Hypno Skunked and Bear Bred

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#84 of Claude cuntboy stories

Virgin Claude gets hypnotized by a Skunk and gets mass bred at an Ursine Frat's party as the 'entertainment'

I wake up groggy and vaguely nauseated and I don't recognize the room I am in. I'm laying spread eagled on an old dirty, smelly, and wet couch. My cunt is bloody and aching, and is a sloppy mess of multiple unknown males' sperm, blood, and my own Leonine cunt juices. My ass is leaking copious amounts of sperm too, and I can taste Ursine cum in my mouth as well. I don't know what's happened but I have been gang banged for sure.

My head hurts as I try to put together what happened last night and where I am. I lean over and puke into a trashcan at the side of the bed. I panic as I realize that my vulva is no longer swollen but is very sore, and I don't feel the heat that started yesterday any longer. I curse as I realize I don't remember losing my virginity nor who took it. I want to run away and hide but I know I can't stand up yet. I'm dizzy just sitting upright.

I feel a bad cramping in my lower abdomen, and wonder if it means I am now pregnant. To go from virgin to pregnant in 24 hours is shocking to me and I pray it's not really happening. Only thing I know for sure is that I went out with a big musclegut Striped Skunk last night who invited me to a Frat party. I remember us having dinner at a nice restaurant and going to the Frat party. I remember making out on a couch with Frank, the Skunk, and him showing me a big Blue amulet, but nothing after that.

If Frank fucked me it wouldn't account for the sheer volume of still warm animal sperm left up me. Nor make me this sore. I lay back and close my eyes and wait to feel better. I can hear noises of animals moving around but no one comes in to the room I am in. After an hour, I feel better, and get up and plug my leaking cunt with my wadded up underwear. I make it to a bathroom and puke into the toilet. I know now that I am pregnant.

I am Dr Claude Lyons II, an I am a 27 year old intersex Lion. I have a pussy not a cock. I am 6'4", and 226 pounds with Golden Tan fur, a Red Blond mane and tail tuft. My eyes are Sapphire Blue and I have big foot paws and big fore paws. I am an Internist at a big corporate HMO. And am fairly happy in my work.

I take myself home from the Frat party and when home, I take a long, hot, soapy bath and scrub myself while I consider my options, shitty though they are.

The 'morning after' pill doesn't work on intersex males, and I can't bring myself to consider an abortion at this time. Having it and giving it up for adoption is out as I will become too attached to him while carrying him in my body for 9 months. And as an intersex male, I will conceive only male offspring.

So I guess that I am going to be a birth father soon to whatever bastard male cub is growing inside me.

Try as I might I can't remember the events of last night after we got to the Frat party. I call Frank but can only get his voice mail. I know that Frat is mostly comprised of Ursine males, so there is a big chance I am carrying a Bear of some kind inside of me. Or it could be Frank's bastard Skunk kit. Or God forbid, it could be twins, or triplets of who only knows what species. I wait out 2 weeks of definite pregnancy symptoms and take a Feline pregnancy test. It's very positive, 3+++, so multiple fetuses are a possibility.

I will have to wait until 3 months when they will be developed enough so that an Ultrasound will show what and how many there are.

Frank does call me and admits to taking my cherry in public at the Frat party, but is vague about what happened after that. And the Frat boys won't talk to me either.

Now that Frank has told me, I remember him taking my virginity. After a long make out session on that couch, he stripped and stripped me. Then I remember him painfully fucking his huge Skunk dick forcibly in my cunt to his balls as I yowled in pain. My cunt bled like a stuck Pig. But the pain left quickly and I begged him to breed my ass. He humped me all out as I orgasmed my brains out. I remember a huge Grizzly Bear slipped under us and painfully took my black cherry while Frank humped my pussy hard and fast.

Feeling a big cock fill my ass and pussy made me cum continuously. I came hard, soaking their crotches with squirting cunt juices. I do remember Frank showing me a big Blue amulet looking necklace and then nothing else. Obviously the fucking kept going, as guys lined up for my clenching, clutching pussy. Some took my ass and my muzzle as well. But I remember it all as a distant dream, fuzzy and vague.

I sweat it out until 3 months have passed. My belly is really swollen now, I've got a huge baby bump. I am really scared as I go for the Ultrasound, more afraid of what it'll show. Dr White is being really sympathetic when I tell him my story and suggests that I've been hypnotized and that I go get hypnotized to recall that night. I weep when I see the Ultrasound picture on the screen. I am carrying fraternal triplets. A Polar Bear boy, and a Spectacled Bear boy, and a big Grizzly Bear boy. I know I am keeping them to raise seeing them and hearing their distinct heartbeats. Dr White gives me a copy of the scan and dazed by the validation of my carrying triplets I go home. My own nightmare version of a 3 Bears story, although there were many more than 3 Bears sexually abusing me that night.

My Red Fox English butler tells me he'll bring his brother Alfred over to be our Nanny and help me with my coming cubs.

I make an appointment with a Dr Whitcomb, a Wolverine hypnotherapist and go see him. He looks into my eyes and verifies that I've been hypnotized.

He hypnotizes me again and orders me to remember and I do.

After Frank took my virginity by force, he commanded me to go into a full heat and beg to be Bear bred. I felt my already burgeoning heat flare fully into a desperate need to get bred as I was mounted and used by every breed of Bear repeatedly. A huge, massively hung Polar Bear was the first to mount my pussy after Frank was done and he ravaged me several times before he let go of me. Followed by a big Grizzly who reamed my cunt multiple times. They would keep at me til they couldn't go anymore and then the next Bear would take over. Then the group sex began. One Bear in my pussy, another up my ass and a third in my muzzle. It continued on for hours as I would beg them to leave their cubs inside of me. Frank was the last to fuck me and told me he'd taken money from the Fraternity to provide a breeding bitch and when he discovered I was intersex, chose me. He told me knowing that I wouldn't remember it.

I won't cry, though I am angry and sad. But no matter how it happened, I am going to be the birth father of a triad of baby Bears. Thank God, I am rich and will have help. So I have to focus on just getting by until I birth them.

By month 5, my belly is huge and getting around is increasingly difficult. Dr White has ordered me to stay in bed by month 6. So I take Paternity leave and take to my bed. Of course, I am now 'outed' at work as intersex.

Week 36 sees me awoken from a deep sleep by the onset of labor pains. Edward calls an ambulance but the Spectacled Bear cub is out of me before they arrive. The Grizzly is crowning so they just deliver my sons in my own bed. The Polar Bear is last out and takes the longest time to deliver. Appropriate, as he is the biggest of my newborn Bear cubs.

I name them soon enough. The Spectacled Bear is James Thomas Lyons. The Grizzly is Thomas Micheal Lyons. And the Polar Bear is Hank Thomas Lyons.

Alfred helps me with my sons, and is a big help. Some of the Bears from the party have come by and the Grizzly, and the Polar Bear and Spectacled Bear won't marry me but want to be Dads to their sons, so I decide to let them. Joe, the Grizzly, and Paul, the Polar Bear and Walt the Spectacled Bear manage to visit their sons at least once a week or so. And spend more time with them as they get older. I've had their DNA tested and they are the fathers of my cubs.

All three of them will fuck me while they are visiting their sons, But I've had an IUD put in as to not risk more Bear bastards getting bred into me. I've even taken them all at once.

Although not ever intending to be bred, I love my big Bear sons a lot. Funny how you don't always know you want something until you get it.

I've got 3 good Bear sons and 3 Bear studs keeping me happy.

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My name is Dr Claude Lyons II, and I am a 26 year old ex virgin Intersex Lion. With a Red Blond mane and tail tuft, Golden Tan fur and Sapphire Blue eyes, and forepaws instead of hands. I am 6'4", and 226 pounds. Buff and toned as I work out 3 hours a...

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