Government Breeder Lion

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#55 of Claude cuntboy stories

Every now and then, I get into dark moods that affect me globally. This is way more dystopic than you'd think I was capable of.

I'll tell you the story of our world as it was taught to me in school. Our Earth was the home of a great, thriving civilization brought down by a series of viruses. First came a series of Flu like viruses called COVID-19. It raced through that civilization in variant waves. Aided by the fact that some refused to be immunized to it. Thus killing millions and weakening the survivors. It left them very vulnerable for when the Transmode virus hit, an extraterrestrial virus brought to Earth by way of a meteorite storm. It raced thru the population continent by continent, and our whole population was mutated in 4 days by the virus, ultimately becoming a race of all male anthropomorphic animals of random species. I have no clue as to what these 'humans' were like. But literally overnight all of the intelligent beings on the planet became anthro animals. The feral animals were unchanged.

Society was worried that the civilization would be dying out unable to reproduce. Within days, a full 10% of the male population became breeders. Males with vaginas, ovaries and wombs, capable of sexual reproduction if fertilized by a normally functioning male. We Breeders are always fertile unless pregnant. I am a 3rd generation Breeder, I know no other life but this. Fucked by males and having their offspring, and only getting 3 weeks between delivery and refertilization. We have no choices at all, the males are brought to us with their requisite paperwork and we have to spread our legs for them and then carry their offspring in our bellies for 6 months

A World Government was quickly formed, and organized us into a highly regimented society, with trivial things like love and marriage and individual child rearing quickly disappearing. Minor things like wars and prejudices became extinct, totally unheard of things. We just worked to keep our new society functioning smoothly, and our safe, comfortable lives well protected.

The Breeders were then gathered up by the new World Government and placed in Government Brothels and attached Breeding Houses. Any Breeders refusing to cooperate with the Government were arrested and put in prison where they were frequently rape bred by the normal male convicts and the resulting children raised in prison. The non fertile breeders are sent to live on the Brothel side of the houses. If we need to take a break from breeding we're sent to the Brothel temporarily. A busy life of 6 to 8 clients a day to sexually please is the usual regime there. All of those randomly assigned clients 7 days a week is a lot of impersonal fucking. Especially males we don't know or care about, but still have to be sexual with. I have literally cringed while a male I outright despised fucked me several times and then I had to carry their vile offspring for 6 months. But I can't refuse anyone the bureaucracy sends to me for any reason. They come to me and I can just spread my legs and let them fuck me.

But even legally bred children were taken and raised by the Government. My parents were an unregistered breeder and a convict/ex secret agent for the Government. It's the only reason I wasn't raised in prison but in a 'regular' children's home. At the onset of my 1st heat at age 15, I was fertility tested and bred by an old and fat and smelly Donkey mechanic. His huge, fat Equine cock hurt like hell taking my virginity. And birthing his huge foal was agony and took me 36 hours to push his horrid foal out. And I was so happy that I wouldn't have to raise that poor Donkey foal that he bred in me.

When I did conceive successfully, I was permanently registered as a GB Lion. I don't have a name just a number, I am GBL-8898, which I am told was the date I was born. And the letters mean Government Breeder Lion. That number is tattooed on my right upper arm with a QR code under it. And there is a tracker chip and health sensor chip implanted in my left arm.

I live in a Government apartment building run and managed by an Administrator. We're given food and are assigned 'breeding clients'. Fertile males are evaluated for their genetic potential when they apply as Active Breeders. And those that offer qualities the State wants are assigned to a chosen Passive breeder. And they get to come fuck us until the daily testing shows we have conceived. And we are tended to Medically until we deliver in 6 months, and then their offspring are taken to off to be raised by the State. After we birth them, we're allowed to nurse them once to give them the colostrum in our first milk that they need and then they're taken from us. Sometimes I wonder where the children I have birthed are and how they are doing but that idea is discouraged. Their sires have no clue about them, and it's just fuck, squirt and go as far as they're concerned.

I've birthed 7 offspring so far. That Donkey, a Gorilla, a Rhino, a Clydesdale Horse, a Badger ,a Wolverine, and a Boar. There are egg laying species Breeders for reproducing mostly birds and Reptiles.

My next scheduled breeding is with an older Lion who I have minimal information about. His picture shows a gorgeous burly Feline with a mostly Gray mane, and a sexy smile.

It's the day he's due. He's a stunning older Lion, big and butch, there is a scar running over his right eye. His mane is Red Brown and is shot thru with Gray and his eyes are Amber and miss nothing. Big paws and foot paws and a stocky, burly musculature. He undresses and he has a huge Feline prick.. 22" long, pointed tipped and studded with sharp backward facing barbs. He laughs as I walk to him. He asks me to turn for him. So I do and he grins. "You are fucking beautiful, boy, it's the first time I've met one of my offspring who were bred from me" he chuckles. He laughs as I look stunned. "Yeah, I squirted you into URB-2245's hungry womb a long time ago and here you are," he snorts. "Breeding my own offspring wasn't my idea, I was one of the State's best covert operators years ago and they want another, younger me, and figured yours was the best womb for me it squirt it into" he says showing me his papers. They state that the State knows he sired me but that they badly want the offspring he'll sire out of me and is signed by several Government higher ups and by my Administrator. I sigh and lay on my back on the bed. The first time I get a male I'd fuck for fun and he's my sire. I sigh as our cubs will be fucking gorgeous.

He gets on top of me and gently enters me. He moans about how I'm tighter and wetter than the cunt I was bred into. And builds his fuck rhythm up slowly. I moan and actually cum on his fat barbed cock. He kisses me and I explode in another orgasm. He's grinning. "Nice to know I've still got it" he growls. His balls are pulling up as he's tensing up. He roars as his barbs flare out and rake me, causing me to drop a pair of eggs into my womb. He's growling and cussing as he cums hard up me. I cum again and my vision blurs as I am seeded. Panting he kisses me. "Thank you, 8898, you took my seed well" he pants.

Since he's done and I'm officially bred and implanted I fully expect him to leave. He gets cuddly though and pulls out and lays on top of me. We kiss awhile. He'll change my life, he's made me see how good sex can be and if I just don't dislike the client I'll cum hard from their fucking. In our Government's eyes he's ruined me. I am in fact in love with my own sire.

He spends the night with me and we fuck 10 more tines, and I'm sexually spent. He watches me being tested by the machine and laughs as it tells me I've got 2 Lions in my womb. "I hope they turn out at least half as well and good looking as you did" he says kissing me as he leaves.

I lay on my bed and cry as I know what I'm feeling for the Lion who bred me is what they called in school, the mythical, and forbidden emotion of love. I cuddle my belly and my sons. I am very miserable at minimum. I want to keep his cubs but know that I will not be able to. So I resolve to go on with my life.

I look at his paperwork. He is GNMAB 2684. A Government employed normal male Active Breeder. I look him up cursorily. All I can do as investigating a male who's bred me is forbidden. They'll put a temporary cervical cap in me and I'll be forced to work in the Brothel for a year. And then they'll take it out and I'll be forced to work my way back up the rankings. Of course, that'll be after I've birthed his cubs.

4 hours later I am summoned to the Administrator's office and I am terrified. Shaking I go to his office. Our AD for this building is a huge, intimidating Gorilla, he smiles at me when I go in. "Your sire told me when he left that he told you he was your sire, so I'm not totally surprised you looked him up, 8898, but I can't let that go unpunished so you'll be working the Brothel for the next 2 weeks while in the very earliest stage of your pregnancy" he says. "And we're all pleased that you managed to conceive twins from him" he says happily. "In fact, when you bear his cubs, then mine will be bred out of you next." he says leaning forward and kissing me."You'll be allowed to keep your current apartment for while you work the Brothel, now go to Medical for a cervical wrap and report to room BR-445, and get started" he says gruffly.

I go to the Medical section and they put me on a table and place a piece of plastic film over my cervix. When my term is done in the Brothel it will be removed by being sprayed with a solution that will harmlessly dissolve it. I go to my room on the Brothel side and register. "We'll get you a formal client list tomorrow but for tonight we have a Government bureaucrat who's been a bit of a problem of late, he'll have you for the whole night" the Brothel supervisor tells me. He's a huge Rhino that I'd fuck if allowed to.

He leaves and I sit and wait, In an hour a guy shows up in a suit. He's a big, stocky Polar Bear with Ice Blue eyes and Off White hair, mustache and beard. He looks surly until his clothes are off and he looks me over carefully. He's really hot, and his huge 21" Black Bear prick is leaking pre cum heavily.

I really want him to fuck me now looking at him. He gently strokes my chest and I purr for him. He grins at me and to my surprise he kisses me deeply. "I was told that you're not a whore but a Breeder who was temporarily reassigned, and I get to be your first client" he says happily and he pulls me against his hairy barrel chest.

His arms feel so good around me and I am incredibly wet for him now. His paw slips down and rubs my soaking pussy, thumb claw stroking my clit. I moan and he's proud, lay on the bed. "You're a breeder, but are you safe now?" he asks. "I've had a cervical wrap done and I am already pregnant" I say. He clutches my arm and takes his phone and scans my QR code. I look surprised. "I have previously resisted but I am going to apply to be an Active Breeder and going to request you, you'd produce gorgeous cubs of mine" he says kissing me again. I ask him if we should get started and he tells me we have all night and he plans on using every moment.

I cry hard and he holds me tightly and asks what's wrong and I tell him we'll fuck and he'll come back and breed me and I'll never see him or his cubs again. He holds me tighter and quietly strokes my mane.He has fallen for me as I have for him.

He takes me to bed and we don't fuck as much as make love for the rest of the night. He's a magnificent fuck and by morning I have cum 2 dozen times. When it's time for him to leave we hold each other and cry. But he dresses and leaves. I finish my two weeks in the Brothel, and return to the Breeders section.

When the time comes I birth my sire's twin Lion cubs relatively easily, They are big, gorgeous Lion cubs. A month later, our Administrator comes and breeds me. And again I breed twin cubs. He's really happy about it. After they're born, to my joy, my Polar Bear comes to me and we fuck lustily and he breeds twin Polar Bear cubs in me.

But a month before they're born I get a message saying that after they're born I am to report for Realignment. Not sure what that means but it sounds ominous.

After my Polar Bears are out of me and I have recovered I am sent to an outside facility and it's an intimidating building. Registering I'm taken upstairs and I meet my Bear who is leaving. He stares at me blankly but doesn't even acknowledge me. I get hysterical and am grabbed by two huge Wolves. One sees my hysteria and says that the realignment will work better with me being distraught.

Who ever designed my realignment program was a cruel and cold individual, as I am hooked to a machine and sedated. When I awaken I remember only my ID number and that I am a Breeder with the rare capacity to produce multiple births, And thus valuable to the State. It is only when returned to the Breeding House that my full punishment is revealed. I am as orgasmic as always but am incapable of feeling anything towards those males who breed me.

My first client on my return is that Polar Bear who fucks me hard and I cum with him and feel nothing for him. We don't remember being in love or anything, he just breeds me and leaves. Again I conceive twin cubs.

But there is now a note in my profile that I am to be watched when with clients and if any signs of loving feelings recur that I am to be sterilized and permanently reassigned to the Brothel or put on a non sexual work detail at the Administrator's discretion.

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