Hunting a Wolf

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

Brought up to believe she is superior and invulnerable, Maybelle strikes out from her manor at first light to get the first chance at capturing an escaped, canine criminal. Unfortunately, it seems that this spoiled anthro feline might be less prepared and experienced than she initially thought... and also in heat.

Nothing too crazy special about this one, though I have been writing it for quite some time! It's simply a one-off that I don't plan on doing anything more with, though I hope this will get the creative juices flowing enough to keep going with some of my other projects on the way. Please leave your comments if you enjoyed! And a fave or vote is always appreciated.

This story contains dub-consensual sex, oral, impregnation, and other adult themes.

The Story:

An early sun had just begun to rise when Maybelle struck forth from the safety of the manor. She confidently rode on the back of a large, bay horse, flanked by three more of her most trusted guards. Her home was unusually busy for a Sunday morning: with servants scampering left and right to complete their assigned tasks. Not one creature wanted to be seen lazing about, especially after what had happened the previous night.

She took a deep breath, and tried to focus on the positives. It had been a while since she'd been up this early. Typically the last morning of the weekend was reserved for sleeping in, large breakfasts, and reading her book on the balcony with a fresh cup of coffee. Today however, that would not be the case. She lifted her head and placed a paw on her brow, looking off into the distance.

Sunlight highlighted the tops of the forest ahead, adding a yellow glow to the lines of evergreens growing closer with each passing second. Wooden fences bordered several acres of farmland, with a single, stone path leading all the way up to the woods beyond. Although the blue skies promised a pleasant day, there would be no time to relax and enjoy it, not until their task was done.

Maybelle lifted her flask of water and took a quick drink. Her white paws grasped the metal softly, closing her eyes only briefly before scanning her surroundings. She was a unique feline for their home and easy to spot: with a coat of pure, white fur running over the entire length of her body. She wore tan pants and a tunic, complete with brown, leather boots and a protective vest that hugged her bosom almost painfully tight. Overtop she wore a cotton jacket of dark green, with a black satchel slung over her shoulder. She placed the flask back in her bag, and returned her attention to the grounds.

She looked past her assigned guards to the many servants and workers moving across the front yard of the manor. They moved with purpose, carrying buckets of water, feed, and tools to begin the day. Some of them were tending to the animals, whereas others were simply standing to attention as they rode past. Typically this day would've been a break for everyone, but... her mother was on a warpath.

A wolf prisoner had broken free from the barracks last night. Gregor was his name, as Maybelle recalled. He was a fearsome beast, one of the largest of their staff, assigned to protection and guarding of the outside grounds.

That was, until Maybelle had caught him stealing tools from the shed. She'd spotted him from her window, and her mother had wasted no time in casting him into the dungeon below. Although their manor was rich, lavish, and complete with smooth, grey stone walls and luxurious furnishings, it also held darker, more unpleasant places for any creature willing to break the law.

Her mother, Lady Alicia, had been more than willing to throw Gregor behind bars. A mere mention of theft from her beloved daughter was enough to condemn the filthy canine. Neither her, nor her mother enjoyed the company of such beasts, even if their father, Lord Xavier, was more tolerant of them.

As their horses left the manor grounds and strode past the walls, Maybelle gave one of their servants a hard look. He was a small wolf, carrying a shovel, rake, and a few buckets, bound for the fields beyond.

There was a mix of canine and feline employees hired throughout, both as workers, and guards. Their father made sure that everyone was treated equally, but when he was away on business, the wolves were certainly treated worse. They were given the most difficult tasks, and any guards of their ilk were typically pushed to positions outside of the manor at all times. You could chalk it up to a natural dislike and distaste of canines for Maybelle and her mother, but when Lord Xavier was gone, they immediately turned into tyrants.

Although some of them got along, most felines like Maybelle simply couldn't let go of their natural dislike. Her mother was mostly to blame in this endeavor however, and was successful in the twisting of her opinion no matter how much Lord Xavier tried to correct it.

"Let's catch this wolf quickly and be done with this," she said, casting her gaze back towards the small wolf for just a moment. "I want to be back here in time for lunch."

The guard she spoke to, Frans, was a cat as well, with a marble coat of white, black, and brown decorating his fur. He chuckled in response to her demand, his paw holding a bow gently against his chest, the string crossing over his back.

"I don't think a wolf of this size will be difficult to find, my lady. Catching him will be the hard part," he answered.

One of the other guards flanking her spoke up then, voicing his fears. "Are you sure we shouldn't bring more of us on this hunt, my lady?" He piped up. "He really was quite an intimidating specimen. Surely some of the wolves we have on staff today can..."

"Not another word. He's a thief, not a murderer," Maybelle snapped, avoiding the conversation of bringing any canine companions along. "He will try to run, and we will catch him easily. We don't need any more help." They then rode on in silence afterwards, hooves of each horse clopping along the stone pathway.

"M'Lady, what if he doesn't run? Surely having some wolf muscle would-"

"I said, drop it," she repeated with venom in her voice. "Not up for discussion."

Truth be told, she was looking for a chance to prove herself by dragging this mongrel back home. A group of trained, organized felines would surely be able to retrieve this monster without too much trouble, as long as they worked together. They didn't need further assistance, Maybelle was convinced, even if wolves were typically stronger.

Besides, her father wasn't around to convince her otherwise, and her mother would approve of excluding canines from the trip.

Lord Xavier was away on business for this week, heading into the capital once again. As such, the authority of the manor fell to Lady Alicia and Maybelle, and so the treatment of canine employees was up to them.

It had been a subject of much argument for him and Lady Alicia. Her mother wanted nothing to do with the canines, finding them smelly, and unfit for entering their home. The Lord however, would have none of it. He was perfectly comfortable with wolves in his home. He explained they were needed and beneficial, and that the ancestral, natural hatred his wife complained about was nothing more than a falsehood they needed to correct. It was time to change things for the greater good.

Maybelle, caught in the middle of all this, had been poisoned by her mother to hold an unfavorable outlook towards her wolven brethren. She'd been kept away from them at a young age, and been told they were lesser, filthy beings, not worthy of being held on the same level as her feline companions. Unfortunately, despite Lord Xavier's best efforts, his positivity and attempts to change his daughter's thoughts towards their wolf population had not been effective.

"And remember, when we do catch him, I want MY horse to be the one towing his chains," Maybelle demanded. "Everyone will see that I can hunt, trap, and bring back any prisoner that attempts to escape justice."

"Yes my lady, as you wish," Frans responded, before anyone else could. The other guard looked as if he was about to complain once again, but was quickly silenced by a stern look from the senior soldier. No sense in arguing about it.

Eventually the stone pathway turned to one of dirt when they crossed the edge of the manor grounds. They rode on in silence until reaching the line of trees, stopping briefly to search for any sign of the escaped beast.

"The tracks lead onwards along the path madam," Frans commented, pointing forwards and drawing a line with a single claw. "I don't imagine our friend will be stupid enough to follow the marked path for long, but at least we don't have to go running through the underbrush. Not yet, anyway."

Maybelle attempted to follow the other cat's sight, but couldn't see anything. "How can you tell?" She inquired, swallowing the embarrassment of her inexperience, for now.

"You can see the larger, deeper impact of Gregor's paws here, and here," Frans explained, gesturing to different portions of dirt once again. "It's faint, but it stands out. Not too many have ventured this way since yesterday, so it's safe to say this is our prey. We shall pursue."

Maybelle remained on her horse, whereas two of the other guards dismounted to keep a closer look at the trail. She still couldn't see it, but she would trust the keener eyes of her soldiers over her own. As long as she finished the hunt, she couldn't care less.

They followed along the path for a long while after that, keeping in line and ensuring they moved at a steady pace. She watched Frans during this time, attempting to learn from him. His eyes were scanning the ground in front of them, while occasionally moving to the sides and regarding the underbrush. Thick bushes rose up to each side of them, along with the occasional tree, ditch, or gathering of ferns. Long grass, and ground covered in moss stood out to each side, but none of which made him pause. Maybelle wasn't even able to tell if they were still on the right track.

They backtracked twice during their trip, moving along to ensure that nothing was missed, or if Frans had a suspicion they walked past something. Occasionally he would touch a leaf, a broken branch, or get down on all fours to observe the forest floor for imperfections. Nothing so far had made them divert course.

Maybelle was getting impatient. "I appreciate this is difficult work, Frans, but if we waste too much time will he not escape?" She asked, throwing up her paws in hopelessness. "He's a big wolf, and he's had all night to have a head start. Should we not hurry?"

Frans looked over at her only briefly before going back to studying the path with his other, two companions. "There's no need to rush yet m'lady, not until we see where the wolf broke off the path. Once we know where he bolted, only then can we fan out and search." He explained.

"And... if he's kept moving and long gone?" She further inquired.

At that, Frans looked up at her, thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. "Unlikely, seeing as how he was mostly likely unfed, in poor condition, and we've had horses to make better ground. It's likely he went into the woods and found a hiding place until the morning, then food. It's what I would've done."

"And if you're wrong?"

Frans looked up at her at that question, pausing for a brief moment. "Then, we'll need to head back, get more hunters, and broaden our search. If he truly wanted to be gone, my lady, then this could be a very, very long hunt indeed. It might not be done in a day."

Maybelle suspected as much, but she still felt a strong disappointment upon hearing those words. Her desire to tow Gregor back in chains to her mother might not be fulfilled. If they didn't catch the prisoner today, she most likely wouldn't be involved going forward. She had other duties with which to attend.

"Don't worry, we'll find him m'lady. Frans is the best we have," the other guard piped up, walking over the other side of the path. He never took his eyes off the tracks when he spoke.

Maybelle appreciated the words, as hopeful as they were. It was good to keep the party's spirits up. If anything, she felt a renewed sense of energy as they continued along the winding road, doing her best to watch the dirt from her position on the horse. She doubted she would find anything her companions would miss, but an extra pair of eyes certainly wouldn't hurt.

It was several minutes later however, that Frans pointed off to the side at some bushes. "Ah ha! He broke off the path here, see?" He walked over to the border of the dirt road and held the leaves of a large bush in his right paw. Some of the branches had been broken off, and a small tuft of dark, grey fur was hanging from the wood. He picked it off with his claws and held it up, shrugging. "As if it wasn't obvious enough."

Maybelle felt only excitement at that moment. She was mildly disappointed she hadn't been the one to find it, but that hardly would've been a likely scenario anyway. Frans was the expert here, she conceded. "Yes! Perfect, what do we do now? Do we follow it?" She asked.

Turning to looking into the wood, Frans studied the interior for a moment, humming to himself in thought. He then turned and began to grab supplies from his horse, including some rations, rope, and his weapons. "Now, we move into the forest and search. We'll fan out, ten meters in either direction, but close enough to quickly help one another if something should happen." He pulled a leather belt around his waist and fastened it tight, a steel longsword hanging from his hip in its scabbard. "If he decided to rest for the night, he may still be around. We'll look for signs."

Maybelle followed her guards' example and leapt down from her horse, finding her footing, then taking her bow and quiver out from the straps on her animal's side. She placed them over her shoulder, and double-checked that the dagger sheathed across her chest was secure. "I hope he doesn't try to attack us, for his sake," she said, a gleam of violence in her eye.

Frans looked over at her with concern on his features. "Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves," he said. "If we do find him, we take him as a group. Nobody should be a hero."

"Yes yes, I'll be sure to let you know if I spot him," Maybelle snapped.

"When we spot him, you mean," Frans responded. "We must stay together. We will always be together."

"Within ten meters, I know, you just said."

With a small sigh, Frans turned to face her before they ventured deeper into the woods. "I don't want to hamper you, m'lady, or make this difficult, but your safety is my number one concern. I still don't think you should've come, and we should've brought more guards to join us."

Maybelle gave him a grumpy look. "I am not going to be left to sit and rot at home all day, Frans, and I'm not as useless as you might think," she answered, with an air of command in her voice. "I was the one who caught him first, so now I will be the one to catch him again, with your help." She gave him a reassuring smile.

Raising his brow nervously, Frans held her gaze for a moment before breaking it with a sigh. "I suppose that will have to do," he admitted. "Come on then, fan out and keep close. Watch the forest, and keep your eyes out for anything that might've been disturbed by our fugitive. Stay within shouting distance."

And with that, they were off. Frans took the middle of their advancing column, while the other two guards took up position on his right. Maybelle moved into the woods with light footpaws, tracking the underbush around her to Frans' left. She remained close for only a moment, before breaking off and prowling along the trees, remaining as silent as a wraith.

Despite her confidence, Maybelle wouldn't let herself be caught unprepared. She knew that this wolf would be difficult to track, and even harder to catch. By herself, she knew the task would be nearly impossible. With the guidance of Frans however, her loyal guard in tow, and a little dash of feline athleticism, she was certain they would win the day. This wolf had to be caught.

She moved through the woods with purpose. Although she wasn't as trained as her companions, she was certain she could catch this brute once they narrowed in on him. The tracking could be left to the experts, whereas the inevitable capture would certainly be managed by herself.

After ten minutes had passed however, her energy began to drop. Then twenty, then thirty, and still nothing. They were moving at a slow pace, retracing their steps a few times to ensure they hadn't lost the trail. The odd, grey tuft of fur, or broken branch signified the wolf's retreat, but it seemed like they were losing more ground rather than gaining.

Maybelle tried to prevent feelings of frustration. This was part of the hunt, and it would take some time before they found him... if they found him. If the trail went cold, they might have to call it a day and send out some experts on a longer expedition. That meant she wouldn't get to take part. She would need to stay home.

"Can we spread out just a bit more perhaps?" She asked, walking back to Frans and wiping some dried mud from her pants. "We might be missing something, or perhaps he veered off in another direction."

Frans gave her a look, before shrugging as he continued walking forward. "No, I don't think so, not when there are so few of us," he answered. "Besides, if our fugitive is heading towards the next town... which I think he would be, then the only logical path is straight ahead." He pointed forwards, denoting the correct way they should be moving. "This is where we should go, and where we should look. No more spreading out than we need to."

Maybelle rolled her eyes, though she didn't disagree with Frans' assessment. Rather she strode off to the left once more, covering her section of the woods with a renewed purpose. She wanted to find something, and soon. Her legs were beginning to hurt from all the walking.

She resumed her previous position for some time. However, rather than keeping a fair distance between them all, she started to venture off further to the left, confident that they must be missing something. Neither herself nor her three companions had discovered a telltale sign of the wolf in quite some time. This fact had her worried, and desperate. She was willing to bend the rules a little bit, just to ensure she'd made a best effort to find this terrible canine.

Keeping her eyes sharp and her senses alert, she spent the next ten minutes combing the forest floor ahead. Although the rule was to keep each other in sight, she didn't pay too much attention to the distance between herself and Frans. They were careful at first, but the length of the hunt had Maybelle caring less and less for the safety precautions put in place. She did not want to go back empty handed.

It wasn't long after that her entourage began to check up on her.

"Maybelle?" Came a distant shout from Frans. "Where are you?" His voice was muffled and far from her position.

Maybelle cursed under her breath. It was clear that they were now worrying more about her safety than actually catching this wolf. They were going to give away her position! With a roll of her eyes, she cupped her paws around her mouth and shouted back. "I'm here, I'm here! Don't give us away all at once now, will you?" She yelled in an angry tone.

There was a short pause where she could practically feel Frans' judgment and annoyance through the trees. His response alone was enough to make her scoff.

"Don't venture too far off. Come back this way. We're going to search for another hour then head back home," Frans responded, his voice losing some of its energy near the end.

"Fine, on my way back!" Maybelle reluctantly agreed, sighing to herself. It was all going to be for nothing if they gave up so soon.

She turned and began to make her way back to Frans' voice, when her ears seemed to pick up something new: the sound of rushing water. It was a distant sound, and difficult to pick up despite her sensitive feline ears. Although they were quite a ways in the forest, the only water that could generate such a noise would be the Earlmont River.

Maybelle was familiar with the river's layout. She's studied maps of her home and the surrounding areas, though it was impossible to tell exactly where along the stream she was located. It stretched several miles deeper into the territory she knew, and if she was a fugitive running away from captivity... that's exactly where she would go.

Though why Frans didn't think of that was odd. Did he not want them to find the wolf they were tracking?

And then, almost as if on queue, she found herself staring at a rather large tuft of wolf fur and broken branches along the side of a prickly bush.

She paused and stared at the grey fur in shock. Had she really been the one to discover the path? The excitement of her success struck all at once, and she rapidly began to scan the woods ahead, seeing the faint indent of paws leading away in the muck, heading directly for the river.

Maybelle looked up and smiled, deciding right away that she would follow the wolf to his hiding place and capture him herself. There was simply no way a cat like herself could be sensed by a big, bumbling wolf. She would use the element of surprise to her advantage.

There was only one problem: it was in the opposite direction of where she was supposed to go, and much further from the group than Frans wanted. It would surely cause panic among the rest of the group when she went missing, spurring a frantic search to find the Lord's daughter in the middle of this vast wilderness. She didn't want to do that to her companions, and yet, all she wanted was a quick peak for a trail. Besides, she would come straight back.

With a bounce of promise in her step, Maybelle made her way through the trees towards the river, eager to be the one to discover the wolf's whereabouts. Frans was simply worrying too much about her. She could take care of herself.

Once she reached the water's edge, it became clear that the wolf had followed this exact trail. There was a gathering of muddy pawprints near the river, which Maybelle bent down low to study, observing their direction. They gathered in a disorganized clump in the mud, before venturing off to the side. Perhaps her quarry had become tired this far into his escape, got nervous of crossing the river, and began to get careless.

She turned to follow the pawprints, while keeping her head on a swivel for any other signs of his passage. Although it seemed unlikely Gregor would still be within the vicinity, she didn't want to take any chances. She wouldn't be caught off guard.

After following the river's edge for a good ten minutes, she began to wonder if she'd spent enough time wandering out on her own. She paused in her advance to gaze backwards towards the forest edge, attempting to gauge exactly how far she'd come... alone. It was getting later in the day, and by this point, Frans was probably getting worried sick about her. Just a bit further, she thought. There would be no harm in it.

Then, just as she was about to conclude she'd gone far enough, Maybelle found what she was looking for.

The tracks turned and vanished into the water, those muddy indents leading up to the edge of the stream, before being washed away into the current. Cursing, she thought she'd run out of luck and lost her prey. That is until she spotted the lone, dark cave on the far side of the riverbank.

At first she didn't understand what she saw. The riverbank lifted on the other side in a steep climb, covered with evergreens and large, heavy boulders. In the center of that grassy incline was a dark opening, large enough to fit a single creature inside. Perhaps that's where the wolf decided to hide? It seemed as likely a spot as any.

The river itself was a good thirty meters across, with a noticeable increase in depth in the middle where the water grew dark and the current was powerful. That last misadventure she wanted was to be one of those fools that got swept away downriver for failing to notice the danger. As a feline however, she was confident that she had the strength to make it. Nothing could best her!

And so, she decidedly began to make her way into the river. No harm in checking this one last possibility before heading back to the rest of the group.

As Maybelle wandered into the stream she kept her eyes fixed on the cave opening, idly casting her gaze down towards the water with each cautious step. She waded into the water and gasped as it came up to her knees, then her thighs... before quickly rising up to meet her waist.

The cat cursed under her breath. It soon became clear she would need to swim across. Gathering her strength, Maybelle cast her gaze across the water to gauge the current, before leaping forwards and starting her long swim across. She'd wanted to avoid getting wet like this, but it was all for the hunt! She would be coming home with that wolf, or not at all.

When she made it across, she only took a brief moment to shake herself off before making her way over to the cave entrance. Small puddles of water followed her along the dirt bank, and her clothes clung uncomfortably to her fur as she dipped her head inside to take a look. (Not to mention that also her fur clung annoyingly to her skin.) With another, soft curse of frustration under her breath, she suddenly realized that being a drenched cat was going to make stealth impossible for the next part of her plan.

But, most importantly, the tracks she followed did indeed lead directly out from the other side of the river. She bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming in delight as she noted the wolf tracks leading directly towards the cave entrance. The big dummy hadn't even bothered to hide his advance towards the shelter. He might even be napping from the long, desperate escape the night before.

Placing her bag down next to the cave entrance, she hid most of her belongings behind a rock, keeping only a small knife at her belt for close quarters, a maple bow, and a few arrows from the quiver to take along with her. She notched one, drew it back, and closed her eyes. With a quick inhale, she looked on towards the cave with renewed confidence and stepped into the darkness, keeping her weapon raised.

Her keen eyes were able to pick out the shape of the cave ahead, the light casting over an assortment of rocks, large boulders, and rough patches of dirt. It was narrow and tight, with the ceiling stretching a good few feet above her, whereas the walls seemed to press in on her from all sides. The air was damp and the rocks were coated in a thin layer of water, either runoff from the river, or perhaps drippings of rainwater from the ground above.

With any luck, she would catch the wolf at the dead end of the cave, leaving him no choice but to follow, or be hit by her arrow.

As she moved further in, Maybelle felt her fingers slip off the bow for just a moment before righting herself. Cursing, she regained her grip and scanned the cave. Her swim had gotten her clothing, along with all the equipment, damp and slippery. If she did happen to get the drop on the wolf, she couldn't have a slipup like that.

Walking further along, she continued to peer ahead, a little more of the cave revealing itself with each step. Although it was certainly large enough to house a wolf, she was beginning to lose faith that her prey had stopped here at all. A few more steps brought her right up to a small opening: a circular, dirt-covered area littered with stones, and a small trickle of light shining down from the ceiling above. It did seem like the entire effort had been a waste.

Rolling her eyes, she turned around to make her way back out. She let her guard down, just in time for a large, gray paw to reach out from the darkness next to her and grab her shoulder.

"Hey there, princess," a rough voice growled.

The touch sent Maybelle reeling in fright, turning quickly to bring the bow up and point it at her assailant. Her attack didn't work however, as a second paw smacked her weapon away, sending the arrow tumbling down to clatter against the ground. She then felt herself shoved backwards up to the wall with tremendous force, gasping in pain as her head hit the stone, along with a outcrop of rock jabbing painfully into her back.

A strong, furry arm pinned Maybelle across her shoulders and held her there, trapping her in the darkness. She attempted to fight it and push away, only to find the arm starting to crush her harder against the stone as she fought.

"Don't try to fight me, or I'll kill you right here and now," the voice said, before a massive wolf muzzle with gray fur appeared in the low light of the cave before her. "It would be justified, given that you came here to murder me."

Maybelle narrowed her eyes on the wolf, baring her cat fangs in a menacing grimace and hissing, continuing to push at his arm. It felt as big as one of her legs! "I wasn' to kill you," she grunted, struggling through the effort of fighting his superior strength. "Only to capture you and bring you back, for what you did, Gregor." She spoke the name with an accusatory tone.

"I didn't do anything, you stupid cat," He retorted, showing off his fangs in a retaliating snarl. "And yet here I am, all because of you."

"I... don't believe you," she stuttered, feeling the weight of his arm begin to cut off oxygen. "Unhand me, you...villian."

Much to her surprise, Maybelle did in fact find the pressure loosened on her neck. With a frustrated growl, the wolf pushed her to the side and deeper into the cave, far from her dropped weapons. She briefly coughed and held her neck, rubbing her vocal chords as her eyes met with his in an angry stare.

"At least you're not all just brute force and stupidity," she exclaimed, standing up straight. "I'll make sure you spend a long time in my mother's dungeon for what you just did."

Gregor rolled his eyes and stood tall, taking a step toward her in the darkness to display his impressive, muscled form. "As if I'm going to let that happen now," he said. "I'm the one with the upper paw now, sweetie. You're not bringing me back there, not a chance."

Maybelle felt her fear begin to rise at those words. She knew she was in trouble, and completely at the wolf's mercy. The exit was blocked by his gargantuan frame, with her weapons strewn across the floor behind him, and completely useless. This was a horrible miscalculation on her part, and beyond foolish. Although she wanted nothing more than to shove that fear down, scream, and rush at him with all her might, she couldn't help but take a moment to view him clearly.

That single step forward had brought the canine into view, the light shining down from above casting a glow on his toned features. He was well over two feet taller than her with an impressive, athletic body covered in thick, gray fur. He wore a torn pair of beige pants with a matching coat: the typical working uniform of servants within their manor, only torn and dirtied from the long night of travel. Two sets of deep, yellow eyes watched her, almost seeming to glow in the low light of the cave. If he weren't a criminal, and more importantly...not a canine, he would've been impressive.

"Fuck you, you can't do anything to me," she stated, crossing her arms. "I only did what I thought was right. You're a wolf, and you can't be trusted."

Gregor gave her a look of annoyance and grunted. "I'm really tired of hearing your judgments, cat. You've been unfair to my kind for far too long," he said, shaking his head. "I'm done putting up with you, I'm going to teach you a lesson."

It was at those words that Maybelle really began to feel frightened. Teach her a lesson? This was bad, really bad. "Y-You wouldn't!" She managed to stammer, pushing herself up against the back wall of the cave. "You wouldn't dare harm me. I have friends trailing just behind me, they will find you! I'll scream before you can do anything!"

As she finished the threat, she took in a deep breath, getting herself ready to let out a loud, terrified yell, enough to alert anyone that may be nearby. It was a longshot, as she was unaware just how far away she'd left Frans and the rest of them, but it was born of desperation. She couldn't overpower the wolf, but a scream could get her help.

It was at that moment however, that she remembered she had the knife. She looked down and quickly reached for it, trying to rip it out of the holster.

Before she could get it out however, the canine closed the distance between them, and slammed a paw down on her mouth. He pinned her up against the wall, holding her with all his strength. He casually gripped the knife in his paw, wrestling it out of her paw and throwing it to the side. The smell and closeness of his distinctly male body filled her nose, not to mention the rough, grating fur and paw pads that shoved up into her face.

Once that happened, Maybelle felt an odd, unsettling calm come over her body, like her limbs had been submerged in the comforting waters of a hot bath. At the large canine forced up against her, she let her guard down. It was just for a moment, then gone in an instant. Her wide eyes looked up at him with a mix of shock and surprise. She didn't dare give this terrifying wolf any hint that her body had given a positive reaction. This had never happened to her before.

"Not a chance, missy, like I'm going to let you try and stab me," Gregor snarled, pressing her against the cave wall, baring his fangs at her. "Don't worry though, I'm not going to hurt you. Just tie you up here for a while, and let your faithful little cat subjects come find you. I'm sure it'll only be a matter of..." He paused before he finished his sentence, sniffing the air.

Maybelle gasped and held her breath. Did he notice something in her reaction? She begged that it wasn't the case. A male wolf couldn't detect that in a cat, could they?

"Are you... in heat?" Gregor commented, making it sound like a rhetorical question more than anything else. "God, you are, aren't you?" He continued, his sensitive nose inhaling her scent.

With a forced hiss, Maybelle tried to shake her head, squirming against his grip. She did her best to deny him and avert her eyes, but the damage had been done. There was no convincing him otherwise now.

A dawn of comprehension came over Gregor's features, the large male looking at her with understanding. "Ah, you definitely are. We may be a different species, but it's easy to tell with just about any female. Strange that I only began to really smell it when I pushed you," he said, giving her a thoughtful glance, his yellow eyes radiating with amusement. "Seems like the kitty enjoys it rough, doesn't she?" He released his grip on her mouth after that statement.

Maybelle shook her head and spat to the side, getting the taste of his gross, wolven paw from her mouth. "No, of course not! I am a lady, and nobody is the boss of me," she said with a glare, trying to push back at his broad shoulders. "Let me go, asshole, I'm warning you!"

"Warning me are we? Of what, you're friends that are close behind?" He questioned.

Maybelle grunted and hissed, continuing to push back, but to no avail. "You're damn right. Not just them though, but anyone I tell about this, if you don't let me go right now," she demanded, laying back against the wall with an exhausted huff, breathing heavily.

"Not a chance, cat... no way," Gregor rumbled in a deep, intimidating growl, one that made the cat shiver. "You see, I've just decided what I want you to do for me, if you want to get out of this cave unscathed."

The suggestiveness of his words made Maybelle look up at him in pure, palpable horror. "You want to...No! No fucking way, not with you," she gasped, baring her teeth in a meagre attempt to scare him once more. "I'm a cat, and you're a big, disgusting wolf!"

"Aw, that's no way to talk to your mate," Gregor teased, smirking at her with amusement. He renewed his grip on her and stepped in close, using his forearm to hold her shoulders, while his knee pushed in close to trap her hips, pinning her entirely to the stone backdrop. "You're telling me you wouldn't like it, hm? Not even after what I just smelled? Clearly your body likes something about me..."

"No, fuck that, that was unrelated and you know it," Maybelle answered with a glare, pinching him with her claws as she was held. There was no way she was letting this happen. Wolves, or canine in general were less than worthy for her in heat. Her mother had always taught her from an early age that these animals were not worth her time. Only a feline could sate her needs, and she certainly wasn't about to give in to this animal.

"Only one way to find out," came Gregor's response, before he began working away at her clothes. His claws grabbed onto her green jacket, yanking it to the side and making it ride along her neck uncomfortably. At the same time he pressed his hips forwards, grinding up against her side.

"No, no there isn't," she protested, her heart hammering in her chest as she felt his strength. There was no way she could get him off her. "Please, anything but this."

"I'm not giving you a choice, cat," he hummed, clearly amused that she was still trying to struggle. "Come on now, are you not even in the least bit curious? Here... let me give you a little taste." After he finished speaking, he tilted his muzzle down. A good part of her shoulder and neck were exposed after he pulled on her jacket. It was impossible to pull it away without ripping it, of course, but he wasn't yet at that stage. Instead, he wanted to try something else.

He opened his mouth, and dragged his tongue from her shoulder, all the way up to the base of her chin. In a very canine sign of affection, he lapped at her bare fur, his breath hot down her back. At that same moment he pressed against her harder, the pressure of his body overwhelming.

Of all her life lessons taught to her by Lady Alicia, none of them would have prevented the small, shuddering moan Maybelle let out when that tongue grazed her shoulder. She shivered against him, and felt her arousal peak. Even for the slightest of moments, she felt a delightful, comforting warmth wash through her body, before vanishing suddenly when the intimacy was gone. When it ended, the damage was done. She immediately hated herself.

"I...I..." Maybelle stammered, before hissing up at him. "That didn't mean anything. Any man can make me do that while I'm in heat. I'm still not doing anything with you, dog."

"Oh please, my lady," Gregor commented, adding a sarcastic drawl to her title. "I already told you that you're not getting away from me. You're doing this with me, whether you like it or not." He punctuated his advances with yet another, slow lick along her shoulder.

She couldn't help but shiver and bite her lip at that touch. He felt so strong and masculine when he forced himself against her. He was certainly quite different from any of the other, feline males that usually helped her with this at home. Would it really be so different with a canine?

As she mulled it over, Maybelle felt those claws tear at her jacket again, only this time she lifted her arm, allowing it to slide away and off her body. With a shrug, she let the other sleeve fall as well, her out layer of clothing falling down to the dirty, cave floor without too much of a fight. When that happened, she looked up and met the wolf's eyes in the pale darkness, sharing a moment of understanding.

"I... wait, no I didn't want to do that, really," Maybelle stammered, her tone unsure. "My mother always told me your kind was dirty and unclean. None of you were fit for a proper lady like myself. This is unnatural!"

"Well, your mother isn't here to say a word, is she?" Gregor answered with a growl, grinding into her against the wall some more. "It's just you and I, not another soul needs to know what we did here today." He started, bringing his fangs in close. He clicked them gently in her ear, caressing her with a deep, lustful snarl that solidified his dominance. "Besides, you should see how much you're blushing right now. Part of you wants to try it, don't you? Wouldn't letting a canine sate your heat just be so fucking...naughty and dirty? As your mother puts it."

Whether involuntary or not, Maybelle let out a distinct shudder at those words, and felt her loins flush with arousal. Her breath came in quick gasps as her partner's teeth hovered so close, the dog-like stench of his air hot within her nostrils. Gods he was so gross, and yet so different and new. She thought about letting him do it to her, just for the briefest of moments, and a deep, red color came over her white cheeks.

"Well...uhm...when you put it that way, I uh... I think we could try it," Maybelle relented, looking back out towards the cave entrance as if someone was going to come barging in right at that moment. Was this her, or her heat talking? "Then you'll let me go, right? You won't harm me?"

"We'll see," Gregor answered, giving her a devilish smile. His paw came sliding down the side of her back, brushing over her fur as he grabbed a good, pawful of kitten ass, squeezing one of her cheeks. "Don't try to change the subject on me though, I saw that cute little blush of yours, even in the dark. You want this dog cock inside you, don't you? Are you thinking about how big I am?" He teased, continuing to pant and lick over her shoulder. The words and tricks he used on other wolf females back home seemed to be working for this one as well. She was losing her mind to his advances.

Maybelle exhaled forcefully as that paw touched her backside. Nobody had dared handle her like this before, especially not a canine. The action alone, and the dirty words he spoke to her were starting to have a rather powerful effect. She felt her needs overwhelming her thoughts, her heat beginning to take control entirely. Her urges were all there, and this was a male... one willing to help her with them. All threats of violence and fear were beginning to dissipate.

"This is just my heat taking over, you're taking advantage of me," she stated. "T-This is improper, I-I don't think I can do this... really." Her stammering continued for a brief moment. She shook her head, trying to break the spell of having a male so close. Her feline needs were once again rising to the surface. "How do you even know that this will be nice for you? I mean, I'm a feline, and you're just a... a..."

"A filthy, subservient canine?" Gregor muttered, lifting his muzzle back to give her a look. "Of course you'd think that.

"No, not that," Maybelle explained, trying to backtrack. "I've been told that only another cat can help me with my needs." She bit her lip and returned his look, nervous and unsure. "To stay far away from a wolf like you while in heat. You won't be able to do anything for me."

Gregor only grinned at her all the more, using his paw to massage her butt through her beige pants as he held her against the cave wall. "I thought I told you to forget about your mother right now," he growled, lustfully.

"I am. I didn't mention her at all."

"And yet she's here still, speaking through you with all her lies," he rumbled, inhaling her scent with a deep, close inhale on her shoulder, making the female shiver. "We are more than compatible, more than you would believe. Why do you think she wanted to keep us apart? She knew you would be tempted."

Maybelle turned her head and looked up towards the cave ceiling, letting the wolf smell her. She exposed her throat and kept her legs open, letting him explore her body with those fearsome claws. This hunt wasn't turning out at all like she expected.

"G-Gods," she managed to stammer, feeling that cursed tongue glide over her fur once again. With a slow, measured exhale, she reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders, hugging back against him and his advances. With all these new, rewarding sensations she was feeling, how could they not be able to satisfy each other? Everything about him was unlike anything she ever experienced with a fellow cat back home. This was so depraved.

As Maybelle continued to think about it, conflicted, she suddenly felt his claws begin to pull away at her clothing. Despite her reservations, she didn't complain or fight back as it happened.

"Careful, don't rip my tunic," she complained, searching for a lame excuse to slow him down. "It was a gift."

"If you don't want me to rip it, then move your arms, kitten," Gregor demanded, excitedly holding her against the wall as he worked. "Don't make me force it."

Maybelle did indeed move her arms after he spoke. She moved almost in a trance, still searching her thoughts for the right words that would put this to a grinding halt. However, in the back of her mind, she was enjoying every second of it, and the wolf's orders only made her enjoy the situation all the more. There were no excuses to be found. When the male told her to reposition, she moved, feeling her arousal peak at the pure, indignant nature of their pairing. Listening to this wolf just felt so right.

She didn't snap back to attention until both her vest and tunic were removed, and she stood half-naked in front of the fearsome canine. When she looked down at her white-furred, naked breasts, she couldn't help but blush, noticing his eyes transfixed by them.

"I'll admit, this is going to be a bit of a first for me as well, I've never been with a cat before," Gregor growled, taking a step back now and working on his own clothes, shedding them with that same speed and urgency. "But damn, Maybelle, you're a fucking prize aren't you? I never thought a feline could be so sexy."

Looking away, Maybelle blushed all the more, folding her arms under her breasts, unable to meet his eyes. "Don't get used to it, this is a one time thing," she said, finding some composure now that he was a step back. "I wish I could say the same for you."

Gregor simply smiled at her when she spoke, throwing his coat over to the side with carelessness, then beginning to unfasten the rope belt holding his pants. "I knew I stared at you numerous times back at the manor for good reason. Don't you think it's about time you dropped the tough maiden act, and just gave in to your desires? You speak in defiance, but your tail wags."

She looked up at that questioningly. "Hm?"

"Just a saying we canines have," Gregor said. "You're playing this like you don't want it, but we both felt something when I had you up against that wall, kitty. You fucking liked it."

With another blush, Maybe opened her mouth to offer a retort, but quickly found herself silenced when the wolf's pants dropped down to the floor. She hadn't expected to be seeing him naked that quickly, or at least, she wasn't ready for the view at all. He was perfectly muscular and handsome, especially by cat standards: with a lean, toned middle, smooth fur, the largest sheath she'd ever seen, and a perfectly round set of two, fluffy orbs dangling just beneath. By the Gods he was big. The red, taped tip of his canine cock was already starting to sprout at the front, and she suddenly realized why it smelt so strongly of male inside the cramped quarters of the cave.

"Like what you see?" Gregor said, showing off his fangs in a wicked grin.

"No! I-I just, this is my first time seeing a canine like this as well. You're gross!" Maybelle stated in a very shaky, unsure tone. Not even the most gullible creature in the world would've believed that lie.

"Now now, you might hurt my feelings, cat," Gregor answered, closing the space between them with a single, powerful step. He placed his arm against the wall behind her head, looking down with narrowed eyes. The feline shrunk beneath his intimidating glare, ears folding and arms laying flat against the stone wall behind. "I think you're gonna have to make that up to me. Get on your knees, now."

Maybelle nearly let out a squeak as the wolf breathed those words into her ears. Her legs felt like jelly as she knelt down before him, obeying his wishes without question, only to blush deeply as she found herself looking directly at his exposed flesh.

Gregor could only smile down at her after that look. "Don't worry, kitten, I'm not going to be rough with you on your first time with a canine, not yet anyway," he said, placing both paws on the wall behind her now and swaying his hips in a tease. "I am expecting you to get me going now however, so you better start sucking me off. Oh, and don't even think about biting me down there, or you aren't leaving this cave in one piece." He snarled at her, to exemplify his point.

A threat like that normally would've had Maybelle ready for a fight, but in her current state she became entranced. She'd never had a male speak to her like this during her heat. Every dominating whisper or growl was sending shivers down her spine or tingles along her tail. It was if someone had flipped a switch inside her, or Gregor had reached within to touch her more intimate, baser instincts that no partner had managed to reach.

What had once been a tentatively deadly hunt had now turned into an exciting new venture for her. Biting was the last thing on her mind. She wanted to hear his threats, experience his dominance, and take this one step further.

She moved in closer and sniffed, inhaling his smoky, masculine scent. She'd been with other cats before, but this male wolf was simply so bestial and primal. He smelled stronger down here, with a warm musk that lingered on her throat. Without thinking, a low purr had started to sound in her chest, which she quickly cut off, not wanting to give him anything more.

With a careful touch, she lifted her paw and grabbed hold of his dick, feeling the texture and lifting it up towards her lips. She closed her eyes, brought her mouth forward... and began to kiss it.

Beginning with soft motions, Maybelle pursed her lips and made out with his tapered tip, sampling the taste and texture of his canine shaft. Immediately after she began, she started using her tongue to lick along the smooth, fleshy edges, teasing her partner with the rougher texture of her feline muscle. As the smokey, salty taste entered her maw, she found it a lot more pleasant than she would've initially thought. Previously, the idea of giving oral to a canine would've made her retch, but now that she was actually doing it, it felt so naughty, yet right. He tasted better and more interesting than any other males she'd been with. Although she wasn't making eye contact with him, she could hear the rough, pleasured growls and panting coming from above, and the distinct throbbing of his male organ within her paw. She was doing a good job.

"Oh fuck yes, that's it, Maybelle," Gregor complimented, digging his claws into the wall and spreading his legs some more. "Is that your tongue on my tip? I knew felines had a different texture, but I didn't know it would feel like that." He praised, his heavy tail swishing behind him in approval.

Maybelle paused to look up at him, biting her lower lip. "I-I'm glad you like it, I suppose," she answered, still unsure of herself. Speaking with him like this had her tail winding around in small circles.

Gregor couldn't help but snicker. "That's quite the change in attitude from before," he commented. "Are you sure you're happy about this, cat?"

Suddenly realizing what she'd said, she couldn't help but blush, looking up to meet his eyes, before quickly looking away. Although she felt she should be angry, her predicament only continued to generate excitement deep within. "No, I d-don't think so," she answered.

With a widening grin, Gregor dropped his paw down to hold her head, pointing her gaze right back towards his hardening canine cock with a turn of his claws. "I'm sure you'll know for certain in a moment, kitty," he growled. "Now, shut up and start sucking me off. That's an order."

With an instinctual shudder, Maybelle silently agreed to the treatment, not fighting the wolf's immense grip on her head. She lifted his shaft with a single paw, feeling its hefty weight in her paw as she guided it back past her lips. Although a more reasonable cat might've stopped after a few inches, something came over her in that moment: an instinctual need to submit, and go as far as her body would allow.

She wrapped her lips on the wolf's dick, before dropping her mouth down lower, slipping a slow, teasing inch at a time, gliding it over the surface of her teasing tongue. Inch by inch she kept going, keeping her eyes wide open to gaze at Gregor's crotch, watching his most intimate area get closer and closer. Her nostrils inhaled his scent with a growing desire, taking in everything that she could as the smokey, masculine taste ticked her maw and trickled along her licking muscle.

"Ah, by the gods you're still going," Gregor huffed with an impressed tone. "Go on, show me what you can do."

With a delicate moan, Maybelle turned her head slightly, still being held by the wolf's claws as she reached behind and held his thighs, hugging his body in a relaxed embrace. She obeyed his desires, moving down more and more, until that tapered tip hit the back of her throat. As confident as she was, she was quite untrained in the art of taking in a partner that far, and discovered that to be her limit. With a rough gag, she backed up a short way before pausing, looking up at the canine with a troubled expression.

The horny canine could only smile back down at her, enjoying this change in her character. For someone that was so hesitant to give in moments before, it became clear that she held some deep, instinctual desires for this exact situation, especially while in heat. She was completely submitting to his will.

"Don't look so disappointed. I didn't expect you to take all of me inside right away cat," Gregor growled. "We wolves are probably bigger than any kitty you've been with, right?"

Maybelle cast her eyes down momentarily, before humming an affirmative response and slightly nodding her head up and down.

"That's what I thought. Take your time with me then, there's no rush," he continued, rubbing his claws over her left ear. "A slut kitty like you should have all the time in the world to slurp on a canine's cock. I'm gonna show you just how much better we are."

Although she should've felt offended at the remark, Maybelle could only shudder with bliss at being called such things in her predicament. Those words, combined with the stroke of a dangerous claw along her head sent her into a blissful state of acceptance. She closed her eyes and started the lengthy task of sucking him off. If she was going to get out of here in one piece, she needed to do a good job anyway, right? Yes, that's why she was doing this of course.

Keeping her paws hooked around the back of the wolf's legs, Maybelle bobbed her head up and down on his length. She kept her fangs in check, not wanting to feel the full brunt of his wrath if she accidentally poked him with her pointed teeth. Instead, she used her lips to glide down, while her tongue pushed upwards on the base, creating a tight vacuum that lewdly slurped and suckled on his dick, the sounds echoing around the interior of the cave. His masculine taste flooded into mouth, growing all the more intense with each passing second. All while the spicy aroma of his canine musk permeated within her nose, never giving her a second of respite.

If only her mother could see her now, she would be having an absolute fit. Not that she would ever find out of course, but the depravity of what she was doing only enthralled and excited her. A shiver went down her spine as she fully considered what she was doing: giving an escaped wolf a blowjob in the middle of a distant cave. Every authority figure in her life was screaming for her to stop, and yet her submissive and sexual desires were drowing them out.

Losing herself in the rhythm, she closed her eyes and kept going. Up...down...up...down, moaning and dragging her claws over his furred thighs in a feline display of affection. She grew excited to be involved in something so intimate, with a beast that had no business forcing this upon her. As she worked, her tail continued to swish back and forth along the cave ground, and the building pressure of heat within her loins only heightened and grew in strength. This was getting her in the mood, and both of them knew it. Gregor seemed content with letting her go at her own pace for now, his claws relaxing on her head, simply guiding her along.

It was after a short moment however, that Maybelle started to purr.

She began to make this noise with a happy, constant rumble in her throat. Gregor could both hear, and feel it when she dipped down far enough, nestling his tip into her vibrating throat before pulling away. The large wolf couldn't help but chuckle at her, breaking her concentration, and the silence that had been ongoing for the past few moments.

"Did you just... purr for me?" The big wolf teased.

Maybelle blushed and cut the purr off immediately. The same question crossed through her thoughts as the canine said it, casting further doubt and confusion on her mind. Sure, she was liking this on the inside, but enough to let out a purr? That was truly upsetting. She had given him too much.

Gregor could see the internal conflict happening as the feline started to pull back. With a firm paw, he held her head in place and didn't let her move any further, narrowing his eyes in the darkness. "Don't move away from me now, kitten, you still have a task to complete," he snarled, showing her some teeth. "If you're purring, you know exactly what that means, don't you? No need to hide it any longer."

The red on her cheeks deepened as the wolf tormented her, giving him all the answers he needed. He grinned widely as he widened his stance and started to wag his tail, not adding any force to the back of her head just yet, and remaining perfectly still. He wanted her to make the decision to keep going.

"There's no need to hold back from your desires here, cat. Nobody is going to judge you," he said, doing his best to soothe her back into action. "You think I'm going to tell everyone out there that you liked it? They'll never believe me, not a chance. This is just between you and me, slut." He pronounced that last word with a particularly rough growl at the end, making his feline partner shiver down to her core.

"I think you know where I'm going with this," he continued, licking his black lips. "Don't think about your doubts, just give in to your desires and enjoy these next few minutes, Maybelle. In this cave it's just you and me, and you can show as much pleasure for your first, canine dick as you want."

As he finished speaking, Gregor pushed his hips forwards and forced his cock in further, his tip touching the back of her throat for the second time.

Maybelle's eyes went wide and she almost tried to push him away. His crotch rose into her vision, and his massive shaft lodged deep into her gullet. She wasn't ready for it in the slightest, and that same, untrained gag came back with a violent force. Closing her eyes and pursing her lips, she did her best to recover herself, but it wasn't until those hips retreated back that she could feel some relief.

Coughing, she blinked the tears from her eyes and regained focus, feeling the odd, smooth shape of his canine maleness slide back and rub over her tongue. He thrust back in almost immediately and took control of the sexual act. She focused on holding his legs then, keeping her jaws relaxed to take everything in. As he thrust into her mouth more and more, she got used to the sensation, and began to notice the more intricate details: the throbbing on her tongue, the taste of his masculine organ filling her maw, and the pure strength emanating from the motions of his hips.

She could see his legs flexing to each side of her vision, coupled with the rough grunts of pleasure as he fucked her lips. Nobody had dared to do this before... not with the lady of the house, and especially not a big, disgusting dog. As the act continued however, she found her eyes glazing over with pure lust, ignoring the disdain and embarrassment of having purred just moments before. This wasn't too bad at all, especially when nobody was around to see them. Why not enjoy it? The warm, tingling sensation of submitting to this larger creature started to grip her core once again, and her enthusiasm returned when she started to gently rake her claws down his legs with affection.

"Yes, that's it bitch, canine dick is everything you wanted and more, isn't it?" Gregor rasped, his voice carrying around the cave. "You love having me in your mouth, don't you?"

Unable to speak at all, Maybelle was forced to silently agree to his statement, and let her actions speak for her. At this point she didn't care about being proper anymore. As she let herself submit, her own arousal and satisfaction warmed her body as the big, handsome wolf dominated her being. Everything about this was incredibly kinky and hot to her, and she was there to ride it out to the end.

Taking some of her own control over the situation, she leaned into his crotch and deepthroated his canine cock of her own volition, sucking on him long and hard. The wet slurps and suckles of her blowjob sounded loudly in the small space, coupled with the shaking, satisfied gasps of the lucky male above. As the tip pushed into her throat, she gagged trying to get her reflex under control, feeling it throb and jump within the sensitive hug of her gullet. Tears streamed down her eyes as she attempted the task, before pulling back, unable to hold it for long.

Panting heavily over her, Gregor had to move his paws from her head and up to the cave wall to balance himself after that enthusiastic move from his partner. His legs shook and his tail wagged rapidly from side to side. "F-Fuck I didn't make you do that, now did I?" he growled, watching her with a lustful gaze. "You really want to swallow me up that bad it seems."

Still recovering from the attempt, Maybelle gave him an affirmative hum, practically leaning into his waist to suck him off continuously. She moved her lips back to the tip to take a quick breath, but was almost immediately sliding her jaws back down, keeping his shaft on her tongue for as long as possible.

"Well, you're gonna have to pick up the pace if you want more practice. My knot is swelling up," he huffed, pressing against her lips with a short push of his hips. "Not a chance in hell you're getting that in there."

When she heard those words, Maybelle's eyes shot open. A knot? That had completely slipped her mind. Of course she knew of that particular, sexual detail of wolves, which her mother would add to the list of reasons why canines were disgusting creatures that she should avoid. Now however, the prospect only added to her excitement.

Gregor could easily see the surprise in her eyes, followed immediately by a curious stare directly at his crotch. He gave her an amused expression as he reached down, pausing in his thrusting to give her the view she wanted. "But if you want to give it a try, here you go," he said, before using his claws to expertly peel back the folds of skin around the base, moving his furred sheath down the length, revealing a thick, bulbous knot of flesh that had just begun to swell.

Maybelle looked at it with a lustful gaze, her body shuddering with delight as the skin was slid back to reveal even more of this wolf's shaft. She exhaled powerfully from her nose, before continuing to bob her head up and down, making sure to kiss her lips to the knot with each downward motion. Now that her extra treat had been revealed, she decided to lose herself in the motion, not wanting to stop until the moment was complete.

Lifting a paw, she took hold of Gregor's cock, just above the knot, giving it a squeeze as her lips descended, sucking long and hard. She found that a good amount of her salvia began to coat the male's dick as she kept going, some of it starting to drip down and wet her pure, white fur, the noises of the blowjob growing slick and wet. As she remained on her knees, she might've been surprised to learn that her sex was leaving a growing stain of moisture on the inner crotch of her tan pants, her need and arousal for the large, handsome beast to sate her heat growing with each passing second.

Every time he throbbed for her, she moaned for him. That, coupled with a sonorous, steady purr that developed in the back of her throat, coaxing his tip with a warm, vibrating hug each time she dipped her jaws down. She purred loudly, holding nothing back for him now.

Doing all that he could to hold himself back, Gregor once again dug his claws into the wall behind her for support. His strong, muscular hips humped against her lips each time she pushed down, but the horny kitten didn't seem to care. Even when he started to thrust harder and faster, the purring only grew louder, while the sucking got more intense.

"Oh fuck I'm almost there, cat," he panted, his tongue lolling from his open jaws as he panted heavily into the cave air. His tail stood straight out behind his butt like an iron bar, the pressure and bliss steadily increasing in the base of his shaft, the liquid warmth pooling just under his knot. "This will be a first for me too you know, I've never cum in a cat's mouth before. Are you ready?" He growled.

As those words hit her ears, Maybelle got excited right along with him, her tail dancing around behind her. She'd never allowed any male spend a load in her mouth like this, not even once. In that moment however, she wanted nothing more than to feel this big, sexy wolf cum down the back of her throat. Oh if only her mother could see her now.

Gregor was now grunting in a series of indistinguishable, horny noises. He bared his teeth and claws, before immediately moving his paw down to the back of her head. With a rough grab, he held the cat's head in place and pushed his hips forward with a needful hump, catching her off guard. He lodged his tip in her gullet and pressed his knot against her lips as she whimpered and gagged, though still her tail twisted and whipped around with delight. Losing control like this was making her melt.

"Squeeze my knot, bitch, squeeze it!" He ordered, gritting his fangs together and breathing through clenched teeth. He was so close to his ejaculation, he just needed this cat to nudge him that final step towards the end... which she did. Her paw lifted and closed around his knot without question, obeying his demand just a few moments after the words were spoken. With a deep, guttural snarl, he arched his back and shuddered as his body was rocked by a strong, blissful orgasm.

His dick throbbed in her mouth, and his first shot of semen blasted out to wet the back of her throat. This initial rope of seed was followed by another, and another, filling up the feline's mouth with the musky, viscous offering of his furred nuts. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. The shocking waves of pleasure washed through his limbs and gripped his body with overwhelming ecstasy, and it took everything in his power to remain upright. His mind was up in the clouds and his vision hazed over with pure delight, his length cumming so hard that he nearly lost consciousness. His tongue lolled out to the side and he panted desperately as he rode out the moment, lazily humping while his partner dutifully took everything he had to offer.

Although she did try her best being caught up in the moment, Maybelle naturally reacted with an untrained cough when the unfamiliar, viscous liquid splashed into her throat. The salty, musky taste of canine cum washed over her tongue in a surprisingly fast fashion. It came quickly and her inexperience became quite apparent after the first few spurts. She tried to hold the sheer volume of his load in her cheeks, only to fail almost immediately and have it spill around the corners of her lips. The warm spunk drooled down her chin and made a mess on the pure, white fur of her neck, more and more as the horny wolf ejaculated past her lips. She whined and attempted to pull away for the briefest of moments, only to be yanked back down to the hilt to finish off the remainder of Gregor's load. After that brief moment of panic however, the canine's dominance soon had her weak in the knees, and she was moaning yet again.

"Rf, don't let all of it spill, bitch," Gregor snarled, looking down at her with his muzzle twisted in an expression of pure pleasure. "I haven't felt you swallow yet. Go on, be a good kitten and get some of my cum down."

Pinning her ears to her head, Maybelle met his gaze for just a moment, blushing heavily before shutting her eyes and focusing on the requested task. She shivered from head to toe as a fresh rope of cum filled her gullet. Rather than allow this fresh, thick offering to escape however, she guided it back with her tongue, paused... and then gulped, as ordered. She'd never done this for a guy before, let alone a wolf; however, she soon found that it wasn't as terrible as she imagined. The heavy, canine cream slid down her neck easily, causing her to shudder at the sensation. At least, it had been easy at first...

It didn't take long for her partner's load to increase beyond her capabilities. The first few ropes she handled readily, but soon, the volume of Gregor's breeding fluids began to cake over her tongue and throat with great speed. The heavy warmth of seed filled up her mouth, and after a single, strained cough, a great deal of it all began to dip down the sides of her jaws and along the rest of her body.

As the canine's orgasm went on, she tried to swallow some more, but it was only a half-effort. She kept her eyes closed and her paws clenched tightly in a continued effort to service him without question. Hearing him grunt, moan, and huff with desire as he stood over her. Knowing that she was the direct cause and focus of all this release was simply rewarding for her beyond all measure. She'd stopped caring if her heat was to blame for this unusual state of mind. She felt that she both wanted and needed this exact moment.

When her partner squirted the last, remaining throbs of seed onto her tongue, she suckled greedily with her lips and swallowed those down as well, using the lessons she learned from just moments ago.

When he was finished, Gregor let out a deep, passionate sigh and caressed the side of her face. His tongue lolled from the side of his jaws in a canine expression of delight, while his claws grazed affectionately through her fur.

"You know, for your first time with a canine, you're pretty good at that," he praised, biting back a pleasured moan as her mouth suckled on his spent shaft. "Though I will have to teach you how to not pull back until I give you permission. Otherwise, I can already tell you're going to be a good listener."

Maybelle listened attentively to those words, blushing as he suggested that she was remaining there of her own accord. It was odd to her, but other than her initial, instinctual reaction, she never felt the need or desire to pull away, not until she was sure the male was finished. Long, drooling trails of spent semen messed up the fur along her jaws and neck, while some of it had splashed over the upper areas of her chest, just above her feline breasts.

After giving her one more pleased growl, Gregor took a single step back and slowly began to slide free of her mouth. He did it teasingly slow, the underside of his shaft rubbing along her tongue until the tip came popping free. His submissive partner took that opportunity to suck in a few, fresh breaths of air, and he could've sworn he almost saw a small sadness in her eyes at the event being over. He decided not to push his luck by bothering her about it.

"I'm sure you can get yourself cleaned up in the water outside, after we're done in here," Gregor said, casting his eyes briefly towards the exit, before fixing back on the feline with a grin. "Though I do think this look works for you. I look forward to doing this more with you."

After Gregor's observation, Maybelle had been looking down at herself, taking a toll of the amount of wolf seed that had fallen onto her fur. He'd certainly made a mess on her... she would need a clean up indeed! It was those next words that pulled her out of her trance however, staring back up at her captor. "M-More?" She asked.

"Of course," he answered. "You're simply too good a prize to let go. I'm sure you need a big, strong wolf to keep you company back at your home, don't you?"

Maybelle's confusion only increased after that statement. "But, my mother will be around, there's no way you'll be allowed in the manor," she retorted.

"Make her give in," Gregor growled, holding his claws close to her face and staring into her eyes. "You have power there as well, I know you do. Say that I'm you're fucking bodyguard or something, and that I'm trusted. When we're outside, I'll be your loyal guard, but when I'm in the bedroom with you, you're my bitch. That will be the arrangement. Got it?"

She knew that she could be cross at being insulted in such a manor, but she only felt delight and excitement. A shiver of delight ran down her spine at being called such a derogatory name. 'Bitch' was a term that was especially insulting to felines, but in that moment she could only find exhilaration at being owned by this strong, handsome wolf before her. She yelped when his paw yanked her forwards by the shoulder, pressing her cheek to his spent cock.

"Got it?" Gregor repeated with a growl, his tail continuing to wag subtly behind his butt.

Maybelle bit her lip and sighed, closing her eyes as she rubbed her face up against his length, enjoying his masculine scent. At this point her heat was only partially to blame for her acceptance of him. This canine had successfully unlocked that gripping, submissive part of her brain that had her swooning over his every order. "Yes, my master," she purred, licking the side of his wet flesh.

Now it was Gregor's turn to shudder. The big wolf loved hearing those words, not to mention the eager lap of her tongue touching his exposed, canine dick. He made a happy rumbling sound in his chest as he stroked his claws over her head. This was all he needed to do. He'd broken her. Time to put his newest toy to the final test.

"Good girl," he purred, before snapping his claws and pointing towards the wall. "Now, turn around and put yourself up against the wall. This big, disgusting wolf wants to fuck you."

Maybelle felt a surge of excitement down to her very core as she heard those words. She didn't bother questioning it or fighting it at this point. All she felt was a deep, needful itch within her loins as she stood up tall and turned, placing her paws on the wall to each side and lifting her tail up high over her shoulder for him. She turned and looked back at him briefly, only to whimper as his paws grabbed her hips and held her in place.

"Goodness, look at how eager you are now," Gregor teased, stepping up close to her in the darkness of that cave. "Hardly even a complaint, and yet you felt so unsure of yourself before. This is who you were meant to be, isn't it? You have no need to hide it anymore." His paw traveled down her hips and rubbed her ass, groping the smooth fur of that perfect cheek. He grinned when she pushed back into him, enjoying the touch of his strong grip.

"I still think this is a bit wrong, but I can't resist it anymore," Maybelle breathed, spreading her legs and widening her stance. "You were right, I want and need this. J-Just keep this between you and me, please."

A knowing smile came across Gregor's face. "Just you and me, of course," he agreed with a tone of amusement. His partner was too entranced to notice that it was a lie, but she would be forced to deal with that later. For now, he was only focused on satisfying himself.

He shoved his body roughly up against her back, grinding her into the wall with a vicious snarl. He ignored her cries of discomfort as he breathed down her neck, the heat and smell of his larger body not giving her a moment's pause. His paw closed around her own and gripped it tightly, while the other reached down low to hold his length, still covered in her feline saliva. "You know I've always wanted to claim you like this, don't you Maybelle," he whispered now, his tongue flicking over her ear. "Could you feel my eyes on you when you were out in the yard, with us lowly wolves?"

With a gasp, Maybelle bit her lip and exhaled, the big canine driving her wild with all those little sensations. The lap of his tongue on her ear was enough to make her melt. "I sometimes suspected, but never thought of allowing it. Never." she responded.

"Fuck allowing me, a wolf takes what he wants," He continued, easing his hips forwards and brushing his cocktip up the soft fur of her inner thigh, getting closer with each moment. "And yet you did want this, just as much as me. There's a reason you're out here hunting alone, isn't there? Trying to track down a big, handsome canine while you're in heat. You must've known I would take you like this."

She shuddered once again. "S-stop teasing me! That's not what... I didn't..." she breathed, her legs shaking. Her breath froze in her lungs when she felt the tip of his cock prodding up at her sex. So unfamiliar and exhilarating.

"No more talking, kitten," he grunted, using his claws to guide himself inside her. "Looks like you're about to get what you've desired for so very long. Let me show you what you've been missing."

He pressed his shaft up and nudged it between her folds. The cat before him didn't resist, but rather angled her hips down and helped him get in, her feminine sex spreading around the first inches of his canine cock. A grunt of pleasure escaped his muzzle as he was introduced to the warmth of her body, immediately sensing those heated, beckoning walls rubbing along his length from all sides. He didn't dare stop at that moment, pushing in further, their size difference becoming apparent rather quickly as he was met with resistance. He paused only about halfway in, lifting his paw back up to grip her shoulders and keep her pinned on the wall. He readjusted his stance to get more comfortable, bringing his hips lower and bending his knees. He took it slow, allowing her to get used to his considerable size as he pulled back, then softly thrust back in.

Trying as she might to keep herself quiet, Maybelle immediately began to gasp and moan when she felt the wolf's length spread her apart. The unique shape and texture was unlike anything she'd experienced before, involuntarily squeezing down and shuddering as he massaged her walls. They both knew how wet and ready she was for this, her heat giving away her desires as the warmth of her loins caressed his intruding member. Having only allowed other felines inside her up to that point, she'd only known the male breeding organ as a spiky, sometimes unpleasant ordeal. There was no pain as the wolf shoved himself in her however, nothing but smooth flesh and a heavy throbbing sensation that teased her body to no end.

She blushed and bit her lip, her cheeks completely red through her coat of white fur as she pressed back against him, her tail lifting and wanting more.

"Heh, someone is a needy kitty aren't they?" Gregor continued to tease.

"Shut up, I-I told you to stop that."

"I guess you really do have a thing for big, disgusting wolves don't you?" He taunted, starting to move his body in a steady, gentle rhythm, mating with her at a careful pace.

"We already talked about this, you can s-shut it," she continued, gasping all the more as he began to hump her. Despite her continued insistence that he be quiet, her blush only deepened and she moaned, loving each second.

A low chuckle resounded from his chest as Gregor kept going. "As if I'm going to listen to my needy, kitten bitch," he snarled back at her, bringing his jaws in close again to exhale over her neck. "If this is just going to be between you and I, why are you being so whiny, eh? Stop holding back and enjoy this, slut. Tell me how much you want it."

A subtle smile came across Maybelle's features, if only for the briefest of moments before she cried out as the male canine picked up his pace. She found herself pressed up harder to the wall as he fucked with an increasing rhythm, his smooth, canine cock pushing deeper inside each time. The growing heat and wetness of her loins allowed him to enter her more and more, her interior muscles growing relaxed and used to the intrusion of his large length. Although he'd started off nice and slow, it didn't take long for their mating to pick up in intensity.

"F-Fuck alright alright, this is go good," Maybelle breathed, finding herself gasping in pleasure with each, repeating hump from her wolf partner. "It's all s-smooth with no rough parts, giving me nothing b-but...pleasure." She exhaled and bit her lip as that length pushed in again, her excitement peaking in that moment before fading away once more.

"I'm not surprised. All those kitty dicks don't really do the job, do they?" Gregor taunted, lifting up one of his paws to lay it across her neck, lifting her chin as he brought his muzzle in close, offering a quick lick over her lips. "Even if I'm your first wolf, I gotta say, I'm fucking impressed you're taking so much of me. I've only just started and I'm up to the knot. Can't even say the same to some wolfesses I know."

A blush flushed over Maybelle's cheeks at her partner's compliment. Instead of responding, she turned her head towards his lick and rubbed against his muzzle, offering a feline form of affection as another lick was given her way. Canine saliva started to coat her lips, but she didn't care. She was taking in every sensation this hot beast had to offer her, from the heat and touch of his body, to the smells and sounds of their mating taking place in that small, secluded cave. There was no point in resisting her urges. He felt too good.

She lifted a paw and touched the other side of his muzzle, turning towards the affections of his jaws, even as those powerful hips continued to thrust and grind into her ass. Keeping her tail turned and out of the way, she did her best to push back into him when he humped forwards, matching his rhythm. Each time, the fleshy warmth of his canine length pushed within and spread her apart. Nothing but smooth, bestial flesh massaged her most sensitive and intimate depths, sending waves of pleasure arching through her loins and into her core. That itch within her was being satisfied like never before. Her heat only increased the intensity of their taboo act, her needful fluids of arousal drooling down to coat his length and add to the increasing temperature between them. The dim cave was filled with the heavy panting and grunts of the animalistic male behind her, and the muted slaps of his groin smacking up against her.

The rhythmic breeding continued for a short while, before Gregor pushed his hips forwards and ground himself against her, letting her feel the full length of his cock inside, up to the beginnings of his knot. A pleasured gasp emitted from his partner, her legs shuddering and back arching.

"Rrr, see what I mean? Seems like you can take every single inch of this wolf without too much issue," he commented, clicking his fangs together right next to her face. "Fuck I can't wait to knot you."

It wasn't entirely true, what the wolf said: Maybelle had felt a short jolt of pain when the entirety of his cock was pushed in her, her body stiffening in surprise. She widened her stance for comfort and rested back against him, waiting for it to subside. Once the initial hurt was gone, it was replaced by deep, satisfying warmth that practically made her melt into his fur. She could feel the wolf's dick throbbing within her pussy in distinct pulses, unlike anything she'd felt with her smaller brethren. A warm purr was growing in her throat before she could stop it.

"Oh f-fuck yes," Maybelle answered, moving her hips back against him with need. "Please do it, I need to feel that," she breathed, moving to stand on her toes as her body begged him to keep going.

"Now that's what I like to hear," he growled, continuing to hold himself inside, grinding into her backside. "Finally you're understanding what I've been telling you all this time. We wolves know how to breed a feline properly."

"Ahh, oh fuck yes you do," she breathed. "Please... please keep humping. Don't stop."

"I don't know, what would your mother say to a big, smelly canine knocking you up, hm?" He growled, a knowing smile forming over his muzzle. "No marriage arrangement in place, no blessing from them, just one blissful afternoon in a cave was all it needed, eh?"

"Mff, just stop fucking talking b-before I change my mind," Maybelle breathed back at him, getting down off her toes and pressing her hips back against him. "Just do it, or I'll... I'll get you off of me and you won't get another chance!"

"Heh, oh is that so?"

"Yes, that is so!" She repeated, her voice shaking with pleasure. "Don't you dare stop, come on, f-fucking knot me. Show me what I've been missing."

"Do I hear a please?" He whispered now, his canine tongue lapping over her neck. He moved his hips back a few inches, then humped against her again, making her whine.

"Ah! Oh... mmff... please."

"Please what?"

"Please breed with me Gregor, don't pull out," Maybelle answered, squeezing her thighs together. "Knot me."

With a surge of excitement at those words, Gregor growled long and low next to her head, baring his fangs right next to her vision. His paw moved up her form and grasped at her left breast, making her gasp with surprise at the touch. "As if you had any other choice, bitch," he snarled, before hugging her against his chest and bringing her to the ground.

Maybelle fell forward onto the dirty ground with a surprised gasp, her knees scraping along the stone as her paws landed on a dry patch of dirt. She paid little attention to the pain as her canine partner followed her down, never once slipping out from inside her as they expertly changed positions together. His warm body weighed down on her back instantly and mounted her in the darkness. Those strong arms appeared to each side of her head, while the wolf's powerful legs crept forward and dug into the cave floor on either side, getting a good, solid grip. There was no mistaking his intent in pushing her over like this. It was a position reserved for a canine species such as himself, and often avoided by proper felines due to its taboo suggestions.

The full realization of what they were doing made Maybelle blush all the more hard. She held onto his arms and gasped with renewed vigor, trying to find her own comfort as that canine cock started to drive into her again, his body moving and humping overtop of her.

"I've never let anyone do this position with me," she said, gasping and arching her back and spreading her legs some, finding a good spot for her knees to rest. "You really want me like this?"

Gregor was huffing and snarling above her as he continued to breed her, his furry hips moving in a steadily increasing pace as their pleasure grew. He paused when she moved her legs, only to continue thrusting hard once more when she was steady. "You're damn right I do," he growled. "There's simply no better, more fitting way to knot you for the first time, don't you think? Are you complaining?"

A pleasured gasp echoed throughout the cave as Maybelle turned her head, pushing her cheek into the ground and raising her hips higher for him. The lustful itch of her heat was blossoming each time his thick, canine shaft shoved inside her, and she found her body was yearning for him to finish, her core quivering with need. "N-No, never."

"That's right. You're a dirty, canine slut now. Nothing more than my breeding bitch," he continued, holding her down with one paw, while his other rested right next to her shoulder, keeping her still as his hips slammed into her, his fluffy balls hitting the back of her thighs each time he pushed in. "Let me hear you say it."

"I'm nothing more than a canine b-breeding bitch," she gasped, the words coming to her as naturally as the act itself. She lifted her eyes and bit her lip, her expression turning into a dreamy state of desire.

"Fuck, you're such a good kitty," Gregor rumbled, grinding his fangs together and scrunching up his muzzle in an effort to stop from cumming too soon. "I'm gonna knot you soon, you lucky bitch. You'll be carrying my puppies in no time! Say it... say that you want my puppies."

"I want your puppies," Maybelle rasped, her tone dripping with need and acceptance. She found his arm and dug her claws in, holding tight as the exciting moment approached. Her body was practically swimming with bliss and ecstasy at this point, every desire of her heat being satisfied. It would only be moments now, and she knew that it was going to drive her over the edge. "P-Please knot me, let me feel it," she continued, her tail quivering. "So close."

Her words of acceptance were more than enough to drive Gregor over the edge. He snarled deeply and drove himself inside her, humping her like a wild, feral mutt with only one goal in mind. His animalistic noises echoed throughout the small cave as his canine cock sunk in and out of her sex, the muted thump of his hips hitting her backside, combined with the wet, lewd sounds of his length pushing inside repeatedly, spreading apart her feline walls. He pounded her hard and deep, drawing out the act for as long as he could. It was clear however, that neither of them were going to last much longer.

As he felt the heat begin to build in his loins, Gregor got low over her back, pinned down her shoulders, and forcefully began to grind his knot against her pussy. He huffed and whined with desire while his bitch squirmed underneath him, holding onto his arms with need.

Maybelle did her best to push back against him, to help him inside, but it was so incredibly big. She had doubts that it could even fit, but she was determined, her eyes fixated ahead in a dreamy state of bliss as the big wolf tried to knot her. She was never going back to her feline partners again, not after knowing how this felt with him. She was in heaven.

And just when she thought it couldn't get better, his knot slipped inside.

It happened suddenly as the pair worked together, Gregor feeling his fleshy bulb squeeze inside her sex with a distinct, forward motion. He plugged her pussy with the base of his length, gasped, then audibly whined with ecstasy. He lifted his head and arched his back as she clamped down on him, his canine dick already beginning to jump and pulse within her heated folds. They were tied, and there was no backing down from it now.

"F-fuck, I'm gonna cum, bitch, get ready," he grunted, his muscular body shaking with the surge of an oncoming release. "You feel so fucking tight on my knot, holy shit this feels good. J-Just as good...maybe even better...than... a canine!" He rasped, howling out into the air as he came, the first few ropes of his heated jizz painting inner walls.

Maybelle let out a combination of a happy, passionate yell and a hiss, her legs pushing out involuntarily and her ass lifting into the air as her canine partner came inside her. She'd never felt the sensation of breeding to completion like this, and the first blast of semen caught her off guard. It felt so hot: the temperature greater than anything she'd experienced in her life, and it was only the start. More liquid heat washed into her womb, warming her core and satisfying that powerful, instinctual itch she'd been carrying for so many years. All her previous partners had been forced to pull out. They weren't worthy to mate with the lady of the house, not to this extent.

This dirty, filthy canine however, was the one. She closed her eyes and accepted it all, feeling the wolf's cock throb within her folds, along with the pulsing of that thick, fleshy knot locked within, a fresh feeling of warmth adding to the rest of his load gathering in her most intimate depths.

She'd been close already before, but as Gregor came, she pressed back up against him and ground into his knot, feeling that growing tingle within her loins growing ever stronger, blossoming into a growing bliss that spread throughout her whole body. It wasn't long after that she joined him.

With a pleasured cry, Maybelle arched her back and quivered under the wolf's body, shaking in the grip of an orgasm that had been denied her for so many years. Her vaginal walls clenched and undulated around that twitching length within her, adding an impressive amount of feminine fluids to mix with the heated breeding fluids shooting within her womb. Lost in the moment, she milked him for everything he had, holding onto those muscular arms tightly and gasping loudly into the cramped cave, never wanting that feeling to end.

For Gregor, the feeling was mutual. He continued to grunt and snarl like an animal when the feline squeezed him, feeling the softness of her form shove back up into his hips and press down on his buried knot, not caring less that they were making a litter of pups deep within her womb. He emptied more and more of his load, his muscles flexing as his fluffy balls emptied rope after rope of fresh, canine jizz into her. It was enough to make her tummy slightly swell, the size difference between them both becoming apparent as his fleshy bulb prevented any cum from escaping. As the act continued, he soon dropped down on her back and collapsed onto the dirty ground, holding her tight and locked in place. All the while, his dick continued to pulse, leaking what seemed to be a constant stream of thick, viscous fluids, never letting up. As his own ejaculation wound down, he could feel the kitty still pushing back into him, wriggling under the weight of his body as it dropped down.

Although she held onto it for as long as she could, soon Maybelle began to feel her orgasm subside as well. It gripped her like a vice, making her see stars in her vision and internal muscles twitch in a way she'd never felt before. As the blissful power began to leave her body, she soon found herself basking in the afterglow. She felt light and warm, as if she'd just been massaged all over her form for the last few hours. The heavy weight of canine fluids only added to the sluggishness of her motions, wanting nothing more than to lay with this big, handsome beast behind her... to push back and lose herself in his masculine scent. When his length pulsed inside her again, she shuddered.

The large wolf blinked his eyes, looking down upon feeling that shudder with a grin on his muzzle. "Seems like you were more receptive to being fucked than you thought, eh?" He teased. "Just as I expected."

"Oh shut up," Maybelle quickly responded, shooting him an annoyed glare before settling back into the comfort of his embrace. "I still don't think I should've done this with you, but once you started I just... couldn't say no." She admitted that fact with a mild blush. "This will have to be our secret though."

"And what if I got you pregnant, kitty? What then?" He asked, his sloppy, canine tongue brushing over her cheek.

Her eyes got wide for a moment, before looking down at her body with sudden concern, as if it only just dawned on her the gravity of her situation. "I think you already did," she answered, biting her lip, her tone suggesting that she wasn't too disappointed in that result. "First time I've let someone cum in me during heat, and it just happened to be a wolf. Mother is going to be thrilled."

"Rrhh, your mother is just going to have to learn to like me, bitch," Gregor rumbled, holding her tight in his powerful arms.

A small squeak left her body as the grip around her strengthened. "I-I highly doubt that she will."

"Doesn't matter. You'll find a way to make her accept us now, to actually treat us wolves with respect when your daddy isn't home. Is that clear?" The male snarled, breathing in her face. "You and I are a couple now, so she'll have to give in."

"A couple?" Maybelle asked, looking back at him with a surprised expression.

"In the eyes of those back home, yes," he answered with a toothy smile. "But behind closed doors we both know who's in charge, don't we? That room you slept in is mine now, and I can't wait to fuck you in your bed back home. All throughout the night."

A deep, red blush came across her face when the wolf suggested that, and at no time did she disagree. "I think I would like that," she answered in a whisper, her tail twitching with delight. To be absolved of her duties, to belong to the dominance of his absolutely handsome and powerful canine behind her was a dream come true. This felt so right.

It was in the silence that followed however, that both of them began to hear a familiar voice on the air.

"Do you hear that?" Gregor asked, snarling at her. "They're calling your name."

Maybelle froze, and pushed back up against the wolf. Her name was being called by none other than Frans, clear as day. Of course they would come looking for her after being gone this long, they wouldn't dare go back without her! She heard him shouting out a fair distance away, but it was getting closer. There was simply no way they would pass the cave without checking, discovery seemed inevitable.

"Shit, you need to pull out of me right now, he's going to find us," Maybelle rasped, looking down and placing a paw back on the canine's hip, focusing on where they were tied.

"Rrh, fat chance of that I'm afraid, cat, we're going to be at least another ten minutes," he answered, snicking at her, before grunting in discomfort as she attempted to pull her hips away, his knot plugged within her sex and keeping her ass in his lap. "Hey, fucking stop that, bitch, I told you we're tied."

"I am NOT having him find me like this, not so soon," she gasped, giving up and leaning back up against her larger partner, accepting the fact that she couldn't get away from him for now. Her mind was racing with ideas, but only one of them seemed to have any sort of merit.

The voice was soon getting closer, she was going to have to act fast in order to make this work.

"Follow my lead," she said back to the wolf, and her partner simply rolled his eyes.

"Fine fine, go head kitten, get us out of this mess," he growled, tracing a delicate claw up the side of her body, making her shiver. "I'll play along, but only because I know it'll get me in your bed that much faster."

Maybelle allowed herself another blush at those words, before returning her attention to the entrance of the cave. Frans was getting quite close to the entrance now, with the other guard quickly in tow.

"Maybelle! Maybelle! Are you in there?" The shrill voice called out, following her tracks from the river up to the cave entrance.

"I'm here, I'm here!" She called out. "I'm fine," she said with a reassuring tone, though the response from Frans was anything but convinced.

"What are you saying? Maybelle we've been looking for you for almost an hour! Are you hurt?" Frans continued to shout, coming up to the entrance of the cave now. "I told you not to wander off by yourself; your mother would have my head!"

"Wait! Wait don't come in here, I'll be right out," Maybelle quickly shouted back, doing her best to halt them at the door.

"No, with all due respect my lady, to hell with that order, you had me worried sick. I'm coming in right-"

"Don't you dare even think about it! I have my reasons for doing as I please, guard, now stay at the fucking entrance and wait for me, I'll be right out," she snarled, her voice booming with authority.

There was hesitation from the entrance now, the sound of movement coming to a stop as their newcomer faltered in his confidence. "Lady, I don't think it's right after..."

"I know, I know, just WAIT, please. I'm fine," she repteated soothing her tone somewhat and appealing to his loyalty. "I'll be out in a few moments, then we can go home. I have a surprise for us."

"A surprise? I don't like these games..."

"Frans? I asked you to follow an order, please."

"Maybelle, it's my duty to -"

"Make sure I'm ok, and keep me safe. And I assure you that I am," Maybelle said, one last time in an exhausted tone. "I will be ten minutes, max, then we shall be on our way."

There was a pause for a moment, followed by a grumble of annoyance from him as he moved away, listening to her words and waiting by the cave entrance. "Fine, ten minutes, but then I'm coming in there," he answered.

"Thank you, Maybelle yelled back, before sinking back against the wolf. She looked up towards him, finding the large canine smiling with amusement directly down at her gaze.

"Ten or fifteen minutes really, sometimes my knot has a mind of its own," he teased, grinding his hips up against her, his length throbbing strongly inside her sex once more.

Maybelle bit her lip and gasped, arching her back and exhaling with bliss. Despite everything that had just occurred, and how wrong this wolf had been to take her, she couldn't deny that she craved him now. His body was an addition, and she desired more.

"Well, the sooner we get out of here, the faster you can breed me back at the house as well, right?" She asked, hugging one of his paws across her chest, waiting to feel the pressure in her loins subside. She was rewarded with an affirmative rumble, and a lick along the back tip of her ear that caused her to let out a delicate squeak.

"You read my mind," he answered.

Closing her eyes, Maybelle relaxed and waited, purring warmly in her throat at the promise of more fun. When they got back, she was going to have to have a word or two about the treatment of wolves back home. They really weren't that bad after all.

The End.