Night Out

Story by Caesar Khan on SoFurry

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Corvis, an anthro wolf and L.A. drug dealer, has to confront the challenges of his path in life in two very different ways.

The natural auburn of his fur shone a paler tone under the incandescent street light. There were no stars in the night sky. Too much light pollution in the city. Corvis' gray hoodie and gray joggers blended in with the concrete of the sidewalk. Standing in front of him was a badger; a guy on the shorter end, especially when compared to a wolf like Corvis whose shadow practically swallowed the man, despite his lean frame.

"Hey, look uh- don't get mad but..." the badger stammered. "I don't have the same kind of cash I've been bringing. Things kind of took a shit in my life. You're gonna have cut me some slack."

"Mmm." Corvis nodded and pivoted on his paw.

"Hey!" the badger yelled, the exertion of it drawing out a distinct coarseness in his voice.

The wolf began walking away and checked his phone. His lock screen read: 1:02 A.M. Below were seven texts from Mateo.

He's definitely pissed, Corvis thought. He could imagine what an earful it was going to be.

"Where the fuck are you going? I'm still here!" the badger continued.

His ears flicking, Corvis pulled the hood off his head. Having it on irritated his ears. But, when he was dealing, it was best if his face wasn't readily visible. He sighed and started ogling the neighborhood around him. It was going to be a long walk back. Every house was one-story. Everyone's lights were off, windows barred, all families getting a good night's sleep. Probably what he should be doing. Something sounded like paper being thumbed through behind him, accompanied by paw pads on the sidewalk.

"Look, look, look," the guy's voice piped up again, and it made Corvis feel a little sick. How desperate can you get?

Scurrying around him, the badger planted himself right in the wolf's way, waving a disorganized assortment of bills. "I got seven hundred right here! I swear on my mother, man. This is really all I got," he said. Now he was just pleading with no leverage to back it up.

Corvis regarded him, hands in his hoodie pockets, whiskers blowing the nighttime breeze. The badger smelled like vodka, expensive vodka. Not in his breath; it was on his fur somewhere, unwashed. The guy was still wearing the pizza delivery uniform of the local Vincent's. The wolf's canine nose was seasoned when it came to these kinds of scents.

"Have an extra three hundred?" Corvis asked, his tone light and gentle.

The badger turned his palms up. "Bro-" He shook his head. "Do I look like the U.S. fuckin' mint? This," he flapped the bills, "Is what you're fucking getting, just fuckin' give it."

Corvis' gaze focused on something past the badger, and he started walking past the smaller mammal.

Pushing against him while backing up, the badger stuffed the cash in his pocket before he whipped out something shiny and metal, and Corvis soon realized he was staring down the end of a barrel. The click of the hammer being cocked was the crispest, loudest thing to the wolf's receptive ears. He could see the lead tip of each round in the wheel of the revolver.

Woah, he thought. "Can you do it?" he asked.

The badger squinted. His fur was standing on end.

"Is it in you? To put me down?"

"Shut your fucking trap, mutt," the badger spat, pushing the barrel against the wolf's chin.

"If you shoot me, you can take the crack in my left pocket and walk away."

The badger was baring his teeth and visibly tense, never able to keep his paws still. The revolver was trembling in tandem with his hand.

"You're shaking the gun too much," Corvis said, grabbing hold of the barrel. Hunching over, he placed the muzzle right between his eyes.

"Stop it! Fucking- let go!" The badger demanded, but made no attempt to wrestle the gun.

"If you don't keep it steady, the bullet might skip off my skull. Go for center mass, it won't skip."

"Just 'cause you're with your little Santa Muerte gang, it don't mean shit. I- I'm gonna shoot you, mutt." The badger fingered the trigger, squeezing lightly.

"No, you're not, big man," Corvis said. "You smell scared, not even angry. And if you're not gonna do it, we're just wasting time," Corvis continued. He let go of the barrel, nudging the badger out of the way as he put his hands back in his hoodie, walking away. He could hear the little mammal breathing heavily behind him, sounding pent-up.

Click. And then another, followed by another. Corvis turned around to see the badger smack the wheel of the revolver before he pointed it again, squeezing the trigger several times.

Well, shit, Corvis thought. He did have it in him.

"When's the last time you cleaned that thing?" the wolf asked, watching the badger struggle. Approaching the smaller mammal, the badger stopped pulling the trigger and looked up, open-mouthed. "Here," Corvis said, taking the badger's hand into his own, sliding his clawed fingers onto the pistol grip before pulling the gun away.

As if just realizing what had happened, the badger shook his head. He jumped up, reaching for what had been taken from him. Corvis grabbed his head with a free hand, catching the badger in the air. The wolf extended his arm all the way out, his palm covering the other mammal's eyes. Small claws dug into the backs of Corvis' hands, drawing blood rather quickly, the badger squirming in his grip. The little one was growling, and he reeked.

"Someone should take better care of this," Corvis noted, inspecting the silver finish of the thirty-eight caliber six-shooter.

"Let-" the badger managed between grunts and growls, "Go!"

Blood began to drip on the concrete. Corvis squeezed the badger's head.

"Fuck!" came the badger's immediate reaction. "You fuckin'-"

The wolf squeezed again, harder. "God! Fuck!" The badger's voice was hoarse. "Ok, ok, ok- I get it. I get it. I'll go away and you'll never see me again. Swear."

Corvis sniffed and slid the gun in his hoodie. "You ever crush an egg in your hand, Kel?"

Kel stopped growling and squirming, stopped baring his teeth and digging his claws in. His hands weakly clasped the wolf's wrist. "How-"

"No, quit talking for a minute," Corvis said. Kel went still and silent. "560 Chestnut Court, apartment 113," the wolf said. The badger let his arms fall limp at his sides. "So, like I was saying. Bear with me. When you crush an unboiled egg in your hand, the shell cracks into a thousand little pieces, and then the slimy yolk oozes past your fingers, and it gets everywhere. It's kind of gross. Makes a big mess," he paused, coughing into his elbow. "Sorry. Anyway, I don't know about you, but I hate cleaning up messes, it's all-around a bad time."

On the street behind them, a sedan drove by, slowing down before speeding up.

"Please..." Kel whispered.

The badger shouted as he landed flat on his ass, having not expected the fall as Corvis suddenly dropped him.

"Mind if I keep your gat, Kel?" the wolf asked, his hand over the gun in his hoodie, his expression considerate, a dim frown, eyes low.

Staring wordlessly up at the towering wolf, whose entire frame was silhouetted by the streetlight, Kel only clutched his head.

"Mmm," the wolf hummed. "Cool. Now it belongs to la Santa Muerte." Pulling out his phone, which had been vibrating every damn minute, he saw there were now seventeen notifications.

"Hey, Kel man," Corvis said.

"Y- yeah?" Kel answered.

"I got a date, man. But before I go- you should really stop wasting all your money on Absolut vodka. Crack seems more worth it to me," he paused, "Next week, have a thousand."

He turned and walked away, successfully this time. The streetlight flickered, painting only the badger in light as Corvis left it, the wolf rounding the corner of the nearest house.

Is this what being twenty is supposed to be? he wondered.

"Babe," Corvis began, shutting the room door behind him, holding a sizable box under his other arm. Theirs wasn't exactly a premium motel, but it was just fine for living between houses. On the far side of the room, a lamp sat on a corner table, casting a copious, white light, which highlighted the blue of the wallpaper.

Mateo sat on the foot of the bed, staring at the carpeted floor, the TV off in front of him. He had a long sleeve shirt and jeans on. No shoes. He was a wolf like Corvis, a year older but just a smidge smaller in stature, and with fur of beautiful gray. It didn't stop with the fur though, the guy was gorgeous in pretty much every regard, in Corvis' humble opinion.

Corvis set the box he'd brought in on a nearby counter. "De mierda," he whispered. Clear teardrops glinted below Mateo's eyes. Rushing over, the auburn wolf took a seat next to his boyfriend, turning his body towards him. His stomach sank with guilt.

"Hey, cariño..." Corvis spoke in a soft tone. After hesitating a moment, the auburn wolf reached an arm over Mateo's shoulders. When he made contact, the gray wolf shrugged deliberately and shifted away from Corvis. Relenting, Corvis let both of his hands fall in his lap.

"It's almost two A.M. You said this time would be different," Mateo spoke.

Corvis scratched behind his left ear and nodded. "I was-"

"Oh trust me, I know where you were," the gray wolf continued, shaking his head, his breathing unsteady. Wiping his cheeks, he said, "I wanted to kiss you when the ball dropped. I wanted you to be here, just to have a night for us," he paused. "And I promise you, I get it. I get that the money is letting us lead our own life together. But if you can't commit to spending time with me, what's the point?" The gray wolf hardly moved as he talked, making little in the way of gestures or expressive motions.

Corvis' nose twitched. He grasped the brim of his left sweatshirt sleeve and pulled down. Exposing the fur of the underside of his forearm, he turned it to face Mateo. There, amongst the many hairs, was a spot where there were none, only scarred skin. It was clearly a branding, spelling out MS13.

"This is the point," Corvis said. "If they don't get an exact amount of cash back every month, guess who gets bit."


"No," the auburn wolf interrupted. "It won't just be me, it'll be you. They go after the people closest to you first. But guess what, that is never going to happen, 'cause I will stay up for a whole week slinging dope if that's what it takes."

Mateo met Corvis' gaze. The gray wolf's hazel, canine eyes burned with empathy... and with disagreement. But then his gaze went elsewhere.

"Where did the blood come from?" Mateo asked, staring pointedly.

Corvis looked down at his own hands, dried blood having matted the fur.

"Another fight?" the gray wolf continued.

The auburn wolf bit his tongue. "If you could call it that," he said. "Just a badger who got a little antsy."

"That's just antsy?" the disbelief in Mateo's tone stung. He sighed hugely. "It scares me that one day you might not come back. What would I do without you Corvis? I mean..." Another tear streamed down his cheek, and his hands trembled. "I'm not trying to be selfish, but I can't live without you. You have to know that," the gray wolf managed, his last few words strained. He leaned over, pushing his head against Corvis' shoulder.

Guilt bloomed within Corvis, and he wanted nothing more than to hold the poor guy. "Come here," the auburn wolf said, wrapping his arms around the other wolf, embracing him fully. After a moment, the gray wolf reached around Corvis' waist. Corvis could feel each racking sob, hear the sharp inhales, sense the desperation.

It broke his heart, even though he was going to get up and do the same thing tomorrow. The pain from seeing a sweetheart like Mateo being so overwhelmed with uncertainty and fear for his love... Corvis couldn't stand it. So he kept holding his boyfriend, stroking his back, nuzzling his head. The arms around him pulled tighter, the gray wolf scooting closer, right up against him. Corvis hummed, rubbing the back of Mateo's neck.

He smells good, Corvis thought. Smells like home.

And he was warm; so nice to hug and keep close. A police siren wailed, growing louder as it neared, then dying off once it passed, its song became more distant and distant. Corvis barely even noticed. Mateo's fur was soft, Corvis could run his hands through it all day. He liked how it felt beneath the shirt, trapped by the fabric. He liked how the other wolf held him so tightly, as if letting go would be the equivalent of saying goodbye. He didn't want to let go either.

He hated himself for making Mateo cry.

How much time eventually passed, Corvis couldn't tell. He only paid mind to the jittery, staccato breaths of the gray wolf he held. It seemed to have died down some, the crying that is. Neither of them had said a word. Corvis had taken to scratching behind the other wolf's ears; a sweet spot for canine anthros.

"Hey," came Mateo's voice, devoid of its earlier, accusative edge.

"Hmm." Corvis hummed, muffled by means of his muzzle being in the gray wolf's head fur.

"Come with me to Europe," Mateo said, lacking any sign of insincerity.

Corvis smiled, but listened.

"We can go live in Birmingham or something- somewhere in the UK. Nobody could ever find us there. Clean slate. We could have a whole new life together without worrying about any of this." Mateo rose up, eyes pleading, taking Corvis' hands into his own.

The auburn wolf's smile dimmed. "Well," he began. "Aside from how much I would miss your abuelita's cooking..." he trailed off as a certain thought usurped the forefront of his mind. He sighed. "Do you remember when I first got branded?"

Mateo nodded.

"When they burned my skin against that iron, there was nothing in the world I cared about more than the family. You know how I was. I really, truly believed that MS13 was the greatest thing to happen to El Salvador."

Stroking the auburn wolf's hands, Mateo shifted on the bed. "But now?" he asked.

Corvis averted his gaze. "Now the spirituality is dead. The last few years have shown me what money means to Los Reyes. The 'kings.'" The last word he spat. "The people in between never mattered as much. So now, I see income, a way to provide for you." He put a clawed finger in Mateo's chest, returning his gaze. "We do not have enough to break off just yet."

The gray wolf's eyes lit up. "Break off?" A grin began to eek onto his expression.

Corvis nodded vehemently. "Sí, mi amor. This is all to say that I loathe this work, and these people, as much as you. Maybe more. But I will give us a good life, and that means hanging on a little longer. After that..." He leaned in close. "I promise you, cariño. They will never hear of us again."

The look Mateo gave made Corvis grin like an idiot. He wished he could see it every day.

The gray wolf grabbed his head. "Promise again," he demanded. "Please, say that again."

Corvis clasped Mateo's cheeks in return. "I promise," he spoke, hardly above a whisper.

Mateo pulled him into a deep kiss, and Corvis had seen it coming. A certain eagerness in the countenance, the excitement brought by this new prospect; such a passionate man was bound to manifest his passions.

Reciprocating in full, Corvis caressed Mateo's cheeks, mulling over the fluff there, their eyes both closed. This wolf was always such a rush, Corvis thought to himself; the softness of his lips and his fur, the warmth of his body, the mutual understanding that enhanced every physical sensation. Mateo whined into it, pushing against Corvis.

He knows me too well, Corvis thought.

The auburn wolf pressed on the gray wolf's chest, easing him back. When their lips parted, Mateo couldn't keep his hands still, always moving and exploring Corvis' body. But Corvis was already in motion, stoked by Mateo's neediness, pushing the other wolf flat onto the bed.

"My beautiful prince," the auburn wolf whispered as he once more locked lips with his boyfriend, who in turn kissed him back, hard, with purpose and desire. The whining had returned, a uniquely canine sound that conveyed, in no unclear way, just how much Mateo wanted Corvis, needed him.

A familiar, easy desire was building in Corvis, the one that only came when he was with Mateo. He broke their kiss only to grip Mateo under his arms, watching the other's look of surprise as he lifted him further onto the bed. Then he straddled the gray wolf, pinning him at the hip before subsequently pinning his shoulders.

This was what made his life worth living, doing what he felt like doing in the moment, with someone he trusted so deeply, someone he knew would accept him in full.

"Tramposo," Mateo breathed. 'Troublemaker.' They both knew.

Corvis deemed it a fair label, and after basking in the victory of pinning his boyfriend down, he brought the exasperated wolf into an embrace. His arms encircled the gray wolf again, trapped between fur and blanket, but this time, their bodies were even closer, and more of each one touched.

"Hold me back, cariño. Don't be shy. We can do whatever we want tonight. It's just us," Corvis soothed.

Slowly, exploratively, the gray wolf nodded and obliged, letting his arms rest on the auburn wolf's back. Gray-furred hands explored the hard muscles there, grazing over each contour.

Careful to be gentle and maintain the pleasantry of their cuddling, Corvis rolled to the side, still holding Mateo, and so the gray wolf was forced to come with. In one fell swoop, Corvis had gotten himself on his back, while his boyfriend now lied on top. "Oh!" came Mateo's surprise, but when they settled again, Corvis spotted a smile as the gray wolf nuzzled into his chest.

The weight was comfortable, warm. Put fuzzy feelings in Corvis' stomach.

Although Corvis preferred snuggles in the nude, he wouldn't dare complain. This was a proper way to celebrate New Years, taking any bad happenings of the night and blowing it away. The cold of the outside had still lingered on his body, but it was quickly being drawn away by their shared heat.

"Can we stay like this?" Mateo asked, his eyes closed.

Corvis scratched his boyfriend's ears once more. "For a little," he said. Listening to the other wolf's breaths, he basked in the moment, cherishing it, respecting the closeness that meant the world to him. Having Mateo in his arms, their tails touching together now, it eased his frayed nerves; his one oasis in a life of solitary danger and existential risk.

For now, he thought.

To be free of the cartel and spend the rest of his life with the most beautiful man in the world? There was no price high enough for that, and he had not lied to Mateo. The first chance he got, they would be gone.

He pulled the gray wolf tighter against himself.

"You're warm," Mateo murmured, shifting as he got comfy on top of Corvis.

"You're not gonna fall asleep are you?" Corvis asked, chuckling, seeing Mateo's relaxed form.

The gray wolf grumbled something unintelligible, followed by, "...cansado."

Corvis hummed. "Tired already?" he began. "But I haven't even given you your New Years present."

Tail sweeping back and forth languidly, the gray wolf tilted his head. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." The auburn wolf answered. "Well, it's more like two presents."

"But you're my present," Mateo countered.

Stroking the top of Mateo's head, flattening his ears, Corvis scoffed. "Do you want the first one now?"

Mateo hummed in consideration. "No," he said, squeezing Corvis a bit tighter, resting his head back down.

Corvis clicked his tongue and grinned. "Really? Babe?"

Only grumbling in response, it was clear that the gray wolf had no intentions beyond hugging and snuggling.

This sort of anti-actionable behavior was nothing out of the ordinary for Mateo, especially when the two fo them got cozy together. Corvis had noticed, over time, that the gray wolf liked to be nudged into doing something naughty, rather than diving right into it.

Silly wolf, Corvis thought. His hands slid away from Mateo's back, grazing his ribs and further downward. "I hope you know that you're very lucky to be so cute, because when you feign a lack of interest, it's all I can do not to pounce on you."

Settling on a trim waist, those exploring hands took hold and squeezed. Mateo tensed reactively, his smile growing.

"Yeah?" the gray wolf asked.

"Mhmm," the auburn wolf hummed in a low resonance, his palms slipping between himself and the gray wolf, clawtips passing under the brim of those jeans. Pushing past the elastic resistance, into those boxers, Corvis' hands cupped Mateo's sheath.

Mateo drew a sharp breath, his respiration hitching. The gray wolf grabbed the other by the arms, holding on. The fur down there was more copious and fine, accentuating the bulge that already filled out so nicely.

"R- right now?" Mateo asked.

Corvis growled, nipping carefully at Mateo's chin. Clutching his boyfriend's sheath, the auburn wolf began to stroke and rub just how he knew would feel best. He'd been on the receiving end before, after all.

"Take 'em off," Corvis husked.

Mateo scrambled to get up onto his knees, clawtips undoing his jean button and fly before pushing the denim and boxers off his legs. Corvis joined him, getting up and losing his sweatpants just the same. Taking hold of Mateo's waist once more, Corvis brought his own hips before his fellow in species, both of their burgeoning sheaths at odds.

Immediately, the auburn wolf tended to his boyfriend's genitals, causing the gray wolf to grasp the other by the shoulders. Corvis' encircling jerks and strokes were hard and deliberate, an attempt to coax his mate's shaft out as soon as possible. But he realized the gray wolf might need some more encouragement.

Taking one hand away, Corvis traced up Mateo's chest before lifting gray wolf's head up. Leaning in, the auburn wolf opened his jaws wide and took his boyfriend's fluffy neck between them. Corvis' canine teeth just barely pressed down, but it was enough to make Mateo's body stiffen completely. The pink of the gray wolf's cock peeked out from the bastion of fur that surrounded it.

"Please..." Mateo barely managed, his hands grasping the head biting his throat.

Corvis knew it was a genuine plea, just not one for him to stop.

Tracing the soft fuzz of Mateo's balls, Corvis drew the gray wolf's cock out from hiding, giving him a rushed yet tentative handjob. With Mateo's throat in his jaws, he could feel as well as hear each whine, gasp, and subtle growl vividly. The poor wolf was helpless but to endure the pleasure, to be trapped and held in place, sharp canines placed against a vulnerable part of his body, one he would only trust with Corvis.

Mateo's length was full, Corvis could feel the relatively hard knot slip out. Squeezing it possessively one last time, he let go and pushed Mateo on his back. The gray wolf hit the soft sheets, and the auburn wolf was swiftly on him.

Pinning Mateo by the shoulders, Corvis dug his nose into chest fur, taking a deep breath of his boyfriend's delicious scent, one that spurred him so much more. He began to lick, grooming with his tongue, much to Mateo's open-mawed exasperation. Eyes closed, Corvis trailed downward with his attentions, continuing to taste the fur of his beloved prince. The trail he left ended at Mateo's groin, the wet fur transitioning to the skin of a very engorged cock. Mateo's thighs tensed.

"Can you guess what your present is?" Corvis asked.

Panting like a dog, Mateo whimpered. "You... you know..."

"Know what? Too embarrassed to say it?" Corvis continued to probe, predatory eyes locked on the gray wolf's face, delighting in it.

Mateo could barely even meet Corvis' eyes, somehow overwhelmed in a moment they had shared many times before.

"Such a sweet thing," the auburn wolf mused before planting a long and thorough lick along the entire underside of the gray wolf's cock. The shaft being naturally moist, he was surprised to find the tip already leaking with pre. Indulgently, kissed against the pointed tip, the salty precum coating his tongue. Then he let his whiskered lips part, admitting the first few centimeters of hard, tantalizing cock. Continuing to sink down, Corvis cradled his lover's sex with his long, canine tongue, protecting it from any incidental teeth as well as pushing it against the ribbed roof of his maw.

Mateo's thighs closed around Corvis' head reactively. His ears standing up as a result, the auburn wolf enjoyed the pressure, the implication of overwhelmed senses.

Corvis almost fully hilted Mateo's cock in his accommodating maw, save for that elusive knot. He wanted desperately to take it in, but his jaws already felt taut. Hollowing out his cheeks, he pulled back up, lips forming an imperfect seal.

It was audible in the otherwise quiet room, the wet shluck of wolf saliva soaking cock.

Clawtips dug into the back of Corvis's head, flattening his pointed ear. Even with his hands on Mateo's hips, Corvis could feel the slightest buck or squirm up into his maw, the little wolf under his ministrations physically begging for more. Corvis was always one to oblige.

Tilting his head, he bobbed with deliberation, leaving no contour of Mateo's cock unloved by his dextrous tongue. The feeling of that thick rod filling and refilling the space of his maw was intoxicating, and so he growled in approval with each small spurt of precum that graced the entrance of his throat. With each hilting, Mateo's tapered end almost went down.

The gray wolf, at some point or another, had lost the composure to stifle his moans, and now they came out shamelessly, animalistic whimpers and whines joing the mix as his cock was sucked. Corvis was simply relentless in his pace, not caring if he was sloppy, and only caring about maintaining that sweet, rapid friction, about keeping his boyfriend lost in a haze of deep pleasure. The moment felt everlasting with climax peeking over the near horizon. Corvis knew when he tasted a thicker bout of pre, and when the gray wolf's shaft began to throb against his palate.

He loved this smell, their half-naked bodies together. He loved the softness of Mateo's fur, the cute sounds he couldn't help but make, the desire.

Going faster, he honed in on an invigorating intent. He was going to drain this poor puppy.

The flurry of bobs and suckles worked, Mateo's cock throbbing harder.

"Corvis..." the auburn wolf heard. It was all he needed. Taking him down to the knot once more, he held still, massaging with his tongue and kneading with his jaw.

"Corvis! Haaa..." the gray wolf stuttered, trailing off into breathlessness as the first, thick jet of cum adorning the inside of Corvis' throat.

Maw still kneading, Corvis let the gray wolf ride out his high, slipping momentarily into his own thoughts. This was what his sweetheart deserved, care and affection. One day, no matter what, he would have more time to give it.

When Mateo came down from his squirming, panting state, he went slack on the bed. Corvis, swallowing his prize, slurped as he pulled off of Mateo's cock, leaving it drenched in a sheen of saliva, a beautiful and pride-inducing sight.

I did that, Corvis thought.

The auburn wolf laid there, propping himself up on the gray wolf's lap, he watched of rise and fall of his mate's chest, his spent dick flat against his belly. Rising up, Corvis climbed over his fellow until they were face to face, crotch to crotch.

Corvis took one hand and palmed the gray wolf's cheek. Mateo's eyes were so low, hardly even open. And it was cute as hell.

"Hermoso," Corvis said. 'Beautiful,' they knew.

Mateo chuckled and reached up to plant a canine kiss on Corvis' chin.

As the auburn wolf's mind wandered, getting lost in those eyes and accompanying expression, he realized there was nothing more important in his life at the moment, nothing he wasn't willing to sacrifice for.

He promised to Mateo, one last time, that he would fulfill his New Years resolution.

Fin, SheerContest 2022

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