Hypnotized Love - Part II

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#2 of Hypnotized Love

Hypnotized Love

Part II

By: Mirron Tenshi

"And now, you're mine. You are now my new slave. And I intend to make good use of you, my little pet."

"Yes Master." The feline grinned, his sheath swelling to the fact on what the panther can do now.

"I am well aware that you have no free thought, but don't even think that there is a chance that my spell will ware off or you may somehow be able to break free. Your mind is weak against me and my power is far too great to fade without my consent. Now smile. I'm a great Master, you'll see. I think you'll find that you're going to love serving for me." He said as he rubbed Simon's cheek with his palm softly, the dog's eyes closing as he smiled blissfully as his cheek was rubbed, tilting his head. "That's a good boy. Tell me, dog, how do you feel?"

"I feel very humid, Master." The dog said as he panted, his face glistening with sweat.

"Yes. You seem to be sweating quite profusely. Maybe you should take off your clothes and see if that will you cool off."

"Yes Master." The hypnotized canine then stood up and kicked off his shoes and peeled his socks off. He then unzipped his jacket and then shrugged it off. He then took his shirt by the rims and pulled it upward, the dog's proud abs and nicely sculpted chest revealed. The panther purred as he looked at the rottweiler's physique. The canine then unbuckled his belt and pulled the wide leather strip from his waist and threw it aside. He then unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his zipper. Simon bent low as he pulled his pants down to his ankles and stood back up, him with only his grey boxers left.

"That is good enough. You may sit back down." The mindless dog obeyed and sat down. "My my my. Look at you. You are such a stud and yet you are not even erected." The cat said sadly as he looked at the flat folds of the shorts. "Now, we can't have that now can we?"

"No Master."

"I'm so glad you agree . . ." The black feline traced a finger up the tight six pack, soon rubbing those hard abs with his paw. "You're enjoying my paw's feel. You're starting to get excited, aren't you?"

"Yes Master. Your paw feels so soft." The dog said as a slow movement started to rise in his undies. The feline purred as he looked the bulge developing in his boxers.

"And you're fur is very smooth. I must make a note to ask for the shampoo you use. For now . . . You are becoming very aroused . . . You are a male in heat . . . The blood is racing into your penis . . . You are imagining not female's bouncing breasts; but a male's round rear end . . ." As he chanted his words, Simon's shorts started to tent, still rising as the panther started to smell the rottie's manly musk and sweat. "Yes. That's it. That's a good boy. Your heart is pounding in anticipation as I caress your structure . . ." The dog started to pant heatedly again as he started to murr and moan slightly as his head tilted back and his fur stood on end. His shorts were now starting to threaten to rip. "My. You certainly have a sizable endowment." He purred out as rubbed Simon's belly East and West while his other paw felt one of his strong arms. A transparent bead leaked from the round summit of the rottie's tent.

"Gooood boy." The panther said lovingly and encouragingly as he ruffled his pet's head fur and floppy ears, Simon smiling and murring in turn, rejoicing that he is pleasing his Master. "You're being such a good dog. Now I think it's time to release your length from it's most cruel prison. And take your time. When you're done please have a seat."

"Yes Master." With that, Simon stood up, this time his shorts pointing outward. The mesmerized canine then slipped his thumbs under the shorts' waistband and slowly pulled the underpants down. His red-pink meat was held down as the boxers slid to under his butt with the outer frame was black with the inner most cheeks as brown as his other color, the waistband moving down his shaft. Finally, the rottie's flaring rod bounced up and bobbed up and down and then sat back down.

Shadow took a moment to admire the tamed dog. His belly was a thick caramel color along with his pecs that flowed to his inner thighs, his paws and feet with half his shins and a quarter of his arms; the rest of his front body was in black. "My goodness. You certainly are a real man's man. Luckily, that man just so happens to be yours truly." The panther got up and moved the clothes away. "Now before anything else. I must say, Simon. I'm really fond of you. Would you like me to prove my attraction through a kiss?" The dog's ears perked and his head shot up to look up to his owner. His stubby started to tail wag.

"Yes Master!" He eagerly piped. The cat grinned as he inched his muzzle close to the other one. Simon's mouth opened and gladly met the panther's open mouth. The two tongues wrestled and hugged as the two males made mouth to mouth. The canine closed his eyes as the tongue play made is insides feel warm and fuzzy. His brown paws went up and held the panther's head, feeling his fuzzy cheeks as they shared their taste. The cat's paw in turn rubbed the dog's cheek while the other one held the back of Simon's head. Their mouths didn't part, Shadow wanted to let the dog decide when to stop. Light moans could be heard from both partners as the kiss went on. The dog took his time. His Master's mouth felt so good to him. He explored the mouth, feeling the teeth and then the roof of the feline's mouth. This dog never wanted this to end. However, both were also running out of breath.

The kiss finally broke, Shadow and Simon gasping for breath. This make out was wavering even for the panther. "Wow. You certainly like to kiss. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, I did, Master." He said happily, his paws resting on his knees as he leaned forward and looking up.

"Good. Now how about we move things forward, hm?" The panther purred out as he rubbed a finger under Simon's neck. He murred happily as his stubby tail wagged some more. "I'll take that as a 'Yes, please'." Shadow then knelt down to settle between the dog's legs. The panther's hungry eyes beamed at the canine's large cock, the base of it swelling. Not to mention the size of those golden balls that resided beneath. "How long are you, my hot slave?"

"11 inches when fully erect, Master."

"11 inches is it? I'm so happy to know that my doggie has a thick, large dick to go with his thick, large muscles." The cat said as he felt his slave's rod, the cock hot to the touch while also playing with his caramel balls. "And these golden orbs of yours look so sweet . . ." Shadow then looked up to the panting dog with the swirling eyes. "You're going to be one delicious meal. Please feel free to express your sensations." The panther then lowered his muzzle and started lapping at the balls. Simon giggled as the feline tongue brushed the soft fuzz underneath those fat nuts.

"T-That tickles, Master. Hehehe!" Shadow's paws began to rub Simon's inner thighs, pushing his legs apart as he engulfed one the dog's meatballs. "Ohhh, your mouth feels so warm, Master." The rottie moaned a little as he stretched his thick arms apart onto the top of the couch he was sitting on as the panther wrestled his tongue with his other nut. While the cat feasted on the canine's balls, his paws felt and caressed the dog's highly toned body, feeling every dip and curve there was to feel.

Shadow soon had his fill of the rottweiler's sack and looked to the next course, that throbbing, drooling tower of pure ruttweiler meat. "Tell me, my pet, and be honest. How much of oral sex had you ever had?"

"I have never had oral sex, Master. Not from male or female." The panther cocked a brow at the dog's reply.

"Oh really? A magma hot stud like you never had his dick sucked?" The cat grinned at the dog's shaking his head back and forth. This was true. Simon is 22 years old and he has never had that sort of oral pleasure. "Well then, my slave. Your Master has decided to be your first cock sucker bitch."

"You are very kind to me, Master."

"Such a well behaved little puppy dog, aren't you? So well mannered to your Master. You're much more grateful than my last pet. Now you definitely deserve this treat." He said as he ruffled his head, the dog smiling more, feeling very affectionate to his Master. The cat then engulfed the head of the dog's cock and licked the pre from the piss slit. Simon whimpered as his muscles tensed at the new pleasure waves that started to tingle his body. "Oh, there there, my pet. I know it's almost too good to bear, but you will love this. Your Master gives you his word." The canine nodded as his loving owner comforted him. The panther then resumed to take the dick into his mouth and started to suckle it. The rottie murred as his cock as slowly enveloped by his Master's warm welcoming mouth.

"Oh Master! Your mouth feels so good!" Simon yelped as Shadow went for a deep throat, the canine squirming as he gripped the edges of the couch. The panther lathered and twirled his tongue around the throbbing dick in his mouth, now noticing the large knot on the base of the canine's rod. So he pulled back and and looked to his now panting dog.

"I'm afraid your Master is not familiar with this 'knot' that dogs seem to posses. Tell me, slave, what does the knot do?"

"The knot makes my dick feel very good, Master . . . When a canine shoves the knot into a sex partner, it's called 'tying with them, Master." The cat grinned. Incidentally, Shadow has never had a slave who was a canid in his travels. Without another word, the panther dove his muzzle straight into the dog's knot, engulfing the large knob completely in wet warmth. Simon gasped and yelped out loud as his whole body was overwhelmed with sheer ecstasy. His chest heaved up and down moaning as Shadow sucked on the knot, making Simon approach his peak too rapidly. "M-Master! I-I'm gonna . . ." That's all he needed to hear. The cat let go of the knot and then deepthroated the dog cock again and rubbed the knot with his paws.

Simon threw his head back and moaned out loud. His dick was being pleasured out of his controlled mind. He started thrusting into Shadow's mouth as the cat deeptroated his large member, bobbing back and forth while squeezing the poor mutt's throbbing rod. Until . . .

Simon finally howled as his balls contracted and his dick shot a torrent of cum. The panther's cheeks expanded as the dog's cock shot a huge load into the feline's throat. Simon's body twitched and jerked as the cum continued to surge through the canine's shaft. The dog still moaned as his climax subsided, murring in complete bliss on Cloud 9. Shadow somehow managed to shallow all of the dog's semen with some of it trailing down his mouth. He pulled his mouth back and looked up. "Tell me, my pet, how did that feel?"

"That . . . That felt amazing, Master . . ."

"See? Didn't I promise you would love it?"

"You did give me your word, Master, and you made me feel so wonderful. I love you, Master." The panther smiled as he stood up and sat next to the mesmerized rottie and wrapped his arms around him and ruffled his head, petting him.

"Aw, you're such a sweet little doggie, aren't you? You're so adorable and well deserving. I never expected to have such a good boy after hypnotizing you when you were such a hater." Simon smiled and giggled as his Master kissed and loved him; the hypnotized rottie seemed to crave his Master's affection. The panther then got up he started to take his clothes off. Shadow stripped until he was down to his silver jockstrap; the pouch was well rounded as his loins were packed into the bottom. His black furred body was adorned with elaborate white tattoos. There wasn't many, just to give his form an elegant touch to it. His build was similar to Simon's, only Simon's body was more defined and Shadow was a bit slimmer.

"Look, Simon. I kept my member from erecting just for you. You get to pleasure me now. Wasn't that nice of me?" Simon nodded as he smiled, knowing that he was going to get to get his Master horny by doing whatever. "Say 'Thank you' like a good little slave."

"Thank you, Master." Shadow then took his slave's paw.

"Come. We'll go into the master bedroom." Simon bounded up as his Master led him through the hall. The canine' nuzzle and licked Shadow's neck, making the feline giggle. "Now I know I've made the right choice."

The master bedroom was as decorative as the living room, only it was red instead of purple, although with just as many framed art and veils around the walls. There was a large bed in the shape of a circle which pillows and sheets and comforter was mess up and unmade. Shadow frowned in aggravation. "Damn it! The house-sitters forgot to make the bed. Imbeciles . . ." Then he smiled. Shadow turned to his dog. "Simon. Would you be a dear and make your Master's bed for him?"

"Yes Master." Simon replied as he then went to the bed and started straightening up the sheets. The panther smiled and licked his muzzle as the canine's butt showed to him.

_'I always did love a full moon. But that would be the Harvest Moon, and that is not bad at all.' _He thought to himself as he walked over and sat on very soft chair. "Now that's a good dog. I love an obedient pet. You make your Master so proud." After he said this, Simon's ears perked as his tail started to wag again.

"There. The bed is all made, Master." The nude rottie piped up as he stood at attention before Shadow, the large bed looking very neat.

"Yes. You did an excellent job, Simon. You've earned yourself a treat." A smile started to dawn on the canine's muzzle. "But first, I want to make you even cuter. If that's even possible." The smiled faded from Simon's muzzle as he tilted his head curiously.

Part III coming soon!