A Dark Encounter

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#62 of Quickies

More stuff featuring my umbreon. This time with you as a trainer that comes across him in a forest on the night of a full moon.

The night was brighter than usual with the full moon out, though the forest itself was almost pitch black with the dense trees blocking out the moon's light. Only faint slivers of its light were able to pierce through the leaves and reach the ground. With how wide the route was your path through the forest was at least illuminated. The darkness all around you however did put you on edge a little.

It didn't help that a pokemon was stalking you from the darkness, hearing twigs snap and brush get ruffled. You started to run in hopes of avoiding whatever pokemon it was. Your own team was in no condition to fight after a rough battle with another trainer before the sun set. Whatever was following you also picked up their pace as you heard more noises coming from the dark forest on your right.

Then there was silence. The pokemon that had been following you stopped and ran away. Distant cries of pokemon were deafened and you were left with nothing but the sound of wind blowing through the trees. You could hear your own heart as it started beating faster and louder. Your breathing became more ragged as you felt panic start to set in.

Every fiber of your being was telling you to run away from here now. Something happened in this part of the forest to make all other pokemon flee from it. Turning around you saw gold eyes and blue rings glowing in the darkness, with a couple of the rings partially hidden from the tree branches high above. Immediately you knew it was an umbreon but it was massive compared to most of its kind.

Stumbling as you started to run back the way you came, nearly falling on your face. You wouldn't get far however as you felt something grab hold of your body. A small blue glow then shimmers around you and froze your body in place. Unable to twitch even a finger as you were lifted off of the ground and turned back towards the umbreon.

Feeling your heartbeat even faster as they stepped out from the darkness and towered over you. He had a devious grin on his face as he looked down at you, seemingly amused by the fear in your eyes. A shiver went through your body as he licked over his muzzle, followed by a hungry groan coming from his belly. You were going to be pokechow and there was nothing you could do to stop it.

Then you felt something tough your mind, piercing its way in before grabbing hold of your thoughts. 'Hello there little trainer. You're mine now and you might as well enjoy yourself until the very end,' the umbreon's voice echoed throughout your head. 'Shhh don't resist, just listen to my voice and block everything else out. Forget about your home, your journey and everything else in your life. The only thing that matters now is serving and devoting your very existence to me.'

You'd try to resist but the umbreon was far too powerful to push them out of your head. Soon you could feel your memories fading away as they got blocked off from your thoughts. You could recall the name of your hometown but not why it mattered. Your former home but no attachment to anything inside of it. Even the team of pokemon on your belt lost all value to you as the umbreon soon became the only thing in your thoughts.

With your mind completely relaxed, the umbreon would lower you back down onto the ground and release you. The thought of running never even crossed your mind as you forgot all about it and instead looked upon the pokemon before you like he was your god. Waiting to hear his voice once more to get your next command.

'That's a good trainer.' His praise sent a feeling of euphoria throughout your body and only made you more eager to serve. 'Now take those balls on your waist and place them within my jaws.'

You'd nod in confirmation before standing up and gathering all the pokeballs on your belt. While you knew they contained pokemon, you couldn't recall what pokemon were inside of them. Not that it mattered now, they were merely an offering for the umbreon standing before you.

His head lowered until he was within arms reach of your hands, feeling his hot breath wash over you before opening his muzzle. The flesh inside was as black as his fur at least until the throat where a blue glow emanated up from it. You gazed upon the glow that seemed so soothing and inviting, almost making you dive in.

The umbreon's current orders came first though and you placed all six balls onto his tongue. Feeling a bit of his saliva cling to your fingers as you pull your hands away from his muzzle. You then watched as he curled his tongue back, making the balls roll towards his throat. When the tongue unfurled, you could see the balls sit snuggly just at the entrance of his throat before a single swallow pulled them down into his body.

He'd sit down and your gaze would go down from his muzzle to his belly, knowing those pokemon were trapped inside. Your eyes then went a bit lower to the large sheath and balls on full display. 'Rub,' he'd say as his voice echoed in your head once more. A large forepaw then lifted and planted itself on your back before pulling you towards him.

Pressing you firmly against his belly as a few of the pokemon released from their balls. Feeling them squirm within the now bulging belly with their cries almost entirely muffled by the flesh. You could only think about how lucky they were to be food for such a godly pokemon. A large part of you was even jealous that they got to become one with him before you did.

His fur was softer than anything you could remember touching in your life. Rubbing your entire body against the massive pokemon's belly just to feel more of it against you. There was only a small amount of fat on him but you imagined that would change at least temporarily once he digested the six pokemon trapped inside. Whenever he breathed you could feel his stomach rise and fall, smooshing you against it from the pressure of the paw on your back.

The gurgling groans of the stomach were soon drowning out the cries of the pokemon inside. Their squirms were becoming more frantic especially once the remaining pokemon came free, making the stomach swell a bit more in size. His paw then left you but you stayed against his squirming belly, hugging it tightly against yourself.

You'd then feel yourself falling down as he laid down, pinning you against the cold, hard ground with his belly. The noises inside then grew louder as it was the only thing you could hear. Their squirms pushed down on you even harder as they desperately tried to fight for their survival. His command to rub echoed in your thoughts and it was harder to do now with his weight bearing down on you but you did your best to satisfy him.

At least an hour would pass with him laying atop of you. The gurgling groans steadily grew quiet as did the cries of the pokemon inside along with their squirms. You knew they were gone now, melted down into a liquid soup for his body to absorb and add to his body forever. His belly felt a lot softer now as it smooshed over your entire body, almost feeling like a very heavy pillow.

By the time he sat back up, you couldn't find the strength to lift your own body from how sore it was. Not that he seemed to mind as he placed the large forepaw down atop of your face and chest. The umbreon's voice then appeared in your mind with your next command, 'Lick.' Without hesitating you stuck your tongue out and licked over the black pad atop of your face. Then between his toes at the fluff between them as he squeezed over your muzzle.

You'd get so lost inservicing your god that you'd fail to notice him steal your body's size and add it to his own. Though given his already massive size, many would likely fail to even notice a difference. Minutes would pass while you tended to that paw and once you noticed his paw was now larger than your body it didn't phase you at all. If anything it excited you as it was easier for you to enjoy every little inch of his body.

The paw pad you were trapped under then grinded you into the ground a little, smothering you deeper into the soft pad before lifting off the ground with you firmly stuck to it. A faint blue glow was visible around your body once more as the umbreon seemed to purposefully keep you pinned against his pads while he walked through the forest. Each step knocked air out of your lungs as his weight bared down on you.

Even once he reached his destination the umbreon kept you trapped under paw, grinding down into you every now and then. He then seemed to notice one of your thoughts as he turned his attention back to you. 'My name is Chase, my little servant, not that it matters with this stage of your existence coming to an end.' His words should have worried you and likely would have if not for your current state of mind. Instead you looked forward to becoming part of this godly umbreon like the pokemon you offered to him.

His paw then lifted and you were peeled off of it with his psychic power. At first you gazed high up into the air, admiring just how much bigger he was compared to you now. Your eyes linger on the underside of his muzzle as you think about disappearing into the blue glow of Chase's throat. That never came though as your body was then moved down towards his crotch.

Chase's sheath and balls were much larger than yourself at this point. At first you weren't entirely sure what he was planning on doing with you given your size. There was no way you could actually please him in a satisfactory way. Your body was then pushed up against the soft fluff of his sheath before getting pushed up along it. Stopping only once your muzzle comes in contact with the opening.

Feeling the opening spread over your face, you at first think the umbreon was just going to keep you as a toy and store you inside. Then you came in contact with his shaft and felt it's tip spread open as well. Your desire to be your god's food was becoming true just not in the way you imagined.

The inside of his shaft was tighter than you could imagine, the pressure on all sides of your head and shoulders was a bit more intense than when he was stepping on you. Chase's pre then pushed out around your head with some of it getting in your jaws, making you swallow it down just to clear it out. It tasted divine however and made you crave more of it as more of your body was fed to his shaft.

The cool night air quickly left your body as its miniscule form was pushed inside of him completely. His tight flesh squeezing over you as his psychic hold on your body faded for the last time. Simply letting his body pull you deeper while he worked on getting to sleep. You were merely fuel for his pleasure the next time he awoke so no need to rush the process.

Hours would pass as your body was slowly inched deeper into his shaft. Unable to fall asleep yourself as the squeezing pulls of his flesh ensured you wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Not that you wanted to anyways since you wanted to spend your last moments enjoying your god's body as much as possible.

Finally your body passed through the shaft and plopped down into his balls nearly full of his seed. The thick cum was heavy enough that your small body couldn't sink into it without some effort on your part. Similar to his muzzle and throat, his shaft had been black nearly all the way down but now that you were in his balls the soothing blue glow surrounded you. Making your way over to the edge of the pool of cum, you'd push against the flesh and rub at it.

Chase's body would then start to break you down like it had all his other prey. His cum that had been clinging to your body worked on converting your body into more of it. You could feel your body getting soft by the second and your strength quickly faded. Soon not even having the energy to move around as you floated amongst his cum before fading into darkness as you became part of his load.