Why Wait Your Turn?

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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Having more than a few drinks at the bar, Theo goes to relieve himself but he is not fully aware of someone else who walks in after him.


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Theo stumbled into the restroom of a popular spot on the side of town he lived on. A bowling alley and arcade that also had a bar. With him getting a sweet payout and arriving for happy hour, the fennec was perfectly buzzed. He had indulged in more than a few drinks that were now catching up to him. Luckily for him there were many urinals lined up that were mounted at different heights, and upon approaching one he began to pull down his shorts and underwear underneath.

Someone else stepped into the restroom, looking to do the same as Theo. And of all those in attendance, it was the big blue bear, Milo. The fennec paid no mind, too focused on himself, allowing the blue furred grizzly to approach.

Theo was finally ready to drain his bladder, but his actions were halted when he felt something. It was warmth and spread through his body, dampening his fur and following was the heavy scent of... his eyes widened as he realized what was happening. A warm liquid was soaking his pelt but the smell and the deep sigh behind him made it clear that someone hadn't just spilled water on him.

Turning around revealed the culprit, meeting the drunk gaze of the large bear. He was still gripping his cock and piss continued to flow from the tip, now striking Theo's muzzle and running down his neck.

"Hey! Move over you drunk asshole!" the small fox growled.

"Huh?" the buzzed bear said, smirking. He pretended to just now notice the other male. "Oh, it's just you Theo. Hehe, didn't see you there..."

"Didn't see me? And why are you pissing in the lowest stall? You're missing it anyways!"

Nobody really knew why but Theo and Milo never could fully see eye to eye. Hurling insults and inconveniencing each other was their acknowledging each other. But the added layer of drunkenness gave Milo the courage to take things to a new level. It brought him satisfaction to ruin the fox's pelt, marking it with his piss that reeked of alcohol. But to his surprise, his fat cock was gripped while the hot fluids still flowed through.

If there was one thing that alcohol did, it made Theo horny, along with many other things. Though Milo annoyed him at best there was a part of him that felt excitement from being urinated on. And since his fur was already dripping with the golden liquid...

"You're lucky I'm in a good ass mood..." Theo embraced the torrent of hot liquid that poured over him like a hot shower. Milo was a big guy, towering over most and the only thing that was certain was that he had much to drink. The ursine sighed deeply and groaned as he continued to pee. It just continued to flow, more and more rushed out from the tip and cascaded onto the smaller male.

The fox continued to bask in it all, but he still had his own needs to take care off. Aiming his cock high and grunting he let loose a fat stream of piss that struck the bear's thigh.

"Hey..." Milo groaned, but he didn't move. In fact his expression changed as he warmth soaked into the fur of his leg. It felt nice and he too embraced the hot markings from another mammal. While the fox rode out the pleasure of relieving himself, the bear had started to ease up, his stream weakening before becoming nothing more than fat dribbles.

Milo looked down and felt a thrill from being peed on, even if his rival wasn't able to cover as much area. In the hand that gripped it, his cock was becoming rigid, starting to throb. When Theo finished as well, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a random assortment of bills.

"Y-you think you could finish the job?" he asked, now having another matter that needed to be taken care of.

"Ugh, fine..." the fox chuckled and stuffed the bills into his soaked shorts. Being rather agreeable, he followed the bigger male into a stall. When it was shut they wasted no time. The canine's lips were wrapped around the thick and long cock. The taste of piss was heavy on his tongue as it swirled around, dipping into the foreskin. Scents of said urine and musk were heavy in his nose, making him groan around the shaft, bobbing his head up and down.

Milo groaned and gripped the seat, feeling his tip being swallowed down, followed by more of his length. It was hugged firmly and squeezed even tighter, milking ropes of precum that were quickly gulped down.

His drunken state and the thrill of earlier acts did Milo in earlier than usual. He moaned deeply as his cock convulsed and Theo was quick to tug his head back. Following suit came fat ropes of musky bear cum that flowed from the tip with just as much force as the golden piss. Theo tried his best to gulp it all down, but the rest of the load splattered against his cheek, streaming past him and splattering with force against the stall door. The bear grunted and scratched the thick claws of his toes against the floor as he rode out his climax.

Theo continued to stroke and lick at it, coating his body all over again, this time in thick seed that left his body wet, hot and stinking of grizzly. It splattered onto his neck and oozed down his bare chest, soaking into his shorts and pooling onto the floor with him standing in the middle of it all. When it finally came to an end, the fox was even more of a mess.

Milo drunkenly thanked him after finding his pants and putting them on. Now with slightly shaky legs, he left the restroom, likely going back to the bar.

That left the fox groaning as some of his senses returned. If there wasn't a part of him that was streaked with cum, it was soaked with piss instead. His shorts were down and ruined with both fluids. Both wet and sticky, he remained in the stall, unable to ignore the erection that he sported, feeling a bit of shame as he jerked himself off to all that just happened.