Maw of The Mountain | HARD VORE END

Story by NotNabb on SoFurry

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Another short one that I made a while back, I got a whole file of these but if I post them all I would have no more content, lol.

You were being held up by your tail five feet from the ground by a hulking, muscular elephant with a buzzcut and wore nothing white underwear that had a hard time hiding his manhood. The big-eared mammal had black hair riddled all over his chiseled figure especially on his wide chest which had a nest of hair residing in the middle of his ample pecs. He looked pleased as he brought you close to his face and said in a low gruff voice, "I've been meaning to look for a snack and look who I just happened to walk into today."

You heard his stomach growl loudly before he placed a thick hand on it and licked his lips as he stared at you with a hungry look in his captivating deep blue eyes; despite him possibly being the last face you'll ever see again, he was quite handsome for the time being. He lifted the base of his thick trunk and positioned you underneath it to be faced with his open maw showing the slimy pink orifice in its entirety. Saliva dripped from the roof of his mouth onto his squishy pink tongue that soon acted like a mat for you to sit on as he dropped you on top of it and retracted it back inside of his slippery mouth. You didn't mind that your fur was getting coated with drool, in fact it felt somewhat pleasing as your body was getting warmed by the thick slippery fluid.

The large man then shut his teeth and closed his lips to lower his trunk so he could fully encase you in the warm, soft embrace of his maw. He didn't swallow you right away, he instead began to savor your flavor by rolling his snake of a tongue under you and suckled on your body. "Mmm~..." His voice rumbled around you as he closed his eyes and had two fingers on his left cheek to feel you getting lightly squished around inside; to his experience you didn't taste like anything in particular but he enjoyed himself nonetheless. You didn't have to do much to get satisfaction out of this as you were being pressed against the roof of his mouth by his tongue and had the front side of your body tickled by his taste buds which made everything feel significantly pleasurable.

He decided that he's gotten everything out of sucking in your taste that he began to swallow you down into his throat, slowly but surely. All your worries were starting to fade away as your lower body was inside of his gullet, a noticeable bulge showed in the elephant's throat from the outside. Your entire body rapidly slid through his gullet and finally settled down inside of his stomach with some watery fluid you could only assume was stomach acid. "Ah..." He sighed when you landed in your final destination. You bulged out his ab ridden belly. He placed a hand on his newly round gut and felt you squirm inside as if he were pregnant. "Heh heh, as if I didn't have such a dad figure already," He chuckled as he shook his jiggly belly up and down. He unleashed a loud belch that shook the walls around you before continuing his day like normal, his belly bounced with every step he took.

Your situation looked grim as the acid began to eat away at your fur and flesh yet you still couldn't help sporting a rock-hard boner that stood tall above the acid in between your legs. Your whole body was tingling and burning under the pool of gastric acid that it was oddly pleasurable as much as it was painful, especially around your erect cock. You didn't even need to touch it to bring yourself to a powerful climax that made you shoot ropes of cum from your urethra at the roof of your fleshy prison. You might be broken down into bone soon but, at least you got one last release before fading out.

A Bet's a Bet

Nabb was playing against his cocky friend Asuki in a fighting game on the living room TV. Nabb doesn't usually play as hard as he did but there was a bet placed on this match that if he didn't win against Asuki, who had an unfair advantage because he...

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