City upon the waters
The sun was setting low to the west, the days heat finally waning after its terrible grip on the day, having been in the mid 90's, now settling to a nice cool 70's fairly swiftly as the entire forest was covered in shadow. The setting sun cast a deep orange shade over everything, the trees seeming to glow with a strange inner fire. As nighttime neared, crickets could be heard chirruping. Loudly at first, but as the temperature dropped, so did their tempo, slowing to an almost lazy sounding drawl. A lone cicada called out, seeking a mate desperately before its limited time on this planet ran out, its shrill cry piercing through the stillness of the evening.
A path wound slowly through this wide green forest, the trees seeming to reach on forever into the heavens, each one hundreds of years old, their lush thick canopies rustling gently over head as a gentle breeze blew. Following this path leading through the forest of giants leads to a great lake, the waters depths going down to how far was any ones guess, but some guessed at least one fathom. In the middle of this lake stood the tallest trees of all. The roots were gnarled and twisted, and reached down deep into the waters, the bases of these trees wide open. Upon closer inspection, one can see a few small ferries docked beneath these great trees, rough stairs carved right into the massive trunks, leading up into the foliage. But the enormous boughs of these great and close knit trees kept any ones prying eyes from seeing within their thick boughs.
As the sun sank even lower, everything was cast into darkness, the cicada ceasing its incessant whining cry, settling for sleep. The moon rose slowly casting its ghostly silvery rays down upon everything, hanging full and ripe for the plucking for ones sweety, a few stars glittering like diamonds around the large pale orb. Birds nestled down into the forest as they roosted for the night.
A few hours pass and nothing more happens, but soon, a single light appears in its foliage, bobbing and weaving, looking much like a firefly, until one remembers that these ancient trees out in the middle of the lake are so huge, and thusly this must be something much larger than a firefly. Slowly one by one, similar lights flaring into life one after the other, lighting up the trees dense foliage. Slowly a few of these lights made there ways down the stairs leading to the water, and figures could vaguely be seen.
They were some rather large men, mostly aquatic creatures, such as otters and the odd platypus, with a few canines thrown in as well, Labradors and the like. They were toting various parcels and packages. They loaded these things in the boats and started out from under their respective trees large root system, delivering the parcels to recipients waiting on the other side. Still others whent far out onto the lake, casting out lines and nets, trying their paws at some late night fishing.
Making our way up these large trunks of the trees, we come upon an amazing sight. There, among the immensely thick and lofty limbs, lies a city, built around the immense cluster of trees. All were made of wood, nothing really more than small huts other than the places meant for public occupancy, such as the city hall, reaching two stories high and yet still unable to breach the top of the canopy, and the bar and various other shops and public areas of interest.
Inside of the tavern/bar came sounds of great merriment. Loud music played, people hoisted tankards of ale in salute to another tough days work. Everyone was relaxing and enjoying their drinks and the show, a line dance being done buy a few of the waitresses to entertain the guests. Most of the towns occupants could be found here other than the ones working out on the lake whilst the weather was cool.