First Steps

Story by crewofthearcadia on SoFurry

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#4 of The Eboris Chronicles

Childhood friends and rookie adventurers, Una and Fayel decide to shower together in an attempt to get more comfortable around each other.

June 10** th ***, 37 AF*

In the city of Spiresburg, in the upper-class section of the city, in a stone manor at the edge of the city wall, the young half-elf Fayel stared nervously at a doorknob. He was hundreds of miles away from home, in a massive city filled with strange machines, in a building whose occupants have most likely killed people, and yet this small brass object was the most intimidating thing Fayel had ever encountered. Primarily because this handle was the only thing standing between him and what was either going to be the most exciting or most awkward night of his life. Clad in nothing but a white towel, his long, pale-blonde hair spilled down the back of his slim, lean body. On the other side of that door was a, presumably, similarly un-clad young, half-orc woman, Una, his best friend, adventuring companion, and the love of his life.

A few days ago they had, somehow, worked up the bravery to broach the subject of becoming more physically intimate. They both agreed that it was something they wanted, but they weren't sure how to start. It wasn't that they didn't know what to do, their parents had taught them about sex, it was just the thought doing those things with each other got them both very flustered. They spent the first few nights just sitting awkwardly on their bed, blushing and not looking at each other for several minutes, before they decided to give up and get ready for bed.

It was Una who took the initiative in finding help for their predicament. Since arriving in the city, she made quick friends with one of the manor's owners, an amazonian half-elf named Zel. The older woman made no attempt to hide that she was in a relationship with the other owner, a scholarly, lizardfolk called Rol'zeth. She was making some assumptions about the promiscuity of city folk, granted, but she believed Zel would be able to give her some advice.


Una found the more experienced woman in the sitting room, reading as music played from the nearby radio. "H-Hello, Miss Zel," the half-orc greeted, making note of the scantily clad woman on the book's cover, that was technically a good sign. It meant her assumption wasn't completely unfounded.

"Hey, Una," Zel happily greeted back.

"Um, can, can I ask you something personal," the nervous young lady asked as she avoided looking the other woman.

The half-elf closed her book, "Sure." She patted the open spot next to her of the couch.

Una accepted her invitation, shifting her gaze to the floor as she plopped down. Nervously wringing her hands, the young woman stammered, "I, um, Fayel and I, we decided we would like to try, um, you know, being closer, um, but..."

Zel smiled knowingly, "First time jitters?"

"Yes," Una answered, almost ashamed.

"You're taking a big step in your relationship, so it's perfectly normal to be so hesitant. In fact, I'd argue its a good thing to be a little nervous, keeps you from doing something stupid."

"Can I assume you and the guild master are, um, that you have been close like that?"

"Every night for the past four years," Zel answered proudly.

Una finally looked at her elder, hand to her mouth "Oh my."

"Trust me, being intimate with someone you love is greatest thing you'll ever experience." the half-elf leaned back, "But my advise? Take it slow. Start by getting comfortable being naked around each other. Even if it just ends with a quick kiss and some cuddling, it will be one less thing to worry about in the future. When the time comes to do the deed, there will be no, 'Oh gods, what if he thinks I'm too muscular, am I too hairy down there, what if I have a wart somewhere I've never noticed before.' Gods, I can't tell you how grateful I was for these tits back then, Rol'zeth's eyes were so focused on them he never saw how fucking terrified I was." She chuckled as she thought back to her own first time. She sat up as an idea struck her, "I've got it. Take a shower together."

"A shower?"

"Yeah, the shower is more than big enough for two people, and it's not like you would be doing anything lewd. It's just two people getting clean and saving water. Of course if your eyes just happen to wander, who can blame you, people's eyes are drawn to movement after all."

"Okay. Yes, you're right. I'll ask him to try it. Thank you, Miss Zel."

As Una left the room, a noticeable pep in her step, Zel mused to herself with a sigh, "To be young and inexperienced like that again." Zel looked to the door of her lover's study, licking her lips, "Actually, I could use a shower myself, right about now. Oh, Rol'zeth," she sang as she practically skipped across the room.


So here Fayel stood, facing down the most nerve racking door in the manor. Come on, Fayel. Una is waiting for you, it took so much courage for her to do this. Was he really willing to disappoint her by running away? Of course not, never.

Sucking in a deep breath, the half-elf grabbed the doorknob and pushed open the door before he could talk himself out of it. The bathroom was large, floors and ceiling of black marble with walls of pink marble. The back wall was dominated by the shower in question, a sizable open-top structure of four walls of cloudy glass, a door built into the front-most one. Next to it stood Una, at least a foot taller than him, a large, white towel wrapped loosely around her body. "So, um, are you ready," Fayel nervously asked.

Una just nodded. Several tense seconds of awkward silence passed before Fayel strode across the room, each step echoing in the otherwise silent room, and opened the shower door. He quickly checked to make sure Una's back was still turned and removed his towel, draping it over a metal rack. He scooted over to the faucet, hands instinctively covering in crotch. He gulped, a deep blush on his face, as he heard Una's towel hit the ground and her approaching foot steps.

"So, do you remember how this crazy thing works," Una said with a weak, forced laugh. An attempt at alleviating the tension by referring to their first night, where, having never seen such a thing in their sleepy, little, forest town, and still recovering from their initial culture shock on arrival, they had to ask the manor's caretaker how to work the device. Even then, they both managed to blast themselves with cold water at least once.

"Yes, I think I know what to do, it's this one for cold, right," Fayel gripped a blue handle and slowly turned it until water began to pour from a spout on the wall.

"And then the red one for hot water," Una said as she slowly turned a red handle.

Both of them took turns slipping their hands under the flowing water until they agreed the temperature was just right. Finally, Fayel turned the center handle, causing the bottom spout to cease as water poured over them from the large shower head. Even with a foot and a half between them and plenty of room to move around, the pair still moved carefully to avoid bumping into each other as they began to wash themselves.

The room was filled with the sound of raining water, a steam building up on the glass wall, further shielding the pair from any hypothetical peepers.

"This is actually nice," Una finally said, as she ran a soapy cloth over her arm, her back still turned to the half-elf.

"Yes, it feels different with someone else in here with me. A good different, less lonesome, I think," Fayel responded as he scrubbed his chest, also facing away from his friend.

"So, um, um, oh, so Zel told me Guild Master Rol'zeth has been excited as of late. Apparently he is in talks with other guild leaders about mounting an expedition and they seem to be going well."

"An expedition? Where to?"

"The 'old capitol' she said."

"Old capitol?"

"Yes. She didn't know much herself but said it is a city to the south that was abandoned centuries ago. It is apparently a popular spot for adventurers as of late."

Little by little the pair began to relax until it felt like just another day for them. Granted the fact that they were both nude never left their minds, but it began to bother them less and less as they talked and joked like normal, though neither of them could summon the nerve to face the other. That is until Una suddenly asked, "Fayel, could you please help me wash my back?"

The bar of soap Fayel had been holding flew out of his hand as his gripped involuntarily tightened, while his face may as well been on fire with how hot it felt.

Hearing the very audible 'thunk' as the soap bounced off the wall Una asked, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes! I'm fine, just lost my grip on the soap. What did you ask for?"

"Could you please help me wash my back? You don't have to if you're uncomfortable."

"No no, I can help." Fayel slowly turned around to the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Una's backside was on full display, water flowing over her pale-green skin, dripping from her short, black hair. Her back and arms were muscular, made strong from years apprenticing as a black smith. Her figure was best described as pear-shaped, a modest chest made up for by her wide hips, thick thighs, and a bountiful rear.

Fayel hesitantly approached, lathering up the rag in his hands. It was then he realized his body was reacting to Una's. Soon he stood behind her, his erect member only inches away from her. The young half-elf reasoned the only way to avoid an accidental nudge would be to try and lean over to wash his friend. Unfortunately in his attempt, he lost his balance, and in trying to regain his footing, slipped on the slick shower floor. Fortunately, or even more unfortunately depending on your point of view, and in Fayel's case this was the worst possible outcome imaginable, something large and soft stopped his fall. It took both youths several seconds to register what was happening; Fayel was kneeling with his face pressed firmly against Una's butt cheek.

As Fayel's mind finally realized what was going on, the terrified half-elf began to visibly shake, only to realize that that would not help the situation at all and threw himself back, landing on his own behind. "Una, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I-I slipped and-"

Una quickly turned around and cut him off, "Fayel! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Both of them now had an unobstructed view of the other, Una's breasts and dark-green nipples as well as the patch of hair at her crotch, and Fayel's still hardened manhood and testicles below a similar patch of blonde hair. Fayel quickly scrambled to a less revealing position and stammered, "Una, I'm sorry! You're so beautiful and my body just did this! I swear I wasn't going to do anything! I-I would never do anything without asking you first!"

The half-orc got onto her hands and kneels and crawled over to the frightened, young man, resting her forehead against his. "It's okay. I know it was just an accident. But what about you? Did you hurt anything when you fell?"

The half-elf started to calm down, but was still embarrassed, "N-No. You, um, you managed to, um, catch me." The pair chuckled before Una helped Fayel up. He knelt down to grab his washcloth, "Um, I can still help you wash your back if you want."

"Would you like to touch me?"


"Would you like to actually touch me, my butt that is?"

Fayel turned to meet Una's eyes. She left her chest uncovered, instead using both hands to cover her womanhood. Though, his eyes were more focused on her beautiful, blue eyes and her soft, plump lips, a pair of cute tusks just barley poking out from behind them. "Um, I, I mean, I-I would like to, if you'd let me."

"You can," Una said as she walked up the Fayel. "Um, may I touch you too?"


Una pulled the half-elf into a hug, "Go ahead."

Fayel nervously brought his hands to the half-orc's ass, gently squeezing. "It's so soft," he marveled.

"Soft enough to break a fall it seems," Una joked. With just as much apprehension, the half-orc slowly brought a hand over to poke Fayel's penis, running a finger along the length. Fayel shuddered, hugging Una tighter, coaxing a soft moan from her. She wrapped her fingers around his dick and started to slowly stroke, "This feels good, right?"

"Yes," Fayel squeeked out as he rested his head against the half-orc, feeling how fast her heart was beating. He resumed groping and rubbing the half-orc's big butt. Una moaned louder as her rear was fondled, holding his head to her chest and running her fingers through his hair. The feel of Una's skin against his, doing something to him he had never even done himself, hearing her moans as he touched her soft ass all proved to be too much for the young half-elf. Fayel lasted mere seconds before he buried his face in the half-orc's chest, gasping as his whole body shook from his climax.

"Oh," a surprised Una exclaimed as her friend's twitching dick shot a hot stream of cum, most of it landing on her thigh. She had little time to admire it though, the water quickly washed it away.

"Una, that felt so good. I feel so good right now," Fayel said in his afterglow.

"'Being intimate with someone you love is the greatest thing you'll ever experience'," Una recited.

Fayel looked up at Una, "Would you like feel good too?"

She smiled down at him, "Please."

Fayel placed his hand between Una's legs, poking around until he heard Una gasp. "Here?"


The half-elf slowly rubbed his finger up and down the half-orc's slit. As it bumped a small nub, he felt Una jerk as she let out a pleased yelp.

"There. That felt really good. Keeping touching me there. Please."

Fayel continued to play with her clit. His view shifted to her chest, focusing on her nipples. It was so tempting, so easy to just lean closer and take it in his mouth. Una bit her lip as the young man gently sucked on the little, green nub. As with him, these were all new sensations, and it didn't take long for the half-orc to reach her own orgasm. She shook, squeezing Fayel even tighter and whimpering, praying her legs didn't give out, as Fayel felt her juices squirt onto his hand.

"I'd say we're comfortable being naked around each other," Fayel said as he nuzzled the recovering Una.

Una giggled, both at Fayel's joke and the realization of what they had just done. Her mind was blank. "I love you, Fayel," was all she could think to say.

"I love you, too," Fayel giggled back.


The two ended their shower, dried themselves, and got dressed. Exiting the ornate bathroom, Una let out a squeal, "Oh, I still can't believe we did that."

"Yes, it does seem so surreal, even if it was only minutes ago."

The half-orc kissed him on the cheek, "I would like to keep doing this. The showers, that is. Though, I'm not opposed to the thought of you touching me again."

"Yes, I would also like to do this again."

"Wonderful." The pair began to head for their bedroom when Una asked, "Um, Fayel, would you mind at all if I went to bed topless tonight?"

The Ritual

_From the journal of Guildmaster Rol'zeth of the Explorer's Guild_ _Dated - October 28 __th__ , 37 AF_ _In 9 AF, five months before the end of the Mithral War between the Elven Empire and the Dwarven Confederacy, the battle of Tezral Woods took...

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