Aftermath 1-3

Story by jmac32here on SoFurry

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#1 of Aftermath

Aftermath-Chapter 1-Mina's Death

Disclaimer: First off...this is just a Fanfiction. Was inspired by Pokemon, which was created by Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures, etc. The characters themselves, names, and attitudes are from my imagination. The character's breed on the other hand, are from the creative minds that created Pokemon.

It has been three weeks since my encounter with the Federation, and I am happily anticipating the arrival of my litter. Mina has been handling the pregnancy well, and regardless of what I tell her, she refuses to rest. I swear she worries me a great deal, and I worry even more when she takes her trips away from the island. Now, she decides it is time to take another trip.

"Love," she starts out. "I'm heading up to the mainland. There's someone in Claifornia I must go tend to."

"Mina, for once, please let me go with you." I pleaded.

"It's still too dangerous for us to both leave the island. It's a close friend of mine..."

"I want to ensure your safty, love." I interrupted.

"I will be fine," she re-assures. "I'd love to see anyone try to take me on."


"No buts, love." she interrupts. "I must go to my friend. She needs my help, and I'll feel better knowing you're safe here. Besides, if they really wanted me, they would have had me already."

I knew she was right, and that no matter what I said, she would not let me go. I lowered my head, already worried about her.

"Alright," I mumbled. "You may go."

We kissed each other deeply. I still didn't want to let her go, I felt that she may not return. She smiled as she broke the kiss gently, flying up and out off the island.

"I shall return soon, my love." she echoed back into my mind.

Sadly, I believed her.

Phew, at least he gave up to me this time, I thought as I began my flight. It was a distance to the States, and I already know the dangers that await there. We have the same fight every time I decide to leave the island, and I undstand why. I pat my belly, feeling his wonderful gift of life kicking at my paws. I'd say theres about 7 in there, and I intend to keep them this time. It was early morning, and I enjoyed the early sea air. Nice cool and crisp.

The journey only took a few hours, and I was flying fast and high, as to not be spotted. I moved lower as I neared my friends place, finding a nice alleyway to land in. I quickly land, and hide my true form, taking special effort to hide my tail as well. I begin walking down the alley when something suddenly hit me upon the head, instantly returning me to my true form.

Before I even had the chance to turn to see what it was, I felt a knife slice my artery tube in half, gushes of blood coming from the cut as I fell to the ground. My eyes instantly clouded, but I let out screams as I felt something jammed into my belly, crying as I felt the lives inside me instantly fade. I was only concious long enough after that to feel my tail sliced clean off. I had walked into a trap, and I cried and gasped my last breath, my mind screaming as I died.

"Good work, men." I said, watching the creature die.

Jonas and James knew it was necessary, she didn't intend upon coming back.

"Jake, what are we going to do to the body?" James asked.

"Simple, we're going to place her body in Drako's home, as a warning." I replied.

That shitheaded creature had left us too long ago, but we cannot snag him when he's among others. Especially since one of them was his new trainer. If we don't snag him in 6 months, the leaders will declare him free and release him, but this was personal. I had to get my hands on him before then, otherwise it would not only violate regulation, it would be deemed illegal. Even though we created them, in six months, they are public and declared endangered. Fucking legal system, and the civilians that made the legal system as fucked up as it is.

We carried the body to the waiting chopper, Drako was training right now, so we'd have to act fast. As quickly as we were in the chopper, it lifted up and flew off towards New Island. It was only about a couples hours flight, giving us exactly thirty minutes to make the drop and get out of there without being noticed. We got to the island, and as anticipated, noone noticed our entry into Drako's room. We lied down Mina's dead body on his bed, three of the fetuses also lain with a note to Drako. The note read, "Keep your guard up, you're next." That better keep him in check. We are not playing around.

Well, it only took us a few minutes to accomplish this mission, we headed back to the chopper and in an hour we were stateside again. Chances are, he will not risk being alone ever. That should teach him.

After a long day of training, I returned to my quarters. Master doesn't exactly train lightly, so I was a bit tired. I walked into my room, hoping I would find Mina. What I did find, I did not expect. I looked at the bed, and noticed Mina, but I also noticed three smaller bodies. I walked closer to the bed, finding the four dead bodies. I knew what I had to do, it was painful, but I teleported the bodies to the cave, and followed them. I put the bodies in the firepit, burning what I could. Even Drakalla showed interest in what I was doing, and she realized I was doing the most painful part of my vows to my mate. Tending to her death.

I collaped onto the ground, watching the bodies burn as I cried. Drakalla kept her distance, she knew there was nothing she could do to help, except keep the fire going. I bawled, the tears not showing any signs of end as they burned. I cried through the night, not getting a wink of sleep.

The next morning, I took the ashes and bones, and threw them into the sea. I trudged to my room, not even able to make it, so I collapsed in a dark corner in the main lobby. I spent the next 3 days crying in the corner, before my master finally found me.

"Drako, what's wrong?" she asked me.

"Master, they...they killed Mina."

Aftermath-Chapter 2


I spent several years training with Master Lucky. As I learned more, things got harder and the tasks became harder. I eventually became Master Lucky's right hand, aide for Miya. Miya and myself also became close friends, sharing much in common. Now that its been a few years since the incident with Mina, and yet it seems they gave up on searching for me. Yet, during this time the Original Federation, Northfleet Federation, had been overturned by the Renada United, re-naming the new Federation as FederationONE.

What had happend was that the Northfleet Federation's council had started the Geneva Directive, allowing Northfleet to ignore their own directives to obtain Geneva Cells. It had come to their attention that these cells are a great source for power. Some of the crews became aware of the Geneva Directive and broke away from the Federation, forming the Renada United. This part in history is when things became fuzzy. According to Northfleet, the Renada attacked Northfleet for no apparent reason. What really happened was that Northfleet found out that earth had Geneva Cells. There was a Renada ship in that area, so Northfleet told one of their own ships that the Renada vessel had caused war-like actions against Northfleet. In reality, the plan was to attack the Renada ship, then crashland on earth. They succeeded, and partnered with the CIA on Earth's USA. All-in-all, Northfleet got corrupted and it ended up with me in my current situation. Renada United formed to protect the original directive of Northfleet.

Even after my years of being away from the action. The Northstar, my old ship, joined the Renada United and successfully overthrew the Northfleet Council. Once more, the Federation can be one under the name FederationONE. They reclaimed the ways of the Federation, overuling the Geneva Directive. It was shortly after this that the Northstar returned to earth. They successfully built a new station, the Bel-East, from another bit of earth's land, and they new they needed a commander for the station.

It was a surprise for me to wake up to my old computer beeping. I put it on and activated the com.

"Drako, this is the FederationONE ship Northstar, Diane speaking." came over the com.

"Diane??" I replied.

"Yes, sir?"

"It's good to hear from you."

"Likewise. Sir, we have an opportunity for you. May we come down."

"Anytime Diane."

"We will be down soon."

I found master Lucky and told her I had some old friends coming by. She insisted to meet them as well. She wanted to know why they were coming here, to see me at least. It was about a half hour before we met up with the commanding crew in the lobby of the hotel.

"Diane." I nodded as I greeted her.

"Drako." She replied.

"So, what's up?" Lucky cut in.

"I am Diane with FederationONE, we have a proposal for Drako."

"What proposal, and what happened to Northfeleet?" I asked.

"Northfleet broke their own rules, we had to overthrow the Council. They are the reason you are like that."


"Renada United didn't start the war, the council did."

"I see."

"About the proposal, we have a new station, the Bel-East, and she needs a new commander. You would be perfect."


"You may Drako," Lucky answred. "You are ready to move on, and you may return whenever I need you most."

I nod and smile. "So, where's the new station?"

"Right over us." Diane replied.

I waved goodbye to my home, and all my friends, promising I would return. Right afterwords we are transported directly to the new station, FOS BelEast. It was nice to see a few familar faces, along with pleanty of new ones. Stephan, the stations cheif of security and Stephanie, his mate and and now second in Command meet me in the transporter room. I was decorated with the usual of a commander of such a station. Then they escorted me to the command post.

On the way to the lift to com post, I noticed a new face within the security detail, a black anthro wolf. He followed us to the com, and I was willing to bet he was eyeing me the entire time.

After I have spent the better part of an hour on the com, the station's doctor notions me to the medical bay. When I get there, he had the most interesting news.

"Commander," he started. "We found out how they held you in that form."

"How??" I asked.

"It's a simple fusion controller. I can return you to a mostly tabby form."

"Mostly tabby?"

"Yes, sir. You see, you are a tabby mewtwo hybrid, therefore some parts of your two side will always be visible, like your horns, artery tube, and that bulb in your tail."

"I see."

"On the other hand, we can use the fusion for short term basis to bring your full Mewtwo side. But we can't do it for long."

"Why not?"

"Because that form is killing you slowly. It's too much of an energy drain. The initial revert could leave you asleep for a few hours."

"But it will be worth it, to be mostly normal again. You may proceed."

I knew full well the medical sensors in the transporter beam caught that and they knew how to correct it. I lied on the operating bed as the doctor began his procedure, putting me into life support rather quickly. Before too long, I felt myself become really dizzy and in a flash, I collapsed on the bed. In a deep sleep.

After being asleep for 4 hours, I regained myself and slowly sat up. They placed a mirror near my resting bed so I could see myself as a black tabby once more. To be honest, the additions seemed to add character to who I was, so I was quite pleased. The same wolf escorted me to the com and we had an interesting discussion in the lift.

"Commander." he started.

"Yes?" I responded.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better. By the way, may I ask your name?"

"I am Steeltael sir."

"At ease, this isn't the military." I chuckled.

"Yes, I know....cutie"

I blushed, it's been a while since I even thought a relationship with anyone was possible. Not to mention that I was being hit on by a guy. Hey, wasn't too new to me anyways. I slept with Stephen for heavens sake.

"Do you have anything planned tonight?" Steel broke the silence.

"No, I don't" I answered.

"How about we have a night on the station? Some dinner, a movie in the holodeck."

"Sure, sounds good."

I knew this was a date. I didn't know how much fun this wolf was going to be. I thought it was a good idea to find somone, and I just didn't really plan on dating, but I had no idea that Steel had a thing for me that soon.

Warning: This chapter contains explicit material. Only read on if you are over 18 years old. Aftermath Chapter 3-The Date

The day was quite uneventful. I spent a majority of it in the Com, the station's Bridge. The Com was quite spacious, but it wasn't that necessary. The majority of the consoles were holographic anyways. The design of the station was a bit different. It was an underground station on a planet known as earth. It was separated into two hive-like structures, an underground tunnel connecting these structures. On the north end it was around 50 stories deep and was all rooms. The south end housed the Com, the entry point to the station from a beacon, and all the public areas. We had food on deck S5 and shopping along with conference rooms.

The station ran adjacent to the ViperONE office for the city we were under, Bellevue. We also operated as the Bel-East Hotel. Needless to say, there was a lot of foot traffic, and it was only our first week in operation. A familiar face, Stephen, a full on white Mewtwo was the chief of security. He did a great job on the Northstar, a station would be a bit more of a challenge. There was a new face, that I couldn't stop thinking about. Steeltael, a black wolf who was the Lutenant of security.

Now, for the most part, unbeknownst to the governments of this planet, there was a decent amount of people that resided here that were ready to join FederationONE. It's the Governments holding them back. Our first step was successful, make ViperONE a legit legal agency worldwide, there was one drawback. The US Government enforced a subdivision of the FBI to be the leading office for all US ViperONE operatives. Luckily ViperONE is protected by FederationONE, leaving little to fear of such measly, scared government officials. We succeeded to gain control of the land that this staion resides under, allowing us to build down here.

That tunnel connected Deck S2, the main lobby of the station/hotel to deck N4 in the living chambers on the north end of the station. The station could easily room about 10,000 people, maybe more. Theres about 900 crew members on board at all times. The crew quarters are on the north end of the station. Oddly, time seems to fly when you're doing paperwork, but I had a peasent surprise. Around the time I would have normally taken my luch, that wolf walked into the com.

"Hey, Drako" he called out to me.

The Com crew looked at him stunned, I merely smiled.

"Steel," Diane Com Ops offical started. "First off, he outranks you and sencondly..."

"Diane" I interrupted.

"Yes, sir."

"First, you will not tell him my rank. Second, he is allowed to call me by name, just as the rest of your are."

I smile and motion the wolf over.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, just thought you were hungry." he smiled.

"Actually, I am."

"Good, come with me."

The wolf and myself headed down from com to Deck S5. Deck S5 contained a large food court. This food court was utilized by just about anyone on the station. One of the Resturaunts in the court was Pataggi's Itaillan Eatery, owned by Mike Pataggi. I knew Mike from a while back, and it was good to see him once more.

Steel took me to this quant place and we found ouselves a table in a back corner. I couldn't help but notice Mike's smirk as we walked in together. I had taken a bit of a liking to this wolf already, yet I failed to realize that he was quite infatuated by me. Hell, little could I do to confirm that he was indeed gay. It wasn't long before Mike came over and handed us a couple menus.

"Can I start you two off with anything to drink?" he asked, smiling.

"I will have a Beruvian Ale." I commented.

"Mike, surprise me," the wolf stated fairly innocently.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit to take your order."

Not much was said during the lunch, which was rather nice. I had the Greatian Meat Spaghetti. A spaghetti with marinara, four types of meat and a mix of cheese. It was a delight to enjoy. Steel seemed to like a small ribeye pasta with cheese sauce. It was a great lunch, albeit a quiet one. However, it was cut rather short.

--Commander,-- Shari piped in from the com.

"Yes," I answered.

--We got a prblem, we need you in the Com now.--

"I'm sorry," I started to Steel.

"Not to worry, I'll take these to my quarters. Go on."

I raced to the Com, not sure what entirely could be going wrong. To my surprise, it was a small brigade of ships at the beacon. All of them were asking for sanctuary.

"This is Drako, Commander of the FederationOne Station Bel-East." I started. "Would you inform us what is going on."

A new species, green dragon-like creatures came on the screen. More or less dragon anthros.

"We are the Natlet, our home world is currently in the middle of a war and we are looking for a place to hide." he replied to me. "And if possible, an alliance to help us in this war."

"Agreed. You may come aboard. Please rememeber that all stations are neutral territory."

"Understood. May we meet with you."

"Yes, when you get settled in. Meet me in conference room 12."

"We'll be there."

As my crew scrambled to get the new arrivals on board and comfortable, I headed to the conference room on deck S7. I sat down at the conference table and brought up the last of my reports. Shortly after signing those off, a coucil of about 15 Natlet entered the room. I nodded to them as the sat down.

"Greetings," I began.

"Greetings Commander" one of them stated, he was a red dragon-like being, quite tall. "I see we have Druids on the station."

"You know of them?"

"Ah yes, quite well. We've visited once before."

"Hopefully you enjoyed yourselves?"

"Yes, we have" he said with a bit of a smirk.

"So, how can we assist you?"

"We have come, baring the paperwork to join FederationONE. Signed by our ambassodors."

"That is good to hear. And what of this war?"

"Commander, lets not jump the gun here." he started. "My name is Dra' kel. Us before you are the council of elders. The leaders of our planet."

"Drako, and I'm just an odd one."

"Oh...and odd one you are. Yet a rare specimen. So far, very few like you there are."

I watched him smirk and happened to notice that his red loincloth was pulsing a bit. I blushed a bit when I saw that as he continued.

"Drako, we need help."

"I will send for it."

"Thank you, sir."

Their ships were standard battle cruizers. Many of these men are soldiers, and we knew it. To have a new species ask for assistance is a great honor for us. I know we will tend to the matter. We spoke for some time in regards to the war. Another species unknown to us, called the shades, were attempting to take the planet by force. The shades were enslaving his people and destroying their religios and government buildings. I was pleased when I could announce that FederationONE will step in and assist them win this war. Allowing them to re-claim their planet.

After a long delegation, the meeting was finally adjourned, and just in time. After they left the room, Steel walked in and smild to me. I was quite ready for that date. So I got up and headed out with him.

"I couldn't help but notice that the new guys were all quite aroused," Steel chuckled.

"I wouldn't know why," I stated, blushing.

"Well, what can I say?? You are one very cute cat."

My blush deepened as we went into Maggi's Steakhouse. This wolf was going to treat me well. And with a meal of salmon and salad, he was doing a great job. The movie was also a bit priceless. We were watching a new action flick "Borderline." After the movie, we headed back to his quarters.

His quarters were nice, almost as nice as mine. Marble floors and a hot tub. Not to mention the nice sized bed, which was neatly kept. He lead me into his bathroom, filling the tub with hot water. I twitched my tail as I watched this hunk of a wolf strip off his clothing, letting hs fairly well hung sheath out in front of me. He also wasted no time with me. After he finished his onw clothing he came up behind me and untied my loincloth, his arms slowly wrapping around my waist.

A moment later he moved his arms away, afer snuggling me for a moment, and pulling the loincloth off of my body. I knew he could see my black sheath and balls among my white belly fur, and I began to blush deeply when I heard him murr softly. He sat down in the tub, turning the jets on as he invited me in as well. I decided to climb in and enjoy the warm water, nuzzled up to him and sitting in his lap.

We spent an hour in the tub, simply enjoying the warmth and each other. Little did I know that during the entire time, I was purring softly. I was happy. I did become a little more aware of it when I felt his paws on my belly, petting me. I purred louder as he did, feeling the paws travel down slowly to my sheath. He groped a little bit before we ended the snuggles in that tub, the entire time I let out soft moans.

After we got out of the tub and dried off, he lead me over to his bed..lifting up the blankets as I crawled in. I was still purring softly and now my sheath had thickened a bit, the pink tip of my cock just barely peeking out. I felt him come up behind me, again wrapping his arms around my waist. We snuggled for a bit before I felt his sheath begin grinding against my rump. I couldn't help but lift my tail up and grind back, already a bit aroused. I could hear a low growl from him as he felt my emerging cock..gently gripping the wet shaft and slowly stroking it.

"Want some wolf?" he whispered to me.

"Mmhmm" I nodded.

"Just so you know, I can't get off."


"Never been able to."

I purred softly as I felt his growing erection press up against my tailhole. Panting a bit to feel that massave head.

"Shhh..This might hurt a bit." he wishpered as he slowly pushed the head in.

I gasped softly..the thick head peircing past my tight pucker and into my tailhole. I could feel all eight inches of his cock sliding up into me, pulsing just a bit as he tapped my prostate. It wasn't long before he was hovering over me..gliding that meat around in my tailhole, splitting me open for him. My own cock began pulsing, as I began to enjoy the treatment. The black wolf edging up and slamming into my tailhole. I could feel the ridges of his cock as he thrusted harder into me. I began moaning out as he pummeld my insides, my own cock trobbing as I rolled my hips back...milking that length for all it was worth. The next thing I heard was his moaning, matching up with mine. He suddenly got much more feirce, hammering into me like there would be no tomorrow. I was rocking under the force of his hard pounding, I could hear and feel his balls slapping against my warm rump.

He continued at this, his pace growing harder and faster for over an hour. I cried out in pain and pleasure as I felt my cock throbbing hard, begging for release.

"C..can k..kitty p..paw?" I asked softly.

"Y..yes, paw..." he answered, thrusting faster into me.

I gripped my raging cock and began to paw at a fiar pace, almost matching his pace inside me as I moaned out. After a few moments, my cock pulsed hard. Releasing thick ropes of my hot seed out, letting it spew onto my face, chest and belly. I began panting heavily, my tailhole clamping around his cock. Suddenly I felt him getting harder..his cock starting to buldge at the base. His knot was forming fast, and before I knew it, he shoved the entire knot into me. He tied with me and thrusts a few final times, suddenly howling out as he released a massave load of his wolf seed into my tailhole. I noticed a look of surprise as he lied down atop me, panting heavily himself.

"I...I got off," he said softly.

"I..I know," I replied, snuggling up to him.

Shortly after this endeaver, we both fell asleep, the blankets over us. His cock still lodged tight in my tailhoole as we slept.

I woke the next morning, snuggled up to him. His cock, much softer now still burind inside me. I leaned up and licked his chin, lying there.