Pokemon Breeder Episode Nine: Rock Hard Gym Leader

Story by TheCrimsonDM on SoFurry

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#9 of Pokemon Breeder

Its time to face off against the first Gym Leader, and Green knows she can beat him. What she doesn't know is that there's a reason that this gym leader is being known for his Rock Hard pokemon. Can Green overcome the challenge ahead or will she lose herself to ultimate pleasure?

Episode Nine: Rock Hard Gym Leader

The next day, Green had finally woken up. They'd been out so late, and exhausted so much energy that they just slept in the next day. It was almost one PM before Green had enough energy to get up and do anything. Much to her annoyance, Red was already awake and had some coffee ready for them. How did he get to have so much energy?

Well whatever. He'd won his battle so he deserved some slack. He had made some coffee so she gave him a pat on the butt. He seemed receptive to that. None of them had clothes on yet. Though they were far too tired to actually bond with their pokémon last night, cuddling in the naked was always nice though. Even she enjoyed that, not that she would admit that to anyone.

Still, she could look out the window to their room here and see that Pewter City was just out there. Not very far at all. Maybe a fifteen-twenty minute walk. She'd never actually been to this town before, but even from up here, she could see the gym. A large rectangular building that had the word 'gym' plastered to the front of it in big bold letters.

She took a sip of her coffee and felt a spring of energy hit her. She took another sip and even more energy. Looking at Red who was enjoying his own cup as he sat beside her. She had to ask. "Red, did you put a vitality potion in here?"

He nodded. "After last night, I thought we would need it."

She going to... Why did he have to be so...

She took another sip. A warm smile growing on her lips. Looking over at where Blue lay sleeping on the bed she groaned. Then leaned over, pressing her lips to Red's cheek. Just a quick kiss and then pulled back. "Thank you for that. And if you ever tell anyone I did that, I'll crush your balls with the heel of my foot."

He smiled. "You know, it's just us awake right now. You don't have to be so rude."

She frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean... it was supposed to more playful."

He grinned and stuck his tongue out. "I know. I just like seeing your soft side."

She gasped. "You arrogant, little, lovable, asshole."

He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek as well. "There, now I won't owe you anything later."

She felt like her face was a lit match. She went back to her coffee and did her best to ignore what just happened. He was just some smelly nerd right. One that she was keeping safe. Looking over at Blue... "Ugh, I hate you so much."

She set the coffee down. Walked over to Blue, knelt beside the bed and then shook Blue awake. Blue blinked a few times. "Wuzzah?"

"Shut up." Green kissed Blue on the cheek. "There, now go back to bed and don't ask questions."

They were all, even now.

Blue shrugged and did as she was told. "I like it when you kiss me."

For some reason that sent a spike through her heart. Red liked seeing her soft side, and Blue liked it when Green kissed her. What was wrong with these two... what was wrong with her? She really liked hearing that, but for some reason she felt like she was still failing them. She was their leader right? She was the one in charge of keeping them safe and making sure everything was okay. She shook her head.

Red reached out and grabbed her hand. "Hey, you okay?"

She pulled her hand away from him. Once his touch was gone, it felt cold. "I'm fine... just... do what I say."

He grinned. "Okay."

She finished her coffee in relative silence. After that she got dressed and checked her pokéballs. Both her and Red had picked up new pokémon last night. She a Kakuna, him a Metapod. She hadn't had the time to bond with it, or to figure out its best use. Given exactly what kind of pokémon it was, she was pretty sure it wasn't going to have a great use.

Red was watching her. He was still naked. Why was he still naked? Whatever. "What's that?"

She looked at him. "The new pokémon from last night. I was just thinking how lucky we were to get two of them by accident."

Red picked up a pokéball from the table unleashed it. It was a metapod. "I call her, Flutter."

Green sent out her new friend as well. A kakuna. "Meet Hornet. Coolest bug of 'em all."

The two of them recalled their pokémon and then looked at each other. Red looked at the pokéball in his hands. "So... how do these things work? I'm pretty sure both of them are not so good for fighting."

Green nodded. "No, they're not the best for it. But, they still have some tricks up their sleeves. The thing about raising them is you usually want to bond with them, and if you bond enough, sometimes that'll evolve them without ever having to fight."

Red nodded. "Well we have enough pokémon to challenge Brock now. Technically."

"Yeah, technically is right. My plan was to help Hornet hatch first, but I don't think I need to worry. If he's the weakest Gym Leader I have nothing to fear."

Red grinned. "That's what I like about you, you're so confident and cool."

"You should be too, nerd. You're not half bad at this. Anyway, I'm out."

She picked up her backpack and headed for the door. "I'll be in town. Let's meet up at the pokécenter later."

He spoke up. "Where are you going?"

She looked over her shoulder. "I think you know exactly where I'm going."


It wasn't more than forty minutes later before she arrived at the gym. From the outside it was just a giant rectangular building. White walls, a big sign that was able to light up at night she figured, and an automatic door that was made with some kind of hard to see through glass. Even though she was sure she would win such an easy battle, she couldn't help but to feel a little bit of apprehension inside of her. This was going to be a big first step for her, no matter how easy it may be.

Pushing open the door, she walked from the bright and shiny world of outside, into a darker environment that smelled heavily of dirt and sweat. The first thing she saw was that the floor here was all hard packed earth. Rocks, some as large as twelve or fifteen feet tall littered the area creating walls to maneuver around. Flatter rocks only a few feet up existed here and there too.

The inside of this building resembled the inside of a cave, but with the bright giant light over head, and the blue painted ceiling and walls, it almost felt like she had gone outside. This place was weird. Beyond that, she could also smell just a little bit of funk. Probably normal for a den of sexual battles.

She took a step forward, preparing to go searching for this Brock when she heard a voice behind her. She nearly jumped, but stayed cool as she turned to face some, round guy with round glasses. He wore a neat button up shirt tucked into his pants and had his hair slicked back. He spoke with a slight lips. "Hello there new Breeder. I'm Info Guy."

She blinked. "Info Guy? That's your name?"

He nodded. "Sure is. And I can tell you have what it takes to go far. So here's a deal. How about I help you by giving you some friendly advice for battling Brock?"

Her lip curled up into a cruel smile. "Tell me where Brock is."

"Oh, he's in the back. Most people have to fight his apprentice first, but you can avoid him by taking the path to the left. The Apprentice only stays on the right for some reason as he trains"

"Good." She turned and began walking away. Determined to skip a needless fight.

Info Guy called out. "W-wait up, that's not the advice I meant. I can still help you."

She flipped him off. "No way, Jose. I'm the biggest, badest thing here. No way I'll get help from you."

He huffed. "You don't have to be so rude about it."

Oh but she did. She had to harden up now. Or else she wouldn't be tough enough to face a gym leader. Even the weakest of Gym leaders had to earn their title. So he clearly had some measure of skill. Her recent victories had shown her that no matter what, she couldn't lose, but that was only true so long as she didn't get complacent. Stay tough and mean, and no way some rock head could beat her.

Walking through the maze like canyon of ten foot tall rocks she found a path that split up. Taking the left she found it was a longer path, one clearly not so easy looking at the one on the right. No wonder the apprentice stayed there. Fewer folks would take this path.

Once she was at the end of the path she turned the corner and saw a large platform. It was carved of solid stone, made smooth and as she walked over to it she brushed a hand against it. It was a little rough but there were a couple of bed like platforms that were on hard but marbled and smooth surfaces on the platform. In the center of the platform knelt a man with closed eyes, and a muscular chiseled body. He was meditating with six pokéballs set in indentations around him.

She marched up the stairs to him. "Such arrogance in construction and posture. You must be Brock."

Brock didn't open his eyes as he looked up at her. "I didn't hear any battling from Camper Liam. Seems you took the long path then. You'll only regret that more."

She grinned. "Pfft, yeah right. I'm here to fight, and you're here to lose. It's a three round battle right?"

Brock kept looking in her direction, but never once stood up or opened his eyes. With only a pair of sweat pants on he seemed ready to jump into a battle. Yet something seemed off by this guy. Like he thought he was better than Green. That brought back memories of a time she went to Saffron City with her Grandpa, of how the kids of other researchers, the nieces and nephews of Agatha of the Elite Four and the other kids thought they were better than her, because her grandpa was just some crazy guy barely known in the community at the time.

She growled. "Stand up. We're doing this. You can't refuse a breeder battle. It's dishonorable."

Brock let out a sigh. "You are ill tempered indeed. Do you know what I like about rock types?"

"No, and I don't care."

"Their tempered. Their calm. They've weathered the environments, the wind, the rain, the hail and the snow. Do you know why they can do that?"

"I don't care."

He stood up and it suddenly became clear, that even through his sweats, he had a massive raging erection sticking out almost a foot from his body. "Because their rock hard."

She took a step back. She'd never seen an erection like that before, and he wasn't even naked yet. What the fuck was she doing here? She couldn't send any of her female pokémon against something like that. It would kill them.

Brock smiled. "I thought you were here for a battle? A... best two out of three sounds fair to me."

Her hands were trembling. What happened to all of her power? She was strong. She was confident. She hadn't lost a single match yet. No, she couldn't lose. That was impossible. She steeled herself and faced him. Speaking was like trying to claw through concrete with her bare hands, but somehow she managed it. "I am here to win you're badge old man."

"You wound me. I'm not old, I'm barely thirty years old."

"Ugh, gross. I'm nineteen."

"That explains the foolish bravery."

He gestured to the bed like pedestal on the left. "This is my arena. The Pewter City Gym. Here I do battle with breeders to see if they are qualified to receive the Boulder Badge. A lot of trainers come to my gym first. But, it is not due to any weakness on my part. It is because I am able to evaluate their skills and strengthen their weaknesses. My goal is to help set the path, to lay the bedrock, the foundation on your path to master breeder, and so sometimes that means I need to play a little rough."

"Whatever, old man. Let's just get this started."

She walked over to the platform he'd pointed too. He walked the one opposite of hers. Just as he got there, he stopped, still facing away from her and slipped out of his sweats. By Mew's motherly testicles, he was rock hard everywhere. His ass muscles were amazing, he could probably crush boulders with his butt alone.

He gave a slight turn toward her and revealed just a hint of his massive, raging cock. Fuck... this was bad. Looking at her choices she didn't want to send anyone out after him. Best Two out of three huh, she just had to have faith that her pokémon were ready for the challenge ahead of them.

She slipped out of her clothing. Setting it neatly down on the side of the pedestal. She noticed that Brock had turned around, but he wasn't looking at her body. He was looking, but it was like he was looking into her soul. This man had a monstrous strength, and a matching cock.

She picked up her first pokéball and thumbed the button. "Please, Skye, I believe in you. You're strong, you can kick his ass."

He hadn't even grabbed a pokéball with him. Brock chuckled. "Geodude, get out here man."

One of the pokéballs from the center of the platform, where he'd been meditating, grew in size. Then a flash of red light was followed by a rock like pokémon with two arms, and a huge swinging cock. She sat down on the platform, her jaw was stuck open. What was this thing, she'd never seen a pokémon like it.

She quickly grabbed the pokédex from her backpack and scanned it. A picture of the pokémon shoed up followed by that annoying voice speaking to her. "Proud of their sturdy bodies, they bash against each other in a contest to prove whose is harder" She quickly closed the pokédex and put it away.

Well... okay then.

Brock smirked at her. "You can always forfeit now, come back when you're stronger you know."

She growled. "Fuck you, man. I'm winning."

She sent out Skye and smiled. Skye fluffed her feathers, took one look at Geodude and then took a few nervous steps back. She cleared her throat. "That's not your opponent."

Skye looked from Geodude to Brock, and Brocks massive, hard, dick. Skye's eyes nearly popped out of her head and she squeaked. An egg popped out behind her landing on the floor.

Brock shook his head. "I will be gentle with your pokémon. Of that I can promise."

She had to put some determination in her voice. "Skye, you can do this. He's already that horny. Just rub up against him. Lick his dick a little, you can do it, make the bastard cum."

Skye fluffed her feathers. She didn't look confident, but she looked ready to try. Unfortunately right then, that was all she could really ask for. Looking at Brock she swallowed. "Okay then. So... do we start?"

A voice appeared form near the stairs. She looked over to see a young man, maybe a little older than her, wearing all green and staring at them. "It will. I am the referee for this match. My name is Camper Liam, and you snuck past me you rat."

Brock warned. "Liam, we discussed this. She chose the hard path."

Liam nodded. "Yes sir. Anyway, this will be a best two out of three rounds. With five minute breathers to use any times between rounds. You may not select the same pokémon twice in a row. Any questions?"

She shook her head.

"Good, match one, begin!"

Geodude was used his massive rock arms to propel himself forward. Far faster than she thought possible. She rolled back onto the bed, determined to get him in a position she wanted. He may be big, but he wasn't bigger than Red. Geodude reached the platform, and pushing his hands on the ground he propelled himself up and over her head. She looked back to see where he was going, only to see he was falling toward her ass. Before she could move He had aimed his cock at her rear end, and the tip hit her asshole hard. She grunted in pain, but it didn't go in, it slipped down and then slipped inside her vagina. She gasped as it filled her up.

Geodude wrapped his arms around her legs, and pulled. She fell onto her stomach, which only somehow pushed Geodude further into her. She reached back to push him off but then he began grinding his dick against her insides. The subtle vibration of his cock was enough to make her groan in pleasure. This guy wasn't just good, he was great!

Looking over at Skye. She noticed that Skye hadn't even moved yet. Gasping between thrusts from Geodude's hot rumbly dick, she spoke her command, "Skye, go, fuck, Brock, now!"

Skye flapped her wings and took off in a low level flight. She then rose up into the air in front of him. Spun around and then dropped, aiming her nethers toward his shaft. Skye landed on top of them, but it was like watching her fall on a hard flat surface. Brock's dick pressed against her tiny entrance, but it didn't go in, not even a little.

Meanwhile Geodude was pinning her legs down and fucking her hard. Each thrust of his dick dug deep into her, scratching all the right places. Her own furious passion was building up into a burning crescendo. The lust affect was hot and heavy here, fogging her mind and making her go crazy with lust. Still she fought back against her instincts to just give in and let Geodude ravish her. She fought back to try and win.

"Skye, j-just rub. Rub!"

Skye took the command and began sliding her nethers over Brock's cock. He just stood there, arms folded over his chest and watching. He was like a statue, hard, erect, and unmovable. She knew this wouldn't work. She was going to lose here.

She felt something change inside of Geodude. His dick, was vibrating. "Oh GOD MEW!" she threw her head back. Panting and groaning. The vibrations of his dick were amazing. It was like nothing she'd ever felt before. A hot, fleshy vibrator that dug deep, pressing against all of her buttons and making her scream with ecstasy. She gripped the edges of the platform and dug in tight looking for anything to hold onto as Geodude rocked her world.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck me harder!" She screamed as Geodude was ravaging her pussy. His tip not going quite deep enough to touch her cervix but doing everything else to drive her insane.

Meanwhile Skye was still trying to just do something, anything to Brock. She had taken to licking his tip with her tongue. Which still didn't draw any reaction from him. He only sat there and smiled at Skye. Skye was using one wing to fondle his balls and the other to stroke his giant shaft as she licked at his tip. It should have done something.

She groaned as the heat inside of her burst into an electric fire that shot up her spine. She let out a broken, jagged moan, and her entire body spasmed as she was hit by an orgasm. She'd just lost the first round and was struggling for air when Geodude pulled out of her. Geodude didn't even have the common curtsey to climax after her. Still rock hard he simply walked himself away using his hands. He went to his pokéball and went back inside.

Leaving her there. A sore, and satisfied loser.

The next five minutes she spent using a potion on herself and putting Skye back in her ball. She thought as hard as she could. She knew Brock was bisexual, but by all that was holy, he was impossible to beat. There was no way that Tank was going to be able to take him. That only left her with Hornet.

Brock just sat there in his same position. "So, are you going to give in yet?"

She had recovered enough to keep going. But she only had one real option here. To use her wild card. She stood up, and summoned for the Hornet. "Come on, girl. You're clearly well enough to handle a man like him."

He smirked. "I see. A kakuna, not a usual choice for trainers, but it is one I can respect." He still refused to move. "I, however, said I was going to need to play rough and teach you you're weakness. So here it is. If you decide to forfeit, I will understand."


One of the pokéballs began shaking, and a red blinding light filled the platform. It was huge. It was a huge, red light forming itself into a snake like shape. She scooted herself back further, and further as it took shape. Rocky skin, its head almost brushing the ceiling of the gym. It looked down at her with an unreadable expression. Then she looked down and saw its member. The fucking thing was as big as she was.

Green's legs were shaking, her body was shaking. She couldn't. Not this. This was too much. Even for her. She hated snakes to begin with, but this was a snake monster!

Liam grinned. "Match two begin!"

She screamed as Onyx shifted in place. Brock finally raised a hand. "Onyx, don't move."

Onyx hadn't been moving toward her, but he had simply stayed put. His body was just shifting as the long snake like form was relaxing into place. Just like the Geodude though, it came out of the ball rock hard.

Brock looked at her. "Do you still wish to continue?"

Green was shaking. Shivering. She'd never been so scared of anything in her life. She didn't even know pokémon could get this big. How the fuck did Brock tame this thing in the first place? Did he just muscle it into ejaculation?

She had to regain control of herself first.

Deep, steady breaths.

One, two, three.

She sat upright and then looked at Hornet. Hornet was glaring at Brock. There was a fire in its eyes she'd rarely seen in a pokémon before. She could sense it, there was so much untapped potential in Hornet, and one day it would be an amazing pokémon, in fact it already was. Much to her surprise Hornet could even move, it wasn't too fast, but it was fast enough. Her labia was dripping wet and ready for some action too as she sort of hopped in place.

If Hornet was ready, then so could she.

Green faced her opponent's pokémon once more. She only had one, just one possible idea. But it could work. "I'm ready!"

Brock nodded. "Go Onyx, but be gentle."

Onyx began writhing it'a way toward her. She laid down on her back and spread her legs. "Right here big guy! Lay it on top of me."

Much to her surprise, the Onyx listened. It laid it's hot, sticky and massive cock down on top of her. It was as big as she was, but she could wrap her arms and legs around it and even still reach its head with her mouth.

"Go, Hornet, get on that guy's dick and show him whose boss!"

Hornet jumped to. Hopping toward Brock. One, two, three, four hops and she'd finally gotten to Brock. Once there she jumped up and onto his lap. Much to his surprise this time, her pokémon managed to slide his tip inside of them. It may only be a few inches that could go into Hornet's pussy, but it was enough.

Onyx began moving. Sliding himself through her arms and legs. Against her labia and brushing her cheek with his tip. She gave one last command. "Harden, harden like your life depended on it!"

Brock's face scrunched up. "O-oh, I see. She can squeeze her pussy down tight. Good technique."

Yes, it was something. Now just to hold out until then. Moving her mouth to its tip she began sliding her tongue up and own it. Lathering that tip already covered in a gracious amount of precum with her salvia. It tasted like dirt. She worked her hips and tried to hump the thing's penis while she was licking it.

The onyx gave a pleased groan as she worked against it. Yes, she as going somewhere here. Looking over, she saw Hornet was moving herself up and down, and squeezing tight against Brock's tip. Brock smiled, but otherwise just sat there with his arms folded over his chest.

Much to her surprise Hornet wasn't giving up.

Good, because neither would she.

She humped harder. Moving her arms and legs in unison against the giant behemoth's cock. She knew she could win. This was all too easy now that she had a lumbering giant. One that couldn't even make her cum.

Brock flashed a grin at her as if he could read her mind. "I guess the testing period is over. Time for the real fun."

For some reason, those words sent a shiver of terror down her spine. She worked harder against this massive cock. Onyx was groaning in pleasure. His dick was vibrating. Even glowing red for some reason. She was making him get close. The vibrations against her pussy felt amazing, like one of those giant magic wand toys. Still she kept going.

Brock's smile didn't leave. "Have you ever heard of the pokémon move, bide?"

"Shut up, I'm working here!" she cried.

He shrugged. "Well, you'll never forget it."

She felt it. His dick was throbbing. She was giving him a whole body hand job. Her face and neck and chest were covered in precum, but in just a moment the entire arena would be covered in real cum.

Brock spoke. "Unleash bide."

Something snapped. She only heard an ear piercing ring. Her entire body was hit by a sudden, hard spasm. Her nethers exploding with burning hot fire and pleasure. Her legs and arms shot out and she lay there twitching. Every single nerve ending was on fire, her body was screaming with so much ecstasy and pleasure that she couldn't' stand it. Her body released and everything in her bladder shot out all over Onyx's cock, then the platform, and finally spilling around her as she sat there twitching.

Orgasm, after orgasm raked through her body. Her flesh burning as her nerve endings couldn't take it. Her mind went blank from the pure pleasure riding through her. Peeing herself and twitching. She was consumed by this world ending heat riding through her, wave, after wave of pleasure.

The world went back, but all she could feel was the longest, most powerful orgasm she'd ever had as she suffered her first loss.

--Red's Team--

Charmander level 10

Nidoran Level 3

Metapod Level 9

--Blue's Team--

Bulbasuar level 8

Rattata level 4

Pikachu level 5

--Green's Team--

squirtle level 11

Pidgey level 8 +

Kakoona Level 10 +

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