The song of a heart

Story by Lizeron on SoFurry

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This is my entry for the second story contest of SoFurry :) Please enjoy it. It's kinda tender, but I hope you will enjoy it :) I hope it's not too long ;3

Warning text: This is a story containing homosexual activities between males of the age of seventeen and eighteen. If male and male contact isn't your type of turn-on

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Zack, Sem are (c) to me

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The song of a heart

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It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of "Who am I?" "Where am I?" "Am I wearing clothes?" filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

"I want to tell you a secret."

The young wolf traced with his eyes, still dazed from his sudden waking, the figure of his lover formed slowly in the darkness sourrounding them. Zack frowned and looked around... this wasn't his appartment. He could feel he was lying on a matress on the floor. His heart skipped a heartbeat as he began to recall the night that had passed.

"Sem... did we really?" The brown wolf questioned the orca in front of him. The orca only grinned weakly, understanding his partner was not yet fine from his most-expected hang over. Both of them were naked and the room was showered with thick scents of musk and mating. It was the first time they were together, it wasn't meant to be from the beginning. It was thought as a simple, afterclub fun.

"Zack... you shared your secret with me" the orca began but silenced at looking at the wolf's haunted face. He seemed so weak and he trembled, murmuring to himself in a language the other male would never understand. "Zack... I won't tell anyone" the orca whispered and placed a hand on the canine's shoulder, pulling him closer in a strong embrace. Stroking his fur felt so relaxing and the wolf began to feel calmer than before. Sem only smiled when he heard "And what about you?"

"I don't mind your job Zack" the orca said and nuzzled his beak on the fuzzy forehead. "I mean... It's not that bad being seventeen and a..." He couldn't find the right words to say in order not to sound irritated "a striper?" Zack said and placed his hands on the stronger male's chest. The other one nodded and smiled, enjoying the treatment of two soft paws tracing his healthy chest, caressing his abdominal.

Both Sem and Zack were students from the same highschool. While Sem was always popular, the young wolf hardly had more then 5 friends to count as company. The jock cetacean was a fine athlete and had brought victory in the name of his school many times in the last tournaments. He was loved and chased by any female that could track him down. Pity.. Zack always looked the orca in the exact same way many times. Thoughts like "Why can't I be like those girls" were always racing through the young canine's mind. However, all he could manage was being close to the orca as a friend other than a lover.

Living without a father or a mother Zack had to find his own ways to survive in the city. Only place that accepted him though was a gay bar called 'The happy hour'. It wasn't the most respected way to occupy himself, yet it was his chance for a job and the money weren't quite bad. And he had successfully kept his little secrets as long as they could last. It was that other night's party that changed everything.

It was a party at a reserved club. Youth, drugs, alcohol were the main attractions and everyone from their class were invited. And upon the dance and the fun, the wolf found himself talking to the jock. It was the alcohol messing up with his head, but it was a chance he couldn't just leave. So in the name of the excitement, Zack grabbed the orca and offered him a show, one that he would never forget. Slowly removing his shirt, his pants and rubbing his buttcheeks on a filling sheathe. It felt so good when those small paws undid his fly and oh so much better when that tongue started working on his maleness.

Soon the wolf's head was used for the orca's pleasure, pre and moans filling the wolf's mouth. It felt so good, being used by the one he was looking at for so long. It felt so important that the orca was be pleased at a level one of his following bitches could never achieve. And it was after some hard thrusts that the orca groaned and began to unleash his essence in the wolf's muzzle.

An orgasm as intense as that was rarely seen. Zack's mouth was made of butter, slick and smooth as if his teeth had never been there and that tongue so full of talent and eagerness to taste and tease his big orcahood's underside. Such a chance couldn't be rejected so both the drunk males would ride Sem's motorcycle, leaving the party and heading to the Orca's own place.

In there their eagerness turned to passion and that passion to heat and lust. Sem wasn't as drunk as his most of submissive wolf, but something inside of him wanted it. He took off his clothes except from his boxers and let the wolf play with him. Until Zack was undressed, that huge boner was tensing the black fabric threatening to shred it, eager to ender the tight home its owner was shoving his fingers in. Moans and pants and chuckles were heard as the orca was preparing his new toy. In the end tossing his underwear away, that pink maleness emanated strong musk in the room.

And then that scream and the cry coming from the wolf. It was just when the head was pushed inside, bowels clamping on it and the more it was moving the stronger that flesh was gripping, pulled deep inside the smaller male. Those cries though only fueled the orcas passion for the person he was claiming. He felt in control and full of power and yet he felt so caring for Zack. If anything was to happen to him he would easily go off the edge. Only when the wolf's cries and tears turned to whimps and impatient pants would the orca pull his erection out of the anal ring it was stretching.

Zack felt empty everytime it was gone from inside of him, but the warmth of his body was too much for Sem to resist to. Slowly at start, inch after inch of pure male flesh would make its way inside of him again filling his body with an alien heat and hot pre. Like that their mating began, but the wolf knew that his partner was different. He was meeting a pace he could handle, not a shoving one as if he was a pillow for desperate humping. He was making him feel comfortable, laying him on the bed, pressing his body on his furred back and a hand grabbing his foot, pulling it to the side and spreading his legs. It felt perfect.

Zack only rubbed his muzzle on his lover's chest as he was recalling the night they had spent. He didn't know when it was that he fell asleep. He didn't even remember if he was awake by the time his mate released his essence deep inside of him. All he knew was that he felt so secure in his arms. The last thing he could remember saying was that he wanted the orca to sing for him. The song of a whale towards his lover, to hear it Zack would feel complete. He then closed his eyes in bliss, his prostate being rubbed on the thick cock and everything after it was a peaceful dream.

Sem, however, couldn't close his eyes. That last request shocked him. As if he was meeting with a nightmare. Truth was, he was unable to sing that pure love song. He knew it was no exact song with lyrics and he knew it was whispers from his own heart speaking for him. He had heard his father sing for his mother many times and also for himself when he was younger like a lullaby. He had even visited doctors when he understood him lacking something so important like that. Noone could say why, but all agreed the young orca was right.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me about Sem?" the wolf asked and looked up, the orca avoiding his gaze before looking at him. "Would you sing for me?" he asked in quietly and played the orca's chest with a finger. However, Zack wanted to hear it for one more reason. He loved the orca, he trully did, he was admiring him every day from the moment they had met, he was always at his games cheering for him. He adored him. He wanted to pull his heart out of his chest and give it to him to hold, but he wanted to know that the orca would take it and keep it safe. He wanted to know that Sem loved him as much and that song was the proof for his emotions.

"Look Zack, I ... I am sorry" he said and brought the wolf closer to himself. "It's just that... I can't sing" Silence filled the room and it suddenly felt heavy to breathe. Zack only nodded and smiled weakly "Oh ... Ok" he said and made an effort to get up. It seemed that he wasn't like those girls after all, he could picture it in his mind the orca making sounds for them. He just wasn't enough. "Sem, thanks for the awesome night" he whispered but he couldn't move, his hand was held by the other male. "It's not that I don't want to Zack" the orca explained "It's more that ... I can't sing for anyone"

Zack looked at him in disbelief and Sem only looked down. The orca felt exposed, such a thing was a secret he treasured. It was his body's problem after all. It didn't feel so weird that he was with another guy, only that he was seeing his little buddy as so much more than just that. He was seeing him as an equal and as a lover.

The wolf sat down again and looked at him. He wanted something serious, not his regular type of fun, fuck and goodbye it was amazing. "What do you feel about me, Sem?" he asked seriously and rubbed the orca's bicep. The orca flushed a blush and grinned at him. "I ... I love you little guy" he said to tease the wolf, who only blushed back and hugged the whale. It was his nickname cause the orca was a little taller, but he could never mind being teased by his friend

Soft fur brushed against the slippery skin of the killer whale as the wolf panted a kiss on his lips and clinged on his chest. He liked the way it sounded like, it felt so romantic. He never had something like that before and never before did he have someone to lock his head under his chin and murr softly at him as Sem was doing at that point. He brushed his cheek playfully on the orca's chest. "I love you too, Sem" he whispered.

He felt his heart beat fast, rapidly plumping his blood through his body. His orca was there, naked, holding him free of his clothes. It felt warm and he could smell the orca's thick, intoxicating musk. His sheathe began to fill with with lust and passion and the orca could see that first hand.

The more the wolf was aroused so was Sem, who had long lost his sober self. He just felt fuzzy inside, having Zack hugging him like that. He felt as if he had a purpose to exist from that day and on. His own sheathe was proved unable to hold thoughts fogged with such a lust contained in his body for so long.

Zack looked again in awe as the huge whalerod was appearing in front of him once again. Both his paws didn't seem enough to cover that pre-leaking maleness and he flushed a blush when his mind tried to compare the two. Sem only giggled and squeezed his sides lovingly, exciting a soft murr from the wolf. He help him close and turned him around, relaxing his smaller lover's back on his chest and letting his cock slide between Zack's hips.

Zack murred in agony, as that thick cock was actually seen under his balls. It was thick and Zack could bet that the killer whale was taking pride in it. "You so big Sem... I want to take all of you into me" he moaned and reached for the orca's neck, rubbing softly one side. Sem only chuckled and licked Zack's neck "Relax and I can promise you, you will get what you asked for". He reached for the floor and picked up a half empty bottle of lube, spurting the slick liquid all over his shaft, rubbing softly at its base and on Zack's tight pucker.

Zack closed his eyes and breathed slowly, trying to prepare himself, same way he had always been doing. That glorious feeling of having the bulbus head pressing on his entrance and the feeling of it sliding deeper and deeper again. It was plumped into him qith quite an ease and he found himself relaxing in his mate's arms. He could feel a hand on his waist squeezing him and a hand holding him around his chest and then he felt the male behind him flexing all of his muscles, taking a hold of him and pulling him up only to push him down again.

The orca was shivering from the blissful tightness, feeling close already. It was as if that ass was made to be shaped perfectly for his huntry length and he began to murr to the wolf who was panting trying to get used to the huge length. Sounds of mating, moans and groans could be heard from the pair, as they were making love, sober for the first time. Balls were pressing on the furred butt and a hand was stroking tenderly the Zack's length.

It felt so unique, so new and so warm. Strong anal muscles were milking the killer's whales cock and a strong grip was bringing the wolf to the edge. The pace became faster and the thrusts became harder and deeper, but still they moaned and murred to each other and looked at one another or even looked away out of a silly childish innocent that was rushing through their minds.

The wolf was the first to howl after their second mating, the pleasure being too much, overwhelming him and taking control of his senses. And as his dick was releasing his load in the open air his insides felt on fire, squeezing down on the thick prick and provoking it to cum. Resistanse was something that couldn't apply to the situation and soon warm sticky orca seed was filling the wolf's anal passage, Sem groaning in delightfulness. Leaking from his tailhole and down on the orca's legs and balls, his cock just couldn't help but to release more and more of his cum inside of the smaller wolf.

They needed time to breathe, panting and enjoying the pleasure of their afterglow. Sem removed his lovetool from Zack's anus and laid on the bed, grinning lousily at the ceiling. Zack only looked at him for a moment. 'How can he be so... so perfect' he wondered. He liked everything about him, even his biggest flaw was the best flaw a guy could have. He got next to him and put his head on the whale's pecs, rubbing the rest of his upper body with his little paws. He could hear the orca's heart beating in excitement and relief and sexual exhaustions...

"Hey Zack..."the orca began, but he only found a finger on his lips motioning him to stop and the wolf just grinned and pressed his ear harder on his chest and said "Don't speak for now... I can hear it singing"


Okiedokie that was it :D it was kinda mushy... but I like the happy, loving cute stuff :D
