Dogesh Centum Doomday 3

Story by Theozu on SoFurry

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Chatter and Cori find the resistance in deep within St. Moe's University preparing to fight the Dogesh.


Arrival at University

Sleep overtook me during one of my watches so Cori and I slept until dawn. We were eager to get to St. Moe's University so we gathered our packs, tablet and sword, then moved onto the empty streets. We traveled through East/Residential, along streets and through alleyways, slow and cautious at first. Then, having seen no Policifur, we increased pace; moving en-such-haste, we had to stop several times to rest.

We reached the University just before second sunrise. At the base of St. Moe's massive ancient paw-built stone facade, we found a metal door with no visible lock or latch. Cori knocked thrice and thrice again then listened for the appropriate knock from the other side, to which Cori spoke a password. The metal door cracked open and we hurried inside.

We found ourselves inside a small locked cage within a larger candlelit stone-walled chamber, guarded by a single Anthrogyne which donned what could only be every type of weapon available to It.

"Ah, Cori. We were expecting you the night of the Dogesh's Arrival." It said.

"I had things to do, Daxus. Now, let us out of this cage and take me to the Professor."

"Who have you brought?" Daxus asked, undeterred.

"This is Chatter Docs, the last of my familiars."

"I see. The rabbit, Chatter Docs, 'the most noble chronicler'. Or should I say 'the once-noble chronicler'. Tell me Heir Chatter, have you encountered the Dogesh?"

Cori showed It's irritation saying, "Enough of this, Daxus. You are not in charge of debriefing."

"I am the first line of defense for the Resistance; and if you think I'm just gonna let a disgraced chronicler compromise-"

Another voice interrupted, "-Daxus..." through a door towards the back of this chamber. An elder dog-type Anthrogyne entered in fancy robes. I recognized It as the Head Master of St. Moe's University, Professor Malmut. It said, "Cori is familiar to us. Let It through."

"Professor," Daxus started to object, "Chatter Docs is-"

"-is familiar to Cori, whom we trust." Professor Malmut smiled at Cori and I, easing the tension.

Daxus looked at me and Cori and the Professor en-turn then said, "Yes... of course, Professor," then freed us from the cage.

Cori removed It's pack and Aorn's sword and passed them to Daxus. I followed It's lead and gave up my supplies pack, but held-fast to my tablet.

Daxus noticed my reluctance to part with my tablet and, to my dismay, told me, "It's protocol: let everything over. I'll keep your belongings safe until you leave."

Cori was quick to support me. "Chatter is a chronicler, Daxus. You know you can't take a chronicler from It's chronicles."

"Chatter here hasn't chronicled officially since the Brickish Campaign, which, I might remind you, got It ejected from the Chroniclers Guild. And given the state of things, I don't think old customs apply. You know what's at stake."

"Of course, I do." Irritation sounded in Cori's voice but I understood Daxus' concern.

What might the Dogesh learn from what I chronicle here, if He finds me... when He finds me.

Professor Malmut put It's paw on my shoulder. "What's at stake are our customs because the Dogesh intends to change everything. We will not let Him."

"Professor," Daxus was adamant, "if the Dogesh finds those chronicles, He will find the Resistance and all will be lost."

"You're doing a fine job, Daxus, but it's just as important to know who to trust as it is knowing who not to trust. We will keep sensitive information out of the Dogesh's reach. Won't we, Chatter?"

I nodded en-agreement though unsure.

"There you have it," the Professor said, "Daxus, keep up the good work. Cori, Chatter, follow me. We have much to discuss."

As we left, Cori jested at It's fellow, "And keep your paws off my sword, you weapons fiend, I'm taking it with me when I leave."

Professor Malmut used an e-torch to lead us out of this chamber and down a dark corridor; which might have been ominous if It didn't speak with a calm, collected, almost carefree tone, "You were fuzzals together, right? And, if memory serves, there were three of you most familiar. Who was the other... inventive fellow...?"

"Aorn," Cori answered glancing at me then back at It's feet as we followed behind the Professor, "but I'm afraid It's lost to us now."

Professor Malmut led us down a flight of stairs at the end of the corridor and into a smaller chamber completely dark with another door towards the back. Within this chamber, there was only a desk covered in papers and an oil-lamp, with office chairs on either side. The Professor directed us to sit across from It, while It lighted the lamp and pocketed It's torch.

The Head Master, Professor Malmut, delivered my class' commencement speech when I first attended university. It looked most elder and decrepit delivering that speech but now seemed vital again; still very much elder but full of vigor. Other than that, I knew very little of this noble Anthrogyne.

"I'm sorry about Aorn," the Professor said. "No doubt, It would have been very helpful to our cause. It may still be, actually. We have collected every schematic and blueprint for every technology we could find that might help us defeat the Dogesh. If my memory serves, Aorn studied engineering here, and if It contributed to the Engineers Guild, some of our schematics might bare It's mark."

A moment of silence followed, then the Professor addressed me, "So, the noble Chatter Docs. I've read much of your chronicles... even got a glimpse of the Brickish Campaign before it was blacklisted. Nice work."

"Thank you..." I was taken aback but tried not to show it. I haven't been referred to en-sincerity as noble since I last chronicled for nobility... since The Brickish Campaign.

"So, how are you dealing with all this?" the Professor asked.

The question was quite unexpected. Dealing with what; Majorum at it's end, or Anthrogyne throughout Majorum, dead or doomed to be. I looked at Cori, my last familiar not yet dead or captured and I understood the importance of our familiarity.

"I don't really know how I'm dealing with all this... I have my chronicles to keep me grounded but mostly I'm glad I'm not alone."

Cori looked back at me, nodded and smiled.

Professor Malmut also smiled, then asked, "So you're chronicling the Dogesh Centum, eh?"

I flushed red under my fur. How did It know? What did It know? "Why do you say that?" I asked, nervous.

"Are you not a tablet-toting chronicler?... No doubt, you've noticed the Dogesh Centum has begun. I can't imagine there's much else to write about these days except that... plus I've followed your career and I've never read any historical text by you. Current events is more your style, yes?"

"Ye- yes..." So It's aware I'm a chronicling, but not that I'm serving the Dogesh.

The Profess asked on, "How do you feel about our Resistance?"

"Hopeful." I lied.

"Did you know you're familiar, Cori here, was working on resisting the Dogesh before today?"

"Before yesterday... no."

Cori seemed more nervous about vouching for me to the Professor than It was with Daxus. "I'm sorry, Professor. Chatter is the last of my fuzzalhood-familiars. I couldn't leave It behind."

"Not to worry. We will remain protective of sensitive information but no less helpful to our familiars and any other Anthrogyne we find defying the Dogesh. And I must say, your silent devotion to our cause has made you one of our best agents. If you feel Chatter here is worth the risk, I'm not inclined to disagree."

"I appreciate that, Professor," Cori seemed on edge, "and I appreciate the pleasantries but I'm eager to carry on. It's only a matter of time before the Dogesh or His Policifur show up here."

"I'm sure you're right..." the Professor conceded, "and I'm sure you'd like to see the new headquarters. You can inform me of your recent findings on the way.."

Enlightenment and Resistance

Professor Malmut doused the lamp and relighted It's e-torch, then led us through the anterior door. As we followed the Professor up and down several darkened corridors and stairwells, Cori went on to tell of It's experience since the Dogesh Arrival, including in detail what we learned from Tele. The Professor listened and did not speak as It led us along.

When Cori finished It's recounting, It said, "Professor... I've heard nothing of Anthrogyne Governance or an executive response to the Dogesh, if any... Do we have any news from the Spire?"

"We happen to have a direct link to the Spire despite comms being down. We know executors of Anthrogyne Governance are being held in the Governing Spire. Apparently, He intends to recondition executives, rather than demote them; effectively reforming Anthrogyne Governance into a new Dogesh Governance."

"Is it possible? I mean... common Anthrogyne have been successfully reconditioned by Governance. But would the Dogesh know how to do it?"

The Professor paused. "I do not know."

"Respectfully, Professor, how could you not know? You've studied the Dogesh more than anyfur and you, yourself, have been reconditioned."

The Professor stopped in It's tracks and turned to Cori asking, "How do you know that?"

"You did say I'm one of our best agents. I spent an entire cycle learning; not only about the Dogesh and Majorum but I also did my research on everyfur I found supporting the Resistance."

"You're very wise, Cori, and I respect that... Yes, I was reconditioned." Professor Malmut lowered It's head and backed against the corridor wall. It stared at the ground as It spoke, "The Heir Master at the time was Curry... more familiar to me than I'd like to admit... It ordered my reconditioning after I refused to attend University or contribute to It's corrupt Governance or Majorum in any way."

The Professor took a deep breath and continued. "Dissenters are arrested and then taken north of the Industrial Zone to an underground facility below the Temple of St. Sirah; then, they are subjected to constant pain and propaganda, day-in and day-out, for weeks, months, cycles at a time, until they have forgotten all dissenting ideologies... Even after a 'successful reconditioning', your every move is watched and every decision is scrutinized for signs of regression. The Dogesh might try something similar."

Cori let the Professors mind rest only for a moment before It pressed on. "Professor... Is the direct link to the Spire, you spoke of... en-Dissention?"

The Professor looked straight at Cori, surprised and confused, "What do you know of..." It trailed off, understanding Cori. "Before we continue on this subject, assure me, you both will keep this most sensitive information between us. Even if another fur claims to know, maintain that you know nothing of the sort and keep this out of your chronicles." The Professor eyed me en-particular until we both gave our assurances.

Cori and I nodded.

The Professor started, "Dissention is unknown to most, including the Dogesh, it seems... so far anyway... so I'd like to know what you know and where you learned it."

Cori obliged, "Honestly, in the past cycle I haven't been able to learn anything besides what I've already heard. When I was young and spoke ill of Anthrogyne Governance, my guardian, Zune, told me that dissenting Anthrogyne were first reconditioned by Governance, and if they continued to dissent, they were secretly expelled from Majorum. I later heard from Aorn, that since no fur can survive the feral beasts of Minor, those expelled built under Majorum and have maintained a haven for determined dissenters ever since." Cori looked at the Professor for clarification.

Professor Malmut explained, "My reconditioning was successful. I was never expelled nor have I found any proof that Governance every actually expelled relentless dissenters. That said, after reconditioning I did come university, then contributed as a tutor, then as a teaching assistant, then as a Professor of Ethical Research.

"After being tenured here, I began research on underground structures which Governance had closed off and hidden from common Anthrogyne. Most of these were built after the Wall of Civility, but during our research we found some previously unknown which seemed to date back to before the Wall..."

There was a pause while the Professor considered It's next words. "I never did find relentless dissenters living underground, known by those aware of the legend, as Dissention. And due to my own history of dissenting and later reconditioning, Curry's Governance discontinued my research and blacklisted my findings. I heard several cycles later that Governance destroyed all underground structures I'd reported in my research."

Cori thought of the Professors link to the Spire. "But you didn't report everything you found... tunnels remain."

Professor Malmut said no more but smiled before turning to lead us further into the University. We came to a door at the end of a corridor, locked by paw-print sensor. The Professor placed It's paw on the sensor and it lighted and chimed. I wondered how this might be powered if all of Major powered systems were still offline. Then the door opened and there was far more to see.

We entered the largest of chambers, so far, which I recognized as the Engineering Department commons. In my several cycles at university, I only came here twice to have lunch with Aorn but everything is different now. Aorn is gone and so are all the study tables and comfy chairs. Now, the Anthrogyne occupying the commons are less studious and far more aggressive.

They spar with short staffs and basic batons in the center of the chamber. They take aim at Dogeshes painted on the wall with bows of varied complexity and arrows that impact with varied effect; some are simple wooden arrows, some explode on impact and some catch their target on fire which is then doused by standers-by. Other Anthrogyne wield a variety of other weapons including electric batons and swords, and strike a variety of armors and shields, mostly iron like the gear of Iron Scales except Anthrogyne sized; although, some gear seems much more advanced and experimental made of iridescent materials I cannot identify.

Professor Malmut explained, "We're preparing to defeat the Dogesh but without knowing Its weaknesses, if any, we're prepared to try anything. We're also prepared to fight His Policifur but they are still our fellow Anthrogyne so we hope to remain non-lethal. And we're prepared to defend ourselves against the wired batons and whatever other weapons the Policifur might obtain or develop; we're even developing armor, to deflect the Dogesh bolt."

Cori seemed less than impressed by these advancements. "And if we cannot defeat Him, how do we plan for everyfur to escape?"

"We must defeat Him. We cannot survive Minor." The Professor raised It's voice for all to hear and the commons went still while the Resistance listened, "Resistance does more than resist the Dogesh, we resist what He represents. We resist the notion the Anthrogyne are doomed for their once-beastly nature and we assert that we are not only capable of civility, but that we deserve it. There's nothing we can do about the beasts of Minor so without the Wall of Civility and our contained Majorum, we are nothing if not lesser beasts of Minor. We must reclaim Anthrogyne Majorum!"

Cheers and and hoots erupted from the Resistance.

Cori is most familiar to me so I could see the doubt It tried to hide as It asked, "How can I help?"

The Viewport

Professor Malmut led us out of the commons and down a small hallway that had one wall painted yellow.

Every Anthrogyne attending St. Moe's is bombarded with certain facts and rules before being allowed to enter. First and most important of these: the University of St. Moe's was built against the Wall of Civility leaving no gap between them; so close in fact, at least one wall of several chambers, corridors, and hallways is the Wall of Civility. Where this occurs, the Wall is painted yellow and any tampering with The Wall, and in some cases even touching the Wall, would result in immediate expulsion from university as well as mandatory reconditioning.

Once again so close to Major's limits, I felt on-edge. Then, realizing where we were being led, I nearly panicked and grabbed onto Cori's arm. It understood but freed Itself from my grasp and patted me on the back to encourage. At the end of the hallway, the Professor opened another door with It's paw-print, leading us into a chamber which was even larger than the commons yet only half-within the University.

The Viewport Chamber was commissioned by St. Moe himself and has since been the only place in Major where Minor and the feral beasts thereabout might be seen. Many of my fellows visited this Chamber, at least once, during their cycles at university; some classes even require the experience. Though, I was never required nor did I ever volunteer.

A thin yellow line through the middle of the floor designates Major's inner boundary, beyond which the side walls of this chamber widen and the ceiling rises to encompass the Viewport on The Wall's outer edge. The Viewport itself is at least sixty arms tall and as many arms wide, made entirely of glass no more than one arm thick, currently translucent preventing a clear view of Minor.

On the Viewport side of the yellow line, there is only a control panel on the wall beside a shelf holding books and several pair of binoculars, leaving the floor open and clear; on the Major side, facing the Viewport, are two pews large enough for no more than twenty fur. To the rear of the chamber, a team of Anthrogyne, surrounding a large round table, shuffled-through, studied, and reorganized countless maps, books, and other documents.

Professor Malmut explained, "Tactical research and development: We have collected and are collecting every prophecy related to the Dogesh and every document related to those prophecies. We have lists and descriptions of our agents, including every mission they've ever contributed to and their current status. We have maps showing the last known locations of every agent currently on assignment and a map showing the location of every known sighting of the Dogesh or His Policifur as well as every building known to be collected from, destroyed or newly erected. And we have every schematic for every technology that might help our cause. As the Dogesh studies us, we will continue to study Him; we cannot defeat what we do not understand."

"Why did you bring us here?" Cori asked.

"There's something you need to see before your next mission, if you chose to accept it."

The Professor beckoned Cori to stand in front of the Viewport while I remained en-Majorum. It then walked to the control panel and touched the screen which came to life. It hollered toward the rear of the room, "Clear the Viewport Chamber!"

The tacticians made to leave with their paws full of work and I made to follow with relief before the Professor, "...not you, Chatter..."

With nervous reluctance, I stayed. When the chamber was clear, save for the three of us, the Professor pawed the control panel. The Viewport's translucence faded until the glass was most clear.

For only the second time in my life, less than three days from the first, a view of Minor fell upon me. From the top of The Wall, Minor seems an endless sea of turbulent greenery; from the Viewport, Minor is more an abyss full of countless massive tree bones darkened by the forest canopy.

Cori peered into Minor, "What am I meant to see?"

Was this Cori's first view of Minor? Unlikely, I assume, as Cori is the type to volunteer for such an experience.

Professor Malmut answered, "What's more important is what you don't see..."

Cori stood silent, searching.

"Chatter..." the Professor turned to me, "What don't you see?"

Most obvious to me: "The feral beasts of Minor...," or Iron Scales, which I thought best to exclude from my answer.

"Precisely, Chatter, we see no feral beasts," the Professor said, proud, "and there hasn't been a single sighting since before the Dogesh Arrival."

Cori looked to the Professor confused, "How is that possible?"

Professor Malmut retrieved two sets of binoculars from the shelf, passed one to Cori and with the other beckoned me closer to the Viewport, "Look deeper."

Feeling more at ease now, I went to stand beside my familiar and we peered through our binoculars into the abyss. The darkening canopy left little light to see by; but in the distance, patches of light shined through and we saw what we were meant to see.

"Iron Scales!" we chirped together. Countless Iron Scales, all a steady distance that spanned from one side of our field of vision to the other.

"Describe them to me," the Professor urged.

Even with binoculars, they were difficult to observe at such a distance. So far as we could tell, they weren't coming, they weren't going, they simply wandered.

Cori lowered It's binoculars, "Looks like they're surrounding Majorum, but they're aimless... doing nothing..."

The Professor held out It's paws for our binoculars and we pawed them over.

"As you know, the Iron Scales were commissioned when The Wall itself was not enough to keep us safe from an ever increasing population of the increasingly dangerous feral beasts. The Wall was built higher and wider for their barracks and lair, and was fitted with routes into Minor so the Iron Scales could readily fight the feral beasts when needed."

Cori asked, "Is that why they are out there now... to fight off the feral beasts so we can escape?"

"I'm afraid not... the Iron Scales were never fully civilized so never developed an allegiance to Anthrogyne. Their objective has only ever been to survive and protect the Wall of Civility supporting their lair."

Cori showed some frustration, "So why did they desert their lair? And what's it got to do with my mission?"

Mission and Whim

Professor moved to place It's paws on Cori's shoulders. "You are the bravest and most capable agent we have." Then, It removed It's paws and folded It's arms behind It's back. "That said, you have every right to refuse any mission without condemnation or judgment from any Anthrogyne supporting our cause... after all, you wouldn't be the first to refuse this mission."

Cori inhaled readiness to do whatever needed, "What do you need me to do, Professor?"

The Professor went back to paw the control panel and the Viewport returned translucence, "The Iron Scales would only desert their lair for survival, so they must have felt Minor was safer than Dogesh Majorum. They're trained to defeat feral beasts but this new threat is completely unknown and seems much more formidable."

"What can I possibly do about that?" Cori asked.

"For centuries, the Iron Scales' rations have been provided by Anthrogyne Majorum so it's unlikely they can provide for themselves in Minor. Most of them may not understand their predicament; but their leaders are those with better capacities, and some of those understand our language," the Professor was being hopeful and made no attempt to hide it, "it's possible, if we can get you out of Majorum, you can find the more civilized Iron Scale leaders, and convince them that the Dogesh will destroy their lair after destroying us; and that, without the Anthrogyne or the Wall of Civility, they too will perish..."

Cori placed It's paws on It's hips and began to pace, suggesting more anger than determination, "This is the plan... rather than escape to a world virtually free of the feral beasts and full of the Iron Scales who made it that way... I am to risk my own life, to ask them to risk their life, to help us defeat a creature we don't understand, destined to enslave and destroy us..."

"I understand the implications of what I'm asking, Cori, but Minor is so much larger than Majorum. It's safe to say the Iron Scales are greatly outnumbered by feral beasts throughout the wider world. Even if we could convince the Iron Scales to protect us rather than a lair of their own, solely for the sake of their rations... We're just as likely to become their slaves!"

Professor Malmut showed It's age, winded by It's own passion. It carried Itself to sit in the pews. "The Wall of Civility is what separates us from the beasts. The Wall defines Majorum defines us... and without the Iron Scales to protect it... maybe we truly are doomed."

Cori watched Professor Malmut with empathy, then went to sit next to It and I followed. We three sat in silent consideration. Could Cori really be expected to venture into Minor alone to achieve the impossible? What fur en-Majorum would be so brave, if not Cori?

"How am I to get out of Major?" Cori asked.

The Professor perked-up, "You'll do it... you'll go talk to the Iron Scales?"

"First things first, Professor. I'm sure getting out of Major will be hard enough... unless you have a plan..."

"We're still looking for more viable options." The Professor bowed It's head en-disappointment.

Cori was determined again, "There used to be scholastic expeditions to Minor for research, right? How did they get there?"

"That route was thoroughly sealed, through and through, after a student was lost in Minor on the last expedition. I'm afraid we can't reopen that route without explosives which risks extensive damage to The Wall not to mention possibly drawing to much attention from the Dogesh."

"Then... through the lizard lair? Iron Scales used to come down to Majorum to supervise the Sole Gate Opening ceremonies. How did they get here?"

"They went first into Minor then through the Sole Gate prior to the ceremony. There is no direct route from Majorum to the lizard lair."

Then, Cori remembered, "The zipline! Professor, I can get to the lizard lair from-"

"-if any scale remains in the lizard lair, it will not tolerate your intrusion and you'll never make it to Minor."

Remembering my own intrusion into the lizard lair, I was glad the Professor understood this was not a viable option.

Cori exhausted ideas and we sat for a while longer.

Then the Professor leaned forward and placed It's elbows on knees. "What zip-line?"

The question punched me in the chest and Cori answered, "It was Aorn's escape plan; Chatter and Aorn were able to get to the top of the Wall of Civility..."

The Professor stood and turned to look down at me. "When was this?"

Cori answered again, "The night of the Dogesh Arrival."

"Let Chatter speak; It knows what happened." The Professor spoke with a strict tone. "What happened to Aorn?"

I wasn't prepared for this. What details will satisfy? Can I... must I lie? Reluctantly I explained, "Aorn was caught by Iron Scales and thrown from a window." Saying the words disturbed me as much as watching it happen and tears formed in my eyes.

"Professor..." Cori tried to support me.

The Professor continued, "Aorn was caught and you were not..."

"I- I was."

Cori then eyed me as critical as the Professor.

"So, how are you here now, Chatter?" Professor Malmut knew there was reason to be suspicious and there was nothing I could say to deflect.

"They... locked me in a cage..."

Cori stood and joined the interrogation, "... and..."

"... and... they left me there while they evacuated."

"... AND... " Cori showed It's frustration toward me, "How did you escape, Chatter? Tell me the truth!"

"THE TRUTH, CHATTER!" The Dogesh's voice shook the chamber and vibrated the Viewport itself.

Cori and the Professor stood en-shock, eyes toward the back of the chamber but I remained sitting and again tucked my head between my knees. The Dogesh cackled and I could feel Him getting nearer. I shivered uncontrolled until the Dogesh wrapped my neck with tentacle and lifted me from my seat. Cori and Professor Malmut had backed against the Viewport, unmoving, unblinking.

"How easy it was to infiltrate your oh-so-resistant Resistance!" The Dogesh cackled some more, waving me about like a flag, so I clung to His tentacle with my paws, feeling my head might pop off. "Look at my pet. My own little chronicler. I wonder what my chronicles entail..."

The Professor snapped out of It's shock and stepped forward. "You aren't welcome here, Dogesh!"

The Dogesh threw me and I landed at Cori's feet. With mercy, Cori helped me to stand.

The Dogesh then taunted with sinister calm, "But I am here and I know what you're doing... your shields and fancy new weaponry, your clever plans and super-special agents; but resistance works against you. You are doomed, after all."

"We will not submit, so why not stop us now?" What bravery or death-wish motivated the Professor?

"I know all about you, Talbut of Dall." The Dogesh declared, unimpressed, "I have your sibling which is quite the talkative thing... You remember Curry; I know it's been a while." So this is what the Professor meant when It said Curry 'is more familiar than I'd like to admit'.

The Professor shouted up at the Dogesh, "Curry hasn't been akin to me since It forced my reconditioning and I became Malmut... I know you're keeping our familiars to force us to serve but this strategy won't work here. Curry is bound to serve you better than It ever served Anthrogyne Majorum, and the Resistance has vowed familiarity with every Anthrogyne. We will not give up on the many to save a few. We will resist until we beat you or until your time is up. No centum is eternal."

The Dogesh sighed, "I have all the time I could want. If you thought my centum would be just another hundred-day season before the next, you are mistaken. And the simple ways of common Anthrogyne bore me. I'll have to keep myself entertained with your pathetic attempts to throttle me; but act quickly, less I get bored and come for you instead." He floated up, through the ceiling, and was gone.

"Thy whim be done." Professor Malmut mocked en-defiance then left Cori and I alone in the Viewport Chamber.

Cori caught my eye then looked away as It returned to sit on the pew.

"I'm sorry." What else could I say?

"You should have told me." It would only say.

I joined It on the pew and we sat en-silence. A moment later, Cori laid on the pew and closed It's eyes. I watched It for a while, praying I'd not lost the last of my familiars. I, then, laid too, my feet to my fellow's and we fell asleep.