The Dream That Turned Real, Pt 4.5

Story by Triple xXx Werewolf on SoFurry

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#7 of The Dream That Turned Real

TDTTR PT 4.5: Dan's POV

"Argh, dammit, dee! You fockin' deserter!" i shouted as Dee

ran off towards Mike's house. Steamed, i decided to call it

a night.

"Um, hun? What about Mike's car?" my sweet fox asked me.

"Look, i screwed up when i said i would do this, so i'm

callin' my friend to have him do it for me." i said.

I pulled my mobile out and dialed his number. After four

rings he picked up.

"Kinda busy, whaddya need?" he asked with a snort.

"Doin' what, makin' bacon?" i replied.

"Outta bounds, Dan."

"Whadevah, mate. Look, can you come over tonight?"

"Sure, when?"


"*sigh* Okay." Then he hung up as i flipped my phone closed.

"So, he's coming?" Kraig asked.

"In more than one way, yes. He's gonna fill in for whats-


Jord stifled a giggle.

Around a half-hour, my friend arrived. "Okay, whaddya need

fixed this time?" He is a seven-foot boar, black as coal,

with crimson streaks down his back (unusual color, but it

works for him), with short white tusks and beady fire-orange


"Here's the deal: I offered to fix someone's car, and i

don't have enough people to help with anything."

He looked at the car, then at the post-it note on the

steering wheel. "Mike, huh?"

"Yeah, you know Ryan, right?"

"Yeah, he used to let me screw him every time he had me fix

his rides."

"Anyway, the kid's mated to him, so..."

"Alright, i'll see what i can do..."

"Thanks, mate-"

"AFTER I POUND YOU!!" he screamed as he tackled me to the

floor, landing hard enough to make all the tools clatter on

the floor.

He pushed his flat pig snout to my smaller, canine nose and

sneezed hard enough to send his snot into my nose, making me

snort inwards and swallow it down, because he was twice my

width, and weight, i couldn't get himm to roll off.

'Aren't you guys gunna do anything?' i projected to Jord and

Kraig, who shrugged, thier body language saying "uhhh...".

I heard him laugh above me as he sent more snot down my nose

for me to swallow, so i decided to 'buff out' as my muscles

expanded so i matched him in mass, as my clothes were

absorbed into me, and rolled backwards, kicking him off of

me, as i rolled to my feet and spun around and jumped on

him, a look of lust on my face.

"Little pig, little pig..." i paused. " Let me in or die!"

I said, holding a screwdriver to his throat. He instantly

squealed as i rammed all eight inches of dingo dick into his

tight ass, his curled tail going stiff straight as i hilted

and chewed on his thick hide, as i shot my cream deep into

his ass, and dismounted, quickly replacing my cock with the

ginger root i keep with me all the time, as he squealed in

pain as i shoved a ballgag into his mouth, shutting him up.

"Bad move, Keto." i said.

He tried to mumble around the thing in his mouth, but

nothing came out, as i returned to my normal form. I walked

around to his mouth, and putting my cock in the hole in the

ball gag, i pissed down his throat.

"So, you called him here so you could do that to him?" Jord


"No," i said, "I called him over for him to fix the kid's

cah. First time he's jumped me though."

Just then Keto linked with me, screaming in my head 'GET


"Anything? Meanin' you'll stop fuckin' around and fix my

friends car?"


I then pulled the ginger out of his tight ass rather

roughly, and stuffed it back in my pocket, and removed the

ballgag from his snout, and pulled him up.

"Thank you, sir, i'll get right to work, sir."

"Thanks, Keet. You're a doll."

We walked around the car's frame and went over to where i

had Horscht put the 'skeleton' of the car, and tapped on it.

"Wow, that's old. Really old." Keto said.

"Only determination could have ever kept this thing running,

and Ryan put it into a tree while Mikey was testin' his


"Um, i hope you don't mind, Dan, but i got some other

friends that you can have working on this car."

"Are you seroius? I gotta pass this on to a friend of a


"They're, like, sextuplets, i think, but at least they don't

look the same. They have a shop that does everything from a

to z, complete rebuilds, body, paint, you name it, they do

it." Keto said.

"*sigh* Fine, let's call'em over, then."

The pig drew out his phone. "Hey, Zeke, it's Keet. You and

yer bros busy? No? Cool, cuz i got a client for you guys.

Huh? Okay, yeah, you guys come on over then. Okay, later."

"So?" i asked.

"They're coming over ten seconds ago."

"Roighteous, mate."

Another ten minutes, and a S.W.A.T van shows up with a

'WolfBros' logo on the door, pulling up into a rear-end

slide, the back facing us, as the engine shut off, and the

doors opened, as six Feral werewolves poured out like- Well,

like a SWAT team.

"Keto?" i asked sternly.

"What? They're B.O.T.B ."

I grunted in disgust. "Just what i need-- More horny dogs."

Apparantly, like me, they don't like being labelled 'dogs',

as they surrounded me, each one with a different color

pattern on their fur.

"We don't take kindly to that, so watch your mouth, 'dog'."

the one in front of me said as they dispersed and lined up.

"I'm Zeke." he introduced himself.

"Nice." i simply said. "Keet, care to tell me what name

belongs on which pelt?"

"Okay, this one's Kitan," he said, patting the werewolf on

Zeke's left on the shoulder. Kitan has a light-medium-dark

grey mix on his fur.

"This one here is Hug, pronounced 'Hoog'." he patted the one

to his right. Hug has a standard timberwolf coat.

"This is Panat." pointing to the first one to Zeke's left.

Patan has a salt and pepper color, leaning more towards

pepper than salt.

"Bane." pointing to the second one, who had an all-black


"...And Nate." Last one to Zeke's left, he had an off white

coat, with black on the tips of his ears and a 'skunk

stripe' going down his backbone to his tail, and thin lines

of black on his hands (you know when you stretch your hand

all the way, fanned out, if you look at the tendons going to

each finger, the fur over those tendons is black on them).

"So, this the car?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, this is it. Left of, anyway." i said.

They walked around it, one on each corner, and the b-

pillars, and lifted the thing over their heads with no


"Hey, what gives?" i had a chance to say, as i heard a horn

go off, and as i turned around, i saw thier van transform

into a flatbed tow truck, as the team of brothers sat the

car, gently on the truck, before coming back for all the

stuff that was on the car, as the truck got wider, as Nate

said "We'll fix this car up real good, 'cause this is a one

-of-a-kind vehicle that only comes around once in a while."

"Thanks, you guys."

"Hey, no problemo. Mike'll be really happy when he sees it."

"How'd- Oh, right." i replied, seeing the post-it note on

his forehead, which i thought was funny.

As they drove off, i breathed a sigh of relief as i looked

at the others.

"Real nice, hun, now we got nothin' to do." Kraig said.

"Not exactly, Kraig. We can follow them over to thier place

to watch them work" Keto said.

"Hmm... 'Kay. But we'll need Ryan, so he can supervise." i

said, pulling my mobile out and flipping it open.

"Wait. I know a better way." i said, returning the phone to

my pocket as i Linked with Ryan.

'Ryan, wake up.'

after a few minutes of calling out to him, he replied. 'I

was sleeping, Dan. What the fuck?'

'I passed the car over to anutha shop, they just left, we're

gonna tail'em back to their place so we know what they're


'Dan, you said you were gonna do it yourself, with Kraig and

the others.'

'Two problems: one, i'm three furs short of a crew, two, i

couldn't handle it myself, even with them.'

'Fine.' he said as i heard him pull out of Mike and off of

Horscht. I then called Zeke and asked him for directions.

His response: Follow the pig. Jord and i got our bikes as

Ryan rolled up on his Kinja, and Keto used Ryan's Speedster

Trike, as Kraig rode with me, as we followed Keto, and in no

time, we caught up with the 'wolves.

"Not bad, Keet. Y'all found us." Zeke said to the boar

riding alongside the truck, so close, one slip, and Ryan

would have my balls for another wrecked bike, even though he

was riding the one Kraig blew up not too long ago, as we

made it to their shop, which looked like something out of

the Miami street-racing scene.

a team of four carried the skeleton into the shop, as the

other two got all the parts for it off the truck, before it

changed back into the SWAT van.

As we walked in, i could definitely tell that the pig wasn't

talking bull; this bro-owned garage did have a lot more

stuff than i have, more lifts, more high-tech diagnostic


Ryan sniffed in my direction, as did the others, as i

creamed my biker jeans, wetting me from the waist down, like

a water balloon filled with cum exploded in my pants.

"Looks like someone likes the place." Ryan said, copying me

when i gave Mike that tour of the security room.

I was so red under the fur, i was literally glowing with

embarrasment, as Kraig pulled me towards the restroom, which

looked like a truck-stop bathroom, but cleaner and with a

lone two-head shower stall, as Kraig talked to me,

reassuring me that it was an accident, as he stripped me of

my clothes, himself doing the same, setting them on the

floor before leading me to the stall, and turning on the hot


"Don't worry, ding-ee, baby," Kraig said. "I'll take good

care of you."

Just then, he size-shifted to the size of a small elephant,

as he put me in his mouth at the waist, and gently sucked on

me like a pacifier, as he sucked the rest of me into his

mouth, and gave me a really good tongue bath, as i heard the

water being turned off, as i let my fox have his way with

me, as he threw up in his mouth, flooding it with his

stomach acid, swishing it around and working his tongue on

me again, before turning the water back on, and opened his

mouth and expelled me from the warm, moist confines of his

tongue, as i stood, he shifted back to his normal size,

before dropping to his knees and working my rock hard shaft

in his mouth, forcing his tongue into my retracted sheath,

and licked it clean, before i blew yet another load, as i

growled low enough to rumble Kraig enough to make him shoot

his, as i caught it in my paw and licked it off, murring at

the taste, before going weak as my fox caught me and helped

me stand as my cock retracted, before we heard the pitter-

patter of feetpaws on the floor, as Kraig grabbed a bar of

soap and faked cleaning me.

"Hey, Dan, you done yet or what?" Ryan asked from behind the


"Almost." Kraig said. "Could you ask someone for a towel? Or

a fresh change of clothes, even?"

"Kinda grubby, but you can use this." we heard Zeke come in

to take a piss as well, simply tossing the towel over,

landing on our heads, as i smelled various automotive fluids

on it, oils, mostly, as Kraig did his best to dry us both

off, and we headed outside.

"What happened to our clothes?" Kraig asked.

"Zeke took them to the cleaners they got here. I let'em take

mine in as well." Ryan said, as he stood naked in front of


"Well, i guess i don't mind runnin' around pantsless,

although..." i said as we walked over to the bench seat

outside the wall of the office, as i tucked my tail under

me, soas not to get butt-crumbs on the couch, as did the

others, as we watched them work sheetmetal and carbon fiber

into the various parts and pieces that made up the basic

shape of the car, as they had a hydro forming machine,

making the frame rails, as Zeke came up to us.

"Well, now i know how much the dingo likes the shop. We're

gonna be at this all night if we hafta, 'coz like i said,

this one's a classic. I've got all my machines churning out

the parts we'll need.

"I got plans for one 'nineteen eighty seven Subaru Leone

four-door sedan, one point eight liter horizontally opposed,

fuel injected, single overhead cam engine, automatic three

speed transmission, front wheel drive limited slip

differential-" Hug said before Nate cut him off.

"What are you babbling about?" Nate asked.

"We got the blueprints for the car, every single part and

piece, as well as for casting the engine using a stronger,

lighter metal." Kitan said, as i noticed his Asian accent,

most likely Japanese over Chinese.

"Okay, and?" i asked.

"We'll have it done in about a week or so, it'll be like,

brand new, right out of the factory condition."

"Okay. Mike can use my bike in the meantime." Ryan said.

"Hey, Ry?" i asked him.


"While we were riding after the Kinja burst, Mike siad he

likes my Dragster bike over your dirtbike. Wanna trade? I

don't really use it, and kraig's too scared to ride it."

"Trade and a gangbang, you gotta deal."

"I'm not scared, i just prefer streetbikes over choppers, is

all." Kraig said as we went outside.

"Gang-bang?" Bane said in a dark, amused tone.

"Bane!" Zeke called in a gruff voice.

"What? I'm just askin'."

"Well, the trade's not happening until the car gets rebuilt,

so, i'm not gonna say anything to Mike, so i can surprise

him." Ryan said as two bikes pulled up.

"What are you guys doing here?" i asked as Dee, Dash and

Horscht dismounted their rides.

"Looking for you." Horscht said.

"Without waking up Mike, i hope." Ryan said as we got on our

bikes as they remounted theirs.



We headed to Ryan's place, Keto going home, and parked our

rides in the shed, as Ryan put the doors back on as best he

could, and we headed into the house, Horscht going into the

bathroom to take a piss, Ryan to the bedroom, and Kraig and

i into the guest room.

"Aren't you going back to Mike's place? Your relationship

might bomb if you don't go back." i said.

"It will not, and besides, i got a plan." he said.

"You better not have been hanging with him all this time to

just dump him. I saw him run off when you weren't giving him

your attention, and i don't think he'll take it well if you

outright blatently dump him, and leave him hanging like


"Well, if that's your theory, why 'knot', uh... Crap, i got


"Let's see how he does without you tomorrow. If he, ah,

doesen't take it well, i win. If not, you win."

"And what are the stakes?" Jord asked.

"Ryan wins, he gets my Dragster. I win, i get... his..." i

paused to think about what Ryan has that i'd want, as

Horscht came out of the bathroom, Dee coming out of the

guest room, as i looked at him.

"Camel!" i finally said.

"Sorry, he's Mike's."

"Don't you at least claim half of him?" i asked.

"Nope. All his."

"Okay, then, i get your bike instead."

"Which one?"

"The Kinja."

"Sorry, Dan, you can have the Ruckus instead, 'Cuz the bear

wants it."

"Well, yeah, he did, not me."

"You two are acting like an illegaly married couple.

Remember our first bet? Whoever loses has to get shit on?"

Kraig said.

"Well, yeah, but were talking about i want from him if i


"Well, what have you wanted the most, aside from Ryan's


This was gonna be hard, i could tell. What did i want, aside

from Ryan's expensive bike? I was the one who set the

original stake for losing, 'Whoever loses, gets tossed in a

ten foot tall rancid pile of shit made only by the winner,

that the loser also has to eat in a week, with no help from


I thought really hard about what i would want if i won, and

i was already starting to get horny just from the pheramones

being carried on everyone's scent, and i was running out of

decision making time.

"You could always get a blow job from Ryan if he loses,

before he eats your shit." Dee said.

"Yeaahh.. not happening, camel." Ryan said, rolling his eyes

away from Dee, as he thought of something else to give me

instead of the bike.

"*heavy sigh* Aw, dammit, i'm not gettin' anything." i

pounded my head with my fist. "'Cuz it's gotta be a fair

trade; He wins, he gets my bike; I win, i get his bike. And

since he's getting my fastest bike if he wins, i should get

his fastest bike if i win."

"Fine, it's a deal." Ryan said, holding his hand out,

shaking mine, before i pulled him into a really sloppy kiss

that rocked for three seconds before Ryan tossed me into the

wall behind me as he spat my saliva out of his mouth.

"Ugh, that was totally uncalled for, Dan." he spat again as

i got back up. "Blech, you know what? Now i call your bike

even if i lose, and you ain't putting a paw on the Kinja,

otherwise, i will rape you in my Feral form, and i will not

care if you die of blood loss!"

Just then i did the most embarrassing thing i would ever do:

Play submissive, and lure him into a quickie, as i dropped

to my knees, saying "Oh, please don't rape me, Mr. Werewolf,

i-i'm still a virgin back there!"

Then he flashed me a very Feral look, his faded wolf-yellow

eyes now gone yellowish-orange. "Okay," he said in his Feral

voice, "Remember my words, now. You just escaped with your

life, and your 'virginity', if you have any left."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Werewolf, you won't regret it." i said

as i slowly licked his balls up to his sheath, making him

rumble something i couldn't make out, as i saw everyone

'casually' walk outside through my periphials, as i slowly

licked the rim of his sheath, dipping the tip of my tongue

into his sheath, licking the tip of his cock, which started

to swell a little, before Ryan grabbed me by the scruff of

my neck, and he was just about to say something, before i

felt his dick touch my sheath, and Ryan then put me down.

"Might as well finish what you started, dingo." Ryan said,

his hand on my head, as he guided my mouth near the pre-

dripping tip, twitching it, tapping my nose with it, before

i licked at the underside of his cock, his tip leaking pre

on my muzzle, rubbing it back and forth on it, covering my

snout in his pre, as i licked it off, before pulling back

and taking his full length in my mouth, savoring his taste,

as he hilted himself in my mouth, i reached my tongue out to

tickle his giant balls, trying to hasten his climax, as his

pre flooded down my throat before it died down, before he

started moving my head back and forth on his cock, as i

started doing it on my own, and he removed his hand.

'looks like my plan worked.' i thought, as i sucked harder

as he got harder, before he hilted, and sent a tsunami of

cum down my throat, filling my stomach with as much as it

could hold, before i felt it go into my intestines, and

before it reached my colon, his flow of seed stopped, and he

pulled out of my mouth, and hit me right in the face with

one last, giant spurt of cum before he went limp and back

into his sheath.

'Well, i did escape with my life' i thought as he went into

the bathroom, as i forced the cum in my throat downwards,

finding i wasn't able to, and running out of air, i ran

outside and let it run out of my mouth, as i let my gag

reflex do the rest, as i cleared the cum from my esoughagus,

letting it dribble out as everyone watched me take in a big

breath of air and let it out.

"Got everything taken care of?" Kraig asked. As a response,

i got up and projectile-vomited Ryan's cum at him,

splattering everyone else in the process.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." he said as soon as my stomach

was fully empty.

"Yeah, and that's the only time i'm doing that, ever." i

said. Just then my mobile rang. Reaching into my pocket, i

pulled it out and flipped it open, wiping the cum from my

eyes. "G'day, Dan here."

The voice i heard on the other end was that of the asian

accented werewolf. "Hey."

"Whatcha need?" i asked.

"We just got the frame done, and we need Mike's opinion."

"Well, Mike's sound asleep back at his place, the gang and i

are at Ryan's."

"Well, okay, we're still gonna get the whole thing done, but

we'll need his opinion on the car, how he wants it to look,

you know."

"Alright then, check you later." i closed the phone and

returned it to my pocket.

"Who was that?" Kraig asked.

"Kitan at the shop. They need Mike's opinion on the car's

final looks. Unfortunately, it cancels out Ryan's plan to

leave the kid by himself tomorrow."

"Who-what now?" Ryan asked, coming out of the house, looking

at us.

I pulled my phone out again, dialed the last number that

called, and gave it to Ryan.

"Hello? Hi, yeah, it's Ryan. You called Dan about something?

Oh, okay, i'll make sure he knows. Okay, bye." He handed it

back to me, closing it, and put it back into my pocket.

We entered the backyard and into the shower area, and washed

off with my clothes on (i left the phone outside), as did

the others. Finishing off the shower, we went out and

toweled off, as Ryan took our clothes and put them in the

washer. Walking around naked, i thought about the sleeping

area when i saw Kraig get swallowed by Horscht, as everyone

waited to go in. Dee and Jord went in next, easily sliding

down his throat, Horscht waving me over. I sighed and

climbed into the bear, but through his ass, as he sat on me

until i was fully inside him, as he waddled over to three-

hour sleep since it was almost five in the morning.