FAP: Into the Depths of Lust

Story by TheCrimsonDM on SoFurry

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#6 of FAP

Moonglow the bunny is given a chance to help out with a fellow wizard's problem. The problem in question just so happens to be a horny monster that belongs with eldritch horrors more than cute bunnies.

The Sixth day

Into the Depths of Lust

Moonglow was busy cleaning the hall. She had a mop in one hand and with the other she was sticking her palm out toward the floor. With just a bit of magic a series of soapy, sudsy bubbles drifted out from her hands and landed on the floor. She was a bubble wizard, her magic could be used for water, soap, tingly sex soap, and oil if she so chose. It was a relatively useless magic outside of cleaning and bathing, but that was pretty much what the queen taught her and expected of her most of her young life.

So today Moonglow used magical bubbles to get the floor wet. Then used the mob to scrub it clean. She was just doing cleaning routines, and having fun. One thing that Queen Lillian imposed at an early age ever since she was rescued from a terrible fate, was that cleaning was important. Though Lillian had servants to clean for her, it was not entirely uncommon to spot Lillian, butt ass naked and cleaning with a mop or broom while singing to herself.

Moonglow giggled as she began singing to herself. "One sweep, two sweep, three. If you make a mess you gotta go clean. One dust, two dust, three, this is a home and clean shall it be. One mop, two mop, three, if you can't hold it in the tub, just go pee."

She paused. The last line was... horribly accurate and she was still upset that a song about cleaning had a line about pee in it. Though she giggled at it. She always had the suspicion that Lillian added that line into the song just to make her laugh... She was a good mom and Moonglow missed her. she couldn't wait for tomorrow, for it would be Saturday and she would go home to be with her once more. Oh the stories she had to tell.

Things were progressing smoothly too. At least until she heard something strange. She was currently on the lowest floor of the warren, which was used mostly for storage space, but she had vague plans for making something down here. Perhaps her own relaxation hall. Yet she heard something strange. A sort of grinding sound from somewhere nearby. It sounded like something grinding into wood and her mind was not free of the potential dangers that could be posed to a warren.

She quickly searched for the source of the noise, and in one long room where the door was locked by a thick sturdy door. One she'd not opened just yet, she heard the sounds coming from behind it. She pulled out the key ring and quickly unlocked the door and then pushed it open.

Inside she saw a horde of ivory grave coins, jewelry, and a statue made of solid gold in the likeness of Queen Lillian. It was a treasure horde.

She also saw a rather sizable hole carved into the wooden wall in the back that led to a rocky tunnel. A singular male rat stood there, his grubby hands shoving gold pieces into a bag. His leather armor looking rather protective, and a vibroblade at his side. His dark gray fur and black hair did little to make him look cleaner as they were both stained with dirt.

She still had a mop in her hand and the temper of a broken record. She pointed her broom at the rat and cried. "Bubble Blast!"

The rat's ear twitched and he stood up and faced her. His eyes widened as he saw the torrent of bubbles rushing toward him. He raised his hands in defense but was assailed by the horde of suds. The slippery oil made him slip and fall onto his ass. Yet things were not over yet.

She ran across the floor and using the oil trail from her bubbles jumped on them, sliding across the floor at great speed toward the thief. Once there she lashed out with the mop trapping the man on the floor with the point at his throat. She knew this would turn into a fight, and was not at all unprepared, or unexcited for the prospect.

He looked up at her. Snarling. "So the place isn't empty. Petrifix was wrong."

She scowled at him. "You have entered the domain of Moonglow Glowstone, right hand of Queen Lillian. You dare to rob me?"

His scowl increased. "I am Rails, burglar for hire, and I would you think you better than to attempt battle with me."

She rolled her eyes. "Nah." she pulled the mop away and then waved her hand over him once more. Yet more bubbles flew from her hands, these ones the size of her head. Each one that splashed against him turned into a sticky substance, coving his chest, arms and legs. She only left his groin alone as the rules of battle were always simple. He who cums first, loses.

She kicked off her pink fuzzy house shoe, reached out with her toes and began rubbing at his loins. He struggled uselessly against the sticky substance holding him down. She smirked. "I am a well trained bubble mage. I think you'll find my techniques challenging to overcome."

With some skill she undid the button and zipper to his pants. His nicely sized cock nearly flung itself out, hard as a rock and dripping with precum. She bit her lower lip as she grabbed it between her big toe and little toes. She began with gentle strokes up and down. Rails groaned but still attempted a useless struggle beneath her pleasuring foot.

"Just give in, you'll lose soon enough anyway."

He moaned once more. His claws dug into the wooden floor scratching it up. He attempted to move yet the sticky suds were designed to hold down dragons if need be, a lone rat thief wouldn't be able to free himself.

It wasn't long before he threw his head back and gave final groan of protest before his hot, sticky passion erupted from his cock and landed all over his leather armor and tunic covering his belly and her toes in it's hot white substance. He reeled and it looked as if all his energy faded in that instant.

She pulled her foot back and using a bit of magic bubbles began cleaning it. "You were hardly a challenge. Now you get to tell me who sent you and why."

He groaned, his body having weakened from the sex battle and his eyes fluttered closed. He fainted. Well he'd do her no good like this. She better get some rope and call the local warden. She was about to leave in fact when she heard a voice reply from the tunnel. "You wanted to know who and why? I shall give you that information. For it was I, Petrifix the Krystal Kobold and for the reason of testing your skills."

She watched as a kobold with lavender scales and a rainbow of spines came walking out of the tunnels. He was smaller than her, but he was wearing thick robes and holding a stave made entirely of purple crystals, quartz perhaps. The new intruder was not welcome.

Moonglow threw forth her hand and summoned forth a torrent of sticky bubbles. Petrifix raised his stave and a wall of crystals sprouted out of the walls forming a shield that blocked the bubbles from reaching him. She tried to take a step back and realized her feet couldn't move. Looking down she saw that her feet were trapped in crystal. She growled and hissed at him. She even honked as loud as she could to make herself intimidating, she couldn't thump with her feet trapped or she'd do that too.

Petrifix walked into her treasure room and looked down at the unconscious Rails. "Hmm... I may hire better help next time." He looked once more at her. "I mean you no harm, there is no need for such things. I tested your skills for I require your assistance. As a fellow wizard, a walker of the strange lustful paths, would you not at least hear me out?"

She hissed. "You trapped me, so I don't suspect I have much choice."

He offered a sharp toothed grin. "My apologies Princess Moonglow." he waved a hand and the crystals around her feet melted into the wood below her as if they'd never existed.

She jumped back. "So you have my attention and you have tested me. Why?"

"I am hired by our Queen herself to study the ruins beneath the town of Glittershine. There are ancient ruins down there. Mysterious places filled with as much danger as they are lust. You have defeated this would be rogue, which is proof enough to me that you can handle yourself in the upper levels. For now, this is where I need help."

Moonglow had heard of his name several times now. Petrifix was the local wizard here, and one that few people knew much about for he was always so distant from everyone. She folded her arms across her chest and gave a brief nod. "I would have been willing to help if you'd just asked me. Setting a trap like this was below you."

"No, below me is the ground."

"You know what I meant. You are a powerful wizard, you should hold yourself to higher standards."

"Standards mean nothing to those without power. Now that I've seen your power first hand, I will no longer test you. But in the name of the queen would you not be willing to assist me?"

"I am the queen's presence here, you acted against me and that is the same as acting against her. Why should I not turn you in right here, right now?"

Petrifix smiled. "Because I'm the only one who has ever been able to go to lower reaches of the ruins here, and the Queen needs me. If you truly act as her presence than you would help me in my research."

She growled. "You may be right about me helping you, but you have yet to explain what you need help with?"

"Simply put, there are strange creatures in the ruins. I need someone who can help tame them. Or at least distract them. Would you help at least with that?"

She nodded. "I suppose I could."

Rails began to stir. "Ugh... what... happened... oh, oh god, it's everywhere."

She let out a sigh. "Should I release him?"

Petrifix nodded. "He still has some use to me, it would be appreciated.

She waved her mop like a stave and watched as the bubbles holding him down dissolve. Rails pushed himself up and groaned. Yeah he was covered in his own sauce. Well he'd just have to clean it later. She looked at Petrifix. "I take it you may need the help immediately then?"

He nodded. "That would be appreciated."

Moonglow would put her cleaning aside for now and follow these two. She would not lower her guard, but she would follow them. Petrifix led them through the stone tunnel, explaining that he had made the tunnel himself using magic. As the tunnel went down some distance, he must be fairly powerful to pull off such a feat. Such power had... interest to her. Perhaps she might get to see him in action during this trip.

Eventually the tunnel branched out into a large stone room. There were a few furnishings such as a table, dresser, and weapon rack. Though the weapons themselves were a little uncommon. Swords, axes, and even spears. Nobody would use such cruel weapons now, yet she was certain of the fact that at one point battles were not decided through sex, but rather through pure violence. That was so long ago though that she doubted if even Queen Lillian had memories of such a time of cruelty, brutality, and disgrace. No, even the lowliest of brigands realized that sex was the way to fight now, and so any techniques or tools were designed with that purpose in mind. The vibroblade was a common weapon, smooth, plastic, and vibrating.

Of course, most historians didn't even realize what old weapons were. Most of that dark history was gone now, but Moonglow had been able to catch a glimpse of the terrible past once. Memories not her own that she was forced to live with for the rest of her life, however, Queen Lillian saw to helping her cope with such things.

They walked out of the room and into a long hallway. There were numerous rooms like this. Some empty and bare, others with odd bits of furnishings. As they walked Rails shivered. "Man, this place is like, a nightmare."

Petrifix didn't look back at them. "These are gopher ruins. If you can recall, the gophers were the great builders, they'd constructed many an ancient city, monument, and dungeon. By pick or beard, they would dig and build. Though there are still gophers to this day, the builders of old seem to be gone, leaving behind only the incredible ruins you find yourself in now."

Moonglow could appreciate the hard work that had to have gone in to create these places. Though she could feel something off about this place as well. The fact it was just under her warren, hell, under the entire town, didn't quite sit right with her, though she knew it was more common than not to have such ruins under a large settlement.

As they walked she noticed that Petrifix was actually shorter than her, by just a little but enough that she actually felt kind of tall for once. Rails wasn't much taller than her either perhaps about five feet tall, a full foot taller to be sure, but shorter than most men. The short club, who'd have thought it? Though she was concerned by the presence of a rat thief here. From what she understood, though mice would sometimes join society, for the most part mice and rats kept to themselves, living in clans and often robbing travelers.

Not nearly as dangerous as wolves mind you, but still a threat large enough to register for the Queen.

Finally they reached a grand hall that must have gone up at least three stories. Doors lined the walls of the hall, as well as other halls themselves. Benches made of metal stood placed against pedestals of some sort. The ceiling was arched and had some kind of see through material over it which only revealed hard rock and earth. The written tongue of the ancients stood engraved on a giant metal plaque. She could read the ancients tongue a little, but it was a challenge for her. "F-fell... all?"

Petrifix gave her an odd look. "You can read ancient script?"

"Only a little. The Queen's taught me what she could but it's a lifelong pursuit to learn their tongue and all its meanings."

"I see. Well it has been my life's pursuit. The sign reads "Fallen Crest mall." these ruins here were not in fact made by the gophers, these were made by the ancients."

Her eyes widened. "Wait, these are ancients ruins? Right under our town?"

"Yes, there are a few like this. They feel almost like jigsaw pieces that were hastily shoved into the wrong places on the puzzle. Yet here they are. Dangers and all."

"But what about the remnants?"

"Those are not a concern. At least, not yet." Petrifix walked up to a large metal door that had some kind of monitor device attached to the side. He pressed a few buttons on it and she watched as ancient script began displaying. It looked like a mishmash of symbols and numbers, and was virtually unreadable by her. Let alone anyone specialized in it. Petrifix looked back at her. "There is a creature here who comes out anytime I began work on this lock, until I can find the secret password I cannot open the magically sealed door next to us. So keep an eye out and once you see her, I want both of you to do your best to stall her and if you're lucky, defeat her."

Rails scoffed. "You don't pay me to fight, man."

Petrifix corrected. "Moonglow, I can at least count on you to try."

Moonglow looked around. The place was dark, and even with her great eye sight as a bunny she had what some referred too as low-light vision. So the ambient light sources here, all coming from strange pink crystals were good for her, but it was still hard to see every detail. Yet she waited.

She spoke quietly to Rails. "Can you see anything?"


She blinked. "You can't?"

"I'm a rat. I can't see in the dark like you two. I can hear, and I can smell. Far better than either of you, and it's with that, I can tell you we are not alone."

She swallowed. Not alone in an ancients ruin was not a good thing to hear. Then again Petrifix had dragged her down here for that exact purpose. She had to be ready for combat. With mop in hand, she was ready to please whatever came her way into sexual oblivion.

Soon she began to hear it too. Moonglow's hearing was also pretty good, and her sense of smell not half bad. Though in the dust of this ruin it was a little challenging to smell life besides those around her. Still she could sense it. Something was nearby. It smelled wet, not moldy, just wet, and she could hear a wet slithering sound. Still, looking around didn't show here where the sound came form or what was making it.

Moonglow heard something, a bare whisper in the darkness. "Soft bunny, little bunny, tiny ball of fur. Let me touch you, so you can purr... purr... purr."

She did not in fact purr, and she did not want touched. So she doubled her effort to see. Nothing was visible. Her head was scanning from left to right and back again. Moonglow couldn't' see anything. Then she saw a slimy substance drop like mucus onto the floor in front of her. It came from the ceiling. She shot her head up and saw it briefly.

It had pale green skin, a humanoid body with smooth slick skin. Its hair resembled in part seaweed, green and long, and finally its arms and legs ended not in hands or feet but rather long tentacles. It was however, unmistakably female with large naked tits, vaginal lips that drooled thick mucus like juices and hips that looked well shaped and large. Its entire body looked to be coated in a similar mucus before it jumped out of sight on one of the levels above them in this atrium.

Rails hissed. "I couldn't see it, but I heard it. The thing seems to like you."

She growled back. "I know, and I don't think I'm okay with that considering what it looks like."

Petrifix explained, his claws tapping away at some keyboard that appeared beneath the monitor device. "There is only one of her, but she has not liked us very much. I wonder if she's perhaps gay?"

Great, it was creepy, smelled like fish, and gay for her. Wonderful.

Moonglow felt it as something wet and sticky landed on her shoulder. She gasped and looked up. The thing was mere inches from her. Drooling, so much saliva was dripping out of her mouth, her pale green eyes locked onto her own and she smiled down at her with sharp fangs. For a brief, horrible moment Moonglow panicked. Her mind racing to dark thoughts, memories of pain, and horror. she lashed out with her mop but found a tendril arm wrapping around it, stopping her from moving.

Rails called out.

Another tendril wrapped around her waist and she was yanked up toward the second floor with a scream. Once there she was dropped face first onto the cold tiled floor. She began crawling away, preparing to channel her magic, but felt it as the thing landed on top of her and using its size and weight pushed her flat against the ground. Its hips pressed up against her rear, it's tendril's ran down her sides and its neck craned to place its lips against her own.

For a moment Moonglow froze in terror as it kissed her. Then she began to feel how soft, and gentle it's lips were. She felt her mind beginning to fog over as a deep lust began to fill her senses. She could smell the creatures musk, taste it's seaweed flavored lips, and found herself kissing it back. Gentle, soft, and slow. They stayed like that. Kissing for several minutes, the creature gently grinding it's hips against her ass.

Moonglow gasped as it moved its lips to her neck again. "G-gentle, please."

It purred. "I want gentle. I want love."

Rails voice called out. "Bubble Bitch, are you okay?"

Moonglow called out. "I'm fine. She's really g-gentle!" She then realized what he'd called her and was about to argue when she felt her bathrobes being slid up against her legs. She gasped as the thing used its long tentacle arms to slide her bathrobe up and over her soft plush rear. She realized with some shame she had not actually put on panties today. She was planning on taking a bath after deep cleaning the house, so there was no point. Well perhaps that would work in her favor.

Hot slimy mucus landed against her ass as the thing went back to grinding her. Humping her ass and smearing the hot sexual fluid everywhere it could on the bare fur of her ass cheeks. It purred. "So soft. I love soft."

Moonglow replied. "It feels good for me too."

She went back to kissing the thing. Slowly their tongues met, and she found the creatures tongue was beyond slimy, but it was soft, and hot. The thing was filled with passion and love. She could sense it. She was sticking her ass out, trying to rub herself against the thing's pussy lips as it slowly humped her.

It wasn't long before she felt the thing move. It pushed itself up, and then rolled Moonglow onto her side. For a moment she was concerned it would change her mind. Not now, not when Moonglow was so horny. She needed to be fucked.

The thing gave her what she wanted as it slid itself between her legs and their pussies touched in a wet sexual kiss. Moonglow gave a soft groan as her sex was already so hot and sensitive the mere touch sent her off. The creature began grinding her, slow and gentle grinds, their pussies rubbing each other and more slime than she could imagine slipping between them. Squelching sounds filled the air as they scissored there. Their bodies rubbing each other, and her mind lost to the pleasures.

Moonglow's hand reached out and grabbed one of the thing's tits, feeling its green nipple in her hand hard and erect. She squeezed it. The thing returned the favor, sliding a tentacle arm under Moonglow's bathrobe and against her chest. The action made her groan as she thrust harder still against the thing's body.

It wasn't long before the two of them were moving in ever faster, ever harder rhythms. Their voice breaking out into loud moans as the heat rose to a boiling point inside of her body. The creature gave one powerful thrust, it's slimy love sputtered out against Moonglow's crotch and made her groan louder still. She thrust back hard herself, feeling the explosion of her own nether juices as they sprayed out against the creature's pussy.

As they both came together she heard the sound of something metal unlocking and a beeping noise from below. Petrifix cried, "Eureka, I've done it."

Moonglow cared not for what he did. She looked at the thing she'd just fucked and ran a hand out against its leg up to her hip and squeezed. "That was amazing."

The thing looked at her. "I... I love you."

She giggled. "You don't even know my name."

It blinked at her. "What is your name?"

She purred. "I am named Moonglow. You?"

"I call myself Boo. For that is a noise I often make in the silence of these ruins."

Moonglow sat up and leaned forward to give Boo another kiss on the lips. "Are you lonely here?"


"Would you like to come with me? You can stay in my home, I'm sure I can find a use for you." Moonglow smiled and watched as Boo returned the smile. Boo nodded vigorously. Moonglow leaned forward and hugged her. "Good, then you can stay with me and I'll introduce you to my friends. You'll love them, maybe even make love to them like we just did."

Boo held her in return. "I can love more?"

"You can love lots more."

What Moonglow didn't say was that she was lonely herself, and more than that, she had a few ideas for what could be done with Boo, or for that matter a few ideas of things she could do for her own home.

Once they got down Petrifix was surprised to see that Boo and Moonglow were holding hands. Or well hand and tentacle. He shrugged. "I opened the door."

Looking inside there was a long tunnel that had steps going further down. Somehow she got a strange feeling from the place. A feeling that she really didn't want to go in there. The good news was that now it was open and the threat aka Boo was tamed, Petrifix decided it was best to leave for now. He'd continue his research later, and may even ask for her help again. For now though, she could go home with her new friend and lover. Oh the things she was going to do.

With a slimy fish monster girl, she could see great use for her ideas to eventually start a spa.

FAP: Eaten Out at The Delicious Diner

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