Bobby and Rick - 01

Story by HermitCrabe on SoFurry

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#1 of Bobby and Rick

This story is based on Gideon's characters, Bobby and Rick. Artist link:

Gideon's art of the characters: (mirror:

This is my first attempt at writing, any criticism or feedback is welcome. Enjoy!

"Holy shit, how did you do that?"

"Would you believe me if I said I did it on purpose?"

"Nope," Rick said with a laugh, leaning forward from the couch and reaching for more snacks. "I still don't know how you can even press any buttons with those mitts."

"Hey, I've had plenty of time to adjust... And that one didn't count, he spawned behind me."

Rick rolled his eyes, picking up his controller. "'Plenty of time?' I'm pretty sure I was taller than you a year ago."

Bobby had, in fact, been shorter than Rick - and most everybody else - a year prior. He was apparently some insane version of a late bloomer, and had shot up almost two feet in height and gained at least a hundred pounds of mass since then. Most of that mass was currently exposed, now that Rick thought about it. "Also, when are you gonna find some clothes that actually fit?"

Bobby looked down at his barely-covered form, reclining on a much larger section of couch, and frowned slightly. "I dunno. I don't wanna keep making my parents buy new clothes, but I guess I'll need some stuff before we leave for college. Plus, it's way harder than I thought it would be to find stuff that fits me," he said, gesturing to his immense chest before looking back to the game.

"Hey, at least you'll be popular," Rick quipped, emphasizing his words with a poke to one of Bobby's over-sized nipples. When he saw Bobby give a small shudder, he let out a soft, "Oh, sorry."

Rick could see one of Bobby's ears starting to flick. "No worries, it's still kinda weird to me too. I know I've mentioned they're kinda... sensitive, but sometimes it gets crazy." Bobby brought his hands up to his breasts, lightly massaging the area around each nipple. "Maybe I just need a girlfriend." He glanced at his chest again and murmured, "Or a boyfriend, I guess." His hands wandered inwards to start grazing each nipple, and his tail began flicking along with his ear.

With a start, Bobby took his hands off his chest to grab his controller, and said a bit too loudly, "Anyways, we're losing, we should probably go get B."

In the minutes that passed, Bobby got quieter and quieter, and began fidgeting more and more. Rick could see his tail was practically lashing, and was starting to be in danger of knocking over their sodas. When he could see a dark tip starting to peek out of Bobby's sheath, Rick finally spoke up.

"Hey, you okay man? You've been fidgeting like crazy. Sorry if I... set you off or anything, I can call it a night if you want some time," he finished in a rush. Bobby set his controller down, and laced his fingers over his abs.

"No, you're good man. Not your fault," Bobby sighed. "It's just... I dunno, sometimes it's a lot to deal with. I just need a second sometimes." With a deep breath, Bobby closed his eyes for a moment, then exhaled and picked his controller back up. Rick could see his hands were shaking slightly.

Rick hated seeing Bobby like this. It happened rarely, but he could tell it bothered the larger feline, being at the mercy of his own body. Rick was horny a lot, sure, any guy his age would be, but he knew Bobby had been on another level entirely since his growth spurt. He wished he could help.

Thinking back to Bobby's comment about a partner, maybe he could. Would that be a good idea? He knew he wanted to, Bobby was a bombshell in every sense of the word, but he didn't want to lose his best friend over something stupid. After letting the idea crash around in his head for a game, watching Bobby's growing discomfort, he decided that if there was anyone he trusted not to take it the wrong way, it was Bobby.

"This... This is gonna sound super weird, but I mean, if you wanted some help with, you know, I'd be down. If you wanted, I mean," Rick finished lamely, eyes glued to the screen, no longer really seeing it.

Bobby froze. Even his tail stopped moving - and after a few heartbeats, it started lashing. Really lashing. "Are you sure?" he squeaked out, voice cracking, then coughed. Rick couldn't help it, and let out a snort. Bobby clapped his hands to his face, and the pair quickly devolved into giggles and laughter. Rick wasn't sure if it was from the voice crack, or the absurdity of the situation they were suddenly in.

Once the giggles had started to fade, Bobby spoke in a quiet voice. "For real though, are you sure? I've never really... thought about this," he said, tail starting to lash again after the laughter had put it on pause.

Rick had to admit, he hadn't either. He and Bobby had been best friends for as long as either could remember. They shared everything with each other - maybe this was just one more thing they could share. Yeah, he thought that sounded good.

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I think it might help you out, and I know it wouldn't take much convincing for me. You're my best friend, and have you seen yourself?" Rick said, gesturing up and down to Bobby's body. "You look amazing, dude."

Bobby's tail started lashing even faster. "Thanks man," he said, "that actually means a lot. I... Yeah, I'd be down. If you wanted, I mean," he trailed off with a sideways grin. Rick punched him in the shoulder, getting a laugh out of the bigger feline.

"So... do we start now? How do we even start?" Rick mused, eyes starting to roam over his friend's generous curves. He knew neither of them had done anything like this, with anyone, and he felt more than a little lost.

"Well, usually I just masturbate when I get like this, so... maybe you could just help me with that?" Bobby said, one hand rising to lightly grasp at a breast. Rick could see more of the tip peeking from Bobby's sheath, and his own sheath was starting to feel quite full.

Rick let out a huff at the sight in front of him. "Yeah... Yeah, sure." His arms felt like jelly, but he reached over to lay a hand on the shaft slowly growing from Bobby's sheath. It felt... well, it felt just like his own, but there was so much more of it, and it just kept growing. He tried to wrap his fingers around it, but they didn't even come close to meeting on the other side. He settled for slowly sliding his hand along the onyx flesh, feeling the subtle bumps and ridges from veins, and the single, much larger ridge running up the bottom. He had the sudden sense that it could carry quite a lot of fluid.

"Are we gonna make a mess? Should we..." Rick started to ask, but when he looked up, it was clear that Bobby wasn't listening. His face was a picture of pleasure. Panting, his tongue lolling, he was groping at one breast and fumbling with the nipple of the other, apparently lost to the world. Rick felt a pang as he realized how much his friend had been holding back, and figured a little mess didn't really matter anymore.

Rick turned his attention back to the spire in front of him, and found he had to look up slightly at that too. It rose nearly to Bobby's collar bone, and it had started to throb, leaking a steady stream of clear fluid from the tip. Rick swallowed hard, and brought up his other hand to fully encircle Bobby's shaft - just barely. He could feel the big cat's heart beat in an accelerated tattoo through the hard flesh. As he began to slowly stroke up and down, Bobby let out a gasp, bucking his hips slightly - Rick thought he was starting to get the hang of this.

While Bobby was still mauling his own tits, large fingers pressing deep into the globes of flesh, Rick scooted closer and started to stroke a little faster. The pre from Bobby's shaft started to flow faster too, sparking Rick with some inspiration. He took one hand away from the shaft to caress the leaking head, taking a moment to admire how the flesh could feel both so supple, yet so firm, then spread the silky fluid around and down the sides of the shaft. As Rick's stroking grew smoother from the added lubricant, Bobby let out a soft moan and looked down at the scene before him.

"Hah... You're like... Really good at this... Hah...," Bobby panted, his eyes looking slightly glazed to Rick. Well, he wasn't about to stop with praise like that, but Rick's arms were getting tired - leaning in from the side had them at an odd angle. Rick picked his leg up and straddled the tree trunk that was Bobby's leg, facing the big cat with that massive shaft between them, and gave it one extra-hard stroke to try out the new position.

Bobby gasped and jerked his hips upwards, nearly throwing Rick back off his leg. A large spurt of pre shot out of Bobby's shaft, hitting Rick square in the face - it barely missed his eyes - but Bobby was too busy flopping his head back and letting out a "Hoooly shiiiit" to notice. Rick let out a gasp of his own as he was splattered, and realized his mistake too late when he discovered the taste of pre-cum on his tongue. It... wasn't great, but it wasn't the terrible taste he'd heard of and expected.

That gave Rick another flash of inspiration. He brought one hand up to the ridge around the head of Bobby's cock, stroking it in time with his hand still on the shaft, and slowly pulled himself towards it. All he could hear was the sound of Bobby's loud panting, and Rick had the odd thought that they were going to fog up the windows if they kept this up. He felt like his brain was scattering more and more the closer he came to that onyx head.

He blinked in surprise when his nose bumped into the huge shaft, and he froze for a moment. Masturbating your best friend was one thing, but this felt like something new, as ridiculous as that sounded in his head. Bobby tilted his head back down at Rick's pause, and seeing the smaller feline's face an inch away from his shaft, said between heavy pants, "Hey man, hah, you don't have to do anything else, hah, you already feel amaziiii-oooohhhhkay." His protest faded into a loud groan as Rick dragged his tongue up the side of Bobby's shaft.

Rick had no idea what he was doing. Did he do that right? That felt incredible. Was his tongue too rough? No, Bobby just moaned, that's a good sign, right? His brain felt like mush. He should breathe. He was so hard, his jeans felt too tight. Breathe! Rick took a shuddering gasp, and realized he had been holding his breath leading up to that first lick. His feline senses were flooded with the smell of pre-cum and wet flesh, accentuating the heady taste of pre on his tongue, but he could think again. He thought he should do that some more.

Rick started his hands moving again, stroking, caressing, roaming across the towering spire before him, while he dragged his tongue along the head. His hands pressed into the unyieldingly firm shaft, the flesh barely giving as his fingers dug in. Rick could feel every ridge and curve of the cock head as his maw explored the massive tip, lips hungrily grabbing onto any surface they could reach before his roving tongue pulled them somewhere new.

Bobby gasped, panted, and bucked - more gently this time - under Rick's assault, staring down at the action around his shaft while he continued to paw at his breasts. Rivulets of pre-cum poured from the cock head and spilled down the shaft, coating Rick's hands as he worked them across every inch of the big cat's spire, sending his mind into another daze as he dragged his tongue up along the side of the shaft before pausing to suckle on the massive tip.

Rick didn't know how long he'd been working that huge shaft, but Bobby's urgent voice snapped him out of his reverie. "Rick, I'm like, hah, really close, hah," the big feline panted, eyes screwed shut. Rick looked between his friend's face and cock as he redoubled his efforts, admiring the myriad of pleasured expressions flashing across Bobby's face as he rubbed, stroked, licked, and sucked like his life depended on it.

Bobby's hips jerked hard, forcing Rick's mouth off of that wonderful spire, and the large feline let out a loud groan as what looked like a geyser of cum shot from the tip. Before the thick fluid had all crashed back down, a second spurt erupted, and a third and fourth followed in quick succession. Rick stopped counting after that - he was too busy watching in awe, hands moving along the shaft as if they had a mind of their own, while cum rained down on the pair and the nearby furniture. The massive shaft in his hands jerked and twitched as the blasts of cum traveled through it, and Rick could feel the sheer volume of cum pumping through the ridge lining the bottom of the shaft.

Rick's hands slowed as the spurts of cum became smaller and less frequent, Bobby's orgasm slowly winding down. Rick was amazed at how long it had lasted. He was amazed at a lot of things at the moment. The striped feline looked around the room, hands falling away from Bobby's softening shaft, and slowly took in their surroundings.

The couch they were sitting on had gotten the worst of it, with thick white fluid coating a significant portion of it, but Rick could see strings of cum on almost everything in the room. A blurry teardrop obscured his vision for a moment before falling away, and he realized he was probably covered in cum too. When his gaze returned to Bobby, he gaped, and hoped he wasn't that drenched.

Bobby looked like he'd had a bad run-in with a paint sprayer. Thick cum coated his face and breasts, along with most of his arms and thighs, and more dripped slowly from his overhanging nipples. He panted softly, eyes still shut, arms resting limply at his sides. His softening shaft glistened with a mix of pre, saliva, and cum as it slowly retreated into its sheath.

Rick blinked a few times and attempted to wipe cum off of his eyebrows, but all he did was smear around the fluids on his hands. "Do you -," Rick coughed, the taste of pre still thick on his tongue. "Is it always... this much?" he asked, looking around the room again.

Bobby stirred and, slowly sitting up, mumbled a soft, "Wha?" When his eyes flickered open, they began scanning the room, widening in horror at the mess surrounding the pair. "Nnnoooo, that's new," he said slowly, and when his eyes came to rest on Rick they widened even further. "Oh... Shit..."

Rick looked down to find that he was, in fact, just as drenched as Bobby. He could see his hands shaking slightly, and planted them on his cum-coated thighs with a squishing sound. "Well that was... Intense," said the striped feline after a moment, leaning back, still sitting on the big cat's leg. Calling it "intense" was an understatement, Rick's head felt like it was still spinning.

"You have no idea... I've never felt anything like that before," Bobby murmured. He glanced down at his massive form, seeming to realize how much of his own fur was covered in cum. "I'm gonna have to do so much cleaning," he sighed, swiping at the slowly dripping fluid covering his breasts with a large paw. It didn't seem to help much.

"Yeah... We should probably take some showers first, if this stuff dries on anything it's gonna suck," Rick said, trying to sound casual. He could feel his pulse attempting to slow to a normal pace.

Bobby nodded, eyes moving over the cum covering the pair of them, before coming to rest on something below Rick. "You know," the larger feline said hesitantly, "I... I really appreciate it. If you wanted, I could help you out too. If..."

Rick followed Bobby's gaze to his own crotch, a bulge straining at the denim. He felt a flash of heat in his cheeks and didn't look back up. Really? He just jacked off his best friend and he felt embarrassed he was hard? "I mean, I don't have it as bad as you, it's no big deal," he said, trying not to stumble over his own words, hands tensing up on his thighs in spite of himself.

He heard Bobby take a breath, then say in a rush, "If you're down, I'm really down. That was amazing, and, I mean, it's not just about paying you back, I just - when I saw you were hard, I didn't..." As he trailed off, Rick could hear the soft thumping of a large tail lashing against furniture behind him.

Rick took a breath of his own. "Well... Yeah, okay. Sure." He had to admit, he'd never been so turned on in his life. His cock felt like it had been on fire for the last few minutes, he could still feel it tingling in an entirely foreign sensation. "Maybe we can take just one shower?" he asked with a tentative smile, looking up at his friend.

Bobby met Rick's gaze and beamed, his toothy grin practically reaching his ears. "Yeah," he breathed, "that sounds good." With a jerk, the big feline leaned forward and grabbed Rick in a wet, squishy bear hug, smothering him in boob flesh and smearing extra cum on his fur.

Rick laughed and started to extract himself from the hug - he didn't try too hard though, the soft orbs felt wonderful around his head. "Okay, okay, you big furball," he chuckled, finally pulling his head from the encompassing embrace. "Let's go before this stuff starts to dry, we still have to clean the couch, and... Everything else," he said, glancing about the room.

Bobby nodded, still smiling, and released Rick - albeit reluctantly. After shuffling off of Bobby's leg and letting him stand, Rick could see the big cat had left a noticeable silhouette of clean fabric on the couch behind him. Rick chuckled again as he pointed it out, much to his friend's chagrin.

The pair padded to the nearby bathroom, speeding up when they realized they were still dripping slightly, each trying to catch any stray strands of cum before they landed on the floor. As the bathroom door closed behind them, Rick suspected they weren't going to get much cleaning done tonight.