Encounter (ch1)

Story by Shirogitsune on SoFurry

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#1 of Of Love and Lust

Okay, for starters, this is a roleplay that has been converted to a more reasonable story style text. So if it seems to jump from character to character, I wasn't inclined to completely rewrite it. After all, extracting these from forums is hard work ^.^

Just thought I should share the wealth, since only bout 4 people can read it where it is now.

Anyways, Sasha is my character, Vuk's is the other player's.

Here's a quick character profile.

Name: Sasha

Age: 21

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 120 lbs

Eyes: light blue

Fur: white

Species: Fox

History: Raised in a decent and middle-class family, she got through her childhood pretty easily and comfortably. After graduating High-school, her parents kicked her out to learn about the world the hard way. Sasha had trained in the martial arts since the age of eight, her particular interest was in ninjutsu.

Name: Vuk

Age: 22 (human count)

Looks: red fox pattern, plain and simple. Darkred fur in redfox pattern, the white fur is bright white, in heavely contrast with the deepred and the black fur, bright yellow eyes.

In his human form Vuk is a quit and shy 22 year old boy. He's well aware of his foxyness, but doesn't dare to show or tell anybody about it, afraid they might hurt him. However, sometimes under stress or heavy emotions, he transforms unwillingly.

He lives in Germany, in Schönberg with a couple of close friends. His parents were murdered long time ago by white foxes in a clan fight, Vuk doesn't remebers anything about it anymore.

Sasha sat down hard, in the middle of the road. She was exhausted, having walked across Europe. She was now in southern Germany, having come from Greece on foot. She looked up in time to dodge out of the way of an incoming truck. "I'll have to be more careful." she said into the cold winter night, her breath misting. She cleared a spot on the side of the road and sat down.

Vuk drove his motorbike over the misty road, he was pretty exhausted and had difficulties seeing the road clear. He was driving for hours now, the only thing he encountered was a truck, nothing more. It was very cold, and he considered morphing, it would be much warmer with the fur and underneath his motor suit nobody would notice, except his muzzle sticking out of his helmet. "What the heck" and morphed "Way better like this" he grinned, he felt more comfortable and cooler in his morph.

Sasha was tired, but resisted the urge to sleep. If hypothermia set in, she would die before morning, it was just too cold.

Vuk noticed something along the road, and at first it didn't appeared to him it was somebody, so he just drove on. Just after a few kilometers he realized that it might have been a human. "Damn hell what was he or she doing there in this cold, better check it out" Vuk turned his bike and drove back to the spot he thought he saw a person...

Sasha began to stand, having rested a little, when she saw a single headlight coming towards her.

Vuk saw somebody standing at the side "Gosh this better not be some drunk or something" he grumbled. "Ah, doesn't look like it, luckily" as he came near, he halted in surprise, wondering what a pretty girl was doing here out in the cold and loneliness. He turned of the engine "Good night" he mumbled, a little bit overwhelmed with this encounter. Then he noticed she wasn't quit in good condition, she looked severely exhausted and cold... "Gosh what happened to you?" he asked

"Long hike." She said, and looked at the bike. "Was gonna trek across Europe, but misjudged the distance on the map. I didn't realize it was a 6 hour walk from that town back there to the next one." She bundled her stuff close, shivering slightly, and looked straight into Vuk's eyes. "But where are my manners? My name is Sasha. I'd shake hands, but it's a little cold right now." She had her arms folded tightly to her chest, her black wool trench coat being insufficient for a night hike in winter.

"Mine's Vuk, nice to meet ya, if you want jump on, I'm not too far anymore, Schonberg, a little village deep in the woods nearby, quite deserted, but peaceful" then Vuk realized there was no hotel or whatsoever "The only problem is there's no place to stay, unless...well...at my place, I can drive you further tomorrow then if you like..."

"Hmm, nice of you to offer. I'm exhausted." She climbed on behind Vuk, her small bag slung over her shoulder and under the opposite arm. "Mind if I stay for a few days? I could use the rest."

"Ah, oh well no problem, hold on" Vuk kick started the bike and felt Sasha's arms grabbing carefully his chest "Put your hands in my jacket pockets, they gonna freez otherwise"

Sasha obeyed, deciding that she wanted to keep all of her fingers. She felt the heat of the bike's engine below her, warming her somewhat. She held herself close, to keep from messing up the balance of the bike, but also to warm herself on Vuk's body.

Vuk felt Sasha close, it felt special, and in a way he hadn't felt for a long time. Last time he was with a girl he morphed while kissing her. The mess he gotten into then made him decide he would never get involved with anybody anymore, there was a reason he lived up here so secluded. "Gosh you're really cold... Never mind, I'll have the fireplace burning in no time as we get there" 'And you better don't let yourself carried away Vuk, even in the very faint case she wants to, you can't' Vuk closed his eyes for one second...

Sasha's hat blew off, which surprised her, as it was a form-fitting hat, but it did, letting her long hair blow out a little more, and her white furred ears pop up.

Vuk had to turn and looked in the rearview mirror, no traffic. 'What in a hell is that on her ears? They look funny' Vuk looked again in the mirror 'Naaah, can't be, probably a mask or something'

Sasha closed her eyes against the wind, cold on her face.

When they arrived at Schönberg, Vuk released the throttle, drove straight trough the village and turned on a driveway behind the village, after a couple of hundred meters a small but cozy house appeared. Vuk halted and turned of the engine "Well, this is it, it ain't big and it ain't much, but it has all the rest someone can imagine... Hey and what's that hair behind your ears?"

Sasha flushed, realizing that she had lost her hat. "Those...are...my ears." she said hesitantly. It was taking everything she had to keep her tail from sprouting out too.

"With hair on it? You went to some carnival party or so?" Vuk joked while opening the door "C'mon in, nice and warm". They entered, Vuk put wood in the fireplace and ignited it "I'm gonna make some warm tea for ya, or do you prefer hot chocolate milk? I guess you aren't in for a cold beer..." he grinned

"Nah, for alcohol, I stick to Sake. Hot chocolate sounds good" Sasha said as she stepped inside the cozy house. "Wow, nice place." she said. "Kinda cozy and cute." She sat close to the fire, taking her coat off and hanging it on a hook over the mantle, and putting a pan under it, her field-cooking pan. "Can't let your floor get all wet." She looked over at Vuk, and saw him smiling. She blushed and her tail sprouted out, and Sasha couldn't stop it from doing so. She panicked and froze, waiting to see how her new friend would react.

"What the..?!? Is this a set up?" Vuk froze; he couldn't believe there was somebody just like him... "Is that real?" Afraid this was some trap from somebody knowing about him...

Sasha relaxed a little, her muscles loosening from where they had gone taut, but Sasha remained wary. "Yes, it is real, as are my ears." she pulled the hair from the side of her face to show that she had no other ears. "And if you think about hunting me or turning me in, I will kill you before you get far at all."

Sasha's reaction made him at ease "Well, isn't that a coincidence" as he morphed from excitement. There the two stood, staring at each other in disbelief 'Gosh she's a beautiful creature'

'Gorgeous.' Sasha stood to her full height and let her fur ripple out, and her legs morph to a digitigrade form, her face elongating into that of a fox. "Indeed." Sasha replied as she looked Vuk up and down. "Your fur is gorgeous." she said.

Vuk stepped closer, reached out his hand and stroke the fur on Sasha's arm "I can't believe it" he mumbled, shivering all over from emotions...

Sasha relaxed; this fur did not want to harm her. "It is definitely a powerful stroke of luck. We are few and far between now." she placed a hand on Vuk's arm, and stroked through his fur, which was so very soft.

Sasha's hand felt warm and soft, her touch like lightning, he stared right in Sasha's eyes while letting out a soft growl, long forgotten feelings run trough his body and mind, way more intense then he had ever enjoyed before, way more intense then he had ever liked somebody before...

Sasha was dazzled by this fellow kitsune that had suddenly appeared in her life. She hugged him in joy. "Finally another kitsune. I've been walking across Europe to try to find one..."

Vuk hugged Sasha back intensely, pushing softly her head against his chest "You have no idea what you're doing to me Sasha, what you all of a sudden mean to me..." a tear escaped Vuk's eye..."This is so strange, but feels so magically wonderful"

"What do you mean?" She asked. She didn't quite feel love, but hey, anything can happen.

"Just to meet somebody like you, like me you know, I always thought I was alone, but wondered if I was really alone..."

"I know what you mean, I have been searching, and finally found my prize, so to speak. And just by chance, that surprise happens to be a bike-riding male that just happened to save me on the side of the road." She let a tear run down onto Vuk's chest. Her feelings were growing stronger.

Vuk felt her shiver, he lifted her head so he could look in her eyes, and he slowly moved his head closer

Sasha eyes widened as he got closer, but she didn't resist. Her mouth was hanging open slightly. She looked into the other fox's eyes, and was captivated by them.

Then Vuk's muzzle touched hers, as he kept looking right into Sasha's shiny eyes...

Sasha felt her nose contact Vuk's, and then their lips locked. Sasha closed her eyes and melted in Vuk's arms. She felt so very happy in his arms.

Vuk kissed her softly, tasting her sweet warm mouth. His hands stroking the fur on her back, slightly scratching... 'This fox is Soooooo lovely'

Sasha was lost in the bliss of the kiss.

Vuk continued kissing; Sasha ignited a deep warm heat in him, running from his spine till the tip of every hair from his fur.

Sasha broke the kiss and hugged Vuk close. "I think I love you." she mumbled into his chest.

Vuk's breath halted slightly "I think I love you too Sasha" A tear escaped his eye and felt right upon Sasha's nose.

Sasha hugged Vuk close and listened to his heartbeat.

Vuk felt her with every nerve in his body, she felt so warm, nice, so right too, purity in its most beautiful form. He listened to her breathing and felt her warm breath stroking his fur. He could hold her forever. Vuk couldn't resist anymore the passion in him flaming up from between his legs, he just hoped it wouldn't offend Sasha...

Sasha snuggled in close, and hr arm brushed against Vuk's crotch, and her eyes opened when she felt his arousal, but she moved past and ignored it. "Perhaps we should sit down?"

looking down betraying some shame. "Hey what about the chocolate milk? Gonna get it for ya" Vuk moved to the kitchen and putted two cups of fresh milk with a bar of sweet Swiss chocolate in it into the microwave. Then he moved to the living room to light up some candles, and putted more wood in the fireplace, which already had filled the room with a cozy heat. Then he went for the two cups, Sasha had installed herself in the couch. Vuk Handed over the cup while staring at her 'She's a beauty beyond imagination' "There you go miss" as he bowed slightly in a playfully and challenging way, with a grin that exposed slightly his jaws. Nothing specifically sexually, but rather foxy playfulness.

Sasha laughed somewhat. "No need for such formalities, we may speak as equals."

Vuk wondered if she would be in for a little foxy fight, just for the fun, he decided to challenge her after they've finished their milk. So he sat down next to her while nipping his cup "So what's your story? Just pleasure or on the run?"

"Hah, none of the above. The hunter has become the hunted in this case, I'm tracking down as many kitsune as possible, but it is very hard to do, as we all are so very good at hiding.

"Hmmm, well, I never thought there were others. Is there a purpose behind that search? Or just looking for fellow-creatures?"

"That, and a search for myself, too. I want to know more about me, you know?"

"I always hided that part and tried to avoid it, it brought me nothing but stress and troubles" Vuk sighed with a dark look on his face "Until now", a faint smile reappeared on his face.

Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Really now?" She grinned. "So, what do you do for a living?"

"Well, I suppose you ain't gonna bring trouble over me, I hope..." sigh" What I do for a living? Just working in a biolab a few cities ahead, specialized in genetic stuff"

Ooh, cool" Sasha smiled. "And as a fellow kitsune, I'd protect you as best I could, and I'm good at what I do."

And what's that if I may ask?"

"Martial artist. I teach ninjutsu for a living, but I'm on a 6 month leave."

"Ah interesting" he smiled at her wondering how skillful she's "In for a little fox fight? First one down looses" he said with a flicker in his eyes...

"Sounds fun." Sasha stood and grabbed her coat, which was now dry, and put it on. "When you're ready."

"I am" he grinned and followed her outside. At the door he quickly grabbed some snow and squeezed it in a ball, she then turned towards him and to fuel her fight lust he threw the snowball in her direction...

She saw it in time to twist out of the way, the snowball whizzing past her shoulder, brushing snow onto it. She spun, ducked, scooped up some snow, and sent a ball hurtling straight for Vuk's face. She then ducked, rolled up beside him, and lifted a leg, pressing her shoulder into Vuk's hip, and pushing him over into the snow.

Vuk could nearly avoid the snowball, it hit his ear. He lost balance as Sasha grabbed his leg, but in his fall grabbed Sasha along and both rolled over in the snow snarling, until they lay side by side. As quick as lightning Sasha tried to pin him down to the ground, but he could resist her grip and slowly pulled her around and tried to pin her down in the snow, his heavy long tail swishing from side to side in order to maintain balance.

Sasha was trained for speed, and try as she might, she couldn't budge the larger fox.

Vuk decided to let loose a bit, he weakened his grip, wondering if she had some ninja trick or something to surprise him...

Sasha did indeed have a trick up her sleeve. She reached into a pocket and pulled out a smoke bomb, and set it off. She vanished out from under Vuk, and ended up sitting, legs crossed, on his back.

"Oh that's false, c'mon I did expect more of ya" Vuk suddenly turned around but Sasha quickly grabbed his neck, placing her fingers somewhere behind his ears, causing Vuk to paralyze "That's...more...like it" he barely could bring out. He tried to shuffle and escape Sasha's grip, but failed.

"Do you give up?"

Vuk growled "Naaah" he gathered al his strength and suddenly turned around, howling from pain that his resistance to Sasha's grip caused. He didn't succeed to shake Sasha of but she did release her grip a bit. He felt Sasha trying to get grip back, but managed to stay out. Then he curved his body, causing Sasha to roll of, she jumped on her feet, before she could pin him down again he also struggled to his feet, little bit dizzy from the pain...

Sasha leapt straight up into a tree, and disappeared. She then swung down behind Vuk, but missed, and landed hard on her back.

"Wow Sasha are you alright?" Vuk kneeled down at her "That was quit a hit, Sasha?"

Sasha groaned and sat up. "Still need to work on that one." she stood shakily. "I'm done for now, that one hurt. I'll be alright though." Sasha staggered inside and hung her coat back up, and plopped down on the couch, her body hurting somewhat from the impact. "I finally get to see what t feels like to be on the receiving end of that, somewhat."

"Yeah I'm sorry it ended this way, was fun though..." Vuk installed himself close to Sasha on the couch.

Sasha smiled, feeling a little better. "Oh well, shit happens. It was fun, though." Sasha looked into her lap and smiled Sasha looked up at him. "Got any more 'fun activities' planned for tonight?" She asked, skirting the issue of Vuk's earlier arousal.

Vuk smiled, "I would love too Sasha, if that's ok by you, with all my heart..." he whispered softly.

Sasha grinned, and leaned in to kiss Vuk. "Sounds fun." she said, and grabbed his crotch though his pants

Vuk kissed Sasha softly, a warm intense passion rising up again. He stroked her chin, her throat and then slowly lower.

Sasha felt Vuk's hand on her breast, and began to paw more insistently at Vuk's swollen sheath and member.

Vuk gently caressed Sasha, stroking softly her breasts, enjoying her hand that felt like lightening. Vuk never had enjoyed love like Sasha's, she felt warm and soft. "Your a gorgeous lovely creature Sasha" as he licked her teeth.

She returned the favor, and thrust her tongue deep into Vuk's mouth as she pushed a hand down the inside of his pants.

Vuk's cock unsheathed in Sasha's hand, kissing her passionately and pushing her body closer to his. He lowered his hand, caressed Sasha's belly and continued to stroke lower and lower between her legs.

Sasha spread her legs a little to accommodate him as she took his cock in her hand and stroking it gently.

Vuk shivered from excitement, He looked at Sasha, awfully beautiful creature giving her precious love to him. Vuk licked her teeth again, then her chin and her ears, down to her neck, shoulders and breasts.

"Vuk...You are good!" Sasha felt a shiver run down her spine from Vuk's ability to pleasure her by simply touching her. The feeling of his kisses alone almost sent her into a state of bliss. "I now know that I truly love you!" she said quietly to him.

Vuk closed his eyes, Sasha's words floated trough his mind and made him feel warm, her feelings were in perfect balance with her touches, the art of showing your feelings trough your body can only be revealed from the heart. She certainly did. Gently he stroked her side while his other hand went in her pants, softly moving down. She felt warm and ready...

Sasha felt Vuk stroke over her sensitive crotch, and moaned faintly. She tightened her grip on his member a little, and sued her free hand to guide Vuk's muzzle up into hers for another deep kiss.

Vuk felt her tongue in his mouth and kissed her deeply. Gently he took of Sasha's pants, caressed her between her legs and then moved slowly upon her.

Sasha fumbled with the fastenings on Vuk's pants, and finally got them open far enough to pull them away to reveal a hard shaft, which she couldn't see, as her eyes were closed, allowing her to thoroughly enjoy the kiss.

Softly and with great care he brought his cock onto her vagina. He broke the kiss, swiftly gave a lick upon Sasha's muzzle and looked her deep into her lovely eyes, his look betraying playfulness, excitement and most of all a deep love and gentle caring, his eyes wide open and twinkling, staring in hers "Are you ready?" He asked tender and soft. His huge tail wiggling softly.

Sasha stared back into Vuk's eyes, dazzled, and with a smile hovering on her lips, for several seconds before nodding once.

Vuk arched his back and tail, brought is muzzle closer to Sasha's, just not touching, looked her in her eyes, and tenderly shove into her. Overwhelmed by the beauty of it all he closed his eyes, kissed her deeply. A tear escaped his eye, rolled down his muzzle and mixed in their kiss. He could feel her and her pure innocent love, it felt like beauty in all its purity, it felt sweet, it felt Sasha. Vuk realized that he would carry this precious moment forever, Sasha had his heart.

Sasha felt Vuk pressing into her, stealing her away forever, claiming her loyalty, mind, body, and soul. She closed her eyes tightly, and shuddered in pleasure as she felt Vuk pressing deep into her.

Vuk pushed deep into Sasha, lightly growling from excitement, feeling and enjoying hers. He shivered all over and slowly began moving back and forewords, arousing deep pleasures by both foxes, intensifying their love for each other, enjoying true passion

Sasha felt Vuk pushing into her repeatedly, and wrapped her arms around Vuk, holding him close as she managed to whisper through almost paralyzing amounts of pleasure, 'You feel...so... good, so breathtakingly...wonderful" She held him close, their chests and bellies rubbing together.

Vuk pushed deeper and harder, raising the pleasure, his red fur mixed with her white, his tail twisted around hers. The back of his cock started to swell, shifting the pleasure and slightly increasing it.

Sasha felt Vuk's knot beginning to form, stretching her a little more as he hilted her again and again. She gasped at the sensation, as it was both new, and so caught her off guard, and it was also immensely stimulating.

Vuk kissed her intensely and then out of wild raw passion jammed her muzzle softly between his bickering teeth, licking her muzzle and moving faster deep into Sasha.

Vu's mouth closing around her muzzle was somewhat disturbing to Sasha, but the smell of his breath, the taste of his mouth, and the gentle care with which he held her muzzle in his own revealed to Sasha just how much Vuk cared. His tongue lapping over the outside of her nose, combined with the hot breath, sent her into a state of ecstasy, causing her pussy to squeeze down on Vuk's powerfully pumping cock.

Vuk yelped from the sudden increase in pleasure, his cock swole even harder, and he tightened his tail around her tail, pulling it a bit so that the back of her spine arched driving the pleasure to unbearable heights... Raising their love slowly to an immense climax

Vuk's shaft expanded, increasing the stimulation that Sasha felt, just as his knot was increasing to nearly full size. It was a very tight fit now, and each time it entered and exited, it sent immense waves of pleasure through both foxes. 'mmnnnnhhhh! It feels so good! Oh Vuk!' Sasha thought, since she couldn't open her muzzle very far, for fear of hurting Vuk's, which was still clamped around hers. She was right on the edge, another few thrusts and she would cum...

Vuk felt her coming to a climax, stimulating him... He thrusted a few times very deep and very hard, yelping, paused a slight second, and thrusted a last time in Sasha, his fingertips buried deep in her fur holding her firmly, his tail pulling hers, spoiling his hot seed deep into her soft warm fury belly... causing her to cum...

Sasha felt Vuk cum, squirting rope after rope of warm, sticky seed deep into her, forcing her own orgasm, and she came hard, her fem juices flowed down over Vuk's cock, and down into both of their fur, a little dripping onto the couch. She could feel Vuk's cum inside of her, warming her, feeling cozy and comforting. She rolled the pair of them over so she was on top, and, with Vuk's softening member still buried deep inside her, relaxed completely, draping her body over Vuk's and happily mumbled "I do love you do very much."

Vuk breathed heavily, his tongue hanging out his muzzle downwards his chin as he looked up at Sasha, his mouth slightly opened exposing his bickering teeth. His eyes were still filled with excitement, he felt hot cum flowing downwards his tail. Her tender body upon his felt so lovely. He softly stroke her cheek "You're truly a fox in every way Sasha, I can't love anything or anybody more then I love you, I feel your love till the tip of every hair on my body" Vuk noticed something from the corner of his eye, "Hey look, we're laying on each other in a way our fur patterns match, ain't that beautiful?"

Sasha giggled. "Indeed." she sat up and let Vuk slide out of her, leaving her feeling somewhat lacking suddenly, but she resolved it but laying down on Vuk, laying her head on his shoulder. "I'm tired now." she mumbled softly into his fur as she drifted off into sleep.

Vuk listened to Sasha's breath slowing down and getting heavier as she sank into sleep. He softly stroke her, enjoying laying by her, her soft fur and beautiful body, the intense love he felt for her, her cute face... He continued for at least an hour softly enjoying Sasha, holding the moment, then drifted of in a deep sleep, comforted by the fine feeling being with this breathtaking fox.