Slayer or Layer 52

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#52 of Slayer or Layer

Lorkos and Lia find Ashin, and there's a rather brief conversation before something big happens.

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Slayer or Layer 52

For Lorvianne

By Draconicon

Their rest turned out to be longer than he intended, but considering that they had flown for hours, it was understandable. They woke with the sun setting and the moon rising, as well as chaos all around them. The sides of the mountain had formed golems of stone, nymphs of trees, and worse besides. The only thing that kept the pair of dragons safe - for even they weren't not immune to the power of the curse - was the fact that they had gone to sleep on a plateau risen above the various beasts that the curse had created. The moment that they were able, they took to the skies and continued flying around the range.

Lorkos kept his eyes on the slopes, but Lia watched the roads. He was grateful for that. For all that he should have kept his eyes on the skies, as well, he didn't see any of the gryphons making their way this close. Not when there were so many other problems out there, not when they were the only forces that the kingdom had that would move fast enough to evacuate the villages on the border of the corruption.

On the ground, however, there was a chance that some could push through. If armies were on the march, then they needed to know about it.

For himself, however, he was busy fighting the curse inside him, keeping it from surging forward and taking control again. The memories of being nearly dead to the world, focused only on the needs between his legs, had been horrifying. He had come so close to...

That would have been an unforgivable violation...

At least, for wolves, and that was all that mattered to him right then. He breathed slowly, using what little he could grasp of the power inside to force the curse to stay down, to keep the heat from getting any stronger than the weakest trickle through him.

Even that was enough to leave more than a trickle on the ground below. The heat was strong, and it kept him from any focused sort of thought. All he could manage was movement, and observation.

Hours passed. The moon had risen, shifting from the horizon to the heights. It glimmered with the stars, and finally, just when they were reaching the point of utter exhaustion, he saw it. Nothing more than a flash of red along the slopes below, but that was enough. It had to be her. It had to be Ashin.

"Follow me," he muttered.

Lia dropped in his wake, the pair of them pulling their wings in and falling fast. The red shape didn't move. There was no way that she hadn't seen them, or felt them. The magic was so strong in the air that he could feel it; the one that had cast it would have felt it coming from miles away.

Did you grow a conscience, woman? he wondered.

Doubtful. She had been angry enough when she laid the curse that he doubted that a conscience would have been sufficient to get her off his back. As it stood, he just hoped that she would see what she had done, and...and...

The clenches below were starting up again. He stopped thinking of the future and focused on pushing them down, instead.

Fifty feet from the ground, he flared his wings, and Lia did the same just behind him. They slowed, pulled up, and landed with a thump on a large plateau. He lifted his head, not surprised to find the red dragoness narrowing her eyes at him. Her face, however, was more surprised than he expected.

She didn't know.

Ashin slowly walked forward, her steps just hesitant enough to tell him that she didn't know what he was here for. That made two of them, he supposed, two of them hesitant, angry, and both more than ready to lash out at the other. He wondered, briefly, if the curse would end if she died -


Only for him to be hit with such a clench inside, such a burst of arousal from the curse, that his fore- and hind-paws squeezed down, driving his claws through the rock and anchoring him. He wheezed, puffing air through his nostrils as he forced himself to stay still, to not rock forward, to not drive his tail inside.


Lia's word stopped Ashin in her tracks, the dragoness whipping her head around.

" birthed this one?" the red dragoness whispered.

"Mmmph...yes," Lorkos groaned.

"I thought I retrieved all of the eggs."

"All the dragon eggs, I'm sure..."


"It's gone mad...completely mad..."

"You best come inside...tell me everything."

He wanted to think that this was a good sign, but considering she had yet to use her magic, he doubted that it was going to be that easy. He looked Lia in the eye, and sighed. His daughter followed, and he brought up the rear. This was going to be a long night.


They shared everything that happened, with Lorkos giving her all the information that happened since he left - from being caught by the kobolds to being rutted by drakes, from the village on the mountainside to prostituting himself to keep his sanity - and Lia filling in some of the blanks that happened after his time in the lizard village. Even he learned things that he had forgotten, and got a chance to learn what had happened to them after he rescued them from the hunters.

It wasn't until they got to the chunk of his past where he'd been captured and forcibly drugged, enchanted, and rutted over and over again that Ashin spoke up.

"You were used without intent of breeding that often?" she asked.

"I was raped."

"...Yes, you were," the dragoness said, sighing. "But that often?"

"I lost count of how many times they did it."

"Not a difficult task."

Lia growled, and the dragoness narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you make that sound at me, hatchling. You might have grown quickly, but you are not ready to talk to me like that."

"Then don't look down on my Lithia."

"You call him egg-mother, do you?" Ashin loomed, and the age difference between the two of them and the dragoness meant that she had a greater size to use than either of them. The red dragoness seemed to lift up, up, and up until she dominated her side of the room. "Do not forget that you would not be born without my magic. You would not be here without my power. And your Lithia would not be able to birth you if it were not for the many crimes that he committed against dragon-kind. Do not make the mistake of siding with him here; you do not understand what he has done."

"But you do..." Lorkos slowly interposed himself between Ashin and his daughter. "And you know that this wasn't part of the deal."


"You told me that as long as I laid eggs, I'd get rid of the curse. I laid plenty. And because of your curse, it's rippled through the world, changing everything in its path. Look what it's done to me. Look what it's done to the mountains."

They were growling at each other at that point, and he barely cared. All that mattered to him was the fact that she was trying to assert herself over his daughter, something that he would not allow. Even as she surged higher, showing off more of her strength, her size, her age, he leaned in, growling just beneath her neck. He couldn't bite her - he could feel that part of the curse still remained - but he held out as he growled, ignoring the burning down between his legs with something more important pushing him forward.

"You...are listen..."

"Hmmph. And you think that you don't deserve this?"



"I do deserve this...but the rest of the world doesn't. Look at what you've done to me, and then think about what's happened, what you haven't seen."


"I have started transforming people just by touching them. I've seen people turn from mammals to rutting beasts. Everywhere I go, the corruption follows me, the curse doing whatever it wants."

"That's not -"

"It might not be what you wanted to have happen, but it is what's happening," Lorkos said, shaking his head. "Feel it. Look at it. Look at me."


There was no more warning than that. It was not dissimilar to when Mastar looked over him, when the wolf had started digging through the threads and cords of the curse to try and find a way to break them apart. That was to say, it felt like the curse was pulled tighter around him, squeezing him from all sides. Lorkos hissed, his teeth sinking into his gums for a moment as he clenched up, and he had to force himself to relax.

Ashin narrowed her eyes as she did it through sheer willpower, looking through the curse, using magic in a way that eclipsed what Mastar had done in seconds, and then got more impressive as it went on. She was wielding her magic like a delicate weapon, piercing him and the net around him. Her mind made him move, forcing him to lift a foreleg, his tail. More. It prodded him, teased him, moved him around.

And through it all, it just hurt. He endured it, knowing that it had to be done, that she had to see what had happened to him to understand why he had come this far and come to her.

Eventually, she stopped, and he all but collapsed. Lia leaned in, trying to help him, but he waved her off with his tail. It would take more than that to make him fall completely before this bitch.

Even so, Ashin cocked her head to the side, shaking it slowly. The red dragoness turned away.

"I...did not realize it had progressed so far."

"You mean changed," he grunted.

"...I suppose I do."

"You might not have meant for it to go this far -"

"I will admit, I did not."

"But it has to fucking stop."

"...Must it?"

Lia and Lorkos stiffened as the red dragoness turned to face him again. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry for the suffering that you've gone through, but that was not my fault. The curse was laid precisely; it was distorted by others, not by me."


"And the results are...certainly more beneficial for dragon-kind."

"Like your attack on mammals was, starting the war?" Lorkos growled.

That changed the atmosphere in the room almost instantly. The red dragoness hunched her shoulders, turning to glare at him. He stood his ground, even as he felt her magic winding through the air, whipping back and forth like an angry, invisible snake.

"You have no right to bring that up..."

"I know what you did." Lorkos narrowed his eyes. "You struck the first blow. The first real blow. And you made the war start before anyone else was ready."

"I did what I had to do."

"No. You did it because you were afraid."

"Hmmph. It's done now. It doesn't matter."

"The results do. And just like before, you're not taking any responsibility, are you?" Lorkos snapped, stomping forward, his snout less than an inch from the other dragoness's. "You just want to profit from see the world burn as it transforms into something that benefits you."


"Well...what if I don't want to be cursed, hmm?"

"You will not be able to escape it. I have placed it on you." She smirked. "There's no escaping from my power."

"Yeah? Heh...heh..."

Lorkos wasn't so sure about that. The magic had run wild many times already, and he knew that wasn't something that Ashin had wanted. She wanted this to be under her control, wanted this to proceed the way that she had imagined. This was not the way that any magic was supposed to behave...

If this doesn't work...

It had been warped, changed. If he agitated the curse again, it might be just enough to change more than him, this time. He gritted his teeth.

"Ashin. I want you to know one thing."

"What's that, hmm?"

"I hate you."

Her eyes went wide, and he grinned even as he felt the heat burning between his hind legs.

"I hate you...I hate you with every fiber of my being. I have dreamed of killing you, slowly. Ripping you to p-pieces," he growled, the heat rising, but the magic...oh, he could feel the magic of the curse. It squeezed, loosened, squeezed...loosened again and kept loosening. "And today...I will take...revenge!"

The End

Summary: Lorkos and Lia find Ashin, and there's a rather brief conversation before something big happens.

Tags: No Sex, Heat, Series, Fantasy, Curse, Magic, Corruption, Conversation, Dragons,