Spreading the Shine (2/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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What could be worse then a bunch of vulcanthropes on the loose in a city? A bunch of vulcanthropes set loose in a rubber club! It's like kids in a candy store and they are going to be glutting themselves.

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When Xavier woke up the next morning he immediately knew that he wasn't alone, mostly due to the fact that he had someone else's arms wrapped around him. When he turned around he saw a Greywolf-dragon snoozing there as well and what looked to be about two or three dozen various rubber implements around them. Even though it was a slight surprise to see the other man in the bed he found himself not worried at all, especially as the memories of the night filtered back into his mind while he got up. As he did he pulled the covers slightly from Vritrax's body and saw that even though he had turned back to normal he could see a familiar looking wolf head rubber mark on his thigh.

The movement had also caused the hybrid to awaken and Vritrax let out a loud yawn as he stirred, then opened his eyes and looked around. "Huh, this is not where I was expecting to wake up," Vritrax said as he continued to shift his body around, and as he crawled out of it he looked down and gave his half-hard cock a squeeze. "Here I thought that it'd be rubber."

"I'm not sure it works like that," Xavier said as he saw that his own was also still fleshy, with the rubber mark still on his side. "I'm not sure though, this is honestly the first time that I've become a vulcanthrope."

"A vulcanthrope you say," Vritrax said with a slight huff as he got up from the bed, stretching out as Xavier watched him. "I suppose there are worse things to be, and you don't know if this happens like once every full moon or something? Although I suppose that since yesterday wasn't a full moon that wouldn't count."

Xavier found himself nodding as he realized that he didn't know much about his affliction and he had just spread it to someone else, and not only that but he felt a certain sense of pride in doing so as well. He also felt like he may have others out there as well but he couldn't be sure of it as he continued to watch the other man take stock of his surroundings. The hybrid didn't seem to keen on putting on his clothing and as the fox followed him out to the living room he realized that he didn't either. There was just something so natural about being naked, especially when it was in front of the other man as the two sat down on his couch.

"So what do we do now?" Vritrax asked, to wish Xavier shrugged slightly. "I assume that we're going to be creating more like us."

"Wait, what?" Xavier asked. "You do remember what happened to you, right?"

"Mmmm, that I do," Vritrax replied with a grin on his muzzle. "Are you telling me that you regret what you did, and what we did afterwards?"

"Well of course I don't," Xavier found himself saying, finding a smile spreading on his own face too. "That felt amazing, even when we tried to get those two guys and we ended up struggling to hunt them down and then just came down here to wreck your bed instead. Plus I've always been a fan of rubber and when you turned me into that beast it was like you freed me into what I truly should be."

"I'm glad to hear that because it's probably going to be happening again," Xavier said as he stood up. "It seems that whatever has happened to me and now you is going to rear it's rubbery head very soon, I can already feel it lurking about. I know that we had a lot of fun but even as I hear myself saying that I wonder if this vulcanthropy isn't affecting us mentally in some way, and perhaps we need to find a way to, I guess, restrain ourselves from acting out on these impulses and possibly spreading this thing even further."

"You do make a good point," Vritrax replied with a nod. "Why don't we reluctantly get dressed and go see if we can maybe find a way to keep our new baser instincts in check, plus get something to eat. Since I am your hunter it seems perhaps I can sniff out what it is my new alpha wants."

Though the Greywolf-dragon seemed to be saying it out of jest being called the alpha sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. Even though they were both back to their normal states he could almost feel the rubber werewolf that lurked beneath the skin of the cocky hybrid. The shiny black rubber and gold mane on the lupine creature, those powerful muscles and thick member, all of that could be felt even though he saw a perfectly normal man putting on his clothes. As the fox got dressed himself he realized that he also felt the same way about himself, feeling that wonderful rubber creature just underneath his skin as he placed a hand against his groin.

About an hour later the two made their way down the sidewalk in the city and as they started to look for something that could help them control themselves they also took the time to get to know one another. Up until that point the only thing the two knew about one another was that they were really into rubber and were growing increasingly compliant in their fates as monsters. Even though they were essentially strangers Xavier felt a deep connection that was hard to find with even close friends and some family, a bond that was made through their affliction. As the two walked they also found themselves finding a connection in a different way, kissing each other more than once and even sneaking in a quick grope despite their promise to try and refrain from being too amorous.

As the two made their way through the street both of them suddenly perked up and their noses sniffed the air despite themselves. It was a scent that was both familiar and unusual, something that they instantly recognized but wasn't like when they were in their vulcanthrope forms looking for prey to rubberize. The two looked at each other before they began to follow the trail and eventually found themselves going into a nearby sporting goods store. Once they entered they could tell that whatever had piqued their interest was nearby and began to carefully make their way towards it as they found that the smell was not that of their prey...

...it was that of another predator.

Eventually the two spied upon two men that they had never seen before, the tiger-snake and lizard men looking through compression gear, but as Xavier watched them rub their muzzles against it the fox started to remember that he had actually met them. Images of storming their campsite came to mind and the two creatures running, but before they had done that his hunter counterpart who had found them in the first place had managed to infect the lizardman. It seemed that the vulcanthropy had taken root in both of the rubber lovers and as he and Vritrax approached them he could see them perk up. The two quickly spun around and as the four gazed upon one another they could almost sense the rubber wolf within as they gave each other a smirk.

"I thought that maybe we had failed with you," Xavier said as they approached one another, hugging as though meeting an old friend even though he had never actually spoken to them. "I'm sure your transformations were quite glorious, it's a shame that I wasn't there."

"The feeling is mutual," Darey replied as he looked around before he pulled down the hem of his sweatpants, Xavier's eyes widening slightly when he saw that it looked like the tiger-snake was wearing a pair of rubber briefs with a closed gold lock along the front. The fox remembered when he had converted Vritrax and had something similar on his groin, which he had unzipped while in his bestial form and allowed the contents within to be freed. "It appears that we need the permission of the alpha in order to be released, and not just those forms you gave us."

When Xavier looked over to the one that introduced himself as Kosjir he saw the lizardman shift his pants down as well and show him, though as the two continued to show off their shiny bulges both let out a shiver as the rubber shifted. The two lock patterns on the creatures suddenly disappeared and were replaced with zippers, and when Vritrax took a second to look at himself as well they saw that his groin was fashioned much in the same way. They could only be unlocked in the presence of the alpha vulcanthrope, Xavier realized as he found himself licking his lips, and when they weren't around him they wouldn't even have the opportunity. This raised many more questions than answers but at the moment the fox was finding it slightly hard to think with three gorgeous men showing off what was essentially their rubber jocks to him.

The three quickly covered themselves up once more as they heard movement around them and Xavier motioned for all of them to follow him. His corrupted mind would love nothing more than to let these creatures loose but even the vulcanthrope inside of him knew that it would be a bad idea, not to mention that their powers were strongest during the night... though he wasn't quite sure how he knew that. Regardless the fox wanted a place where they could talk without their lusts being distracting and eventually they found a restaurant where the four could sit down. As soon as they got seated Xavier breathed a sigh as the waiter went to get them their drinks, only to jump slightly as he felt a foot press against the crotch of his pants.

"Can we get focused here?" Xavier asked, which prompted the paw to slide back down as both Darey and Kosjir gave him a sheepish grin while Vritrax bit his lip in pleasure from receiving similar treatment. "We have to talk about the fact that we're all monsters here."

"To be fair, we're incredibly sexy monsters," Darey clarified with a grin.

"Well, yes," Xavier replied, the other three chuckling slightly as the fox blushed not only from the description but the feeling of pride that came with it. "But that doesn't change the fact that in a matter of a day our little pack here went from just me to four people, and it seems like we're all itching to go out there and do it again tonight. I know we all enjoy ourselves but we can't go around just converting innocent people."

"Actually... I may have a theory about all this," Vritrax spoke up as he looked over to the two scaly creatures that sat across from him. "Did either of you two happen to have an enjoyment of rubber and maybe bondage as well?"

Both men grinned sheepishly and it was the tiger-snake that spoke up first. "Yeah, Kosjir actually found the hidden room that I use for my play and that's when both of us turned," Darey explained. "I've been into that sort of stuff for as long as I can remember and I was actually shocked when he wanted to try it out himself. That was before I knew that he was infected with this vulcanthropy that you two are talking about."

"I see," Vritrax said before looking specifically at Kosjir. "Out of curiosity how did you find this hidden room?"

"I just... sort of sensed it was there," Kosjir replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"So it looks like not only do our vulcanthrope selves seem to be attracted to rubber lovers but we can almost sniff them out," Vritrax postulated. "It doesn't seem like coincidence that Xavier picked me out of any creature to turn, not when there is easier prey that was out there I'm sure. It stands to reason that vulcanthropes only turn people with a rubber fetish into other vulcanthropes, possibly with bondage implications too since I can sort of sense that both of you might be a little more submissive."

As Darey spoke up and said that he was a switch the four stopped when the waiter came back with their drinks, and as Xavier looked him over he tried to see if the theory that the Greywolf-dragon had proposed might be true. The rubber werewolf within could be felt inside of him but when he tried to project those feelings of desire and conversion to the other man he didn't really feel anything there. This was not prey... and when he thought that he knew that it was true, that they only went after people that had a profound love of the shiny material that would cover them. While that in itself was a relief the fox could feel the beast stir within and as they sat there getting to know one another he could feel it growing more restless the closer it got to night time.

The hours passed and the four eventually had empty plates in front of them as the sun began to set behind the horizon. Xavier had been trying to think of a plan the entire time as he sat back in the booth, feeling his body twitch slightly as the hybrid that sat next to him had a hand completely down his pants and was stroking him. In the time that they sat there the fox found his cock had become rubbery once more and unlike the other three was completely free, straining against his pants as it grew in length and girth as well. It was also becoming clear that the other two were fondling one another under the booth too and soon they were going to start attracting attention if they couldn't get it together.

Finally the fox told the other three that they would just go back to his place and ride this out for the night, and though he could tell that the other three were disappointed that they wouldn't be adding to their numbers they still did what their alpha told as they got up from the booth. While Xavier had to tuck himself to make sure he wasn't walking around with a tent in his pants the other three were still contained by the rubber around them, though as he thought about it he could feel the desire to release his pack growing stronger by the second. It took all his willpower not to reach down and unzip them, which in turn would release the three vulcanthropes to the hunt as his own inner beast was starting to manifest from the shiny skin that poked up from his waistband.

When the four got outside the cold air helped calm them down as they made their way back towards the parking area where Xavier and Vritrax had left the car they had taken. The streetlamps had already flickered to life overhead in order to banish the night and more than once the fox found himself sniffing the air while the three accompanied him with growing smiles on their muzzles. He knew that they wanted nothing more than for their alpha to lose control, to change and transform while hoping he would do the same for them. While this was probably going to happen Xavier wanted to at least try to get away from the city where it was more likely they would encounter someone that would be an ideal candidate to become their prey.

Just as they got to the last block before the parking lot however Xavier stumbled as they passed by an alley, both Darey and Vritrax grabbing onto him to keep him from falling as the fox quivered from head to toe. His pupils dilated as the intoxicating aroma of potential rubber creatures had rolled over him like a wave and even as he got to his feet he could feel them starting to grow within the confines of his shoes. This was more than a mere person that was interested in rubber and as he found himself stepping forward he could hear the tiger-snake mention that there was a fetish club that had an entrance in the alley. A congregation of rubber creatures... it was like a starving man finding a buffet as Xavier found himself staggering forward, his hand reaching up and pressing against the wall as claws grew from his fingertips that left furrows in the brick.

The other three immediately went into protective mode and ushered their changing alpha around the corner and away from view from the public on the street. By this point it looked like Xavier had a massive nosebleed but what came from his nostrils and mouth was shiny red liquid rubber that had started to coat his growing muzzle. He let out a loud snarl as the three quickly undressed his expanding frame as patches of rubber had started to appear, his fur melting into it as his hands and feet expanded. Though he knew that they were about to cause some serious trouble Xavier found himself embracing the instincts that were forming in his mind, his rubber lips curling up into a smile as he noticed that the others around him had started to grow bigger as well.

While Xavier hadn't unzipped them the three saw their alpha transforming and were starting to follow suit, though it wasn't with the same speed or intensity. Once they had gotten done stripping the fox and leaving him naked while rubber continued to spread over his thickening muscles they began to disrobe themselves as well. Even though they hadn't been released yet they were already starting to show the spreading of their own rubber, the shifting fox looking up to see the black rubber and gold striping appear on the scales of the tiger-snake as he let out a grunt. That gold zipper was practically up against Xavier's changing face but as the increasingly rubber lupine creature grew in size and stature he merely reached up with a thickly clawed hand and groped the bulge which caused Darey to let out a growl.

Their situation hadn't gone completely unnoticed however and as the vulcanthrope that had been a fox only a few moments ago got to his feet the door to the club opened and someone poked their head out and yelled to not have sex in their alley. By this point Xavier had gotten to his huge latex wolf feet and looked over to see a woman standing there, her fur patterned in blues and white that had a mix of orca and blue jay features to it. She was also wearing a rubber corset and pair of bottoms that were only slightly more covering than a pair of panties and of a similar coloration. The vulcanthrope huffed as the smell of intense desire for rubber filled his nostrils and as the others did the same a toothy smile filled Xavier's maw as he grabbed the zipper on Kosjir's crotch and unzipped it.

The effect was nearly instantaneous as the lizardman let out a howl, his back arching as his rubber cock flopped out from the opening while the shiny substance spread over his scales like wildfire. His entire body trembled with new growth as the vulcanthrope emerged, his muscles ballooning out as his reptilian features became more lupine by the second. As his hands became mitts and his eyes became lenses the transformation had caused the onlooker to look on in sheer shock, stepping out from the door in sheer disbelief as she asked what was going on. With the door open the others could see that there was another that was beyond it, which no doubt was where the euphoric aroma was coming from as Vritrax and Darey continued to slowly change while Kosjir reached completion and pounced forward with his gimp-suited werewolf body.

The orcajay let out a gasp of surprise from her muzzle as she suddenly saw the muscular rubber creature pounce at her, trying to get inside and close the door as the monstrous male quickly closed the distance between them. A yelp escaped from her throat when the metal quickly was pulled away from her fingers and slammed against the outside part of the wall and left her exposed to the creature that stood in the door frame. When she tried to back away more however she tripped up against the chair she had been using to sit on while waiting for club members to arrive but before she fell back against the wall the huge paw of the creature darted forward and caught her. She remained hovering there for a few seconds in the grasp of the rubber werewolf before she was brought to her feet once more, then guided back towards one of the walls of the room by the rather muscular body of the creature that pressed against her.

The spontaneous act of concern and gentle means of helping her had defused a lot of the terror in the situation and as the orcajay looked the man over she found that the shiny creature was incredibly hot. The vulcanthrope had started to become more primal in his actions though and before the hybrid knew it she was turned around and up against the wall with one large hand palming her breasts while the other slid down and had her rubber pants hit the ground. While this was against all club rules she found herself getting more into it by the second as she felt the cock of the bigger man start to press against her thigh. She huffed that her name was Dobrica but no response came from the zippered mouth of the rubber lupine as the tip of his member pressed up against the folds of her pussy before starting to slide in. Her eyes widened as she was spread open and as the thick rod continued to push into her the more she began to squirm in pure pleasure, especially as she was lifted up to the point where her feet no longer touched the floor as they began to grow while a shiny blue liquid began to drip from stretched snatch...

Meanwhile Xavier walked past the distracted bouncer that was becoming less orcajay and more rubber werewolf by the second and moved into the club itself. Even before he had opened the second door with his two vulcanthrope companions, who had almost completely transformed but were still contained, they could hear the bass of the music vibrating it. The rubber of their ears morphed into plugs and the lenses that covered their eyes tinted slightly, making them even more efficient predators as they made their way inside. As expected the inside was more like a typical nightclub; there was a dance floor where people dressed in rubber garb grinded against one another while others at the bar looked on while sipping their drinks. Much to Xavier's surprise these creatures held little interest for him and as he looked at the other vulcanthropes he could sense that they had the same sentiment.

But that didn't mean there wasn't prey in this place, and as Xavier sniffed the air to find it he took a hand on either side of him and unzipped the two rubber werewolves that immediately started to salivate upon being released.

As the door to the club closed it left Kosjir and Dobrica still out in the main entrance area, the increasingly rubbery orcajay being pushed into the wall as her body began to warp and reshape. The corset that she wore merged with the blue and white rubber that was flowing over her body as her breasts grew bigger but remained firm, the globes shining in the overhead light as the rest of her body became bigger by the second. Her gasps and panting became growls and snarls as the muscle thickened through her body like a wave with every pump of the rubber cock inside of her while her skin smoothed out and became shiny. Even as her tail morphed into something lupine like the one plowing into her and her back swelled with muscle she still retained her fins, giving her werewolf body an aquatic theme that matched the blue and white patterning as rubber flowed out of her maw and covered her face.

Dobrica's grunts became muffled as the wolf mask formed around and melded onto her own face, a deep huff pushing out as a respirator formed in front of her muzzle. The lenses that her eyes became merged together as well and as the blue and white rubber swept over her head and continued to make her into a vulcanthrope it molded more and more until it looked a lot like a scuba mask. The transforming hybrid grew silent as she was turned around while still impaled on the cock of the werewolf, the two creatures pressing their muscular bodies against one another as Kosjir let out another muffled snarl before going quite as well. With their new pack mate brought into the fold the two began to get more carnal with their rutting as Dobrica was able to touch the ground once more with her webbed latex wolf paws.

The sound of squeaking filled the air as the two muscular creatures continued to fuck even after Dobrica's transformation was complete, the blue and white vulcanthrope wrapping her legs around the waist of Kosjir as her rubber boobs rubbed against his pectorals. Anyone that would have looked in at that moment might have just thought that it was two people in gimp suits going at it, though anyone that would have seen the shiny cock plunge in and out of the depths of the female's slit would have seen that their internal anatomy was changed as well. The mitted hands of the male grabbed onto Dobrica's thighs as hers wrapped around the bulging biceps of the other's arms, and as she did several straps that had formed on her forearms slithered out and pinned them to his sides. Even though Kosjir had transformed the other vulcanthrope Dobrica was more than willing to take charge as she bound the other male up, leaving him only with the ability to thrust into her while she made sure that no one else would disrupt the others with their fun.

Back in the club the crowd continued to remain oblivious to the monsters that stalked around it, the dark lights and clouds of fog that came off of the stage helping to obfuscate the prowling latex predators that roamed around it. Even when the vulcanthropes were out in the open those that did see them mistook the creatures as people in elaborate rubber gear, especially when they saw the masked faces, harnesses, and other gear that adorned their bodies. For the vulcanthropes they didn't pay those curious onlookers any mind either, they were looking for their prey as they sniffed the air. It was hard with all the low-level interest in rubber, those that were around them enjoying the feel of the material against their bodies and wearing it out in public but not to the level that interested them, until they finally caught the trail of someone that piqued their attention...

Meanwhile Night made his way through the dance floor and bar towards the back room, holding the key that he had gotten earlier in the night in his hands. It was for the ability to go into the back area of the club, the special pass that he clutched showing that he had already passed through the necessary medical screenings and signed legal paperwork. It was a daunting task for the husky-wolf but he finally got it all done and was able to finally enjoy the fruits of his labor. When he got to the door in the back he was surprised to see that it didn't seem to have the usual bouncer that stood in front, nevertheless when he took the key and used it on the door it opened for him without any trouble.

When he walked inside the hybrid found that the back area was merely a single hallway with several doors that lined the walls. It was also very quiet, which caused Night to frown slightly as he scratched the dark grey fur underneath the rubber harness that adorned his pectoral muscles. He had heard that the back area of the club wasn't used very often but had hoped that there would at least be someone around that he could have some rubbery fun with, but as he walked along the hallway he didn't hear anything. When he got to the end he sighed and realized that unless he wanted to wait he would have to probably go back and just enjoy the club for the night, only to hear a loud bang behind him that caused him to jump slightly.

Night looked around to see that one of the doors nearest to the entrance was no longer marked as vacant, seeing the green light that indicated someone was inside waiting for fun. The hybrid's hopes began to rise up as he went over and put his hand on the doorknob only to hesitate before he turned it. The person that had gone inside clearly would have seen him, especially since his white and grey fur was almost completely exposed save for the harness on his chest and the pair of latex briefs that were there as a minimum to the main club. Perhaps that meant that two overly amorous individuals had gone inside for a bit of fun and forgot to turn the room to occupied... or maybe whoever was inside just hadn't seen him?

As Night slowly began to pull his hand away from the doorknob as his anxiety began to get the better of him the door suddenly swung open, the husky-wolf's eyes widening slightly as he saw the absolute rubber-covered beefcake of a wolf in full bondage gear standing there. It had been the first time he ever saw anyone as invested in full coverage before and he felt his heart skip a beat as a small smile formed on his muzzle. "Oh, hey there," Night said as he had to crane his neck up slightly in order to look into the lenses of the gas mask that this wolf wore. "I don't suppose you could use one moraahhhh!"

The hybrid was practically yanked off of his feet as the huge wolf man grabbed him by the harness and pulled him into the room, once more slamming the door behind him. As Night was spun around and grabbed once more he saw that there was another guy that was dressed in similar attire, save that the rubber was a bright red and had on less gear, and when the creature turned he was surprised to see that the shiny material was molded to his face like a skintight mask. In fact his entire suit looked like it was a second skin as he was ushered over towards a bench that sat in one area of the rather small room. Before Night could say anything the rubber werewolf behind him had swept him up off of his feet and brought him over towards the piece of furniture before setting him down on his furry stomach.

"Damn... you guys are really hot," Night commented as the one that brought him to the bench began to strap his feet down to the floor while the other one came over and did the same to his arms. "I think this isn't exactly following the rules but for you two I'm willing to go. Where did you get those rubber suits by the way, I would love to have one of my own..."

There was a deep, throaty chuckle that came out of the red vulcanthrope as Xavier knew that soon this hybrid would be getting his wish while he used the rubber of his own body to augment the straps that were around the wolf-husky's wrists. They had morphed into a pair of cuffs that wrapped around the dark grey fur, the shiny material turning a similar color as blue and yellow lines similar to what highlighted the toned body of the canine creature that appeared on the cuffs as well. If Night could see them he would have been impressed but most of his view was taken up by the latex body of the male in front of him. The way the muscles moved under that red rubber and didn't have a seam shift looked almost unnatural, like someone had dipped this muscular werewolf in rubber and it coated him like a second skin as he felt his body get stretched into place with more restraints around his biceps and thighs pressing him to the bench.

Xavier slowly stood up once he had made sure that their prey had been sufficiently captured, though with the lustful look that the hybrid gave the two of them it seemed he was enjoying his fate. The red vulcanthrope was ready to take it one step further, but as he ran a clawed hand down the back of the restrained creature he moved to switch places with Vritrax. It wasn't long before Night found himself staring down the barrel of a large black rubber member in front of his muzzle, and as the vulcanthrope moved forward the hoses on the snout of the mask detached and hung down around his thighs. As soon as Night stuck out his tongue and licked against the shiny shaft the rubber transferred onto his tongue and immediately started to spread.

When Night felt something coating his mouth he attempted to say something, only to have the vulcanthope grab him by the head and push himself forward. With the corruption already starting to manifest in his muzzle it was able to take much more than before as rubber began to coat the husky-wolf's lips and spread outward. As it continued to spread outwards the hoses that had been dangling on the body of Vritrax darted forward like snakes and latched onto the latex-covered nose of the surprised man, and as the cock that had started to slide in and out of his increasingly shiny maw pulled out a cloud of bluish-purple gas could be seen before it was plugged back in. As the orange eyes began to grow half-lidded the rubber that was sweeping over his white and blue hair dripped down into his eyes and completely sealed them along with his ears as his squirming became increasingly pleasurable.

As the vulcanthrope in front of the trapped wolf-husky began to shift his hips back and forth Xavier could see that the rubber was already starting to have an effect on the creature, though it wasn't in the way that even he thought could happen. As more of the thick cock pushed into Night's maw the heavy rubber that was flowing over his head had fused to the similar material of the bench, sticking him to it as his face and head became less distinctive by the second. With the tubes in the nostrils of the still-squirming male still feeding him pure pleasure via gas even before he was penetrated the vulcanthrope realized this one was going to be a little different then the others, especially as the shiny material continued to cascade over his fit form and suctioned against his body. As the vulcanthrope infection made its way down Night's body his shoulders and chest looked almost swollen compared to the still furry waist and legs, though Xavier was more than ready to solve that as he stepped forward.

The second that the tip of his rubber cock pushed into the tight ring of muscle he could feel his corruption spread inside and out, allowing him to push inside and feed more of the transformative rubber into this creature's system. As Xavier slid inch after inch of his thick, throbbing member inside h could feel Night's body buck and squirm, but with the rubber starting to spread over his hips and down his legs it was becoming harder for him to move. It started to look like the wolf-husky was stuck in some sort of bizarre vac-rack as Vritrax pumped harder into the restrained head of the creature while the other vulcanthrope did the same to the man's tailhole. Eventually it became hard to tell where the hybrid ended and the bench began as the two continued to thrust into the rubber creature, watching his body start to swell and bloat underneath the shiny skin that he was trapped under...

Eventually the night started to wind down to a close and people started to leave the club, one of them in particular an otter-rabbit hybrid that waited patiently for the bartender to be freed up so that he could pay the tab. He was one of the few that wasn't wearing any sort of rubber on him; it had been the first time that he was at such a club and his friends had brought him so that he could check out the scene, and though he found himself curious he wasn't sure if he would come back. Everyone there was super nice to him, he thought to himself as he waited at the bar, but it didn't seem like his thing and it seemed like a hassle to get everything on and off over his fur.

A voice snapped Andy out of his thoughts and he looked over to see that the bartender was asking him if he had a tab, which the hybrid nodded and gave his name so he could get his credit card back. By this point most of the people had left the bar as the house lights came up and by the time he had signed the paper he was the last one that stood there. Even the bartenders were pretty much ready to go as he went over towards the door and got his coat out of the locker that he had been assigned when he first came in. Once he had gotten everything out he put the key back into the automated return bin and made his way out into the cold night air.

Just like with the bar it appeared that he was the last one to leave the alley as well, and as Andy looked around he couldn't help but notice that there was no one at the door anymore either. Did the orcajay already leave for the night? While it didn't matter much to him it was a little eerie to be going down the dark alley with no one else around, even if the corner to turn to the street was only about twenty meters away. As he stepped outside however he began to feel a little strange, like someone was watching him even as he looked around to see that there was no one around as the light from the full moon illuminated everything.

Andy took a deep breath and barreled forward as fast as he could so that he could rejoin the street, but before he could turn that corner something dropped down and stopped him dead in his tracks. The otter-rabbit let out a gasp of horror as he saw the creature that stood before him, the huge aquatic werewolf's muscular body covered head to toe in shiny blue and white rubber in a pattern that was somewhat familiar to him. All he could think of though was that this creature had started to advance towards him with a fanged smile on her muzzle, which started to curl up into a snarl as he continued to retreat. As she continued to approach him there was nowhere that Andy could go to escape, especially as he saw another rubber werewolf jump down as well right behind her.

The only thing the otter-rabbit could do was double back, and as the two vulcanthropes let out a snarl he turned tail and ran as fast as he could towards the door of the club. Though the two creatures were extremely quick the ground had started to become icy and even with the huge claws on their latex feet both of them stumbled just enough for the hybrid to get back into the club's entrance. When he went to grab the door his immediate fear was that they had already locked up the club but to his surprise and relief it swung open easily to him, the otter-rabbit pushing inside before jamming the door closed and locking it behind him. Only a few seconds later the heavy metal rattled loudly as the creatures made impact with it and it was enough for Andy to turn back and run inside the club proper once more.

As Andy ran into the bar looking for another exit the lights suddenly went out, which prompted him to freeze into place. With only the security lighting on to guide him the hybrid saw that the bartenders were both gone but that there was definitely something inside the place with him, causing him to swallow hard as he tried to find where the exit sign was. He carefully made his way towards the dance floor where things were more open and as he did he could hear sounds of someone moving around him. More than once he snapped his head around at the sound of heavy footsteps only for his eyes to squint in the low light and see nothing but the shadows.

Eventually the hybrid did find a door and he hoped that it was a way out as the vision of the monsters that he had seen outside continued to haunt him. It was clear to him that they were not normal club-goers, not with the way the rubber glistened off their bodies and how it moved with them, and the way the two creatures moved remind him of monsters that he would see on movies. Though his rational mind tried to tell him that there was no such thing he couldn't help but think of werewolves as the ones that chased him in as he tried this door and found it unlocked as well. At the moment though the only thing he could think of was escape as he adjusted the short shorts he wore and walked into the hallway on the other side.

When Andy got to the end of this hallway he found that it was a dead-end, and though there were a number of doors on either side it looked as though they were all just rooms as he checked them. They all had various pieces of bondage and rubber gear inside of it as well and it caused the hybrid to pause slightly each time. This was certainly something he didn't see before, the otter-rabbit thought to himself before he shook his head and reminded himself that he was trapped in a club with strange and potentially hostile creatures. Despite each one being just a room he checked all of them, but when he got to the last one and looked inside he stopped as one of the pieces of rubber equipment seemed to be squirming with someone trapped inside.

"Hello?" Andy called out, hearing nothing in response as he tried to find a light switch on the wall. "Is someone in there? Do you need help?" When he failed to find anything the otter-rabbit continued to keep his eyes glued to the strange bench and whoever was contained inside of it. Whoever they are they must be huge, the rabbit-otter thought to himself as he decided to go over and make sure they weren't trapped.

Just as he was a few steps away however the wiggling rubber sack stopped and started to glow from a blue and yellow light within. At first Andy thought that someone had finally heard him approached and had some sort of light, but as the glowing got slightly brighter he saw that whatever was moving in the rubber had started to shift its position. As the rabbit-otter watched he suddenly stepped back as a clawed hand pushed its way out from the rubber, stretching it way out into the air before it split open to reveal the creature within. Andy felt his jaw dropped as a muscular rubber werewolf, though not as big as the two that were outside, emerged from the pod that contained it as the thickly clawed feet dug into the rubber covered bench beneath it. All the hybrid could do was stand there frozen in terror as black and white latex creature emerged, its glowing orange eyes looking right at him as the yellow and blue lines that adorned his body, along with the cuffs and harness it wore, pulsated just like the neon blue pawpads and tips of his synthetic mane.

As glowing electric blue rubber drool dripped from Night's jaws the snarl that came from the glowing vulcanthrope's lips snapped Andy out of his entranced state and once more made a run for it. With the creature still emerging from its cocooned state he was able to get out of the room and shut the door behind him, then ran out through the VIP door and back into the main club. Before he could take another step forward though he saw a red rubber werewolf standing there at the stairs, his arms crossed as several others milled about in the club behind him. The two that had chased him into the place were there as well and as he stood there in shock he suddenly heard the music kick on once more.

With nowhere to run the hybrid continued to stand there waiting to be pounced, only to see the thickly muscled rubber creature continue to stand there. "Wh-why aren't you pouncing on me?" Andy said as he looked into the shiny eyes of the creature. "What are you creatures? What's going on around here?"

Xavier continued to stand there at the stairs, his body ready to make a move but not doing anything but standing there as he saw the look of panic increase on his face. As the vulcanthrope alpha watched the otter-rabbit tried to take a few steps down, only to stop on the first one as he started to move forward. When Andy backed away Xavier did the same, and the two continued to do that for a while before the look of horror on the hybrid's face turned to frustration. When he considered jumping over the banister to the sides of the stage he saw that there were already other vulcanthropes that were down there waiting for him, keeping him contained on the stair platform.

"What do you want from me?" Andy asked the monsters once more. "I don't understand what is- glk!" The vulcanthropes that were in the main club all turned their heads as they watched the otter-rabbit as the look on his face turned from confusion to pure shock, his mouth hanging open as he stood there on the platform. His entire body had gone completely rigid and as he stood there his body bounced up slightly, then again before he was lifted off of his feet entirely.

The winter coat that Andy wore was pulled away to show that his stomach was starting to get stretched out, the otter-rabbit looking down at it in pure shock as several droplets of shiny blue rubber began to drip from the side of his mouth from the corruption that had already started to take hold. Though the hybrid couldn't see it the bulge in the light tan fur of his stomach fur that was growing larger by the second was caused by the thick rubber werewolf cock that had slipped inside of him, though he had felt it as soon as it went inside of him when Night slipped up behind him and took him by surprise. It didn't take much to impale the much smaller male on his cock and as he was stretched open the shorts that had been pulled down from behind started to tear by the growing muscles on the hybrid's thighs.

With pure pleasure rushing through Andy's body all he could do was squirm on the thick shaft sliding through his hole as his cock pushed its way out from his shorts, dripping with bright neon pink liquid rubber as more of the neon blue dripped out of his mouth. The thin hips of the rabbit-otter bloated with growth as his cock quickly followed suit, gaining several inches almost immediately as the sensitive flesh was converted while the vulcanthrope behind him began to pump even deeper into his mutating body. With the way the stairs were it was as if Night was giving his new pack mates a show as the strained shorts popped off of the growing body of the transforming creature with a loud rip, his shoes quickly following suit as large bright purple claws pushed through the stitches out into the open air. The head of the transforming creature morphed into a blue rubber hood with purple zippers on the eyes, ears, and the new lupine snout as Andy's stomach continued to stretch and become distended even as he grew a set of abs and his chest filled out with new muscle.

Xavier turned from their latest packmate to the others and with no other creatures in the area the vulcanthropes had taken to satiating their lusts on one another; Darey went up the stairs with his unzipped muzzle and started to suck on the rubber cock of the smaller vulcanthrope while his arms remained bound behind his back while Vritrax and Kosjir had found a spot to suck each other off. That had just left Dobrica and as Xavier went over he took the blue and white vulcanthrope and pressed her down against one of the couches, spreading her legs and sliding up into her pussy while her finned wolf tail thrashed about in the air. Eventually Night and Andy joined in the fun as well being the two newest members of the pack and the entire night became a blur for the creatures, though at once point the alpha remembered taking his place with all the other members groping and fondling his shiny rubber body. The feel of their synthetic skin pressing against one another was almost as euphoric as converting others to the pack and eventually the only thing the red rubber vulcanthrope knew was the touch of the others against his own body...

The next morning Xavier awoke once more, his body practically upside down as he found himself naked and hanging from the couch of some nightclub that he vaguely remembered. What was clear to him however was the events that happened to him during the night and as he woke up he could already hear the sound of others doing the same. It didn't take long for everyone that had been a part of the vulcanthrope orgy to wake up and get their bearings. When the seven managed to gather back together from where they had dropped during the night they saw that they all bore the mark of a rubber wolf head somewhere on their naked bodies, or at least mostly naked.

"Well this is something new," Night said as he reached down and groped the white and rubber that surrounded his groin, squeezing the bulge and causing himself to shiver before he attempted to unzip the bright blue zipper on it and finding himself unable too.

"Looks like you're not the only one," Dobrica stated as she rubbed the smooth latex between her own legs and found a similar zipper there as well. As everyone looked down even those that had been vulcanthropes before had something similar in nature, all except for Xavier himself whose red rubber cock hung freely between his legs. "I guess we know which one is the alpha around here."

"Yeah, I was the one that was initially infected," Xavier admitted sheepishly before he blushed and looked down at the floor. "I'm really sorry guys, I tried to get myself and the others back to my place before the changes happened and with all the interest in rubber here it drew me like a moth to the flame. Then after I lost control I released the others as well and now you're all vulcanthropes."

"So I'm going to turn into that creature from last night again?" Night asked, Xavier nodding his head stoically before being slightly surprised by the toothy grin he got in response from the wolf-husky. "That's sweet! Did you see the way my body glowed like that? I wonder how that's even possible."

"I think it stands to reason that no one is going to be disappointed with their fates," Vritrax said as he put a hand on the shoulder of the fox, the greywolf-dragon giving the fox a wink. "You may be able to put your fears at ease of causing some sort of rubber werewolf outbreak, we were surrounded by all manner of latex-loving creatures and somehow we only picked those that were clearly interested in the subject. It appears that you can put your mind at ease."

"Not really," Xavier stated with a sigh before quickly changing his tone when he saw the others look at him. "I mean, it seems that this is going to be more than just a full moon thing and we can't spend every night hunting down others to join the pack, and if it starts to spill into the daytime how are we going to live like that? I'm sure that we have jobs and such that we want to keep and we can't just keep avoiding everyone to prevent the spread of vulcanthropy."

The others looked at one another and some scratched their head, though as Xavier sighed once more he suddenly saw a hand go up from the otter-rabbit that had been sitting at one of the tables. "What about the internet?" Andy asked. "Has anyone tried looking on there yet?"

"I've already looked to see if there was some sort of cure or something," Xavier answered. "There's nothing about vulcanthropy on there."

"What? Oh, heck no, why would we want to cure it?" Andy asked as a grin spread on his muzzle. "I'm talking about the problem that you brought up with how we can make money and still be vulcanthropes. Why don't we just make a bunch of videos and load them to porn sites? Unless someone really looks into it we would just be a group of people that are super into rubber and have the gear to match, plus who believes anything they see on the internet as actually being real?"

There were several nods of approval and even a few remarks on sites that could be used as Xavier pressed his hands against his face. "Guys, I was just trying to make a point about what embracing this curse is going to do to our lives," Xavier said, the others turning and looking at him. "Do you really just want to spend the rest of our days as rubber werecreatures having sex all day and adding new people into our pack whenever they happen to cross our field of influence?"

For a few seconds the others stayed silent, some of them running a finger along the mark on their bodies while the others looked down and scratched their heads. It didn't take long though before Dobrica once more lifted her head as though in realization. "You know," the orcajay said. "I wonder if being in suits like this means we could have sex underwater?"

"Ohhh, I like that," Darey stated as Xavier put his hand against his head. "Maybe we can integrate rubber gear into our bodies when we change too." Once more the conversation turned to what they could do with their newfound forms and at that point the fox realized that there was no real point in fighting what he had originally believed to be some sort of rubber curse. Part of him was almost relieved about it though and he found himself soon joining in on the conversation on their future plans... he was the alpha after all.

After that day the pack of vulcanthropes decided to move in on the club that they had previously woken up in; the idea of hiding in plain sight that Andy had suggested turned out to be a great idea and they were not only able to blend in with the crowd while transformed but were able to sniff out new recruits more easily as the nightclub started to gain a reputation for being more hardcore rubber lovers. In a matter of weeks the pack had grown to nearly double its size and the group had pooled the resources it had as well as what it made from the videos they released in order to not only buy the entirety of the club but the building it resided in as well so the pack could live together. It didn't take much for the term vulcanthrope to be what the group was called and they leaned into it, indulging in the pure primal instincts that came with their transformation without having to worry about who saw them while they were in the werewolf forms.

It was starting to get to the point where the time that they spent not as their rubber werewolf selves grew less and less, though as the alpha Xavier found that his control over himself and the others was much more stable. As they became more comfortable in their forms their libidos continued to rise up and just like with the internet videos they started to welcome more people to enjoy their company, all the fox had to do was unzip one of his packmates and they would become the beast that those who had picked them wanted. It turned into a rather lucrative endeavor and several vulcanthropes that were more than happy to join them after a night's encounter... though usually that resulted in them being transformed anyway. After about a month both the club and their endeavors as a pack of rubber monsters were proving to be quite fruitful as Xavier looked over the finances, only to be interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello, is this Xavier?" the voice on the other end of the line asked.

"This is," Xavier replied. "What can I do for you?"

"Actually, I was calling to ask that for you," the voice replied. "I know that I'm a little late in calling but you were involved in a game that I was partially involved with, and I'm afraid that it might have left you a bit more changed then originally intended. Have you heard of the term sabredrone or vulcanthrope before?"

Xavier nearly dropped the phone at the mention of the sabredrone, then quickly picked it back up. He had long since remembered when he had initially contracted the vulcanthropy as part of some strange game, but when he had looked for the strange creatures that had attempted to pacify him after becoming a rubber werewolf he couldn't find anything on the subject. "What do you know about vulcanthropy?" Xavier asked. "Who are you?"

"My name is Serathin," the voice on the other end replied. "I suppose that you could call me the progenitor of the disease, though it seems with you certain aspects of it have been tweaked. I want to say that I apologize if it's impacted your life in any sort of negative fashion and if you would like I could come over there and cure it."

Xavier found himself sitting there in stunned silence at the mention of potentially being cured, his jaw hanging open as he heard the one on the other side of the line mention what it would take in order to rid him of the transformative disease. The fox quickly asked if there was a number that he could use in order to call him back, and once he had gotten it he hung up his phone and immediately called for a meeting with the pack. They all met in the second floor of the building that used to be some sort of rec area, which was more than big enough for the nearly two dozen vulcanthropes that now made up their entire pack. As the fox looked at them all he while he stood up on the small platform they had made for their alpha Xavier informed them that they had a tough decision to make...

About three days later the club had closed down for the night, not allowing anyone in except for one that Xavier had bene waiting for. "Oh, thank goodness that you're finally here," Xavier said as he allowed the draconic sabrewolf that had been on the other side to step in. "The pack has been in a bit of dissention ever since they heard that you could help cure us of this disease."

"I imagine that the allure of such a powerful and corruptive creature probably has convinced a few to stay that way," Serathin replied as he made his way into the club. "I'm not sure if I could convince them to go back to their old lives but I can certainly try, but if we start with you then perhaps losing their alpha will destabilize the rest and convince them to turn back as well."

Xavier just nodded and brought Serathin to the back rooms, which had been expanded upon ever since the vulcanthropes had taken over so that they had more space for kinky activities, and led him to one in particular that had a number of tables that were covered in rubber along with several cubes that had similar shiny sides. "Alright, why don't you go ahead and hop on one of the tables," Serathin said as he went over to the counter and pulled off his satchel. "We can get started right away and purge the corrupted rubber in your system before anyone realizing what happens."

"Actually, that's not the reason that I called you in here," Xavier said as he allowed the devilish smile that he had been hiding back spread across his muzzle as one of the vulcanthropes popped up from behind the bar that the draconic sabrewolf was at and grabbed him. "Since you are the one that can cure all this we decided unanimously to bring you into the pack so you wouldn't think about doing it. Since you couldn't sense my packmate there it also seems like you aren't a vulcanthrope yourself, which means that we get to have the pleasure of changing you."

By this point the rubber creature had managed to get Serathin on his knees and secured with an arm binder, keeping the draconic sabrewolf's hands behind his back and off balance before leading him over to one of the cubes. The hybrid continued to try and say that they were making a mistake but by this point the red rubber of the fox's body had already started to subsume his fur, spreading over his growing muscle as he assumed his vulcanthrope form. Together the two managed to get the restrained man into the vac-cube that they had prepared for him and turned on the suction, causing the rubber sides to completely envelop the creature within. Soon the only thing that stuck out from the holes was the draconic sabrewolf's head and tailhole, which they secured the rubber against with a collar that was placed around the purple and black fur of Serathin's neck.

With his body restrained to a kneeling position from the placement of the vac-cube Xavier moved to the tailhole side while stroking his rubber cock with his clawed hand. He had been looking forward to this moment ever since he had remembered that this creature had infected him in the first place, even though Serathin said something about not actually being the one that had ran the games. At this point it didn't matter much to the red rubber werewolf as he watched Vritrax put a gas mask similar to his own over the head of the kneeling creature and secured it to the color. He could sense the hybrid tense up as he got closer but with his entire body trapped in the cube all he could do was wiggle around before the shiny tip of the thick cock was pushed inside of him.

The second that he had gotten more than an inch inside of the draconic sabrewolf and felt the muscle clamp down on him Xavier released a torrent of corruptive rubber seed. The vac-cube creaked as the creature within let out a muffled moan as his rear end immediately began to swell with muscle along with the base of his tail. All the vulcanthrope did was stand there and watched his throbbing member continue to pump into the other man to the point where he could see the stomach of the creature start to distend, which was partially helped by the cock of the hybrid starting to grow as well. Already he could see the muscle developing in the sides and thighs as it began to stretch out the latex walls that contained him, seeing Serathin's body quiver from the growth as he pushed his cock in even deeper.

Unlike most of the others the growth of this new vulcanthrope appeared to be somewhat asymmetrical, Xavier watching as one of the feet of the draconic sabrewolf bulged and stretched before the other one did as well. In the front of the cube the muffled moans that could be heard from behind the gas masks turned to gurgles, then nothing as black liquid rubber started to drip from the unattached hoses. Vritrax was quick to take them and press them against the transforming creature's body, which caused the ends to merge with the vac cube and pump it directly into him. The result was Serathin growing even bigger than before as Xavier began to thrust harder into the growing rear of the new vulcanthrope.

Once he believed he had corrupted the other creature enough Xavier pulled out and grabbed a nearby dildo plug, pushing it into the leaking tailhole and securing it against the vac-cube. Snarls and growls could be heard starting to come from the vac-cube as the muscles of the draconic sabrewolf continued to grow, Xavier able to see the stripes that had been silver start to glow with a green light. The alpha decided to let the new vulcanthrope percolate for a while in his own corruption and opened the door to allow one of the creatures that they allowed to remain in the employ of the nightclub clean up. The two were fully intending on opening the club along with the rest of the pack, Xavier unzipping Vritrax and hearing him let out a loud roar as his cock pushed out.

As the two left the sergal that was left behind grabbed a mop and started to clean up the black liquid latex that dripped from the cube, pausing as he saw the creature within warping into something more bestial and monstrous by the second. It hadn't been the first time that he had seen such a thing happen before though, which was one of the reasons the pack kept him in their employ, and knew to just ignore it unless the latex began to leak out. As he walked by however one of the hoses that had been pumping the same goo that Xavier had filled the draconic sabrewolf with popped off the cube, splashing the sergal before dripping on the floor. He let out a groan of disgust as he used a nearby towel to try and get the shiny substance off his overalls only to see that it had immediately set.

The man sighed and knew that he was probably going to have to get a new pair, but as he went for his mop everything started to feel extremely tingly. As he held onto the mop and pressed his hand against his head he failed to see the shiny black claws that grew from his fingernails, or the fact that the puddle of liquid latex was growing smaller on his clothes with every second. What he did immediately notice however was the tent forming in his overalls, pushing out like something living was inside as his rubber cock grew within. His panicked gasps quickly turned to growls as his angular muzzle started to become more lupine in nature, except that instead of the other vulcanthropes a pair of rubber saber teeth began to push past his lips as he started to stroke himself...