An Infestation in the Herd 16

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#16 of An Infestation in the Herd

The guards are in danger, and Luna's chief guard is being tempted.

Commissioned by flimflamfun5

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An Infestation in the Herd

Part 16

For FlimFlamFun5

By Draconicon

It was a download and a half from Darkmoon Dancer, and by the end of it, the two 'common' hosts were finally updated on everything that had been happening throughout the palace. The sheer amount of information had forced the hosts to climax three times in a row, and they stood with legs locked in a puddle of juices that had spread far enough that there would be definite questions from the servants if they were not already infested. However, they were finally in a position where they felt, if not right, then better than they had been, and far more stable than they were.

The palace had been infested, alright, infested with all kinds of plots and problems. There were those that had been against Celestia for the fact that she was handling the war poorly - in their opinion - and should be removed from power. The lack of stability in the palace was something that boded badly for the Hive, particularly if they wanted a smooth transition in power, so the plots had to be removed first. While it would mean that Celestia was in less danger and thus could be better protected in the short term, it meant that there would not be a general revolution when she was infested properly.

In addition, the Day Guard and Night Guard had been gradually infested, as well, with members of the Hive probing through their ranks to find out who were the most important officers and the ones that needed to be taken down the soonest. That, too, had been accomplished, though almost by accident.

"Can't believe..."

It was Azure Breeze speaking, though she was more in control of herself than she had been in some time. The parasite had finally gotten the female's urges subdued once more, though the violent pleasure of having the information passed through them certainly affected the body. The mare host took a deep breath and then tried again.

"I can't believe that it took the captain almost catching you to discover who it was."

"In our defense, it was hard to imagine him as Luna's chief guard," Darkmoon Dancer said. "I would have thought that it would be someone...smaller."

"Why smaller?"

"She is a sneaky one like that."

The three equines nodded. The Princess of the Moon was one to play things close to the chest like that, keeping things quiet and hiding things in plain sight. She would have had a bulky stallion to keep up the public persona of who was in charge, while a smarter, smaller one would have done the real work.

Instead, she had pulled a double-bluff, making everyone think that it would be someone smaller and smarter, but instead, she had given the job to the biggest earth pony in Canterlot.

Lancer, a stallion without a last name because he didn't seem to need one, was a massive, gray-furred earth pony that came from somewhere far off on the borders of the kingdom. Equestria seemed to have just one of him, and that was probably for the best, considering the sheer amount of food that he went through on a daily basis. All three of the hosts had seen him at the communal dinner, watched him wolf his way through three troughs of food and then go back for part of a fourth. Nobody else, not even the most gluttonous of the blue bloods, managed to get through that much food.

But he earned it. He regularly trashed the practice yards with his sparring opponents, the earth pony kicking them to the ground and then out of the ring without any effort. Taller than all the other soldiers by a head and a half, his body was positively armored with muscle, and even Moonlight Thunder would have a hard time staying on his feet in a fight.

It was a good thing, then, that they didn't have to fight.

"We will use Azure to keep him busy," Darkmoon Dancer said. "She'll take care of that. And then, when he is subdued..."

"He will bring me to Luna," Moonlight said.

"Yes. She...has a thing for larger stallions."

And with the pair of them there, it would be far easier to subdue her than it would be to just send Lancer in on his own. It would be doable, yes, but it was always better to have a back-up.

Their plans were finally ready to move forward.

Lancer was on lunch-break, though he didn't really think of it as a 'break.' It was more a pause, something that happened between the sessions of patrolling the halls, kicking some sense into the Night Guards that were coming on shift at the end of the day, and ensuring that the Day Guards didn't get cocky. They might have run the palace during the daylight hours, but that didn't mean that they were the best of the bunch.

Not like they deal with any security breeches.

The last time that there was a daytime security problem had been during the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor before they had gone off to another kingdom. Ever since then, all the big problems at the palace had happened at night. Some of them had tried to shift the blame for that onto Princess Luna, but the Night Guard had pushed back, pointing out all the dangers that came in the night, and all the unfortunate advantages that the Day Guard had, particularly with the fact that they could call on Celestia at any time.

He, on the other hand, had to do it himself. That was why Luna had picked up, and that was the duty that he would always fulfill.

Lancer finished his trough of greens, shaking his head and clearing it of the complaints that were always bubbling at the back. It was...yes, about an hour until sundown. That meant that he had plenty of time to do a quick pre-waking patrol through the palace, make sure that the Day Guard were doing their jobs properly and spot any little security weak points that they might have left for him and the Night Guard to deal with. There was almost always something.

As he walked down the hall, however, something caught his attention. It was a sharp, almost bitter scent, something that was at once hot and worrying. His shaft began to stir in his sheath, and he gritted his teeth as he realized what it was.

Mare? In heat? There shouldn't be anyone going into season already...

The various noble-mares were on the other side of the palace, anyway, and the few mares that served in the Guards were regularly watched for any sign of impending heat and given time off to keep it from affecting their duties. Why would there be some-pony in heat over here?

The answer came shortly after he asked the question. The mare stepped out of one of the public chambers that were offered to guests at the palace, and he recognized her from one of his patrols in the night, having seen her at the window of her chambers more than once. She was a commoner that had come in from Ponyville, from the report that Darkmoon Dancer had filed on her. And...

And she was...

She was flaunting herself, he realized belatedly. Her tail was flicked to the side, and a sex as slippery as it was shiny was exposed. It was something that no noble-pony would have done, particularly in public, but apparently the commoners had different standards.

Who is she?

The name escaped him right that moment, but he doubted that even Luna would entirely blame him for that. There were expectations of stallions, and there were understandings about them. And the understanding part would be very understanding about having one's brain go blank when there was a pussy waved in your face.

He walked toward her, but rather than waiting, she trotted ahead, keeping her tail off to the side, save for the moments when she fanned it back and forth as if to send more of her pheromones his way. Every time that he breathed in, he got a stronger breath, a stronger scent to contend with.

It didn't do any favors for his shaft, either. Soon, it was properly dropped, hanging under him in a way that would have been shameful in all other normal occasions. This, however, wasn't entirely normal. Even in his growing haze, the guard could tell that this wasn't the way that a female should behave, particularly one that -

Yes, yes, he remembered now. Her name was Azure Breeze, and she was partnered. Partnered with a male who was also in the palace.

And yet, she was looking for more pleasure elsewhere.


This was off. Something was wrong, and he didn't know what it was.

However, as a stallion, he had little choice but to follow her. The instincts that were bred into his species for so long demanded that he get some of that pussy on offer, and he groaned under his breath as he followed her through the hallways. Every time that she flicked her tail, every time that he breathed in her heated scent, he felt his doubts disappear that little bit more.

It didn't help that she was flaunting her ass as much as her sex. Even Luna didn't let him have that hole very often. He groaned, following her around the corner -

And then found himself almost walking into her ass.


He had a brief taste of something - her juices, he imagined with a blast of shame and embarrassment - before he pulled back. It still burned through his system, leaving him panting and gasping as he felt his cock throb right up against his belly. His eyes were wide, his face burning with lust and need, but he managed to clear his throat as the female turned to face him properly.

"Oh, hello there. Were you following me?" she asked, her voice soft and low, flirtatious and needy. If his cock hadn't already been hard, it would have been after hearing that.

"I was on patrol, ma'am."

"Is that all?"

"I'm...on-duty, ma'am."

"Aren't you part of the Night Guard?"

"...How did you know that, ma'am?"

He wasn't wearing his official uniform yet, after all, and that should have been the only giveaway. Particularly since he didn't patrol the grounds in that. It was only worn when he was giving a speech in the barracks, or when he was working on an official task that needed the head of the Night Guard around. This was...

He breathed in again, and that scent...that thick scent hit him hard. He groaned, his cock throbbing against his belly again, flare starting to form as the female started circling him for a change.

"Oh, don't worry. I like to know what males are around."


"You look so dashing."

"I...thank you, ma'am."

"I think that you'd be a great father."

"...Ma'am, I...I..."

"Don't worry. You don't have to stick around."

She bumped him with her hip, coming around his backside, and he gasped as she tongued his balls. Not even taking a moment to sniff them first, but just dragging her tongue along his sac from behind. He almost jumped out of his skin, and if it wasn't for the fact that it would draw more attention to them from down the hall, he would have. She was doing this almost in public; the only thing saving them from an audience was that the guest quarters were almost abandoned these days, and that the servants had done their jobs and gone home.

Ho-holy Celestia...

But it felt good. So very good. He had gone without much in the way of attention back there save for the rutting that Luna wanted for a long time. The princess didn't put her tongue to work the way that this female did. Azure seemed to be more than willing to get at his balls, to lick them, lap at them, show them attention.

He groaned, his cock getting stiffer still, the medial ring down the middle filling out and feeling fat and tight, almost like a cock ring around his shaft. He stomped his back hoof, groaning and huffing.


"You like that, big boy?"

" you do that for...your husband?"

"I do lots of things for my males..."


"I have permission to wander..."

And wander she did, dragging her tongue up from his cock and balls all the way to his asshole. His eyes went wide as he felt it there, dragging across his pucker, almost sinking into him without warning. His own tongue slipped free of his mouth as he realized what a naughty, depraved female he had back there.

Oh, fucking Celestia...

It was a heavenly feeling to have something licking, lapping, teasing along his pucker, giving him some attention that no male could ever turn down. Each lick was another tease, another reminder of just how much she wanted him, and his cock was oozing pre-cum over the tiled floor in short order.

He was going to breed her. He didn't care that she was partnered, didn't care that she had a husband. He could take that asshole if he tried to make a thing about it. Whatever else happened, Lancer was going to breed this mare, and hard.

She sucked on his pucker one last time, then popped her head free, looking at him with a smoky, sultry smile as she walked around him again. Her tail flicked down, touching her sex before coming up and brushing his face. His thoughts, what few were still in his head, scrambled right then and there, leaving him completely blank save for the desire to ram his cock into her and use her. Hard.

He lunged forward as soon as she flagged her tail to the side, ramming his cock inside. She was not so used to him as Luna was, so he expected a gasp as he rammed in. Instead, there was silence. No reaction, only the mare going stock-still under him, almost as if she was frozen.

She wasn't, of course, as her pussy was hotter than anything that he had felt in all too long. He rammed forward, his eyes rolling back in their sockets, like his brain had gone all the way down to his balls and refused to leave them. In, out, in, out, each thrust breaking his mind down that much more. He could feel it, his orgasm already welling up from inside of him. It was good...

More than that, his cock felt so hot. It was like her juices were doing something to him, soaking through his cock, mixing with it, and he felt almost like he could melt into a puddle right then and there, a puddle of happy horse goo that would just lay there cumming his brains out all night long. His hips were still pounding forward, his balls swaying and churning away, but any thought that might have crossed his mind, any worry as to how easy this was and what she was allowing him to do in public, was all but gone.

No thoughts.

No worries.

Nothing but need and lust.

In, out, in, out, his cock slamming away in her, leaving him drenched in her juices from the head of his cock all the way to his base, and along his balls, too. There was something about that, something that made him...that made him hot...

But no, no thought. Just horny.

Just needy.

Just humping.

Breeding and thrusting, thrusting and breeding. She was going to carry his seed. She was going to carry his foals.

In and out, in and out he went, each time bottoming out inside of her before pulling back. His balls were churning away like mad, and he could feel her clenching down on him. It was the only movement she made. Despite the size difference, despite everything, she didn't rock the way that his other partners did. No, she just stood there and took it like a breeding post, never bothering to shift position, never giving in to his thrusts.

She loved it, she was wet enough, but -


Something inside clenched hard around his cock, trapping it inside just as he was starting to pull out. Her juices squished and squirted around him. Was she cumming? Lancer fooled himself into thinking she was, and the ego trip was enough to get him to do the same.


He thrust forward what little she allowed, cumming hard. The feeling of his seed shooting through his cock was somehow magnified, as if he could feel every spurt that was going through him. It was like every inch of his cock was hyper-sensitive, needy, wanting. The sheer pleasure that came from using her like this...



The orgasm felt like it went on and on, like his balls were being utterly drained, her velvety walls pulling everything that he had to offer from him. That little bit more, and then that little bit more, and then...


She slid forward, his flared cock popping out of her with a squelching sound. She didn't seem bothered by it, and she pulled forward enough that he could see her gaping, stretched...and then, supernaturally closing.


Something was wrong. A female shouldn't close up that quickly after he had rutted them. Not even Luna, with all her power, closed up that quickly after one of their romps. Something was wrong. Something was very, very -

"You did good back there...I didn't think that you'd finish."

Her voice had changed. Flat now, very flat, and no longer so flirty. She was oozing his seed, and she should have been shaking like a leaf from how hard he'd fucked her. What was going on?

And why...

Why couldn't he move?

His legs didn't want to move, and the moment that he tried to bend them, he almost collapsed. His body felt like jelly, his breath coming in shaky gasps from the bottom of his lungs. His eyes fluttered, and his cock...his cock was still rock hard despite having just fucked the living daylights out of her and having had the best orgasm of his life. What...what had she...

The smell. There was something just a little off about it compared to what a mare's heat should have smelled like. Something a bit bitter, something a little...


His eyes widened as she lifted her tail further, showing off her pucker. This time, as it clenched, some sort of blue ooze started coming from it, squelching out of her before it was followed by an egg, of all things. She held out a hind hoof for it, catching it as it spread her pucker wide and fell. She lowered it to the ground, nudging it with her hoof again.

"What...what are you?" he managed to ask.

"Hive. I am part of the Hive. And soon, you will be, too."

Changeling? No, changelings didn't act like this. They didn't go around trying to get bred. She wanted to convert him, not just break him. That meant...

That meant that there was a different sort of Hive out there, a different kind of creature that was looking to take over. They had been so focused on one threat that they had completely missed this other one.

Darkmoon's part of them, he realized. He wouldn't have missed them, screening them. That means that he's one of them...

And that meant that, once Lancer was taken, there'd be nothing between them and the Princess of the Moon. There'd be no-one to stop the parasites from reaching Luna. And once that happened...

He struggled to think. His head was heating up again, his cock throbbing and taking his attention as the mare leaned down and kissed the head. The egg was out of sight, but he knew that it was somewhere between his hind legs from the sound of a shell cracking. Something was hatching, getting ready to come for him, getting ready to take him.

Despite his protests, the sound of the hatching egg only got louder and louder, and soon, the crackle of shell pieces falling to the ground was all he could hear. He groaned as he felt the shells flicking against his legs, and then -


Something pinched the hair of his tail. It was pulling on him as it climbed. He wished he could see, but he couldn't even move, too weak, too limp in all places save for his cock. The juices of the female must have been drugged, somehow, or she had been changed to make her that way. He didn't know.

All he knew was that something wet and slimy was making its way up his tail, and then along his rump. It gripped his hole, pinching it gently, and it oozed against him. The same hot feeling that her juices had given his cock was already spreading through his pucker, and he realized that the parasites were what gave them that change.


He tried to think of something, some brilliant move, something he could have done to get rid of the stupid thing. Yet, there was nothing. No thought occurred, and no combat maneuver was executed. He just stood there like some breeding stud as the parasite's harder, slimy head pressed against his hole...and then slid in.

Lancer had always been a stallion's stallion, someone that had never bent over or lifted his tail for something to go in back there. This was...this was something entirely new, entirely different for him, and he didn't know how to feel about the sensation of his hole spreading. His body told him that it felt good, and his cock bounced up and down at the feeling of something sliding into him, but -


It was rather pathetic as last words went, but the 'nnngh' sound he made just came without warning and without intention. He gasped for breath as the creature pushed in further and further, a slimy noodle of a tail flicking against the sides of his hole as it went deeper and deeper. Whatever it was, it clenched around the most sensitive parts of him, wrapping around it and -


His breath came faster, catching in his throat as the parasite found a really sensitive part of him and seemed to hook into it. It clenched, squeezed, sending lightning bolts of pleasure all the way through his cock. It somehow seemed to find more cum from his balls, became he came again, right there, right then.


He strained to move something, anything, just a hoof. Something that would make him fall, that would make noise, to let someone know that there was something going on.

But he couldn't. Even as he tried to lift his front hoof, his muscles tensed, locking down and keeping him from doing anything. He tried to lift his hind legs, but no, that was impossible, too. He opened his mouth, and his throat locked up. It was always happening a split-second ahead of everything that he did, too, almost like the creature was reading his mind before it could happen.


Then it came.

Spasms of pleasure rose from his ass, spreading up his spine, and then down along the rest of his body. It started in the places that always felt good during sex, but then spread to places that had never been sexual before. One shot after another, one blast of bliss transitioning into another. Blast, zap, blast, zap.

He moaned as he came again, and then again, his balls pulling up tighter and tighter behind him. What thoughts he had were burning out, one by one, and he shivered as he fell into that maelstrom of pleasure, unable to fight his way back out...and not entirely wanting to, either.

Slowly, he slipped away, and the mind of Lancer, the guard of Princess Luna, began to change. The blasts of pleasure, the conditioning need, flooded over him. All the rewards that Luna had ever given him seemed so insufficient compared to this. This was what...this was what a guard deserved, what they should be getting at all times.

He should...

He should feel this.

He should want this.

He should want her to give him this...but she didn't. So he should serve the one that did.

The parasite.

The Hive.

These were the bits and pieces of information that came to him as he stood there, as he was filled to the brim with all the bliss that the parasite could give him, as his prostate was massaged, and as his flared cock bounced off his muscular stomach and chest again and again, showering the floor with his cum.

In a matter of minutes, it was done. He stood stock still for another few seconds, then felt the parasite taking control properly, moving his forelegs. One, then the other. He shook his head, feeling the parasite testing his body and feeling a sense of satisfaction from it. There was...there was goodness here.

He was good.

His body was right.

The parasite turned him to face Azure Breeze, and nodded.

"This one will work."

"Is he ready?"

"He is very ready. His mind is as needy as his body."

"Perfect." The mare nodded without the smile that a living being might have had with that statement. Neither of them had much in the way of expressions; without other uninfested around, facial expressions were mere annoyances. "Is there information to share?"

The parasite within him seemed to check, and then shook his head.

"Everything is as Darkmoon suggested. He's a good guard, though not as brilliant as he thinks he is. He does have access to Luna, and has an appointment with her near the midnight hour. We can carry out the plan, then."

The plan? Lancer wondered.

The information came through their link, and Lancer was made aware of the Hive's goals. They were to take down Luna, and then move on to Celestia. They were going to use him, to have her rut Luna hard, and...

And he would do it with a partner.

He realized that there was a chance that he was going to have to share a hole that he had all but owned until this point, but rather than feeling shame, he felt...exhilaration. There was something that he could offer the Hive, something that he could do for them, and they would give him the reward of pleasure once more.

Before he could ask about the other stallion that would be involved, he heard the sound of clip-clops coming down the hall. The parasite in him cocked his head at the mare. She didn't run, so he believed that he was safe.

He was right.

Moonlight Thunder walked around the corner, his head lifted high as he approached the newly-converted guard. The stallion was huge, and Lancer had a cock that gave him every right to be called that. But...

I am bigger.

Moonlight Thunder smiled, slowly turning to the side as he rounded the corner, letting the taller stallion get a look at his cock and balls. Even post-conversion, the guard stared, his eyes going slightly wider at the sight of what the stud was packing.

The parasite had continued converting his cock, and he was fairly sure that he could actually deliver an egg with the size of his package these days. His urethra had been stretched, allowing him to pass smaller eggs through it if he had to - though he hadn't tested it, and it was only a guess that it was what his body had become. His balls hung low, thick and heavy with sperm, and he knew that even a whiff of that would be enough to put a mare into season, or to turn a questioning male into an all-out cock-slut.

He was the first stud converted, and it showed in how they had warped him further, further, further, ensuring that his shaft was a weapon of conversion, and finally, he would be able to use it again.

They didn't have to think or plan it. The two stallions fell in step with each other, marching down the corridor. Their parasites had to take action to pull their cocks back into their sheaths, hiding their needs, but their puckers continued to twitch under their tails.

There was no need to talk, either. They both knew what the Hive's plan was. They merely needed to wait for the moment when Lancer was called to service the princess, and then Moonlight Thunder would follow along. Due to the way that Lancer was always called to her privately, and no guards would be there to question him, it would be simplicity itself for someone else to follow along.

As they walked along, another pony joined them, a shimmering Night Guard. A changeling, of course, one to imitate Lancer later when they were busy, someone that would be able to order all the other Night Guards away if they came to check what was going on. The plan was all but foolproof.

Tonight is the beginning of the end of free ponies...

Even though he had been a host for months now, Moonlight Thunder knew that there was still something odd in the way that he thought that. Anyone else, any other conspiracy, would have been gloating over the possibility of taking over to that extent. They would have been laughing, celebrating, grinning giddily and having all kinds of debauched orgies to enjoy the soon-to-come victory.

The Hive didn't do that. The Hive didn't feel on that level. They were not that sort of creature, not that sort of debauched thing. They wanted to spread, wanted to take, wanted to have hosts. And that...that was what they were going to do. They were going to take over, and while the host might be given pleasurable reward to 'celebrate', they would not linger. They would keep going.

That was the inevitable truth of the Hive. They would not, could not stop, and they had no emotions attached to it. Nothing to celebrate, nothing to feel guilty about. Even those that had been slightly changed by the host that they were attached to only felt some of what the host did, and only then to know how to work with them better.

There will be no overthrowing the Hive. There will be no mistakes. There will be no missteps. They will take over...and it will be better.

It was little more than a statement of fact, and that statement would become true in...well, very short time indeed. Luna...Celestia...and then all of Equestria would be helpless before them and the changelings.

A dream would very shortly become reality.

The End

Summary: The guards are in danger, and Luna's chief guard is being tempted.

Tags: M/F, Mare, Stallion, MLP, Feral, Vaginal, Heat, Stupid, Corruption, Orgasm, Cum, Sex, Breeding, Infestation, Body Control, Size Difference, Parasite,