Tarin's first (Tarin 1)

Story by Jon Girard on SoFurry

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(Tuesday) Tarin's First, Part One

My name is tarin. I am a white male half tiger of average build. I have led a rather normal life thus far, but as of late I have been rather confused. In the family that I grew up in being sexually intereseted in the same sex is forbidden. Through out my 21 year life this has never really came up to me as a problem, untill recenly that is.

I have had very few girlfriends. My first, Jillian, was a canine. To this day I am still not sure which breed though. She turned out to be a bitch.... In many more ways then one. She was the one to take my virginity, and I have regretted it ever sense. From there It has only gone downhill. My last, which has lasted me the past 3 years, off and on. Was with another feline, though not a big cat like myself, but a house cat breed. She was the first to whom I ever proclaimed my love to and shortly after she left me.

Since then I have not had a woman. Recently I have started thinking about other men. The more I try not to... the more I find myseld doing so. I cannot explain it, nor can I stop it. My trouble is that most of my friends, like my family, are against that kind of thing so I cannot talk to them about it. I do not know if I am truly what people call bisexual, or if my curiosity is just getting the better of me. It normally does, I mean, I am a cat after all right?

I have thought about talking to the few males I know who are openly gay or bi, but I fear their reactions, and who they could possibly talk to about it. Since I am not yet sure I really do not want anyone thinking that I am something that I might not completely be after all. I was about to give up hope on ever learning more about myself in this manner when one night on my way home from work I somehow managed to take a wrong turn and ended up a bit lost. As I drove around trying to get back to a road I knew I stumbled across a gay bar. This time I know my curiosity got the better of me as I pulled into the parking lot and got out, and walked in.

As I entered I looked around and was a bit surprised to see that most of the men in here looked like your average male. I have always been under the imppresion that they stood out like a sore thumb. Rather though, if I were to run into any of these guys in any other situation I would not know and assume they were straight. I am more surprised as I see some females in here, but I assume that they are with male friends, perhaps friends that are ike me and just trying to learn more about themselves.

I take a seat at the bar, at the end, and wait for the tender. As I look around I try to spot anyone who is alone like me, and who I might find attractive. Sadly though I see very few loners and the few that I do don'y exactly look like the type to try new things with. They look a bit to rough and violent for me. A few hours go by as I sit by myself and drink my bourbon. I am used to joining friends drinking so I don't have much trouble handling my alchohol, but after the seventh or eigth shot I was a little bit past buzzed.

I finally decided that it was time for me to go so I paid the tender what I owed him and stumbled towards the door. As I got closer to it my foot got snagged on a chair and I started to fall face first to the ground. Suddenly I felt myself get caught by someone in front of me.

"Are you alright there?" Asked a soft voice.

I did my best to regain myself and looked up. The one who caught me was a fox. His fur was a beautifill golden red... if that is such a color. He was about my height and built about the same as me. His voice doesn't portray his appearance at all. He wore tight black jeans and a lose blue button down shirt. I didn't notice myself staring untill he spoke again, by then I realized that he might not have meant to come in here, and was just trying to save me a bad fall, and also that I was still clinging to his arm. I pushed away slowly and finally managed to speak.

"Yes... I am alright, thank you. You saved me from a nice bump on the head."

He looks into my sapphire eyes with his large brown globes, which are accented by his fur and smiles. "Certainly... are you here alone?"

I shake myself from starring into his eyes to reply. "Yes, I got a bit lost and found this bar so I came in to relax for a bit." Since I wasn't sure about him, or myself at this time I didn't want to let him know the thoughts going trough my head.

"You really shouldn't be driving yet. It looks as if you had a bit too much to drink. Why don't you join me for some coffee?"

I wanted to, but also knew that it was late and I had work early the next day. I decided that he was right though and I needed to wait a while before driving so I smiled. "Alright."

He helped me walk with him to a seat. I noticed a few of the males waving to him, and a few others hitting on him, but he just kept on walking with me. Finally we came to a booth off in a corner. A waitress came over. A young a very good looking lupine.

"Hello again Francis, came to get the guys all rilled up again? I see your actually with someone this time, what can I get you two?"

He smiled at her and ordered us each a cup of coffe. The waitress smiled and went off, she came back a little while later with out coffe, some cream, and a bowl of sugar. After about ten minutes of silence while we sipped out coffe I finally spoke up timidly.

"So your name is Francis?"

He looked over at me, over his coffe, with those eyes of his. "Yes it is, and what would yours be my intoxicated friend?"

I blushed a bit, but because of my fur and clothing I don't think he noticed. "My name is Tarin, nice to meet you."

"Yes it is lucky for you and your head that I happen to come in when I did." He smiles.

"Yes indeed.... So... do you come here often?"

He nods as he takes a sip of his coffee. "I'm usually in here 2 nights a week tonight and Friday night. How about you? I would assume this is your first time seeing as you mentioned you got a bit lost."

"This is my first time here."

"Well this isn't a very safe place for a looker like yourself you know. Half these guys probably think you're here for the same reason the are."

I nervously take a sip of my coffe, not beliving that I am about to say what I am. "Well actually. I'm a bit curious. I have had thoughts about other men... but have yet to experience anything to see if my thoughts are just thoughts... or...."

"Or if your bisexual?"

I pause for a moment. "Yes, exactly... What about yourself?"

"I am bisexual, though lately I have had neither. I need to find a relationship, most of the guys in here are all after me, and so are all of my female friends."

"I wish I had that problem... I can't meet anything, even for a one nighter." As I sip my coffee I could swear he was checking me out, but he either wasn't... or hid it very well for I am not certain.

"Well It has been a while for me, and if your serious about wanted to experience 'new things' why don't you come back to myplace? I can bring you back to your car later. I have to work in the morning so I can't stay up too late."

His offer was almost too good to be true. I was already imagining what he would look like without his clothing, but I wasn't sure. I mean, I had only just met him out of sheer coincidence. He did appear like the type to go easy with me though... and I might not get any other chances. By now it has been a good hour or two, so I have sobred up a bit so I knew it wasn't the liquer misting my judgement. Before I could think about it more my mouth moved and words came out. "I would like that very much."

He smiled to me and called over the waitress. He payed her and tipped her generously then helped me up. I didn't need the help, but I wasn't going to say it and have him not touch me. He led me by my hand and arm out side and too a very pricy car. I didn't say much the whole 15 minute ride to his house. I was surprised to see he lived in an appartment. From his car I assumed he was rather wealthy. Once inside I could see that it was pricly, just disguised very well from the outside.

He led me to his bedroom which had a very large bed, night stands on both sides, a large dresser, and a huge bathroom attatched. He led me to his bed and I sat down.

"I am going to go to the bathroom and undress, you are sure you want to do this right?"

I only nodded, the thought of seeing him nude sending a shiver down my spine. I have thought about males before, but the thoughts had never had this effect on me before. He went off to the bathroom and closed to door. While I was alone I too undressed, but timidly I got under the top cover, hoping he wound not mind. After what seemed like forever I heard the knob turn, and the door slowly opened. When I saw him my sheathed cock twitched. His fur was the same golden red everywhere except for his blackish furred feet and a large patch of pure white on his chest. The patch went down and ended right before his sheath.

My mouth gaped as I noticed his lather large sheath and large balls hanging freely between his legs. I didn't know foxes were hung so well. He is surly larger then myself, and what I imaginied he would be. He walked over to the foot of the bed grinning at me as he was hidded from the shoulders down by the cover.

"Are you going to hide from me all night or what? Come on, let me see what your look like in all your glory."

I closed my eyes to hold back my embarrasement as he moves the cover from me. I didn't hear anything for a while so I finally opened my eyes and looked at him. What I noticed first was the tip of his cock was pocking out slightly.

"My tarin... You certainly do have a very nice body. Your stripes are so.... Enthralling."

Once more I blushed under by fur, hoping he could't see it. "T-thank you."

He smile at me warmly. "Ok now I am going to take this slow so you can stop me whenever you want me to alright?"

I can only nod as I wait to see what he will do. Part of me wants to jump him then and there, but I wouldn't know what to do... or how to do it.

"Roll over on your stomach for me, and close your eyes."

I do as he instructed, my tail swaying with nervousness as I feel his gets on the bed. He moves to lay next to me, running a gentle hand up the back of my leg as he does. I want to turn and look at him, but I keep my eyes closed and stay relaxed. He starts to kiss my neck, biting my gently. I move my head and purr softly into the pillow so he cannot hear me. As his kisses continue to the other side of my neck he ends up laying on my back gently, pressing my tail to me uncomfortably. I move it far to the side as my purring gets louder.

"Mmmm, I love the way you purr tarin... and your furr... its so soft."

I try to reply but end up gasping as I feel the tip of his cock press lightly againt my tailhole. He continues harrasing me with his lips, teeth, and tongue as he moves down my back. Moving his cock from resting against my entrance. I start to shudder slightly as he gets to the small of my back, and more so as he goes over my buttox. Without thinking I adjust my legs and spread them as much as I can. When he gets to my inner theighs my purring is much louder and I raise mu hips off the bed slightly.

I gasp out loudly as I feel his warm rough tongue licking cirlces around my tailhole. He pauses and speaks. "Do you like that?"

I can't stop purring but manage to speak through it. "Yes.... I do... please, don't stop..."

Once more I feel his skilled tongue, he presses it slightly into me and now I notice that my own cock is fully out, pressing against the bed and throbbing. I raise to my knees, keeping my arms on the bed to rest my head on to free my throbbing member. I lay my tail on his back as he continues to work me over with his tongue. His tongue adventually moves to my aching balls and I gasp again as he gently takes one into his mouth and rolls it around... then the other. Not long after pre begins to leak from the tip of my throbbing cock. Shortly after that he stops.

"Are you ready tarin? I know I am..."

"Yes... I am...." I wasn't to sure on that, I didn't want to get hurt to badly, but somehow I knew he wouldn't let that heppen. I felt him move from the bed and go to the table on one side of the bed, and take out a tube. I assume it is lubracant and am gratefull for that. I also catch a glimpse of his cock, at least 9 inches long with a nice girth to it. I wonder how in the world this would feel good and not painfull as I hear him open the tube. As I am thinking I gasp loudly as I once more feel the tip of his cock against my tailhole, the lube making it cold and wet.

"Alright, here I go. Let me know if you want me to stop alright?"

I only have time to nod as I feel him apply some preasure. I don't think it is going to fit when I suddenly feel it pop inside. I wince and want to scream, but I don't want him to stop yet. He holds there, with just the tip in for a while untill finally I don't feel the pain anymore. Then he very slolwy starts to slide into me. I was expecting more pain. I don't know if it is the lube, or his carefull he is, or both. But all I can do is moan quietly as he slides into me a bit. When I feel him stop I wimper, I want him in me... all of him.

"My... god... tarin... your so tight... so warm, and soft. I am certainly not going to last long..."

"Mmmmm... deeper... please...." I moan out, just him throbbing where he was making my own cock tremble and leak it's pre.

I don't have to wait long as I feel him start to slide further into me. A little ways further I get hit with pain again, but shortly after he stops. I can feel his balls rubbing aginst mine and I can tell he is all the way in me. I am amazed it fit, and with so little pain. He starts to pull out of me and I whimper as he does, but he pulls out till he is almost free, then pushes back in slowly. This continues untill I feel no more pain.. only pure bliss as I start to press back against him to get him back in me faster. He gets the hint and picks up his pace. I begin to moan loudly, and start to force myself back on him as hard as I can. A while later it felt as though his cock was getting bigger, I had forgotten that foxes, like canines and lupines, expand at the base... their knot.

I could feel it banging againt my hole, trying to get in, and Francis trying to get it in. Finally it pops in just as he tosses his head back and explodes. As he shoots his loud, and coats my insides with his seed I loose it and spray my own all over the sheets in multiple, powerfull strings. When we have both stopped spirting he collapses on me, and I fall back to the bed. As his cock moves inside of me I moan some more. Finally he stops panting so badly and asks me. "So... Are you bisexual or not?"

I really don't second guess it one bit, that was the best experience in my life. "Yes... deffinaly... thank you so much Francis. I'm sorry for making a mess on your sheets."

I hear him laugh a bit just as his cock pops out of my ass and he gets off the bed and stands up to look at me. "It's alright, I enjoyed myself greatly... You look so sexy laying there, cum oozing from your gaping tailhole."

I didn't know weather to be embarrased or not, but I smiled and got up. My own cum all over my stomach. "Thank you... but... Can I take a quick shower before I you take me to my car?"

"Sure thing."

I head into the shower and get the water to a good temperature for me. I get in and clean up. When I finish showering I dry off and head out. When I get back to the bedroom he is already dresses and waiting on me. I get dressed in a hurry, the hour catching up to me. Francis takes me back to my car, we say goodnight and he drives off. It is then that I realize I never got him number... and I would never be able to get back to his house. I get into my car and drive home. As I drive I think about how I will surly be late for work tomorrow. I had just started the job a few days ago, I didn't know the owner... and already I was going to be late... but at least... for once.... I was happy.