Romance out of the Rain

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#88 of Commissions

Commissioned by LeChevalier

Blacksad and Weekly get caught in the air and once escaping, they learn quite a few things from each other.


Posted using PostyBirb

With flashes of lighting and rolling thunder with it, the rain was really coming down. Most were lucky to find shelter within their apartments underneath the gazebos of the local shops. It was night in New York and the usually bright moon was kept at bay thanks to a layer of fat, dark clouds. From them, water was pulled down to Earth but this was the hardest rain the city had seen for some time and it had formed rather quickly, catching many who were not so lucky completely off guard.

Unfortunately this included the duo of John Blacksad and his little buddy, Weekly. The two of them were coming back from a rare moment of downtime. The weasel let his taller friend choose the place and that naturally brought him into the pit of a seedy bar full of shady characters. He didn't understand why the cat came to these places willingly, especially with many looking as if they had a bone to pick with him. At the very least he was happy to see John looking more relaxed than usual.

But that was cut short with the sudden crack overhead and the countless droplets that struck them one after another. The clouds had formed while they were inside but their departure was just in time for the downpour to hit its stride.

This was the problem for the both of them; neither being a fan of water. But that was for very different reasons. Being a feline, John was not the fondest of getting wet without a reason but Weekly was in a panic to escape the downpour, cursing the rain that brought that disgusting feeling of wetness upon him. He was already running off and John had to take off after him. At first it looked as if the smaller male was just aimlessly sprinting down the empty alleys of the city. But things were starting to look familiar and he realized that they were approaching the mustelid's apartment.

While it certainly wasn't his first choice, he figured that there was no better option at the moment. His clothes were getting soaked and he was not in the mood for catching a cold. Even as he was already upon the porch of his domain, Weekly was waiting for him. With a grateful look on his face he rushed inside.

They made it but not unscathed. Their clothes were dripping and to avoid getting sick they had no choice but to shed them. John was able to keep on his undershirt and boxers, having a majority of the rain being kept at bay by his coat.

It wasn't that he didn't enjoy Weekly's company, that wasn't the reason that John found an excuse to dodge most of the invites that he was given. More so it was the condition of the apartment. It highlighted the more eccentric parts of the little guy; being the messy state of the place and the...smell. It hung heavy in the air and seemed to cling to the walls themselves. At this point, he was used to the smell that clung to him, but he wasn't used to the hints of staleness that met him here.

Speaking of Weekly, the weasel had also shed his clothes, being his jacket, shirt, and shorts. Rather than a towel, the classy guy was instead rubbing himself dry with another one of his dirty shirts strewn about on the floor. Seeing this, John could only smirk and shake his head. But upon looking back, he noticed something about Weekly, something that he had seen before, but never to this extent, not while he kept his body concealed underneath his leather jacket.

Over the last two years, John noticed that the weasel was...changing. At first he was sure it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but now. Sure enough, Weekly was...getting bigger. But the thing that confounded him was how it was never addressed. Weekly himself never brought up his steadily increasing bulk and size. If anything he just acted as if nothing was changing about him and that left John to just watch as he grew bigger and wider, and at this point his jacket was always looking strained to keep the mass contained within.

But now the jacket was off and John was stunned. Now able to take in the full scope of Weekly's body, he was left without words for a few moments.

This little guy was sporting biceps like pillars. His chest was expansive with two rounded pecs in between. The thin wife beater he wore clung to his pelt, clearly wet. This confused the cat as to why he was willingly wearing the garment but he paused and realized that this was wet with sweat, not actual water. It clung to his body, showing off the rippling parts of his lower chest and abs that made up his abdomen.

He couldn't pull his eyes away, especially not when his friend was "toweling" himself off. His body was just responding naturally, but even those natural movements made those solid arms bulge. Traveling the length of them were the rises of thick veins.

Once he was done, Weekly breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to find the eyes of his feline friend staring at him. They were wide too, as if he had seen a ghost. For a moment he thought the two of them were yet again in some kind of unexpected trouble, but upon a second look, the mustelid realized that he was the one being stared at.

"W-what is it?" he asked.

In truth, he wasn't used to the growth of his own body. It was a process that he embarked on with Kehno, with months of frankly grueling work and a certainly illegal amount of proteins, he had built up the body of a Greek god in about half a year. His mindset was still catching up with the body attached and the weasel was still rather shy about just showing off the fruits of his labor.

"Um..." John paused but caved and said what was on his mind. "Can you flex for me? Just a bit?" As he asked, he was approaching the slightly confused male.

Indeed, Weekly was confused but he obliged his friend and started out with a basic pose, doing so was flexing his upper body. His pecs bounced and John was surprised to hear a deep grunt coming from the usually easygoing and jovial guy. With all the curiosity that being a cat afforded, he just couldn't help but reach out and touch one of the arms.

Comparing it to a boulder was the right choice. Even as his fingers pressed against the massive bicep, it remained solid, not budging a millimeter. His other hand was doing the same to the opposite bicep, getting a good feel for them both. Suddenly, John Blacksad fancied that idea of having Weekly around more often.

For as impressed as he was, Weekly was just trying his hardest to not move. This was the first time that he was being felt over and he found the attention rather...overwhelming. The cat's face gave nothing away and he could not tell if John was impressed or disgusted.

When their eyes finally met, he finally saw that rather than looking smug about the state of his body, Weekly actually looked....afraid. He opened his mouth but all that came was a whisper. "J-John..."

For some reason, having his name being said like that. It shivers up the taller male's spine. He was seeing Weekly in a whole new light and that got him thinking about their interactions. Sure, he could be a handful sometimes, but Weekly was always there when he needed someone and he was one of few that the cat could consider a true friend, perhaps even more than that...

This certainly wasn't the first time that John felt that need. That need to be near someone, to get very, very close to them. But it had been some time since it was this strong. And it certainly had never happened because of another male before. This came as a shock to himself, the very idea that he could fancy other guys but just looking at Weekly, feeling that mountainous body with his own paws, he was certain that this is what he wanted.

And he used that desire to fuel his next action: it surprised even himself but John Blacksad was on his knees, locking lips with the wide-eyed weasel. He heard weekly make a muffled squeak but as the cat eased his tongue inside, the weasel eased and returned the kiss, easing his tongue over John's. The two of them were soon pressed close, moaning against each other.

As Weekly relaxed and got more into it, his arms wrapped around his taller friend. John was being held in a tight hug that showed firsthand just how strong his little buddy had become. While so close, the feline could not stop himself from drifting his hands over the weasel's chest, rubbing over his rounded pecs. And feeling down lower slid over multiple abs, being rock hard underneath his shaggy pelt. Both of their actions were rather awkward, with John never acting this way towards another male and Weekly just generally being nervous at the moment.

As the kiss was broken, John took a deep breath and that in turn suddenly filled his nose with the heavy smell that came from Weekly's body. With his concealing jacket gone, his odor was stronger than ever and it struck the cat's senses. Any other time, John at most tolerated it but now, seeing Weekly in a new light, it suddenly became extremely intoxicating.

"Are you alright, John?" Weekly asked, noticing the look on his friend's face, as if he was in some sort of trance.

"Yeah, it's just...have you always smelled this good?" John asked, taking another, much more blatant whiff of the built male's chest.

Hearing this, Weekly was shocked. All his smell ever gave him grief when he was much smaller, he was aware that those around him wouldn't say anything just for the sake of being polite. But as he gained bulk, things around him changed. Slowly but surely it seemed that others didn't mind his smell as much as those he met for the first time. It struck Weekly as odd, considering that his added bulk actually made his scent much stronger than it had been before.

Now, John was all over him, still sniffing at his body. Awkward chuckle came from the mustelid but he figured that it was better than anyone muttering about his smell. Going further, those hands had reached underneath his damp wife beater. Even with sweat clinging to his fingertips, John was quick to lift it upwards. His heart was pounding as he watched the fabric stain to even get over that expansive chest. It seemed that everything worn on his muscle bound body clung tight. He could now understand why he wouldn't be keen on changing them so often, straining to get it over his pecs.

"Here. Let me..." Doing it himself, Weekly made another grunt as he lifted the garment over his head. As he held it up his arms were bulging and in his typical fashion, the sweaty thing was just tossed to the side. Now this chest was fully exposed and touching the thick pelt still made John's fingers a bit wet.

"Hmm, much better..." he smirked as he got to look the weasel's exposed upper body over. Having the form of a championship bodybuilder, looking at him with that cute, nervous expression. He continued to admire and his eyes did eventually fall on the large bulge in those tight fitting shorts. He wasn't quite ready to take that on, being the point of no return in his eyes.

But the scent of that jacked body kept him coming back and his sensitive nose was leading him around to places where it was strongest. Before even he realized, his face was just shy of being nestled into the weasel's pit. And just that, Weekly had his arm lifted in surprise as he felt the face of his feline friend pressing right into the crevice.

The next huff taken in filled John's lungs with the scent of Weekly's unwashed pit. It made him shudder and cling to the solid arm it was connected to. Now his sniffs were loud and long, taking no care into how he sounded or even looked. It was just too good for him to resist. The overwhelming musk of a big, strong stud poured into his nose and filled his lungs, there was no mistaking it.

It was so strong and potent that he could stop himself from easing his tongue from his mouth. The act surprised even himself but he was soon licking at the sweaty space, collecting the bitter flavors of sweat on his rough tongue. Humming in a strange sort of delight, John kept at it, moaning and still sniffing as he finally cleaned the dirty pit via a slow tongue bath.

From this, Weekly at first felt a sort of tickling sensation but the touches to his pit continued, he instead recognized how warm it was and the feeling of the barbed surface combing through the fur of his pit felt rather good in its own right. He made a purr of his own as tingles rippled through his body. Looking down he saw just how much John was enjoying himself and that led to a rise of his own excitement.

It was no secret that Weekly had a fondness for fooling around, namely hearing and watching others go at it. But when the weasel was alone and left to use his imagination, more than a few times he had seen himself paired with none other than John Blacksad. Of course, he kept this all to himself, having known the detective to be straight as an arrow. But with his nerves easing out he finally realized what was going on.

John had kissed him, actually kissed him with tongue and everything. And now the cat was eagerly lapping at his muggy pit. For a moment he did think that he was somehow having the most vivid dream in history, but the feelings, the sounds, and even the smells around were all too exact to be a mere dream. This was really happening. He could feel his own heart racing within his chest in tandem with his growing excitement. Not a moment after pulling from his armpit, the cat was still moaning and licking his body, now dragging the surface of his tongue over the mustelid's chest.

Now Weekly's voice was joining as he felt the warmth and slight pleasure that came from having his pecs slowly caressed. And a flick to one of his meaty nipples sent shocks of direct pleasure through his body, he just couldn't help but moan out.

There was one thing that John knew for sure. He wanted Weekly and couldn't hold back anymore. Taking the lead, he continued to run his tongue along the perfectly curved pecs, easing his body lower down, then giving slow licks to the hard abs, once more admiring them as well. His hands were acting again but rather than trying to lift and tug upwards, John had eagerly gripped the band of the weasel's rather worn out underwear. The front was damp with sweat as well, giving a clear imprint of what lied underneath.

Weekly was once more wide eyed as he felt a grip to his underwear. Now he was very excited and just as they were pulled down, his erection came, literally springing out. While the weasel found his eagerness a bit embarrassing, John was yet again entranced with his friend's body. Whatever workout regime transformed Weekly had an "all over" effect. Now he was staring down more than a foot of sheer maleness. As it was exposed, so did the hot, muggy crotch musk. The rigid shaft pulsed with power, already dripping at the tip. In the low light of the room, it gleamed with the layer of sweat that coated the skin. Underneath was a heavy sack, swinging just a bit as Weekly shifted his balance. The cat could see the already churning, producing even more and with a bit of swelling from the shaft a fat rope of pre oozed from the tip and trailed along the underside.

This was all he needed to see and with his body working before his mind, John had already taken hold of the large thing, shivering as he felt it pulse with life under his touch. Just giving it a slow stroke brought a moan out of Weekly. With his eyes trailing, he made his way towards the next part that he wanted to tease. Along the way down, he still slid his hand along the length until he reached the base.

Crawling down even lower, the cat was eyeing the heavy sack that dangled between the massive pair of legs. The closer he got, the more he admired the other male's body, spying those rock hard, perfectly sculpted muscles that hid just underneath the fluffy fur. Even while just standing in place, they flexed and bulged with power. He brushed a hand along them and the skin was taut and firm just below the pelt.

Standing up as straight as he could, Weekly could see that John was crawling beneath him. His heart was still pounding and the sudden puff of warm breath on his balls certainly didn't help. The fur along his spine was rising as the wisps of breath were becoming frequent. It suddenly ended with the feeling of a warm nose pressing to his balls.

"Mmm..." John couldn't help but shiver in excitement as he spied the sheer size of the plump orbs. All of these new sensations were making his head spin, but he steadied himself and just started out slow. At this point, he was already addicted to the weasel's scent and godly physique.

His tongue was eased past his lips and slowly grazed over the white fur of the weasel's balls, starting from the rounded bottom before licking his way up along the twin, heavy orbs. He wasn't quite prepared for the heavy taste of bitter sweat that was set deep in the soft, damp fur. Despite that, he continued to lick on it, moving back down towards another area. In his ears were the soft moans from Weekly. He took that as a sign that he was doing something right.

Still doing his best to not move too much, the mustelid couldn't keep himself from voicing his pleasure either. One thing that he could be certain of was the new feelings that were racing through his body. Every little lick was given prominence by those bristles that combed right through his fur. It was as if he was being licked directly, with none of his fur blocking the way. And they just kept coming, his mind was racing and all he could do was take heavy breaths against the steady waves of pleasure that washed over him.

John continued, all but enamored by the weighty orbs. Even during a few cavity searches on some of the biggest mammals in town he had never seen anything quite like this. There was so much of him that he still had to worship and those cute moans he made worked to rile him up. Biting his lip, the cat ignored the aching tent in his shorts and gave another lick, a final one that was extra slow and rather sensual. He moaned against the fur, letting his delight before pulling back.

Upon being so he could hear Weekly sigh in disappointment, but what the weasel didn't know was that John Blacksad was far from done. Sure he departed from those amazing balls, but now his sights were on something a bit more. After backtracking, he was face to face with it, gulping as he saw the sheer size of it before his eyes.

Slowly, he eased his mouth forwards, opening it wide to sink the tip inside.

Of course, this was his first time doing this and he never would have thought it would have been with something this large. But he had gotten this sort of thing done to himself enough times. He simply copied their actions. As best he could, lips wrapped around the large shaft and his tongue was giving slow licks along the flesh, collecting more of that bitter taste. At first he wasn't sure whether or not he was doing a good job but a sudden moan from Weekly was just what was needed for assurance.

There was no way that a first timer like him could take every inch so he settled for what he could reach. With a few licks that got his tongue very used to the taste of day-old sweat, John managed to ease his way up a few more inches. The moans grew louder and he could feel the underside pulsing harder over his tongue. For someone who acted like such a "lover boy," Weekly seemed to be rather inexperienced.

And this was true. For as much of a horndog that the weasel presented himself as, he himself had never done anything like this before. He just knew how to talk a big game. Any other guy would have been over the moon to finally be popping their cherry, Weekly felt as if he was going to faint. The only thing keeping him going were the bolts of pleasure that were given directly to his shaft.

Looking down as watched as John was taking his shaft into his surprising soft mouth, already drifting his lips along and swirling his tongue at that. Clenching his teeth and snorting through his nose, the weasel afraid that he would cum right then and there.

"J-John...t-that feels...ooh..." he couldn't even form a word, not when another inch was taken inside. Just feeling that rough tongue sliding over just a bit more of his cock was all but overwhelming his senses. Even with the slickest of lubes, there was nothing he could have done to himself that felt as good as this.

The cat making this happen couldn't help but smirk. Either he was right about Weekly's experience or he was somehow just this good on his first try. Either way, he was not about to jinx it. So he just kept quiet. At the moment, he was at his limit and knew better than trying to take it into his throat. One wrong move and he would not only ruin the moment but lose his lunch too.

So he set that point as his limit and instead bobbed his head back and forth, thinking back to the way he saw many a lady do to him. One of his hands was gripping the shaft a bit further, making up for the vast area that he could not reach. His own ears flicked as his lips slid along the wet surface, making small sucking sounds alongside his own moans. Faster than expected, he was getting into it, enjoying not only the much stronger tastes that awaited him but the feeling of warmth that radiated from the flesh and the timed pulses on his tongue. One of them was much stronger than the rest and John was quick to pull back just in case. And not a second later a thick rope of salty precum coated the entire pink muscle, slathering it in the heavy taste.

Maybe it was that flavor that clung to his tongue or maybe it was the wet spot in his pants that he could no longer ignore. Whichever it truly was, John found himself more excited than ever.

"W-Weekly..." John said as he was easing up to his full height. Once on his feet he was now easing his hands over his own body, peeling off the clothes that still covered his body. "I know this is all sudden and... I can hardly believe it myself. But I want to take that next step."

"Y-you mean..." Weekly gulped. "You mean you wanna have...uh...s-sex with me?"

Hearing the mix of excitement and nerves in the photographer's voice made him smile while he nodded. With a deep breath he slipped his boxers off and revealed his fully erect cock. The weasel made a gasp of his own, though not anywhere on his level, Weekly was still impressed with what John had, now able to see why he was such a hit with the ladies.

"Perhaps we can take this to the bedroom?" John asked, trying his best to sound suave despite the nervousness he felt himself.

Not only did Weekly agree but his own excitement led to him approaching John. And with no effort at all, he swept the taller male off his foot. With wide eyes, John was suddenly being carried bridal-style to the bedroom. The strange thing about it was how secure he suddenly felt. Even as he was rushing around the mess of his living towards the bedroom, John could feel the care that was being put into simply holding him.

Once reaching the room itself, Weekly slowly set him down and was quick to get on the bed. John approached a bit slower as if sunk in that he was really about to do this, really about to go all the way. Not only would it be his first time with a guy, but he would be taking more than a foot of maleness up his virgin tailhole.

But looking back at Weekly, who was already lying down on the messy bed, making himself comfortable, that made John feel reassured somehow. With his own cock throbbing in excitement he approached and noted the bottle of lube on the nightstand, reaching over and grabbing it.

"Hehe...good idea..." Weekly blushed. Though not fully used to his size, he was aware of his body's expansion. He knew that it wouldn't be easy to take all of him, especially for a guy who was just as inexperienced. But the weasel was already trembling with excitement as his friend approached.

"Alright..." John muttered to himself as he leaned over the messy bed. "Guess I should just..." he felt more than awkward as he lubed his fingers. Slowly he reached behind himself and pressed a slick finger to his tailhole. Never before had something entered there and doing so brought a rush of new feelings from it slowly easing inside. A small groan left him as he was rubbing his finger along inside, drifting the digit over the puffy interior. Doing so sent tremors up his own body. Easing another finger led to a sudden moan that was nothing like he made before, leaving him and Weekly rather surprised.

The weasel's eyes were glued to the sight of John lubing himself up, easing his slick fingers inside, making wet smacks as they slid back and forth. Once that was done, John pulled his fingers free and noticed that his hole felt a bit looser and was clenching a bit as well, as if missing the digits that pressed against its walls.

He ignored it for the time being and instead focused on preparing the shaft that he was going to take. The sight of more than 12 inches of cock was something that made him a bit nervous but also rather excited. The lube was applied to his hand and he wrapped it around the weasel's thick shaft, pumping up and down to smear it along.

From this touch, Weekly was already moaning out. He was just jazzed to have someone else touching him there and the feeling of someone else's hand gliding along felt much too good. He shivered and bit his lip as the hand was stroking along the length of his cock, aiming to lube it all from tip to base rather generously. While still pumping, John eased himself on top of the bed and was now bringing his body closer to Weekly's.

His heart pounding in his chest, the weasel watched as John actually climbed over him. His weight was able to be taken by the weasel's solid body and he eased his backside up as he lined his hole with the thick. After a deep breath he made eye contact with the trembling photographer. They shared a nod and John then pressed himself down, gritting his teeth as his hole was penetrated for the first time.

"Ooah! J-John!" Weekly squeaked, shivering and gripping the blankets as he felt his cock being slowly engulfed by a soft and warm hold for the first time. It started out with the tip and first few inches but slowly became more as John moaned as well, sinking more and more inches inside of himself. The lube helped immensely as they took things slow, watching it all disappear inside of the cat, noticing a small bulge that could not be seen in the feline's abdomen.

The two of them just waited a moment as John was now fully sitting on top of Weekly, having every inch of the muscular male's cock inside of him. Even with it just sitting in there, tingles raced up his spine as his hole was still adjusting, clinging tight to the pole of flesh that was jammed inside. And the slow pulses that the cock made brought small pangs of pleasure that really surprised him. The longer this went on, the hornier John became, combining the feeling with ogling the sculpted figure and taking in the heavy musk that still wafted from the weasel's body.

"A-alright. I'll try to be gentle," John said as he lifted his body up, biting his lip as the pleasure struck him hard. His hole was clinging to the hard prick and just the feeling of it sliding out made him shiver. Just before he could slip out fully, he pressed the weight of his body back down, groaning out as he sunk it all back inside of himself, shivering and blushing as his hole was thoroughly filled.

Weekly continued to shudder and moan out as he felt his cock being massaged by walls of flesh. It squeezed down on his shaft on the way down, giving a pressure made it impossible to keep his voice down. As John reached the base, he was a bit quicker in lifting his body back up. His body was adjusting to it slowly and he could not deny how good it felt to bounce up and down.

While riding the large maleness, John's hands were rubbing over the soft fur that covered Weekly's body, feeling the hard abs that were just hidden underneath. Even as the weasel was lying down, they rippled and tensed under his touch, just radiating pure power that made his heart race.

"J-John..." Weekly moaned. "This is..."

"I know..." the feline agreed. He could hardly believe it either. But this was happening and he was already starting to love it. The feeling of the thick cock still stretching his hole and hearing the soft, innocent sounds that came from the lying weasel...

He picked up the pace and bit his lip when the sensitive parts with him were struck for the first time, leading him arching his back and raising his voice. His body shook and his cock throbbed hard but he kept going, the more he explored this, the more enjoyment he found. Inside were hot drips of pre that made the insides of his anus even slicker and it suddenly became easier to take every inch, gliding up and then plunging back down. His own leg muscles allowed his body to keep going, even as he was sweating and panting harder.

It was similar for Weekly, who watched this all and found himself being immensely turned on by the sight of his friend bouncing up and down, watching his expressions of pleasure as he slid down. For him, he was treated to the feelings of a hot, tight hold sliding along his shaft and there were the sudden squeezes that came as well. He had to figure that John touched something inside with his cock, evident by the way he would wince and groan with every sudden squeeze.

The pace was getting faster and their moans were getting louder as well. From John's sped up riding, the bed was creaking in time with his motions. Inside of him, the pleasure was building from spots within him being touched and slid over more and more. Weekly's sounds of pleasure were louder as well and his cock was pulsing more often, shooting more thick lines of pre inside of the gently squeezing hole. With his cock leaking onto Weekly's pelt and the pleasure only rising, he knew that he was getting close.

He had gotten a bit used to the feeling of being filled and he dared to go even faster. From the pulses and spurts, he could tell that Weekly was getting close as well.

"Aaah!" the musclebound mustelid cried out as the soft ass slammed against his pelvis. John was grunting louder and the pleasure within him was suddenly doubled from being ridden faster and the clenches becoming stronger. He was overwhelmed by it and nearly tore the fabric of the sheets. "Hhhgh! H-here it comes!"

The warning was given just before he reached his peak, gritting his teeth as he came hard into the feline's tailhole, pumping thick wads of his load deep inside. His grunts were deep again, masculine. They made John's heart pound hard and that combined with the sensation of being filled for the first time pushed him over the edge as well. He yowled as a strong climax came over him. His hole was squeezing at the flesh filling it while his balls drained themselves, shooting sticky ropes onto Weekly's pelt. He didn't seem to mind as he moaned, spurting the last of his load.

The two of them groaned as John lifted off, his stretched hole leaking a large stream of musky weasel seed. He collapsed on top and Weekly held him gently, still breathing heavily as he rode out his afterglow alongside John.


After coming down from their lustful highs, the two of them were laying in the bed together, still processing all that had happened between the two of them.

"That was amazing," Weekly admitted. It was his first time and he couldn't have imagined it being any better than that.

"Yeah, it was..." John admitted, putting out the cigarette he smoked to calm himself.

"So, does this mean..?" Weekly started. "That we' love. Because, I've actually been thinking about you a lot. I mean... You're the only person who takes me seriously and I think you're one of the best things that came into my life..."

John listened to these heartfelt words and felt his own heart swell. Before he had a fondness for the weasel, but saw it as them becoming best friends. But maybe it was always meant to be something more and it only took just now to see that...

"How about we take things slow?" he asked.

"How do we do that?" Weekly asked back, confused but hopeful.

"Can you flex again for me? Just your arm," John asked him.

Weekly nodded and did so, presenting it to the feline.

John rubbed the thick tube of Weekly's right arm, its sheer mass was still hardly conceivable. Gently, he took hold of the wrist and raised it, urging his now mate to keep flexing his arm. The weasel obliged, doing his best to put more effort into, making the muscles swell even more. John gasped. The peak rose, up and up and up... until it almost -- almost -- touched his clenched knuckles.

The triceps went down into an almost comic horseshoe, and the forearm... it was so thick, so heavy. The cat rubbed, petted the monstrous muscles, rubbing the single strands of muscle in that wide, deep forearm... His lips at the bicep belly, sizing a pumping....

A grunt shook John out of his trance. Weekly was still flexing, his wrist shaking... he was straining but tried to keep the flex going for his friend. Smiling softly, John hugged the massive barrel-like chest and kissed Weekly, shoving his tongue into his maw.

The weasel relaxed and returned the kiss, moaning softly as he held John close, feeling his heart soar as the two kept themselves close while the rain outside continued to pour.