relax in the hot water Miss Fendinsky joined them. She was the only one not naked, wearing a smart black bikini that matched her mane.

"Mistress, we are honoured that you grace your humble servants with your presence. Your sumptuous pool is a welcome refuge after a rewarding day of service." The polecat said with a tongue-in-cheek flourish, although not at all mockingly, and held out their hand.

She accepted it as she stepped in. "It seems our morning session has successfully instilled the right attitude in you. Should I gag you more often then?" She replied with just the hint of a grin, making the polecat a little sheepish.

They talked about today's exercise and Toby mostly listened in and noticed quite a few innuendos although he couldn't figure out what they had been doing other than pulling carts in various states of restraint. No surprise really after today.

This got some of them riled up and the bear and bull and the polecat and Parisa started making out under Chris and Miss Fendinsky's watchful eye. He couldn't help getting a little jealous, especially since he was locked away unlike the others.

The mistress of the house must have noticed his longing stares. She sat next to him and put her arm around his shoulder. "We're all good friends here and I'm happy to add you to our circle. I'm guessing you didn't really know what you were getting into but you've taken it all in stride Tobias."

"It was uh, a bit of a shock but I'm getting used to it. It's certainly more exciting than a regular training program."

"You're right, it's not just a training program. It's much more fun, more intimate."

"Uh, speaking of that you did promise that you'd let me out after the day."

"Out of this?" She put her hand on the chastity cage.

"Yeamph" he felt his erection getting strangled in birth.

She kissed him on the mouth, lightly at first but then quickly with her tongue too. He kissed her back and put his hand on hers.

Then she withdrew. "If you can wait until tomorrow I'll make it worth your while." She said in complete earnestness, not a hint of the devilish torture he felt it would be at that moment.

"I uh, it's pretty uncomfortable, miss..."

"I'll invite you to my personal chambers to take it off if you work as hard as today."

His mouth hung open at that.

"Well, I suppose I can persevere for another day, then," he managed after a few seconds without really considering the implications. That vague reward was all he could think about.

She smiled. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."

Back in his room he quickly got second thoughts. As he lay naked in bed, fondling the metallic cage around his dick he was frustrated both from fantasizing about the following evening and not getting hard and from the wishful thinking. She only said she'd invite him to her room, not that she'd have sex with him. That was a completely unreasonable expectation from his host and personal trainer. Or was it? In the context of the other guest's affections and being kept in chastity as enticement maybe it wasn't, just in this case.

He couldn't resolve it either way but he was determined to do well tomorrow so that he could at the very least jack off.

After breakfast Miss Fendinsky assigned Toby to help Chris again. She told him to warm up and then in the afternoon she'd take over. Until then she'd be busy with the others, Parisa included to his disappointment. He didn't let that show though, as he was resolved to impress her.

Chris had him warm up by running a few laps and then do some exercises, none of them involving tack, only the fitness collar. Then they carried out some maintenance and started laying the cobblestones Toby had transported the day before.

The horse wasn't the most talkative but they worked well together and eventually Toby asked him about his relationship with Miss Fendinsky.

"Well, I'm her employee, physical trainer and therapist, handyman and so on. She can't take care of the program or the house by her lonesome."

"It's more than that though, the other day you called her mistress." Toby replied, not satisfied with the answer.

"Well, the job has excellent benefits."

"It's not just a job though, there's no chance my fee is covering all the costs."

"The mistress likes to share her hobbies with others and the fee is enough for food and operations. Helps provide some structure too."

"Strange to advertise 'a hobby' operation like this out in public though".

"Ah, that was more of a joke." The horse chuckled.

"A frequent guest of ours insisted we advertise our services and the mistress indulged him."

Then he paused and looked intently at the coyote. "Wait, so you just saw that. You didn't get referred to here by anyone?"

"No, I just saw it at the gym and booked it."

"At the gym?" Chris said in disbelief.

"You really didn't know anything about us?"

"No, I was more than a little surprised but it turns out I kind of like it."

He was met with a shocked expression and then suddenly a braying laugh. "Oh man, you're in for a treat then."

"An earlier guest here was so enthusiastic about this program he said he'd handle the marketing. He revamped the website and booking system but we thought he was joking about putting up posters." He explained.

"Apparently not," Toby concurred.Shortly after lunch as they continued laying the cobblestones Toby saw Alexis the polecat meander towards them, the tight black spandex making their long thin torso look even slinkier.

"Your presence is required Mr. Tobias," they said with mock formality.

"If it's alright Chris." They added deferentially.

The horse made a giving motion with the palms of his hands as if saying "be my guest".

Toby got up and followed them towards the manor.

"We have to get you geared up first," the polecat said as they approached.

Toby didn't protest, his sense of embarrassment outweighed by anticipation and they went down to the equipment room together.

Alexis went over to the gear wall and muttered "what did Mistress want again" and started gathering things.

"Stay still while I get this on you".

They picked up a bridle, bit and blinders to Toby's dismay. The polecat just smirked when they saw his reaction "I am but a tool of our mistress, an extension of her will. And you don't want to defy her will, do you?"

So he let them slide the rubber bit between his teeth with a minimum of grumbling.

Then he buckled a thick leather collar around his neck. Next were the leg cuffs and then his fingers were maneuvered into leather mittens by Alexis' deft hands which were then buckled tight forcing him to curl them into fists and robbing him of their use. Finally they guided each of his elbows into a kind of steel basket that forced him to keep his arms bent and facing forward with a rod bisecting the opening between his forearms and biceps.

Completely without the use of his hand the polecat led him up and outside by the bridle and towards Miss Fendinsky and the others.

"Glad to see you in tack Toby. I think you're finally ready to join us." She said in welcome.

"I trust he was cooperative, Alexis?"

"He was a very good boy."

Toby grumbled at that but not for long because the mare took his reins and led him out on the track.

"We'll start with your posture before warming up." She said, brandishing her crop. "Straighten your back, hold your head up high and show me a good gait."

He walked forward with a little skip to his step, imagining that was what she meant.

"No-no-no-no." She stopped him

"I want you to trot, raise your knees high and take short steps."

She took his reins and walked beside him, striking his thighs lightly with the crop to get him to raise his knees as far as he could. He couldn't help turning towards the others watching him, the thought of them seeing him bound and led like an animal brought back all the embarrassment he'd managed to suppress until now but it also made his chastity cage feel tighter than usual he noticed.

Miss Fendinsky swiftly put an end to that though and tugged at the bridle, commanding all his attention with the blinders blocking peripheral vision and freeing him from any self-consciousness about his situation at the same time. She took him once around the course and back to the group and told the others to get the carriage ready while they practiced some more, and to meet them by the circular fence where he and Parisa had been trained earlier.

Instead of attaching him to the pole she attached a longe line to his bridle and stood in the middle of the circle holding the other end.

"Now pace for me, run!"

Toby started running in circles, the steady pull of the line helping him curve. His trainer called orders out to him about his posture, speed and gait. When she was satisfied, she let him rest for a bit before leading him back to the group. She wrapped his reins around a fence post and told the others to harness up.

"And prepare Tobias' too," she added before disappearing into the equipment room with them.

A quarter hour later they emerged, all but the polecat with the same sort of bit, bridle and blinds as Toby and indeed wearing leather harnesses over the spandex suits too. The polecat and Miss Fendinsky approached Toby with another one, a big tangle of black leather straps and buckles. Together they started fitting it to him. It was the same kind of tack Chris put him in for drawing the cart, with the chest piece and waist belt all carefully strapped around his torso.

"Now you'll get to pull the cart along with the other. Just watch the person in front of you and try to keep in sync and remember my training. It will come naturally to you soon." The mistress said as she took his reins and led him in front of the cart where the others already stood in a square formation, Parisa beside him and the bull and bear in front.

He didn't see very well what she and the polecat were doing to him because of the blinders but when it came to the bull in front of him he saw that they were attaching the cart's trace to the sides of their waist straps.

"Now I'll be getting in the cart. I'll tug the reins when you're supposed to run or stop and guide you with them to turn you. We will start with a gentle trot to get you going. If you need to stop just yell out and I will tug on everyone's reins. Alexis, please run along to make sure everything is okay too."

After getting out of the tack Toby stretched his sore muscles along with the others and Miss Fendinsky suggested he get another massage from Chris before dinner.

"It can be difficult to drag the cart for the first time and we don't want you to be stiff tomorrow. Or tonight," she added with a subtle suggestion in her voice.

He peeled off his suit and got on the bench. The horse didn't bother to supply a towel for modesty's sake anymore and the coyote's privates were mostly hidden behind the cage anyway. It didn't feel like such a deal to him anymore now that he'd played a draught animal in front of everyone and spent time with them naked in the pool.

After a very thorough massage of most muscles Chris spoke up. "You asked me about a happy ending the other day"

Toby's ears perked up at that.

"Not something I can give you now for obvious reasons," he added.

"But there's a part of you that you might want to relax a little as preparation." He said as he grabbed Toby's ass cheeks and started kneading them.

"If you're not opposed to that sort of play."

The coyote considered it for a moment and replied hesitantly. "I don't mind that sort of play, no. But I'm not very experienced."

"That's why it's good to start practicing, it's not very different from a massage really."

"Uh okay, sure. If you're gentle."

"Trust me, I'm an expert. Now lift your tail."

The horse got out a bottle of lube and squirted generously under his tail and on his hand. Then he gently pressed one finger in and told him to relax. He used it to spread the lube around inside and then quickly added another finger.

"You're not a complete novice I can feel but you're still a little tight. Take big breaths and breath in and out regularly."

He thrust his fingers gently in and out in sync with his breath.

"Please turn on your back and spread your legs."

He reached in again, now facing the coyote, reaching under his chastity cage and resuming the thrusting, only now angling his fingers up towards his prostate. Toby could feel the peculiar sensation of having to pee and the horse eventually added a third finger, filling him better without causing any discomfort yet, except from his penis filling out the cage as he was stimulated more and more.

After this bit of prostate massaging the horse withdrew his fingers and fished a stainless steel item out of a drawer. It was a medium sized buttplug but long for its width and curved with another bulb at the tip.

"For further relaxation I recommend you wear this through dinner. I'm sure the mistress will appreciate it when she finds out," he said with a little lewder tone than his usual deadpan.

"If you say so, it doesn't look too big."

"No, I'm sure you can take it, just make sure not to get too relaxed so you don't lose it."

He lubed it up and slipped it effortlessly into Toby's well prepared asshole, pointing the tip towards his prostate.

At dinner the Coyote realized it wasn't the size he should have been concerned with. Keeping it in wasn't much of an effort either if he was careful but the continual prostate massage felt as if he still had the masseuse's fingers up his ass. His dick was both straining the cage and had started leaking pre which formed a little wet spot on his crotch. Fortunately it wasn't very obvious because of the black colour.

When dinner was over Miss Fendinsky beckoned Toby and he followed her wordlessly up to the second floor, feeling both anxious and excited. On top of the stairs was a sitting room and library that looked inviting but she led him to a corridor to the left and behind one of the four doors there was her apartment. There was a corridor behind the door leading to a big room with a large four poster bed, a furniture suite, wardrobe and a dressing table, all from carved mahogany. The windows were obscured by deep burgundy drapes, which along with olive green was the predominant colour of the antique furniture. That made the room seem either stuffy or sumptuous, Toby couldn't quite decide. Miss Fendinsky however sat on the rose silk sheets of the bed which were definitely sensual.

"Please take off your suit Toby," she told him.

This was it he thought.