A Failed Dragon Hunt

Story by geniusxgsus on SoFurry

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A pretty long story I've been working on for a while. Technically a sequel to another story I worte called Let Sleeping Dragons Lie, but you don't have to read that one first. It's porn, not a book series.

Contains soft oral vore, gay sex, rape, violence, unwilling prey, mention of digestion, some anthro on feral sex, and a pretty cruel dragon. If any of that bothers you or if you're under 18, please don't read any further.

Relnik stretched his arms above his head and yawned as he walked slowly around the campsite. The grizzly bear had the third watch for their little band of knights, and had only been woken for it half an hour ago when Claire came off duty. In about two hours he'd wake Shor for the last shift.

Late night, or rather, early morning watches were nothing new to Relnik, but he never enjoyed them. He complained to anyone who would listen that bears like him were best at sleeping in long uninterrupted shifts, but it never seemed to count for much with his comrades. Relnik could hear Shor and Claire snoring right now, the dalmatian having passed out the moment she entered her tent she shared with Alric thirty minutes ago, and the big rhino who was ostensibly their leader having slept peacefully since they made camp that night. Blessedly, the last knight in their little group didn't snore much. Alric kept himself finely groomed like every other cat, and the tabby swore he'd actually trained himself out of snoring at a young age, considering it 'gauche', whatever that meant.

Relnik completed his short circuit of their little camp by the lake and settled into the watchpost they'd set up. Even though they were still a good two days' march from the dragon's lair, the scaled beast wasn't the only danger in these woods. The bear was slightly nervous about confronting the emerald dragon which had been terrorizing a local village recently. Perfectly reasonable, he told himself. Who wouldn't be afraid? But of course, they were all knights, not meant to show fear, and the rewards promised by the king for dealing with the ravenous dragon were sizeable enough to banish any lingering doubts of coming.

The grizzly looked out into the woods beyond their campsite clearing and sighed, picturing the feast that would await their triumphant return home. He imagined the great hall, where he'd been only twice before, brightly lit and comfortably warm. The smells of roasting meat would fill the air, while wide eyed admirers crowded around them. Him in particular, because of course among his brave and valiant companions he would be the one to strike the killing blow on the dragon.

And because he was a little lonely and several days into the wilderness, he dreamed that some of those admirers had more than innocent amazement in their gazes. In his dream, he was approached by the gorgeous vixen he'd seen at court two weeks past. Her demeanor was suitably congratulatory, but her eyes were heated, lustful. They promised a reward best given in private, and Relnik was only too excited to find somewhere just like that.

Before he could continue the dream with the vixen, her brother, the devilishly handsome fox, appeared at his elbow. He leered up at Relnik, but his false smile to his sister promised a fight for the handsome bear. Relnik smirked. Why shouldn't a dragonslayer be fought over? But which should he choose? As he glanced between them, he got an idea. Maybe he wouldn't have to. He bent over to whisper his salacious proposal in their ears, the smoky scent of the banquet hall filling his nose.

He paused, frowning. The scent of woodsmoke was more powerful than before, overwhelming in fact. He stood and looked around the hazy room, his vision blurry and his eyes beginning to water. Something was wrong. Faces all around him blurred from smoke and the sounds of revelry were drowned by the roaring hearth fires.

A horse's whinny broke his reverie and ended the victorious dream he had fallen into unwittingly. Relnik stumbled upright from where he'd been sitting against a tree, blinking furiously as his eyes watered from the heavy smoke. *Real* smoke, from a real fire he could hear crackling through the forest. The dragon hunters had made their camp at the edge of a lake in a small clearing, surrounded on all sides by forest, and the bear could now see they were surrounded by fire, too, burning through the woods which sheltered them. Every direction was covered.

The grizzly bear felt fear and panic begin to well up, and the shame of falling asleep on watch was powerful, but he shoved those thoughts aside for now. The fire was still almost a hundred yards away. They had time.

"Fire! Wake up everybody, up!" Relnik ran into their campground, shaking the short tents the knights had packed. Alric rolled out almost immediately - he was a light sleeper. Relnik continued to the other side of camp as Shor's tent began to move. Claire slipped out after Alric almost as fast as her partner. The bear arrived at their picket line and began freeing the horses they had brought so they could move to safety.

"Relnik, what happened?" Alric jogged over and began helping him free the horses. Unlike Shor, who stumbled out of his tent buck ass nude, the tabby cat slept in short pants and a thin shirt. Claire had her underclothes on only, but the dalmatian immediately began grabbing her essentials when she saw the situation.

Relnik spoke quickly while he worked on the knots in the horse's halter. "There's fire, approaching us from every angle in the woods. We have to get into the water - I don't see another way out."

Alric finished untying the other two horses and ran back to his tent. Over his shoulder he yelled "I saw the fire, you dumb bear, I meant where is it coming from! You were on watch, and fires don't appear out of nowhere!"

Shor had finally gotten moving, and now as he stood with a small bundle on his shoulder he jogged over and grabbed his horse's reins. "Doesn't matter. Everybody into the water, we'll figure it out on the other shore."

Claire was ahead of him, already wading in. She shivered a bit, but she gestured urgently for everyone to follow. "Come on! That fire is lighting up your big dumb faces while you stand there."

She was right. As Relnik grabbed his gear bag and pulled on his own horse, he saw the flickering light from the blaze was illuminating their camp brightly now. It cast shadows wildly across the lake's surface, and Claire was quickly moving beyond their sight into the darkness beyond the firelight.

"Claire, wait up! We can't see you."

"Don't get separated." Shor's deep voice cut through the crackling roar of the flames as the nude rhino stepped onto the beach, Alric behind him with his horse.

"Follow my voice then, silly. I'm heading a bit to the left, the beach is clo-" There was a short yelp and a splashing noise. The three of them still on the beach heard Claire's horse whinny loudly, and more splashing reached their ears. They stopped.

"Claire? Claire what was that?" Alric called out. There was no answer other than the panicking, splashing horse just beyond their view. Relnik saw the ripples of its struggle come into view. A moment later, the whinnying cut off. A larger ripple, almost a wave, rolled into the firelight at the water's edge.

"Talk to us, Claire. What's going on?" The rhino took a step deeper into the water, but Relnik could see his newfound hesitancy. He wasn't thrilled about the swim anymore either. They had swum in the lake before dark to clean off, and it had been clear then. Claire was a good swimmer, and she didn't have armor on like Relnik did since she'd been sleeping. Still, the bear could feel his fur warming from the heat behind him.

"Shor, we've got to go. I'm starting to get scorched." The two knights in front of him turned and saw the fire only a few dozen yards beyond their camp. Shor nodded and started forward again, but his horse dug in, lips drawn back and shoulders raised. Alric's did the same, and Shor felt his own reins go tight as his mount tried to back up from the lake.

Alric yanked hard on his lead. "What's the matter with you? You want to get roasted instead of take a swim? Claire, we really need you to speak up, the horses are scared now."

A deep voice rolled out of the darkness on the lake in front of them, and hearing it, Relnik felt his hackles rise. "As is always the case with you knights, your horses are simply smarter than you, it would appear. The fire is by far the safer option." Large ripples, then waves rolled towards the beach, and Relnik found himself backing up, the others following suit. The bear could just make out a large, dark shape, before it moved into the firelight and he saw the emerald scales glint and sparkle.

Relnik's hesitant backwards steps turned into a scramble as the dragon moved forward, sliding up and out of the water. Screaming, his horse yanked free of his hand and ran towards the fire. Alric lost his own grip as he stumbled and fell on his back, the horse spinning and lunging past Relnik. Shor alone kept his footing and his grip, but he backed up as quickly as the rest, the three knights gathering in their campsite once more. The bear heard the horse's screams pitch higher as they reached the fire, and he winced and closed his eyes briefly.

The dragon in front of them emerged fully from the lake. The long body didn't even fit into the cone of light now visible to them. Its head alone was enormous. It was big enough, Relnik knew from the reports of the terrorized village, to swallow a person - or even a horse - whole. As he had the thought, he remembered Claire through his panic, and his mind connected the pieces as his gaze traveled down the dragons long neck to its slightly drooping, *wiggling* belly. The emerald dragon followed his gaze and glanced down, reaching a clawed foreleg up to rub his stomach.

"Yes, your horses were quite right to be afraid. The lake really was not safe for any of you. I slurped up your friend while she swam over my head. " The dragon burped, and Claire's breastband flew out from between his teeth to land on their cold firepit. "I was hungry enough to eat the horse too, although that's my second in as many days. Can't say I care for the taste, but they help with digestion." He rubbed his belly again, almost caressing the wriggling bulge. "All that kicking helps tenderize the other meat." The dragon grinned evilly down at them. "Whatever they suffered, I think your steeds that charged into the fire picked the less painful path."

Relnik's mouth was dry. He'd joined this group to come fight this exact creature, but facing it unprepared, caught in an ambush with one of his comrades already eaten was totally different than a planned attack on the beast. He looked around. Of the three of them, the bear was the only one armed, and he had on only some of his leather undergear, not his heavier armor which lay in his tent. Shor and Alric both had weapons in their gear they had grabbed, but the rhino had dropped his bag while holding on to his horse and was utterly naked and defenseless, while the tabby cat - actually, as Relnik looked at Alric, the feline pulled his sword out from his bundle and let everything else fall, holding his blade up and taking a stance.

"You're a monster, and I'll kill you for what you've done." Alric took a step forward.

The dragon actually rolled his eyes. Relnik blinked, and Shor let out a small grunt of surprise. "You knights all sound the same, you know that? Just yesterday your comrade who rushed on ahead told me something almost identical to that in my lair. I'll give you three guesses where he ended up."

Relnik gasped. He knew another knight, a lion named Vilnius, had proclaimed he would face the dragon alone, but everyone had told him how futile that would be. The four of them had talked and figured the lion would come to his senses and wait for them. "You ate Vilnius?!"

The dragon shrugged. "Was that his name? He tried to tell me, but I didn't let him finish." The creature leaned its head down towards them. "Don't sound so surprised, or upset. The little cumrag sold you all out before the end. Told me you were on your way, thought he was being noble. Otherwise, you probably could have caught me napping." The dragon smirked. "If it makes you feel any better after hearing that he betrayed you like that, I didn't just eat him. I jerked myself off with him like a toy, and when I came, I swallowed my cock and him and let my cum wash him down my throat."

Relnik gasped. He heard Shor let off a string of curses next to him. The bear glanced almost involuntarily between the dragon's legs after mention of that debauchery. Just past the still living lump where Claire was, he could see a long dark shape peeking out in front of the dragon's tail. Alric paid no attention to them or the dragon. He looked at the ground for a moment, his paw white knuckled on his sword hilt.

Shor stepped over and grabbed the cat roughly by his shoulder. "Alric, think for a minute and - "

"No!" Alric threw the rhino's hand off him. "I don't care what happened to Vilnius or Claire. We came to fight this dragon, and that's what I'm going to do. Die, you monster!" The cat charged forward and leaped, stabbing towards the dragon's lowered head, directly at his eye. The great emerald beast leaned to the side, then swung his head like a club, slamming his enormous jaw into the cat and knocking him down.

Shor reacted immediately, shoving Relnik and dashing for his own dropped weapon. Shor's horse danced free as he dropped the reins, but did not charge into the fire. "Go, Relnik, cover Alric!" Finally hearing a command and spurred into motion, the bear threw himself towards his fallen companion, drawing his sword on the way. He wished he had his lance, but it was in the trees beyond the picket line. He'd never reach it.

He slid to a stop in front of the tabby cat, spraying up sand. He lifted his blade wardingly towards the beast, but the dragon was focused on the charging rhino. The dragon shifted to stand over their captain's gear, and swiped at Shor. He slipped under the blow, then charged forward, lowering his horn and slamming into the dragon's foreleg that was in the way. The wyrm hissed and yanked his leg free, and Shor ducked to grab his weapon, a spiked warhammer.

Behind him, Relnik heard Alric groan and start moving again. Over his shoulder, he yelled "Up, Alric! Look for an opening." The bear charged forward to help his captain fight the dragon. The bear swung twice at the dragon's flank, but despite his aim to dig under its scales his blade glanced off the first time. On the second swing, he got under a scale and it ripped off, spinning into the sand with a thin trail of blood. A scratch.

In front of the dragon, Shor fared no better. He focused on fending the dragon off, but with only a short warhammer and not even a loincloth against an angry dragon, he was outmatched. Within seconds, a swipe of the claws slashed Shor's hammer arm and he cried out as the dragon's natural weapons cut into his naked flesh, causing him to drop his weapon. Immediately the beast roared and swung round at the bear which had wounded him. Relnik parried a vicious bite, blocking the scything teeth, but was knocked off balance. The dragon reared, but before it could slam down on the bear, there was a yell as Alric leapt onto the creature's back and started to run up towards its head.

Time slowed down for a moment as the nimble feline sprinted up the dragon's back, sword raised, but the triumphant scene was cut short as the dragon flared his wings, the rush of air and shifting muscle destroying the cat's balance. The dragon whipped around, flinging Alric off and slamming his tail into Shor just as the rhino started to rise again. The two knights landed in a heap on top of each other.

The wyrm completed its turn and slashed twice at Relnik, the lone standing knight. He blocked both, but the overwhelming strength was too much. The dragon simply beat the sword from his grasp. A follow up swipe slammed into his chest and cut a little through his leather under armor, leaving shallow gashes across his chest and flinging him back a good five feet. The dragon lifted his head and *roared*, the echoing noise deafening everyone in range. In the aftermath, all the bear could hear was his own pumping heart. The crackling flames so close behind him were distant and soft, and the moans of his companions barely audible.

The dragon flicked their weapons away with a claw. They landed in the water, sinking with barely a ripple. It lowered its head, panting hot breath over them. When it spoke, its voice was different, slightly raspier and deeper. "A fight, a good fight. Ah, it sings in my blood. You all were much better than that idiot lion before." The dragon flexed his foreleg where Shor had rammed him, and glanced over his shoulder at his bleeding flank. "You even wounded me. Not much, but it's been years since I took an injury in a fight. And here I thought you captured prey, bleating for your life. Maybe with your friend, you'd have stood a chance to make me retreat." He chuckled darkly, rubbing his belly again. "She's a fighter, this one."

Relnik felt the heat of the fire on them. He knew there was no way out for them now. Wounded and weaponless, they were the captured prey the dragon spoke of. More likely to burn to death than anything. Even as he had the thought, however, the dragon moved, dipping his wings in the lake and sweeping them with great gusts at the blaze beyond them. The bear felt the cold breeze and freezing spray coat him, and he turned to watch as the flames in the forest dimmed before the dragon. He gulped. He had no doubt now the beast had set the fire while they slept to drive them into the lake. To see it conquer a forest fire, even one it had started, was humbling.

The dragon sighed with contentment. "There now, I wouldn't want my fires to ruin the aftermath of the fight. It doesn't hurt me, but I would prefer you all alive and unburnt when you slide into my stomach." The dragon's tongue flickered out over its scaly lips. "Now I have time to enjoy my meals."

Relnik felt sick. His head was pounding from the blows he had taken and blocked, his wrists and arms were sore, his chest bleeding, and even though the 'fight' had lasted less than a minute he felt exhausted. He could see Shor and Alric were in no better shape, slowly untangling themselves from where they'd been tossed. Shor looked to have the worse wounds, but Alric was swaying as he stood. Clearly he'd hit something vital. They were done. No fight left.

Shor, after steadying the swaying Alric, clamped a hand on his own injured arm. The bear noticed in a slight daze that the rhino was still naked - never having had a chance to put on clothes since Relnik's call to wake up. He made no concessions, standing proudly, if a little hunched. "So? What are you going to do to us then? Slice us into ribbons? Devour us whole? Get it over with."

Relnik struggled to his feet and walked over behind their little band's leader. Still their leader. He'd done nothing wrong to lead them here, Relnik reasoned. In fact, even with Vilnius telling the dragon of them, maybe they'd have lasted if the bear hadn't slept on watch. He felt ashamed to see the proud knight standing against the dragon when he thought of that.

The dragon narrowed his eyes to slits and looked over them, lingering on the wounded tabby cat who couldn't quite pull off the bravado of the other two. "As it so happens, I've been thinking. Despite needing to recover from this fight, I've eaten rather a lot recently. A knight and their horse two days in a row, and I'm still sleeping off that farmstead I ate at the beginning of this week." Shor tensed as the dragon continued nonchalantly. "I'm not sure I want to eat *all* of you. Perhaps one or two would be sufficient."

"A dragon letting prey go?" Relnik spoke scornfully, and a little confused. "I've never heard the like."

"Are you going to complain? I could eat you if it would make you feel better."

"No, I..." the bear trailed off. Truth be told, despite the warnings in his heart that dragons lied, the thought of escaping this horrible night had put hope in him again. He could see he wasn't the only one. Shor looked over his shoulder at the forest beyond. Relnik knew he had ambitions to rise in the king's guard. Even Alric had a look of dawning comprehension at the offer being made.

Before they could talk, the dragon spoke again. "Of course, it's no fun for me to choose. I'll make you a deal." The dragon slowly lowered his great bulk to the sandy beach, resting his head on the sand. "I'm going to open my mouth, and whoever climbs in - or is thrown in by the others, I eat." Leaving them to ponder that momentous declaration the dragon started lifting his jaw, before he closed it and spoke consideringly again, saying "Oh, and obviously if no one picks or gets picked, I'll eat you all. I'm not quite that merciful, and I can fit you, even if it leaves me full for a month." So saying, the emerald dragon opened its mouth and sat there on the beach waiting.

Relnik stared for a solid five seconds, unblinking, at the awful sight of that open mouth. Saliva dripped from the upper fangs, and the monsters steady breathing washed hot, putrid breath across them. The now distant firelight was still sufficient to illuminate the undulating throat and large tongue waiting, swaying almost invitingly, a long slide to a warm cave...

Shor slapped him lightly, and Relnik shook his head, dazed. The bear felt like he'd nearly been hypnotized. He looked cautiously at the dragon and saw the amused glint in it's eyes. It knew. What kind of monster reveled in this?

The rhino took charge, pulling the still confused tabby cat into a huddle with Relnik, facing away from the cavernous maw behind them. As Shor pulled him, Relnik felt the slight shaking of the big knight's muscles. Despite his strong front, the rhino was barely standing. "We need to choose, because I don't doubt that monster speaks the truth when he says he'll eat us all. Maybe he'll do it anyway. But if there's a chance to save you all, I have to take it. I'll go."

Relnik wasn't exactly surprised, but the forthrightness was off putting. He knew what he had to say now - it was his fault. He'd fallen asleep and doomed them all. But still, the chance to be free of the dragon, to get away... The bear kept his mouth shut and stared. Alric, however, did not. "Shor, no way. I charged the damn thing. And I'm... I'm not doing so hot. I can barely see, and my head is splitting open... I won't be good for anything if I get back home anyway. Let me die to save you, like I couldn't do with my sword."

Shor looked for a long moment at the cat. "Alric, you don't owe us anything -"

"And neither do you! Let me do this. Besides..." his voice dropped to a whisper, "Claire's down there... and we..." The cat couldn't continue, and Shor put his hand on the cat's shoulder.

"If you've made up your mind, I won't pretend to not be a little relieved. Thank you." Alric nodded, and broke from the group to walk towards the dragon, swaying with every step. As he approached however, the dragon closed its mouth and spoke.

"Strip, little kitty. I don't enjoy the taste of your clothes."

Alric stiffened. "You ambush us, eat my friend, and then tell us to pick who gets eaten, and you want to decide how we climb in your mouth?!"

The dragon's eyes darkened, and he lifted his head up to loom over the cat. "I didn't ask, and I won't a second time. I already burped up your girlfriend's bra, kitty." He leaned in closer as Alric began to shake with rage. "I could taste what you left in her earlier tonight little cat. I wonder if I can make you cum while I eat you and taste it from the source, while she screams in my stomach right below you."

Alric screamed and tried to punch the dragon. He leaned back casually out of reach, then dropped his whole head on the cat, pinning him down. "Hit me again, even just try to, and I'll devour both of your friends in front of you before I jerk myself off on to you and finish you off last." Alric raised his fist to the side for a moment, trembling, before letting it fall. His body started shaking, and Relnik realized he was crying.

Slowly the emerald dragon lifted his head. "Strip, kitty. Then climb in. I'm done waiting." He opened his maw again. Crying silently, the cat stood carefully. He pulled his thin nightshirt over his head, then slowly reached down and slipped off his shorts, standing naked in the clearing. The dragon made a beckoning motion with his tongue. Without any more hesitation, Alric walked over and climbed in, shifting slightly as he crawled on hands and knees on the wyrm's tongue.

Relnik watched as slowly, luxuriously it seemed, the dragon closed his mouth. He didn't swallow, instead nearly closing his eyes and rumbling as he worked Alric around his mouth with his tongue.

*Ahh, delicious. Almost the right amount of flavor.*

The bear started, as did Shor next to him. He'd heard the dragon's voice in his head, the same deep growl. Before he could react, he heard it again.

*Almost enough, but not quite.*

Shor started forward angrily. "What do you mean, you sick fuck? You're eating a person and he doesn't taste good enough for you? Then spit him out and let us go!"

The voice continued in their minds, without any apparent movement of the dragon, though he continued to taste Alric and watch them with those dark eyes.

*Oh no, I'm not letting a morsel like this go. He just needs extra seasoning. One of you can provide.*

"One of us can provide? You're going to eat us after all?"

*A small part, maybe. You see, he needs a bit of tenderizing, and some extra salt. And I promised I would make him cum while I ate him...*

Shor still wasn't getting it, but Relnik gasped and asked, "You want us to fuck him?!" The dragon grinned. In his mouth, the bear and rhino could see Alric renew his struggles as he heard Relnik.

*There's a bear who thinks like me. Yes, a good fucking should sort this flavor problem out. A bit of extra seasoning and some encouragement down my throat and he'll be delicious.*

"You're insane if you think we're going to fuck our friend down your throat." Shor's voice was flat, emotionless. The dragon's eyes narrowed.

*Do none of you understand how utterly at my mercy you all are? How much pain I'm saving you? Defy me again, and I will shred you slowly and carefully while you roast on an open flame from my maw. And then I will personally go to your high city and devour each and every one of your family members, even if I have to eat every rhino, bear and cat to make sure of it!*

Slowly, the dragon lowered back down.

*If you want to seize the chance that I'll let you free, one of you will come over and fuck this cat while I eat him. Don't forget he already willingly endured my abuse and climbed in to save you all. He's already meat. If I have to eat you all anyway because you wouldn't give him a last ride, what did his sacrifice mean?*

"That's insane logic, dragon." Shor tried to keep that same flat voice, but he trembled slightly now, and Relnik heard the quaver in his voice. The wyrm shrugged.

*It was worth a try. The truth is, I don't have to justify it. You simply have to obey to live.*

The rhino's shoulders slumped. "Relnik, I..." The bear slowly put a hand on his captain's back.

"Shor, he's got a point. Alric already sacrificed himself. You said yourself you were relieved. Is this really that much worse?" Shor looked at Relnik with fear and a little bit of anger in his eyes.

"Even still, I shouldn't! Maybe we should all just be eaten. No. No, you're right, Alric sacrificed himself." The rhino looked down. "But I can't... I mean, physically, Alric, while he's in that thing's mouth..."

Relnik followed Shor's gaze downwards and saw the rhino's point. Shor's cock, exposed the whole night, was pulled tight to his body, limp and impotent. Relnik looked for a long moment, then glanced at the dragon. The wyrm leered at him.

"I'll do it." Relnik began to pull his gear off, enough so he could access the buttons at his crotch easily.

*I'll do it, he says. So brave, the bear about to fuck his companion into a dragon's belly. How noble, shoving your dick in the only noble one among you.*

The bear stiffened at the dragon's taunts, but he remembered how it had done the same to Alric, and how the cat had acted. He took deep breaths. Shor looked a little ill, but his eyes kept darting between his own dick and the emerald dragon's mouth.

Relnik finally got rid of the heavy leather overcoat which hung down almost to his knees, leaving him in just his pants. He walked towards the dragon. As he did, the dragon worked Alric in his mouth before opening his lips a little. The tabby cat's bare legs, soaked in saliva, were forced out. Immediately he started kicking frantically. Relnik got closer as Alric's whole lower body was pushed out of the dragon's mouth. The bear stopped, uncertain how to proceed.

*I don't know how humans do it, but I usually need my cock out when I fuck something. Oh, and you'll have to hold his legs. My tongue is occupied with his chest right now.*

Relnik swallowed once, then reached down and began to unfasten the buttons of his fly. Despite the insanity of the situation, despite the horror, he was a functioning male, and he had admired Alric's furry ass before. And he had to do this. Right? He and Shor had agreed. He felt himself stiffen. As he undid the last button, his cock started to push free. I'm really going to do this, he thought to himself. Alric was thrashing, his tail tucked between his legs. The bear tried to be gentle, but the cat was going mad.

"Alric, Alric, listen! We have to do this to survive. Just relax. I can make this enjoyable for you, if you just relax." Frustrated, the bear grabbed the cat's tail and pulled it out of the way. In front of him, the dragon rumbled, chuckling around his soon to be meal.

*Enjoyable? You think yourself that good? To make this pleasurable for a man with no interest in it, while he chokes on my saliva and breathes my breath? Don't lie to yourself, or him. You do this because you want to live - and because you're going to enjoy it.*

Relnik gritted his teeth. The dragon's words wormed into his mind. Of course he was doing it to save himself. And Shor was right. Maybe they shouldn't want to. But they were committed now. The bear needed his hands, so he bit gently onto Alric's thrashing tail and used his hands to spread the tabby's legs. He stepped closer, between them. He was aware that he was literally inches from the dragon's maw. It could open its mouth and eat him and Alric in a heartbeat. Of course, it had beaten them into submission. It could have done that anytime it wanted.

Taking a deep breath, still fighting to hold Alric steady, the bear pushed his hips forward. The cat's hole was there, winking as Alric clenched and fought. Relnik pushed the tip of his cock closer to it, a good seven inches of black ursine meat. He'd imagined fucking Alric, but the cat was moony eyed for Claire. And he certainly never thought he'd do it on a dragon's tongue.

The bear pushed himself in. Alric stiffened, and his hole fought every inch. Relnik growled a little at the sensations on his cock. To his delight and horror, the dragon's saliva that had been worked into every inch of the cat was as good a lube as any he'd used. Better, maybe.

He pushed harder, feeling Alric tense and struggle, feeling his tail wrench between his teeth. The bear pushed again, feeding in the last few inches and feeling his hips meet Alric's. The motion put his chest against the dragon's snout. He felt a blast of hot air rush out.

*There, that wasn't so bad, was it? Make him cum. Blow your load inside him.*

A part of Relnik wanted to stop. Most of him wanted to fuck, now that he had his dick in a warm hole. He pulled out about halfway, and shoved back in, beginning to rut the tabby cat properly. He heard the slight squelching noises as his wet cock slipped out and in. Alric was still struggling, but the bear was quickly realizing he loved the sensation. The domination. The cat couldn't stop him. Shor wouldn't, and the dragon was certainly enjoying the display.

The cat's flailing, clenching muscles squeezed and massaged his length. He was in deep enough now to force Alric's legs open with his own hips and thrusting, so he took his hands off the doomed cat's thighs and reached up, not really thinking, and grabbed the ridges around the dragon's nostrils. The wyrm snorted, the air nearly hot enough to burn his fingers. Relnik recoiled, taking a step back. His cock slipped out of Alric's asshole, dripping precum. The bear watched as the tip of the dragon's tongue slipped out around his dinner's body and licked at the cat's abused ring.

*Mmhm. Delicious. I was right to call you over. A little more of the real stuff and I'll be satisfied.*

Before the grizzly could react, the emerald dragon opened his mouth a little and the enormous tongue reached out and wrapped around Relnik, pulling him in tight. He gasped as he felt the slippery appendage gripped round his pants and pulled them down, before it started poking around his own asshole. More important to his horny mind however, was that he was standing with his equipment hotdogging Alric's cheeks, grinding back and forth with the dragon's movements.

*Fuck him, bear. Or I'll trade and eat you instead.*

Needing no further encouragement, Relnik ground back against the beast's tongue and shoved his cock back in. It was so easy with all the saliva coating both of them. The bear was lost in the heated, sexual moment. The dragon hadn't seemed to mind, so he reached up and grabbed a nostril again. With the other, he reached down and past the dragon's lips. He shuddered at the feeling, at the sensations as he fucked hard and fast. Reaching in, he felt along Alric's struggling belly, sliding down his stomach until he found what he was looking for - the cat's rock hard, barbed cock.

*That's it. He doesn't want to be, but he's hard. He doesn't want to let me win, but you're hitting his prostate. He doesn't want this, but you do.*

Relnik was panting, holding on to the dragon and to Alric, piping his fist on the tabby's length while he fucked into him. He felt as the dragon started to pull his head back and forth slightly, meeting his thrusts into Alric and pulling his toy back. The tongue was still holding the bear close, and he felt it trying to tongue fuck him. It was too big, of course, but the motion, the idea, put the bear on the edge.

The dragon rumbled, and suddenly he felt the pressure increase on the tongue behind him. The dragon slowly lifted its head up, holding Relnik pressed against it. Relnik was frozen, both from the dragon's strength and the fear it was going to yawn wide and eat him too after all its promises. Instead, the dragon tilted its head back more and more to a forty-five degree angle. Relnik felt his feet touch the dragon's chin, giving him traction, while he still held it's nostril and his fellow knights throbbing cock.

Alric was now tilted backwards, and the wyrm opened its mouth a little more, freeing Alric from its tight hold. The cat started to slip back towards the dragon's throat, but there was some resistance from the fleshy tunnel. Frantic to finish what he had started, unheeding of the danger, the bear went back to fucking. He felt every thrust squeeze his cock into the tabby's asshole, and push him a little further into the throat.

Before Alric slid very far however, the grizzly felt the cock in his hand stiffen and throb. He could just see it in the dark maw, as the barbed dick erupted, spraying hot feline cum over the roof of the dragon's mouth. The tabby's body spasmed, and his hole clamped down on Relnik's cock. The bear roared, shoving his hips all the way in, spreading his legs wider on the dragon's chin and almost following Alric inside, desperate to get as deep as possible. He felt his orgasm crash over him, pumping load after load into the dragon's meal.

With a few last spasms from both of them, the bear slumped forward, gasping for breath and holding on to the dragon's snout. Below him, all around him, he heard a gulp. He struggled against the tongue holding him there, but the dragon opened its mouth no wider. Instead, he held Relnik there, giving him a front row seat as Alric's kicking legs were squeezed together. He watched the last moment as the cat's dripping asshole leaking his bear cum was sucked down by the dragon's powerful throat muscles. Briefly the feline's legs bent at the knees before getting pulled down into the undulating flesh and vanishing.

Another loud gulp sound signaled Alric's end. Without warning, the dragon slurped his tongue back into his mouth, releasing Relnik. The bear fell several feet to the sandy soil of their campsite, his knees buckling at the unexpected drop. Dazed, naked, and covered in saliva, he looked up in time to see the bulge that was his fellow knight reach the end of the dragon's long neck. It vanished between his forelegs before the dragon's belly drooped a little more. The bulge there squirmed, struggling to get out.

The bear noticed the dragon's own cock clearly now. He gulped. The long, drak green thing would probably reach from his asshole to his neck, and that wasn't counting the knot. It was a weapon on its own, especially in the hands of such a cruel, horny dragon. Very horny, if the pool of precum that had formed during Relnik's little seasoning work was anything to go by.

The dragon sighed, licking his lips before looking at Relnik. Shor came up behind him, but when Relnik looked at the rhino, Shor didn't look back. He did notice Shor's own cock was stiff, if not fully hard. Above their heads, the dragon spoke audibly, now that his mouth wasn't full.

"Mmmm. I haven't had prey that delicious since... I'd say last week." He leaned down and looked at the two knights. "You and that cat were good, but I caught a pair of hunters in my lands last week. I made the father fuck his son down my throat just like you did. Of course, I was hungrier then. I actually did eat him when he blew his load."

"And are you going to do that to us now?" Shor's voice was broken, now. No more attempt at level headedness.

"Hmm." The dragon rubbed his belly thoughtfully. "You know, I thought the cat would be enough or Id've eaten the bear just now, but I think I do want one more. Any volunteers? Whoever stays out gets to jerk me off while I digest your friends."

Shor stepped forward immediately. "Kill me, dragon. Eat me. I'll never be able to live after what I saw here today. How I felt...."

Those emerald eyes lowered to his level. "You mean, how aroused it made you. How much you enjoyed seeing me eat that cat. How much you wish you'd had the courage to step up and have the fuck of a lifetime like the bear did."

Relnik looked at Shor, and saw the rhino's face blanch. And his cock harden.

"Don't be ashamed," it continued. "I've been around a few centuries. It's natural. Trust me, I lost count when I was twenty at how many of you small ones I've eaten, and I'd say three out of four get turned on when I play these games. Something wired in your brains. You think you're worse than a dad fucking his son into a dragon's belly? Or the time I made a deal with a farmer to lure out his rivals in the town for me to eat so long as he jerked me off after every meal?"

Shor was shaking. Relnik was shaking. He knew he shouldn't enjoy this, but the dragon was right. Something in his brain crossed wires. He imagined the stories the dragon was telling and found himself stiffening again, despite his recent orgasm. The dragon looked them over and snorted.

"I'll be telling stories about the knights who fucked each other while I ate them to whoever ends up on my plate next. Now, who's my final course?"

Shor lifted his head again. "Me. I told you, whatever you might think, I don't want to live knowing this about myself. I deserve to die. I should have stopped Relnik from that... debauchery. Do whatever you want to me, but let him go. He can live with it, apparently." Shor walked towards the dragon's head.

The dragon grinned, and Relnik swore his eyes seemed to sparkle as they looked right at the bear. "Do you really want to give yourself up for the knight who fell asleep on watch and doomed your whole squad?"

Relnik gasped. Shor stopped walking. For a moment the rhino stood there, not turning, before he said "You're lying."

"Why would I lie? I'm going to eat one of you. Keep walking and it will be you. I simply want you to know. I saw him slumped against a tree when I flew over to light the fires. I got a little too close. Your horses sensed me. Any half decent sentry would have woken you all up, and maybe I wouldn't have two knights digesting away. Maybe I wouldn't have a rhino to gobble up." Relnik waited with bated breath.

Slowly, the rhino turned to him and met his eyes. "Is it true?"

The grizzly stood for a moment. He thought about how much he didn't want to die. "Not a word captain. You'd trust a dragon? He already broke his promise when he decided to eat another one of us."

Shor watched him, unblinking. "You didn't see the fire until it was almost on us. That fire was in every direction. You couldn't have missed it."

"I was checking the water!"

"What, did you fall asleep looking that way? You're lying." It was almost a question, but Relnik could see he had lost this fight. Shor knew. He had always been a good judge of people. The grizzly bear stood staring at his captain.

"What're you going to do then? It's still going to eat us."

"One of us. Maybe." Shor;s eyes were dark, and cold. "There's only one of us three that hasn't volunteered tonight. Only one of us who lied and put their fellow knights in danger through negligence. Only one."

Relnik looked at the dragon. It parted its jaws in a grin, and he heard its already full stomach grumble. "I'm not volunteering captain. I don't want to die."

Shor growled. It was a strange sound, not one Relnik heard from the rhino... except on the battlefield. "I think that's all I needed to hear. Dragon! You said before, whoever climbs in, or whoever is thrown, you'll eat, right?"

"Shor, don't do this -"


Relnik and Shor looked over. The dragon had his head lying on the beach again, mouth wide open, dripping saliva. He was speaking into their minds once more.

*Whoever touches my tongue first is dinner.*

Shor charged at Relnik. The bear wasn't ready for such a swift attack. He ducked sideways, but the rhino's horn caught him a glancing blow. The grizzly tried to get a grip on his captain from behind, but he was too slow. They were both slow. Wounded, exhausted, physically and emotionally drained. Relnik had stripped out of his armor to fuck Alric. Both of them were naked. Both of them were still semi-hard from the dragon's speech.

The rhino moved in slower this time, enormous hands spread wide. Relnik backed up a bit. The dragon was to their left, waiting. Hungry. Suddenly Relnik kicked at the sandy soil, spraying it into Shor's eyes. He cried out, instinctively covering his face. The bear dove for his legs and knocked him down, rolling over and over to get on top of him. But Shor was a grappler, and the stronger of them, even wounded.

The rhino came out on top, blinking furiously at his reddened eyes. Shor pressed down on the bear's neck, choking him.

"A dirty trick. Not how a knight fights." Shor growled.

"I - won't - die - here." Relnik gasped out.

Their bodies pressed together, dicks rubbing and chests sliding across each other. Relnik bucked twice, trying to shake him, but the rhino didn't need to be strong to be heavy. The grizzly choked, his vision starting to go dark.

*I don't want dead meat. Bring him alive, or you might as well jump in yourself.*

Snarling, Shor brought back a fist and punched Relnik twice, hard. Dazed and gasping for breath, he struggled to regain his composure as Shor stood and tried to drag him to the dragon's waiting mouth. The rhino kept yanking him to keep him off his feet. Relnik went limp to try and force Shor to stop, but the rhino was determined. Fueled by his sense of betrayal, he hauled the bear onwards. The bear started struggling again. If Shor could carry him like this, his only chance was to get leverage.

Kicking, he managed to get his feet under him, and he shoved Shor aside with a flex of his legs, ripping free. A handful of fur came off in Shor's fist. Relnik glanced around. He was mere feet from the emerald dragon's waiting maw, directly behind him. He edged right, and Shor matched him. He edged left, and was followed again. The bear was gulping down air, every instinct screaming to get away from the ravenous beast behind him. But Shor held the cards here. A wrong move and he'd be shoved backwards, and that ended with him digesting. A plan formed in his mind. Shor was a rhino. He liked to charge. Relnik would taunt him into it, and doge at the last moment, then finish the job with a shove.

"You think you're any better, Shor? A knight doesn't kick dirt, and he doesn't feed his friends or subordinates to dragons. Maybe I'm not a knight, but can you live without being one?" The rhino roared unintelligebly. He started forward, lowering his horn. Relnik braced himself to dodge, watching the tip of his captain's nose. And Shor kicked a heap of sand into his face while he was focused upwards.

Just like the rhino, Relnik threw up his arms, and even as he realized his mistake, Shor's charge caught him square in the chest. He flew backwards and landed with a wet squelching noise. Dazed, the grizzly wondered at the strange sound and soft landing before realizing where he must be - served on a silver platter. The jaws above him slammed down, but didn't bite through.His legs were still outside its mouth.

The tongue washed over him, rolling him around. He was assaulted by the smell and saliva, working its way into his every pore, leaking past his lips and shut eyes. He was being tasted, and he knew now how Alric had felt. The tongue underneath him suddenly lifted up, rolling back, forcing him to the throat. He tried to scream, but he choked on drool. Just has he pressed up agains the tight opening, the force shoving him down stopped. He tried to push himself away, but his hand slipped off the fleshy palate and almost went into the throat proper.

*Delicious. Even better now that I have all of you. But you know what you're missing, don't you? And I think your friend will be happy to oblige this time.*

As Relnik heard the voice in his head, he felt that massive tongue undulate around him, forcing him back to the dragon's lips. He was like a bit of driftwood on the ocean. The dragon clearly had practice teasing meals like this, and now he was a meal. It flipped him facedown into the tongue, and suddenly he felt cold air touch his feet. He hadn't realized how hot the dragon's mouth was. He knew where this was going.

*Well, captain? You're sleepy former knight needs that extra spice. And you can give it.*

"Do I have a choice?"

*This time? Yes. Walk away, and I'll swallow your friend and be on my way. I wouldn't linger in case I get hungry again - but you're free to go.*

Relnik felt a surge of hope, and was truly ashamed. He'd told himself when he fucked Alric it couldn't get any worse, but he knew now how badly he had lied to himself. But surely, the stalwart captain Shor, who had been willing to be eaten for his fellows, wouldn't -

"Slip his ass out. I saw his face when he was fucking Alric. He deserves every ounce of punishment, but if I can feel the way he felt, I'll take it."

Relnik struggled hard as the dragon chuckled, but there was nothing for it. Before he was moved however, the voice in his mind came again.

*No reason you small ones have all the fun. That horse over there, the one that didn't run. Bring it over here. I need a good cocksleeve.*

It was hard to hear over the constant squelching, and the resonant beat of the dragon's heart, but the bear heard footsteps moving away. Shor was really doing it. That was his own horse, he had ridden through his final days as a squire, and he was giving it to the dragon as a fucktoy. Even a horse big enough for Shor to ride was a toy to the dragon. It wouldn't end well.

Relnik heard the horse's fearful neighs, but apparently the long time spent without the dragon eating it and Shor's calming hand was enough for it to be brought close. "Here," he heard Shor say. "He won't come any closer." Relnik felt the dragon tense, and there was a sudden surging motion. A horse's scream ripped through the air before cutting off.

*Shush now, little horse. I can't stand your bleating, and you'll be bleating enough when I get my cock in you. Rhino, muzzle him.*

Again, without hesitation, Relnik heard Shor moving. After a minute, the footsteps approached the bear. "Now do I get to fuck this sorry excuse of a squire?"

*So forward. But I can appreciate that. Make him feel it. And make him cum, however much you hate him. I want my dinner well seasoned.*

Relnik felt rough hands on his legs. He was dragged a little more out of the dragon's mouth. His ass was exposed to the air. "Facedown. I hope you're enjoying the dragon's tongue. You looked happy enough riding it while you raped Alric." The bear struggled, kicking his legs, but Shor was the master here, with the dragon's help.Roughly he was spread wide. And then he felt something hot, hard, and leaky touch his asshole.

Before he could do anything else, Shor started to slide in. Relnik's eyes went wide before he could shut them again to keep out drool. He knew Shor was hung, but the rhino had a tip like a battering ram, no taper at all. And he was done with his reservations about enjoying the nights events. The rhino's cock was like a steel bar, throbbing with his every heartbeat. Relnik was perversely grateful once more for the dragon's slimy tongue as lube. He thought he might very well have gotten shoved down the throat if Shor's cock hadn't managed to slip inside.

The knight didn't go slow. The moment he finished feeding his eight and a half inches into Relniks asshole, he was sliding back out, before he slammed every inch in again. The grizzly bucked with the motion, his own cock still rock hard despite everything, grinding against the wyrm's tongue. Underneath him, the tongue rumbled with the dragon's growls.

Relnik felt the dragon shifting somewhat, but not his mouth, the rest of his body. Thoughtful of the bear however, the dragon kept up a running ocmmentary.

*Now, while you two have your fun, it's time I got off, I think. Come here cocksleeve.*

The dragon was preparing to fuck Shor's horse. Relnik overestimated the rhino's bond with the creature, or underestimated his newfound lust, because Shor didn't lose a beat hearing the dragon start to fuck his horse.. If anything, he started fucking Relnik harder.

*I want you knights to know its quite difficult to fuck something as small as a horse while I have my head on the ground. But don't worry - its not my first time. Lucky for your horse I make enough precum to drown both of you, or else this would kill him. Ahh... there we go. This toy is tight.*

"Won't you kill it anyway? If you put your knot in, from what I saw, my horse is dead anyway."

*You're right, of course, and I always knot what I fuck. But its lucky to not be dead immediately.*

Relnik felt the rhythmic motion translate through the dragon's mouth as the great emerald beast started to fuck Shor's horse. Relnik couldn't imagine it. Shor was still fucking him, and the rhino's cock felt like it was splitting him open. If his face wasn't shoved into the dragon's tonuge he'd be screaming, He tried anyway. He wasn't even aware he was crying til the dragonmentioned it.

*Mmm. A little extra salt. You said you wanted him punished, rhino? He's crying. And still leaking onto my tongue while you fuck him, the dirty bear.*

"Good." Shor punctuated the comment by slamming his hips in. He held there, throbbing inside the bear. "Its not enough. Open your mouth a little. I want to be on top of him, to feel every inch of him shaking while I fuck him til he cums because hes no better than that." Relnik was stunned. He felt the dragon's deep throated chuckle.

*Look at you go. I like that.*

Relnik felt cool air on his back, but before he could sit up, a weight fell on top of him. He felt Shor's leathery skin slide across his, and one big hand came around and grabbed the back of his head, keeping his face shoved into the tongue. Shor immediately took advantage of his new position to shove his cock in even deeper.

"I'm gonna make you cum, but consider it the last friendly act from another person in this life. I don't think this dragon will let you live long after I empty my nuts in your ass and all over his tongue." Shor gave a couple thrusts before he spoke again, saying "Oh, and Relnik? Just relax and try to enjoy it. I'll make it pleasurable for you. That's what you told Alric right?"

Relnik knew the rhino was torturing him, but he tried to follow his advice. He couldn't take any deep breaths, and Shor was giving him no respite. Still, he tried to relax. He'd been fucked before. Never a guy quite as big as Shor, but relaxation was the same no matter the dick in your ass, right?

While Relnik tried to enjoy the last sex he would ever have, the dragon lifted his head up, with Shor laying on top of the bear. In order to keep leverage, Shor fucked Relnik deeper into the dragon's mouth so he could put his feet against the dragons front teeth. Both of them were completely in the creature's maw now. The grizzly found himself wondering if the dragon could swallow them both while they were fucking like this. He didn't see why not. It had slurped down horses like candy.

Speaking of horses, Relnik could feel the dragon's shifting, fucking motion even while the rhino on his back tried to outdo the wyrm. The dragon groaned around them, while Shor moaned in turn.

"I'm not gonna last much longer," he panted. "Here. A helping hand." Relnik felt the bear reach his other hand, the one not holding his head down, and squeeze it between his body and the dragon's tongue. Finding the bears hard cock, he started stroking, timing the motion of his fist with his pistoning hips as he drove his cock relentlessly into Relnik's ass. The bear could feel the rhino getting harder as his orgasm approached, though he would've sworn that was impossible. The bear felt his own cock throb, and he was surprised to feel like he was enjoying this. Shor's new position had hit something inside him that made him warmer than the dragon's mouth.

The bear couldn't take it. Hearing Shor's moans, feeling his cock throbbing inside him, feeling the dragon they were in sway with his own thrusting, it all tipped him over the edge. He tried to cry out as he sprayed his cum all over the dragon's tongue, coating Shor's hand and his own fur. Just like he himself had with Alric, Shor couldn't take the pressure of the bear's climaxing muscles. He crushed Relnik into the tongue beneath them and yelled out as he came, emptying his low hanging balls directly into the grizzly's colon.

From the moment Relnik started to cum, the dragon began to move his tongue more energetically, grinding the last few drops out of the bear and wrapping around the rhino as well. When they were done and the rhino was spent, however, the dragon slowly and carefully slid his tongue between their two bodies, lifting Shor off the bear. He lowered his head down and shoved the rhino out.

In a daze, Shor watched as the dragon actually let him out, then watched that ravenous tongue explore Relnik's abused hole, where the rhino's cum flooded out without his big cock to plug the ursine ass. Finally, the dragon tilted his head back and started to swallow, and that was the last Shor saw of Relnik. He watched the long, heavy bulge the big bear made slide downwards, bulging out the thinner light green neck scales of the dragon. The bulge continued down and Relnik dropped into the dragon's belly right on top of the poor rhino's horse.

As Shor stared, he saw the dragon truly had impaled the equine. The horse was practically limp, only occasionally tossing its head. The rhino could see a bulge travel back and forth in its belly and even into its neck as the dragon's enormous cock continued to fuck a hole clean through the creature.

"Ahhh... a full belly and a tight hole. And a dirty rhino who fucks like a dragon." The beast grinned down at Shor. It had to use its foreclaw to hold the horse in place before its thrusts, but his hips kept moving and fucking even as he talked. He crouched low, his bulging, struggling belly, stuffed full of bear and cat and dog and horse, rested on the other horse's back. "Not long now. Fuck, not long at all. Just have to, have to fit my knot in."

With Shor watching his poor horse, the dragon growled and crouched even lower, leaning forward and pressing the horse into the ground. The angle gave the naked rhino, his own cock still dripping, a view of the emerald spire piercing his mount. The dragon's knot was nearly the size of the horse's ass, although it was difficult to tell with the creature swelled wide from the cock pistoning in and out. The dragon was determined, though.

With a couple hard thrusts and some pushing from his claw, he forced the limp horse, truly just a cocksleeve now, back onto his knot. The dragon roared at the stimulation, and Shor watched in amazement as the dragon's balls flexed, the throbbing of his cock enough to lift and shake the horse. After a jet or two, Shor saw cum start to leak from the horse. From everywhere. It started to seep out around the knot, but the horses' already obscenely bulging belly swelled, and dribbles started to leak out of its mouth.

The orgasm lasted almost thirty seconds before it tapered off. A pool of cum had dripped out around the horse, which was mercifully dead by now. Shor stood speechless as the dragon bent its head down to look at it. "A good toy, but one time use only, it seems. Well, I never waste meat. Maybe the bear will enjoy drowning in my cum, too." The dragon lunged down, engulfing the horse impaled on his cock. Shor watched that ravenous mouth, still hungry, swallow all around the thing.

There was a few moments of tugging before the horse came off his knot with an audible popping sound. A veritable waterfull of hot dragon cum spilled out and splashed to Shor's feet, but the dragon quickly sealed his lips around his own cock and slowly dragged his mouth up and over the tip, holding a massive mouthful of meat and cum before taking three mighty gulps to finish it all off.

The dragon sighed happily and slowly laid down, heedless of the mess. "Now, I think I might really be full." He looked at Shor. "You were fun, but in the morning I'm going to wake up hungry, and I'll remember you when this is sore." He held up the foreleg where Shor had charged him. "Get out of here, unless you want another round and a slide at the end."

The rhino stood there, dazed and disoriented from the incredible sex, as well as the effects of his injuries. Finally, he turned and began to walk into the forest. Naked, unarmed and unarmored, he barely had a thought in his head anymore.

The dragon watched him walk away with narrowed eyes. That one, he thought, will come back. I'm sure of it. Maybe with friends. He licked his lips. He knew he'd be hungry again in a remarkably short amount of time. But he'd leave the rhino for now. An investment, hopefully. For now, the dragon curled up on the beach, in the clearing where four knights had rested before planning to kill him, comfortable in the knowledge that none had succeeded and almost all of them were where they belonged. Almost all.