heartless in the pridlands 2

Story by sigmund0892 on SoFurry

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An auburn-colored lion with a short black mane and deep green eyes was pacing across the hot savannah, panting from the heat both weather and... internal. A few bugs and smaller critters skittered out of the way of the annoyed-looking predator, but luckily the de facto prince of the lions wasn't in the mood for food. Kovu made a noise between an exhausted sigh and a hungry growl, continuing his seemingly aimless walk by himself.

It was a hot, humid day in the middle of summer in the pridelands, a cloudless sky offering no respite from the sun. The grass wasn't dry enough to risk a wildfire, thankfully - there were still bad memories with the last dry brush fire Kovu had been near. The land itself was completely healthy, from the grasslands to the dark forest at the edge of Simba's kingdom. It was just an uncomfortably hot day in the land of lions, with everyone's vision becoming wavy and blurry.

But that wasn't the only reason Kovu was hot. It was mating season for the lions back at Pride Rock, and Kovu imagined that he could still smell the pheromones that were all but permeating his home. Lions and lionesses alike...hell, he wouldn't be surprised if the obnoxious guests from the jungle or even that annoying bird advisor were feeling horny just being around that place.

Normally, that wouldn't be a problem for Kovu. He was deeply in love with Kiara, in all the ways that he could love someone. She was beautiful and wonderful and sexy and oh so mighty...which was why she was already pregnant with his child, as neither of them could wait for the 'official' season. Kiara was at a point in her pregnancy where she couldn't exert herself in any way, which included...well, what they were now supposed to naturally be doing.

So now Kovu was full of pent-up energy, deeply frustrated, and incredibly restless. There was nothing he could do to assist his wife or their child, and he couldn't stand to be around the rest of the lions while they...enjoyed themselves. So now he was stalking through the savannah, pretending to be hunting even though he wasn't at all hungry. Not for meat, at any rate.

He had gotten a few miles away from Pride Rock and was walking across the large field by himself when a strange new scent came across his nose. The lion sniffed again, he couldn't quite recognize this scent...but it smelled good. Tasty. Sweet. Hot. And it gave him an excuse to go in a direction that wasn't nowhere. With his experience as a hunter, he was able to pinpoint the location of the scent.

It was coming from the dark woods at the end of the Savannah, where the Pridelands intersected with the Jungle. The trees were remarkably thick and tall here, and it was easy to get lost. But it was still early in the day and the sun was high above the sky, illuminating the soil in a patchwork carpet of shadow through the leaves overhead. If nothing else, this place would be good for finding a bit of shade from the heat. Kovu decided that he would stay close to the edge of the woods, but still try to locate the strange scent out of pure curiosity. He'd be back at the rock by sundown.

The dark lion languidly walked through the refreshing shadows of the forest, casually sniffing the air to check for that nice smell again. Was it fruity, spicy, or savory? It didn't smell like food, but it made him feel a little less...restless. But it was a little closer now, and Kovu couldn't help but be more interested in finding out what it was. Since he wasn't in any real hurry, the lion prince sat down by a cool river running through the forest for a quick drink. The water felt extra refreshing today.

He was a little surprised there wasn't anyone else who had the same idea to avoid the sweltering heat of the day in this place. Things had been pretty quiet in the Pridelands, since the last Heartless attack had been driven away. Kovu hadn't been around to see what it was about, but it sounded pretty bizarre to the lion. Creatures made of living darkness, with no hearts to feel, waging an eternal war against the light in a thousand different universes? Sounded like something out of a little cub's story.

Kovu got up, stretched, and decided to walk along the river for a bit. If nothing came up, he could just turn around and follow the water back out of the woods. The smell did seem to be coming upriver, and something about that drink made him feel freshly energized to explore the woods.

The scent did seem to get stronger as he walked along the river, occasionally taking another sip of the surprisingly tasty water. He wasn't sure what was different about this particular river...maybe some berries had fallen in upriver. Whatever the case, every drop seemed to energize Kovu even more, making him feel like he could run for miles. The lion's body was buzzing with energy.

He also seemed to be feeling even warmer and harder now, but not in an uncomfortable way. The lion kept thinking of Kiara, her soft fur, her pretty face, he gentle but firm paws...and so many other things about her voice, her body...it was getting harder and harder for Kovu to focus on what was in front of him, so much so that he nearly tripped over a smooth pointed stone attached to some weird vine. It felt weird, but it wasn't that interesting, so the dark lion prince kept moving on.

It wasn't for another few feet before Kovu saw someone else in the forest. Kovu could tell that the big cat was a young male lion, but that was all he could tell about this stranger that he'd never seen before. His fur was almost completely black, with the exception of a jagged brown mane and a teardrop-shaped red patch on his head. The black lion was drinking from the river as well, his tail swishing in delight.

"Um, excuse me?" Kovu asked in a friendly tone.

The black lion glanced up at his visitor, his bright blue eyes dark and glassy. He sat up, a wide smile on his face. "Hello, there."

Kovu blinked before introducing himself. "Er...hello. My name is Kovu, what's yours?"

"I am Slave." The lion replied without hesitating. Kovu winced for a second but then shook his head. Maybe he heard that name wrong, or maybe it meant something different where this lion was from.

"Erm...hello there. Are you a visitor to the Pride Lands?"

"No." Slave shook his head, still smiling with his bright eyes. "My entire life is here. With Shaka."

Kovu smirked. "Is Shaka your mate?"

"Yes." The black lion nodded eagerly. "The most wonderful of mates."

A very relaxed Kovu sat down and smiled, his eyes becoming wistful. "Heh...I have a mate of my own. A wonderful lioness named Kiara..."

The dark lion swayed and tried to steady himself. He wasn't sure why he'd blurted that out...maybe it was just the heat. Whatever the case, Kovu looked back at Slave's deep blue eyes...something about them kept drawing his attention, like a pool on a hot day...like today, come to think of it...that was why he was so warm, the sun...and everything else...

"She can't be as wonderful as Shaka," Slave said matter-of-factly as if it was the most obvious truth in the world.

Kovu took serious umbrage at this, glaring intently into those deep blue eyes that never seemed to blink, in a challenge for his mate's honor. "Oh, I beg to differ. She is the most wonderful lioness in the pride lands. This 'Shaka' cannot compare in the slightest."

"Oh, I beg to differ." Another voice came from just above the two lions, up in the treetops.

Kovu almost looked up, but something in Slave's eyes drew him right back to looking at the black lion's blank face. A shout of worry came up in the back of Kovu's mind, but before he could speak or make a more serious effort to turn away from the smiling black lion, a large black shape dropped into his view, right between him and Slave's heads.

It was a snake, a solid-black python with a wide smile that was almost imperceptible on it's onyx face when it was closed. A red mouth only became visible when the snake opened it's mouth to speak, "Nice to meet you, Kovu. I'm Shaka."

But it wasn't the red mouth, the fact that Slave's mate was a snake, or the deep male voice that truly caught Kovu off guard. It was the eyes.

They weren't a typical snake's eyes, a dark narrow slit slicing through a single colored iris. It was unsettling how they never seemed to blink, but it made sense for reptiles. No, these were small dots...that were utterly pulsing with what felt like dozens of bright colors, drawing the dark lion's gaze deeper and deeper into neverending tunnels. If Slave's bright blue eyes invited him to stare, the snakes eyes demanded that he look deeper into them, his eyes swifly becoming overwhelmed by the colors.

"Whu...wait..." the vague instinct of mortal danger tried to assert itself in Kovu's mind, something was terribly wrong with this strange situation...he had to get away, look away, no matter how...pleasant it made him feel, it was all wrong...

But his eyes wouldn't obey his mind's command to shut, not while they could still look at the beautiful rings of light in front of him, steadily draining his will to resist. Kovu focused all of his conscious effort into wrenching his neck away so he could run away from this strange snake...only for a scaly tightness to manifest around his neck, holding his head in place.

"Nuh...no..." Kovu's paws felt like lead now, he couldn't lift his legs either to run or strike at the smirking snake Shaka. All he could do was keep staring at the colors, the tunnels of wonder that got bigger as the black snake moved his head closer to Kovu's face.

Shaka chuckled. "I think that once I'm finished with you, you won't even remember this Kiara. I'm the superior mate, you're going to see." His voice echoed in Kovu's head, a challenge he couldn't resist.

What little resistance the dark lion still had tried to assert itself. "F...fat...chance..."

The black snake chuckled, and Kovu felt the coils wrapped around his neck shift and tighten slightly. Any more words he tried to speak only came out as helpless gasps as his eyes drank up the mindbending spirals...they were only getting more and more beautiful the longer he stared, and Kovu could feel a pleased smile form on his lips as the bliss of the colors began seeping into his mind...

"Hehehe. I haven't even started yet, and you're smiling." The snake's voice, which seemed...nicer now, chuckled. "I bet this lioness of yours didn't have eyes like mine."

"...no..." Kovu had to admit, Kiara's eyes weren't this pretty. But there was a lot about her that was...amazing. The feel of her fur, her warm breath, her...tightness...

The dark lion then registered that there were cool, muscled scales moving around his furry body, the warm cool muscles gently tightening around him...there was warmth and power all around him, pressing into his sensitive fur in every place around him...

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Shaka asked, though it sounded less like a question than it sounded like a definite statement. Kovu had to agree, the feeling of Shaka around him felt...wonderful. "Kiara couldn't do this for you, could she?"

Kovu was moaning too much to try and say anything, so he just shook his head while keeping his eyes on Shaka's intoxicating swirls, that seemed to be getting brighter and bigger and more intense, filing his mind with more and more good things...

Shaka's wonderful voice spoke again. "Now...to give you something that Kiara couldn't possibly give you."

Kovu was extra curious about what this amazing, beautiful, sexy snake could give him that Kiara couldn't. He wanted to see it. He wanted to feel it. Just looking into those magical eyes and feeling those cool scaled muscles all around his body was filling his head with rainbows and his body with warmth...what else could Shaka do?

That was answered very quickly by something pressing in just underneath Kovu's tail. A pointed, writhing rope of muscle pushed into his rump, driving into his body with a surprising amount of force. Kovu gasped as he felt the tip of Shaka's tail penetrate his ass, the muscles in his hindsection burning due to the unknown, alien force pushing into him. He had never laid with another male before, he had never considered something like this...the pain was almost enough to wake the lion up, and his body started thrashing in surprise.

But then the colours drilled into his mind even harder than before, Shaka all but pushing his snout into Kovu's as his tail drilled into Kovu's ass. The colors were brighter, faster, bigger in Kovu's mind, swallowing everything up

"It feels great, doesn't it." Shaka's compelling voice bore into the dark lion's mind, overriding all of his senses and will and desires.

Kovu had to agree. It did feel great. The pain in his lower body seemed to vanish, even as the wriggling muscle pierced deeper into the tender part of his body. Kovu...liked this feeling. He liked what Shaka was doing to him, the colors in his eyes, the coils around his body, the tail driving into him...all Kovu could do now was nod mindlessly in utter pleasure. The lion could feel himself getting hard underneath his legs, aroused blood rushing into his member as his pleasure became truly physical.

And then that pleasure got even stronger when Shaka's tail tip pressed against a very tender spot deep inside of him. A shocked and ecstatic gasp escaped Kovu's mouth, much to the black snake's amusement and delight.

"Kiara could never do this." The mighty voice echoed in Kovu's increasingly empty head, and the lion could only agree. No, Kiara could not do this. She could never make Kovu feel this wonderful.

The tail moved back slightly, making a whine of disappointment squirm out of Kovu's panting mouth. But then Shaka thrust back in harder, slamming into the lion's prostrate and making him roar in delight once again.

Shaka smirked, and a loop of coil wrapped around Kovu's snout, muffling his cries even as the mighty snake hammered into him harder and harder. The eyes spun faster and faster, boring into Kovu's mind with every thrust and every word.

"Kiara cannot make you feel this good. You have never felt this good before in your life. You only feel this good with me. WIth Shaka, the only other creature in the savannah that matters. The only one who can make you feel this good."

Kovu nodded fitfully, his body rocking back and forth under Shaka's tail fucking. If it wasn't for the coils around his body, the once-mighty lion would've been pushed around on the ground. But the snake was much stronger than Kovu could ever be, in more ways than one.

The lion's cock was getting harder and harder, filling with lust and delight. Shaka noticed this and smirked. "Slave, make yourself useful and...hold our new pet in until I'm finished."

"Yes, master." The black lion stepped to the side of Kovu and wrapped a paw around the dark, throbbing dick. Kovu let out another gasping moan as the aptly-named Slave held him from his release.

Shaka turned his attention back into Kovu's mind. "You will release when I allow you. When you have learned all your lessons. Not a second before. Nod if you understand."

Kovu nodded helplessly as the snake renewed his thrusting and lecture.

"You belong to me now, Kovu. Body, mind and soul. You will belong to me forever, living with me and Slave in the Jungle. You will drink deep of my darkness until you are as much of a Heartless as I am. And you will love every drop of it."

Nothing in those instructions caused any reaction from Kovu, not anymore. There were too many colors in his mind for anything but Shaka's orders. The tail pushed in and out as Shaka continued.

"The second you cum, every last memory of that mate of yours is going to disappear. Every memory of your family is going to disappear. Every memory before you met me is going to disappear, and be replaced only with me. Your life will be me and me alone."

Kovu could only nod, whimpering his submission to the mighty Heartless Shaka. His new master, with the spinning eyes and mighty coils and piercing tail and the obedient Slave holding him back.

"You are my pet, nothing more. A brand new addition to my collection. Soon, I will have my own pride of Heartless Lions, all mine. You are just the second part of my collection."

Kovu nodded helplessly, ready to burst from pent up desire as Shaka slammed into his prostrate one more time. "Now. RELEASE." He commanded both lions under his power.

Slave let go of Kovu's cock, and the instant he did, Kovu let out a muffled howl and came. Spurt after spurt of mindless pleasure splattered onto the dirt ground, emptying Kovu's balls of semen. And as he did, memories emptied out of his mind as well...memories of Kiara, memories of his family, memories of his friends. Several spurts in, the only thing that existed for Kovu was the mighty black snake in front of him, smiling broadly in triumph.

Eventually, after the last few white drops had spurted out of Kovu's member, Shaka finally ended his spirals. They weren't needed anymore...Kovu's eyes were spinning entirely on their own, a broad helpless smile permanently fixed on his face. The thick tail finally removed itself from Kovu's rear with a pop, it's work accomplished.

"You are empty." Shaka declared.

"Yes. I am empty." Kovu stated with joy in his voice.

Shaka's tail shifted so a big section was right in front of Kovu's snout. A red slit opened up, revealing a thick red cone of tender flesh. "Open your mouth, Kovu. And drink deep of my darkness."

Kovu obediently opened his jaw wide to accept his master's cock, which pushed itself over it's tongue and pressed into the back of his throat. The former lion prince wrapped his lips around the red cock and instinctively began sucking the delicious intrusion, much to Shaka's pleasure.

"You're a fast learner." Shaka chuckled. "Now...drink every drop."

The cock inside Kovu's mouth swelled up before spurting a thick fluid into his mouth. A few drops of the thick black fluid leaked out of the corners of the lion's mouth, which Slave was quick to lick up so it wouldn't go to waste. Shaka just chuckled at that as he filled Kovu with sexual darkness that went straight to his heart.

As Kovu sucked up every delicious drop of his master's pleasure, his eyes and fur began to darken slightly. A red symbol of a Heartless, the same symbol as Slave's, formed itself on Kovu's dark fur. Shaka's triumphant smile widened as he watched the darkness overtake another lion, spurting more and more of the corruption into his newest acquisition until he was exhausted.

"Ahhh...that will do for today." Shaka slipped his member out of Kovu's mouth, letting the lion hungrily drool with a slack, smiling jaw. "Tomorrow, we'll fill you from the rear, like the little bitch you truly are."

"Yes..." Kovu gasped hungrily.

"Nothing and no-one can compare to me." Shaka laughed as he unwrapped the lion, who wobbled on his feet but stayed up for his master. "I am the only one you will ever need to consider.

"Yes, master." Kovu and Slave spoke as one, two obedient slaves to the mighty Shaka.

"There is nothing else for either of you, just me."

"Yes, Master. You are all there is for us."

Shaka laughed once more. "Excellent. This is going even better than I had expected...Now, both of you come. I will have so much more darkness for you to take."

The two lions mindlessly nodded, and followed the slithering Heartless into the darkest depths of the jungle, where no-one would be able to find them...unless Shaka intended to set another trap. Slowly but surely, the Pride Lands would belong to him and him alone, and he had such plans for the lions...