Chapter 1: Friendship Blossom

Story by Judas Rusczyk on SoFurry

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#1 of The Perpetual Oasis

The intoxicating aroma of the forest filled Anfang's nose. It was going to be yet another perfect day in paradise.

"This place..." He thought to himself, breathing in deeply. "I just can't believe it...I can't believe nobody's ever found it. I guess I'm just lucky."

As he neared the tree line his excitement got the best of him, and he quickened his pace. He was almost running now, towards the sound of rushing water. As soon as he reached the clearing, he stopped. A massive waterfall now stood before him. The lupine gazed up to where the falls began their descent, and was blinded by the bright sun. His left arm rose from his side to shield his eyes.

"This is ridiculous. I need to quit waking up so late." He laughed.

He watched the water cascade over the edge, falling for quite a ways before being dashed on the rocks below. His eyes drifted about, taking in all the scenery that now completely surrounded him. Large trees, mostly conifers, but many different types and sizes were all around. some seemed to stretch all the way to the heavens. Several kinds of exotic flowers bloomed in the green fields surrounding the falls.

Anfang made his way to the riverbank and perched himself on a large boulder near the water's edge. He kneeled down and quickly tested the water with a paw before diving in headfirst. Before surfacing, he made his way towards the bottom. He stayed down for as long as possible, trying to hold his breath until he nearly blacked out. After a while, his chest began to heave uncontrollably, and he figured it had been long enough. Using his powerful hind legs, he pushed off of the bedrock and shot to the surface. His muzzle stretched wide and gasped for air as he paddled over to another large boulder in the middle of the river. Anfang pulled himself out of the water and shook off before flopping down onto his little island.

That's what he planned on doing. Just staying on there until he couldn't take the heat anymore, but he started hearing noises. They didn't bother him at first so he just ignored them...but it got even louder. It sounded like something or someone was growling at him. Then he figured it out. His stomach.

"I don't believe it. How the hell did I forget to grab something to eat this morning? I never do that. Well, almost never." He sat up and looked around as he tried to devise a plan. "Maybe some fish from that spot downstream? Nah...I just had that last night. Maybe I could go hunt something down...yeah, that should be..."

As he thought about all the different things to eat, the sound of a twig snapping in the woods behind him reached his sensitive ears. He sprang to his feet and scanned the shores for anything that could have made the noise.

"I thought this spot was totally secluded. I thought I was the was only one around for miles. Have I been wrong all this time?" He wondered. "What if somebody's hunting me!"

The thought of someone getting ready to run out and attack struck fear into the wolf. He became anxious.

"Hello?! Is someone out there?!" He yelled.

He scanned the rows of trees, trying his hardest to spot the intruder. But it wasn't long before his hunger overpowed his thoughts and he just gave up. He assured himself that it was only his imagination and he started to calm down. The lupine was just too hungry to stay interested in anything right now. He leapt back into the water and swam to shore, eager to begin the hunt. He walked a few steps to where the grass started and layed out to dry his fur for a short while.

"Aren't you cold?" a feminine voice questioned.

Anfang shot up from where he sat, spinning around to see who the voice belonged to. His fur still matted to his body. There before him stood a rather attractive raccoon, now cowering in fear from the aggressive way that the wolf sprang to his feet. She was taller than he imagined a raccoon would be, having never actually seen one. He never imagined just how attractive they looked, either. She was a vision of beauty, covered in tan and white fur from head to toe. A large, ringed tail swayed back and forth behind her.

"You startled me." Anfang said, trying desperately to fix his hair.

"I startled you?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" said the raccoon.

"I apologize, it's just that I don't really get many visitors around here.

Actually....I've never had one."

"Well I'm fine now, thanks."

"You know, it's not a good idea to sneak up on people like that." Anfang snorted.

"I wasn't sneaking, maybe you still have water in your ears."

"Very funny. So...why exactly is it you're here? What is it you want from me?"

"Well, I must admit I spotted you a while back, when you were walking through the woods. I just wasn't sure whether or not it would be safe to approach you."

"Wait a minute, you were spying on me?!" he asked, feeling a bit uneasy.

"No, it wasn't like that, it's just that...well, I'm very hungry and I don't yet know how to gather food to sustain myself."

"Oh, so you're looking for a handout then?"

"You know, it sure shows that you don't get visitors around here. You don't exactly have good people skills."

"I guess not." he said, a smirk growing on his muzzle.

"Can't you just catch a few fish or something? Please? I'm dying of hunger."

"Fine, fine.....but don't go expecting a big feast or nothing."

"I won't. I appreciate this greatly."

He motioned for the raccoon to follow him, as he headed towards the pond that was always teaming with salmon. His favorite spot to fish.

"This is just great." he thought. "I was about to go on an exciting hunt, and now I have to go catch stupid fish again. So, what's you're name?" Anfang half-barked, making a lousy attempt at conversation.

"Kieshou" she replied.

"So where exactly did you come from anyway? Why are you all alone if you can't even manage to find yourself food?"

"Actually, I've only been by myself for a couple days now. My brother, Miroshi and I were living with my father, but he passed away just a short while ago. Our old home brought back too many memories of our father, so we set off in search of a new place to live. I was growing more sad with each passing day, but Miroshi kept assuring me that we would soon find a better home if we just pressed on. One night, as we were both asleep, a giant black bear came into our camp and attacked us! Miroshi bravely stood up to the bear, even though it was nearly twice his size. He told me that I had to run away, to leave him there and just go. It took much arguing before I reluctantly turned from him and ran into the darkness. Tears flowing from my eyes as I ran, hearing my brother screaming in pain."

"I had no idea it was like that....I'm so sorry...I.."

"You don't have to apologize, it was that dammed bear's fault....If only I had a weapon of some sort, I could have saved him....I should have at least tried to..."

"Listen, if this bear was as big as you say, there was nothing anyone could have done. You can't blame yourself. Just be glad that you had such a kind and selfless brother as Miroshi."

"Thank you. Deep down I know this...I know how great he was...but now I'm all alone, what's going to become of me?"

"Don't sweat it, you'll be fine. When something bad happens, just remember that most of the time it does for a reason, right? I'm sure you'll find a new place to live, and many new friends to help you when you get there."

"You're right....I have already made one friend."

Anfang blushed under his fur hearing this. He didn't know why, but he felt like he wanted to do everything he could to help her. Still wondering just what it was he was feeling, he stopped in his tracks. He noticed that they had already come upon the large pool branching off of the stream.

"Well, here we are. This place is the best fishing spot around. We should have breakfast in no time."

With that, he waded into the water and made his way out towards the center. Kieshou leaned up against a nearby tree and smiled, knowing she was finally going to eat a decent meal for once. The only food she had found in the past couple days was a few small berries and some mushrooms that she wasn't even sure were edible. She ate them anyways, knowing that she might die from hunger if she didn't.

Anfang was hard at work searching through the water. He tried to be as motionless as possible so he wouldn't scare the salmon away. Like always, he started seeing shadows swirling around just below the surface.

"Got one!" he said, holding the fish above his head.

He tossed it onto the bank, and started to turn back to try and catch another, but his eyes fell upon the raccoon. He just stood there, stupefied, marveling at her beauty. She was perfect in every way imaginable. He soon found his sheathe swelling at the mere sight of her. A bit embarrassed, he turned away and went back to the fish.

A little while later, there was a nice pile of salmon on the shore, and Ryoki climbed out of the water. He noticed that Kieshou was staring up at the sky, a vacant look in her large green eyes.

"She must be thinking of her family." he thought to himself.

He called out her name as he carried the food to where she was resting. Kieshou's mouth began watering as she looked at the large amount of salmon that he had procured.

"Nice job." she commented.

"No problem." he replied, "This spot's always loaded like that."

Before he could even finish what he was saying, or set them down, she snatched a fish from his arms. Anfang just shrugged and dropped the whole bunch, picking out the fattest one for himself. They both ate ferociously throwing the bones aside, before quickly grabbing another. In the end, Anfang was surprised to see that Kieshou had actually eaten more than him. He was known in his old pack to be the one who always took more than his share. He stretched out his arms above his head and fell back against one of the trees surrounding the pond. Kieshou just laid back on the ground, finally having a stomach full of good food. They both seemed to have nothing to say as they just sat in silence for a while. It was quite some time before Kieshou broke the awkwardness with a question.

"Hey, you know what?"

"What is it?"

"I don't even know your name yet."

"Oh really, I thought for sure I'd already..."


"Okay then, the name's Anfang."

"That's a funny name." she said jokingly.

"'s a name given to me by my father, so I like it."

"Your father you say? So then you did have a family once."

"Of course I did silly, what, did you think I appeared out of nowhere, just to help you?"

" Don't be ridiculous, I was just, are you going to tell me about them?"

"I'd rather not, I try not to think about them anymore."


"Because I can never see them again."


"You know, you're kind of nosy. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Hey, I shared my life story with you!"

"Alright, alright. You don't have to get all angry." he said, trying to remember his childhood. "It was a while ago when I still ran with my pack. It's been a few years since then. See, the thing is, when a young pup comes of age, you're made to go off on your own into the world."

"That's harsh."

"Tell me about it. Anyways, I wandered off into the woods, knowing that if I was ever found again, it would mean my death. To top it all off, it would be my own father who would have killed me. I heard that the reason this is done is so we don't end up mating with our own kind, but I don't know for sure. I traveled for miles and miles, afraid that if I stopped, I might still be too close to home. Through deep wood and over mountains I hiked, making camp at a few spots along the way. I didn't find a couldn't find a place where I actually wanted to live for nearly five months. That's when I came to this place. I saw the waterfall, and the dense forest, the river full of salmon, and also a cave not too far from the falls which I now reside in. Also, I noticed that aside from the fish and a few small rodents, no one every comes around here. This place is like paradise to me."

"Wow, I guess everyone has a pretty hard life."

"That's how it would seem." Anfang sighed.

"This sure would be a nice place to live..." Kieshou said.

"Are you asking to stay here with me?"

"Not at all, that is unless you don't mind..."

"Well, it has been nice talking to someone for a change. Also, I don't think I could live with myself if I just sent you out on your own. I mean, you did nearly starve to death in just two days."

"So you're saying you'll let me stay?!"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Oh, thank you, you're so very kind."

What she didn't know was that Anfang was actually going to ask her to stay first, but she beat him to it. She was absolutely stunning, and he'd never been with a woman before. He hoped that maybe she could find a wolf attractive, knowing not many creatures stray from their own kind. He soon found himself staring at her again. Her long slender legs, her chest rising and falling with each breath. He carefully looked over every inch of her body, studying it, creating a detailed map in his head. He was so deep in thought, he hadn't even noticed that his sheathe once again swelled, and the pink tip of his manhood was now poking out of the top. He just kept on staring. After a while, Kieshou sat up and began to turn to face Anfang.

"So, where exactly is this cave of...."

She stopped short of completing her thought when she caught sight of it. There was a long pause, but then Anfang noticed what it was that surprised her. He pulled his legs up to his chest and tried desperately to come up with some sort of explanation.

" is, well it's not...."

"It looks like it is to me." she giggled.

"No, I was thinking about this girl and....I forgot you were..."

"I think I know who it was."

Kieshou was inching closer to Anfang as she spoke.

"You don't have to be ashamed, I'm well aware of my affect on males."


"You were looking at me weren't you?"

"Well, kind of...I didn't know.."

"Stop explaining yourself, there's no need for that. Just relax."

With that, she began rubbing the wolf's chest, drawing her face close to his. She opened her mouth and licked Ryoki's nose, sending his heart racing.

"Kiss me." she cooed softly in his ear.

Having no objections to that statement, Anfang just looked her in the eyes. He went in for his first kiss. It was a rather plain kiss at first, but Kieshou, sensing his inexperience, soon took control of things. She put her tongue deep into Anfang's mouth, which surprised and exited him. Her hand was slowly sliding further down his body, now only inches from his sheathe. Anfang, realizing he was just sitting like a bump on a log, lifted his own paw and began rubbing the raccoon's chest. Her breasts were soft, but firm at the same time. Kieshou's nipples started to become erect as he massaged them. Her hand finally came to rest upon his now throbbing member. She wrapped her paw around the sheathe and began stroking it. Anfang whimpered when he felt her do this. He had never felt such pleasure before. Kieshou felt her paw being soaked with a warm liquid. She broke the long kiss, and looked down at Anfang's cock. It was now rock hard and a large amount of pre-cum was spilling out onto her paw. She began moving in closer, wanting to taste the juices that were flowing from the tip like a fountain. Anfang just laid back, his paws exploring all of Kieshou's body. Her face was now inches from his cock, and she lapped at it longingly, trying to gather up every last bit of his juice. One of her paws was now wrapped around the large knot growing at the base of his cock. She used the other to rub his balls as Anfang moaned. He couldn't even manage to massage Kieshou's body anymore. He was like putty in the raccoon's paw. Kieshou noticed that his member was throbbing very intensely, and she knew that if she kept this up much longer, she might just lose him.

"Do you want me?" she asked, being a little sarcastic.

"Of course, but aren't you forgetting something?"


A puzzled look came across her face.

"I haven't done you yet." he answered.

He grabbed Kieshou by the shoulders, and gently laid her out on the grass.

"Now it's your turn."

He kissed her once more before heading down towards Kieshou's sweet spot. As he neared the opening, a fragrant scent enveloped his nose, drawing him towards it.

He began licking around her opening, teasing her with his tongue. She was now very wet, and the taste was driving Anfang nuts. Kieshou just whimpered and moaned, loving every second of it. He began licking deeper and deeper, until his whole tongue was inside of her. He growled as he forced his tongue even deeper into the slit. This sent a shockwave of euphoria through Kieshou, and she started moaning even louder.

"Oohh.....deeper...that's it...ooohh..."

She moaned and cooed until she couldn't take it any longer. She had to have his cock inside her right now. She pulled his head away, with much resistance on Anfang's part, and threw him on his back. She jumped on top of him, sliding his entire cock inside her all at once. Anfang howled at the sensation, and was in such a state of bliss that he couldn't even think straight. He found that it wasn't needed as his animal instinct soon took over, and he began thrusting into her. Kieshou was now writhing and grinding into him as best she could as well. His large knot was slamming up against her, sliding a little further in with each thrust. Kieshou felt the large bulge stretching her wide open, it was something she never felt with all the raccoons she had been with. His hips laid into her hard, forcing every last bit of his member deep inside. Anfang soon felt his mind clouding, every muscle in his body tightening. A powerful orgasm washed over his entire body, sending him into a state of euphoria. Kieshou began feeling herself being filled with the warm cum. She shivered and moaned as she too gave into her own orgasm. The walls of her pussy were squeezing Anfang's cock, sending indescribable sensations throughout his body. Wave after wave of cum rushed into Kieshou. So much that it began pouring out from around where the two had joined. Finally, after nearly a full minute of being filled with his seed, Kieshou rolled off of Anfang, his cock sliding out of her with a loud popping sound. She could do nothing but collapse, resting her head on Anfang's warm chest. She didn't even notice that Anfang had actually passed out from the intensity of it all.

"I think I'm going to like living with you." she cooed, before drifting off to sleep.

It was nearly two hours before Anfang came to. For a second, he didn't know where he was or who this person laying on him was. Then, it all came back to him, and he relaxed once again.

"I think I'll let her rest a while longer." he thought.

Anfang stared up at the sky, watching the clouds floating by overhead. He thought about Kieshou, and how great it was going to be to have her around. He was amazed at just how fast the two of them had gotten into everything. The lupine then had one final thought, just before he dozed off.

"Hmm. I wonder what I'll be having for lunch."

To be continued.....