Just After Happy Hour

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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Having earned a promotion, Milo has a lot to celebrate, doing so with his best friend.


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Staying long past happy hour were Silas and Milo. The rat and bear duo were celebrating a Friday night with rounds of drinks. Milo had recently gotten promoted at his job and that was a benefit to Silas as well, looking to mooch off the perks that extended to his best friend.

While he was taking things slow with his drinks, Milo was downing them. But maybe that was just because of his size, towering over the 6ft rodent by standing at 8ft. He was in a good mood, even after coming back from his job. Usually there would be some grumbling about all that he had to deal with. Of course, he wasn't going to complain, being invited and not paying a dime of the drinks that he ordered, like always.

The fun couldn't last forever and the two of them decided to quit while they were ahead.

"So, what are new perks?" Silas asked as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Got a major pay increase. And I've been moved to the night shift," Milo told him, wearing a smile. He liked his job at the bowling alley/arcade but the customers during the day were a bit much for him. But all the fake smiles and forced tones paid off with being now able to cater to the night crowd, with people closer to his own and above.

Silas just chuckled, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the bear found something new to complain about. He was never satisfied for long, a trait they both shared, albeit in different senses.

They continued to talk, walking back to Milo's apartment. Silas' place was farther and he was looking forward to what would happen when they got there. His buddy was perfectly buzzed and when in that state, things tended to happen, things that he was perfectly okay with.

The front door opened and Silas was allowed in, stepping past the doorway that was made for larger species. Passing through always made him feel small in a way and usually Milo teased him about it. But he was quiet when stepping in, simply closing the door behind him.

Planning to sit on the couch first, Silas was suddenly grabbed and pushed into the shut door. Quickly following was a sudden, sloppy kiss. He instantly melted under the warmth and flutters it brought. The taste of strong alcohol met his own tongue as it clashed with the bear's. The bigger male overpowered him, not only with his raw strength but his tongue had easily overwhelmed his own, filling his mouth and even pushing into his throat a bit.

Unable to hold back a moan, Silas simply embraced it and began to suck on the fat muscle, drooling around it and feeling his cock hardening against his ripped jeans. His free hands reached up and began to caress the bear's face, moving lower to rub at his chest. And below was his stomach, more soft than bulky like the rest of him, but Silas liked that. It reminded him of an actual teddy bear.

The large tongue was pulled out of his mouth, leaving him to pant heavily. "Could have warned me..."

"Ahh..." Milo snicked, drawing the tongue over his lips. "I've been waiting to do that all day. Come on..." Taking control again, he pulled the smaller mammal along until they were on the large couch fit for someone his size. For Silas it was practically a bed, lying on his back while the bear crawled on top of him.

They began to undress, Milo did so first, starting with his vest jacket and the shirt underneath, exposing his wide chest and soft fur covering in. A stark white against the rest of his deep blue pelt. Silas was doing the same underneath him. His own jacket came off, along with his tank top. The next thing to come off were his jeans, already revealing his erection. That left Milo to do the same, pulling down his own shorts and strained jock, stretched by the fat cock that was hard as well.

The rat chuckled when he saw it, tracing a finger along the fabric. The flesh twitched under his touch and Milo hissed as pleasure raced up his spine. He wanted this more badly than he realized. The jock was ditched, leaving the two of them naked on the couch.

Silas was soon moaning out, his ass spread around Milo's tongue. They liked to get right down to the good stuff, and the bear took it upon himself to flip his friend over. He was tonguing his ass deeply, and drooling down his balls. Every lick sent shudders through his body and he was moaning softly.

"Heh. How does it taste?" The bear was really going at it. Warmth and slickness spread through him as his hole was prepped.

"...So fucking good..." Milo groaned when pulling his tongue free. The flavors were still strong and downright intoxicating. After speaking his piece, the muscle was pushed back inside and continued to lap at the flexing walls. Sure, it was to prepare for more but he found full enjoyment in just rimming the hole, enjoying the flavor and scent of rat that filled his sensitive nose.

Silas started to squirm from the weighty tongue rolling right over his prostate. Milo always knew just what to do and now he was panting hard from the waves of pleasure that met him. "F-f... Get in there deep," he encouraged, his legs trembling at this point. The bear held him close and continued to rim him, burying his tongue into the now stretched tailhole, getting lost in both the sensations of alcohol and the passive satisfaction from reaming the hole so deeply.

Unable to resist, the rat gripped his cock and pumped at it. His climax was already flaring up, and stroking faster made those feelings all the stronger. "F-fuck!" he groaned, his shaft pulsing as ropes of cum splattered against his own hand and the cushions. It was just spurting out of him, being pumped by his fat balls. He panted heavily as the bear continued eating him out, feeling the hole clenching around his tongue.

After catching his breath, he was flipped over again. Taking his tongue was one thing, but Silas was full of anticipation as the bear's cock smacked against his thigh, moving down towards his hole, leaving a trail of thick precum to streak his fur. With his legs gripped by strong paws and lifted a bit, the thick cocktip was touched to his hole.

They shared a nod and the bear pushed himself in, a rumbling moan leaving him as his shaft sunk inside. "Perfect..." he moaned. His spit made the walls perfectly slick and the hold on it was already making his cock twitch. His sounds were joined by Silas, the rat moaning as he was further stretched and filled with the hefty thing.

Rocking his hips, the bear started to fuck the hole, watching his own cock sliding in and out of the stretched rim.

"Shit... Come on, Milo. Fuck my ass," Silas knew that it would get the bear riled up. He encouraged his efforts and was rewarded when a sudden growl came, followed by a hard thrust that buried the whole thing inside of him. There was no pain, instead a burst of feeling the moment it was jammed in, leaving a bulge that both of them could see. And pulling the cock back made it disappear.

"You're so tight still..." Milo groaned, starting to hump faster. Strings of pre were being left behind and his balls were swinging and bumping against the rat's tail. With each thrust, Silas was also receiving pleasure and certain spots being touched made his hole suddenly tighten, causing the bear to snarl and hump against it, increasing the pleasure between them.

"Faster, man..." Silas said, his breathing became labored. He clutched at the cushions as his body was being rocked back and forth. Aside from his own moans, the living room was filled with the deep growls and huffs of a bear deep in a rut, now slamming his cock in as the pleasure was rising.

They looked in each other's eyes, Milo wore a smirk as the pace changed, slowing a lot but putting direct pressure on the rat's prostate, making him cry out and grit his teeth. He just kept doing it, teasing the spot without letting up. Silas' cock was pulsing hard and his second climax was already approaching. The both of them could see it twitching heavily but Milo continued and even held the rat down as he put more effort into the prostate pounding, now making long and slow strokes back and forth.

"A-asshole..." Silas huffed just before cumming, shooting more ropes of cum on himself, trembling as the blinding pleasure struck him again. The feeling hadn't even faded before Milo began to pound into him, this time much harder and faster than before. The feeling of pre being unloaded into him was more frequent.

Milo was now longer smirking, biting his lip and growling much more as the pleasure was starting to build up into his own climax. He kept up with the hard rounds, bringing himself closer and closer thanks to the firm and paced squeezes of Silas' ass. His breath caught in his throat and his eyes rolled as his orgasm came from another clench.

The two of them moaned out as the bear came, his big balls unloading a rush of cum that poured into the rat's ass, bringing a haze of heat and stickiness that made him shudder heavily. Small humps were still given as Milo rode out his climax, pulling out and shooting the last across the cushions as well. He let out a deep exhale as he settled down, smirking once more.

"Worth the wait?" he asked the awestruck rodent.

"Again..." Silas panted. "You could have warned me..." The two of them shared a small laugh and just took a moment to catch their breath.