An unforgettable trip

Story by Patrick Lambert on SoFurry

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Before they moved on with their own lives, YongSeop took Bheni, Danny and Jello on a family trip away from civilization. He knew they would love the old camping site he visited in his youth. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one resting there, and the big ol' dragon would soon discover this visitor had some plans for him and his family.

Another hot commission for rpadi on Twitter and FA. I had a lot of fun writing this one and playing with the character "Ero".

YongSeop, Bheni, Danny and Jello belongs to rpadi

Ero belongs to DE.SU

An unforgettable trip

By Patrick D. Lambert

The ground shaken as the RV made his way through the long-years forgotten 98 Route. It was a sight those green meadows hasn't seen in decades. The imposing white vehicle endured the bumps as better as it could, trying to offer its passengers a memorable and relaxing trip without falling apart during the process. It had no way to tell--for the lack of a proper IA--that three of the occupants had a long face over the 5 hours they had been inside that white can.

Laying in the upper bunk, a red dragon tried to distract himself by playing on his Switch, waiting for either the battery or he to die. Danny already hated that the mattress wasn't friendly enough with his wings. He blew away another lock of gray hair after the RV jumped over yet another bump on the road.

With his face against the window, Jello sighed at the sight of the blue sky. To think he could be up there with the rest of his friends. The alien creature made of goo was the least affected by the truck movement, reducing only the consistence of his head to stop himself from hitting the crystal. Unlike the rest of the males in the RV, he had an appearance closer to a shark, except for the dragonic maw; it was a mystery if that was his actual appearance or the one he chose after meeting the other dragons.

Bheni was the one trying to hide his discontent. Occupying the co-pilot seat, the blue dragon tried to read a book he bought recently, even when he already reached the point where his eyes were just going through the words without paying much attention on them. His hair danced with the rhythm of the AC hitting his head. He occasionally looked at the driver's seat, only to check how his uncle was doing.

YongSeop was, unsurprisingly, happy. The older dragon had been carried that dumb, proud smile in his face since they departed. Despite his age, the orange scales retained the vivid color from his youth, being the gray and long hair the best indicator of his age. Bheni questioned himself several times if he or Danny would look that good in the distant future--he had decided to at least kept his hair long and braided like YongSeop.

"We're almost there, guys," their driver announced after passing the exit signal.

"Good fucking dammit, finally!" Danny exclaimed, putting the console away.

"Language, young man."

"Saying that it's just gonna make it worse," Bheni warned. He closed his book and looked at the road. Some meters ahead was an exit leading to the forest at his right.

YongSeop reduced the speed and turned on the trail. The difference in the terrain became notorious almost immediately. "Swearing shouldn't be a part of our family trip," YongSeop said, apparently confused by how normal was for them to swear.

"Get used to it, pops." Danny popped in between them, looking at the forest ahead. "I wanna get out so badly. My back and wings are killing me."

"I still don't know why we had to come," Jello added. He remained in his place, but his body was now fully solidified;

"Road trips are pretty much a luxury nowadays."

"More like an inconvenience," Danny interrupted.

"Yeah, we can take a ship and pretty much go anywhere else in the galaxy," YongSeop continued, "but there's a lot of beauty in our world. And a road trip it's the best way to experience it."

"I must say it is a nice view," Bheni mentioned. As the RV ventured deep into the woods, the entire place took a different look. With the visible sun rays coming through the tree tops, Bheni thought he had walked into one of the fantasy novels he liked to read. Even the road behind them quickly disappeared, and all he could see were the trees rising to the sky.

"Bootlicker," Danny messed with Bheni's hair. But even he got captivated by the peaceful scenario. He thought of those works made by that old painter he used to watch on TV when he was a kid. What was his name? Bob something...

"Well, we're here already. Least we could do is enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer." Jello had jumped out of his seat with his black cape already tied to his neck. Unlike his brothers, there was no need for him to wear clothes, but he loved how good the cape looked on him. And that somehow stopped others from saying he was naked.

"C'mon boys, it's gonna be fun. Just wait until we arrive to our spot. I used to camp there a lot when I was your age."

"It's not like you had a lot of options back then," Danny mocked him, only to get a quick hit at his gut from Bheni.

"My dad brought us here during Summer," YongSeop continued, ignoring what Danny said. "It was a very popular camping spot, so I got to know a lot of people. Had my own share of fun too," he paused and cleared his throat after feeling Bheni and Danny's judging eyes over him. "It's no longer known, obviously. But that just make it better. It means we have the entire forest for ourselves."

"No need for these, then," Danny said, and immediately started to take off his clothes.

"T-that's not what I meant!"

Bheni and Jello laughed. The RV continued moving deep into the forest, until the path became only visible to YongSeop, who had it still memorized. A turn here, a turn there. The younger dragons were amazed at how natural was for him. Some minutes later, he drove into a clear spot next to a river and stopped in the middle of it.

The first one to jump out was an almost naked Danny, who immediately opened his wings to relieve the soreness, followed by a scream from the top of his lungs. Bheni and Jello followed. The three brothers awed at the sigh the forest offered.

"Amazing, right?" YongSeop said.

Amazing was not enough to describe it. The leafy trees raised as far as the eye could see, with the sun shining through the tops like hundreds of stars on a green sky. None of them could remember hearing a bird's song so beautiful, less a dozen of them. Even the breeze was visible as a soft mist covering the river in front of them.

Standing behind the three dragons, YongSeop sighed, feeling the memories coming all together. "You're growing up too fast, boys. I just wanna share some time with you before you move on with your own lives. This was a part of my life I wanted to share with you."

The guilt quickly put its weight over the brothers' shoulders. YongSeop has been taking care of them for years, constantly putting them before his own needs. He never asked anything in return. Of course it was hard to live with someone trapped in his past, and it was hard to understand why those old things and costumes were so special for him, but the least they could do was support him.

Danny was the first one to move away from the group, in part so they couldn't notice the couple of tears in his cheeks. "W-well, no need to get sentimental, uncle. Let's see how good the water is." And with that, he put down his boxers and ran naked to the river.

"I believe that's his way to say thanks," Bheni pointed out. "You could have just tell us that instead of pulling us out of bed."

"I wanted this to be a surprise. It's not the same if you check the place beforehand."

"He does have a point," Jello said. "You know me and water aren't friends, but I won't say no to a walk through the forest. I'll let you know if I find something interesting."

"Wanna go and join Danny?" YongSeop asked.

"I'm fine. I'll help you set camp. Something tells me none of you have experience in doing so," Bheni teased him, going back into the RV to pick up the tent.

"I know how to put a tent!"

"Something tells me to doubt those words."

"Fine, do it yourself, smart-ass. I'll get some wood for the fire."

YongSeop let out a long sigh and looked at the three dragons. It had been a while since the last travel they made together. They always looked forward for another journey with their favorite uncle when they were little. How fast time went. Of course they want to have their own memories, and the old dragon wouldn't be able to be part of all of them; it was painful to think about it, even when he knew it was the natural course of life.

The huge dragon walked into the forest. If his memory was right--and he knew it was--, he was 26 years old when he made his last trip to that camping spot. Things were wild back then. As he walked in silence and the siblings' voices faded behind him, memories of his youth materialized before his eyes. Several younger versions of himself also walking, or running or jumping or laughing. He ran his claws over the marks he left back then, and jumped over the roots that once made him fall. He looked at the sky and felt the rain drops of the one time a storm caught them. Good memories. Despite being happy with the life he had, it was hard not to miss the days he spent there, and the many times he wanted to live there forever.

Following the river bed, YongSeop eventually reached the cave from where it came from. "I bet Bheni would love to explore it," he said to himself. He never got to explore it in the past; forbidden by his parents when he was young, ignored when he got older, all YongSeop watched was the cave entrance whenever he walked by. Bheni would have run inside without a second thought. Maybe it was a good time to understand why his nephew loved exploring so much.

Unlike Danny, the orange dragon had some modesty. After making sure none of his nephews were following him, the dragon pulled down his pants--also, unlike Danny, YongSeop wasn't fond of wearing underwear. The water was cold, but not unbearable; it reached below his waist in the deepest part of the river. It was hard and painful to move with so many loosen rocks under him.

"I gotta give credits to that kid." He already had a bad feeling after watching the dark tunnel ahead of him. The light barely illuminated the entrance, so it was hard to see anything after the first 10 or 15 meters. Bheni had a lot of tools and equipment, yeah, but even that wouldn't erase the creepy feeling of walking into the maw of a monster.

The original plan was enter the cave, stay there for a couple of minutes, and walk out. But his pride refused to accept a youngster like Bheni had more balls than him. YongSeop continued walking, going against the voice in his head telling him to turn back. He moved forward until he couldn't see anything beyond his snout.

"Maybe I'll bring Bheni with me next time," he said. As soon as he turned to the exit, something ran in between his legs. The dragon shrieked. "Fuck! Ok, that's enough for me!" He pushed against the water to move as fast as he could, only to feel that thing again. It was small and cold, and he really wanted to think it was only a fish. But panic had took over him. The last thing he wanted was to confirm it was only a fish.

He was almost at the exit. He approached the cave's wall, expecting the fish not to move closer for fear of getting stuck in the higher terrain. But he set paw over a loosen rock, and a moment after, YongSeop fell into the river. His hands didn't move fast enough to stop his face from getting into the water. When he opened his eyes, he saw a small purple creature swimming in front of him.

It took him a second to get his head out. A second that lasted an eternity. Coughing violently, YongSeop crawled out of the cave until he reached the river bank. He winced in the ground as he threw up most of the water swallowed. When it calmed down, all that was left was the soreness in his throat and nose, and the fear of whatever was swimming with him. He dragged his body away of the water, as if something could pulled him into the river again.

Facing down, with his wings extended, YongSeop growled until the smoke came out from between his fangs.

With a towel around his waist, Danny was drinking a beer when he saw the naked orange dragon approaching. "Looking good, uncle," he mocked him. Bheni and Jello, who were finishing with the tent, turned to see what Danny was talking about--only Bheni blushed, not used to see his uncle naked.

A defeated YongSeop took the beer can from Danny's hand as soon as it was at reach. He drank in one go the rest of it and crushed the can against his forehead.

"I thought you were gathering wood. What happened?" Bheni asked, trying not to peak at Uncle's wet body.

"I tripped with a stone while crossing the river," it sound better than what really happened. He wasn't in the mood for a lecture about safety.

"Didn't know why you had to cross it. Jello found a lot of wood around here."

"Pops wanted to go skinny-dipping," Danny interfered, giving his towel to Yong.

"You should have give him another one!" Bheni exclaimed after seeing his brother naked.

"Oh, shush it. We don't even have our junk hanging around. I don't know why you're reacting that way."

"Normal people have decency, Danny," Jello said. "It wouldn't hurt you to try it one day."

"Now, now, don't start a fight," YongSeop started to dry his body, but the wet towel wasn't doing a great job at it. "Your brother has an open mind when it comes to these themes."

"Not only his mind is open," Jello barely evaded Danny's fist as he moved past him towards the RV. "Let me bring you a dry towel."

"Don't encourage him. It's already hard having him in his underwear all day at home," Bheni went back to the tent, making sure it was properly done.

"I probably gonna start going commando now. Seems uncle likes that too."

"N-no need to go into details, Danny." Jello called and threw a towel at him. "Sorry for making you pick all the wood, Jello."

"Oh, it's fine. I didn't know you would do it, so I'm glad I took the initiative. It won't be long before the sunset, we better set that fire already."

"And this tent is ready. I'll put another one for Danny," Bheni announced, much for the red dragon's comfort. "Where do you wanna sleep, uncle?"

"Inside the RV. You guys might feel weird sleeping with this old man," he scratched his nape.

"I'm already feeling sorry for your wings," Danny mentioned.

YongSeop sat down over a trunk one of the guys brought in his absence. Jello asked something about dinner, but he didn't pay attention to his words. He was dizzy, with a weird buzz playing in his ears. Probably some water. But that didn't explain why the sudden lack of energy. It had been a while without driving for that long, but he remembered longer trips that didn't leave him exhausted.

Luckily, none of the guys noticed it, and he started to feel better some minutes later. Good, the last thing he wanted was their trip to end up prematurely because an old dragon was tired. He pretended to understand what they were talking about, hoping to fully recover by the time dinner was ready. Jello took care of it and Bheni started the fire. And the warmth aura managed to bring some energy back to his body.

They had dinner and some beers, and when the night finally took over the forest, Danny jumped in with a horror story that actually managed to scare Jello. Some more beers, and Bheni also lost his underwear, singing off-key alongside Danny while Jello recorded the show. By the time they ran out of beer, the dragons started to share more intimate stories, with YongSeop being the one who talked the most. And after that, their hands dared to fool around a little, a memory the beer would erase by the next morning.

The older dragon was already sleepy, but their little party was going to well to stop it at that point. So he continued talking after Jello went to sleep... and he continued talking after Danny fell to the ground... and he keep on talking until Bheni kissed him for a couple of seconds before falling asleep into his arms. And just as he did several times in the past, YongSeop made sure they were tucked inside their sleepbags before dragging his paws out of the tent.

He sat in front of the dead firewood, happy after what he considered the best night of his life. He was glad he had a chance to live a moment like that with his family. The dragon yawned. His eyelids felt heavier. He saw the embers of the fire dying before falling asleep...

...and when he opened his eyes, he was no longer next to the camp. YongSeop found himself somewhere in the middle of the forest. But there was something different. When he expected to see a pitch-dark forest, he was surprised to see the details of the trees ahead of him, but under a strange purple tone. It was like using one of those 3D glasses, with a slight distortion in the things he was seeing.

YongSeop heard a unknown voice in his head. He couldn't understand the words, but for some reason, he knew what it was saying. "Eggs?" He said. As soon as he got up, his shaky legs moved forward on its own. Yong didn't question it. He was intrigued by the idea of eggs. A big, white egg the size of a football. "What's that suppose to mean?" The image became too clear, almost as if he could pull it out of his head already materialized. And when he raised his hand to do so, Yong finally recovered control over his legs, terrified by the thing he touched.

A soft and slimy texture, similar to a snail. Like a helmet, it covered the upper part of his head, following the direction pointed by his horns. He immediately tried to pull it, only to find it stuck to the scales. No. It was coming from under the scales. YongSeop tried to scream, but a loud NO came from within his head, and he stayed quiet. An image of a female figure laying inside a cave flashed in his eyes. His legs moved once more on its own.

"What's going on?" YongSeop wanted to take off that thing, but his hands remained still. He wanted to turn back and call the boys for help, but he continued moving forward. He heard a whisper in the back of his head. A voice that he believed was his thoughts. But the dragon soon realized that the one speaking was himself, calling for a body that was no longer under his control.

Small tendrils started to grow from the parasite tied to his head. Running through the scales, the pattern resembled a nervous system. It went down his arms, then the chest, and quickly reached his legs. YongSeop couldn't feel it, but he knew it was there, acting like the strings pulling his body forward.

"Please," he begged. "Please let me go." He begged for the creature to understand, for he knew those same tendrils had already made root into his brain. "Please let me go," he repeated. But the creature didn't listen to his call. Or if it did, it chose to ignore it.

Following the river bed, YongSeop reached the same cavern from earlier, where the strange fish attacked him. The dragon knew that he wouldn't get out of it, but not even the fear of death helped him to regain control over his body. He was nothing but an spectator. A powerless consciousness floating in his mind, soon to be devoured by the Hive Queen.

Rather than the pitch-black cavern he found earlier that day, YongSeop walked into a brighter cave, with some strange, glowing roots spreading through the walls. He saw them pulsing with the same pace of a heartbeat. It was like a living thing, a monster laying silently waiting to devour his prey. As he had that thought, those same roots started to cover the entrance, trapping YongSeop within the cavern. At the same time, large tendrils grew from the parasite in his head; despite the slender look, they held to the walls and carried the dragon quickly deep into the cave.

"It is perfect," he heard a female voice saying. As soon as he reached ground, the tendrils left his body in the floor and went back into the parasite. YongSeop recovered control over his body at that moment. His first instinct was to try to pull off the parasite from his head, only to find it already fused to his scales. And bigger than before.

"You will serve my purposes." That female voice spoke again. From the dark, YongSeop saw a silhouette approaching. Taller than the dragon, and with distinctive female features, the creature stopped some meters away from him. "Strong. And fertile. Yes, you will do fine."

He turned back, ready to jump into the water and swim to the entrance, but as soon as he did so, the dragon found the creature standing right in front of him. Face to face, her features became more visible. Her face was something in between a shark and a dragon, with a sharper end. The huge body had a latex-looking texture, with a glowing gray tone. But what really caught his attention was the face; her facial features were intact, but it had a similar parasite living in her head, just... bigger. Its green eyes fixated in YongSeop, telling him to relax.

Yongseop felt the creature embracing him. Before he could say anything, she kissed him with passion and desire. Her huge hands ran all over his body, feeling his muscles and the thickness of the scales. After years of not having intimacy with anyone, the touch of that creature was indescriptible. He loved it. He craved for something like that for a long time. It broke through his defenses and put him at her will. The doubts and fears faded away as he took her in his arms.

He was young once again, full of energy and lust. His manhood quickly raised out of his slit, poking against the creature. The memories of all the females he slept with when he was young flooded his mind, and he craved to repeat those same moments with her.

"Yes. Take her. Embrace your other half."

Her body felt different the more he kissed her. Softer. Weightless. More slender than before. Because the parasite was still too young to synchronize what his mind and body felt. While the dragon was convinced that he was holding her, in reality there was nothing between his arms. The hands he felt were the tendrils coming from the parasite, wrapping around his body; and her kiss was a long tentacle invading his mouth and throat, feeding him a toxic slime that would invade his entrails. The fantasy played in his head was nothing but a way to assimilate the host; the parasite was lucky enough to find a dragon with a lot of sexual energy and desperate to fuck someone.

Standing next to the water, YongSeop's legs trembled as the small tendrils continued moving through his body, finishing the shape of a nervous system. As soon as it finished, the parasite started to leak a gray slime down the dragon's back. With a texture similar to latex, it slowly covered even his wings. YongSeop trembled, his hips humped the air while his body was possesed by the parasite.

A name echoed in his mind. Ero. He repeated it, just as the slime covered the rest of his face. With each passing second, the dragon's body became something else; a taller, stronger body with female features. Two huge breasts grew in his chest, which YongSeop squeezed with his claws, just as those became bigger and sharper. He moaned, but the voice that came from his mouth had a higher pitch. And his maw was no longer the one of a dragon, but a sharper, longer snout, similar to a shark.

"I will take care of you," the voice in his mind said. The slime covered his cock and invaded the slit, causing an inimaginable pleasure, even bigger than any orgasm he had in the past. The dragon had reached his climax, but rather than lasting for some seconds, the parasite made it continue even after he shot all of his load. The unbearable pleasure broke him in less than a minute, pushing the rest of his will into the parasite's arms. Into Ero's arms.

The creature fall to its knees. The dragon was no longer there. What stood from the ground was the same thing YongSeop saw in the cave, a female beast with sharp-looking features. Taller than the dragon, with huge breasts and thick legs. It took her a moment to adapt to the new body; despite how easy was to break through his will, that being was different from any other host she had before. Strong yet unstable.

"D... dragon?" She said. It was different from mammals. The anatomy? Bone structure? Or maybe something more? Whatever could it be, she would eventually gain full control over him. For now, that would work. The dragon offered her a body beyond her expectations. Highly fertile. With more attractive features. Purple skin in her chest and belly, a gray, latex-looking skin in her back. Her tail whipped the floor. Unlike the dragon, her tail was bigger and thicker, with an open end pouring white slime.

The roots from the wall pulsed once more. The old hive had been waiting for a new queen for so long. To think another living being visited that forest after years of being desolated. Ero walked into the cave, her hands still exploring her new body. Even she couldn't fight the urge to pleasure herself. Was a consequence of the dragon's high sexual drive? She never felt a host affecting her that way. Ero fell to her knees and started playing with her clit while her other hand squeezed her tits. She wanted so badly to fuck herself in the most savage way possible.

Ero reached her climax once. Twice. Thrice. That dragon might have been too much for her to handle. But she was decided to take control over him. His lust was useful, after all. She needed his seed. And she could feel how powerful it was. But she would need more than one host for her hive to be complete. And Ero saw the other three that YongSeop brought with him. They would be an excellent addition to her hive.

After a couple of hours laying on the ground, Ero started to moan. A mixture of pleasure and pain, she struggled to keep her composure as the base of her tail started to expand. A huge bulge appeared and slowly descended down her tail. The monster moaned louder, clawing the ground as the bulge continued moving down. The tail end loosened, and white slime started to came out of it. She saw the bulge in her tail and gasped at its size; she didn't expect it to be that big.

Her tail end looked almost like a maw when the bulge finally reached the end of its trail. She had another climax when the egg finally came out of her tail. Big as a bowling ball, and covered in thick, white slime, the gray egg rolled some meters away from her before stopping. Ero couldn't remember having so much pleasure after laying a new egg. She was exhausted, and her tail was sore from the process. But before she could catch her breath, another egg started to come down.

It was unusual. But exciting at the same time. The dragon's seed proved to be stronger than expected. Ero stayed on the cave, laying one egg after another. What she usually considered a painful process was now provoking her an indescriptible pleasure. She ended up playing with her own body as the eggs continued coming out. Half a dozen. Then a dozen. Each one was a new orgasm, and a stronger desire to continue laying eggs.

Even when she felt at her limit, Ero wanted more. She dragged across the ground to pile up the eggs and keep them warm. Through the shell, the proud mother noticed how quickly they were developing. They would create a strong hive. With that dragon's seed, she couldn't think of anyone that could fight against them. And she was in luck, since their daddy also brought some company with him to play...

Male voices. Laughs. Screams. They became louder by the second. And a strong smell of beef. YongSeop woke up after something hit his maw. When he opened his eyes, the dragon found himself on the ground of the RV. Exhausted, covered in sweat, he made an effort to get up to his paws.

"Danny wasn't lying when he said it wasn't comfy," he said, arching his back until he listened his bones cracking. He felt as if he spent the entire night running.

The boys' laughs caught his attention. Seemed like they had a better night than him. But that's what he wanted from the start. Before the boys moved on with their lives, YongSeop wanted to share a nice weekend with them. Maybe that day they could explore the rest of the forest... or that cave he found yesterday.

The cave. YongSeop felt something strange after thinking about it. Was there something special about the cave? He said he would take Bheni to explore it but... why it felt different now that he thought about it? Did something changed? It couldn't. YongSeop knew the cave would still be the same than the day before. But at the same time it would be different...

He couldn't get rid of that idea as he dressed up. It quickly turned into some urge of getting there. An inexplicable need of taking them there. To her.

"To her?" The dragon said. And just as he pronounced those words, an gray liquid came out from his mouth. YongSeop covered it in time, and he swallowed by instinct, but some of it fell to the ground. The taste and texture was odd, uncomfortable. He threw up several times in the past and none of them felt like that. It felt as something trying to... get out of him.

YongSeop heard a high-pitch sound, and the feeling disappeared. "I should drink less from now on," he said, convinced that the hangover was already punishing him. The dragon stepped over the slime on the ground on his way out of the RV, and it quickly merged with the rest of his body.

Bheni and Jello were outside. The blue dragon was cooking some steaks for breakfast. "Good morning, Uncle," he said. "I thought you wouldn't wake up for the rest of the day."

"I'm not that old, kiddo," YongSeop replied, sitting by his side at the fireplace. The delicious smell and the hissing sound from the meat brought a smile to YongSeop's face.

"Smells good, right?" Bheni questioned.

"If this is how you eat while you're exploring, I might start going with you from now on."

"As if I bring good food to an exploration," the blue dragon snorted.

"You should learn to hunt your own food, then. And launch your career as an influencer," Jello suggested, although his tone was more of a mocking one.

"Yeah, I can see myself already, cooking a ribeye at the top of a mountain and boiling some potatoes for a potato salad, with the sun rising behind my back. Where's my tent you say? Oh, it didn't fit in the backpack with all the fucking spices for the gravy and the meat. Like and suscribe for more tips on food you might never cook."

YongSeop giggled. "There's a lot of people watching cooking videos just for fun. Cooking shows were a thing before, you know?"

"We can travel at the speed of light and cooking shows are still a thing," Jello pointed out.

"But Hell's Kitchen is the only one worth watching. Seeing Ramsey's head floating across the kitchen while roasting an android that was MADE for cooking it's the perfect representation of the future," Bheni said.

"Couldn't ask for a better future."

Bheni started to serve the steaks, passing the dishes and leaving one in the pan.

"Danny is the only one with the charisma and the ego to be an influencer, tho. Especially the ego," Bheni continued. "I don't like the attention."

"He would do something like a fitness channel. Anything to show off his muscles is good," Jello added.

"Speaking of, where is he?" YongSeop asked.

The three of them took a bite to their food, sharing the same joyful face from the taste of the juicy meat. Jello was the first one to came out of his gastronomical orgasm.

"Fuck this is good."

"Yeah. You're one hell of a chef, kiddo."

"I know, right? Eating outdoors gives food a different taste."

"But seriously, where's Danny?" YongSeop asked again, still taking bites of his steak.

"Ah.. he said something about connecting with his inner spirit or some bullshit."

"He's probably somewhere jerking off," Bheni mocked. "His fault if his breakfast gets cold."

YongSeop continued eating, but he couldn't get out of his head the idea of Danny somewhere alone in the forest, away from his brothers to help him. Why did he had that predatory thought? The orange dragon was already drooling at that idea, despite the tasty steak he was devouring. The taste was magnificent, yes, but his head was already saying than that won't satiate his hunger. She wanted something... alive.

Bheni and Jello continued talking about other stuff, but YongSeop was far from listening to them. The sweaty dragon couldn't push away the thought of eating something else. Something bigger. Something stronger. He never had that... feral impulse some mammals talked about. Dragons were above those primitive instincts. But now his mind craved for it. To tear off his clothes and run freely through the forest, hunting for his prey.

As he finished his steak, YongSeop noticed his claw was different. Bigger. While it retained the shape, it looked like a glove. He dropped the plate out of fear, hiding his claw behind his back when the other two looked at him.

"S-sorry. Felt something in my hand," he got up and walked backwards, feeling the path behind him with his tail. "I'll go take a leak."

"But there's a bathroom in the RV?" Bheni asked.

"Y-yeah, but you know, we should connect with nature and stuff. Be right back."

YongSeop ran away from the camp, leaving the two confused boys to have the rest of their breakfast. While Bheni quickly put the incident behind and went into the RV to look for some coffee, Jello picked up uncle's plate, only to find a strange gray goo dripping from the side of it. He didn't remember seeing him pouring something over the steak. The slime dragon took a taste of it. "Fascinating," he said, and left the plate back on the ground.

YongSeop looked behind his shoulder only to ensure none of the boys followed him, then inspected his claw once more. It didn't look like a glove, but was still covered in some strange transparent slime. His paws, however, were covered in dead leaves and small sticks.

"Something's wrong," he said, and gray slime came out of his mouth once again. Something WAS trying to get out of him. Even with his fangs closed, the slime came through, dripping and covering part of his face. He could feel it. Within him, something kicked to get out of his entrails.

There was another smell in the air. The musky scent of mating. A fevered dragon looked at the direction from where the smell came from. Breathing heavily, then growling, YongSeop dragged his paws towards the other male looking to mate. The desire became too strong for him to control it. He needed it. He craved for it. The slime came out from his mouth and his body got covered in it within seconds, taking the shape of a female with shark-looking features.

The unstable figure advanced slowly, dripping gray goo across the ground. Guided by the smell of someone's arousal, the alien being started to spread her influence through the forest, changing the aspect of the trees touched by her slimy hand.

And then, the body crumbled apart, with the pieces splashing like water balloons as soon they touched the ground. YongSeop fell from the gray husk. His clothes got dissolved inside the shell. As he stood up, naked and with a throbbing erection, the dragon saw the slime vanishing in the ground; despite the sticky texture, it didn't leave a trace of it on his skin or anywhere around him.

"W-what was that...?" A terrified YongSeop asked to himself. He couldn't find the words to describe what he felt during the short period he got covered in that substance. Floating in an endless void, he couldn't even see nor feel his own body. While he considered that a horrible experience, during those seconds he felt a strange peace, one he couldn't remember experiencing before. As if all his problems just fade away. As if he had nothing else to worry about...

A branch snapped behind him, and YongSeop turned on his heels to find Danny. The red dragon wore only a jockstrap, and his sweaty body said he just finished his exercise routine. He blushed at the sight of his uncle, and quickly turned his eyes away with a shy smile in his face, one YongSeop rarely saw on him.

"H-hey uncle, still getting morning woods, huh?" Danny asked.

YongSeop didn't understand at first, until he looked down and saw his cock fully erect. Gasping, he turned and covered the shaft with his hands. The dragon quickly looked around but there was no sight of his clothes or anything to cover.

"Hey, nothing to worry about. We all have our needs, right?" Danny added, expecting to make things less awkward, and YongSeop felt the towel he threw at his shoulder. While it didn't quite cover his waist, at least it kept his manhood hidden from curious eyes. The embarrassment also helped to get it down.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting to find you here," he knew that wasn't true. He was looking for him, but why exactly? He couldn't remember...

"I didn't want to bother my brothers with my routine. I know Bheni gets mad when I'm all sweaty and musky," Danny tried to sound calm, but he was still looking at YongSeop's groin.

"T-there's a river not so far from here. We can take a bath there," YongSeop rushed to say. We? Why we? The word came out on its own.

"Sure! I could use a quick bath right now. Lead the way!" His expression changed almost immediately.

The river wasn't too far from there. Or well, that's what his brain said. For some reason, YongSeop knew where everything was and where exactly he was in the forest. He went there several times in the past, so it was natural that he remembered some of it. But that time felt different. It was as if all he needed was to close his eyes and focus on the place he wanted to be to even know the exact distance. But why? And how? None of that felt natural.

Despite what he said, Danny moved ahead of him, amazed by the view the forest had to offer that morning. He only turned when YongSeop told him to do so, but didn't even bother to look behind his shoulder when he spoke. If he did, he could have noticed the fevered look in his uncle's eyes. His sweaty body. The tremble on his hands. And the slime that started to came from under the scales.

Ero. For some reason, that name crossed his head. "So... is there anyone you like at the campus?" YongSeop asked.

"Huh?" Danny stopped for a second, without turning to look at his uncle. "Well, not right now. I have a lot of things in mind to think about relations. Why do you ask?"

"Just... curious." She was trying to get out once more. YongSeop could feel her. "For some reason I think you're the first one who's gonna start a family."

Danny laughed. "Yeah, sure," he kept quiet for some seconds, then added, "but I think a teacher has been flirting with me recently."

"Really? Why do you say that?"

"Well, maybe I'm just seeing things, but she has been very nice with me. And she's always asking me to stay after classes to discuss my work. I know how dumb it sounds, but I think I like that? I don't know, I always thought that kind of relations existed only in movies or soap operas. And now I'm looking to have one?" He stopped and blushed. "W-well, not that I'm actively looking for it. I know that might get us on troubles... Huh, it smells nice."

Danny didn't find anything weird about the smell coming from YongSeop. He didn't notice even when the older dragon partially transformed behind him, with her massive claws ready to trap a new host...

"Hey, dickhead!" Bheni called. From where he was standing, the blue dragon only saw his brother. "Your food it's ready."

"Huh? Wait, did you eat without me?"

"Duh, I told you before you leave," he started to approach, and the figure of the older dragon appeared as he came closer. Bheni blushed, seeing his uncle with just a towel around his waist. There was nothing else different on him."What were you-? What happened to your clothes?"

YongSeop cleared his throat. "Long story."

"... I don't wanna hear it. Anyway, you better come before Jello eat it."

"Let me take a bath first."

"Don't worry about that. You don't smell that bad. Something smells nice, actually," Bheni muttered that last part.

The other two dragons shared a look before following the blue one. And he was right, there was a nice smell in the air, one that he hardly believe was part of the forest. Neither Danny nor Bheni thought it was important, but YongSeop knew there was something off about that smell. But there was already something off about himself too, and he couldn't explain what it was. Because whenever he tried to focus on it, the thought vanished from his mind.

After their meal, they moved on with their day. YongSeop couldn't find an answer to what had happened earlier, and the more he thought about it, the weirder it sound in his head. The orange dragon eventually convinced himself that he hallucinated everything, a side effect of drinking that much. And so he continued his family trip.

That was until the afternoon. While the four dragons walked through the forest, YongSeop started to get tired quicker than the rest, and he got behind. The three young dragons were too busy talking about what they did to notice his uncle dragging not only his paws, but a bigger and heavier tail. In fact, not even YongSeop noticed until he looked above his shoulder. At some point during their walk, his tail became an gray mess with green glowing eye-looking marks. He almost screamed, terrified of the grotesque look. He left a trail of white slime that came from the tail end, a thick tip that reminded him of a maw.

"If the boys see this..." YongSeop thought.

"Hey, old man!" Danny called him. "Need a ride?"

His brothers laughed, and YongSeop tried not to look suspicious when he chuckled. He was so lucky that a bush was in the right angle to cover his lower half. "H-hey, I'm fine," he said, and walked to reach the trio until they continued moving forward.

He noticed once more that monster within him trying to break free. It wasn't the hallucination he expected. It was real. And it was behind him. He took deep breaths to relax, struggling to keep control over his own body. But she was there, deep inside his head. No, deep inside his brain. A being called Ero, fighting to take control over the strings moving his body.

YongSeop walked by instinct. That parasite wasn't just inside his head. It was his entire body. The gray slime poured from under the scales, constantly changing his consistence as a response to the battle of wills taking place within the dragon's brain. It solidified, then melted, and it poured out once more. It wanted to cover his body, and YongSeop fought to push it away. But Ero and her seductive image crushed his will with every passing second. The memories implanted in his mind rose again, tempting the dragon with her touch and her kisses and the warmness of her insides. And in his solitude, he found extremely hard to fight against those fantasies.

He raised his hand, now turned into Ero's hand, and tried to reach for Bheni, who was the closest one to him. The claw trembled, and melted before he got closer to his shoulder. He saw his own claw appear from under that mass of gray goo, as if it was normal. And when he looked behind him, the massive tail was no longer there. Instead, YongSeop found the remnants of the gray goo covering the bushes and dirt.

"Hey... has any of you noticed that smell?" Danny asked.

The older dragon quickly looked back at them. Danny and Bheni both shared concerned looks, with Jello being the only one who seemed unbothered by what the red dragon said.

"Yeah. It didn't smell like that yesterday," Bheni added.

"It's probably something seasonal. I heard some trees and flowers does that," Jello explained, but it sound as something he made up.

YongSeop, however, shivered after he put some attention to that smell. It made him think of a humid, dark place. A bad and dangerous place. "We better get back to the camp. It's getting late." He passed by them and begged for his body to stay in shape until he could get back into the RV. All he needed was to lay down and rest. All he wanted was to lay down and keep laying eggs.

What was that? That thought came out of nowhere in a female voice that he didn't recognized. And it had an effect he wasn't expecting in his groin. YongSeop went back as fast as he could, feeling his cock getting harder and harder under his pants, excited over the idea of a huge egg coming out of him. It was then when Bheni started to notice something was off about his uncle.

YongSeop couldn't sleep. He was too anxious for some reason, walking from side to side on the RV. His desperation became bigger and stronger as.he realized how strong was Ero's presence. And Bheni noticed it.

The blue dragon stood outside the RV listening to the racket coming from inside. His uncle had been acting strange all day, and he couldn't think of a good explanation to it. Asking what was going on wasn't an option either, as he knew YongSeop would lie about it. Uncle was the type of person that kept his problems to himself.

"Don't you think something's going on with Uncle?" He asked Jello during the dinner. The older dragon was away, preparing something to drink with Danny.

The goo dragon looked at him. "He's probably crossing his middle-age crisis. I mean, he has been naked during most of the trip. Maybe he wants to feel young once again."

"I think it might be more complicated than that."

"Or maybe you're just seeing things. You tend to overthink sometimes," Jello dismissed it, focusing back into his plate.

Bheni knew that wasn't an exaggeration, not that time. There was something Uncle wasn't telling them. But if Jello didn't listen to him, Danny wouldn't do it either. It was something he would need to discover on his own.

As the night fell and the group went to sleep, Bheni waited for a chance to walk into the RV and see if uncle was ok. When Danny and Jello started to snore, the blue dragon took it as his signal. He was dressed inside his sleeping bag. Luckily, Jello was a heavy sleeper. Still, he left the tent as quietly as possible, and approached the RV, which still had the lights on. It was normal for uncle to fall asleep with either the lights or the TV on, being Bheni the one who had to turn everything off after midnight.

What worried him, however, was the white slime covering the stairs. Bheni only noticed it when he stepped in, a long trail coming from the RV that went into the woods. Bheni walked in, but YongSeop was nowhere to be found. And the slime trail started right at his bed. Bheni wasn't sure to touch it at first, but he grabbed some of it with his hand. It was thick and warm, and the smell coming from it was strong but... familiar?

The more he touched it, the more it terrified him. What exactly could have leave a trace like that? Bheni left the RV and followed the slime into the forest. For some reason, he did't consider waking up his brothers; they probably wouldn't believe him anyway. The blue dragon moved alone, using the lantern at first, but trusting his nose later on. The smell coming from the slime was too intense, and while he couldn't say why, it relaxed him. It was familiar and comforting. He also felt it under his paws. The warm and thick substance had a unique texture among everything else. Bheni thought of it as the yellow brick road Dorothy followed. The comparison was dumb and childish, and he knew that very well. But it was the first thing his mind came up with, and he couldn't stop himself from giggling as he continued thinking about it.

It was strange. Bheni felt relaxed in a way he never experienced before. A friend once told him that smoking weed lulled the brain, turning the simplests of thoughts into a laugh that could last for several minutes. It was the easiest way to stop yourself from worrying about everything and everyone. That wasn't near to explain how Bheni felt as he approached the riverbed.

The blue dragon found the cave from where the river came. He stopped at the entrance and looked into it. A dim red glow at the end, like a heartbeat, caught his attention. As he walked into the cave, Bheni felt the water different from earlier. It was somehow like mud or quicksand. While it didn't stop his movement, he had to drag his paws to advance. And the more he walked in, the stronger the glowing became...

... until he heard a female voice coming from the darkness. At the end, when he reached a higher surface, Bheni heard a mixture of moans and giggles. The dragon trembled. The scent he had been smelling all day was stronger there. A strong urge took over him, followed by an internal heat that quickly became unbearable. Could it be...?

Could it be that uncle was having sex with someone else...? The thought crossed his mind, and the mental image of a dragoness riding his uncle's cock took form quickly. A playful and horny lady that wouldn't mind fucking with a stranger in a humid and dark cave. Uncle always talked about having strange and risky experiences. Having sex in a place like that could be very well one of those adventures.

With no lucidity left in his head, Bheni didn't even questioned why he would think of an image that would be considered grotesque in any other circumstance. He was family, after all. Why yes, he thought about his length and taste one or two times in the past, but never went beyond a simple and soft fantasy. At that moment, the idea of seeing YongSeop fucking someone was too strong for him to ignore.

The dragon continued walking, pushing his way through the red tendrils hanging from above him. The smell was stronger. The moans were louder. And when he finally found her, Bheni couldn't hide his surprise.

She was perfect. Laying over a hammock made of those strange red tendrils, Ero looked at Bheni walking into her lair. She was moaning from the next egg that came out of her tail. With two fingers inside, rubbing and stretching her pussy, the horny parasite was on ecstasy, victim of the unstoppable dragon's lust running through her veins. The egg rolled through the floor after leaving the gapping tail, stopping at the paws of the newcomer, whose erection was impossible to hide at that point.

Of course, Bheni didn't react to Ero's alien nature. Mesmerized by the green eyes on her head, arms and tail, the blue dragon saw a normal female body, with nothing extraordinary beyond her natural beauty. The scent had weakened his defenses already, and the glowing eyes sealed the trance. Bheni was already under Ero's control, seeing what she wanted him to see.

The dragon/shark hybrid approached, licking her wet fingers as she admired Bheni's body. He wasn't as strong as YongSeop, but the scent was almost the same. "Are you lost, little one?" She asked, squeezing her boobs with both arms to show how big they were. Ero listened to his dumb babbling and enjoyed the fixation over her massive chest. Such a weak, predictable species. "This is a dangerous place to roam alone during the night," she continued. Some tentacles already came out of her tail, fondling Bheni's legs.

"W-who are you...?" Bheni finally managed to ask. In his voice, Ero perceived a weak defiance. The last remnants of his will trying to fight the parasite influence.

"Me? Oh, I don't think that's something important. What I can do for you it's what really matters." She whispered the words softly. She wanted Bheni to feel safe, protected. Her tentacles grabbed his waist and pulled him closer until his face was trapped between her tits.

The dragon trembled. Her embrace was soft, yet he couldn't move away. It was as if her body acted like a magnet, keeping him close to her. Merging his body with hers. He couldn't contain a soft whine of desperation. He acted just like the day he lost his virginity; nervous, desperate, completely ignorant of the female body and how to touch it. Was the grip on her boobs too strong? Too soft? Should he rub his cock against her pussy? And what about her lips? Would it be ok to kiss her? And how? Slow? Passionate? So many questions flooded his mind that he couldn't act and just followed her pace. Because Ero knew what she was doing, unlike him.

Bheni fell to his knees. Not because he wanted, but because she ordered him to do so. The blue dragon looked up at him, oblivious of the gray slime falling over his face. In his expression was only gratitude towards the goddess that blessed him with her touch and presence. Even her finger running across his chin was intense, a climax on its own.

"Eat it, handsome," she said, shoving Bheni's maw into her pussy.

The dragon quickly obeyed and started licking the wet slit with joy. The strong taste of her lust only pushed him deeper into the trance. He didn't even hold her by the waist, as Ero didn't told him to put a finger on her. All he did was move his tongue up and down, in and out, licking the tasty pussy of her goddess. The more he licked, the strong his desire became.

On the other hand, Ero was amazed by how much she missed someone else's touch. She didn't contain her moans. She needed that. Ero held her head as her body twitched by the quick movements of Bheni's tongue. The tentacles kept his head locked in place, giving him a brief moment to breathe before shoving his maw back in. But the dragon didn't flinch, even when he lacked the air, as he wanted nothing more than please her and listen to her moans.

The tentacles started to grow in size as the pleasure became bigger. She didn't notice how unstable her body was under that host until it was too late to stop it. The tentacles quickly wrapped around Bheni's body, tearing off his clothes while looking for an entrance. The goopy appendage rubbed the muscular body; while not as beefy as YongSeop, Bheni was in good shape, with his muscles hidden under the baggy clothes he usually wore.

Only the boxers resisted. One tentacle wrapped around his bulge, rubbing it and squeezing it to tease the horny dragon, whose moans didn't make themselves wait. Despite being smothered by the alien pussy, he managed to moan as loud as he could. In his head, the tentacle felt like a hand... or a paw, whatever the fuck it was, he loved it. He was too horny to consider the lack of logic in the vision Ero put on his head. All he could notice was the grip around his bulge, and the slow movement it made to stimulate his already sensitive cock.

Ero's body became more unstable. The slime became transparent on some points, revealing YongSeop's inert body inside of her. Floating in the alien substance, the old dragon reacted to the plesure Ero was feeling. His erecting was notorious through the slime, and the cock throbbed in response to the desperate licks Bheni was giving. It was "his" body, after all. The parasite came from within him.

The more the tentacle groped his bulge, the closer he was to his climax. The mess he made in his boxers only with the precum could fool anyone into thinking he came. Even he had that thought. The taste of her pussy had him completely lost, trapped in an endless cycle of debauchery. He continued licking and fucking her with his tongue, and Ero rewarded him with her climax over and over again. He was already addicted to her taste, drooling saliva and goo from the sides of his maw.

The dragon was a mess. His mind long gone. His will melted under the heat of his lust. The body was covered in Ero's slime, in the alien essence. Even without penetrating his body, as the tentacles wanted so badly, Ero managed to get into his head to gain total control. Male minds were weak, after all. Easy preys to the carnal pleasures. All she needed was to rub one thick tentacle over his throbbing cock. Of course, Ero couldn't deny how pleased she was with the size and the amount of pre that he had leaked. So it was a natural thing for any dragon, just as she assumed.

Without Bheni noticing it, the last egg Ero made started to crack. A snail-looking monster crawled out of it and quickly put its eyes over the horny dragon. Ero smiled, as she could see her next host through the eyes of the newborn parasite. It moved slowly, and she gently carried it with her tentacles to put it over Bheni's head. What he thought was the touch of his lover was instead the tendrils piercing through his scales and rooting deep into his mind.

Bheni saw the real Ero for a brief instant, the monster she truly was... and then he saw nothing.

Blurred images flashed in his head. Another gray female hybrid was over him, fucking his tight slit and cumming inside him over and over again. He saw her drooling and moaning. And the body YongSeop had was not his own, but the one of another female, just like the one fucking him...

The overload of information woke him up from the dream. A sweaty YongSeop rolled down the bunk, hitting his maw against the hard RV floor. He noticed how sore his body was when he tried to get up, and instead laid down to rest a little longer. He just had the weirdest dream of his life. But as soon as he tried to remember it, the details started to fade from his memory.

The boys were outside, talking and laughing. And a delicious smell soon reached his nose. Butter and steak. Cooked by Bheni. YongSeop was already drooling, prey of a hunger he never felt before.

He slowly got up, enduring the soreness of his muscles. He couldn't understand how a bunk would leave him so tired. Of course someone won't wake up fresh after sleeping on a bad bed. But what YongSeop experience wasn't that kind of pain. He felt exhausted. He barely had strength left on his body.

When he finally managed to stand on both paws, he noticed the white ooze covering the bed sheets. What he originally labeled as sweat was instead a white slime that was very similar to cum. YongSeop took some of it with his finger, and shrieked as soon as he saw the slime crawling under his scales. For a moment, he felt something moving inside him. The dragon felt like a carcass hiding something else.

That thought quickly vanished from his mind, and he stared at nothing for some seconds. He took the wet sheets and threw them into a basket. While he dressed up for the day, he spaced out again for a moment. YongSeop saw the shirt in his hands, but he didn't know what to do with it. The piece of cloth had no actual meaning to him...

He threw up. A gray liquid came out of his mouth, and YongSeop noticed the thickness of it immediately. Terrified, he held the slime with both hands and tried to pull it out. The dragon felt it squirming within his grasp and inside his throat. The more it moved, the more he noticed the size, and how deep it went into his body. And whatever it was, it didn't want to leave him.

One instant was all it needed. YongSeop lost some grip of the slime for one instant, and the substance went back in...

He didn't know why he was on his knees. Did he fell? Was he tired? He was getting dressed some moments ago. YongSeop got up and put on a dirty shirt and his boxers, still confused about those last seconds he couldn't remember.

When he walked out of the RV, the boys were already eating. Apparently, Bheni prepared the rest of the steak and some instant noodles Jello brought with him. The jelly dragon ate with some proper manners, taking small bites and trying not to laugh too loud. Danny was talking with the mouth full, as always.

And Bheni was calm. The blue dragon hated some of his brother's traits, and he never lost a chance to remind him to behave. But now, he was quiet about it. YongSeop saw him serving his plate. "Had a bad night, uncle?" He asked.

"Yeah, sort of...," the orange dragon replied. He sat by his side and looked at the plate. The food looked and smelled delicious. And when he took the first bite, the tender meat almost melted in his mouth. And the boys continued talking about their plan for that day. It was just another normal camping day for everyone. So why all of that felt odd?

"So...," Danny made a pause to swallow, "we were talking about this cave Bheni found early in the morning."

"Cave...?" YongSeop asked.

"I woke up before everyone and decided to explore a little. The river led me to a cave not too far from here. I'm curious about what we could find there," the blue dragon explained calmly. He usually got easily excited with those kind of things. He mentioned that cave as just another plan for the day. "I don't expect to find something rare, but it's always a good experience to walk into unknown territory."

"Well, it might be fun. But shouldn't we get some equipment first?"

"I already explored part of it. It's not dangerous, so a lantern should be enough."

Danny and Jello looked excited about that plan. In any other circumstance, YongSeop would feel happy about it, especially since Danny never show interest in what Bheni did. But he couldn't get out of his head the idea that going there was dangerous. But why? He knew something weird happened the day before, and got frustrated after realizing he couldn't remember anything about it.

"I think it's educational. Besides, we never followed Bheni in one of his explorations," Jello added. The goo dragon had that mischievous smile, one that YongSeop recognized easily. He was planning another one of his jokes. And considering the direction that was taking, it was planned for Danny.

"I could definitely go for some cave exploration. Sounds like fun!" As always, Danny was oblivious of what the goo dragon had in mind.

YongSeop continued eating trying to ignore the sensation that something was different. Something changed. The boys' voices faded as he tried to focus on that sensation. He wasn't the same. He couldn't recognize at first the strength and energy from his youth, a power time took away from him. His muscles were stronger. His senses sharper. He felt 20 years younger. Despite the old-looking body, he felt like the dragon from the stories he told the boys when they were younger.

A quiet voice in the deep of his mind told him not to fall for that trick, but it was quickly suppressed by the joy of youth. And when that weak voice faded away, a female voice called him by his name.

YongSeop put down his plate. The younger dragons looked at him, expecting some sort of speech about safety. Instead, the orange dragon smiled and asked: "Why don't you get everything ready? I'm gonna do some warm-up exercises." And without saying more, he started jogging away from the camp, leaving two flesh dragons confused and one goo dragon smirking.

"So... you are the expert, right?" Jello asked to Bheni once YongSeop was no longer in sight.


"Why don't you double check it's safe for us to go while me and Danny get our stuff ready? I believe I know all the basics about what we should bring to explore," the goo dragon suggested, standing right besides Danny, whose eyes started to show suspicion.

Bheni, however, didn't find anything weird about that. "Sure! Sounds like a good idea." The blue dragon finished his food and made his way towards the cave. "I'll come back for you in 15!"

Jello waved and waited until both YongSeop and Bheni were out of sight, ignoring Danny's inquiries about what joke he had planned for that day. When he knew no one else was around, he looked down at the red dragon and smiled.

"Speak, what do you have in mind now?" Danny tried one last time.

"Oh, it's nothing bad. Well, not for me, at least," and with that said, he changed the consistence of his body and threw himself at Danny.

Even with his sharper senses, YongSeop didn't hear anything after he left the camp. All he could think about what the female voice calling him. He knew her. He recognized the voice from dreams he could no longer remember, but YongSeop knew that she, whoever she was, wanted him. There was lust in her voice. But it wasn't just the lust for sex. No, that was a mating call. Someone who wanted him.

Soon, he reached a small lake where the river ended. He started to take off his clothes and walked a couple of meters into the lake. The clear water reflected his image perfectly, but rather than his orange figure, YongSeop found a female being standing at the other side of the reflection. Ero, that was the name that crossed his mind. She was beautiful, the concept of perfection from head to toes. Big breasts, thick thighs, charming eyes, everything she wanted in a female and more.

She couldn't hold her excitement after seeing the big ol' dragon standing in front of her. Ero started to touch her body, squeezing his tits and fingering her wet pussy. She didn't make an attempt to be quiet, and let YongSeop enjoy the orchestra that were her moans. All because of him. All because she wanted that big ol' dragon, whose cock was already getting bigger and thicker by the second.

"Do you like it?" Ero asked him.

"Yes," a drooling YongSeop replied. He wasn't aware that he was fingering his slit, pulling out the rest of his cock.

"Do you want me?" Ero started to lick the fingers she just had inside her pussy.

"Yes!" YongSeop felt an urge to lick those fingers for her. To taste her. To fuck her. To be HER.

"Then take me. Use me. Show the world the beauty that belongs to you." As soon as she finished those words, Ero continued to finger her wet pussy using both hands now, making sure to show how much it could spread and how easy was for her to take the massive cock YongSeop had.

The more he listened, the more excited he was. It wasn't just the energy from his prime years. That was a primal instinct. Something no one could control. The long-dead embers were rekindled, and the orange dragon felt the flames coming out from the sides of his maw. Oh, how beautiful was that feeling! How powerful he felt!

The slime started to come through his scales, and Ero took possession over her new body. But she noticed something different. The energy. The strength. The raw power. She blessed an ancient beast. As the slime covered YongSeop's body, rather than the original purple tone from before, the slime took the bright orange color of his scales. The substance quickly took the consistence of the skin, without losing its latex appearance. And her... no, HIS size grew even more than before. Ero was astonished at the sight of a living being accepting her. What once was a mere murmur in the dragon's corrupted mind was now a fire-breathing presence, warming each corner of his new body. Yes, the parasite witnessed the born of something new as her conscience fused with YongSeop's. ERO awakened.

He felt the slime running through his veins. As his body transformed, ERO discovered that he was no longer a host nor a parasite. The alien hybrid lived within him and acted as an exoskeleton for the real body, the draconic one that had fully merged with the alien. He discovered how easy was for him to change his appearance to whatever he had in mind. The dragon used that nostalgia for his youth to accept and master the parasite that offered him power beyond his imagination. And it caused him a pleasure than words alone couldn't describe. The memories of dozens of sexual experiences merged into one and played in his mind, stimulating his body from head to toes.

The dragon extended his old wings. And right when the slime fully covered his body, he reached his climax. The ancient being breathed fire towards the sky just as he shot his corrupted seed over the water, a massive load of thick dragon cum. And without touching his cock. ERO looked down at his shaft, still hard and dripping. It won't come down anytime soon; probably it won't ever go back to his slit. The slime covered the thick rod and pressed it against an opening in his belly. It then disappeared under the thick orange slime, to be constantly milked, day and night.

He licked his lips and squeezed the massive breasts. Bigger than before, as far as he could remember. Oh, if only he could suck those juicy tits. But having them had him horny enough already. The rest of his body had the same effect. The female features became more notorious, almost impossible to replicate for even those who modify their bodies. All him was "natural", and he didn't lose a second to explore the perfection that was his shape, losing control as soon as he reached his clit. It was a different sensation from playing with his slit: more sensitive and wet, a source of constant pleasure.

ERO stepped out of the water and walked back to the camp, where the future hosts awaited, only to be stopped by a naked Danny. But the red dragon was different. The cheeky smile and the pose he stroke weren't common on him. He wasn't the Danny he knew.

"Well, I was partially correct," Danny spoke. He admired ERO's body, and shamelessly rubbed his slit to get his cock out. "This conclusion, however, was nos expected."

"Aren't you too old to possess your siblings... Jello?"

Danny blinked. But when he opened his eyes, they were a glowing green. "I might have lost some practice, but Danny is already dumb enough. You, on the other hand, are a surprise. Most parasites has been eradicated from Earth. To find you right here it's strangely convenient."

"So you knew."

"You're out of practice too. Taking over a strong-willed host? It could have ended poorly. You're lucky all you did was leak slime all over the place. Then all I did was follow you and Bheni into that old cave and... well, that's a nice hive you're making." There was real proudness in his voice. Danny/Jello moved closer towards ERO. "But the Earth it's not a proper place to start a hive. This old planet had seen better years, and most of its population is leaving already. Your hive won't be bigger than three horny dragons. Because, well, your trick doesn't work on me."

ERO was getting tired of his petulance. From the very moment he infected YongSeop, he found out about Jello in his memories. He wasn't a parasite, but his nature made impossible for ERO to live within him. There were other ways to deal with creatures like him. All he needed was find the perfect way to trap him somewhere else.

"I have a deal for you," Danny/Jello said, getting ahead of what the bigger alien was planning to answer.

"And what do you have in mind?" ERO asked after some seconds.

"Bheni." At first, ERO was confused about why he would do such a request. Danny/Jello clearly enjoyed his expression. "All I want is Bheni. You can keep a portion of the parasite inside him, I don't mind sharing. But I want control over him. And this is actually good for you."

"How so?"

"Bheni knows several cave systems like the palm of his hand. Not only from the Earth, but from other planets too. I bet there are more than one suitable hive for you out there. You can stay here and corrupt the Earth while Bheni takes your eggs across the galaxy. And that's where I come in," Danny/Jello was already standing by ERO's side. His big hands didn't lose the chance to enjoy the massive muscles and tits he had to offer. "Bheni doesn't have the will to resist your influence. Sooner or later you're gonna end up liquifying his mind, leaving a mindless drone with no other use. I, on the other hand, can stay inside a host indefinitely. And I like being inside Bheni. Leave a small part of your essence and let me take control over the rest of his body. In exchange, I will help you create a new colony. Sounds good, don't you think?"

ERO looked down at Danny/Jello, who couldn't hide his excitement over the naked body he so eagerly groped. His size was amazing, with a thickness above YongSeop's. ERO wanted to smell and taste that cock to prove if he was superior or not. "And why haven't you took control over him?"

"I'm not a parasite. I can stay as long as the host doesn't notice my presence. Bheni is too smart for that, unlike Uncle or Danny. Lucky for me, you can hide your presence from the host. And that's why I need you to leave a portion behind. That one part that keep their mind foggy with lust and desire. That would keep him under my control."

"Shouldn't you be taking care of your family?"

"I am taking care of my family. You're gonna give Danny the exact power he wants, and by the look of it, you have fully merged with my Uncle. Keeping you here and helping you get a bigger colony it's the safest thing to do."

"And you'll be taking care of Bheni?" ERO knelt in front of Danny/Jello, taking him by the chin.

Despite being unable to fall under his control, Jello still trembled at the imposing presence the alien had. "It's the least I could do for him."

There were no trick, ERO was sure of that. The goo dragon truly wanted to possess the little blue dragon. But of course, he wouldn't allow a lesser being to be under control. Jello would be a part of his colony wether if he wanted or not.

"Very well, but it will be under my terms."

Giving him no time to answer, ERO kissed the red dragon, trapping him between his arms. Jello couldn't do much about it. ERO was way stronger than him, merged or not, and all he could do was follow his game. After all, his body was beyond perfection. The big hands of the young dragon explored the female body his Uncle had to offer. Perfectly shaped, a body none other male could ever imagine in their wildest fantasies.

Even Danny's consciousness reacted to the kiss, feeling the heat from ERO's body, and the lust he provoked on him. Both dragons whined inside ERO's embrace, a King and Queen of pleasure perfectly merged in one sexy body.

Before Jello could even notice it, the alien being started to suck him out of the red dragon. Jello discovered the massive difference as he started to go inside ERO. His consciousness was immense, with no visible end on any direction, and the strength of his body couldn't be described with words. He never imagined a parasite capable of reaching that kind of level.

To stop Danny from noticing what was going on, ERO make him drink some of his saliva. The effect would keep him dizzy and manageable for an hour, enough for him to take control over that beefy body of him. As soon as he sucked all of the goo dragon, ERO moved away from Danny and licked the remaining goo from his lips.

"Do not worry. As you said, I can't control you. But I have something else for you. Now," he looked at Danny, "why don't you come with me, handsome? There is a place we have to go"

A zonked Danny nodded, and walked behind the massive dragon as he made his way back to the Hive, where he ordered Bheni to stay.

The blue dragon waited eagerly at the main Hive. The red tendrils glowed more as ERO approached. They looked thicker and stronger, a direct response to the new being that came to life that day. Even the eggs trembled in anticipation of the Queen's arrival, or at least that's what Bheni felt as he touched them. It was only natural, as even he noticed the change in the collective consciousness.

Then he saw it. Walking into the cave, the silhouette of his Queen approached, followed by the lesser being called Danny. Bheni couldn't stop from kneeling after he saw the imposing figure in his orange coat, an unusual sight on the hosts. The young dragon was terrified, and at the same time, honored.

"My Queen," he greeted him.

ERO stopped in front of the blue dragon and smiled. "What a charming little fella. Strong mind but a weak spirit. Your brother is right, my blessing might be too much for you."

Bheni looked confused, almost hurt. But his mind refused to take ERO's words as an offense. As he tried to find another explanation to what he heard, ERO took one step back and opened his mouth. For some seconds, nothing happened. Then, a green goo started to came out of him. When enough of the goo was out, it took the shape of two hands that tried to pull the rest of it out of the alien being. As more of the goo came out, it changed, ant the torso of a green dragon appeared. First his head, then the chest, the hips, and one leg came after the other.

Jello fell out of ERO, shaking his hands to get rid of the saliva, a gesture he later considered ironic. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but that was disgusting."

"That's funny," ERO said, cleaning the rest of the goo from his maw.

At first sight, there was nothing different in Jello's body. But he knew he wasn't the same. The alien being put something inside him, a portion of his essence. He could hear the voices of the dozens of eggs scattered all over the cave. Each one of them begged for a chance to serve their Queen. And now Jello was part of that colony, against all his wishes.

"Think of it as a failsafe," ERO said, answering to his thoughts. "Try something funny, and I'm kicking you out of him. But that won't be necessary, am I right?"

"No. But I might have done the same," Jello admitted. A lie was still a lie, thought, since he knew getting rid of the parasite was not possible for him.

ERO looked down at the confused Bheni. It was a shame to let him go, since his naiveness made him cutter. But Jello had an excellent point. After all, YongSeop provided him with a powerful body, and he wanted a Hive worthy of that body. ERO carried him in his arms and, just like he did with Danny, sucked the parasite out of Bheni's body.

The process took less time, since ERO knew exactly what he was getting out of his young host. When he got sure there was nothing else left within the blue dragon, he carefully put him in the floor and moved aside. He didn't have to say Jello what to do. The goo dragon changed the consistence of his body and forced his way into the zonked dragon. The slime went down his throat and started to expand across his insides. Muscles and bones got wrapped in the goo, and small tendrils pierced his mind to have absolute control over him. And ERO saw all of it through the parasite he put inside Jello's body.

When he finished, Bheni, now fully controlled by Jello, looked at ERO's with his green eyes. "It's so cozy inside of him," he said, hugging himself. "Bheni is probably my favorite host. There is something about his naive attitude that gets me every time."

"Don't get distracted. We had a deal."

"Yeah, yeah. I have some places in mind to start," Bheni went through the multiple eggs laying on the ground. He felt some of them, and carried the one he considered the strongest. "And some possible hosts too. I might need to bring more eggs, tho."

"Take as many as you need. Give me a big colony," ERO approached a stone that resembled a throne. When he sat down, the dragon opened his legs and called Danny, who couldn't move his eyes away from the tasty pussy ERO was offering.

"Oh, I will. But let me see this first."

"Are you sure? It might take a while."

"I can wait."

The one who couldn't wait was Danny. There was no other thought in his mind but sex. All he wanted was to breed the sexy dragon that was in front of him. No foreplay, no groping. He went balls deep into ERO's and started fucking him mindlessly. Danny was horny, and he wanted to show ERO how horny he was.

As he expected from a young one like him, he was full of energy. Danny pounded his pussy as hard and fast as he could. The lusty dragon was already drooling over the massive tits, while his eyes were fixated on ERO's. He closed his legs around Danny's waist and helped him go deeper into him, deep enough for his cock to rub against YongSeop's manhood, still covered in the goo.

There was no need for ERO to do or say anything else. Danny's lust was more than enough to break his mind. He alone would allow ERO to take control over him. Such a dumb mind inside a strong body. The more he fucked him, the dumber he became. It was cute to see that dorky expression from someone who always bragged about his body and spirit.

The red dragon reached his orgasm after 5 minutes of fucking him non-stop. But he was far from finishing. He still had energy to keep on going for another round... and another... and another. The musk became too dense inside the cave. The moans from both lovers echoed across the walls. Danny's cum flooded his pussy and started to leak out of it as he continued fucking him. And the parasites, answering to the Queen's call, cracked the eggs to find their next host.

Bheni was more than pleased with what he saw, and left the cave without saying anything. ERO didn't notice when he left, too focused in the intense pleasure Danny was provoking him. He was as good as YongSeop, with a strong seed and the stamina to breed constantly. He saw in the red dragon a future Queen for another Hive. A Queen that would be under his control.

Eventually, the thrusts became more erratic. Danny had finally reached his limit, and was now trying to shoot his last load into ERO's pussy. He was no longer under the hypnotic effect of the saliva, and with his lust slowly giving up, he started to realize what was going on. The first questions popped in his head. Where he was? Who was the one he fucked? And why...?

But all those question remained unanswered. Just like the sperm racing towards the egg, the parasites tried to reach Danny's head. The dragon noticed them creeping up his back. But ERO had him trapped within his arms, and all he could do was feel how they got closer to his head. And only then, Danny figured out what was truly going on.

Danny screamed once. And only once. The parasite pierced through the skull and into his mind. And Danny was no longer there. Bheni heard him, a weak voice in the vast realm that was ERO's consciousness. But then he lost it. He was now another host for the alien being.

ERO kept him between his arms while the transformation took place. The slime slowly covered his body, starting from the head; gray slime, a reminder of Danny's struggle. As he waited, and with the throbbing cock still inside, ERO moaned as the new egg started to came out from his tail. This was considerable bigger than the others, just as expected from his fusion with YongSeop. He moaned, then screamed, and the pleasure became almost unbearable right when his tail spilled out the egg, covered in a massive load of white slime. The horny alien tried to recover his breath, only to feel the next egg coming out, just as big as the last one, enough to make a notorious bulge in his tail.

It was a promising sight. The colony would be prosperous. The Hive would be immense.

Alien artifacts disappeared quickly in the black market. No matter the price, there was always someone willing to pay anything for them. After all, they were extremely rare and hard to get. And with so many legends about their mystical properties, only an idiot would let pass the opportunity to get their hands over one.

Bheni got a good amount of credits after selling that strange egg. He never knew who bought it, but he was sure it was on its way to a planet far away from Earth. And with the credits obtained, he financed an exploration on a recently discovered cave system near the coast of Belanu. The rumors said there were valuable artifacts deep in the cave. Belanu was already a tourists trap. Finding a gold mine would only bring more people there.

Of course, the high tide complicated the exploration task now and then. Even with the proper protection, the sea always managed to scare some members of the team, who left during the night, forcing Bheni to call more. The promise of fortune was the easiest way to convince them to join him in his crusade.

One night, before the team left the cave for the day, Bheni stopped one of his workers, a beefy bull taller than him. "Mr. Quinn, I believe there are some matters we must discuss."

The bull looked confused at first, but told his friends to continue without him. "Is everything in order, sir?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry. Please, follow me."

It was common than Bheni called some workers to discuss about their performance during the exploration. Some were worried that he might have discovered their little smuggle circle with some of the artifacts found. But so far nothing bad had happened. Maybe their boss was as naive as he looked.

Of course, Bheni had other reasons to call out the bull. After all, they've been fucking after work over the past two weeks.

Deep into the cave, the bull moaned as Bheni eagerly rode his cock. The notorious size difference between them was represented by the bulge in Bheni's belly. Mr. Quinn was impressed that the dragon could take him balls deep like that, so he never questioned his boss whenever he wanted to have a "private talk". A serious mistake...

Covered by the moans of pleasure, a small snail-looking creature creeped across the cave roof above them. Its little eyes were over the stud fucking the blue dragon.

Mr. Quinn put his hands around Bheni's waist and started to fuck him harder, feeling his orgasm getting closer and closer. The dragon knew how to move. And the bull loved getting milked like that by his boss. After some more thrusts, he finally explode inside Bheni's hole and shot a huge load deep into his belly, causing him to cum hands free all over the bull's chest.

Their orgasms were, as always, loud and messy. As they tried to recover their breath, the snail positioned right above the bull's head.

Mr. Quinn looked at Bheni and said: "We should stop doing this after work. The other guys might suspect something's going on."

"Don't worry. They won't figure it out what's going on," Bheni replied.

"Huh? Are you fucking with them? Not that I'm jealous or anything." The bull smiled. The cheeky look in Bheni's green eyes was somehow comforting.

"No. But I'm doing something much better with them."

And just like that, the slime fell over the bull's head. And before he could do anything about it, the tendrils pierced the skull and took control over him.

Bheni took a moment to recover his energies. ERO wanted him to test their seed before moving on. The Hive Queen was very selective with the new additions to the colony. It was only natural, after all, and Bheni--or Jello, to be more precise--was more than happy to test their stamina and seed.

The bull's cum came out of his hole after he got up. With his legs trembling and his heart racing, he left the snail to move on with the assimilation. He walked down the tunnel, passing by a warning sign he put to stop anyone else from going further.

After a couple of minutes walking, Bheni finally reached the small hive on Belanu's cave. 5 Ero's were there; the workers that suddenly left their job were inside the gray shark-looking creatures, all of them previously tested by Bheni--under Jello's control--, and breeding the one who was Queen of that hive, the one ERO himself blessed in front of Bheni, back in that family trip.

Bheni took one of the eggs. The one ERO told him to pick up. That was a good one. An egg like that would be sold in the black market in a couple of minutes. And would find his way into a next host, on a planet far away from the Earth.

"Well, if you don't mind, I have my own share of fun to have," Bheni announced.

ERO allowed him to go. After all, he had been doing his part of the deal. The colony was getting bigger. The Hive was getting stronger. And ERO had no plans to stop there.

Far away from there, the Queen of pleasure sat on his throne. One of the things Bheni did for him before leaving was promote the old camping site as a perfect spot for those looking for a peaceful experience. He did an excellent job, as more people started to visit it over the last few months. And ERO was more than pleased with the multiple hosts she found, who were now spreading his seed all over the planet.

ERO was glad to have his own fun with both males and females alike. He had the tools to satisfy them, and they all fell victim of his unmatchable beauty. The alien smiled after seeing a red crocodile walking into his lair, one new member of his Hive.

A kiss from the Void

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Full Stop

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