Strengthening Mind and Body

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Askel and Sym continue their bonding process, as well as bringing in a few more to the fold while the alien attempts to solidify their power in the area. This is the direct sequel to New Inner Strength.

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It had been nearly a week since Askel had allowed the alien entity that called itself Sym into his life, not only completely integrating with his body but also taking over the mind and body of his best friend Tobi. The Doberman currently laid in his bed with the sheets only half covering his naked muscular form, the symbiote within morphing the creature more into a prime specimen of a creature during their last sex session. Though Tobi thought that they had merely become friends with benefits the deer knew better and could see more than once when the symbiote took control of the canine form with his eyes turning a pitch black. For the most part however Sym continued to allow the deer to do what he wanted and when Tobi woke up he'd probably have his usual goofy grin and ask if he wanted breakfast, unaware that the alien creature inside of him had morphed his body even more to become a paragon of athleticism and masculinity.

It was something that Askel had noticed more as the days had gone on, that Sym had taken to the muscular body type quite vehemently. While the deer also had lusted after such men and was one of the reasons he had gone to the gym where he worked out and had met the canine in the first place. Not that he needed to do that anymore, Askel thought to himself as he happened to look at himself in the mirror as he slid the jock over his thighs. With the alien symbiote almost fully recovered it had completely converted the body of the deer and gave him a toned, athletic body that was perfectly proportioned in every way, save for one aspect that was a bit bigger than the others as he pressed a hand against the hefty bulge between his legs. He knew though that there was another form that was lurking underneath, a monstrous beast driven by instinct that was controlled by the alien creature that was inside of his head as he wiped a fleck of black drool from the corner of his mouth.

"Let's make pancakes today," Sym's voice said in the deer's head as Askel made his way towards the kitchen. "Tobi brought over that protein pancake mix before we dragged him into the bedroom."

"Surprised to hear you being so nice," Askel replied as he looked to see the bear on the box with a plate of pancakes in front of him. "I suppose it's the least we can do after I allowed an alien to turn him into some sort of thrall."

"You know he loves every second of it," Sym replied with a chuckle as Askel rolled his eyes. "Speaking of such things I would like us to go after that jaguar you ravished in the laundry room, he seems like a prime specimen and you already know that he's more then interested in you. Perhaps you can bring him pancakes."

"I already told you that I already feel bad enough about Tobi," Askel said as he began to mix the ingredients according to the package. "Listen, you already convinced me to be your host so that you can keep living, but we can't just keep turning everyone we know into our playthings for your pleasure. Let me make these pancakes and we can talk about what we're going to do next but for right now I just need to think and I would appreciate you not trying to look in."

The deer began to frown as he dumped the powder into a bowl, but that was from Sym as the alien symbiote continued to feel the resistance from his host on his ideas. While the two of them had integrated completely and Askel had allowed him access to everything so he could grow and thrive there was still the matter of creating more thralls like they had done with Tobi. What the alien needed to do, he mused privately as he allowed the deer to do the same, was to get the deer more on board with the hedonistic lifestyle of a wild symbiote creature that they could have if they just let go. He also decided to do a few little tweaks to the brain of the deer; while he had learned early on that going too far can cause detrimental results the symbiote found that just a little influence in one direction or the other can cause the right response as he also began to manipulate the muscle and fur of the creature.

Askel remained oblivious to the shiny black tentacle that was pushing its way out of his shoulder, sliding out towards the refrigerator and opening it as the deer realized he needed milk. When he turned to get it himself he let out a slight gasp of surprise when he saw that was already almost directly in front of his face before he suddenly became aware of the large tentacle that jutted out from his shoulder and wiggled in the open air. "Sym, are you insane?!" Askel practically shouted before he remembered the man in the other room and lowered his voice. "What if Tobi came out here and saw that?"

"I think you're forgetting just how much inside his head we are," Sym replied as he set the milk down in front of the deer. "You could be walking around covered head to toe in me with a two foot long prehensile cock wiggling in the air and he won't even bat an eye. Or... you could have him walking around covered head to toe in alien rubber with a two foot long prehensile cock if that's what you prefer."

Askel let out a grunt as he felt his muscles start to tense, feeling the alien within starting to stir as his jock began to grow tighter around him. He had long since given up wearing clothing in his apartment since Sym wanted to admire their form but insisted on keeping some form of modesty, but as he could feel his body start to produce more of the symbiotic substance he could see the tip of his member start to push up from the waistband of his underwear. After threatening Sym with a cold shoulder however he felt the growth of his muscles quickly subside and he could feel the alien retreat back deeper into him. It was clear to Askel that the alien wanted him to think more like him, which from the thoughts that he had seen in the other creature when they were fully bonded and the symbiote was in control were exceptionally lewd, and though the deer thought that wanting such things was wrong he couldn't help but bite his lip as he was fed images of alien rubber creatures servicing him like Tobi.

Just as he thought about it Askel heard a loud yawn and saw Tobi walk out from his hallway, the doberman's muscular body completely on display as he stretched as though to show it off. It was likely Sym's influence that had caused the convenient timing, the deer thought to himself as he continued to watch Tobi flex the muscles that had been sculpted by the alien before asking if he needed any help. Even though they hadn't fully converted the canine yet Sym still had influence through the alien substance that flowed through the other man's body and as Tobi approached he pushed up one instinct that he had grown adept in doing over his time within these creatures. Even as Tobi went to grab a pan to cook his cock immediately sprang to life, throbbing in the air as his hand idly stroked it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Askel could feel his heart race as he stared at the Doberman, feeling his already half-hard cock surge with growth as his lusts were fanned by the alien within. By this point Sym knew all the right buttons to push in order to get the deer to succumb to his baser instincts, though that wasn't quite what the alien wanted as he took the tentacle that was still out and slid it gently along the huge pectorals of the naked canine. "See..." Sym whispered in the mind of the deer whose eyes started to become pitch black as Tobi just smiled and kissed the tentacle before putting the pan on the stove. "Feel free to shed the guise of your metahumanity, show him the real you so that he can properly worship it."

Askel felt himself huff as saliva filled his mouth, though he knew that was alien fluid that would be used to coat his entire body if he continued to allow Sym to push him in this direction. His jock was also starting to have a black spot form on the otherwise grey fabric as his maleness continued to grow, straining the fabric as he continued to imagine the Doberman covered in shiny black alien latex like he had been when he first let the alien completely take over his body. It was clear that Tobi either didn't care or didn't realize what was going on as a second tentacle joined the first and started to caress up and down his chest, leaving smears of black alien rubber on his fur that began to spread and melt. Just give in and finish him, the words of the symbiote said as the black in Askel's eyes continued to spread, make him into the thrall that you know he wants to be...

There was a loud thud and both the deer and Doberman turned to see that one of the tentacles had knocked over the milk, which was enough to snap Askel out of his thoughts as Tobi went down to clean it up. He found himself breathing heavily as he looked down at his hands and saw that they were a shiny black and had a rubbery feel to them, like he was wearing black latex gloves. As he looked down at the rest of body he saw that the reason he had even knocked the milk over in the first place was because his frame had grown even bigger, swelling with muscle even as he watched like someone was inflating him with it. It was too much for Askel to handle at that moment and he just walked out of the apartment, leaving a confused Doberman to look up just as the door closed behind him.

Askel told Sym to have Tobi wait in the apartment for them and went up a floor where the door opened out into a small balcony. The deer just needed to get some air and as he made his way out the changes that were happening to his body receded as the object of the symbiote's desires was no longer there. Though he could sense the alien's frustrations the cervine wasn't going to allow himself to be influenced so heavily by a creature like that and when he opened the door to the outside he was greeted by a blast of cold air that caused his entire body to shiver. Almost immediately the stretching fabric around his groin deflated as the tentacles that had still emerged from his shoulders pulled back inside, and though Askel realized that he was standing up on his roof in nothing but a jockstrap his apartment was one of the taller buildings and no one could really look up at him as he leaned against the railing.

"We're going to seriously need to have a discussion about our arrangements here," Askel said as he felt Sym bubble to the surface of his consciousness. Though he could speak mentally to the symbiote it made him feel slightly more normal to say it out loud as he looked down at the street below. "I know that back in the gym I allowed us to be fully bonded, but even with Tobi in the position he was I wasn't aware of how... tenacious that you wanted to be towards converting others into alien thralls."

"Perhaps you are thinking of what I want in the wrong light," Sym replied as Askel felt the alien shift around inside their body. "Yes, they would be enthralled to you, but Tobi still certainly seems happy even his form with the limited changes we've made. Then there's you, can you honestly say that you would prefer your form before I made you stronger, more powerful, more desirable?"

Once more Askel could tell that the alien was playing on his own desires once again, which was extremely effective as he felt his body shudder in pleasure as he felt his arm reach out and flex to show off the muscle there. "Yes, you've certainly helped in all those regards," Askel replied, not wanting to directly admit that his body was so lust inducing it was hard to concentrate when there were reflective surfaces around. "Likewise I helped you when you were at your weakest, so I don't want you thinking that this was just a one-sided thing where you did me a favor by making me all buff. I just don't know how comfortable I feel with what you want to do with Tobi and the others, I've seen the thoughts in your mind and I can't imagine them... you know..."

"Worshiping your sexy body?" Sym finished, chuckling darkly as Askel shivered to the response. "Perhaps that's because you still see yourself as a mere deer man unworthy of such a thing, but if you allowed yourself to let me mold you like I've done before I can show you just how worthy of such affection we can be. Think about it, all those men you lust after right at your feet... I can give us a body that would cause a straight man to bury his his head between our thighs, you just have to allow me to do it."

The words dripped into the mind of the deer like oil and Askel once more shivered from something other than the cold as the alien's corruptive words were aided by his growing libido. Ever since the two had taken Tobi at the gym the form that he had taken was burned into his mind, seeing the alien rubber deer instead of his own reflection had caused him more than once to be whipped into a frenzy that he had the dobermen over for an all-night sex session. Seeing those tentacles emerge from his body also didn't hurt the image and it also showed that Sym was still getting stronger, manifesting himself even outside the usual primal lusts that allowed him to take control. If Askel didn't do something it would be hard for him to know where he ended and the alien began, and a growing part of him wondered if that was even a bad thing before he heard a chuckle behind him that caused his body to straighten.

"I certainly wasn't expecting to see a full moon out tonight," the voice behind Askel said as the deer turned around to see a steel-grey furred big horn sheep standing there, his muscular arms crossed over his chest and pressed against his leather vest that was tight enough against him that the deer could see the piercings in his nipples. "If I had known I could see sights like this I would have visited sooner."

"Oh, uh, sorry," Askel said, though Sym echoed in his mind that the man was admiring him and that was something that he should not being shying away from. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I was just looking for someone that lives in this building," the other man said. "He's one of the dancers at my place, a jaguar named Mitch. I don't suppose you've seen him around?"

Mitch... Askel had to actively stop the symbiote in his head from replaying the day that the alien had first taken him over, which resulted in him having sex with the jaguar in the laundry room. "I do know who he is, but I haven't seen him," Askel replied, thankful that the roof was cold as he saw the smirk on the sheep's face fall slightly. "Why, is he in trouble or something?"

"Nah, I just happened to be in the area and wanted to see about dropping off his new outfit for tonight," the sheep replied as Askel saw the blue eyes of the man look him over once more. "You know... I could always use more guys that are not afraid to show a little fur, a strapping young man like yourself could probably get top dollar from my clients just from a few minutes on the stage. My name is Yuki, if you want to make some money come on down and audition."

Askel suddenly found himself chest to chest with Yuki, the large man closing the distance between them surprisingly quick as they stood hoof to clawed toe with one another. Even with Sym's enhancements the deer found himself slightly shorter that the sheep had to look up to see beyond the brown goatee and silver piercing beneath his lower lip. Before the deer could process the situation enough he found a card was slid into his jock and Yuki gave him a wink before turning to leave. Once thing that Askel could sense thanks to the alien inside of him was desire and even without the slight tent in his jeans he could tell that this man wanted him for more than just an audition.

In a matter a seconds Askel once more found himself alone on the roof, and as a gust of wind took the card that he had been given and started to blow it away a tentacle shot out from his chest and grabbed onto it. "This could be the opportunity that you're looking for," Sym said as he brought the card back while the deer stood there in a stunned state from the appearance of the tentacle beneath his pectorals that brought the card back. "Not only do you know where the lusty feline works but you have another prime convert as well, turns out your temper tantum worked out for us after all by meeting that sexy horned creature."

"I did not temper tantrum," Askel replied as he took the card from the tentacle so it could retract back inside of him and looked at it. "The Demon's Den, heck of a name for a strip club." As he looked over the glossy piece of paper he saw the address and phone number, as well as Yuki's name and the title that identified him as an owner. The only other thing was a muscular demon man in a thong that was on a stripper pole but as Askel could feel ideas forming in the alien he quickly tossed the card aside, though it didn't matter since Sym had already memorized it as soon as he saw it.

"You know what you want to do," Sym whispered as Askel began to make his way back to his apartment, feeling hornier than ever thanks to their encounter on the roof. "If you just allow me I can give you what you desire, if you embrace me then we could be something that no creature could resist. Just think of all the fun up there on that stage as those in audience clamber to be with you with our final form on display."

While Sym could once more feel Askel frown, not from the rejection of the idea but from finding himself accepting it. The entire alien had been focusing on tweaking the one major obstacle that had kept the two of them from reaching their full potential, lowering the inhibitions of the deer to their absolute minimum without being dangerous. With everything else going on his host hadn't even realized that while they were complaining about enthralling others that the ideas of being out in public nearly naked, having sex with other men without knowing them, and all manner of other kinky and risqué behaviors were something that Askel found himself accepting. It had been a major wall to a lot of what the alien wanted and Sym had effectively removed it, which in turn made the idea of stripping for a bunch of money seem like fun instead of nerve-inducing.

"You keep talking about this final form," Askel said as they stopped outside of the apartment. "What do you even mean by that?"

"Curious, are we?" Sym replied with a chuckle, feeling Askel's embarrassment rise he found himself giving into his temptations finally. "I can show you, but we need more power before I can do it properly. Thankfully I know of a way to put our recovery into overdrive if you will allow me, and it just happens to be on the other side of this door..."

Meanwhile Tobi walked around the small table of Askel's kitchen, taking the maple syrup that he had found and drizzling it over each pancake before putting the next one on top of it. After the deer ran out his first instinct was to go to the door and try to follow him out he suddenly thought better of it and decided to finish up the breakfast and wait for him, and as he finished the last stack of the pancakes he had created he heard the door open and close. "Oh hey, prefect timing," Tobi said as he went and put the pan over in the sink. "After this did you want to go to the gym and work out for a bit?"

When there was no response Tobi turned in confusion and saw the deer man standing there, but as he asked if everything was alright he suddenly found himself pinned up against the wall and staring into a pair of shiny black eyes. The Doberman's face lit up as something in the back of his mind told him that this was a good thing, and as he opened his mouth to say as such the deer's mutated black tongue stretched out and pushed into his. With Sym in control of his host's body it made it much easier to do the same with Tobi and with Askel no longer interfering the alien could finally do what he had been waiting for all week as the fur on their muscular body melted and turned a shiny black.

With the alien rubber tongue acting as a gag to keep the enthusiastic thrall quiet the alien reached forward and began to press his black rubber hands against the chest of the beefy man. He could see the furry flesh shift sightly under his touch and knew that all the seeding that he had done before would make this easy, and as he pressed his thumbs around the nipples of the canine's pectorals it caused his entire body to shudder as the flesh turned the same shiny black. The one was clearly ready to succumb and as Sym's body morphed and grew two tentacles pushed out of his shoulder blades to wrap underneath the doberman's armpits and hoist him up against the wall. Once Tobi's feet were off the floor two more tentacles emerged, this time from Sym's growing hips as they slithered down and pulled the legs of the other man apart.

Even though the only thing that came out of Tobi's mouth were gurgles from the thickening tongue that was pushing down into his throat Sym could already sense that the conversion was starting, the alien fluid that had been pumped into him converting his insides just like Sym had done to Askel. This wasn't to create a host though, Sym already had the deer and there was no need for him to go any further, so this one would merely be a drone that would aid them as well as give them the pleasure and worship that they deserve. While Askel was still on the fence on doing such a thing the alien could sense his host finding the process incredibly hot as they took their prehensile rubber cock and slid it up to the muscular rear of the trapped canine. Already liquid alien rubber had started to not only drip from the nostrils and ears of the Doberman but his cock was leaking a similar substance and the throbbing shaft had started to bend, but it wasn't softening as Sym slid his hands down and grabbed onto the increasingly rubbery member.

With Tobi's brain one of the first thing that Sym had taken over during their initial conversion phase it was just a matter of reinforcing the need to serve and that both him and Askel was his new master, which the Doberman took to like a fish to water after so much time pre-conditioning. Whether they worked out together or had sex the alien always used that as time to continue to mold the other man, and as he saw Tobi growing more muscular by the second and black rubber spreading over his muscles all his hard work was coming to fruition. As the alien rubber deer continued to stand there stroking the growing shaft of the enthralled Doberman Sym's cock slid up inside and stretched out the tailhole of the man, the ring of muscle accepting it and almost pulling it in. Soon it became hard to see the features of the doberman's face as the rubber that been leaking out of his head continued to spread until it formed into a rubber hood and as it flowed down its neck it formed into a collar that signaled Tobi's subservience to the alien that had converted him.

Though Askel was only vaguely aware of what was going on, having lost control as soon as his body was transformed into the alien rubber muscle deer, Sym seemed to deliberately tap his mind into that of Tobi in order to show just how euphoric his friend was. It wasn't just the fact that he was reaching mythic bodybuilder proportions or that he was having his stomach stretched out by the thick cock to the point where they could see it pushing against his washboard abs, in fact even having his own hefty prehensile member was nothing to the sheer joy of becoming the thrall to him and Sym. Even though Askel knew that the alien had to have tampered with his mind in order to get there he did know that Tobi was a people pleaser, which was something that Sym knew and took advantage of as the doberman's body continued to morph into a rubber version of itself.

By the time Sym was done Tobi no longer was the person that he had been; instead of the somewhat tall gym Doberman he had been transformed into a huge powerhouse that was covered head to toe in rubber. Anyone that might have glanced at him would have seen the collar and the rubber and thought that he was just some sort of fetishist, but anyone that would have looked close enough would see his foot and a half long rubber cock slithering around in the air like a snake and his equally shiny tongue doing the same as it coiled around the one stretching out his muzzle. Tobi's eyes were also blank black orbs and when Sym pulled back his tongue he could see that his inner mouth and teeth were also rubberized just like the rest of his insides.

With the alien rubber cock pounding on his prostate and both hands of the rubber deer working the transformed cock of the canine it didn't take long for Tobi to cum, releasing thick strands of jet black alien rubber that were absorbed into his and Sym's body as the lips of his mouth sealed shut to keep him from letting out any noise. It had caused Sym to climax as well and the stomach of the transformed creature bloated slightly as he was seeded once more, cementing the fate of the Doberman as he stepped forward and allowed their heavily muscled bodies to rub against one another once more. As Sym looked into the mind of his new thrall he could see nothing there but subservience and devotion to him, though after giving a kiss to the blank muzzle of Tobi he allowed both his personality and his ability to speak to surface once more.

With the conversion completely over Sym allowed Askel to come back to the forefront, though he didn't bother to turn him back to his old deer self. He suspected that this was on purpose so he could feel just how strong and powerful they were when they were completely augmented, especially with his cock still pumping into their thrall even though he didn't have to move a thickened muscle as he brought a hand up to stroke Tobi's face. While the two had gotten close to one another over the last week it was mainly Sym that drove their sexual aspects, which was what led them to this point as he saw Tobi stare blankly at him. What had he done, Askel thought to himself, he had allowed Sym to make him into a monster that turned his friend into a mindless thrall...

Just as Askel rubbed the shiny face of the Doberman he stopped and was taken slightly aback as Tobi shifted his gaze to look right at him and a big grin appeared on his muzzle. "Hey, did you want to eat the pancakes now?" Tobi asked as he pointed over towards the table where the two stacks still stood. "They're probably still hot."

"Oh, uh, yeah," Askel replied, taking a step back and allowing the tentacles on his body to unfurl from the other rubbery alien creature. As soon as Tobi's feet hit the ground he walked over and sat down at one end of the table, grabbing a fork and digging in as the deer continued to stare at him. "How, um, how are you feeling Tobi?"

"I feel great!" Tobi exclaimed after he swallowed nearly a fourth of the pile of pancakes he had practically shoveled into his mouth, then flexed his rubber arm to show off his huge bicep. "Look at this thing, I wish we were at the gym so that I could see how much I can bench now... oh, though I suppose we couldn't go out looking like this. Oh, yeah, did you want me to feed you?"

The last question came off so naturally it was like Tobi asked if he could get him a glass or something mundane like that and as Askel shook his head and sat down he could hear both the chair underneath him groaning from his expanded frame and Sym laughing in his head. "Oh knock it off," Askel said as he cut himself a piece from his own stack and then looked up when he realized he spoke out loud, only to see Tobi effectively ignoring him as he demolished his meal. "I suppose I don't have to worry about him and you anymore."

"You didn't for a while," Sym said back simply. "Now eat up, you're going to need your strength. You have an audition to go too."

"Wait, you really want me to go and talk to that Yuki guy?" Askel said, feeling his head nod yes in response. "That's insane, I'm not going to be a stripper, and I thought you said that you were going to show me this final form of ours?"

"Who said anything about us being a stripper," Sym replied, this time Askel realizing that Sym had been talking out of his own muzzle this entire time and not just in his head. "And all in good time, Tobi may have given us the energy needed to do it and I have an idea for what we should look like but we still need some... extra motivation. So like I said, eat up, we have a busy night ahead of us."

Eventually day turned to night and the streets filled with workers turned into those that were looking for some form of entertainment in the city, whether it was take in a movie, go out to eat, or party the streets were filled with those looking for a good time. One of them was Askel, and even though Sym had begrudgingly turned both him and Tobi back into normal-looking people both of them still stood nearly a head taller than most people. Fortunately their bulk made people pass around them like a stone in a river, which made it easier for them to get to their destination. While the streetlights were lit and the moon was in the sky it was still relatively early and as they got to the Demon's Den strip club they didn't see a line or even a bouncer at the door yet.

Their early nature was confirmed when Askel attempted to open the front door and found it locked, which prompted Sym to speak through their muzzle and say to look around the alley. As the deer started to make his way around he saw that most of the buildings were connected but as he got around the corner he saw a service alley for people to make deliveries to the back. It wasn't closed off and as the two made their way down it didn't take long before they saw the sign for deliveries to Demon's Den. Askel whispered to Sym that this door was probably locked too and when they discovered it was the alien had a tentacle emerge from the deer's hand and pointed towards a call box that was located nearby.

"I don't like this," Askel said as he went up to it, clutching the coat he wore more tightly around his bulky body. "We're inviting a lot of trouble if you're wrong."

Askel swayed slightly and half of his muzzle turned up into a smirk as one of his eyes turned black. "That will only be a problem if we're wrong," Sym replied as Askel suddenly felt his hand reach up and press the button. "Trust me, between the jaguar and the big-horned sheep you have a lot of potential here. Just act natural and try to make some new friends."

As the alien released his hold on his body completely Askel let out a sigh, but deep down he found himself wanting this just as much as Sym did. Ever since he had taken Tobi and converted him it was like a switch had flipped in his head and he was hungry for more. More power, more thralls, everything that Sym wanted felt like it had started to bleed into his own psyche as he waited to see if anyone would respond on the other end of the call box. When nothing happened though Askel began to get cold hooves but was prompted to press once more on the box, which on the second pass got a voice on the other end that the deer recognized.

"Hey, Yuki, it's Askel," Askel replied. "We met on the rooftop of the apartment building when you were looking for Mitch? I thought that maybe if that offer was on the table we could explore it further."

There was a moment of pause and Askel thought perhaps the club owner was just being nice or possibly horny when he had made the offer, but to his surprise he was told to wait there and he would be down to get him. About two minutes later the deer saw the metal door open up and the smiling face of the sheep looked down at him, then offered a hand to lead him inside of the club. "I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised to see you again," Yuki said as he brought him through the small delivery corridor. "You didn't seem all that interested when I made the initial offer."

"How about now?" Askel asked as he took the coat off and revealed his muscular body underneath clad only in the skimpiest thong he could find. Most of the day had been spent shopping and it was actually Tobi that suggested a less is more approach, and from the way that the other man hungrily looked over his body he could see that Yuki approved. "I wasn't quite sure what the dress code was."

"Well you don't have a bad start there," Yuki said with a chuckle. "But we do like to tease our customers with a few layers first before we do, unfortunately I don't really think I have something in your size and plus I'm not sure how well you'll fare out there anyway so I can't let you on the stage today. However since you seem to know Mitch I'm going to have you and him go off to one of the private rooms so he can see your moves and let me know how much work there we need to put into you, is that alright?"

Askel had to suppress the urge to smile as he nodded, then once more was beckoned to follow to a door that was between the stage and the back door. As soon as the deer saw inside he noticed that it was the dressing room for the dancers with several naked and nearly naked men of mostly feminine or lithe build getting ready. The second that Yuki got their attention Askel suddenly felt all eyes on him and he realized that he hadn't buttoned himself back up, though that just seemed to rile him up even more along with the symbiote inside. When Yuki got Mitch's attention and told the jaguar to take him into the back there were visible signs of disappointment from the others and even a few groans, but the sheep just laughed at that and told them that they can all have a meet and greet with the potential new dancer if he made the cut.

Everything was going to plan so far; Sym had actually wanted to deal with Mitch first since they had already made contact with him, though it was when the symbiote was critically injured there was still a tiny bit of transfer made that would have stuck with the feline. Once the two were in the private room the jaguar took the coat and slid it off of the deer's body to inspect him further, his own form clad in a similar thong along with a pair of rainbow sleeves and stockings that left little to the imagination. "Damn, are you really Askel from my building?" Mitch asked as he looked the deer over. "You got even more swollen than when we met in the laundry room, which by the way I was still expecting to hear back from you even when you got that Doberman boy toy of yours."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Askel said as he grinned sheepishly down at the fuming jaguar, though in realty he was doing everything he could not to pounce this sexy feline right then and there. "Things got a little crazy with my life but things are a lot better now, and thanks to your boss I'm hoping that this is a new opportunity for me. Unfortunately there is one little problem..."

Askel could see the breath catch in the smaller man's throat as the deer stepped forward and closed the distance between the two of them. "Oh?" Mitch replied, the jaguar swallowing hard as he pressed a hand against the thick pectorals that were suddenly presented to him. "What's that?"

"I actually don't know how to dance," Askel replied before leaning down and kissing Mitch, taking a hand and pressing the feline into the kiss as their muzzles pressed together. Almost immediately the jaguar melted in his arms like butter and the deer had little trouble carrying him over towards the round couch that lined the circular wall. Mitch murmured something about being against club policy but there was little in the way of protest, especially when they got to the couch and Askel could feel the tongue of the jaguar push into his mouth as they began to grind against one another.

"Damn, you are stacked," Mitch said between panting breaths as he rubbed his hands along the washboard abs and thick thighs of the deer. "I wish I had a body like this, strong and manly, have someone else bent over the bar instead of me. Don't get me wrong, I love a good cock, especially with what you seem to be packing."

Before they had gotten into the private room Sym had shrunk down their sizable member in order to actually fit in the thong, but that was no longer necessary and Askel shuddered as he felt the tip pop out of it as he grew hard. "Perhaps we can help each other out," the deer said, though it was Sym in control instead of Askel as he took a hand and rubbed it against the jaguar's package. "All you have to do is take a bit of excess from me while I make a few changes to myself, and in return you can have a powerful, masculine body just like mine."

"Heh, whatever you say dude," Mitch replied with a smirk as Sym grabbed him by the hips, having the deer be on the bottom as the jaguar turned and began to grind on the thick cock that was pushing aside the skimpy fabric of the thong. "I was going to have you inside me anyway, you don't have to promise me anything. Now just need to get some lube..."

"Got it covered," Sym replied, keeping Mitch turned around with one hand while stroking his cock and getting some of the alien latex liquid to coat it. The jaguar continued to sway and move his hips in order to entice the stag and though the alien was starting to get impatient Askel was more than happy to allow the feline to continue to entice him. It didn't take too long before the desire got the better of the jaguar though and began to push down, letting out a loud groan as he gently pushed down to get the head of the cock past the ring of muscle squeezing against it.

As soon as Mitch made contact with the throbbing rod Sym had already started to alter it more, their maleness once more becoming rubbery as the alien liquid seeped up into the jaguar to prepare him. Though they wanted to wait until he was completely hilted before they started to change more already their skin was turning shiny in patches and their body was growing bigger. The couch could be heard starting to strain already with the two on top of it with one swelling with muscle, but it was already too late for the deer to turn back. Raw, primal need was superceding rational thought and Syn was focused on the next stage of their evolution.

Mitch made a comment on how big the deer was but continued to push down, aided by the corruption seeping into his insides as the thick cock continued to thrust inside of him insistently. When the jaguar looked back to see just how much of the huge shaft he had left to take his eyes widened when he saw the changing visage of the creature underneath him. Not only was rubber spreading over Askel's body like it was alive but his already muscular body inflated further, including the huge rod inside of him that he was still sliding down on. Thick black liquid oozed from the maw of the deer as his teeth lengthened into fangs, but the changes weren't going to stop there as the alien began to make more modifications. The bigger male's body tensed as more changes began to happen to him, spurred on by the pleasure of the smaller feline who had started to see the bump in his stomach that was the tip of the cock inside of him.

Even if Mitch wanted to get off of the huge pole of the transforming male, which didn't even enter his mind as the alien corrupted quickly started to convert his brain, he was having a hard time of it as he was brought down further against the deer. Aksel let out a snarl as he felt something push out of his rubber skull, feeling a pair of rounded horns start to emerge from his body as his hands trembled from claws pushing out of the tips while grabbing on the sides of the jaguar. The idea had come to Sym when he first learned about the visage of the demon, a terrifying but also alluring and powerful creature that struck both fear and lust in anyone who saw them. That was what he wanted for their body and the deer was already part of the way there as his hooves banged against the ground while shaggy shiny fur grew out from around them.

Aksel's entire body began to quiver as his form began to rapidly expand while his short tail stretched and grew, but that was why Sym wanted to have the jaguar wrapped around his cock as they changed. With nearly two-thirds of the nearly three foot long cock buried in the feline his stomach was stretched with its girth, but as Mitch pressed his hands against the lump he suddenly felt something that caused him to gasp. The alien creature beneath him orgasmed hard as their new wings spread out from their back, which caused the already distended stomach to bloat with alien cum. It wouldn't take long before it started to spread though, starting with the jaguar's cock that surged with new growth as the skin turned a shiny black while his hips expanded out like a rapidly filling balloon.

The sensations of pure pleasure were so intense for both transforming creatures they both stared straight up at the ceiling, which caused the liquid latex that was flooding the insides of the feline to bubble out and flow from his mouth as he began to gain pounds of muscle in mere seconds. As his rapidly growing body slid down further on the alien cock impaling him his limbs flailed in the air as the biceps and forearms bloated with new growth along with his thighs and shins. There was a loud tearing sound that filled the air as the jaguar's outfit was torn by the sudden growth while a thick layer of alien rubber covered his face. In a matter of minutes the bloated feline's frame had almost grown as big as the demonic creature underneath as Askel opened his eyes to reveal glowing red orbs.

"Yesss..." Askel hissed as he saw the jaguar continue to convulse in pure ecstasy as his feet paws rippled and stretched until they could support his new muscular body while a pair of curved horns began to grow from the rubber of his head. "Another thrall for ussss..." the deer was so lost in the corruption of his new form he didn't even realize that his voice had grown deeper while he groped the rubbery jaguar that had completely hilted himself while still sporting a cock-bulge in his stomach.

As Sym felt Askel lean forward and stroke the two foot rubber cock that had been gifted to the muscular creature on top of him the alien was amazed at what hitting the right button produced. Adding the demonic flair to their body was just the thing that seemed to get the deer in the mindset he was looking for, even as the primal instinct wore off as Askel looked at himself he didn't see an innocent host anymore but a powerful alien creature instead that turned others to thralls for their worship and pleasure. The jaguar was more than willing to fit the bill for them as he started to pull up to slide on their cock even more, though it took the feline some getting used to for his new form as he gained nearly a hundred pounds of alien muscle to his body.

Just as Mitch started though he was stopped, Sym stepping in and grabbing the shiny cheeks of the man to keep him from going down. "We have one last stop to make tonight," Sym explained as a simple mental provocation brought his host on board with the last step of the plan. "I believe we are more than capable of talking to your boss now..."

As the club started to get into full swing and the first dancer went out onto stage Yuki was at his desk, filling out the books to make sure that everything was flowing in and out of the place properly. He had been doing quite well ever since he opened and he wanted to make sure that it stayed that way, doing everything from keeping his talent happy and healthy while also making sure his food and beverage costs remained high without being inflated. It was a tough job but something that he was more than happy to do, especially when one of the dancers decided to give him a little gift of their own. Though he made sure they knew that he wouldn't get romantically involved with them he didn't see anything wrong with having one or two show their appreciation or new moves that they had learned in his bedroom or office.

Just as the big-horned sheep was just about to move on to the next spreadsheet he heard a knock at the door, to which Yuki replied for whoever it was to come in. As he looked up from his desk to see who it was his eyes narrowed as he saw someone open the door that he didn't recognize. The heavily muscled jaguar was dressed only in a simple black speedo, which he recognized as ones he kept behind the stage in case they needed to evacuate in an emergency that the dancers could grab so they're not naked. This one filled it out so completely that it left little to the imagination as the hunky feline gave him a smile.

"Um, yes?" Yuki said as he looked the man up and down. "Are you one of Askel's friends? If you are then we could always use more beefcakes like him around here."

"Boss, I can't believe you don't recognize me," the jaguar said with a laugh as he walked inside, playing around with the hair on his head that seemed to be parted around a pair of horns that emerged from his head. "I thought I was one of your favorites."

"Mitch?" Yuki replied in shock, the jaguar nodding in response with a big grin on his face. "But that's impossible, I just saw you an hour ago. So unless you're the Incredible Hulk you must be pulling some sort of prank on me."

"No pranks here boss," Mitch replied as he went over to the set of chairs and did a hand stand on them, splitting his legs apart in the air. "The extra muscle takes some getting used to but I can still strut my stuff on stage, and with this new body I'm going to rake in the dough. It's all thanks to him too."

Just as Yuki was about to ask who he is the sheep saw another person walk through the door, Askel having to lower his head in order to make it through the doorframe. Unlike the jaguar he opted not to let go of his rubbery alien body, giving the stunned sheep a fanged grin as he continued to walk in while his thick tail waved lazily in the air behind him. "I hope you don't mind but we took a bit of your style to add with my own," the demonic rubber deer said as he gestured to the cured horns that matched the sheep. "Also we upgraded your dancer here, do you approve?"

For a few moments Yuki continued to just sit there as his mind raced to try and comprehend what was going on. As he stood up however the jaguar hopped cleanly over his desk and cuddled up behind him, rubbing against his chest and undoing the buttons as Askel and Sym stepped forward. "We're here to make you a little deal," the two said in unison, their voice almost echoing off of one another. "If you give us your club, your dancers, your customers, and your body we will give you what we gave Mitch here and let you keep running things with the knowledge that you serve a new demon in this den."

Even though Yuki was clearly aroused by the entire situation, as evidenced when Mitch unbuttoned his pants and allowed his stiffening cock to flop out, the man surprised the two as he slowly took of his reading glasses. "Never did I think that I would be making a deal with a demon," Yuki said with a snort. "You can have everything you want and I will run your club, but I want to share the dancers and I don't want a body like Mitch, I want a body like yours."

The alien let out a chuckle of his own as he watched Yuki start to get stroked but continue to remain steadfast as the brown tufts and white fur of his chest was exposed by Mitch's other hand. "We can certainly make that work," Askel said as he moved to the desk while Yuki was continued to be disrobed by the muscular stripper until he was standing there completely naked. "Now I know that you're probably used to being on top but for this one you're going to be on your back, and if you want a body like mine you're going to need quite a lot of power even with that athletic form of yours."

With the clothes taken off the big-horn sheep the demon could see that this one clearly took care of himself, seeing his pierced pecs and thick limbs as Askel had him lie on his back. It wouldn't take much to give him the physique he wanted, the creature thought, but if he wanted the extra enhancements he would need some help. By this point the jaguar had also completely shed his guise, revealing the rubber feline underneath as he grabbed the sheep by his legs and had them spread open. The idea of having the boss relinquish control over everything on his own desk was almost poetic, Sym thought as he stepped forward and presented his cock to the man in front of him.

There wasn't a moment of hesitation as Yuki took the wiggling member and had it slide into his maw, his breath coming out of his nose in a snort as the thick cock immediately started to leak into him. Askel let out a growl as he could see the alien rubber already start to leak out from the corner of the man's mouth and his nostrils, though it was inside Yuki's muzzle where the real changes were happening. The deer could feel the tongue stretching longer and coiling around the throbbing shaft as it pushed deeper, spreading the corruption into the neck and chest of the man while black liquid began drip from his nostrils and coat his nose. The demon wanted to make sure that something like Yuki's mind was converted right away, keeping the lust from overwhelming him and keeping the dominance that the big-horned sheep had presented.

It wasn't long before more of the rubber dribbled from Yuki's ears as his muzzle stretched and expanded, at the same time a pair of black rubber antlers pushing out from his brown hair that had started to turn black and shiny. Askel huffed deeply as he slid his cock in more now that the sheep's head was pretty much a shiny version of itself save for the new headgear, sliding down the throat of the moaning creature to allow his already ripped physique to grow even more. As the demonic creature looked down towards the jaguar he could see that even though the feline wasn't capable of direct corruption he was feeding his boss with more of the fluid that would cause it, thrusting in hard as blackened pre dripped from the throbbing shaft of the man on the desk. Askel and Sym felt a pair of hands suddenly reach back and grab them by the thighs as Yuki was rocked back and forth along the desk, feeling his claws grow in as the toes of his feet began to merge together and turn black. The wood of his desk soon became stained with black as the pleasure that came from the two creatures caused the big-horned sheep to climax, shooting the same alien rubber that was filling him as his legs quivered from all the new muscle growth.

Eventually Askel and Sym had to flip Yuki over, making sure that the two huge rubber cocks remained lodged deep in his throat and tailhole, in order to allow his new tail and wings to grow. Though it made it harder for the symbiote and host to watch the feet of the man form into proper hooves they did get to hold onto the antlers and use them to add to the thrusting, which with his new position allowed the deer to push all three feet into the transformed man before pulling out while his dancer did the same to him. For Mitch it would probably be the last time he could do it to the new alien demon thrall that had been created but the bigger male looked forward to having both of them on either side licking and nuzzling him once they were done.

After an hour and several more orgasms later Mitch and the newly transformed Yuki were told to leave the office, which the two did so with a bow before they left as Askel sat at the chair. The computer which the sheep had been working on before his intrusion was off, and as he looked at his own black rubber face in the reflection he saw his muzzle move of its own accord once more. "What's wrong?" Sym said with a sneer on their shared face. "Not going to change back into your old form?"

"Nah, I think I'm appreciating this one more and more," Askel replied as he stroked down the synthetic fur and exposed rubber of his chest. While most of his body had remained the same shiny black he noticed that his chest and inner thighs had shifted slightly to a deep, dark purple that as he looked back up he saw his eyes had followed suit. "What's this, one last change?"

"A change, certainly," Sym said as Askel idly stroked his rubber cock. "But it might not be the last, we still have a lot of work here to do and you have access to plenty of material to add to your body. Perhaps demon isn't your last stop, maybe you should start looking a little higher."

Askel chuckled at that as he turned his head to look out at the club of crowd goers that eyed up the dancers that came out on the stage. Soon it would be Mitch that would go out and show off his new body, which would be much to the delight of those that were in attendance, and as he scanned the crowd he saw Tobi at the bar waiting to find those that were particularly interested. This would eventually become a club full of muscle studs that were all enthralled to him, but he had to take it one step at a time. The ideal body couldn't be created after one workout, Askel thought to himself which the alien within agreed as the smirk remained on his face, but he was ready to put in the effort...