Baying At The Moon

Story by blau Soul on SoFurry

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My first piece so don't bitch me to death. I'm comfortable with the grammar, punctuation& how the sentences are formed. So please no Hard core comments telling me how to do it right. You must keep in mind I role play anthros. So, I tend to type in the rpg form more than anything else. Lub me pwease! Cuz I cute. The story involves: Incest, rape, tail sex, domination, pregnancy,& bloodletting. If you are offended by any of these, please turn back now. Thank you! Much love! Byes! *murrs softly staring with a smile& waves merrily at you* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Max and Emma stood in the trail of the falling sun as they looked proudly at their newly set up campsite. ( Though, hours ago the 5'6 slim petite tri-marble furred figure of Emma was running in circles. As she ran about she was screaming as though being stabbed to death. For a bug had fallen into her hair all the while her brother was laughing insanely at the site until he had fallen over the cooler.) Max shifted his blue hues from the tent to the nicely lit fire before stretching with a yawn. His long pink tongue curling as his lips rose baring his fangs as his mind submerged into the plans for the next few days. On doing so Emma had squawked something about the river and a bath leaving Max to himself. Emma stood relaxed and silent beside the smooth flowing river. It was more like a small stream on steroids to be exact. Her nose twitched as she sniffed the air her nostrils being filled with the smell of burning oak from their fire.

She then huffed softly and peeled her hoody and short shorts from her body. She was elegant ballet petite with the cross of Lacrosse player in her shape. She hadn't bothered to notice the spotting on her shorts. The small blotchy crimson drops on the candy apple red bottoms as she tossed them aside to busy staring at the calm soothing water flow down the bank. Her clear claws gently scratched and groomed random spots down her sides as she stretched. Before coming to a halt along the sides of her perky 36 c cupped chest. She trembled slightly glancing about before cupping them gently with a soft murr her fingers gently rolling her stiffening pale pink nipples. All the while the wind had shifted and sent the smells back towards camp. Max was a decent size for a young male wolf. He stood about 6'3 had the average lean but muscular build covered in thick smooth mounds of midnight black fur. His sheath wasn't much to glance at a mere Three inches and about two inches wide. It was the prize inside that the girls adored.

He had stripped down to nothing more than his boxers and was sitting slumped in a foldaway lounge chair gazing up at the clear starry sky. His mindless gaze disappeared as his nose picked up the begotten scent of a female in heat. His head dropped as his blue hues shifted about the area trying to track where the scent was coming from. His muscles tensed as his sheath began to throb and stretch from his hardening Thick red long. Max pulled himself from the chair wandered slowly down a path towards the smell that devoured his mind. Emma had moved from the river bank down into the water. She was leaning against a fallen log in the water. She had her eyes tightly shut as her swollen tits were grinding against the log whimpering with her paw between her legs. Her middle and index fingers were thrusting deeply into her tight little cunny. Her head lolled and her tongue hung out from the corner of her mouth as she fingered herself senseless.

The warm pulses of her pink, wet tight walls forced her to push her fingers deeper stroking with the "come hither" stroke every inch in reach. Especially her g-spot which she had found when she was younger, yet told no one for she thought she was broken since no one else every spoke of the funny little spongy area in their cunt. She wiggled and bucked her hips against her hand. Everytime she felt her walls throb against her fingers she jerked her hips causing her finger tips to ram into that spot. She murred happily at the feel of the warmth from her juices bleeding through her fur to the flesh of her fingers. Still oblivious to the blood staining her fur. Max wandered about aimless for a few minutes before coming to the river's bank. His jaw dropped as his baby sister came into his sight. He watched the figure of his baby sister withering about in the dark waters as the now rising full moon's crystal blue rays danced upon the water. The reflection illuminated the area around her high lightly every flex and curve of her form and each muscle that moved.

He stood there stunned for a moment that is was his baby sister, Emma that he smelled. This was his baby sister! The runt that used to scream," Furry back! Furry back! Up! Come on max!" Until he give into her because she made the cutest little howl whine ever. Now her long slender figure was wiggling about against the log Pleasing her self oblivious to everything about her. The sight of his sister's squirming long legged body sent him over slightly. He watched her thick muscular thighs flex and tense. Also her shoulder blades roll slowly up and down her back as she hunched and arched with each trust of her fingers. Max licked his chops gently watching his baby sister before looking about the area for anyone else watching. He would remove their eyes if he caught anyone staring at her.

The smell he caught once more and glanced about and eyed her shorts. He bent picking them up rubbing his fingers against the crotch imagining her little cunt grinding against these as she walked. Max smiled for a moment then sniffed them gently and decided to take her invitation. His tongue darted out lapping at the gorgeous blotches on her shorts. He felt his long completely stiffen and become uncomfortable in his boxers. He dropped her shorts then pushed down his boxers. As it was said it's the prize inside the sheath the girls adore. His eight inch member stood at attention pulsing and bobbing slightly hungry for her little cunt. His paw wrapped about his two inch thick cock stroking it hard with a firm squeeze as he watched his sister finger herself. His blue eyes darkened like death as he watched his rough padded paw scratch every vessel and muscle along his smooth slicked length. He toyed with the pre-cum at the tip then licked it from his claw. He couldn't wait any longer he had to have his sister now.

Silently he wadded into the water behind his sister. She was to busy taking care of herself to hear the disturbance of the water. Max's tensed frame stood behind his sister silently. His member two inches from brushing into the fur of her swaying tail. With out a word he pressed him hard long against her tail as his large paw wrapped about her waist pressing against her hand helping her push her fingers deeply into her cunny. The other hand coming along her side with a soft groan cupping her right breast with a slight squeeze. His nose and mind were consumed by her smell. He wanted every inch of his sister to taste. Emma thought she was imagining things, but then realized someone was actually pressing against her. She jerked hard thrashing about with a cry like she was being beaten to death. Max nuzzled her neck gently and crooned," Oh baby sis. Don't fret now. Big brothers got you and going to make you feel all better..."

Emma screamed out and tried shoving him back off her, but he held her trembling frame hard against the log hard grinding against her rear. He pulled her paw from her wet cunt with a small squishy pop pulling it upwards towards his muzzle. He inhaled her scent and smell of her blood flaring his nostrils. His maw opened slightly and his tongue shot out warm, wet, and frantic licking her crimson crème mixture from her fingers as she cried out. "Oh baby sis. You taste so good. It's your first time isn't it? Don't worry, 'He chuckled with a pause," I'll try to be gentle, but I can't promise you anything!" He chimed grinding his slimy smooth long against her fluffed trembling tail. "I'm gonna eat you, Emma. Are you ready?"

With that he wrenched her arms behind her back squeezing her wrists tightly in his paw. The other lifted her tail as Max dropped to his knees in the shallow waters staring at her little cunny and tail hole. Cold nose pressed against her tightening tail hole as he bared his teeth. While that long wet tongue slithered out of his maw tracing her pussy lips tasting that delicious cum and blood mixture dripping from her hot insides. Emma bucked and screamed thrashing about. Only causing her self pain as her hips slammed into the hard wood. "Stop it! What are you doing!? Max you can't do this! Let me go! You're hurting me!" Her pleas and cries only made that pink tongue of his push in between her lips curling and grinding against her clit. He could feel that hot little button stiffen against his tongue. Her body was betraying her as if this was a normal situation.

Slowly that tongue slide back against her smooth cunny driving gently into her tight little fuck hole. She cried out bucking her eyes puffy and turning red from crying. His thick tongue rolled gently then harder into her pussy. Grinding and touching every inch of her insides pushing right against her hymen. He grunted and groaned against her ass and pussy feeling every inch of his baby sister squirm. Slowly Max drug his tongue out of her little cunny and slowly upwards in between her burning ass cheeks. The tip of his tongue swirled little wet circles against her anus. Instantly he felt it tighten and he Laughed a moment. Her tight wrinkled ring squeezed hard trying to keep his tongue out pulsed gently. Max growled softly and suckled his finger for a moment before pressing it against the opening gently.

With out warning he rammed his finger in to the first knuckle. Emma screamed out arching causing her head to drop back giving a low miserable howl. He stood shoving the rest of his finger deeply into Emma's tail hole as she sobbed uncontrollably. He pushed his finger into her gently then pulled it out working her hole gently. The smooth hot insides of her bowels squeezed and massaged his finger trying to push it out. Her bowels burned Max groaned as he wrapped his arm against her waist resting his head on her shoulder. He pulled his finger from her tight little ass leaving the tip against her anal ring to feel it tighten quickly with a smirk. He then took his hard long in hand grinding it gently against her teasing her tail hole with the tip. He lifted his arm from her waist to around her shoulders pressing her trembling frame against his front side as he leaned his muzzle be her ear as he whispered," Now Emma this is going to hurt some. But don't Worry baby I'll make the pain go away." He had a glazed over lusty look in his eyes as she stared off talking to her. "I'm going to fuck your little pussy now Emma. You want this heat to go away don't you? Or did you not notice because your to damn dense?!"

He snapped at her ear causing it to bleed a little as his hands wandered her body pressing her hard against the log. He lifted her fluffed tail as his right hand began to guide his hard fat pulsing red long towards her pussy. She would feel that throbbing hard point tip stab between her slick little pussy lips as Max began to put his weight on her. They felt and heard the pop of his head entering her pussy just resting there. Emma screamed and squirmed already feeling full from just the tip on. Her pussy walls throbbing and pulsing trying to push the intruder out. All this did was massage and give mock a suck on his head. Which he loved the feel of from a reluctant virgin. He grunted softly and pushed his cock into that tight little wet glove. Slowly so he could feel every wet burning wall of her pussy pulse against his hard shaft. "Oh baby girl... You're so fucking tight. I just might rip your gorgeous little pussy in two. I'm going to fuck every inch of you that is fuck able Emma. And then I'm going to fuck my load so deep into your little pussy, those poor ovaries won't know what hit them."

With that he pulled out slowly until it was the tip rubbing against her entrance. He impaled his sister with his entire cock like a jack hammer to cement. Her sight blurred red as he ripped through her hymen like he was blowing his nose in a tissue. The rich metallic smell of her virgin blood oozing on his cock filled his nose Everytime he pulled out. Max would growl a nasty sound ripping his canines into her neck as he began to pummel her cunt. His tip rammed her so deep he was slamming against her cervix entry. She screamed and thrashed about crying out miserably as he used her. Now she suddenly understood no why girl ever stayed long at the honeymoon period with her brother. She felt ever inch of his hard long drilling in and out of her harder and harder with each thrust. She whimpered and whined with an overwhelmed look on her face as her brother fucked her like a play thing.

He rammed into her so hard it was becoming a grudge fuck. He started to ram his sheath in with his cock each thrust. It pained her being torn apart by his cock and sheath as well as having her body slammed against a log with everyone of his thrusts. He grunted and growled watching her at an angle. His jaws tightening slightly on her neck causing her to whimper. Slowly he let go of her neck pressing his muzzle to her ear growling out. " how is my baby girl doing?! She likes that doesn't she. Her big brother being her first. A little sister's dream come true isn't. If daddy can't take her maybe Brother will. That's it isn't it you little bitch?! I know you watch me with the others and when I'm by myself. Admit it and I'll ease up some. Tell me you baited this and I'll stop. I pull out right now beg you to forgive me and I'll never go near you again. I'll even call a can to pick me up and you can take the truck. Right here and now."

Her eyes lit up and prayed he was telling the truth. Her breath quickened as she withers and moans against him. She made the mistake of flaring her nostrils. When she's about to lie she always flared them. Max's eyes caught and he grinned as he chimed," Go on baby. Now tell me." Emma cooed softly with trembling hands gently placed them on his hips pulling him close to her. Her hands gently rubbed and caressed his hips as she gathered herself crooning softly," Oh its true! I've wanted you , Max! I knelt by the door all the times knowing you had girls over. Everytime I saw your cock I'd start to feel funny. Oh I knew it as wrong, but it felt so right to touch myself. Now please let me go Max?!"

"Liar... Liar... Pussy on fire... Tsk Tsk Tsk. Emma... I would have thought better from you. You're lying through your teeth you little bitch. You flared your fucking nostrils!" Max would grab her and throw her into the water as she started to scream. He got on top of her staring down into her terrified eyes as his lips curled with a snarl. He rammed his cock back into her tight raw little cunny. She screamed out in pain as he fucked her harder than before. Her raw pussy walls would most likely start to bleed and tear before he would stop. His eyes shifted to the right and her smile widened. There Anchored the bed was her wash cloth and bar of soap. He grabbed then easily staring at Emma. He kissed his baby sister deeply shoving his tongue down her throat as she screamed. He lapped at the roof of you mouth grinding hard against her raw pussy.

"You've been a very bad girl. Lying is wrong Emma. And now you will sit with soap in your mouth until you Learn tot ell the truth!" Max shouted grabbing her bottom jaw her eyes widened in terror and yelped frantically as he pulled her jaws apart. He rammed the bar into her mouth and closed it tightly. The large bar resting in between her teeth pressing against her tongue as he put more pressure on her muzzle closing it completely. He kissed her nose then wrapped her wash cloth about her muzzle and tied it tightly. Emma screamed and cried thrashing about in the water feeling her saliva starting to lather the soap. Her palms frantically trying to push him off her. Her hips twisting and slamming against his as she tried to angle her hip bone for his balls. She cried out against the soap staring up at him horrified. Max growled and sat back eyeing his helpless little sister.

He held her hips firmly and began pumping her hard with his cock as he began to groan. His body tensed and his back arched tilting his head back slowly giving a loud low throaty howl as he felt his knot begin to form. Max had his eyes closed as he howled out in pleasure. Emma's free hands shot out grabbing his sac squeezing hard. Max gave a short yelp and jerked out of his blissful feeling staring down at his sister. His look was rather disturbed as he pulled his hand back slowly before back handing her hard enough to make her nose bleed. He watched the blood spatter across the water and inhaled deeply. His hand untied her makeshift muzzle and ripped her mouth open for the soap. Emma gagged and cried spitting helplessly turning her head trying to suck up some water to swish her mouth out. He allowed her that much by slammed her head down underneath the water. He pulled his now semi hard cock from her pussy and knelt beside her. He held her struggling and flailing body under the water then grabbing a fist full of hair he pulled her head up staring at her. Emma gasped and choked coughing up water she had swallowed.

Max scooped her up lovingly for a moment cuddling her limp crying frame close stroking her side. She huffed and puffed softly trying to clear the rest of the water from her airways. Emma could still taste the foul soap in her teeth as she trembled violently against her brothers frame. She thought maybe he had been bitten by something nasty. She couldn't explain why he was doing this to her. She was exhausted and was slowly losing a fight to fall asleep, or just pass out. His stroking soon turned vicious as he began to drag his claws hard against her thigh. She watched his paw for a moment then slowly shifted her eyes towards his face only seeing a wicked smile. She gave a cry out as one of his paws wrapped about her muzzle with a bone crushing grip. His other set of claws where ripping a decent wound into her thigh. He would shove her away and smile holding up three fingers. Slowly his fingers disappeared 3...2...1...none then she snapped at her insanely like a junk yard dog," RUN!"

Emma screamed from his nails ripping her flesh to shreds then struggled with a crying trying to stand. Emma stumbled as she stood with a limping run towards the shore with her eyes so puffin she could barely see. It was like trying to turn out a dead fox for a fox hunt. This would just be all to easy which made Max smile even more. Loudly he spoke in a calm voice hearing her crash her way into the woods," I'm coming for you Emma. We're going to play chase Emma. Do you remember that from when we were little. I hope so! Reach the truck Emma! Reach the truck and you win. If I catch you Emma you're mine! DO YOU HEAR ME! MINE! I Will fuck every and I MEAN EVERY EMMA! ORIFICE ON YOUR FUCKING BODY UNTIL YOU ARE NO MORE THAN A LIVINGROOM SKIN RUG! "

Max stood slowly and turned in the deadliest of calm manner then gathered everything from the area before heading towards camp. His peaceful walk became a full gallop knowing he had hurt her enough to have passed her by now. He was going to make her crazy and give into being his puppet. Max dropped everything in a pile and walked towards his pickup grinning after pulling the keys from his pant pocket. He did some tinkering under the hood then left the keys in the ignition for Emma to "find". He took off in a slow jogging pace into the woods for his sister. Emma was wheezing and panting hard trying her best to make it to camp before he caught her. The wound wasn't as bad as she thought, but it slowed her down horribly though it had stopped bleeding. As Emma staggered running she tripped over a rock and shrieked softly falling over with a loud thump. Max stopped to listen to her desperate actions and shouted," I HEAR YOU EMMA!"

He stood there grinning watching the direction the sound came from and snapped a large branch so it sounded closer to her than he was. Emma's head shot up like an idiot looking about. Her eyes reflecting the moon light and he snarled a smile. Running in that direction, Emma say him coming and stared about frantically trying to figure something out. It hit her like a train and she ducked quickly crawling forwards towards the large base of a maple tree hiding. As she hid behind the base of the tree, Max walked slowly in the area he had just seen her head. "Here puppy...puppy. Here Puppy Puppy! Come out. Come out where ever you are!" He chimed with a cruel tone. Emma had found a thick branch in the mists of her crawl. Her two paws held it firmly in hr paws as she slid up the smooth bark of the tree. Wheezing and panting softly Emma limped into view only a few feet from Max. "MAX! YOU PISS ANT COWARD!" She screamed as he turned to face her, but he did so she stuck him across the head hard. The hollow knock from his skull answered as the branch struck him screaming. As Max fell to his right the branch and she dropped her to bruised knees crying. Max lay unconscious beside her trembling frame. It wasn't even midnight she thought judging by the full moon. Emma sat there in tears not knowing what to do as her bother was out. She was to tired to leave.

Her mistake...

To Be Continued *~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+