Scherzo for Duet

Story by ragnarokfinis on SoFurry

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#2 of Moonlight Sonata

Disclaimer: This is a work of adult-nature. If you are not an adult (meaning of majority age wherever you live), do not read this. It contains cursing, yiff, etc... and if you get caught by your mommy while reading it, I AM NOT LIABLE. All characters are (c) me- ask if you want to use them. (Yes, I play Sircosgi on Furc) Any other questions, etc.. can be forwarded to me. This concludes the copyright/disclaimer.

  • * * Chapter Two- Scherzo for Duet Sircosgi lay in his hospital bed later that night, free of machines, and sighed. "I think I should just end it," he said, softly to himself. He glanced around, making sure there were no nurses around- he was getting tired of being babied. He reflected on where he stood at this point. 'I am a victim of rape,' he thought. 'I have no past, I have no where I can be safe, I have no future. I have nothing,' he said, tears running down his muzzle. He winced in pain, the wounds on his back and chest still aching. 'In the end, nothing has been worth it for me. I just end up back where I started. I began with nothing- I will end with nothing." He sighed, his whiskers twitching in lieu of his tail being able to move. He clenched his left paw, watched the muscles draw tight and felt the searing pain as the stitched tissues stretched apart. He just looked at his arm blankly, wondering why it didn't hurt as much as the pain inside of him. He sighed deeply, shifting his head. 'I should get out of bed- who knows how long it has been since a decent cleaning, or even real movement. The fur on my back must be disgusting,' he thought before groaning. "Focusing on the wrong part, as is usual of myself," he said softly in the darkness. He blinked and his whiskers sank. So much was confusing, and all he could think of was how no matter what he did, he always ended up where he began. The door opened suddenly and a jubilant kangaroo male bounced in. He didn't close the door, but he did flicked on the light. "I have a baby boy!" he exclaimed on the top of his lungs. Sircosgi was wincing at the light, trying to adjust to the light. "I HAVE A BABY BOY!" The male cried out, tears of joy flowing down his muzzle. Sircosgi blinked his eyes open to view the male. "Who- who are you?" He asked, getting scared. "A proud father!" The kangaroo cried out. Sircosgi was working his mind overtime. "Who am I?" "Somefur who knows- I am spreading the joy!" he said. A nurse walked behind him. "Okay, sir, come with me- OH MY GOD YOU WERE IN HERE?" She exclaimed, practically pulling the hyper kangaroo out of the room and closed the door. Sircosgi closed his eyes and smiled. "That was funny," he said aloud to no one. "Here I am, thinking about death, when all he is thinking about is life." He felt a tear run onto his cheek again. He thought about hospitals. 'Here, life can begin or end. Sometimes we have choices. Sometimes we do not. People have fought for me to stay alive- why should I let their work go to waste?' he thought, completely crying by this point. 'I am such a fool. Life comes full circle here- why should I cut mine short. I swear, I shall never, ever, ever allow myself to come this close.' He said, opening his eyes back to find a nurse in the room. "Do you need medication?" The hare asked, concerned. Sircosgi thought for a second. "When was the last time I was bathed?" She smiled softly. "Two days ago. Your fur is slightly matted, I must add," she said, grinning. There was a knock on the door. "Sorry, visiting hours are sus-" she turned around to see Aiden standing there, crossing his arms. "Uh, do I count as family?" he asked, grinning widely as his eyes shined in the dark. Sircosgi smiled. "Hey Aiden- I thought you were going home." The kangaroo rat said, cocking his head. Aiden grinned. "Well, I thought you must be bored. So, I figured what the hell, sleepover at the hospital." He moved closer to Sircosgi. "Hot damn, you smell ripe." The cat pinched his nose. Sircosgi laughed. "Yes, well better that than dead." The nurse smiled. "That's the attitude of a recovering patient! Tell you what, let me go prepare a bath and I will take care of that." Sircosgi shuddered. Aiden noticed and looked at the nurse. "Would it be all right if I did that instead?" Sircosgi whipped his head to look at Aiden, hitting the side of the bed. "Ow." "Silly," Aiden said as he sat on the edge of the bed, sniffed, and moved to the other side of the room. "I just think he would be more comfortable with someone he knows better. Besides," he said, whispering loudly, "I think he would be more comfortable with a male." Sircosgi nodded. The hare smiled and nodded. "Understandable. Let me get you the soap and stuff, and I will leave you two to your own devices. Hit the call button if anything bad happens." She hopped around, pulling containers out of cabinets before setting them in the bathroom, smiling, and exiting. Sircosgi smiled as Aiden put a strong arm underneath his knees and on his neck before picking him up. "Have you been crying?" He asked, looking down at Sircosgi. "Nah- it was raining," Sircosgi said, grinning at the obvious lie. "Need any pain medications?" Aiden asked as he set the rodent into the bathtub and began to untie the gown. Sircosgi shook his head. "I just needed a reality check. I had to get over a few things," he said softly, blushing in embarrassment. Aiden merely chuckled as he tossed the gown to the side, leaving Sircosgi in a pair of briefs. "Do you mind?" He asked, blushing softly. Sircosgi shrugged. "Meh, you've already seen me nude." He argued. Aiden laughed as he gently tugged. Sircosgi winced, the pain around his waist- mainly around his tail- flaring up. Aiden stopped. "It's going to hurt. But, pull through it, okay?" Sircosgi nodded as Aiden pulled more, some blood clots coming undone, fur ripping out, and general discontent for the kangaroo rat, who was beginning to cry again. Aiden pulled the briefs completely off of the male and smiled at the nude form. Sircosgi, himself, was decently endowed for a rodent. His sheath lay docile at the moment, residing over two well formed testicles that were covered in the same color of fur. He had his head leaned back, exposing his neckline, his body completely at ease, exemplifying the trust that he placed in Aiden, who merely smiled as he reached for the nozzle. Sircosgi closed his eyes. "This will be cold at first," Aiden warned, "so be prepared." His paw twisted the knob, and the water gushed out, filling the tub. Sircosgi felt the coldness of the water yet didn't respond. "You okay?" "Yeah- it's just feels like ages since I have felt this- I like hot, but just the feeling of having water poured onto me is good enough," he said, moaning softly. Aiden merely laughed. "Silly," he said, feeling the water's temperature rise to a comfortable temperature. He grinned as he put the stopper in, allowing the water level to rise. He looked down at Sircosgi and smiled at the wide and bright eyes that looked back at him. "Feel good?" Sircosgi nodded slightly, wincing at the pain in his neck. "I had to give my report today," he said, softly to Aiden, who merely nodded. "I hope they catch the jerk." "Any idea who it is?" Aiden asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Sircosgi bit his lip for a second, tears welling up in his eyes. "It's okay- don't answer," Aiden said, waving his paws in the air. Sircosgi nodded, a tear falling from his face and sticking on his cheek. "So, is it raining again?" Aiden asked, making Sircosgi laugh. "Yes, curse the rain," he said, grinning, the pain of memories forgotten. Aiden smiled as he stopped the flow of water, grasped a washcloth, and put some liquid substance the hospital had provided into it. He rubbed it together and got consistency before looking at Sircosgi. "You okay with me doing this?" Sircosgi shrugged. "You do know that I am gay, right?" Aiden asked unashamed. Sircosgi closed his eyes. "Would I have allowed you to undress me if I found that to be an issue?" He asked, blushing. Aiden laughed. "Fair enough," he said as he leaned over. Sircosgi opened one eye to look at Aiden's crotch as the male wasn't paying attention. He could see a bulge and grinned- it appeared as if he might have a chance. "You know," Sircosgi said as Aiden was focusing on a foot paw, "I saw you earlier that night in the bar." Aiden grunted acknowledgment. "You are a fairly well-sought after individual." 'Might as well make a move,' Sircosgi thought. "Thanks- I get hit on a lot. Confidentially speaking, I don't follow up on much," He said, working his way around the legs, being careful of the stitches. "Come to think of it, I haven't actually followed up on any offers," he mentioned. "Hot make out or two, but I am waiting for that one to ask." "Same here," Sircosgi said, wincing as the washcloth rubbed over a stitch, stimulating the oversensitive area. Aiden apologized, and Sircosgi stopped whimpering after a few moments. "Th-thanks," Sircosgi said. "I guess I am just romantic," he said softly. "Now, this might sound like a stupid question," Aiden asked, "but what are you looking for in a girl?" Sircosgi snorted in laughter. "What?" Aiden asked, oblivious. "I am not exactly interested in that type of fur," Sircosgi admitted, blushing furiously. "I, I see," Aiden said, slightly taken aback. "You certainly don't act-" Sircosgi chuckled darkly. "What?" "A lot of my appearance is based upon this persona I established," he said darkly. "One of the things that consists of it is that I am straight, not looking. I moved over here after a bad relationship, and I am still getting over it," he muttered. "So, that keeps the ladies off of me, the men off of me, and allows this mask to work. Apparently, this is not an issue anymore, so I can relax." He looked at Aiden. "So, you have anyone you are looking at?" Aiden, who was busy working on Sircosgi's stomach, laughed. "Yeah. But, here is an important question," Aiden said. "I am sure they didn't do proper cleaning on," he thought for a better word, "your mousehood." Sircosgi laughed. "Rathood," he corrected, "but you're probably right. Go ahead," he said, blushing slightly. 'HA! My crush is going to play with me, it appears' was his thought as Aiden worked his paw down to Sircosgi's sheath. A simple touch made Sircosgi murr deeply and throatily. "Sorry," he said, ashamed. His sheath had actually hardened slightly, making him blush deeply. Aiden merely laughed. "No problem," he said as he cleaned around the area, avoiding the sheath itself. He scrubbed around the other male's testicles and close to his tail hole, Sircosgi murring all the while. After a few minutes of that, he was fully erect at seven inches. He looked at Aiden, who was seemingly ignoring this. After a few more moments, Aiden looked and smiled. "Ah, they haven't cleaned it." He said before working the washcloth around it. Sircosgi's leg twitched as pre began to leak out. His mind, blinded by lust, could only think of one thing. "I've heard that a cat's tongue is useful for cleaning," Sircosgi said softly. Aiden immediately stopped before looking at Sircosgi. "Well, would you like to see?" he asked, winking. Sircosgi laughed. "I thought that you wouldn't pursue any offers," he said, confused. Aiden shrugged. "I said that I was waiting for the one to ask," Aiden said before stopping his conversation with Sircosgi by filling his mouth with the head of Sircosgi's cock. Sircosgi gasped, never having felt that before. Aiden pulled back, took off his shirt, and took a deep breath before moving back down to suck it, bobbing above and below the water for a minute or so, his head completely soaked. Sircosgi, unable to fully move his arms, felt his long claws sticking into his paw, his leg twitching in pleasure. He heard noises he had never made before escaping from his mouth, wondering where they were coming from. Aiden pulled off before taking the stopper out of the tub. He grinned at Sircosgi, leaning over to plant a kiss. Sircosgi smiled as he felt the other male's muzzle meet his, parting his lips for a deeper kiss. He tasted something salty and sweet on the other's lips, realized what it was, and laughed. The water finished draining and Aiden straddled the tub, moving back to suck Sircosgi's still-firm cock. He continued to bob until he moved far down and stopped, taking six inched into his muzzle. This was getting to be too much for Sircosgi, who was managing to say words such as "merde" and "alors" intermittently. The roo-rat felt something rising in the lower half of his body. Slightly confused at what it was, he began to thrash but Aiden calmed him by stroking his chest. "Let it happen," he said before returning back to his task. Sircosgi relaxed and looked Aiden into the eyes, trusting Aiden completely. "D'accord," he muttered before he felt the feeling again. It felt as if his groin were burning, yet at the same time it was as if his entire body were floating. "A-A-ALORS!" he exclaimed as he felt it rise high before he orgasmed into the waiting muzzle of Aiden, who took the load at first with no problem. However, Sircosgi continued to shoot load after load, some of the seed spilling onto Aiden's cheeks. After a few moments, Sircosgi felt his body relax and he sank into the now-empty tub. "Encroyable," he said throatily, his body feeling no longer hurt but at peace. He looked up at Aiden and smiled. "Merci," Aiden said, making Sircosgi smile. "Come here so I can kiss you," Sircosgi managed to get out, giving Aiden a deep kiss. However, Aiden had a surprise- he passed some of Sircosgi's seed to him. The rodent shivered at this, yet was amazed at how it tasted. He kissed deeper until Aiden broke the embrace. "I think we should finish your bath- the nurse might be worried." Later that night, after Sircosgi had been washed, he found Aiden at his side in the bed. He looked over and smiled, a small tear glistening on his cheek in the dim lighting. "Thanks- it was wonderful." Aiden, who had showered and was wearing pyjamas, merely leaned over and licked the cheek of Sircosgi. "Raining again?" he asked. "Appears to be that way," Sircosgi said, laughing. Aiden looked at Sircosgi and leaned in close, gently embracing the kangaroo rat. "If sorrow shoots an arrow in your heart, I'll believe in you and be your shield. In the street, being soaked by rain, I'll be there- my love shall be your umbrella." He whispered into the rodents ears, who had more tears in his eyes. "I love you," Sircosgi said before turning his head and kissing Aiden, the machines making their beeping sounds in the background yet this was all ignored as the two were solely focused upon each other, falling asleep in each other's arms.