CBS - Confessions

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#6 of Coffee Break Stories

I meant to have this posted yesterday, but I ended up getting distracted then passing out early. Whoops.

So this story came out of absolutely nowhere, and wrote itself in... about an hour... I dunno.

Anyway, Ben is a killer. He knows what he is, but he still needs to confess his crimes to someone. The mouse, Jenny, is quite a good listener, so he tells her all about his first and favorite kills: His mother, and his sisters.

Coffee Break Story


By XP Author

Ben sighed, brushing a hand through his shaggy blond hair and rubbing the back of his head. "I'm... I'm a terrible person." The kangaroo sighed again, glancing over at the mouse on the bed beside him. "I know what you're going to say. I'm not as bad as I think, but... no, I am." He held his hands in front of him, looking at the palms. "I've done things with these hands that..." He shook his head, balling his hands into fists. "I don't know. I'm broken."

The glanced to the side again. "You want to hear it? I'm told that talking about this kind of thing with someone can help." he just shrugged a little. "Couldn't hurt." He took a deep breath, holding it for a moment, then letting it out slowly. Oddly, it did seem to calm his nerves just a little. "Oh, where do I begin." He chuckled. "I guess at the beginning. The first one. She was quite pretty... not that I was old enough to really understand that. I mean, I think most people think their mother is pretty." He shook his head. "But she was only pretty on the outside. Inside, she was... a monster. She used to scream at me and my sister for the stupidest things. Not putting dishes in the dishwasher the moment we were done with them, not eating every speck of food, being late from school by a few minutes because I dared to talk to a friend..."

He smirked. "Yeah, I'm sure that one psychiatrist guy would have a field day with me. Freud or whatever. Always on his mommy issues." He kicked his feet a little as they hung off the edge of the bed. "I mean, it's hard not to have mommy issues when your mommy is the reason why you're arm got broken, or for your sister's black eye, or why your dad walked off the roof of that building on his birthday." He glanced back at the mouse. "You know, Jenny, I never did figure out if he actually threw himself off, or if she pushed him."

He shrugged. "Doesn't matter anyway. Because she's dead, too." He laughed a little. "Yeah, I know. I killed my own mom, but hear me out. She was in one of her moods, throwing things around the house, then blaming me or Fran when things broke." He hesitated. "Oh, Fran is my sister, by the way. She was 2 years older than me. Anyway, mom was all in a fury. Then Fran had the brilliant idea to mouth off back to her when she was blamed for something breaking. Yeah, mom didn't like that. Started hitting her so hard I heard when her nose broke from across the room."

He sighed again, but an almost wistful sigh. "Yeah, so she wasn't paying any attention to me. I probably could have just run away, but she would have found me anyway. So I stabbed her with a kitchen knife instead. Right from behind, just jammed it into her back. She started coughing up blood, so I must have hit a lung. Still didn't make her any less angry. She tried to fight me then, but I just stabbed her again. And again." He grit his teeth, making stabbing motions with one hand. "And again... Police report said it was 12 stab wounds." He scoffed. "One for ever year she had made my life hell. Imagine that, being 12 years old and stabbing your mother to death because she was trying to beat your sister to death."

He took a deep breath and held it again. "Anyway, Fran and I got put into the system for a while. Bounced around different families. They tried to keep us together. Y'know, brother and sister, but Fran... she never got over watching her little brother kill our mom. So as soon as she was 17, she was out on her own and I was stuck living with..." he hesitated for a long moment. "Actually, the Branigans were good people. Thomas and Veronica Branigan, and their little girl, Reighley. They were mice, like you. Ray was Fran's age, but... she was sweet. She always had a way of calming me back down whenever I was acting up..."

He cleared his throat. "Oh, right. I was kind of acting out a lot at the time. Always getting into fights at school, that kind of thing. I was the reason why Fran and I got bounced around so much, so I can't really blame her for getting the hell away from me when she did. But Ray..." He shook his head. "Ray was so nice. So kind and warm and... soft..." He sighed. "And fragile. She was my real first. Like..." he tilted his head from one side to the other. "Y'know... my FIRST. I was 18, she was 20. We'd kind of been... leaning that way for years, getting closer. But it was her idea to actually... go further."

Ben smiled wide as he remembered. "Ah, the way she looked when she first stripped those clothes off, showed me her naked body. I still remember it. Fur as white as snow, hair as dark as coal. Thin, but not sickly, just very skinny. And she had these perky breasts that would bounce just a little when she giggled. And her eyes. I remember how those green eyes got so huge when it was my turn to undress. When this thing between my legs sprang free." He motioned at his cock, currently soft between his legs. "I mean, you've seen this thing. You know. It's impressive, right?"

He shrugged. "Well, she wasn't sure about taking something a foot long. So she just wanted to to do... y'know, hand job, blow job, that kinda thing, but she thought that trying to take a foot long stick of meat like this would probably break her." He chuckled. "She was right, of course. Didn't stop me, though. I was just too excited. I held her down. She was so much smaller than me, so it was easy. Crammed my cock into that oh-so tight pussy of hers and just fucked her as hard as I could." He shook his head again. "Came within minutes, of course. First time and all that."

He leaned back a little, propping himself up with his hands. "Of course just those few minutes was enough to kill her. Not slowly, though. I displaced a bunch of her internal organs when I punched through her womb like that. Cunt was all bloody, running down her legs, dripping it onto the floor. She was crying so much. So I broke her neck." He glanced at Jenny again. "She was going to die anyway, so really it was a kindness. That feeling, though, when her life ended right there in my hands. THAT was it. That was when I knew I could never go back again. And it was just so... arousing, watching her dead body slump to the floor. I couldn't help but fuck her again. It was somehow so much better the second time, cumming into a corpse like that, feeling it slowly cooling around my cock..."

He sniffed, clearing his throat. "Anyway, I tossed her body in the lake, tied down with rocks. She wasn't found for three years, and by then there was pretty much nothing left to link her to me. Especially since I was the one that filed the missing persons." He chuckled. "Yeah, the cops were pretty stupid." He took a breath and let it out. "So, I just kept going. I'd find a cute girl every so often, be sweet on her, then kill her and fuck her body. Sometimes I'd fuck her first." He shrugged. "Sometimes I wouldn't kill them. But when I did, it was always more than the last time. Breaking a neck, beating someone to death with my firsts, then with a pipe. Sliced one girl's throat open, then took the next girl's head off. No clue how I've never been caught."

He gently rubbed his shaft, which had been slowly growing hard during his tale. "Mmm... Oh, I should probably tell you about Fran. A few years after Ray, I decided to track her down. See if I could... y'know, reconnect with her." He sighed heavily. "Man, she was in a bad way. Found her in a crack den, stoned out of her gourd. She had dropped out of college within the first year, then I guess just spiraled downhill from there. She was giving random guys blowjobs for drug money." He closed his eyes, letting out a shaky breath. "It hurt to see her like that. And she was still so... angry with me when she saw me. She blamed me for it all."

He paused for a moment, though still stroked his stiffening cock idly. "I tried to help her. Dragged her out of that crack house and to a motel to try and get her cleaned up. Like, literally cleaned up. Had to shove her into a shower. She was covered in lord knows what. Glad I went to check on her, because she passed out in the shower. Didn't hit her head or anything, but I had to clean her myself. So I stripped her down and used the shower to wash her." Ben smiled again. "Despite everything, she was very pretty. Thin as a rail, but she was still my sister." He chuckled, looking over at Jenny again. "I got hard because of my sister. Told you I'm terrible."

He shook his head. "Nah, that's not the only reason why. Fucking her, that's why. I fucked her so hard that night... she wanted it, too. Not like... a stalker, rapist way. No, she literally told me to fuck her when she woke up. Even started by taking my pants off. Who was I to say no?" He swallowed a little. "Of course, when she sobered up enough to realized it was her little brother that was cumming into her womb for the third time that night, she got pretty pissed off. She started yelling at me, hitting me, calling me a rapist. That was too much. I mean, yeah, I've raped a bunch of girls before, but never her! She wanted it!"

He bit his bottom lip for a moment, his hand stroking his now rock hard shaft. "I don't remember too much about the fight, but at some point, I put her head into a wall. Four times. She was on the ground, blood coming out of the side of her head... I checked her, but she was not breathing. No pulse. I'd killed my sister. And seeing her body laying there was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. I fucked her so many times... came down her throat, up her ass, filled her cunt more times than I can count. There wasn't even anything coming out anymore, but I couldn't stop myself."

He paused his story to moan, his shaft throbbing in his hand. He slowed down masturbating himself, not wanting to cum right there. He had not realized how close he was until that point, the tip leaking a little. "But yeah, that's how I killed and fucked my sister's corpse. She still hasn't been found, either. Got her somewhere special." He pointed at the wall behind the bed. "You know that little rock pile out back behind the cabin? She's buried there. I still jerk off over her grave every so often. She's always been my favorite."

He looked at Jenny again. "Oh, but don't worry. You're still very pretty." He smiled a little more, his eyes gazing down the body of the mouse beside him. "You were the first time I've ever gutted a girl." Jenny's belly was splayed open, her guts hanging out, covered in his cum from repeated uses. He reached out and touched the dead woman's face gently. "You've also been a very good listener." He leaned down to kiss her slack, cool lips. "I think you've earned a reward." He rolled over, laying atop her and lining up his cock at her gaping pussy.

As he rammed himself fully into her, he moaned loud. His tip poked free of the messy hole in her belly. He grabbed her hips and started to thrust hard and fast, moaning loud. "I can't wait to tell the next girl all about you."

* * *