Dual Swords - Commission

Let's go back some time right now. How about we go back to Medieval England? In 1154? All was well in a small village in the south of England. Peace and quiet was to be had for miles and miles. There were only about 20 people living in the village,...

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First Times

Soren was back in school gym, alone again. It was weird. He and Milo had been workout buddies now that baseball season was over. It was nice to have a partner to build off. Soren could outrun Milo any day of the week, but Milo's upper body strength...

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Online Class Trouble

Zaya Romanov joined the meeting A pop up appeared at the corner of your screen. Unintentionally, your eyes would open wide at her name. This is your first time witnessing your favorite teacher being late. It is very unheard-of for Ms. Romanov to...

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Reg & Fern part 2

Not even his mutual masturbation session just a moment ago had made him feel as embarrassed as these filthy deviant sexual fantasies the little, good-natured fox was now taunting him with.

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Code of Ethics in Regard to Interns

The office was a mess but as he sat and waited a vague clarity shone out of the cascading boxes of papers and scattered pens. This was an inventor's office: schematics drawn hastily on napkins, equations highlighted by coffee mug stains, and science...

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No Chance, Ch 15

No Chance Chapter 15 copyright 2015 comidacomida Courtney had objected to the extra care for the scratch on her forehead. When Abe started citing all different reasons why even 'such a small abrasion' needed looking after, she did ultimately give...

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Pet and Babysitter - Part 6

# Six: Pregnant Jessica was sitting in the hall outside the boss's room, waiting patiently for him to be free to speak to her as she'd been sent straight there as soon as the doctor had rung the secretary to let her know. The secretary, a very...

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Sylvester's Family Tales 17

Sylvester sat at his laptop in his dorm room. It was late and Top Cat was going to be out until the next morning. He mentioned some girl and then thrusted his hips before leaving. Sylvester popped on Skype and saw that Tom was online. "Hey, Bro." He...

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The Wasteland: Normal Day

I awoke groggily the next morning. I hadn't slept very well, memories of the past constantly haunting me. I sat up in the bed and put my head between my hands. What happened last night? I blushed as realization hit me. Adrian and I fucked. Shit....

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Brotherly Love: Chapter 3

The locker room was mostly empty as Grant picked his way through the hall and past the weight room. There weren't a lot of people that had lingered after the game, not when most of the players had been depressed by the defeat and all to ready to go...

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First Steps

**_June 10_**** _th_ ****_, 37 AF_** In the city of Spiresburg, in the upper-class section of the city, in a stone manor at the edge of the city wall, the young half-elf Fayel stared nervously at a doorknob. He was hundreds of miles away from home,...

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Touchpad Technique

Contains: in medias res, null groins, synth stuff, tail-entwining, fingering null groin, mutual masturbation, synchronized orgasm and first time implication. this was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my patreon!

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