Hunting Death- Leaving Town
#19 of Hunting Death
New character, we get to see who was in charge of the bat from earlier. And finally leaving this town
Leaving Town
"So was what you said back there the truth? About that treaty thing?"
"Oh yes, that treaty does exist. It was a result of a lot of bloodshed over the rights of a wizard and the local citizenship. The treaty basically grants autonomy to any of the registered mages so long as nothing they do directly endangers the townsfolk and that any disciplinary action against a wizard must be done by the Council of Mages. Of course a caveat to all this, which is all the more clear that that guard didn't know the details is that we would not be included in that treaty. If he knew about the treaty he would have demanded to see our papers. We would only be included in the protection if we either had a writ of protection from a registered wizard or had documents to prove one of us was one. If we could not, we would be punished not only by the law but by the Council of Mages for the forgery."
"Right, so no trying that one again. Got it," I nod solemnly at the end of that statement, only really understanding a bit of his monologue. Mainly that a group of magic users came together and made themselves immune to human laws or something. "And you know of this treaty because?"
"You would be surprised at the things you can learn as a freelance scribe. What with all those legal documents that various people want either copied or written up."
"So do we have everything we need? Because I really don't think we should be still in this place by the time that elf wakes up again. Especially when considering what that guard had said about throwing us in a dungeon if we try to deal with him again."
"I think we should have enough to last us at least close to the next town but I doubt we'd be able to make it much further than that."
Seeing as the town isn't that big it doesn't take us long to reach the checkpoint before leaving town. To be perfectly honest I'm not entirely sure why there would be such a need here, especially since it is quite clear we aren't wanted. I can't shake the feeling of several some thing's constantly watching us and to be perfectly frank I'll be glad to be done with this town. Towns are such a nuisance. Too many people in too close a proximity. It's a wonder people can stand it for very long. Out of impulse near the gate I turn and look up and see the bat thing I was looking at earlier fly right by me overhead and towards a particular individual making their way towards me. And at first glance of them I can feel my blood burn.
To say I was very graceful about it this time would be a lie. To my credit I don't lose my lunch this time, but instead trip over my own feet and half fall over. I don't know if I'm defective in this manner or what but I can't imagine that the rest of my kind would be so indiscreet about when their blood burns as I am. Next time I see one I'll just have to ask what it's like for them. Can't imagine it'd be very safe to have something that pretty much overwhelms you at a time that you may need to be especially on guard. In any event I get a concerned look from this new individual and from Hashal.
"I'm okay," I groan, shaking my head a bit to try and clear out the remnants of the sensation.
On the plus side I now know that such precautions I was taking earlier aren't necessary. There were already other people around and yet I knew instantly that it was her that caused my blood to burn. This person is definitely female but seems to be some sort of cat-like individual, but I don't recognize the species. She has spots all over her fur and a short cat-like muzzle. And something definitely seems off about the way she's standing. She's standing as if perfectly aware of her surroundings but her face is not really moving much to observe her surroundings. On top of that it even looks like her eyes aren't moving at all. I can feel, however, some sort of passive magic being cast by her, though I can't exactly tell what it is. Her garb seems simple enough with a bow strapped around her back and some travel gear lying nearby.
"Are you okay?" Hashal asks, noticing that I had tripped.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just found one and wasn't expecting it. Really need to get better about that."
"Really?" Hashal turns and looks at the people around him, giving them a much more critical eye.
"Just the people I was looking for," the feline individual speaks up, still not really turning to face them.
"Can we help you?" Hashal asks, speaking for me in this case.
"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ceirla Sheir. I have need to hire some protectors to escort me to the next town."
"I am MigeYeFoxe and this is Hashal Imbevela. Why would you want us? We aren't exactly what most would want for bodyguards. And we aren't exactly guaranteed to go all the way there."
"Oh, that's fine. I've already seen your capabilities at work and would want someone who is more prone to non-violent ways to avoid detection and conflict to just your standard gung-ho merc who will just kill anyone they come across, which creates complications I'd rather not have to deal with. And it's not like it's ever a bad idea to travel in larger groups. Safety in numbers and all that. And I will be paying you. If you want to go somewhere else after the next town, then by all means."
"Give us a moment to discuss this, if you would," Hashal states before crouching down so that he can speak to me a bit more privately. Not sure how much that'll likely help considering her ears are probably sensitive enough to be able to hear what he is saying anyway if she were so inclined, especially if magic becomes involved into the situation. But I'll let him have that illusion of privacy. "So what do you think?"
"Well she is one of mine, so I would definitely want to have more of an opportunity to find out if she's one I want to keep or avoid. On top of that the sooner we get out of town the sooner we don't have to deal with that elf. And no offense, I'd rather have us get paid by just getting to the next town with someone in tow than letting you go into a smelly old building all day again. "So I have to ask," I speak up loud enough so that Ceirla can hear, "you said you already knew of my capabilities. What did you mean by that?"
"Simply this," she raises a hand forward and a few seconds later a familiar looking bat flies down and lands on the hand. Ceirla takes out a bit of fruit and then starts feeding the bat. "If you haven't noticed my eyes don't exactly work like yours do. Haven't since I was extremely young. So a wizard set me up with this little guy. He sees for me. Which means I saw first hand at the magic you can cast."
"Is there something you need to tell me?" Hashal demands of me.
"Not really. I wasn't doing anything illegal. Just was trying to pass time trying to find mine. At any rate, I suppose the bigger question is if you're sticking around or not. Our agreement was you take me to this town, which you did. So that means that your obligation to me has been fulfilled. You aren't one of mine and she is so I have much more reason to travel with this cat lady than you."
Hashal steps back a moment, almost looking as if slightly offended that I'd be trying to ditch him. But in all fairness he isn't one of mine. He has no relevance to my death and I'd be far more comfortable if I wasn't having to fend off the questions of a very nosy individual that is trying to learn every last one of my secrets. And if I really didn't want him around, I'd have shown it like I did with Rophan.
"I'm sticking with you for the time being. Our obligation may have been concluded, but there is still the matter of not having to worry about that other part of me while I'm still in your company. That and I'm pretty sure it'd look extremely suspicious if I leave so soon after saying I'm escorting you around."
"Eh, I guess. One more town then you can go bye bye. I don't really feel like having more people than is really necessary. Might make things more complicated than it ultimately needs to be. Though no more questions. It's hard enough to not end up screwing over my entire race with you pestering me. Couple that with another person."
"Fair enough, I suppose," Hashal shrugs before heading towards the exit.
I take one last look at the first town I've been to outside my home and half wave goodbye to the crowds. That is definitely one thing I strongly dislike about these crowded areas. And yet, as we all depart I can't help but feel the notion of something being off. I can't find any sign of anyone using magic to see us at the moment, but it definitely feels like we're being watched as we leave. And before I turn around in order to catch back up to the others I can't see anyone making any sort of motion that seems out of place. Nor can I see anyone in particular looking in our direction. Not being able to find any source of it, I'm left no choice but to dismiss it for the time being. But I make sure to keep my passive spells up. If someone were watching us I would find it.