The long term visit part two

Story by matt-the-mutt on SoFurry

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Well furs, this is this last part, but by far the longest, wall over twice its length! i would give you the normal "dont read this is your under blah blah blah" but i know people under age read this stuff, all i cant say is enjoy and its not my falt!

This one contains macro/micro, NC, M/M sex, umm and a lot of outer things i cant even think of.

Part one is at And also more pimpage of my group!

staring! as Matt as Ed

and Noway i dont have a page for, but his charecter is copyright hiss elf

Suddenly the wolf little wolf is bounced around in the darkness as his surroundings shift and ruffle forcing him to latch on to anything at all, unknown to him he just happens to be that canine toy, out side the seeming hell for the little wolf the only thing his EX friend is doing is putting the heavy bag on and leaning down slipping his warm paws back into the warm homes that are his shoes with a quick tie he is ready and leaves his little house heading into town to his loving mates apartment in the centre of town happily whistling all the way all the time keeping the little wolf in the constantly swaying darkness.

Soon matt is outside the seemingly huge apartment building giving a quiet chuckle thinking of the tiny wolf in his bag and presses the call button for the top floor apartment that he knows all to well, and as always without a moment of waiting the door buzzer goes and the mutt starts his long run up the 20 flights of stairs always thinking its faster than any lift and it keeps him fit at the same time, soon he gets to the his target, the penthouse apartment door, his body swaying back and forth then hearing a click his body gives in falling forward into the doorway to be quickly stopped by two white furred covered hands catching his shoulders.

A very quiet laugh catches matt's ears as the fingers firmly but caringly wrap around his shoulders slipping over the shirt covering them, then Ed pulls inward pulling that lug of fur and clothes into a tight loving hug matt nuzzling into the softer sweet smelling red fur of a fox just under his neck "dawww what a soppy thing I have here" is all matt and Noway hears making only matt murr loudly and Noway shudder with a totally new feeling of fear, just as always the two arms wrap around matt's lower back as he is lightly picked up and guided into the apartment a single socked foot swinging back to shut the door as he pads into the brightly lit apartment carrying the added weight of matt with no trouble at all "and that's why you love me hun?" is all Matt musters up to say as he is moved about.

Quickly finding his self placed down onto the sofa slipping off the bag carefully and placing it on the floor as Ed takes a seat next to him carefully wrapping a arm around Matt's back and pulls him inward to his own side, the canine happily being guided and takes a nuzzle into the shoulder of Ed, the large bag resting against the side of the sofa on the floor "hehehe that's the one of the reasons, and a hell of a lot more now I think about it, my gersky butt" Ed says with a soft smile turning into a grin at the end of his sentence as the brown dog sits back up "and you said something about a surprise?" the fox follows up once again making matt smile just as wide "well if you would look inside that bag of ours you will find something new"

Noway meanwhile couldn't be more scared for his life right now, trapped in his apparently gay friend's back pack and suddenly a god like hand bursts into the dark space reaching, shifting and grabbing a few items around him "no, no, that cant be that" is heard from high above him then the little wolf's heart his almost forced into his throat in shock as fingers encage him again this pair being a lot more rougher holding him around his chest and lower body " and ohhh hello what's this I feel"

All hell breaks lose for the wolf as he is roughly yanked out the bag shifting location and the pressure of the hand around him making him slightly light headed, his entire body aching like never before, shutting his eyes tightly as he is blinded by the sudden change in lighting from the sudden change from the darkness of the bag, once again he hears a giggle but this time a lot more audible almost feeling like his ear drums are being pounded by a small army's worth of guns, trembling he opens his eyes only to be greeted by two huge green eyes looking him over, his head shifting about looking about the room but mainly to get away from that gaze that almost feels like its burning at his very soul "p-please, just let me go" he asks stuttering for the first time in his life from the total shock of his situation.

"sooo you finally did it Hun it seems" each word forcing warm wall air to leave the fox's muzzle almost clinging to Noway's front, suddenly the pressure all around his lower body drops as his self drops feelingly a foot or two to his self but to furs of a normal size its but a few inches before he has a chance to get his bearings he in once again held in the same way but a lot more gentle and the hang if coved in brown, looking up confirms now Matt is holding him in place is "yep this is what I did, and god the things that we are going to do makes me shudder just thinking!" as he talks he quickly shifts his grip about on Noway soon pinching his scruff between two fingers leaving his muzzle open with the last word, then with a simple flick of his wrist sends the little wolf inside the humid damp maw with a little yelp as the lips seal behind him "want to share?"

Yet again to the little wolf finds his self in darkness this one much different as he is bounced about by that large tool of a tongue under him under him the humid warmth surrounding him and slinging to his fur almost "ohhh I would love to gersky butt" he hears every single muffled word from outside and he gets a little bit of light and hope that he will be let out again only to have it cut off in seemingly a second later as Matt and Ed's lips lock into place a few muffled moans, a new large tongue being added into the hot muzzle as he is batted, smashed, squeezed and pressed between the two trying to keep everything shut to keep the warm heavy saliva off his body as the two tongues seem to wrestle with one another surrounding him as they start to passionately kiss.

Quickly the little wolf finds his self totally disorientated in the hot space now formed with the two maws shifted from muzzle to muzzle countless times then slowly one tongue leaves the mix pulling out past the lips quickly before they seal tight against each other but this time when his little form is left alone with that tongue it shifts and forces him up to the hard ridged roof of the muzzle, prodded from side to side moved from cheek to cheek like the worse type of fairground ride, outside the fox and his partner pull apart matt licking his lips a few times Ed's own tongue staying firmly inside his maw looking like he is playing with a bit of over used chewing gum inside his maw before he dumps it "I always was the best kisser" Ed says with a quiet muffled voice still toying with his prize of the little toy.

"yeah but" matt lifts a hand to Ed's muzzle first rubbing a little bit just near the back he then presses a finger into each side of the foxes jaws forcing the lips open for just a moment and grabs out the now soaking wolf with his free hand "I could always exact the most control", Ed gives a quiet while and shuts his muzzle again lips slapping together the taste of wolf sticking in his maw "tasty little guy isn't he, but I take it he isn't for eating" matt smiles as a result and rubs over the back of his foxes head making him lay down on the couch the back on his head resting on matt's crotch looking up at him at he holds the wolf.

Thinking for a while giggling slowly matt lowers Noway only a little bit towards that foxes muzzle that opens wide then snaps shut and open a few times almost in anticipation sending a chill up the wolf's spine "hmm what do you think toy, can my fox eat?" the little form start to squirm about like mad in the air looking up at matt then down at that hungry maw walls of teeth and flesh glimmering in the light a few strands of saliva slowly dripping and stretching out "no please! I'm not for eating either! please!" he reaches up trying to clasp onto the large fingers that are dangling him over that maw looking under him quickly spotting that once again that mouth is shut under him, although the fox under the dangling wolf clearly looking disappointed his arms folded over his chest and a large amount of warm breath washes up him as the fox huffs in disappointment.

Giving a giggle and a sly grin Matt moves his grip about on the wolf, soon tightly holding around his legs and lower chest in a single clenched fist then slowly he move the hand down gliding it down the foxes furred chest, the little wolf being dragged along the thick fur squirming for some way out of the tight vice like grip of this single hand a distinct male scent hitting his nose as he is moved down with his mind becoming a cloud of panic and worry unable to think of a single one. Then, darkness wraps around him a loud moan sounding from high above the heat and smell instantly picking up strength as all at once the pressure stops and the little wolf rolls onto warm fur again along with a seemingly warm pulsing fleshy wall.

With the little wolfs struggles becoming faster rubbing onto a section of the foxes cock as it strains at the outside of his trousers two hands reaching up and gripping tightly at Matt's shoulders "mrrrf! I see what you mean" Ed almost begs with pleasure as a single hand gives the firm bulge a good groap forcing it downwards pinning the wolf between the hard length of his friends boyfriend and his fur covered groin "how about we take this to the bedroom" matt says with a wide grin, and almost right away he gets his answer as Ed almost leaps off the couch standing right in front of his partner who gets up teasing slowly.

Insides the musky confines of Ed's boxers the little wolf now has to grab onto the last thing he wants for dear life as his word shifts his arms wrapping around the pulsing shaft almost right away realising what it is "it's a fucking co-!"He shouts to his self the end of his sentence cut off as a long strand of warm juice slips down from just above him coating his head and his upper body slightly making him fell well and truly disgusted as his word quickly starts to sway from left to right.

As the two lovers make their way to the large clean bedroom leaded by Ed with Matt following close carrying that bag along with him, soon getting in the fox stands at the foot of the bed standing up straight and smirking while giving a playful salute "ready and waiting sir!" his cock practically jumping in time with his heart beat inside the confides of his boxers making it unbearably hot for the little wolf now inside as he grips to the shaft still. Matt places a single hand onto his foxes chest the outer hand dropping the bag "at ease hun" then with that single paw on the shirt coved chest Matt gives a gentle push the Ed falling back like a tree onto the bed looking up at Matt as he slowly takes his shirt off "no I want you to take off your clothes, same order as me" soon both are in the bedroom with only their boxers and socks on, both the fox and the canine mix being fully erect in their boxers only the foxes has the little unmoving wolf, a large dark spot on the top of Ed's boxers.

"right lets get it heated up a little" Matt almost mumbles as he knees down at the foot of the bed reaching to his side Ed totally unknowing what is going to happen here as with most of the things, a few bumps come from the base of the bed then matt leans back up in his left hand that large canine toy with he moves to his maw playfully giving a long slow lick up its length before tracing the hand with it up the bed resting it un the space just between Ed's spread legs, while he uses his right to gently trace up the furred length of Ed's leg slipping the hand inside the boxers he takes a grip of both the warm cock and the little wolf clung on giving a good rub then moves back out but drags the now squirming wolf out and places him down onto the bed sheets just near the dildo.

Every movement is a total hell for the little wolf as once again he is blinded by light still trying to look about at the room he now finds his self in Ed laying on his back just above him Matt looking right at him till he leans over to get some second item from the bag, but none the less not able to see him anymore 'this is my chance' the micro wolf thinks to his self feeling happy almost sprinting to the side of the bed not even having a plan but just wants to get away after but runs seeing the floor and smiling, then once again suddenly everything goes dark then a pressure hits him in the back forcing him face first onto the sheets warmth initially taking over him with a slight musk. Because unknown to Noway Ed had seen his attempt of getting away and lifted a single footpaw behind him shoving him in the back with the toes he quickly pins his entire body under the fabric giving a few wiggle of his toes.

Getting back up Matt looks over the bed his eyes going wide not seeing the little toy anymore his eyes darting over the bed then he gives a chuckle just seeing noways tail sticking from the bottom of his foxes repositioned foot "see your such a paw slut" he says and he moves the foot off the squirming wolf as he gasps for air again moving him once again back to the dildo he firmly pins the wolf on his back on the length legs spread over the knot keeping him pinned under two fingers Matt moves the new item in reach a long strand of dental floss and just wraps it around the girth of the dildo and the wolfs waist his legs folded over the knot slightly, pinning them both together rather tightly almost constantly squirming and pulling at his restraints, Ed always watching and grinning giving a lick of anticipation over his moist lips.

Matt giving a similar lick of his lips before looking up at Ed meet with his eyes filled with a sexual need then shifts his vision back to the little wolf "righty wolf toy, I think you get to pick, no lube or lube for this trip?"Looking up wide eyed still completely lost for words as it clicks in the wolfs mind where this maybe going "... get me down from here god damn!" he screams not even listening to what he is being told by Matt giving a smirk and a nod he leans back down reaching into the bag once again pulling out a bottle of lube and placing it next to the dildo and its wolf "looks like he wants lube, lucky fox this time it seems hun, oh and be a good boy and strip that pair of boxers for me will you" and quickly just like he is told, Ed's boxers become a new item to the floor leaving his still hard cock pulsing in the air heavily.

Finding his self distracted by more then one thing the little wolf soon gives a loud yelp as a cold, sticky and thick liquid drips over his head and down his body, looking upwards he sees matt now dribbling the lube over the tip of then length causing it to drip and cover the entire length "right no more time wasting" and with that all hell once again breaks lose for the wolf giving a shout as the length of the dildo moves a little then gets cut off at almost as of the length slips inside the waiting hole taking his self half way into that humid hot hole, a loud moan filling the air as ed takes the length his hole tightly clamping around the dildo and its wolf forcing the little more inside against the slick walls his squirming about now only adding to the foxes own pleasure, Matt keeps on working that length inside the tight hole pulling it out then pushing it slightly deeper each time noway having to gasp for air as he is let out to keep alive with a final push Matt stops leaning back the knot still out of his partners hole noways legs being the only visible sign of him being in that hole as his squirms only add to Eds scene of total pleasure that this time his entire body shuddering now and then with the pleasure making the walls inside quiver and pulse all around Noway.

Back on the outside Matt leans into the bad for a last time pulling out a condom and unwrapping it quickly and putting it just above the foxes crotch, before dropping his own boxers now leaving the two lovers only in socks now "now Ed lets have a change" and with that Matt leans in close to the fox a hand reaching for the base of the dildo it pulls it out slightly then with a single finger claw tugs and rips the now weak floss away letting the wolf drop to the bed as he gasps for air, with a wide grin and a good hard thrust of that dildo he pushes the knot into Eds hole making him gasp with pleasure "righty hun, the main event" and with that Matt quickly grabs Noway once again holding tighter due to the slippery lube all over his form making the little wolf breath and gasp heavily.

Struggling to breath noway squirms about only a little bit now total worn out by the pounding of being inside a tail hole a thing he hopes he will never see or feel again, looking up at matt as he feels his self getting shifted and moved suddenly placed against a curved wall of warmth he takes a long gulp the hand wrapped around both his self and the shaft behind him, Ed groaning out in pleasure once again feeling the little form now pressed against his pounding shaft Matt picking up the condom while keeping Noway firmly held with the cock he starts to slip the plastic cover over the hot pole of meat moving his hand away quickly letting noway go only to be completely covered in the condoms grip as he is pinned along the bottom of Eds cock Matt doing one final act of getting up standing at the foot of the bed back facing the two tail lifted, both Ed and Noway being able to see "foxes turn it seems" Ed remarks.

Getting up once again with the length of the dildo still filling his hole Ed puts his hands on Matt's shoulders his cock leaking a few strands of pre into the plastic cover flowing down and coating Noway in more sticky fluid "now doggy" Ed gives a small push of matt's shoulders forcing him to fall belly down on the bed "dogs only know how to take it one way, lift tail and beg" Noway's view of all the events from his view point under Ed's cock as he is coated in yet more musky liquid soon he finds his self looking right at his friends ass, tail hole puckering in anticipation between the two cheeks. Then with almost a lighting movement Ed pounces behind Matt his hands latching onto his hips holding them in place and with a single thrust he starts his assault on his hole moan after moan sounding from Matt as his cock bucks with each thrust Noway's form pressing at his prostate with each thrust inward vision blurred as he is plunged into darkness and back out into the light but never the fresh air.

Loud moans coming from both the lovers showing that the added wolf is making quiet a lot of difference, the squirming about inside the condom having two main and very noticeable effects for the both, each thrust in makes the squirming form of the wolf push at Matt's delicate prostate each time making his cock throb, the squirming form also adding to Ed's pleasure as he is pushed tighter against his cock with each hard inwards thrust his hands soon gripping at matt's hips much tighter as he takes one last thrust inwards with a loud moan he pushes his knot into Matt's hole making him moan out as well as they both simultaneously reach orgasm .

A thick stream of seed rush into the head of the condom slowly running down the side making Noway yell and scream for dear life as the walls tighten heavily around him pushing him against the hard cock choking a little thick mix of pre and cum seep in around him just able to keep breathing lightly feeling almost totally worn out in the musky confides, Matt almost howling with pleasure as he is knotted reaching his own orgasm his body going into automatic as he tenses up his hole clamping tightly around the condom as he spreads his own thick seed over the covers.

Both Matt and Ed pant and moan lightly Ed going limp and resting on top of Matt making the canine flop downward onto the bedding feeling the crotch area slightly damp under him making him giggle slightly "damn that was good, i can still feel him squirming" the fox whispers into Matt's ear "I know, I can feel him too remember very strong it seems" Noways seeming hell never ends trapped in musky hot darkness as he squirms about, his body feeling almost twice as heavy as normal in the thick liquids that coat him.

Giving a few wiggles and quiet moans Matt starts to force his bowls downwards tightening the hold on Ed's still firm cock getting the message Ed slowly pulls back with a moan as his cock is pressed and pushed soon slipping free of that hole with a wet "schlp" Noway once again blinded for a moment as the light floods around him from above looking about seeing all his surroundings highly blurred by the plastic sheet and the come and pre mix around him "p, please no more" he begs to no one in particular every movement of Ed being felt by him making him feel so damn dirty in that mix of cum and pre the member over him losing some of its firmness over time as Ed sits back leaving matt laying between his long legs "ohh Ed hun i need to get that nasty stuff off you don't I"

Not fully understanding what it is Matt just said Ed just gives a nod laying back against the back of the bed, just watching as Matt shifts his self about over the bedding his face soon hanging just over the vulpine crotch "Matt, hun I don't think I will get much plees" Ed cuts his sentence short as the canines muzzle opens and lowers its self over the covered cock tongue flicking over the condom, the little wolf contained thrashing about all over again seeing that maw over him at first then rush over him once again enveloping him in darkness not smelling at all given the sheet of plastic film covering him, but soon even that is gone as Matt flicks his tongue over the bottom of the length the tip of his tongue slipping into the bottom of the condom pressing a little bit at the wolfs legs before it pulls up quickly little Noway soon not having that sheet as it leaves him pressed onto that slimy tool all over again the liquids all around him taking on a all new scent as the saliva, pre and cum all mix together.

Pulling his head back slowly from Ed' s cock Matt's lips sealed tightly around the rod of meat pulling everything back and clear of the cock soon getting totally free with a wet sucking sound a strand of saliva connecting matt's chin to the head of that cock and his tongue bats all around the inside of his maw a single hand reaching to his lips as he gets rid of the thin rubber condom dropping it to the floor, tongue forcing the lightly squirming form of the wolf into one of his cheeks as a loud gulp fills his maw making the wolf squirm a lot more as he thinks he is getting gulped down and with the same hand Matt finally pulls Noway out grinning from ear to ear as he looks at Ed "hey hun" he says only to cut his self off with a giggle seeing the vulpine eye lids shut softly as he peacefully sleeps.

"hmm 11PM" looking at Noway laying back on his palm clearly to exhausted to even fight now "well i suppose its been a long day" and with that Matt moves his self onto the left side of the bed wraps his arms around Ed and slowly moving him down to the bed head resting on the pillow pulling the covers over with a single hand wrapping the two in the soft bedding "enjoy your sleeping bag little wolf, I know I would" his hand containing the little unmoving form of his old friend moves under the sheets gliding down the foxes front till he cups that sheath, the tip of his cock sticking out only a little guessing his movements matt's fingers soon push the little body of Noway into that musky casing only his head sticking out, Noway's eyes almost already shut as he passes out into a heavy sleep his little form totally over used by a single day.

And in one final act the canine mix wraps his arms softly around the fox pulling him in close as he drifts off into a heavy night of sleep quiet contented with how everything the day had went along.

Your odd morning

a very tiny bit of micro fur faggery, under 500 words i have you know, this i did did off the top of my head after getting the last pawrt of "the long term visit" done, but you guys get to see that later :P ohh and i did it in the point of you, so what...

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The long term visit

Riiight so this is a reupload of the story i did a few days ago, this time i have checked it and changed it a little so i hope its a lot better to read, again though feedback is very much welcomed and keeps me going! And also i suppose this is a big...

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