Spending some time with each other

Story by Random_Canis on SoFurry

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#2 of Oneshots

So I decided to post this here. This is actually a rewrite of the very first smut, I've written several months ago. I only shared the first version amongst my friends. But I wanted to share this with other people as well. So I decided, "Why not!"

There will be grammatical and spelling errors every now and then. English is my second language and I'm still making mistakes to this very day. This is also the first time I modelled the way I write after someone ( There's a reference to their respective character. So be on the look out for it ). But I had a blast rewriting this.

I don't plan to shy away from mature contents. The only reason I haven't drawn any mature artwork is because I'm not confident in my abilities yet. And because I don't have much privacy in my household. The usual curse of being the middle child.

Will I write more of Matt and Rhys? Maybe. But I do plan to write more mature contents. And maybe even draw some in the near future.

But other than that, I hope you enjoy reading this and criticisms are welcomed.

Spending some time with each other (Revisit)

By RandomCanis

I should've brought an umbrella with me. I grumble as I swiftly cut my way through the pouring rain. I wasn't expecting the bloody weather to turn south this fast. The forecast only mentioned a drizzle, and this was anything but one. I sigh as I used my jacket, my favorite one too, to shield myself from the offending weather.

I wouldn't be here right now, if someone didn't mess up the documents. I could've been warm and dry on a tram, the last one for the day already departed. But no, she just had to mess up on a simple task, didn't you Karen. I huff as I, ironically, recall how she behaves like one too. Always wanting to boss someone around, then gets all pissy if she doesn't get to do things in her way, how typical.

I can't help but snarl at the car that speeds by me, splashing me with the pooling water beside the sidewalk. Great, now I'm wet and filthy. I sigh as I make my way towards a familiar street. Can't wait to get these clothes off, I huff as I look down at my now wet garments. Spotting splotches of my orange fur through it, and now there's an itch on my sheath that's starting to bother me.

My ear twitch in annoyance as I try to ignore it. Just a few more houses and a street, and I'll be able to relieve myself of it. Then I remember the extra baggage that's happily sitting in my bag. Dry as the moment Mrs. Banshee passed it to me, saying

"I would love to deal with it myself. But I have a ski-trip planned, and I promised my darlings that I wouldn't bring any work to it."

Like you even do that, you always pass it onto someone else, you Banshee.

I click my tongue as familiar houses start to greet my sight. There's Annoying Neighbor's, there's Mrs. Johnson's and there's Annoying Neighbor Two's. You get what I mean, my tail whips happily as I hone onto a two story with a very familiar SUV parked in front of it.

Home sweet home and with a lovely lupine waiting in it too! My tail became wild at the sight of the car, I look down to the road before letting my head swivel to my left. Have to make sure there wasn't anything trying to run me over. And I don't want to stare up to an angry wolf for being reckless.

No cars in sight. So I just bolt across the road. Now I just need to avoid the gremlins throwing mud at each other. But try as I might, they spot me and shoot evil leers my way.

"Don't you bloody dare!" I yell while backing away from them. That only make them smirk wider, as their paws claw at the ground to arm themselves.

I take my chance and try to run past them. They try to lead their shots, most of them miss but three of them manage to hit their mark. Which happens to be my white dress shirt. You're all lucky it's illegal to punt a child across the front yard, I huffed to myself as I quickly jog to my den.

First order of business, the shoes come off and I drain the water that pooled inside it. Then I wrangle my jacket, letting the annoyance caused by the gremlins as fuel. I shake myself silly to get rid of the water afterwards. There's still water dripping down, but not as much as before. So I happily grab my keys from the bag, once I become satisfied with the quick stop.

A jab into the keyhole and a twist, the locks click open to let me into my warm den. My lips peel back into a smile as the familiar scent greets me, happily soaking in the warmth of the house. My tail wags idly behind me as I shut the door and lock it again.

"My gosh! You're soaked!" a lovely voice gasps behind me. And I look over my shoulder as I free my feet paws from the wet socks. The sight of my partner of five years greet me. The lupine's blue eyes wide with worry, as he walks toward me with a towel in hand, which he grabbed from our coat rack. He definitely put it there after the weather decided to be a prick.

The wolf's grey fur looks to have been brushed recently. He's wearing a pair of briefs, a V-neck shirt that hugged his muscular frame deliciously and an apron across his front with the caption, "Kiss the Chef" on it. Oh, I'm going to do more than just kiss the hunky chef.

"Sorry about the mess, Matt." I wince as I look down at myself and the floor. Droplets of water already decided to paint my floor. Not to mention the mud that's slowly creeping down my back.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy you're back, foxy." Matt replies with his gorgeous smile as he begins to towel my head fur. I couldn't help myself and let out a small giggle. My wolf making sure to towel the offending element out of my fur.

Before he wraps the fabric around my neck and pull me into a sweet kiss. A purr escapes from me as I happily return it. My senses happily drinking in the sight, scent and touch of the beautiful lupine before me. I didn't realize how much I miss him. Sure, we live and sleep in the same house. But you can't blame a fox for missing his partner after an increasingly busy day and week.

We stand there and just bask in each other's company for a handful of minutes. Before my wolf withdraws from a kiss, but not before giving me a teasing lick across my lips. I growl playfully since he pulled back before I could return the gesture.

"Now go clean up. You smell like a wet dog." Matt mumbles with a cheeky grin. And I gasp as a paw rises to clutch my wounded heart.

"How dare! I just ran through the elements desperately to return to my den. Only to be greeted like this by my only love." I wail out with a dramatic sob. Throwing the back of my other paw to my forehead while tilting my head back. I keep the little act up as I make my way to our chambers.

A quick glance, from the corner of my eyes, help me spot the amused and warm gaze of my lover. My ears happily swivel to his direction when his warm chuckles echo in the hall. Matt makes his way back to our kitchen, yelling a quick,

"Dinner will be ready in a bit."

"Can't wait!" I yelled back with an extra prep in my steps. My tongue darts out along my lips at the thought of my wolf's cooking.

I don't even need to look to open my chamber's door. My paws already at work to rid myself of the dirtied garments hugging my body. Thankful that I decided to transfer my wallet and phone to my bag before I left the office.

I throw the dirty clothes into the tub before I walk back to my bag in the nude. I mean, wouldn't you walk around naked in your own house. With just your partner as your house-mate? I definitely wouldn't mind if my wolf walked in on me like this, and I know he shares my sentiment as well. We've already seen each other naked and more plenty of times.

A pleased sigh escapes from me as I finally get to scratch that itch on my sheath. I may or may not have toyed with it more. If the tip of my shaft, that's peeking out from it's slit, had anything to say about it. I huff before I move my paw away from my fuzzy sheath. I have plenty of time to take care of my needs after my shower. Not to mention the set of annual holidays coming up tomorrow. So I have my wolf all to myself.

The bag's water-proof, so I'm not too worried about it's contents. But nevertheless, I take a quick peek anyway. Nodding when I see that everything's where I left them to be, before I finally decide to take that shower. But not before quickly scrubbing the mud off my shirt. I swear I'm going to have a talk with their brood mothers one of these days.

I grumble as I finish cleansing my shirt from the mud. Throwing it into the sink for now before I turn the water on. A loud moan escape from me as heavenly warmth cascades down my body. Just the right amount of heat to soothe my aching shell. I hum a soft song to myself as I scrub my fur clean. The warm water caress my sheath as I quickly grab the fur conditioner. The water feels decent on my sheath. But I very much prefer another kind of warmth around it. And a pair of gorgeous blue eyes gazing up towards me.

The thought along is enough for warmth to pool around my loins, but I quickly defuse my thoughts before my paw decides to coil around my sheath. I haven't really gotten the chance to take care of my needs this week, too busy with work and too tired to relieve myself afterwards. I know Matt's in the same situation as I am. And my mind decides to remind me of the time, when I made my wolf wear a chastity cage. The way his ears fold back, as he pleadingly stare and beg for me to free his plump sheath. And those delightful little sounds he made, as he squirms around on the bed or couch.

"No! Keep it together, Rhys! You got plenty of time to have fun with your wolf later." I scold myself with a swift slap to my muzzle. I grumble lowly as I busied my paws with scrubbing the conditioner out of my fur. Just so that, they wouldn't snake down to pump my half-mast shaft. Gods... I really am pent up, aren't I?

I ignore my needy shaft for the rest of the shower. Making sure that I didn't have any more stray thoughts. The towel does a good job to dry my fur after the shower. I usually dry it by hand but I'm too tired to do so today. So the blow-dryer finally sees some use from me. Throwing on a grey shirt and a pair of briefs afterwards. There's still a pool of warmth around my crotch, but I make sure to ignore it for now. The homework; literally; my laptop, phone and wallet gets evicted from my bag.

My paws, going through the motions, to plug their respected chargers into the devices. Another quick glance in my wallet to make sure everything's where it should be. The cash's still as dry, and my ID and driver's license greet me as well. My eyes look over them for a few seconds. They're the typical ones you see just about everywhere, your name, date of birth and etc. I wince a bit at my disheveled self in the ID. I couldn't help myself but to check it over again.

Rhys Farrel, Date of Birth 8/29/1991. Along with the name of the city I resided in at the moment. Which is Enhetuncht, one of the three major cities in the Mishlanda Isles. I huffed as I recall the tedious amounts of interviews, and paperworks, that I went through to move here. Matt didn't need to go through any of the it. He lived here his whole life. Come to think of it, his birthday's just around the corner too. Matt's my junior by two years if you're wondering.

I toss my wallet to the bedside cabinet afterwards. Moving back into the bathroom to collect my discarded clothes. A short pit-stop to the laundry room later, I trot into our kitchen. Happily taking in the heavenly scents of my wolf's cooking, the moment I step a foot downstairs.

The table's already been decorated with a few dishes. My stomach decides to make itself known as I walk over to Matt. The handsome wolf giving me a knowing smirk as he placed the last dish down.

"Everything smells great, my love." I greet Matt with a nuzzle to his chin. He's a head taller than I am. My height's pretty average at five feet and nine inches.

"Of course it does." The lupine greets me with a nuzzle of his own. "I cooked it after all." He continues with a cheeky little grin. I let out a chuckle at that, along with a small lick across his lips. To return the favor, of course.

Then I pull away before he could return the gesture with a playful swat of my tail on his rump. I hear an amused huff before a paw strokes my tail lovingly. Dinner goes by in a blink of an eye, well... somewhat.

We mostly had some idle chatter about how our week went. Matt complaining about things that a few unruly students did, he teaches at a University nearby. And then there's me, throwing some creative words at a Banshee for passing her workload onto me. Then we switch to more lighthearted topics and decided that we're going to catch up on a Netflix series.

Now I could've made the usual "Netflix and Chill" joke. But the sultry gaze, Matt shot my way pretty much told me what was going to happen. And that got my tail to thrash around a bit, Matt's too from the rhythmic thumping on his seat. Once we were done with dinner, the two of us quickly wash and put the dishes aside. No, we did not just throw them into the dish-washer. We scrubbed them clean with our paws before we leave them to dry.

We move back to our chambers after grabbing a few drinks. Flicking the lights off except for our bedside lamp, power my laptop on and pretty much sink into our mattress. I put on the show we've been watching for the past month, and snuggle up to an equally, cuddly lupine. What? You thought we were just going to tear our clothes right off after dinner. As much as I love to do that, Matt likes to wait and let the food digest before we go wild at one another. I don't mind, I get to cuddle with my love and feel his body against mine. Besides, the night's still young.

We manage to watch a few episodes with Matt laying against me. It wasn't long before I start to feel the lupine's paws wander a bit. I just pretend to ignore them for now, it's kind of hard to when he knows my sweet spots. Like right now, where he's just playfully stroking my thigh slowly. His paw brushing against my bulge every now and then. I have to bite back a purr as he does.

I feel my wolf's nose against my neck. A kiss, a lick and a nibble is all it takes for me to pause the show. That just make the lupine attack me even more, the purr I was holding back escapes from me. My paws shut the laptop and move it to the bedside cabinet while Matt starts to get more excited. His paws roam my body while he nibbles on my neck.

"Down boy." I chuckled out with a groan when one of his paws cup my sheath through briefs. A playful squeeze on it is enough to get me hard. I growl lowly as I feel Matt's bulge against my thigh when he pressed himself against me more. Looks like I'm going have to tame the wolf again.

Once I'm satisfied that my laptop won't fall off the cabinet. I quickly focus my attention to my lupine. Paws capturing his head and pulling him into a needy kiss. He moans softly when I lick his lips, which he parts eagerly to allow my tongue into his maw. The wolf's tongue wrestles against my own as we grind against each other with fervor. His paws slithering their way under my shirt, caressing my lithe body and running those claws through my fur.

Matt reluctantly pulls back from the kiss, long enough to banish his shirt from himself. He dives into kiss again. I wrap my paws happily around his well-maintained form. I could feel my shaft strain against my briefs, as well as Matt's grinding against me. He's quite the eager puppy when he goes a few day without relieving himself. I chuckle when he withdraw again.

Or so I thought. Because he started to attack my neck with those lovingly kisses of his, coaxing soft groans out from me. His claws dig into my fur slightly when I trail a few of mine down from his back and all the way to the base of his tail. He whines lowly as he gives my neck one last nibble before he props himself up on top of me. His hands framing my head, while his tented briefs brush against mine. And there's this heated gaze of want in his gorgeous eyes, while he lick his lips teasingly.

I could only purr at the sight before me. And the way his ears tilt back with a shiver, when I grind back against his crotch. Makes me purr even louder. I can feel his tail brush against my legs as it thrashes about happily. His paws slither across my front to hold my head, giving me a lovingly smile before he leans down to kiss me again. It's not like the heated one we just had. This one's just sweet and warm, not a hint of our needy wrestling from before. The wolf withdraws and nuzzles me with that delightful smile on his muzzle. A content rumble of his own to match mine.

"Someone's excited." I whuff out with a chuckle when Matt pulls back. The wide grin on his muzzle matches my own.

"I could say the same for you, foxy." He fires back with a roll of his hips. The resulting jolt of bliss makes us moan against each other's lips. I take a hold of his muzzle as he places one more kiss.

"May I?" A soft whine comes along side it. There's an eager glint of hunger in his eyes. They flutter a bit when I scratch behind his ears, his tongue lolls out slightly at the action. I look down south to see our pre strained briefs. And I give him a smirk that makes his ears fold against his skull.

"No touching." I sing teasingly. He gives me an exasperated and sultry look, which makes me smirk wider.

"That's not fair." He grumbles lowly as he buries his snout into the crook of my neck. I hum as I watches his tail wags faster, when he takes a long drag of my scent. A soft whine comes from him when I kiss and nuzzle his head. A deep breath makes my shaft throb with need because of his aroused scent.

Matt's paws grab the helm of my shirt and evicts it right off my body. His muzzle immediately goes to town on my exposed front. I squirm as he paints me with a kiss here, a lick there and a nibble right after the first two. It isn't long before I feel his warm breath on top of my bulging briefs. He looks up towards me with a sly gaze as he slowly drags his tongue across my bulge.

I reward him with a soft moan, which grows louder every time his tongue brush along it. His groans join in as he happily laps at the pre stains on the briefs. Matt continues his ministrations and I let him, more than happy to let the wolf have his favorite treat after a long week. I get to watch and feel my gorgeous partner against myself intimately. So it's a win, win.

My eyes catch how he's subtly grinding his own bulge against the mattress. So I give him a growl as my paws cup his muzzle again.

"No grinding either, pup." I purr lowly over his soft whines. He gives me those puppy eyes, but he stops himself after holding my gaze for a minute.

The wolf's paws play with my brief's waistband, his eyes ask me if he can pull my briefs down. Lighting up when I give him a nod. The lupine scrambles to his knees, his paws move down to grab his briefs before he tears them off. Seven inches of delicious lupine cock springs free from it's prison. Slapping against the wolf's front with a wet noise as it's owner shivers slightly. My eyes pick up the wet sheen along my wolf's shaft. A dollop of pre dripples down from his tip and along his length. The lupine's sheath looks plump with knot swelling up slightly. I grin widely at the sight of the pent up lupine before me.

My wolf's paws dig into my brief's waistband and I only need to lift my hips before it gets torn off from me. A relieved sigh escapes from me when my six inched cock slaps against my stomach. My sheath's just like Matt's as my own knot swells up.

And speaking of Matt, the wolf lunges for my shaft right way. His tongue slowly drags itself along my needy balls and all the way to my tip. I only groan loudly when he repeats the process with a moan. Eyes fluttering shut as I bask in the moment, shivering slightly every time his warm breath washed over my aching rod. Feeling him kiss my rod makes it throb more. He's lapping up the dollop of pre that drips down from my tip with a giggle.

I open my eyes to see if he's playing with himself. But Matt's an obedient puppy, so his paws are far away from his stiff rod. He gives me a happy whine when I mutter "Good boy" to him. My wolf leans forward with a sultry smile on his muzzle, his tongue coiling around my rod. His lustful blue eyes remain locked onto mine as he pulled my tip to his lips. A purr rumble loudly from me as I watch my wolf slowly swallow my length into his muzzle. My needful rod throbs out dollops of pre into that warm maw. My paws quickly move to caress his head as he starts to bob his head along my length.

I growl and moan lowly as I relished his warm maw and tongue around me. Matt's tail is a blur as he listens to my moans. Taking me deeper or licking around my growing knot every time he wanted to hear me moan louder. I'm squirming when he gives a long slurp along my tip. Matt moans happily around a mawful of my rod. I had to reluctantly stop him before he brings me to the edge. And as much as I wanted to cum into that maw, I know a better place to empty my load in.

I coax my wolf away from my rod, moans escape from me as he deliberately withdraws slowly. Giving it one last lick before looking up towards me. His hooded eyes lock onto mine, as I pull him into another kiss. We moan as we share my pre-cum. A purr rumbles in my chest as he lustfully wrestles my tongue with his own. Our hips grinding against another before I retreat from the kiss, making a sticky mess on our fur.

"Lay down for me, beautiful." I mumble against his lips. He nods and whines when my muzzle latch onto his neck. The lupine shifts around until he's on his back beside me.

"Good boy." He moans softly as I trail a paw down his front. He's panting softly when my digits find his nipples, grunting and arching his back when I pinched them. His pants slowly turns into those delightful little moans as I keep playing with his chest. A downwards gaze tells me how much he's enjoying this. His lupine shaft has a clear sheen of pre, and his sheath bulges with his growing knot. A playful bite, to his neck, makes him whine softly while his rod throbs out dollops of pre-seed.

It's not long before I decided to close my fangs around something else. One more kiss and some shifting later, my tongue brush against one of my wolf's aroused teats. I can feel him shudder the moment I purse my lips and suckle on it. He moans softly, a shaky gasp escaping from him when my paw coils around his needy tool. And he's a squirming mess just like that.

My ears perk up to drink in the little sounds he makes. I can feel him draw his knees up while his arms coils around me. He's whispering my name after a purring nibble and some strokes along his length. My maw keeps playing with the wolf's teat as I begin to play with his bulging sheath. His knot slipping free after a few tugs, making him shiver with a throaty moan. Matt keeps squirming against me as I give his knot a loving squeeze before I stopped teasing him. He shoots me that annoyed, needy look when I sit up beside him.

"Don't give me that look." I chuckle teasingly while licking my paw clean. He's staring at me with a bright blush when I finish grooming my paw.

"You always pull my knot out and leave me hanging." Matt grumbles with an adorable pout. He knows that I love seeing him play with himself. But he doesn't, he's still waiting for my permission. Even though he wants to from the needy glint in his eyes. He's such a good puppy sometime and I'm going to reward him for that.

"Could you pass me the lube?" I remark as I brushed my wolf's crotch. Matt's eyes light up at that, his tail wags while his knotted length throbs excitedly. An amused chuckle escapes from me when the lupine reach behind our pillows, and pulls out a bottle of our favorite brand. I give him a knowing smirk when he hands it over, he gives me a flushed smile in return.

I position myself in between his legs, which he happily spreads to welcome me. His pucker eagerly winks at it, as if saying "Come and claim me, stud", when I settle there. The sight of my partner presenting himself is enough to make my knot slip free from it's sheath. Matt grins and rolls his hips playfully when he sees my arousal. It's enough to make my aching length leak more.

I can't hold back anymore, I thought as I pop open the lube. Pouring a generous amount of it onto my right paw before I threw the bottle away from us, after closing it of course. I'm too needy to wait around anymore, and it's the same for Matt as well. My lubed paw greets his entrance, the wolf gasped a bit but spreads his legs even wider.

It's not long until a finger sinks into him. The following warmth that clenches down onto my digit makes my knotted tool twitch need fully. A small growl escapes from me as I slowly sinks another finger into the lupine. The way he moans and clenches down on them, excites me even more. I push them in and out of that tail-ring a few more times before I sinks a third digit into him.

He's a bit loose, I noticed. Must've played with himself before I got back. I keep wriggling my digits inside him. Matt's eyes are closed, his mouth's parted slightly as he rolls his hips every now and then with those soft moans. His lupine shaft twitches every time I sink my digits into him. My tongue darts out to wet my lips, as I watch the steady stream of pre leaking down from his tip. The rhythmic clenches around my digits are more than enough to make my own shaft leak. And a sultry peek from Matt's enough for me to withdraw and reposition myself.

I stroke my length to lube it up as I shift forward, so that my hips brushed against Matt's. The wolf's eyes sparkle lightly as he lifts his hips slightly. A few more strokes later, I line myself up against his entrance. A groan escapes from us at the intimate contact, his legs coiling around my waist as I lean forward to frame his body with my arms. His paws guide my muzzle towards his, and his gaze is enough to tell me everything.

I push, he pulls, and we groan against our lips as we get tangled up in our familiar, intimate embrace. Our hips shiver in bliss as I basked in the warmth he welcomes me with. We push and pull until I'm hilted deep in him, until his depths hugged me snuggly. Our soft pants echo loudly in our room, his blue eyes remain locked onto mine the whole time. Burning with love and want, he could see the same fire in mine.

His arms lazily coil around my neck, giving me a chaste kiss on the lips as he savors our contact. I return one of my own and nuzzles his neck. I didn't care about what's around me anymore, it was just me and him, and satisfying his needs are my top priority right now. I drink in the way he moans and shudder against me when I withdraw my hips. I groan against his neck as his depths hug me tightly, as if trying to keep me from pulling back. The lube does it job well and helps my length glide along his velvet walls without much trouble. I slowly push back in and he pulls me back just as welcoming as before. His limbs tighten around my body slightly as he rests his lips against my head. We moan happily as we maintain our slow rhythm, just humping and grinding our hips against each other. I'm a purring mess as he squirm around me. It's not long before my wolf wanted something more. The way he tightens his hips around me is telling enough.

I start to thrust faster into him, his moans gradually get louder as I coax myself into a swift pace. It feels so good every time his walls coil tighter around me with every thrusts. His claws dig into my shoulder blades when I hilt against his sweet spot. The way he arched his back with a moan is such a delightful sight to behold. My wolf's body responds to mine, sending jolts of bliss down my spine. My aching length leaks copious amounts of pre-seed into his depths every time he massaged me with his core.

Matt's lust-filled gaze meets mine, the coy smirk on his lips with his tongue lolled out, the soft moans and pants escaping from him. Making me snarl with want. I hilt myself against his sweet spot again, which earns a pleased whine from my wolf with his depths coiling tighter around me. A growling moan escapes from me before I begin to rut into him with more vigor.

Matt yelps out my name lewdly, lifting his lower body higher to give me more room. His arms pull me snuggly against his chest and neck. I can feel his racing heart against my own. My hackles rise with a snarl into his neck, his velvet walls keep drawing me deeper and deeper into him. I can feel his claws dig into my back, while his needy length throb and squirt pre against our front. He's absolutely loving my ministrations if the amount of warmth staining my front is any indicator.

Matt rests his chin on my head, letting his delightful moans out into my ears. I pant heavily into his fur as his depths slowly guides me towards my limit. He's murmuring gibberish into my fur as his limbs and core tighten around me. My nostrils flare with each pant as my senses get drowned by the overwhelming scent of a needy fox and a wolf. My wolf starts to nuzzle and rub his head against mine, lavishing me with kisses, licks and nibbles.

It takes me a minute to realize that he's rubbing his scent into mine. It's been a few weeks since we did it, and my wolf's making sure that everyone knew that I belong to him. My hips pound into him with even more vigor, making him yelp and tighten himself around me in bliss. I can feel the way his body quivers, as well as the hardness his throbbing knot. He presses his chin against my head before giving me a drawn out whine. A whine that begged me to claim him again.

So I do just that. My knot kisses his entrance roughly a few more times. My wolf moans and whines softly as he curled up tightly around me. My hips pound away into his until my knot slips through his tail-ring. I hear my wolf let out a pleased gasp when he welcomes my knot into him. His walls immediately clenching down to massage my swelling knot. We moan and pant loudly as we frantically grind against each other. Happily chasing after our orgasm as my knot forms a mating tie inside my mate. I clamp my jaws around his neck as he starts to paint our front with his seed. His squirms tightly around my body, his knotted length erupting between us. The warmth spreading across my front and those velvet walls eagerly milking my length pushes me over. Claiming my mate once again, I grunt and moan into my wolf's shoulder. My knotted length throbs happily before I flood my mate's depths. My hips buck against Matt's as ropes after ropes of cum erupts into him. We're both a moaning, squirming and sticky mess as we empties our pent up loads. Matt's pretty much milking me dry with how much he's squirming against me. Every little clench and shift makes me pump out another string of cum. A soft moan follows after I release my jaws from his shoulders, his limbs loosened their grip on me as we go limp on the bed.

We're both panting with satisfied smiles on our muzzles, not minding the mess we made. His paws stroke my head and back with a pleased whine, a content purr of my own joining him. I murr softly as he nibbles on my ears. I don't need to pull my knot out and Matt's more than happy to let me stay in him. A soft giggle and smile greets me when I gaze up to my mate.

"Someone filled me up nicely." Matt remarks with a loving lick on my lips. I murmur lazily with a roll of my hips. Coaxing another soft moan from him, his squirms making me purr loudly.

"We still have three more days to ourselves." Matt whispers with a playful glint in his eyes. I match it with my own as a few plans start to form.

"You still remember where you put the harness and cage?" I ask with a smirk as his face reddens before my eyes. He gives me a meek little nod with a wide lecherous grin.

"Good." I start with a purr.

"Because you're going to be wear them for a while."