Howl Lost In The Wind

Hiya! Recap. Bad ol' Big brother Max took his baby sister Emma, Camping turns out Em is in heat and brother wants a piece. He beats, rapes, and plays a sick lil game of chase, but in the end she caught him. And hit him hard with a branch knocking him...

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Baying At The Moon

My first piece so don't bitch me to death. I'm comfortable with the grammar, punctuation& how the sentences are formed. So please no Hard core comments telling me how to do it right. You must keep in mind I role play anthros. So, I tend to type in the...

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Chapter 2: House Breaking

Victor stood in the pale moon's rays before the dark cabin hidden among the trees. His eyes wandered over the small kitten and he huffed softly. His mind kicking himself for not just taking her at the parlor and that be that. Instead he had to now...

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