A hero's tail part 2

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Part 1 can be seen here https://www.sofurry.com/view/1824040

Cor the ferret mage returns along with his trusty and lusty orc barbarian friend. This story picks up exactly where part 1 ended and continues their adventures through a fantasy world and some sexual exploration

A loud belch announced the end of breakfast. Cor could not help but laugh a little at the sheer brazenness of his orc companion. After years spent studying in the mage's university, it was strangely refreshing to see someone just ignore all common etiquette or manners. The ferret found himself staring at the orc barbarian again. One night of actually speaking to Rotac and his perspective on the orc had almost fully inverted.

"Good food," Rotac grunted, tossing a cheap tin plate onto the floor.

Cor was only halfway through his breakfast. Which was bacon, with a side of bacon and a very small hunk of bread, fried. It was filling enough, although the ferret was doing some math in his head. His supplies were limited and he knew he could not keep making food through magic. Not for himself, the orc and his horse. The horse was another thing on his mind. Technically he had stolen the animal. A former farm horse, a shire pony and a former cart horse. The huge beast seemed to have rather enjoyed the change of pace. Maybe carrying the scrawny ferret was far less effort than towing huge cartloads of whatever it was farmers moved, food or manure most likely.

However, when he'd demanded the horse he had not really thought about what he would do with it. Maybe find a farmer or someone to sell it to. That was unlikely on their journey and although horses do eat grass, he suspected that the huge beast would continue to need more of a meal than that.

"Good food indeed," the ferret muttered as he finished the bacon, then he held out his plate. Bread dripping in bacon grease was not something he wanted to try. Rotac grunted and took the bread happily, devouring it in a single bite, followed by another belch. Cor suspected the orc was doing it on purpose. Orcs had no manners, everyone knew that and Rotac seemed to want to play up that stereotype. "Where are you travelling now, my friend?" Cor was sure that title now applied, after everything the two of them had done last night, acquaintances hardly seemed enough. One simply does not cum inside an acquaintance, it has to be a friend at least. In Cor's opinion anyway.

The orc's eyes briefly shot to a sack on the far edge of their camp. Cor recognised it as the sack the brute had put the head of the kelpie they had killed. "Rotac business in Pavo."

Cor's ears twitched and the ferret broke into a smile. "That's where I'm headed, there's a guild office to confirm the fulfilled contract. Maybe... if you want, we could look to team up again. Find a new contract."

"Rotac... have contract." The orc replied, once more glancing at the sack.

"You do?" Cor stood up and picked up his staff, pulling a few stray bits of grass off his staff. His brain tingled slightly and he could sense there was something off. In a second he remembered, "our guild charter says you can only accept a single contract and must either discharge the contract or surrender it, before you may claim a second."

"Not guild contract," Rotac muttered softly. The huge orc's bearded mouth barely moved as he glanced at the sack again.

The ferret could sense the unease radiating off the orc. That was not too unexpected, the adventurers guild had very clear rules about not taking outside contracts. They needed their cut of payment and doing work directly would get your guild membership revoked. "Ah! So this contract is somewhat illicit?"

"A less it?" Rotac asked, his green brow furrowed in honest confusion.

"Against the rules," the scrawny ferret explained. "I have no objections to taking on some freelance contract work, I will certainly not disclose your activities to the guild authorities, my friend. I would like to help."

"It pays little," the orc replied, as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"It's not about the money, at least not all," Cor replied cheerfully, as he moved his horse and unfastened the reins from the fallen log he had tied the animal to. "Plus, I can at least give you a ride to the Pavo. We can hand the kelpie contract in together. You don't need the head, by the way, the fact we have payment is proof enough for the guild that we fulfilled the contract."

"Head for... other contract," Rotac replied, still shifting from one foot to the other. Cor got the feeling the orc was trying to make a decision. Not an easy thing for a man who tended to live in the moment and doubts little. He had not doubted his skills, or that he would vanquish his foes. When they had first met the orc had radiated pure confidence.

The ferret paused, slightly confused. "Are you selling it? Is there a necromancer or something looking for ingredients for some dark ritual?" Parts of powerful magic creatures were often called for in the darker spells and rituals. Ones that were very much discouraged. The idea definitely made the ferret feel uncomfortable because spells calling for body parts of foul beasts were usually of the evil kind. Usually raising some powerful demons, or looking to assert control over mortal minds.

"No, not selling." The orc seemed to have finally reached some sort of conclusion. "Not kelpie."

The ferret turned, the fur on the back of his neck standing up. A warning tingle ran up and down his spine as he looked at the bag. "It looked like a kelpie."

"Each-uisge," the words sent a chill down Cor's spine. The name was familiar, opening his pack he pulled out the scroll he had taken which explained kelpies. Right at the end, there was a small paragraph he had glanced through when he first took the contract.

"The Each-uisge can be visually mistaken for a kelpie. However, while the kelpie is a beast obeying its instincts to kill, the Each-uisge is far more intelligent, devious and cunning. Often speaking to its victims. Able to appear as a human should they wish, they often display great charm and wit to seduce their victims. Far stronger in combat, almost unkillable. Those called on to fight such a beast must be equipped with silver armour and weapons. Only a blow to the heart with a weapon forged of silver will kill this beast." The ferret read the words aloud. As he finished he looked from the orc to the bag. "It can't be one of those creatures. It died when you cut off its head."

Rotac gave a shrug and a half-smile. Cor put his scroll away and walked over to the sack, "I'm telling you it can't be one of those beasts, what you have here is a kelpie head in a sack, probably starting to rot." Picking it up, he opened the sack and found the kelpie's head. Just seeing it sent chills through him, the lifeless lump. The ferret remembered just how close it had come to sinking its fangs into his neck. "See, it's a dead kelpie," Cor announced grabbing the head by its equine mane and pulling it out to show the orc.

The orc blinked at him and shook his head, "is Each-uisge."

"Please my stout friend, just look at it," Cor lifted the head up high. Its weight made his arm ache. The equine head slowly spun around and then suddenly its eye opened as did its fang-filled equine muzzle. He felt the head swing and those jaws snapped just inches from his face. Cor yelped and dropped the head, it bounced into the grass.

The orc moved like lightning grabbing the sack and throwing it over the head, before stuffing it back inside. Rotac gave him a mildly annoyed look. Cor gulped and muttered, "it's an Each-uisge!" He announced, more for himself than for the orc. Then a second later he suddenly realised. "Wait, you can't kill an Each-uisge without the body, you have to stab it in the heart with silver."

"Contract for head not dead," replied the orc.

"Someone is paying for the still-living head of a beast with such raw spirit energy as this?" Cor asked and his mind reeled at the possibilities. Only the deepest, blackest magics required such items. "Who gave you the contract? A necromancer? A black mage? A cult worshipping some evil beastly god?"

"A... dairymaid," Rotac mumbled, looking a tad embarrassed by his answer.

"A... girl who works in a dairy? Milks cows? Makes butter and cheese?" The ferret's brain refused to believe the answer he was given. "How much was she offering for the still-living head of a beast of such demonstrable magical powers?"

"Two gold coins," the words were almost a whisper from the orc, Rotac's eyes were suddenly looking at the distance as he clearly could not take the gaze of the irate mage.

"Two gold coins?! You took a contract to take the head of a beast that my scroll says you need an army dressed in silver to even think about attacking, for just two gold coins?! Why?" The ferret screamed in exasperation. The reward for such a deed should have been a thousand gold each, for a full team of adventurers. Not a poor tip for a barmaid.

"She... cried," mumbled Rotac and then he snorted heavily. "Rotac no ask for your help. Rotac says he do this, so he do this. Pretty, but angry ferret can find his own contract that pays good." The orc was almost shouting by the end. He grabbed his backpack and the sack with the beast's head and began to walk away.

For a moment Cor stood there a little shell shocked. Watching the orc moving fast and away from him. Orcs were known for being big dumb beasts. They take their pleasures from the more simple things. "He took an impossible contract because he could not stand to see someone cry?" He muttered the words to himself and he looked at the huge green form that was already a good distance away. Rotac might not be the smartest man he had ever met. However, he knew there was nothing beastly about someone who would do that.

Grabbing the reins of his horse he leapt up into the saddle and spurred his horse on. Breaking into a trot they caught up with the orc in a few minutes. Rotac looked up at him questioningly. Cor gave a slight smile and gestured with his head to the horse, "my steed has room for one more. I asked to join your quest and I will honour that, even if it pays less than a church mouse earns in a month."

Rotac gave a huge dopey grin that Cor had to admit he just wanted to kiss. Then the orc pulled himself up behind the ferret and Cor was suddenly rewarded in full for his act of solidarity. As the huge hulking orc wrapped his thick arms around the ferret and he felt that leather loincloth pressing up against his ass. Rotac gently took the reins from his unresisting fingers. He was more than willing to let the orc control their steed.

Cor pulled the hood from his mage robes down and then laid his head back against Rotac's broad chest. For a moment he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling, as the horse bounced along at a brisk pace. The orc's bearded chin brushed against his head fur and he could feel a soft stomach pressing into his back. As a way to travel, Cor had to admit it was far preferable to walking or riding on the back of a wagon.

Although after a few minutes he realised he had a chance to put that time to more productive use. "Rotac, I need to do an indagation into this Each-uisge creature, to see what we might be dealing with. I am going to astral project myself back to Camden university library to do a little research. Would you be so good as to take care of my corporeal form while I am gone?"

For a moment there was no sound but the soft clop of hooves on the muddy track. Before Rotac could ask Cor added, "I'm going to take a magic nap, make sure I don't fall off the horse."

"Ah! Pretty ferret can sleep, Rotac will make sure he not come to harm," this was very reassuring to hear. When learning to astral project his masters at the university had made it clear that while his mind was elsewhere his body was utterly vulnerable. There was many a tale of an unwary mage dying while astral projecting himself somewhere.

A good mage could project his spirit anywhere that he had ever physically visited. Cor closed his eyes and thought back to his days at the university. It was not hard, he had only left a few weeks earlier. After many years of studying and passing his exams. Proving that he did not just have magical talent, he had the intelligence and skill to wield it. There was probably less than a thousand trained mages across the entire world, and the majority of them had started learning at Camden university.

He pictured the library. A huge building set right in the heart of the university. All other buildings were arranged around it. The huge archway entrance, with a sign over the door. It was a magic sign and anyone fortunate enough to see it would find the words 'knowledge is power, all the knowledge in the world is within' displayed in their own language. Cor had been just a cub when he first read those words. It had not been until he was practically ready to graduate that he noticed the silent threat held in them.

Then his memory walked inside. Through the double oak doors and into the musty corridors. The light was dim, dust-covered every surface. It was actually impossible to clean, so much magic in so many books had some strange side effects. Cor's entire childhood had been absorbed by the musty stacks. His blue ghostly form wandered through the familiar bookcases. He passed a few students, none of which saw him. Only those currently on the astral plane would be able to see him.

Chills ran down the ferret's non-corporeal spine as he wondered just how many times he had been observed by the spirit of some mage. He noted a few students from the lower years, ones he had seen around. Though rarely interacted with. Students tended to stay within their own year group. Those above your year knew too much and those below knew too little. Either way, it made for uneasy friendships.

Cor felt oddly peaceful as he continued to drift through the stacks. The corporeal students faded into the background, blending into the endless rows of bookshelves. Until he heard soft whimpering and spotted a young lion student sitting and crying in a corner. Drifting over to the cub he spotted the first-year student for what he was. A young boy lost and so very far away from home. Remembering the times he had broken down in those very stacks. Weeping on the floor while all the knowledge in the world stared at him from every direction and judged him unworthy.

First years soon learn though. Getting onto his knees Cor spotted the piece of paper in the young lion's paws, a hand-drawn map. The stacks are ever moving, the library is not just a musty room with books. It was a living breathing organism and it could seem cold and cruel, but once it accepted you it became a second home. A place to flee when the world was too hard to take. Your first few times in the stacks you get lost and using a map to navigate was always going to get you lost. The library does not like anyone trying to define it with plans, or maps.

Seeing the weeping young student, he felt a kinship. Remembering back to his first trip in, and the tear stains that were on the map he had tried to draw. The ghostly ferret reached out and focussed. Interacting with the corporeal world was near impossible, but in the library, the impossible was a lot closer to the possible. He ran his finger along the bottom shelf. Slowly moving the dust. Then summoning every ounce of ghostly presence he could, he knocked on the shelf.

The sniffling lion cub looked up at the sudden noise. His green eyes were red with the tears of frustration. They went wide as they spotted what Cor had drawn in the dust; an arrow with "exit this way, always turn left, always." A heartbeat later a shriek of pure terror came from the young lion, who got to his feet and ran. Though Cor at least noted he ran in the right direction and then turned left. There was hope for the cub yet.

With a shrug of his ghostly shoulders, he drifted on and into the heart of the library. Finding himself facing a stack he had only ever seen once before. On a dare. A rite of passage for every mage student. Sneak into the library after hours and find the stacks on tantric magic, to learn how to summon an incubus or succubus. A fun and terrifying night had followed. Cor had never returned to the books though.

"This isn't right. I was looking for information on the Each-uisge," he mumbled to himself. Though he knew that was likely to be a lie. The library does not let you find something you are not searching for. That was part of its magic. So he approached the shelves slowly. There would be time before they got to Pavo for another trip to the library. Before then he could maybe read something here that he and his handsome travelling companion might enjoy.

Reaching out, he touched one of the leather-bound tomes. All books are magic, but ones containing knowledge of magic are in a way alive. So when his paw moved back, the physical copy of the book stayed resolutely where it had been. However, a shimmering blue spirit of the book was clutched in his paws. He looked at the title, "An introduction to the basics of Tantric magic. Get your staff polished the magical way."

The terrible title was not enough to put him off. The ferret opened the book and began to read. Devouring the information page after page, in a way only a mind trained for years to absorb information can. He poured over every page one after the other, flipping back and forward and he absorbed the basic spells. Ones to stop the pain, or injury from taking even the largest of males, ones to help you breathe with your throat blocked, how to harness magical energy from sexual activities and dozens of others. The most complex being the spell of a thousand hands. That he promised himself he would not try until he was ready for such complex tantric magics.

With the book fully digested he closed the book, placing the soul back carefully with the tome he had taken it from. Then he closed his eyes and opened them again. Cor looked up at a blue sky, a few clouds chasing it. He felt the grass under him and for just a moment he feared that Rotac had left him on the wayside, taken the horse and everything and ran for it. Only to hear the crackle of a young fire just starting to heat up. Sitting up he found the orc a few meters away from him, bent over a fire. A glance around told him that he had been gone for almost the entire day. Astral projection and libraries could easily swallow up days or weeks. So it was not surprising to see the sun was low and getting near to setting.

Cor stretched his aching limbs and forced himself to stand up, "how was the day?" He asked, taking some small measure of joy from seeing the huge warrior jump in shock at his sudden return.

"Pretty ferret awake, Rotac was worried," replied the orc, turning to give him a broad bearded smile.

"Yes, sorry. Astral projection tends to leave one pretty much dead to the world, however, not dead. Just... hmm it is hard to describe to a layman. So let's just say while you travelled I had a most fruitful expedition and learned much that might be useful." The ferret gave his body a shake, his fluffy tail poofing up a little as he shook the pins and needles out of his body. He paused as a deep rumbling laugh reminded him he was not alone. He flushed with embarrassment, "after a day sitting shaking helps your body limber up." Cor explained though the twinkle in the laughing orc's eyes told him that even with the explanation the orc still found it amusing.

Feeling a twinge of cramp hitting his legs, the ferret decided that it was better to be laughed at than in agony. Besides, it was Rotac and he had a nice laugh. So he resumed shaking his limbs. Potentially taking it a little longer than needed, just to let the orc laugh as his long ferret tail fluffed out. Finishing with a flourish and a sigh of satisfaction. Noting the orc was still watching him and smiling, though there was a faint lustful look in the greenskin's eyes.

"So, what's for the evening meal?" The ferret asked, his stomach gurgling a little to remind him that he had not eaten since breakfast.

The orc looked down a little sheepishly, "Rotac thought Cor magic food?"

"You know that takes a lot of magic effort," grumbled the mage. "I can make something, but just a hearty stew. No half a stag and trays of roast potatoes, or tankards of grogg." Cor had intended to restock on travel supplies before leaving Cowpat, but in the excitement of the townspeople trying to murder him, he had forgotten to visit the shop for food.

Rotac looked utterly crestfallen and shifted his huge feet nervously. Then he looked up with a sheepish smile on his face and held up his thumb and forefinger, moving the tips closer, "little grogg?"

Biting his lip the ferret stared into that hope-filled sheepish grin and knew that he could not say no, "fine, grogg for you, tea for me. However, no dumplings in the stew!" He grumbled as he began to wave his hands and mutter the words of the spell. Focussing his mind on a good, simple stew. Beef, with just carrot and thick gravy. Hearty food that would stick to the ribs, and every other part of the body, or any item of clothing it was spilt on. Just like his mother used to make.

The bowls of stew slowly materialised in front of them both. It was not a long term solution to short supplies, technically he was actually starving himself without his stomach knowing it. Rotac would be fine, but he was using his own energy to create the food and that food would only return a portion of his energy to him. It worked to stave off hunger pains, but would rapidly accelerate his need for actual nourishment. Pavo was too far away to resupply, in the morning he would look to convince Rotac to make a detour to somewhere they might buy some travelling rations.

With a couple more words of the spell, he created a goblet of clear spring water and a medium-sized tankard filled with fine grogg. With the spell finished he stooped down and picked up the tankard of grogg and one bowl of stew and handed them to Rotac. The orc grinned widely at him, but did not say anything or point out that his bowl of stew had several large suet dumplings in it. Cor flushed with warm feelings to see that smile and then turned to pick up his own food and drink.

They ate in silence. Or more accurately, Cor ate silently, Rotac ate without speaking. Orcs do nothing much silently. Cor started with the dumpling, he always did. Breaking it up into bite-sized chunks, letting the gravy soak into the floury item. One taste and he could practically see his mother. Much like with astral projection, a mage could recreate any food or drink he ever tasted. Fortunately for Rotac, the university had served a wide selection of ales and as another rite of passage, Cor had tried true orcish grogg.

Rotac announced his meal was complete with a customary belch. "Good food!" The orc enthused, before draining his tankard of grogg. The orc glanced at Cor and gave him another sheepish smile, "good company. Rotac no work with others for long time."

"I'm not your first adventuring partner?" Cor asked, seeing a chance to learn more about the orc.

"No, Rotac start with band of orcs. We number five," Rotac replied with a slightly sad smile on his face.

"What happened to the other four?" Cor asked though he feared it might be a sad tale. After all, not all adventurers make it. Some get injured and retire, others die.

"Glar and Mattock get married, have kids. Kleth cursed, lives now with the wild wolves of North Plains. Kang... Kang buried on mountain," the orc took a huge breath and let out a long sigh. "That leave Rotac. Think go home, but... long way and Rotac fighter, not farmer. People need help, good people. Sad people."

"There is always someone needing help in this world," Cor agreed with a nod of his head. "That's why I decided to join the guild too. Mages are automatically accepted. My masters were not happy, they thought I would have a better future staying and maybe taking a job in one of the royal courts. Good money in that, plus you get to advise a king, do more good that way. Or that's what they said. I... I promised my mother I would help people. "Your magic is a gift, you need to share it with everyone." That's what she told me before the mage who found me took me away."

Rotac nodded and gave a wry smile, "Cor good man, good heart. Do great things."

"Maybe, I will certainly try. I owe it to her," Cor picked up his goblet, drinking the water to cover the awkwardness he felt.

"Rotac drink to that... if Rotac had more grogg," there was an orcish hint in Rotac's words. Much like most orc things their hints had the subtlety and delicateness of a rock to the side of your skull. Cor could not help but laugh and mutter a couple more words. Enjoying the mock surprise in Rotac's exclamation of delight as his tankard refilled. The orc lifted up his tankard, "good mothers, good friends, good food and good fuck!"

Cor nearly spat out his water as the orc mentioned his mother and fucking in the same toast. However, he tried to take it for the intent, rather than the words. "Indeed, speaking of the latter... " he paused as he noticed the confused look on Rotac's face and chuckled, "fucking, speaking of fucking. I ahh... looked up a few spells that might make it easier. If... if you want to do some more, that is."

The orc gave him a very knowing smile and reached down to tug his loincloth to one side. Beneath it sat the thick cock Cor had spent the previous evening trying to stuff into his mouth. It hung over a large pair of green balls. As he stared at it, Cor saw the meat begin to twitch and he noticed it appeared to be swelling as the orc's excitement grew. Under his mage's robe, he could feel his own excitement slipping free from his sheath. "I'll take that as a yes." the mage replied with a broad grin.

With one smooth motion, he pulled his robes off over his head. The cool evening air, mingling with his warm sweaty fur. After a day of riding and at least three since his last bath, he was none too fresh and neither was the orc. However, the heavy musky scent was heaven to his nose and his mouth was already filled with drool. His stomach might have been full of hearty magic food, but his body was already hungering for some fresh meat.

The ferret sank quickly between the orc's spread thighs. His paws reached out to touch the hot flesh, stroking up Rotac's inner thighs, as his head dove down. A few magic words muttered under his breath, a simple spell, similar to the one that allowed him to breathe underwater. Another spell that would allow parts of his body to stretch and not feel anything but pleasure. His nose flooded with Rotac's masculine scent and he shuddered heavily. Noting the orc was happy just to sit, the only motion Rotac had made was to unfasten and cast his leather loincloth, and his shoulder pauldron aside.

A deep rumbling moan of pleasure erupted from the orc, as Cor ran his fingers lightly across the orc's inner thighs. The thick muscle flexed a little. Both his paws converged on their target, grasping around the semi-firm orc maleness. Cor leant forward, groaning softly as his tongue lapped out, stroking gently across Rotac's glans. Swirling and teasing around the orc's coronal ridge. Kissing his meatus and sucking on it softly, getting a small jet of bitter precum as a reward. Swallowing the bitter pre hungrily, the slight taste doing nothing to satiate his hunger for more.

Pressing his muzzle forward, he let his lips begin to stretch, groaning happily as he took the full fat cocktip into his mouth. Just holding still, letting his eager tongue lap and stroke, cleaning the day's musk off the thick orchood. With the bitterness swallowed, he savoured the slightly sweet intoxicating flavour of the maleness. His hunger drove him forward, sliding the cock deeper and deeper. Enjoying the way it felt inside his mouth. The warmth and the weight pressed down on his lower jaw.

Above him, Rotac moaned softly, and he looked up. Two lust-filled eyes were staring down at him. However, the orc was still, just letting his smaller lover take his time. Locking his eyes on the orc's handsome face, he pulled back and then pushed forward. Starting to bob as he sucked and licked that thick length. Enjoying every single twist of pleasure as it appeared on Rotac's bearded face.

His paws grasped around the thick cock, squeezing and jerking what was not yet in his mouth. Working the hot and firm flesh, teasing it. With each bob of his head, he pushed further. Slowly testing the spells he had cast, not wanting to hurt himself or his lover. Warm jets of precum sprayed frequently over his tongue. The musky, bitter fluid was swallowed hungrily. A far better beverage than the water he had created for himself.

His nose was drowning in the scent of his lover. The earthy musky flooding in powerfully, as with each bob of his head it pressed closer to the source. Cor's paws slipped off the thickness, taking one giant green fruit in each paw, tugging gently and feeling their weight. He felt them twitching slightly as Rotac gave a deep manly moan of pleasure. The orc's huge hands grasped and tore up the turf of the meadow they were camped in.

Cor felt the tip pressing to the back of his throat and a thrill ran down his spine. He pushed forward, Rotac's meatus and glans sliding into the tightness. While above him orcish swear words escaped Rotac's lips. The orc's eyes were wide with surprise and he wondered if any lover had ever taken the orc's huge shaft into his throat before. Resisting the urge to chuckle he pressed forward more. His throat expanded as the green meat stuffed it full. The breathing spell worked like a charm, his lungs were ever filled with air just pulled in through magic. Cor could keep that cock in his throat for hours, just milking load after load out of the orc. Until those huge green orbs in his paws were drained of every last drop. However, he had other plans, other desires.

Pressing forward, he found his nose twitching, as Rotac's crotch hair greeted it. He had almost taken the orc's full length. Above him, Rotac was panting and gasping. He could feel the cock throbbing, between his lips and then over his tongue and down his throat. Jets of precum dribbling down into his stomach. Sucking firmly and pressing forward one last inch, his lips kissed orc crotch and he groaned in triumph. Rotac's entire length was inside him, and he promised himself it was not the only time he would get that delicious cock that deep inside him.

Twisting his head left to right, he felt the cock in his throat twisting around. It tickled most satisfyingly. However, far more satisfying was the strangled scream of bliss that came from above him. Apparently, he had found a new way to pleasure the orc. Twisting again he listened as Rotac's deep voice boomed out and across the meadow. Anyone within a few miles would be able to hear the sound of the pleasure he was bringing his lover.

He moved again and again, pulling his head back slightly. Building up a fast rhythm and sucking firmly. While that throbbing cock tickled delightfully as it thrust into his twisting mouth. A deep unrestrained bellow of absolute bliss erupted above him. Rotac's hips suddenly thrusting and he felt warm fluids raining down inside his throat. Closing his eyes he focussed on the bliss he was causing the pleasure, as the book had said to do. Pulling part of the bliss into himself. His own body twitched slightly as he drew energy from the orc's orgasm. Just a little, but it felt invigorating and intoxicating.

The energy was heavily laced with sexual need and desire. Cor had read warnings about that. Tantric energy tended to drive those involve into higher stages of lust and desire. Those well practised in the arts could stay locked in sexual bliss with their partners for literal days. Until hunger or thirst finally broke through and forced them all to stop.

With a gasp, Cor pulled his head back. The thick orc cock popped free from his mouth, gobs of cum still oozing from its tip. He panted heavily, even though he had been able to breathe the entire time. "I... want more!" Cor was surprised by his own words and tone, he felt oddly drunk. His body tingling and aching, his mind filled with only one thought. Of taking that thick orc cock inside him once more. This time though he wanted to feel it under his tail.

Throwing himself back onto the grass, the cool turf beneath him was wonderful. His legs were spread and he looked over at Rotac and groaned, "I want you to fuck me. Please, I need it." Rotac just stared for a moment, Cor was about to say something else when the orc moved. Pouncing forward, his huge bulk slipped between the ferret's widely spread thighs.

Cor looked up into two eyes, filled with lascivious intent. However, instead of feeling a thick cock pressing into him he heard, "Cor sure? Rotac is big, not want hurt pretty mage." As he spoke the orc stroked his cheek, Cor instinctive pressed his cheek against the huge and calloused palm.

"It's ok, I cast a spell or two. You can't hurt me, no matter how deep you go, or how hard," Cor replied, smiling to see such care from his lover. Though his body was trembling with desire. Only one other had taken him before. That had been a demon summoned specifically to service him. It had been enjoyable, however, slightly hollow. This time, it did not feel hollow. If there was anything that could be said about his orc lover, it was that he was solid.

Rotac nodded and Cor gasped as he felt something warm and firm stroking up his inner thigh. The orc wriggled slightly above him as he tried to find a position. Just as the warm cocktip pressed to his pucker, Rotac's head darted down. Cor squealed in surprise and then moaned happily. Two warm soft lips pressed to his. They parted and he felt a thick orc tongue sliding in, very gently and slowly.

At that moment he felt those huge orc hips begin to move again. Pressure building in his rump. Cor put his faith in the magic he had cast. He moaned hungrily into Rotac's mouth as his puckered entrance stretched and the orc cock pushed inside. Slowly, inch after inch, he felt it sliding into his snug depths. The feeling of fullness was wonderful, so warm inside him. While the orc hunched over him, continued to kiss and press down. Rotac was easily thrice his size and the gods knew how many times his physical strength. Yet his touch was gentle and tender.

A light tap on his taint announced the arrival of Rotacs balls. Cor gave a deep gasp of pleasure. He had taken the orc to his very root, in one wonderful motion. The two lay there, entwined in each other's arms and legs. Their lips pressed firmly, tongues writhing together. Soft sweet moans of pleasure as they enjoyed the feel of each other.

However, inside Cor a need was growing, burning through him. For more, he needed to feel more. One look in Rotac's eyes told him the same fire was burning inside the orc and he took great glee from knowing that soon they would both be burning. Utterly filled with and lost to the pleasure of their forms conjoined in carnal bliss.

The orc's hips pulled back. Cor groaned to feel the thickness moving, sliding around inside him. A soft tingle left where it had been, a strange emptiness that seemed to cry out in his mind for the return of fullness. Then, without warning, the cock returned stuffed in right to the hilt in a motion so powerful it knocked the air from his lungs. Their kiss was broken with Cor's cry of bliss.

His paws reached up, grasping the orc, embracing and holding onto him tightly with both hands and feet. As if desperately afraid he would try and leave. Another thrust hit him, and another cry of pleasure escaped. The ferret pushed back into it this time, desperate to feel that huge rod deeper inside him. The spell working perfectly he felt no pain, nor discomfort. Only pleasure and a burning insatiable need for more. He cursed in his own tongue, too lost to the animalistic bliss to think to speak in basic. Rotac spat back in orcish. Neither one knew the other's words and yet understood everything.

Their bodies crashed together, again and again. The orc's thickness reaming deep and hard. His brown lithe form, strapping around it as if trying to hold it inside him. He may as well have tried to stop the tide coming in but building a sandcastle with a thimble. Rotac could not be stopped, with each moment the orc sank deeper and deeper into their lusts. Cor's body filled with raw tantric energy. A power he had never felt before, different to his elemental magic. Untamed and animalistic. It seemed to burn his mind and body in the most pleasurable way. Making him push back, he screamed for more, harder and deeper.

The orc above him, pressing down. His firm bulk holding the ferret in place. The sun having set, the sky above them was dark blue. Rotac's handsome bearded face was shaded from his vision. Save for his eyes, his shining joy-filled eyes. Those he could see and he focussed on. Their lips met again and again, with each thrust the orc gifted him a soft and tender kiss, to match the hard and powerful thrust that rocked his entire form.

Cor's fingers and claws scratched into the orc's back as he pushed back. Desperate to feel that length even the tiniest bit deeper. His rear stretched far beyond anything he would have ever dreamed to have taken. Yet he could not help but want more, more! Sweaty orc balls slapped lewdly and constantly off his taint. Their rapid thump a lewd drumbeat for their passion. While their voices lifted up, each abandoned their mother tongue as they screamed things that their dear sweet mothers would certainly never want to hear.

The mage's mind was gone. No thoughts or memories existed. There was nothing left in his world but the orc cock and the more than foot of his insides that accommodate it. The pleasure hitting him far more with each thrust. He knew his orgasm was coming and he welcomed it with joy. Screaming up once more as his cock jetted his aching load untouched, onto the sweaty orc flesh.

Rotac's face was mashed into his neck. Hot orc breath panted into his fur. As those strong hips gave him everything the orc had. The pleasure filling them both two much for him to handle. Cor felt orc tusks pressing into his skin as the beast bit down in bliss, almost hard enough to break the flesh. While inside him he felt the orc cock throbbing. Warm jets of thick orc seed cooling the fires of their lust, for the moment at least. Rotac eventually thrusting to a pause. The two lay there lost to the bliss of the afterglow. Panting and exhausted, their bodies soaked in sweat, and cum.

Laying back on the grass, Cor fell asleep under the reassuring weight and warmth of Rotac on top of him. The two slumbered together contentedly as the stars and moon shone out above them. While their horse grazed peacefully on the sweet meadow grasses.

Cor awoke to feel a chill in his fur. The weight and warmth of his lover had gone from on top of him. He staggered back up to his feet, feeling cum leaking from his abused hole. The ferret marvelled at the thought of just how rough of a pounding his body had taken without even the vaguest hint of pain. Even as he walked to grasp his mages robe and pull it over his head, he felt nothing but a dull warm tingle inside him.

Looking around he could see that he had slept through most of the night. However, the sun was not above the horizon yet. It was the gloaming just before dawn. His eyes spotted a figure not far away on the horizon and he assumed it was the orc. He frowned, wondering why the orc had gone so far from their camp. Even politeness when using the bushes did not require you to walk quite so far.

A sound behind him made him turn. It was Rotac returning from behind a small bush and walking up to the fire. The fur on the back of Cor's neck stood up and he felt a warning chill running up and down his spine. Turning around he looked out at the distant figure, highlighted against the predawn sky. It was a little closer, but still several stone-throws away. It appeared to be a person of some sort. The ferret looked for the head, trying to make out a head shape.

Whoever it was seemed to be walking stooped over, for his head was not silhouetted against the sky. "Hey, Rotac!" He whispered just loud enough for the orc to hear. The good-natured brute came as he beckoned. "Someone's coming, they must have seen the glow from our fire."

"Fire was embers until I wake it now," the orc replied, confusion in his voice. The orc looked out at the approaching figure and suddenly every muscle in the orc's powerful body tensed. "Each-uisge!" Rotac hissed.

"What? No, it can't be. I mean, we have its head how would it...", Cor paused in his own dismissal of the orc's silly assertion and looked at the figure approaching. The very headless figure. "Oh... shit!"

I have just published a brand new anthology of sexy orc stories, please see the information in the journal below for links on where you can buy a copy.

Orc anthology

I published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading

https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08L1XNTVS UK

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L1XNTVS US

I have a patreon where I post all my stories at least 2 weeks prior to public posting, plus where I post a lot of WIP ebooks etc https://www.patreon.com/sisco

I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

Amazon UK Ebook

Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

Amazon USA hard copy

Smashwords version

My other novels and ebooks can also be found on Amazon and Smashwords

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My Smashwords Author's Page

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